Exercises to develop logical thinking in adults. Separately - about the important, or learning to listen to intuition. Associative and deductive thinking


Are you interested in how to develop logic? This means you understand that you cannot live without her. Tips, games and exercises are collected for you in the article.

The ability to think logically is irreplaceable, because thanks to it you can find a way out difficult situations, calculate your actions several steps ahead, anticipate enemy traps, find a quick path to success.

If you are less fortunate, then you should deal with the fact that how to develop logic, because it is impossible to live in this world without her.

What is logic and how to develop it?

The word logic itself came to us from the ancient Greek language, in which λόγος is translated as reasoning or thought.

There are plenty of definitions of the term “logic,” but I believe that the most correct of them is the ability to think intelligently.

If we consider logic as a science, then we should understand that this is a branch of philosophy that studies the cognitive intellectual activity of man.

A person who is able to think logically can, based on the information he has (even scattered and inaccurate), draw the correct conclusion and thus get to the bottom of the truth.

Logic allows you to become familiar with the nuances of the subject being studied, and not just gain general knowledge.

Logical judgments were characteristic of different cultures, but the pioneers of logic, the cultures that created a real cult of logic, were Chinese, ancient Greek and Indian, where works on this science appeared in the 4th century BC.

Why are so many people today interested in how to develop logic?

Naturally, like most humanities scholars, I studied logic at university.

This subject, which seemed incredibly boring and useless to many, was taught to us by a true fan of her craft.

The teacher managed to reach us and explain why her subject should be given attention and how the ability to think logically will be useful to us in the future.

For the rest of my life I remember the words of my logic teacher:

It was the ability to think logically that helped our distant ancestors survive among the dangers that awaited them at every turn. Primitive people, being in the wildest environment, they analyzed the situation, made conclusions and learned from their own mistakes, which helped them not only survive, but also develop.
Today's scientific and technological progress is certainly pleasant and useful, and I would be lying if I said that I was dissatisfied with it and would like to return to the primitive system, but it is the abundance of computers and other technology in our lives that leads to destruction logical thinking.
A person is so accustomed to trusting a machine that can think for him that he does not want to strain his thinking again.
Looking at all this, I think that American movies about the subjugation of humanity by robots is not so fantastic.

Fortunately, not everyone is ready to give up logical thinking.

Many people prefer to develop logic, realizing what a serious trump card they will have over those who have completely forgotten how to think logically.

Why should you try to develop logic?

Logical thinking will be useful to you in any type of activity.

Even the cleaning lady must understand that she needs to wash the floors, moving from the far wall to the exit, because if she starts washing the floors in reverse, she will destroy her work with her own dirty feet.

And managers, who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates, cannot do without logic, so they need to constantly work on its development.

If you are still not sure whether you need to think about how to develop logic, I am ready to give you a few more arguments.

Being able to think logically, we can:

  • find the simplest and safest way out of a problematic situation;
  • avoid both professional and life mistakes;
  • to be one step ahead of our ill-wishers and competitors, whom God has deprived of logic;
  • express your thoughts correctly so that everyone around you understands them;
  • quickly formulate a thought so as not to delay answering the question posed and not blurt out the first stupidity that comes to mind;
  • do not become a victim of self-deception and deception from other people;
  • easily find arguments to convey your own point of view to your interlocutors and win them over to your side;
  • see the mistakes that you or the people around you make and quickly eliminate them.

Games that will help develop logic

There are a number of games that both adults and children should play if they want to develop their logic and improve their logical thinking:

    It's simple: either you learn to think logically, or you will play disgusting chess for the rest of your days.

    This game is a little simpler than chess, but it also helps a lot.

    Another game familiar to many from childhood that develops logic.

    Rebuses, scanwords, puzzles.

    Yes, and banal crosswords are suitable for developing intelligence and logic.


    You choose a word and try to come up with as many associations as possible for it.

    Reversi or Othello.

    A board game with black and white chips and a board that resembles chess.

    It teaches you not only to think logically, but also to think strategically.

    Scrabble or Scrabble.

    You need to make words from letters.

Exercises that will help develop logic

If you decide to seriously improve your logical thinking, then games alone will not do.

You will have to perform at least one, or better yet, several exercises from this list every day:

    Solving anagrams.

    From letters mixed in random order, you need to make a normal word.

    Solving special logic problems.

    There are quite a few collections of such problems sold both on the Internet and in bookstores.

    You can start with this simple one: a man shaves his beard every day, but continues to walk around with a beard on his face. How is this possible?

    Selecting words that connect two phrases.

    For example, “opens the doors”, “the birds are lined up” - the key.

    Making crosswords or puzzles.

    Come up with 5 ways to use any item

    Or find 5 ways out of some situation.

To develop logical thinking, we suggest you immediately move on to practice.

and solve the match puzzle in the following video:

If you are lazy to do exercises every day and are not a hopeless person in terms of logical thinking, then you can develop logic in simple ways, unnoticed even by yourself:

    Reading detective stories.

    The more detective literature you read, the more you will understand the logic of the actions of specialists who are investigating a crime.

    Performing some action.

    At least sometimes explain to yourself: why you are doing this, what will happen if you don’t do it, what the result will be if you make a mistake, etc.

  1. Learn to write and perform other actions with your left hand if you are right-handed and with your right hand if you are left-handed.

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Logic itself is not a human skill given from birth; it is learned throughout life, receiving valuable lessons. Such a tool for understanding the world is not close to the emotional human nature, so people prefer to think and do as they are more accustomed to. However, this science underlies most of the laws of the Universe. The ability to think and reason consistently and consistently is useful in solving many problems. Whether it’s building business projects, persuading opponents, or shopping in a store. And the question immediately arises: “How to develop logical thinking and live as efficiently as possible?” We will consider the answer to this in the article below.

People often make mistakes that defy logic. They think that it is enough to be guided by common sense and experience gained, ignoring the laws and special techniques of formal logic. However, this may be sufficient only when making elementary judgments and solving simple problems; when carrying out large-scale operations, certain knowledge will be required that will not allow you to make erroneous actions.

What is logic

In order to understand what it is, it is necessary to explain this phenomenon more broadly, dividing it into components.

By thinking we mean the processing by the human psyche of the information received, and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects, events and phenomena of the surrounding world.

Logic is the science of the forms, methods and laws of intellectual mental activity. Its peculiarity is that knowledge is obtained not from sensory experience, but in the process of analyzing previously obtained data, inferential knowledge.

Thus, logical thinking is a thought process that forces a person to use logical constructs and concepts based on evidence, prudence and flexibility of thinking.

The main goal is to obtain the most reasonable conclusion from the available data.

Logical laws are based on empirical knowledge of the world through experience. That is, a person draws a conclusion based on the creation or participation in a certain situation and subsequent awareness of its specific consequences.

Workout The development of creative thinking and logic is only possible if the mind is accustomed to working in different directions

  • . The development of logical thinking needs to be trained, here are some practical tips:

Studying Natural Sciences
Take up the study of science close to your spirit, which you have been putting off. Physics, chemistry or history, others exact sciences

  • perfectly stimulate flexibility of thinking. They teach how to build cause-and-effect chains.

Instead of the standard desire to answer “because I’m in charge” or “it’s necessary,” try to convey your point of view to your opponent without emotion, constructively. Use logical as well as creative thinking, there can be a huge variety of dialogue options, get rid of the usual phrases and reactions.
Particularly interesting is the way of leading the interlocutor to the necessary conclusion through indirect statements with which he initially agrees.

  • Play chess, backgammon, checkers and card games

This is an amazing opportunity to develop logical thinking. After all, there is training in cause-and-effect relationships, calculating the opponent’s moves in advance. One is trained to learn lessons even from defeats. Thus, a person gradually removes negative thinking from his life.

  • Find other ways to use items

This exercise promotes excellent development of creative thinking in adults. Choose one item, be it a box of matches or a stool. And find all possible ways to use the item not for direct purpose. You can count matches, lay out drawings, and use a stool as a stand for a Christmas tree. Get creative.

  • Association game

Use opposite meanings to emerging associations specific words. Let's say hard wool, soft glass, hot ice. This helps our brain tune in to a different mindset and remove negative thinking.

  • Read books from the end

In addition to the understandable difficulties in completing this task, there are also nuances. Our brain is accustomed to the fact that resolution can only come when specific actions are taken. But both in life and in books, this is not always true. Sometimes the most unexpected events lead to results that were not intended. A gradual transition from the denouement to the preface will help debunk your guesses and learn an abstract vision of the situation, and also develop mobility and flexibility of thinking.

  • Expand your vocabulary

When you hear an unfamiliar word, look up its meaning in the dictionary. And also: what is the history of origin, original meaning and use now. This will help you look at the world in a more multifaceted way.

  • Words backwards

When in transport or on the street, read signs backwards. It will be very difficult. At first they will only get short words, and then you will master the ability to read entire phrases! This is a great brain workout that shows there are alternatives. And, once in problematic situation, it will be easier to see other options.

  • Invent something that doesn't exist

The exercise is to come up with an animal or object, a name that does not exist in nature. Leopard or birdfox, for example. And imagine or depict all this in detail. The point is that it is very difficult to invent something that does not exist. The brain still tries to reduce everything to familiar forms, especially in adults.

Sometimes negative thinking takes over, and it becomes difficult to complete a task that seems absurd. The ability to abstract from familiar forms and concepts, concentrate on still little-studied facts, and create fundamentally new things will be useful in any profession.

  • Solve anagrams

You need to make a word from the mixed letters. Develops the ability to quickly find hidden meaning, to see meanings that are incomprehensible at first glance.

  • Use your other hand

If you are right-handed - left, if vice versa - right. Change your hand while performing everyday tasks. This stimulates both hemispheres, improving concentration, activating new neural connections, thus stimulating logical and creative thinking.

Who needs to develop logic

Logical thinking is necessary for any person, regardless of his goals. After all, with flexible thinking, each of us can:

  • find the optimally beneficial solution to a problem situation;
  • always be several steps ahead of enemies or competitors, calculating their possible actions;
  • choose the right way to achieve your goal;
  • express your thoughts in a form understandable to everyone;
  • It’s quite easy to find arguments to sway opponents in your direction;
  • avoid making professional and life mistakes;
  • deal with sophistry and demagoguery;
  • be able to quickly formulate an answer to the question posed, avoiding blurting out the first thought that comes to mind, which can cause great harm later;
  • clearly see manipulations on the part of other people, do not become a victim of their deception;
  • be aware of mistakes made by other people or yourself, and quickly and easily eliminate them.

Why do you need to develop logic?

How to develop thinking? Every person has it to one degree or another. But for a better understanding of reality and the ability to operate with it, logical thinking, developed at a fairly high level, is necessary. This can only be learned through training.

Creative thinking can be developed and negative thinking can be eliminated. The brain is not trained in to a lesser extent, than muscles, perhaps more. By constantly training thinking and memory, a person can develop throughout his life, methodically improving his performance. Development intellectual abilities– a guarantor of effective self-improvement.

Thanks to the ability to think logically, a person acquires the ability to think creatively, because a completely different understanding of reality opens up, which gives many advantages.

It is commonly believed that creative thinking is opposed to logic and reason, but this is a false statement. Creative perception of reality is fundamental to creativity. This does not at all mean the need for negative thinking, which is characterized by focusing exclusively on the bad. On the contrary, it allows you to train your brain, clear it of stereotypes and interfering attitudes, and look at everything from the outside. This is how perfect horizons open up. As a result, the ability to solve problems in a non-standard way, to find previously impossible ways.

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In psychology, thinking is defined as mental activity aimed at generalized and indirect knowledge of objective reality by revealing the connections and relationships that exist between cognizable objects and phenomena.

Development of logical thinking- one of the main tasks comprehensive development children, which should be given serious attention. Thinking is highest form cognitive activity human, the process of searching and discovering something essentially new. Developed thinking enables the child to understand patterns material world, cause-and-effect relationships in nature, public life And interpersonal relationships. Logical thinking is fundamental to achieving success in life. With its help, a person is able to analyze any situation and choose best option actions in the current conditions.

Logical thinking it is necessary to constantly train, best of all - with early childhood to avoid stereotypical thinking, which is typical of the majority of people. By using logical thinking you will be able to separate the essential from the secondary, find relationships between objects and phenomena, create conclusions, search and find confirmations and refutations.

Development of thinking possible with the help logical thinking problems that we offer you. They contribute to:

  • increasing the speed of thinking
  • meaningful thinking
  • increasing flexibility of thinking
  • increasing the depth of thinking
  • development of freedom and efficiency of thinking

Adults can also train their thinking with games for developing thinking And logical thinking problems. After all, age-related problems with memory and logic are the result of inaction and lack of mental exercise: a person either uses his brain or degrades.

To determine the level of development and qualitative characteristics of your thinking, we suggest taking logical thinking test. The quality of thinking is determined by the following characteristics:

  • quick thinking is the ability to find the right solutions in conditions of lack of time
  • Flexibility of thinking characterizes the ability to change the intended course of action when circumstances change
  • depth of thinking is the degree of penetration into the essence of a situation or phenomenon and the ability to grasp and identify logical connections between the objects of the task.

These qualities are present to varying degrees in all people. Some of them are more significant to solve theoretical problems, others - to solve practical issues.

In the process of human growth, when he enters social life development of thinking occurs sequentially in several stages:

  • objective-active thinking, characteristic of the age from 1 to 3 years, is thinking in the form of practical actions. Children at this age learn the world, tasting and smelling objects, touching them with your hands, taking them apart and breaking them.
  • Visual-figurative thinking is more developed at the age of 4 to 7 years, but is also present in adults in the form of visual images and ideas: visual, auditory, tactile. This type of thinking is most developed in people creative professions(artists, musicians, etc.).
  • abstract-logical or abstract thinking is presented in the form of abstract concepts, symbols and numbers. For example, the mathematical terms “integral” and “derivative” are abstract concepts that cannot be perceived by the human senses.

The thinking process is activated, as a rule, when any problem or task arises, the solution of which can be carried out different ways depending on level development of logical thinking. The most primitive technique is the trial and error method, during which there is not even an awareness of the problem, not to mention the construction of tactics for solving it and testing hypotheses. In adults logical thinking develops into the ability to explore assigned tasks and determine goals, create a plan and ways to achieve the goal. Developed thinking- this is the ability to think creatively, not to use stereotyped knowledge, but to invent and invent something new. Solving logical problems And games for developing thinking They develop not only logic, but also intelligence, fantasy, and imagination.

Process logical thinking when solving problems, it includes several operations:

  • Comparison - establishing the similarities and differences between objects.
  • Analysis - dividing the elements of an object into components.
  • Synthesis is the combination of individual elements into a whole.
  • Generalization - highlighting common features based on similarity.
  • Abstraction is the selection of any feature of an object or phenomenon that does not exist separately from it.
  • Concretization is emphasizing a particular feature of an object.
  • Systematization is the mental classification of objects and phenomena into groups.

When deciding logical thinking problems or in games for the development of thinking follow the steps:

  • Motivation, that is, the desire to win.
  • Analysis of the conditions of a task or game situation.
  • Finding a solution to a problem based on logical reasoning, analogies, heuristic and empirical techniques. IN games for developing thinking sometimes a simple insight contributes to victory.
  • Proof and justification of the correctness of the decision.
  • Checking the solution; if necessary, its correction.

Thinking is a person's ability to reason,

which is a process of reflection

objective reality

in ideas, judgments, concepts.

Ozhegov S.I. .

Thinking is a new creation of the world.

Albert Camus (1913—1960),

French writer and philosopher.

Thinking is an internal reconstruction of the world.

Victor Krotov

It can rightly be called the crown of human knowledge. It represents mental activity with its goals, motives, operational functions and results. It can be characterized in different ways: as highest degree assimilation and processing of information and the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships between objects of reality, as a process of displaying the obvious properties of objects and phenomena and, consequently, the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality, and as a process of understanding the world, based on the continuous replenishment of the baggage of concepts and ideas about it.

But, regardless of the interpretation, it can be established that the better a person’s thinking is developed, the more effectively he can interact with the world around him and other people, study and cognize, understand phenomena and truths. Thinking is formed as a person develops from his very birth, but life circumstances do not always develop in such a way that it continues to develop. It often happens that, having reached a certain level, development slows down. However, each of us is able to influence this process, like many others. In other words, everyone is capable
, and how this is done, we will talk in this article.

But before we get down to the main material, we should say a few words about what thinking is like in general. In total, there are several of its main types, studied by specialists most often and most of all:

  • Visual-figurative thinking;
  • Verbal-logical (aka abstract) thinking;
  • Visual-effective thinking;

Below we will present short description each type of thinking and indicate effective and simple ways their development.

Visual-figurative thinking and exercises for its development

With the help of visual-figurative thinking, reality is transformed into images, and ordinary phenomena and objects are endowed with new properties. It involves visually solving problems and problems without the need to resort to practical actions. The brain is responsible for its development. Visual-figurative thinking should not be confused with imagination, because... it is based on real objects, actions and processes, and not imaginary or fictitious ones.

Visual-figurative thinking can be developed in adults and children in the same ways. Here are some good exercises:

  • Remember several people with whom you had the opportunity to communicate today, and imagine in detail their clothes, shoes, hairstyle, appearance, etc.
  • Using just two nouns, one adverb, three verbs and adjectives, describe the words "success", "wealth" and "beauty".
  • Swipe: imagine the shape of the ears of your pet or, for example, an elephant; count the number of apartments in your entrance and imagine how they are located in the house; now turn it over English letter"N" by 90 degrees and determine what came out of it.
  • Describe in words the following objects and phenomena: a flying swan, flashing lightning, the kitchen of your apartment, lightning, Pinery, toothbrush.
  • Recall in your memory the image of a recent meeting with friends and give mental answers to several questions: how many people were in the company, and what clothes did each of them wear? What food and drinks were on the table? What were you talking about? What was the room like? What position did you sit in, what sensations did you experience, what did you taste from the food and drinks you consumed?

These exercises can be modified at your discretion - you can do whatever you want, but the main thing here is to use visual-figurative thinking. The more often you use it, the better it will develop.

You can also take a look at a course that will help you develop your thinking in just a few weeks. Check it out here.

Verbal-logical (abstract) thinking and exercises for its development

Verbal-logical thinking is characterized by the fact that the person observing a certain picture entirely, isolates from it only the most significant qualities, without paying attention to insignificant details that simply complement this picture. There are usually three forms of such thinking:

  • Concept – when objects are grouped according to characteristics;
  • Judgment - when any phenomenon or connections between objects are affirmed or denied;
  • Inference – when specific conclusions are drawn based on several judgments.

Everyone should develop verbal and logical thinking, but it is especially useful to form it with early age in children, because this is an excellent training for memory and attention, as well as imagination. Here are some exercises you can use for yourself or your child:

  • Set a timer for 3 minutes and write down the time maximum amount words starting with the letters “zh”, “sh”, “ch” and “i”.
  • Take a few simple phrases, such as “what’s for breakfast?”, “let’s go to the movies,” “come visit,” and “there’s a new exam tomorrow,” and read them backwards.
  • There are several groups of words: “sad, cheerful, slow, cautious”, “dog, cat, parrot, penguin”, “Sergey, Anton, Kolya, Tsarev, Olga” and “triangle, square, board, oval”. From each group, select those words that do not fit the meaning.
  • Identify the differences between a ship and an airplane, grass and a flower, a story and a poem, an elephant and a rhinoceros, a still life and a portrait.
  • A few more groups of words: “House - walls, foundation, windows, roof, wallpaper”, “War - weapons, soldiers, bullets, attack, map”, “Youth - growth, joy, choice, love, children”, “Road - cars, pedestrians, traffic, asphalt, poles.” Choose one or two words from each group, without which the concept (“house”, “war”, etc.) could exist as such.

These exercises, again, can be quite easily modernized and modified, simplifying or complicating them at your discretion. It is because of this that each of them can be an excellent way to train abstract thinking in both adults and children. By the way, any such exercises, among other things, perfectly develop intelligence.

Visually effective thinking and exercises for its development

Visual-effective thinking can be described as the process of solving mental problems by transforming what has arisen into real life situations. It is rightfully considered the first way to process received information, and it develops very actively in children under 7 years of age, when they begin to combine all kinds of objects into one whole, analyze them and operate with them. And in adults, this type of thinking is expressed in identifying the practical benefits of objects in the surrounding world, being the so-called manual intelligence. The brain is responsible for the development of visual and effective thinking.

An excellent way to learn and train here is the usual game of chess, making puzzles and sculpting all kinds of plasticine figures, but there are also several effective exercises:

  • Take your pillow and try to determine its weight. Then “weigh” your clothes in the same way. After this, try to determine the area of ​​the room, kitchen, bathroom and other areas of your apartment.
  • Draw a triangle, a rhombus and a trapezoid on album sheets. Then take your scissors and turn all these shapes into a square by cutting once in a straight line.
  • Place 5 matches on the table in front of you and make 2 equal triangles from them. After that, take 7 matches and make 2 triangles and 2 squares from them.
  • Buy a construction set at the store and use it to create various shapes - not just those indicated in the instructions. It is recommended that there be as many details as possible - at least 40-50.

As an effective addition to these exercises, chess and more, you can use our excellent.

Logical thinking and exercises for its development

Logical thinking is the basis of a person’s ability to think and reason consistently and without contradictions. It is necessary in most life situations: from ordinary dialogues and shopping to solving various problems and developing intelligence. This type of thinking contributes to a successful search for justifications for any phenomena, a meaningful assessment of the surrounding world and judgments. The main task in this case is to obtain true knowledge about the subject of reflection with the basis for analyzing its various aspects.

Among the recommendations for the development of logical thinking are solving logical problems (and this is also an excellent training for memory and attention in children and adults), passing IQ tests, logical games, self-education, reading books (especially detective stories), and training intuition .

As for specific exercises, we advise you to take note of the following:

  • From several sets of words, for example: “chair, table, sofa, stool”, “circle, oval, ball, circle”, “fork, towel, spoon, knife”, etc. you need to choose a word that does not fit the meaning. Despite its simplicity, this is a very effective technology for developing logical thinking, and similar sets and exercises can be found in large quantities on the Internet.
  • Group exercise: Get together with friends or the whole family and divide into two teams. Let each team invite the opposing team to solve a semantic riddle that conveys the content of some text. The point is to determine. Here is a small example: “The clergyman had an animal on the farm. He had strong warm feelings for him, however, despite this, he carried out a violent action on him, which led to his death. This happened for the reason that the animal did something unacceptable - it ate part of the food that was not intended for it.” Thinking logically, one can recall a children's song that begins with the words: “The priest had a dog, he loved it...”
  • Another group game: a member of one team performs an action, and a member of the other must find the reason for it, and then the reason for the reason, and so on until all the motives for the behavior of the first participant are clarified.

Let us repeat that these exercises (in particular the last two) are excellent ways to develop logical thinking and intelligence, suitable for people of all ages.

Creative thinking and exercises for its development

Creative thinking is a type of thinking that allows you to organize and analyze ordinary information in an unusual way. In addition to the fact that it contributes to an extraordinary solution to typical tasks, questions and problems, it also increases the efficiency of a person’s assimilation of new knowledge. Using creative thinking, people can consider objects and phenomena from different angles, awaken in themselves the desire to create something new - something that did not exist before (this is the understanding of creativity in its classical sense), develop the ability to move from one task to another and find many interesting options doing work and getting out of life situations.

Methods for developing creative thinking are based on the idea that a person realizes only a small percentage of his potential during his life, and his task is to find opportunities to activate unused resources. The technology for developing creativity is based primarily on several recommendations:

  • You need to improvise and always look for new ways to solve everyday problems;
  • There is no need to focus on established frameworks and rules;
  • You should expand your horizons and constantly learn something new;
  • You need to travel as much as possible, discover new places and meet new people;
  • You need to make learning new skills and abilities a habit;
  • You need to try to do anything better than others.

But, of course, there are also certain exercises for the development of creative thinking (by the way, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our courses on the development of creative thinking and thinking in general - you will find them).

Now let's talk about exercises:

  • Take several concepts, for example, “youth”, “man”, “coffee”, “teapot”, “morning” and “candle”, and select for each of them the maximum possible number of nouns that define their essence.
  • Take several pairs of different concepts, for example, “piano – car”, “cloud – locomotive”, “tree – picture”, “water – well” and “plane – capsule” and select the maximum number of similar features for them.
  • Imagine several situations and think about what could happen in each of them. Examples of situations: “aliens are walking around the city”, “not water, but lemonade is running from the tap in your apartment”, “all domestic animals have learned to speak human language”, “it snows in your city in the middle of summer for a week.”
  • Look around the room where you are now and stop your gaze on any object that interests you, for example, on a closet. Write down on a piece of paper 5 adjectives that go with it, and then 5 adjectives that are completely opposite.
  • Remember your job, hobby, favorite singer or actor, best friend or the other half, and describe it (him/her) in at least 100 words.
  • Remember some proverb or, and write, based on it, short essay, poem or essay.
  • Write a list of 10 purchases you would make before the end of the world.
  • Write a daily plan for your cat or dog.
  • Imagine that, upon returning home, you saw that the doors of all apartments were open. Write 15 reasons why this could happen.
  • Make a list of 100 of your life goals.
  • Write a letter to your future self – when you are 10 years older.

Also, to activate your creativity and intelligence, you can use Everyday life two excellent methods - and. These ways to develop creativity will help you destroy all stereotypes, expand your comfort zone and develop an original and unique type of thinking.

In conclusion, we will say that if you have a desire to organize or continue your education and develop your thinking more effectively, then you will certainly like one of our courses, which you can familiarize yourself with.

For the rest, we wish you every success and comprehensively developed thinking!

In everyday life, every person has to use logical thinking every day. The use of logic and the construction of chains of relationships is required, both in career matters and during ordinary everyday activities, for example, visiting a supermarket or drawing up routes. Some cope with this easily and naturally, while others experience certain difficulties in finding answers to even the most basic logical problems, the speed and correctness of which depends primarily on how well developed a person’s logical thinking is. This article will tell you what logic is, as well as introduce you to methods and methods for developing logical thinking in an adult.

The essence of the concept of “logical thinking”

Logic is not identical to knowledge, although its area coincides with the area of ​​knowledge. Logic is the general connoisseur and judge of all particular studies. It does not set out to find evidence; it only determines whether evidence has been found or not.

Logic does not observe, does not invent, does not discover - it judges. So, logic is the science of the functions of the mind that serve to evaluate evidence; it is the doctrine both of the process of transition from known truths to unknown ones, and of all other mental actions insofar as they help this process

John Stuart Mill

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To begin with, let us examine separately the two components of the concept of logical thinking - logic and human thinking.

What is logic? Translated from Greek, logic is called “the science of true thinking” and “the ability to reason.” In the generally accepted sense, logic is the science of the methods and laws of human intellectual activity. Logic is the study of methods for achieving truth using experience and knowledge gained previously.

Thinking is considered to be a mental process during which previously received information is processed and interdisciplinary connections are established. Thanks to objectivity and correct thinking, a person has the opportunity to get an idea of ​​​​the true state of things.

Taken together, we get a definition of what human logical thinking is. This is a thought process during which logic is used and logical constructs are applied. The goal of this type of thinking is to arrive at valid, objective conclusions based on available information.

Areas and uses of logic

There is no branch of human life where the use of thinking skills using logic is required. Including humanitarian sciences, which is no exception, logical constructions are also used in their study.

Often, a person’s logical thinking manifests itself at an intuitive level, regardless of the efforts made. The use of logic makes it possible to speed up the thinking process, make it better, express your thoughts more correctly, and also do true conclusions, avoiding false judgments.

Why you need to develop the ability to think logically:

  • Express all your thoughts and arguments clearly and in an accessible form.
  • Quickly find the right solution to problems, even in a critical situation
  • Correct your mistakes, avoid making new mistakes
  • Developing the skills to build objective connections helps you achieve success in your career or study
  • A creative approach to problem solving is sometimes more productive than generally accepted standards

Many people think that logical thinking is the ability to brilliantly solve puzzles and tricky problems. However, this is not quite true. The structure of logical thinking includes many thinking skills, such as the ability to make correct conclusions, succinctly argue one’s point of view during debate, specify, generalize, analyze and systematize acquired knowledge.

Human logical thinking is divided into three points: figurative, verbal (verbal) and abstract.

  1. Figurative-logical thinking. This type of thinking is based on visualization of problems and a visual search for solutions. Simply put, figurative appearance can be another name for the property of imagination.
  2. Abstract logical thinking. Logical structures contain abstract models, that is, unreal objects that do not exist in nature. In order to thoroughly master this type of thinking, an individual must be able to abstract from the material.
  3. Verbal and logical thinking. Manifests itself through the use of speech structures. Successful verbal thinking requires not only the construction of strict logical chains, but also competent, coherent speech.

When logical thinking begins

Only a few people think logically. Most of us are biased, prejudiced, infected with preconceptions, jealousy, suspicion, fear, pride and envy.

Dale Carnegie

A person is not born immediately with certain inclinations to successfully draw correct conclusions and build logical structures. Human logical thinking is not an innate, but an acquired property. Even the basic type of figurative thinking appears in children at 1.5 years old. The ability to think abstractly appears much later – in childhood school age, approximately 7 - 8 years old. Logic develops gradually with the development of the personality itself. However, regular training and exercise will only give positive result in the development of logical thinking.

The main type of child development preschool age is precisely logical tasks and exercises. Since it is logical thinking that will help a child achieve success in the future by using his intellect. Development occurs in a playful way age characteristics children. Logic lessons are included in both the curriculum kindergarten, and to school. However, parents should not neglect independent studies at home. After all, by developing logical thinking, you improve your child’s intellectual skills.

Is it possible for an adult to improve and improve his logical thinking? Of course, this is possible and even necessary, because in modern world everything is subject to very rapid changes, the knowledge acquired at school and university gradually becomes outdated, and there is a need to update information. Developing the ability to build logical conclusions for an adult can be a very enjoyable process, since, as in the case of children, it can take place in a playful way. If you are an eternal student or a typical pedant, then you can make detailed plan serious exercise. However, it will be much more interesting to get together with friends and play logic games. Information obtained in this way will settle more reliably in the mind and be fixed in a person’s memory than dry memorization of rules and solving boring problems.

Ways to develop logical thinking

If you are determined to take up pumping your brain, then the first thing you need to do is eradicate your laziness and start looking for suitable methods and tasks. There are a huge number of ways to train your thinking. Let's look at some of them in more detail:

  1. Board games. Doubles and for big company friends, serious and humorous - the choice is huge, you just need to determine which type is more interesting to you. To the most popular board games for the development of human logical thinking include:
  • Chess
  • Checkers
  • Backgammon
  • "Monopoly" ("Big Business")
  • "Scrabble" ("Scrabble", "Bolda")
  • Card games (“Munchkin”, “Uno”)

2. Logic problems. When searching for and selecting logical problems, use books or the Internet, where there is plenty various examples And thematic collections. Start from the very beginning easy level, gradually increasing the load, move towards highest level difficulties. If you don’t know the answer, don’t hesitate to peek, because knowing the source data will help you understand the solution and construction logical chain. This type of task includes:

  • Rebuses
  • Graphic puzzles
  • Word problems
  • Puzzles
  • Anagrams
  • Puzzles
  • Rubik's Cube
  • Solitaire games (“Mahjong”, types of card layouts)

Example logical problem: Seven sisters spend their leisure time together. The first one plays chess. The second one is reading. The third one is cleaning. The fourth one is watering the flowers. The fifth one is playing with the cat. The sixth one is embroidering. What does the seventh sister do? Correct answer: The seventh sister plays chess with the first.

3. . There are many online tests based on the principle of cause and effect. Most often these are games of the “Find the odd one out” type.

4. Puzzles, crosswords, scanwords, teawords, etc.. Particularly difficult are the digital types - Japanese crosswords and Sudoku. Also, an excellent task for developing the ability to think logically would be to independently compose a crossword puzzle.

5. Mastering deductive and inductive methods.Deduction– this is logic in its purest form. In 99.99% of cases, the deductive method gives the correct answer to the problem. IN everyday life Induction is more often used - reasoning based on facts that have a certain percentage of falsity. To explain more in simple language, then inductive reasoning begins with private conclusions and seeks confirmation in general concepts. The deductive method, on the contrary, originates from the external world, and the conclusion is already presented in the form of individual conclusions.

Example deductive method: Winter has come and that’s why it’s snowing outside.

Example inductive method: It started snowing outside, therefore winter has come.

There are a few useful tips, which contribute to the development of a person’s logical thinking without putting much effort:

  1. Learn to write right hand, if you are left-handed. And vice versa. This exercise helps develop the skills of the less involved hemisphere of the brain.
  2. Constant change of activities. Spend exactly an hour on one type, after the time has elapsed, move on to another activity. Changing your job quickly will help speed up your adaptive thinking skills.
  3. Read detective novels. And try to guess the culprit yourself. By doing this, you will do a great job of developing your own deduction.
  4. Daily walks fresh air are able to improve not only logical, but also all other types of thinking.
  5. Give an explanation for your actions. Analyze everything you do, calculate the options: what will happen if you leave the job unfinished, what the final outcome of the work looks like, etc.

Human logical thinking: why you need to develop logic

Perhaps some people believe that it is not at all necessary to develop logical thinking; you can do just fine without using logical connections. Such judgments are fundamentally wrong. After all, logical thinking and human activity are inextricably linked. Even in everyday life, you should have the skills to build objective chains. For example, in ancient times people were able to save lives thanks to logic and observations - if their fellow tribesman ate a berry and died, then it is quite logical that others should not eat these berries. Or, for the first gardeners and farmers, such skills were useful in order to know that if, for example, you plant a cherry pit, then, logically, a cherry will grow from it and nothing else.

We will not consider the benefits of constructing mental structures for managers or representatives of technical professions. Even an ordinary janitor understands that sweeping dust against the wind is absolutely illogical. Or the painter, using logical connections, will not begin painting the floor from door to wall.

Therefore, a person’s logical thinking plays an important role in the construction successful career, logic is the key to normalizing communication between people, the ability to defend and argue one’s opinion, as well as to realize the truth and objectivity of everything that happens.