Relationship between 8th and 10th houses astrology. Analysis of connections of astrological houses


Many people are accustomed to viewing houses in a horoscope as something separate from each other. 1st house of the body, 2nd house of money, etc., but in fact, the houses of the horoscope are very closely related to each other, they support each other, or, on the contrary, pull energy from each other. This is very useful to know, so that when we learn about our affected house, we also understand what actually prevents us from manifesting energy and all aspects of the affected house in this life.

1 house– the body and everything connected with birth,

2nd house– this is what supports the body: food, money, memory. The 2nd house supports the 1st house.

3rd house– to earn money for food, you need some effort, tension, and communication. So the 3rd house (with its characteristics) supports the 2nd house.

4th house– in order to make efforts, one needs will and desire, which feed a person’s heart and a corresponding impulse goes – “go work hard, communicate, earn money.” Thus, the 4th house is connected with the 3rd house.

5th house- in addition to will and desire, a person needs reason on how to act in general in this world. This is the connection of the 5th house with the 4th.

6th house– difficulties and trials, complex tasks, this is necessary in order to strengthen the mind, make us wise and reasonable. The acquisition of practical intelligence is necessary for life. Tests for life path will only harden us. This is how the 6th house and 5th house are connected.

7th house– difficulties make the mind resourceful, and family and partners support us in the fight against them life's difficulties, this is what we fight for. Connection 7 with 6th house.

8th house– for the family and our entire environment to exist, for this we need a certain life expectancy. Otherwise everything is pointless. It is also a house of stress resistance. Thus, the 8th house is associated with the 7th house.

9th house– life expectancy is fueled by piety, divine grace. And the 9th house is our spirituality, religiosity, God. The 9th house is what we have earned, what feeds the 8th house and gives us a certain life expectancy.

10th house– spirituality should ideally be practical. After all, the 10th house is the house of activity, and it should be spiritual. Those. The 9th house is faith, and the 10th house is business. Faith cannot be done without action, so the 10th house feeds the 9th and vice versa.

11th house– house of activity, i.e. 10th house, and 11th are already the fruits of this very activity. If a person works, he receives fruits. And these fruits stimulate us to continue working. Enthusiasm. So the 11th house is connected with the 10th house.

12th house- so, the 11th house is profit, we get it. But what next? What to do with it? Of course, we inevitably spend it. Some spend unselfishly, some selfishly. And how we do this affects our next incarnation, our next body. And then the circle repeats again and again. This is how we wander from one life to another, from one body to another. Therefore, the 12th house of moksha, the house of liberation, is so connected with the 11th house.

How to apply this knowledge in practice?

For example, you found out that you have an affected 4th house, the characteristics of this house in your life suffer: faith, will, a feeling of happiness, comfort, coziness, problems with the house where you live, with property in general, with your mother, etc. (see details of the characteristics of all houses). Then, through the 3rd house, focused efforts and improving the affairs of the 3rd house (see the characteristics of the house in more detail), will lead to the fact that, along with this, the performance of the 4th house will also improve.

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Lecture 26. Houses of the horoscope. Introductory lecture. Part 3 -theory of analysis.

Having dealt with the elements of houses, we move on to the next topic - interaction of houses.

The interaction of houses is the interaction of different spheres of human life. Some interactions develop more easily and naturally, while others are more difficult and defective. You can understand exactly how certain topics will be combined in a person’s life by analyzing the connections between houses.

House connections are of two types: through disposition and through aspects

The first type of communication is connection through disposition.
This connection is formed when the ruler of one house is in another.

For example:

  • the ruler of the 10th house is in the second house, in this case we can say that a person’s earnings (second house) are directly related to his social life or career (10th house). A person’s self-esteem (2nd house) is associated with his status, career or some significant person respected by the Native (10th house).

As soon as the theme of one house is resolved, the theme of the second is immediately resolved, as soon as problems arise in one house, the second house immediately suffers.
I was fired from my job (10th house) and the level of money in my wallet dropped sharply. Or he was abandoned by his high-status husband (this is also the 10th person at home), which immediately affected self-esteem, etc.

  • Ruler of the 1st house in the 7th house. A person chooses partners (7) who are similar to himself (1), whether he admits it or not.
    One-to-one relationships (7th house) are extremely important for the native; he feels himself in them, sees himself (1st house)
  • Ruler 1 in 9 people sees himself in teaching or associating himself with something foreign, with higher education and other topics of the 9th house.
    and so on

When houses interact through disposition, the houses are in close connection. Call it "good" or "bad", in the sense at all it is not possible to determine the quality of this connection (unlike communication through aspects). Here you just need to remember that as soon as it is good in one area, it is good in another. As soon as the first one is bad, the second one is bad too.

the second type of interaction is interaction through aspects

Aspects in astrology are the same independent and voluminous section, in due time we will definitely pay due attention to it

However, now, we need to get acquainted with the basics of the theory of Aspects.
You may remember from your school geometry course that the distance of points on a circle is determined by the angular distance - we do not measure in centimeters how far one point is from another, but determine it based on how far they are from each other within 360 degrees.
and the aspects plotted on Zodiac circle. We measure what angular distance separates one Planet from another. As a result, we get three types of aspects: harmonious, tense and connection.
Lowering Bye All the subtleties and explanations regarding why aspects are endowed with this or that quality, we simply accept as an axiom that:
Harmonious aspects:

trine/trigon - the distance between the Planets is 120 degrees (plus or minus the tolerance that we consider possible to apply - the so-called orb).

Sun at 20 degrees. Aries - Mars at 20 deg. Sagittarius or so.
The energy between the Planets flows well and smoothly. The planets “understand” each other, help each other. They interact well.

Example - A Planet in the 10th house, in trine to a Planet in the 2nd. Work (10) helps money (2), and money (2) helps social. status (10)

sextile - The angular distance between the Planets is 60 degrees. (plus or minus orb)

Sun at 20 degrees. Aries - Mars at 20 deg. Gemini. Or so.
The planets interact well and smoothly, but their affairs do not resolve themselves, as with a trine. Sextile gives you the OPPORTUNITY to arrange things harmoniously.

For example, Planets in the 4th house are sextile to a Planet in the 2nd. A person has the opportunity (sextile) to earn (2 days) on real estate (4). But for this you will have to move, make an effort on your own.


- square (□) angular distance 90 degrees (and orb)
Sun at 20 degrees. Aries, Mars at 20 deg. Cancer, or so.
Intense interaction - one sphere interferes with the other, takes away the strength of the other, the themes of both Planets are extremely difficult to resolve without harm to one of them. The second one usually gets in the way.

For example – A Planet in the 2nd house is square to a Planet in 4 – A person has financial (2 d) losses (□) through real estate (4). Or he has to spend a lot (□ – 2 d) to maintain the house in in good condition, to mom (4) and so on.

Opposition angular distance 180 deg. (or so - orbis) -

Sun 20 gr. Aries, Mars – 20 gr. Libra (or thereabouts).
What the Planets signify is in conflict; the situation is generally similar to that described above in the square. But unlike a square, this configuration operates constantly. If in a square the Planets begin to conflict “suddenly!”, for no apparent reason, then in opposition there is a feeling that each of them is pulling the blanket over itself is present almost constantly.
a person has to constantly balance between different angles the needs of each of the Planets in aspect.
Compound– Planets are in the same degree of the same Sign (or in close degrees of the same Sign)

It is neither a harmonious nor an affected aspect in itself. The aspect connects the principles of the Planets, which can be good in some ways and at the same time bad in some ways.
Since the Planets are in conflict or in harmony, then the houses for which they are responsible are in conflict or in harmony.
Let's remember what "Houses for which they are responsible" means. How to carry out analysis at home?
Everything that you and I studied during this and the previous 2 lectures, we did in order to begin to analyze the houses, or the corresponding areas of the Native’s life.
To do this we should:

  1. Determine for yourself all the elements of the house (you don’t need to analyze the symbolic ruler)
    Let me remind you that the elements of the house are the ruler, the planets in the house, the co-ruler and the symbolic ruler (which we will not take into account at the moment).
    in the example map, the elements of the 1st house are:

Uranus is the ruler, Neptune is the co-ruler, Venus is the planet in the house, Descending Node house element, Mercury and Mars are planets in the house.
Mars, as a symbolic ruler, will not be taken into account when analyzing a house in natal astrology.
Elements of the 6th house - Moon - ruler, Jupiter - planet in the house

  1. we found out what elements of the house we have, then we analyze the corresponding house
  • We find out what the Sign on its cusp gives to the corresponding house.

For example, on the cusp of a house there will be Aries, then all the affairs of this house will be implemented actively, independently, possibly aggressively, assertively, quickly, and so on, which corresponds to Aries.
Let's say, seeing Aries on the cusp of the 1st house, we can make a preliminary conclusion that our person is impulsive, impetuous, fast, active, loud, noisy, possibly aggressive, perhaps just produces such things

If we see Aries on the cusp of the 2nd house, we will assume that our person needs independence in the areas of earning and spending money, which he does quite energetically. But since Aries tends to start something abruptly and then if it doesn’t work out quickly to quit and experience depression, then in material spheres too - if a person fails to earn money quickly, he can end up in a low energy state due to this and suffer until until a new impulse arrives.

  • We look at what the planets that fall into this House add, how they will complement the theme of the corresponding house.
    For example, in the same Aries the Moon appears in the first house - and then, despite all his assertiveness and activity, despite all his energy and even impudence, the person will turn out to be very vulnerable (Moon). He will carry himself brightly and perhaps even impudently, but at the same time, unlike the usual ASC Aries, he will be SO susceptible to criticism that he will cry (especially if it is a woman) regularly! She will treat everything that concerns her personally very personally and intimately, causing a storm of emotions, both positive (when she is accepted) and negative when they conflict with her (and it should be noted that for a very long time this will be the most relevant reaction to such a person).
    At the same time, the situation will change greatly if we find Aries on the ASC, and the Moon, which is in the 1st house, will already be in Taurus.
    We will need to find out exactly what characteristics will be added to the house, its co-ruler, and more often to a greater extent the Planets standing in it.
  1. Let's find out which house is connected to and how the corresponding house is connected:
  • We determine where the ruler of the house in question ended up and connect these two topics

For example ex. 4 in 9 – the house is associated with something distant and promising. This indication is often found in the charts of people who move far from their place of birth.

Or the ruler of 8 in the 3rd, among other things, this position warns the Native about possible danger (8) on the roads (3).

  • We determine which house lords are in the corresponding house. According to the same scheme as in the previous version - these houses will be connected by mutual influence.
  • What aspects are the elements of houses related to? And here is the most interesting thing!!! In this matter, we need to examine ALL elements of houses!!! Not only what aspects go directly from this house to another (for example, from a Planet in the 2nd house to a Planet in the 4th), but also what aspects the ruler of this house has and the rulers of which houses have aspects with ANY of the elements of the house in question .

At the same time, you will certainly be faced with the fact that the indicators will be different, you shouldn’t be afraid, it’s just that one area will be a conflict for this topic, and the other will help it. It can be even cooler - one of the elements of the corresponding house will have a tense aspect to the one under consideration, and another element of the same house will have a harmonious aspect to the one under consideration.
In this case, we can say that by exhibiting a quality corresponding to a planet that has a tense aspect, you will have a conflict of one topic with another. And by showing the quality of the Planet, which is in a good aspect with the element of the house being studied, you will receive help and assistance from this house.

For now, everything seems complicated and cluttered, but when we move on to studying the houses themselves (and this is the next topic), gradually all this will become understandable and natural.

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The talent of a performer, a worker in any field of activity is the interaction of 2 and 6 houses. In general, this is a good salary, good earnings from hired work. Since he is a talented worker, he is valued and paid well, that goes without saying. If there are three instructions, this means that he will always have a profitable job.

How do the 2nd and 6th houses of the horoscope interact?

On the other hand, the VI house is also responsible for medicine - talent in medicine, for a doctor this can be a good formula, however, for medicine, only the II and VI houses are not enough here, as you understand.

The VI, VIII and XII fields are considered medical, so here we need connections with the II, not only the VI house, but also the VIII and XII houses, then it will be connected with medicine. This could be income from trade, but this is no longer street trading, or from some kind of enterprise: a workshop, a store - a trade store from the service sector, it could be a talent for handling animals, the VI house is the house of animals, living animals means a good veterinarian or livestock farmer, beekeeper, rabbit breeder and so on.

Of course, this kind of formula, it does not give specific instructions, it says that a person has a good income from work, the work can be very diverse.

And, therefore, in order to find out what kind of work the income will be from, you need to consider the connection with other houses.

An example of interaction between the 2nd and 6th houses of a horoscope

For example, in the horoscope of a waitress in a restaurant this could be the II, V and VI house, although I must say that when we talk about any professions related to the population, we must understand that relations with the population are ruled by the Moon and for all professions where a person deals with the population, the Moon should participate with the ordinary public, especially in trade, and it should be well aspected? With a very damaged Moon, it will be very difficult for a person to contact the population, with people, with the public.

Well, we come across such examples when we come across rudeness on the part of the seller. The Moon, probably damaged by Mars, may be where all the relationship problems come from, so here you need to pay attention to the Moon, it is very important, of course, to analyze the Moon, and in the astrologer’s horoscope, his contacts with people also depend on this, this is very important for the astrologer. We will talk about specific professions later.

We will talk about career guidance, we will touch on this issue in detail, we will consider how to determine a profession this person. I have to deal with this very often, professional choice in children is the most common problem, parents come to me very often, my daughter’s friends come to me all the time.

So we have to deal with this issue all the time and this is one of the most important! By the way, those who don’t have a successful career or job also apply, but where should they go? what should they do? what to do? So the issue of vocational guidance is important at almost any age. In addition, a person may change jobs or areas of activity. He doesn’t like this type of activity or doesn’t get it. What to do? What to do? - We will study this issue separately.

What does the intense interaction of the 2nd and 6th houses of the horoscope indicate?

Intense interaction between the 2nd and 6th houses means: on the one hand, there may be problems at work, unstable income or poor earnings. In the presence of 3 instructions, in the absence of harmonious interactions of the II and VI houses, we can get a formula for poor earnings, a person’s earnings are meager, no matter where he works, he changes one job, another, and his earnings are bad, he can’t you manage to make money, the situation is not hopeless, there is always a way out.

We are talking about work for hire, and in work for hire he gets into trouble. In addition, these may be expenses related to health, medicine - this does not mean that the person is sick, not at all, maybe he pays too much attention to treatment, diagnostics, newfangled trends, and so on, and spends a lot of money on it.

This is not a formula for the disease, it may simply be exaggerated expenses for medicine, treatment, the desire to protect oneself from possible accidents, and, of course, losses associated with animals.

For example, the dog has chewed up all the furniture in your house, you can’t buy anything - it will chew everything, for a farmer, of course, this is a bad indication, beekeeping does not bring him income, he will spend, spend on these bees and rabbits, but there is no point. More importantly, of course, the most important thing is that a person has poor earnings. This, of course, is the most important circumstance, although, as I already said, the situation is not hopeless, there is a way out of it.

Astrologer Sergei Shestopalov has an interesting method of connection analysis. It lies in the fact that if there are three connections between two houses, then the so-called rule of three instructions is fulfilled. Such a connection is considered significant, and the author indicates that without taking this rule into account, the interpretation cannot be considered reliable. This method of analysis is quite popular among astrologers. By the way, many astrologers also use it without even knowing about its existence, because the connection of houses in the natal or any other horoscope is an integral part of the analysis!

However, several important questions arise. The fact is that each element in astrology has a certain power or influence. So, for example, it is hardly possible to say that the interaction of the significators of houses will be equal in strength to the interaction of the rulers of the same houses. Or, if the aspect involves, then the strength of their interaction clearly depends on the size of the orb of this aspect. When we're talking about about a completely manual analysis of the horoscope, I, like, I think, many other astrologers, intuitively or consciously see this or that force of interaction, and therefore apply the rule of three indications, also with a certain orb. But since I am engaged not only in personal consulting, but also in the development of algorithms for automatic analysis of horoscopes, a clearer definition of the rules is required when interaction between houses can be considered significant and when insignificant.

It would seem that the intuition and experience of an astrologer is difficult to convey to a machine. However, in reality, not everything is so complicated. Can be used different odds for various elements! So, for example, if we are talking about an exact aspect (within one degree), then this interaction can be given a coefficient that is greater than one. If the aspect is on the border of the orb, what for natal horoscope is a value of 6 degrees, then this aspect can be given a coefficient less than one. It is also worth setting coefficients for the elements under consideration. Thus, the significator of a house should be assigned a lower coefficient than its ruler or the planet in the house. We must also multiply the coefficients when calculating each pair of interacting elements. For example, if we are considering an aspect between the ruler of the first and the significator of the fifth house, then we must take into account both the size of the aspect’s orb and the characteristics of the objects included in the pair of elements under consideration. Naturally, the coefficients must be selected empirically and tested in practical experience.

I am currently developing an algorithm that would allow us to evaluate the interaction between different houses. Such a program can not only significantly simplify the manual analysis of a horoscope, but also introduce new interesting and reliable interpretations into automatic methods of analyzing horoscopes. In particular, this algorithm will soon be used in . This algorithm can also be used when rectifying a horoscope, using it to check the correspondence of life events to the level of interaction between houses.

In conclusion, I would like to encourage astrologers to share their observations on the topic in the comments. I also believe that you can also take into account the strength of the elements in the horoscope, for example, based on the position of the planets in the signs. If you have other observations, I invite you to discuss.

* harmonious, # inharmonious. According to the connection tables =1 (30% probability of the event), =2 (70%), everything =3 and above will be 100% of the event’s realization.

1 - 1 * Patronage of fate. Success lies through personal temperament, physical characteristics, natural charm in all areas of life where they are in demand - stage, sports, television, politics, etc. These readings help you overcome obstacles and win victories.

1 – 1 # Struggle for success and popularity through overcoming obstacles and strenuous activities. Head-on collisions with people and circumstances. You may have qualities such as hyperactivity, incontinence, and aggressiveness.

1 – 2 * Income is the realization of personal efforts and physical labor. The ability to manage material things. Personal energy is directed towards experience and accumulation of material resources, development of talents and financial entrepreneurship. Success in collecting, creative professions, and crafts. The ability to competently manage your funds and earn money.

1 – 2 # Excessive spending on personal needs. Losses from excessive activity and personal initiative. Inability to control expenses. Activity in making money. Reckless purchases. Carelessness in using things.

1 – 3 * Mobility and contact are good luck in organizational matters. Mental abilities. Easy to establish business relationships, entrepreneurial spirit, success on short trips, from consultations, through correspondence, the Internet, articles. Increases mobility and ingenuity.

1 – 3 # Misinformation and disorganization, disputes and quarrels (relatives, neighbors). Lots of unnecessary connections, pointless trips. Inability to work with information and build a logical conversation. A fast and intense mind (potential for abilities) can give rise to aggressive behavior.

1 – 4 * A good, zealous housekeeper and owner. You know how to create a comfortable atmosphere in your own home. The key to understanding success is from real estate, land, rent; in solving home and family problems, caring for life's blessings. Organic adaptation to changing conditions. Ability to provide for immediate needs.

1 – 4 # Home and family problems – conflicts, anxieties, problems. Bad homeowner and housekeeper. Excessive demands lead to the destruction of a comfortable atmosphere in the family.

1 – 5 * Sympathy, success, popularity - from performances, teaching, lectures, games, audiences (any public professions). Stage talent, acting abilities. You know how to work for the public. You arouse sympathy in others and you are lucky in love. Your life is a holiday.

1 – 5 # Demonstrative forms of behavior. Stage talent through exertion. Discord in relationships with children and problems in their upbringing. Bad image.

1 – 6 * Hardworking and executive character. Success in bureaucratic affairs. Efficiency, ability to find common language with colleagues and subordinates.

1 – 6 # A workaholic, there may be problems and anxiety in relationships with work colleagues, the ability to obey, from an incorrect distribution of forces and actions, leading to overwork. Irritability from overwork, prone to injury. Hidden conflicts without direct confrontation. Ill will, latent enmity. Inability to manage subordinates.

1 – 7 * Success comes from the sphere of relationships - partnerships, collaboration, co-authorship. Overcoming hostility and conflicts - peacemaking. Ability to negotiate with competitors and opposition. Luck comes from communicating with obligations (serious relationships). Success depends on personal initiative in concluding agreements, alliances, and contracts. Success in interpersonal relationships, which helps in many areas of life, including marriage.

1 – 7 # Hostility, struggle and rivalry, competition, inability to come to compromises. Problems from one’s own pugnacity, violation of agreements, resolution conflict situations. Potential to solve complex interpersonal problems. Indications for problems in marriage and partnerships. Look for opportunities to avoid leading the opposition to hatred.

1 - 8* Creative activity and constructive physical energy, endurance. Reasonable caution. Entrepreneurship in solving matters related to money - banks, loans, credits; business partners. You know how to take and repay debt. Indications for inheritance.

1 – 8 # Fierce will. Strength, physical activity. Reassessment of one's own capabilities. Ignoring personal safety, resulting in dangerous situations and injuries.

1 – 9 * Patronage of Fortune and Providence. Tendency to travel long distances, expand and expand the sphere of life. Success and achievements in creativity, sports, travel, education, international conferences (congresses), science. Enormous success and fulfillment in any profession.

1 – 9 # Excitement and adventure, risk and adventure. Accusations, convictions, persecution, legal-public scandals, unfavorable situations far from home. Craving for notoriety.

1 – 10 * The desire for social fulfillment, success in achieving goals, the formula for popularity, honor, respect and authority. High social rating. Recognition and social fulfillment in any profession. 100% guarantee that you will achieve success and authority in social affairs.

1 – 10 # Difficulties and obstacles in your career. Conflicts with elders and superiors, struggle for popularity, social success and position. Great ambition with directed energy towards social fulfillment. Intense struggle with competitors and opponents. Potential to overcome serious obstacles. An ambitious person, with a high opinion of himself, asserting himself through the social sphere.

1 – 11 * Friendliness. Luck and luck in life. Realization of hopes. Communication with associations, clubs, organizations, social networks (Internet). The desire to be a patron, philanthropist. Success in astrology, astronomy, yoga, occult matters. Patronage of a good angel. Natural intuition and ingenuity

1 – 11 # Destructive character - you break plans and hopes. Self-destructive tendencies, tendency to break up in relationships. Problems with children, inability to behave with friends. Unpredictability, a tendency to sudden changes in behavior, which can ruin the lives of both yourself and others.

1 – 12 * Happiness, creativity, inspiration - a rich inner world of fantasies, dreams, ideals. Solitude favors spiritual development. Craving for wanderings, sea voyages. Inspiration in acting, music, secret knowledge, religion and in creative affairs. You are entrusted with secrets.

1 – 12 # Unhappy, ambiguous situations in life. Related initiatives, dependent position on circumstances, lack of freedom, forced travel, uncomfortable conditions. Indications for self-restraint through creativity to transform unhappy circumstances.

2 - 2 * Additional income, successful purchase or sale. Increased wealth.

2 – 2 # Excessive spending, unprofitable sales or unsuccessful acquisitions and earnings.

2 – 3 * Buying and selling, purchasing a vehicle, profitable trips and business. Consultations in financial matters.

2 – 3 # Unsuccessful purchase and sale, including a vehicle, unprofitable trips and business. Financial disputes.

2 – 4 * Sale and purchase of things for home and family, real estate. Income from real estate (rental).

2 – 4 # Excessive spending on home and family, unprofitable sale or rental of real estate.

2 – 5 * Benefits from teaching, tutoring, games, shows, presentations, paid training, purchasing things for sports and entertainment, receiving a gift (from children).

2 – 5 # Excessive spending on children, entertainment, education, unsuccessful speculation.

2 – 6 * Profitable job, good income, purchase of household appliances, purchase of animals.

2 – 6 # Excessive or forced spending on health or repairs, poor earnings or job loss.

2 – 7 * Income from consultations or cooperation. Gifts from employees. Income from cultural property.

2 – 7 # Financial conflicts, forced expenses on the spouse, losses due to partners or due to divorce, danger to the spouse.

2 – 8 * Benefit from other people's money and things, income from commercial activities and business. Purchasing very expensive things. Large investments. Gifts from a marriage partner. It is possible to receive an inheritance as a result of someone's death.

2 – 8 # Bankruptcy, material losses and debts, unjustified expenses associated with risk. Excessive spending. Financial difficulties. Defaults on loans.

2 – 9 * Income from Travel (long-distance travel, tourism), foreign trade, creative, scientific or project activities, education, books.

2 – 9 # Risk and excitement. Financial adventures, losses through travel, research or project activities, creativity, education, book publishing, in connection with court cases.

2 – 10 * Increase in income, promotion ( professional activities), financial assistance from parents and elders. Career income.

2 – 10 # Losses and expenses, meager income and wages, loss of work as a result of layoffs, loss of patronage from superiors

2 – 11 * Financial assistance or inheritance, unexpected income or bonus (groups, teams, societies, communities, social networks). Good luck in financial matters.

2 – 11 # Unexpected unfavorable financial circumstances, emergency losses. Loss of sources of income.

2 – 12 * Additional income. Purchasing things for comfort. Income from any creative activity. Tax-free income.

2 – 12 # Losses and expenses resulting from deception, fraud or penalties in connection with treatment.

3 – 3 * Travel (transportation), Any organizational matters, dating. Strengthening, establishing family ties and contacts.

3 – 3 # Unpleasant troubles, failures in information matters, news, erroneous information, gossip, disputes (with relatives).

3 - 4 * Successful business related to home, family, real estate. Possibility of changing habitat (change of apartment/exchange of apartment). Party in the house. Brokerage consultations. Obtaining information.

3 – 4 # Anxiety in matters relating to home and family, disputes and quarrels with relatives, forced relocations. Problems with registration. Unfavorable temporary living conditions.

3 – 5 * Interesting acquaintances, things related to training or presentations. Love affairs.

3 – 5 # Worry about children. Losses from any advertising, training, entertainment, presentations.

3 – 6 * Success in organizational matters, short-term business trips. Business news. Thoroughness in business.

3 – 6 # Trouble and intrigue at work, anxiety over animals. Bustiness (increased nervousness) at work.

3 – 7 * Time for consultations and negotiations, communication and acquaintances. Acquaintance or close interaction with partners. Legal advice.

3 – 7 # Conflicts with relatives or neighbors, quarrels with a marriage partner, termination of agreements, disagreements with partners, unsuccessful consultations.

3 – 8 * Profitable business and travel, business related to vehicles, purchasing a vehicle. Working with non-cash money. Financial acumen.

3 – 8 # Danger on the street, news of death, damage vehicle, danger to brother or sister. Losses from transfers or as a result of theft of a bank card, account number, or hacking of a payment system by hackers.

3 – 9 * Success in learning, creativity, travel and contacts (letters, communication), good news from afar (relatives). Success in court cases.

3 – 9 # Problems in learning, with business contacts and papers, there may be accusations, squabbles, gossip towards you, deception and fraud, unprofitable trips, purchasing travel packages, quarrels between relatives by marriage.

3 – 10 * Successful short-distance trips, work-related matters, success in registering documents, in matters related to a vehicle.

3 – 10 # Quarrels with elders or worries about parents, restless travel, transport problems, danger to a brother or sister.

3 – 11 * Intuition, ingenuity, ability to solve complex problems and problems with help large quantity connections, the ability to establish friendships, new acquaintances.

3 – 11 # Severing relationships with friends and acquaintances, worrying about a child. Abrupt disruptions to plans (accident, news), unpleasant information (friends, neighbors).

3 – 12 * Short-term trips related to recreation or treatment, successful ongoing organizational affairs, fruitful creativity.

3 – 12 # Intrigue, slander, deception, troubles regarding the car, travel, ambiguous information.

4 – 4 * Well-being in the home (relatives). Increased attachment to family issues.

4 – 4 # Unfavorable living conditions, housing or home problems. Quarrels with father (relatives).

4 – 5 * Success, happiness and well-being at home and family matters, conceiving children or having grandchildren. Good luck in inheritance matters.

4 – 5 # Difficulties and problems in home and family affairs, problems of education, conceiving children. Family discord. Failed rental.

4 – 6 * Favorable for repair work, for matters related to real estate, rent, the appearance of pets in the house.

4 – 6 # Unfavorable circumstances related to home or work conditions, failures in real estate and rental matters.

4 - 7 * Success in marriage, family, real estate. Sustainable and psychological comfort in partnership and family matters.

4 - 7 # A conflict situation in the house or with parents (because of a marriage partner) or because of real estate. Blows of fate in marriage and family matters (instability).

4 – 8 * Purchasing real estate or receiving an inheritance, obtaining a mortgage, a favorable time for construction and major repairs.

4 – 8 # Damage to real estate. Excessive luxury, losses from late property insurance.

4 – 9 * Expansion of your personal sphere, moving to another city, country, arrival of guests from afar, success in court cases related to inheritance or real estate. Expansion (prospect) and new, more comfortable living conditions.

4 – 9 # Troubles and troubles due to parents, inheritance or real estate, forced relocation. Loss of real estate in court.

4 – 10 * Successful resolution of issues related to housing and rent; registration, taking possession of something. Favor of management (resolving housing issues). Thoroughness in the fundamental questions of life.

4 – 10 # Family conflicts, housing or family problems, separation or alienation from one of the parents. Unstable social status. Conflict in family matters.

4 - 11 * Favorable changes in living conditions and everyday life in general, in matters of property, the possibility of inheritance. The house is open to friends, new people. Success from collective ownership.

4 - 11 # Unfavorable unforeseen changes regarding home, family, real estate.

4 - 12 * Favorable and comfortable living conditions, a vacation trip, emigration or moving to another city. Life and comfortable living conditions near the sea, ocean.

4 - 12 # Unfavorable unfree living conditions, troubles and unhappy circumstances in household and real estate matters.

5 - 5 * Attention to children. A time for entertainment, exhibitions, sports for pleasure, learning and teaching.

5 - 5 # Idle time, problems raising children, failure in learning and teaching, public speaking, gambling hobbies.

5 - 6 * Success in business, work-related training, organization of training.

5 - 6 # Indicates troubles and worries due to children, pets or hobbies, failure in matters related to learning, excitement, and celebration.

5 – 7 * Formula of Love and Prosperity in Marriage! Success in real estate matters (parental help). Course visits – consultant (lawyers, psychologists, etc.)

5 - 7 # Conflicts with children or because of children, tendency to parallel love affairs, disappointments and sorrows in love, adultery, possible extramarital affairs, connections with unfree persons.

5 – 8 * The win is a big one (a lucky chance), the opportunity to receive financial support and financing, benefits and income from teaching. Hobbies in the occult

5 – 8 # Material losses (excitement, risk, stocks, forex, stock exchange, gaming parlors, adventures, expensive jewelry), danger to loved ones.

5 – 9 * Success in education, science, creativity and sports, participation in international events - tour. Departure of children to study abroad (languages, etc.).

5 - 9 # Problems, difficulties, obstacles, or public scandals for people of non-public professions. Sexual adventures and hobbies are possible, especially away from home.

5 – 10 * Success in love, learning, teaching, presentations, popularity. Fame, fame and popularity.

5 – 10 # Trouble or separation from children, grief in love, failure in public affairs.

5 - 11 * Happy occasion, chance, luck. Mutual understanding with children, success in matters of property (inheritance). Making friends, new communities. Attendance at astrology and yoga courses.

5 – 11 # Problems in relationships with children, breakups, grief in love, tendency to divorce (divorce).

5 – 12 * Romantic hobbies, love. Relaxation and entertainment, creative inspiration. Secular time and secret hobbies. Visits to psychology courses (mystical movements), photo exhibitions, cosmetology. Holidays with children at sea, recreation areas.

5 – 12 # Clubs, secret parties, addiction to drug parties. Gaming addiction. Unfortunate circumstances regarding children, hobbies, learning, teaching and entertainment.

6 – 6 * A time favorable for treating illnesses, solving bureaucratic, accounting and work problems, entering a job, or hiring people to perform any work.

6 – 6 # Intrigues and troubles at work, illness, problems associated with animals.

6 – 7 * Conclusion employment contracts and agreements. Reliable work assistants. Partner consultations. Meeting your marriage partner at work.

6 – 7 # Unfavorable relationships and conflicts at work, troubles concerning a marriage partner, failures in partnerships, in hiring new employees. Working with staff takes a lot of energy and conflicts.

6 – 8 * Profitable and responsible work, time favorable for treatment and surgical operations. Large, financial bureaucratic transactions.

6 – 8 # Financial losses, unprofitable work, accident at work, dangerous illness (injuries). Sinking into debt, dangerous working conditions.

6 – 9 * Promising work, travel for treatment, foreign work connections and long-distance business trips. Publishing affairs. Successful court cases.

6 – 9 # Major troubles at work, illness or troubles while traveling, forced business trip. Legal troubles and showdowns (at work).

6 – 10 * Success at work, promotion, organization of your own enterprise. A clear plan and implementation of plans.

6 – 10 # Troubles associated with mother (father-in-law, father-in-law), difficulties and obstacles in business, disagreements with employees or subordinates.

6 – 11 * Acquiring faithful assistants, favorable changes in business and conditions or place of work, assistance in business.

6 – 11 # Unfavorable changes and emergency circumstances in business and working conditions, dismissal.

6 – 12 * Time favorable for treatment in a clinic or sanatorium; comfortable creative atmosphere at work. Tax benefits for work, from bureaucratic services.

6 – 12 # Intrigues in business and troubles at work, serious illnesses (hospital bed).

7 – 7 * A time of cooperation, alliances and partnerships, a time of consultation, cultural entertainment. Deep fruitful relationships. Taking into account the interests of partners, competitors, unknown people.

7 – 7 # Problems of relationships, hostility and conflicts. Open enemies. problems with competitors.

7 – 8 * Benefit from cooperation, partnerships, agreements, competitions, consultations, contracts. Marital partner's income. Profit from partners, co-authors, insurance contracts. Legal protection. Prosperity at the expense of other people.

7 – 8 # Conflicts, enmity, hatred, financial losses due to the fault of other people, danger to the spouse. Partners have financial problems. Attack from competitors. Problems in relationships.

7 – 9 * Expansion of opportunities is associated with partnership and cooperation (marriage matters with foreigners), success in court cases and obtaining legal and other advice, success in creativity and competitions.

7 – 9 # Conflicts, including judicial ones, failures in competitions and cooperation. Accusations from a marriage or affair partner.

7 – 10 * The formula for concluding an official marriage. Registration of unions, agreements, implementation through partnership agreements, recommendations. Stable social position in close cooperation with superiors and government officials.

7 – 10 # Conflicts with superiors, officials (scandals to smithereens), mother (father-in-law, father-in-law), alienation or separation from a marriage partner (shaky marital relationships). Unstable social and partnership relationships.

7 – 11 * Acquiring allies and receiving help and support from friends, interesting acquaintances in clubs, communities, cultural institutions. The formula for success in Internet activities and close relationships in social networks.

7 – 11 # Breakdowns in relationships, the possibility of divorce (in marriage and business relationships). Bad luck and fruitless relationships with friends, social communities, stupid parties in unusual clubs or superficial relationships with creative people.

7 – 12 * Creative or spiritual union, secret support from partners, creative people. Romantic connections. Secret admirers in social networks, communities, creative, photography, and cultural industries.

7 – 12 # Unhappy unions, fraudulent contracts, betrayal, unhappy circumstances regarding the marriage partner. Secret extramarital affair and love relationship with an unfree person. Losses from any non-contractual relationship that do not have legal force. Secret intrigues from a hidden enemy. Dissolute business relationships, imaginary and false partners, drinking and leading a riotous lifestyle.

8 – 8 * Benefit. Money. Income from various business paths, times favorable for financial transactions (insurance, loans, bonds), for surgical operations and treatment and serious illnesses.

8 – 8 # Dangerous illness, surgery, property damage (in any form).

8 – 9 * Benefit from long-distance connections, travel, creative developments, sporting events, court cases. Large and wide business (capital investment).

8 – 9 # Losses from risky and adventurous enterprises, during travel, connections with foreign countries or long trips, financial unfavorable outcome as a result of any court decisions. Inheritance cases, wills.

8 – 10 * Large income (from a position, non-cash kickback, position of power), official duties, time favorable for performing surgical operations. Registration own business. A highly paid profession pays dividends

8 – 10 # Danger to life, property damage, detention, brush with death. Loss of inheritance.

8 – 11 * Lucky finds, good luck in financial matters. From major social activities (online communities, social networks, investments, associations, clubs, OJSC or LLC, shares in offshore companies, insurance).

8 – 11 # Property damage due to theft or accidents. Bad luck and major losses in group and social activities.

8 – 12 * Time favorable for treatment and surgical intervention, income from medical activities (sanatoriums, hotels, clinics), profitable financial affairs, tax-free. Secret, large source of income (closed joint stock companies, closed Internet clubs, porn activities). Hacking operations, major kickbacks in the secret police, tax operations, through covert operations.

8 – 12 # Illness, surgery, danger of fines, fraud. Large losses as a result of non-cash transfers, scams, fines, extortion.

9 – 9 * Success in creativity and sports, education (learning languages, cultures), travel, foreign contacts, court cases. Diplomatic activities.

9 – 9 # Major troubles, risky ventures, public scandals and accusations, forced travel, failures in court cases.

9 – 10 * Protection from prosecution. News from afar, achievements in creativity and large-scale successes, education, science, sports, promising long-distance trips. Career progression (profession, higher education).

9 – 10 # Failures in creativity, education, science, sports, court cases, forced long trips. Major miscalculations, public scandals, the struggle for justice to the point of exhaustion due to being drawn into relationships with government officials.

9 – 11 * Happy news, good luck in creativity, making friends among foreigners, politicians, creative and famous personalities.

9 – 11 # Unexpected disruptions of plans and trips, severance of long-distance connections. Loss of foreign and creative patrons.

9 – 12 * Long distance travel(by sea, or ocean, water, flights), vacation away from home (treatment, spiritual search), success in creativity. Secret missions, research work.

9 – 12 # Serious troubles, unhappy journey, forced departure or emigration, danger of prosecution and imprisonment, unfortunate news from afar.

10 – 10 * Success in business, increased authority, recognition of merit. Sustained support for people of senior status and age.

10 – 10 # Obstacles and conflicts in business, with mother (father-in-law, father-in-law). Goals do not coincide with a career, a vision of one’s social path and a slow ascent in life.

10 – 11 * High patronage (friends, groups, social communities, associations, alliances), unexpected success, success in inheritance and real estate matters. Important business news or good luck from a Business Angel.

10 – 11 # Unexpected obstacles and disruptions of plans, loss of patrons, the possibility of dismissal from work, a tendency to break relationships.

10 – 12 * Spiritual, creative growth, success in creative professions, in medicine, secret patronage.

10 – 12 # Unfree, dependent position, loss of authority, intrigue at work (serious slander, lies, setups, manipulation of position), unhappy circumstances.

11 – 11 * Luck, getting help, making friends. Help from a guardian angel and good genius. Awareness of one's destiny, global connection with the social karma of the planet.

11 – 11 # Breaks in relationships and connections, problems in relationships with children, emergency situations.

11 – 12 * Obtaining hidden information, acquiring loyal friends, making acquaintances and powerful connections with social communities, online activities, the ability to build relationships on forums, help and support from a spiritual patron.

11 – 12 # Unreliable friends, betrayal, unhappy changes. Sexual connections that corrupt communities, dependence on occult lodges and their authoritative leaders.

12 – 12 * Favorable indications for the treatment of illnesses, time for creativity and spiritual comfort.

12 – 12 # Unfortunate circumstances, illness, forced isolation, intrigue, fraud.

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Tags: connections of houses, interaction of houses, psychological aspects, Shestopalov’s method, combinations of houses, interaction of elements in a horoscope, my online horoscopes, astropsychology horoscope analysis, astrology concepts, event formulas