Development of cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren in the educational process. Cognitive activity of junior schoolchildren


Activation of cognitive activity junior schoolchildren will bring ease and efficiency to their learning. Children undoubtedly need this for their future independent life.

Activity mental activity, the constant search for something new, the desire for independence is distinctive feature modern man. The requirement of today's life is movement, independence, initiative, creativity. Therefore, the most pressing issue for teachers, psychologists and parents is the development of children’s cognitive ability and independence.

Junior children school age have huge reserves for development. Psychologists say that if a teacher finds the most effective method reports, then children will be able to master more complex material than is included in the school curriculum.

It is important to pay attention to the characteristics and development of cognition in children of this age. The more interesting the educational activity of a primary school student, the greater his abilities and capabilities, which make the learning process easy and effective. By the time a child enters school, he or she is usually ready to learn. Physical and psychological development already allows the child to study at school.

Characteristics of cognitive processes

Perception. This is the basis of cognitive activity.

· Emerging sensory development (sensations, perception, visual representations) increases visual acuity, color discrimination, and phonemic hearing.

· Objects are perceived more easily if the student performs practical actions with them. This feature must be taken into account when presenting new material.

· Younger schoolchildren see subjects not so much as the main thing, but a clear sign. This visualization can be successfully used in teaching. The teacher directs the students’ consciousness to that part of the material that he considers the main one.

By the end of the initial school period perception becomes deep and analytical, and the activities of the younger schoolchild are already based on the intellect.

Memory. At the beginning of their education, first-graders have predominantly mechanical, involuntary memorization. Over time, memory features change:

· Gradually, the child’s memory becomes voluntary and consciously regulated.

· Memory retains better visual material, concrete objects, not abstract ones.

· Connection of all types of analyzers is required.

Imagination. At first, the child’s imagination is creative and voluntary, based on a specific object. Later, the child already perceives the object by name, without visual image. By the end of the primary school period, the realism of the imagination intensifies. The child can create logically connected pictures with real details, without fiction.

Thinking. A younger schoolchild's thinking is visual and figurative, but in the process of learning it develops and gradually moves to verbal and logical. From the first days schooling thinking becomes the center of mental development. As you study, the ability to draw conclusions and reasoning appears.

Speech development. Speech is directly related to thinking.

· Primary school time is characterized by an increase vocabulary

· The meaning of words becomes more precise

· Develops the ability to listen and hear another person long time

· Instead of talking about “oneself”, speech appears out loud

Primary school age students are different strong desire learn and experience new things. The main thing is to support his interests.

Methods for activating the cognitive development of younger schoolchildren

K. D. Ushinsky encourages teachers that their main task is not just to present the material, but to awaken the abilities of children and attract their active attention.

It is impossible to intensify the activities of students without awakening interest in this activity. Cognitive interest should become a motive for learning and a persistent character trait of the student. Pedagogical experience has accumulated a rich and valuable arsenal of methods for such stimulating teaching: verbal - visual - practical - reproductive - search - inductive - deductive - independent work.

Classical educators say: “The deadly sin of a teacher is to be boring.” Many teachers are looking for ways to “revive” their lessons and involve students in active work. While maintaining the basic form of the lesson, they give it original, non-standard techniques, creativity and creativity, thereby increasing the interest of schoolchildren in the educational process. Typically, in such lessons, children are enthusiastic, efficient, and, of course, their performance in the class increases. It should be noted that moderation is important in organizing such lessons. Otherwise, children may concentrate more on in unusual ways than on the material.

Levels of cognitive activity:

Reproducing. Students strive to understand, remember, and then reproduce knowledge. At this level there is no interest in deepening knowledge.

Interpretive. Students strive to find meaning in the material they are studying, see connections between phenomena, and find ways to apply them in different conditions.

Creative. The desire of students not only to understand the depth and essence of phenomena, their interrelation, but to find new way for your purpose.

To increase student activity primary classes It is advisable to use the following verbal methods:

Discussions. Children should learn to freely, without fear, express their point of view and respect the opinions (even the opposite) of their classmates.

Independent work. Children should be able to analyze, isolate from the general - most importantly, use different sources information. It is necessary to develop oral speech.

Independent work with didactic material. These are cards for reinforcing the material, practical tasks, tests, etc.

Problem presentation. Problematic situations are created in the lesson. The guys offer their suggestions to solve the problem. This method activates mental activity, synthesis and analysis, generalization and comparison, establishing a cause and effect relationship.

Didactic game

We can say that one of the most valuable means of active learning for primary school children is a didactic game. By activating mental processes, it awakens a keen interest in learning. Educational material becomes exciting, creating a working mood, joy and interest. The process of acquiring knowledge is facilitated. V. A. Sukhomlinsky praised the game as a spark that ignites the flame of curiosity and inquisitiveness.

To use educational games, O. S. Gazman identified the following requirements:

- the game should be based on the knowledge the child already has. A task with things unknown to him will not arouse either interest or desire to solve it

- too much difficult task may even scare you away little schoolboy

— it is important to follow the principle “from simple to complex”

- the age principle must be observed

Value didactic games is determined by how effectively they help solve a subject task. A didactic game, which is educational in nature, is a transitional bridge to serious mental work.

Educational games have the ability to solve a number of teaching and educational problems:

Firstly, they allow you to expand the amount of information received during training and stimulate the transition from curiosity to inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness.

Secondly, they develop intellectual and Creative skills children.

Thirdly, games reduce physical and mental stress.

Fourthly, educational games prepare the mind to meet new things.

Also, in didactic games there is no direct learning, and there are always positive emotions. Children love games very much; they almost never get tired of learning while playing.

An important part of games are the rules that guide the game and regulate children's behavior.

Outdoor games with didactic elements are divided into groups:

· Imitation games and exercises with objects

· Story games with simple rules

· Dramatized (games based on a plot)

· Plotless games with rules

· Sport games

According to the nature of the material used in didactic games, there is

— desktop-printed (paired pictures, dominoes, lotto, folding cubes and cut pictures);

- with objects different in size, shape and color (mosaic, natural materials: stringing, assembling a whole from different parts, laying out, etc.) ;

word games, developing speed of reaction, intelligence and attention, connected speech.

The number of games during the lesson should be reasonable and appropriate:

- a game at the beginning of the lesson organizes and interests children

- a game in the middle of the lesson aims to master the topic

- at the end of the lesson, the game is often in the nature of a search

At all these stages, educational games should include a variety of different types activities, engage and be accessible.

Very useful in physical education lessons, which it is advisable to conduct on the topic of the lesson.

It is known that in order to achieve the educational goal for children as much as possible, the joint, coordinated participation of teachers and parents is necessary. Under what conditions will the activation of children's mental and cognitive activity be effective? Both sides - parents and teachers - must be united in the following concepts:

— the child-student must be involved in an independent search for new knowledge and solving problems of a problematic nature;

- the teenager needs to be conveyed that the subjects being studied are necessary, important, and learning is expedient;

— interest in new material is inseparable from the basic knowledge already known to it.

- training should not be too difficult and not too easy; only then will it arouse interest;

— the student is stimulated by checking and evaluating his work (at school and at home). The assessment should be safe for the child’s psyche: first, the advantages are noted, then the shortcomings are discussed; criticism should be constructive (a soft form of assessment, the phrase “it would be better if ...”); evaluate a specific answer without shifting to the child’s personality, etc.

important role in the activation of the cognitive process belongs to a positive psychological atmosphere: acceptance regardless of success, prevailing encouragement, encouragement, understanding and support. Friendliness (a look, a smile, a nod...) and attention are a powerful incentive for kids.

Practical tips:

Overload makes work boring and tedious; necessary more variety and opportunities for choice.

Place greater emphasis on personal example rather than on instructions and rules. Have a lot knowledgeable parents and teachers, the child is active in the search for knowledge.

Children's activity is best stimulated by timely praise. It would be good to consider a form of reward for special achievements at school and at home.

To successfully master any material, the child needs to be organized. This is especially important for parents:

· Is the home daily routine followed?

· Are school things prepared in advance?

· Do parents show interest in their child’s activities at school?

· Is the child late for school (how often)

· Do parents know what the child does after school, how long it takes to complete the homework given by the teacher?

· Does the child share his impressions of his day at school?

It is important for children to see their parents' interest in their educational activities.

Supporting schoolchildren's interest in visiting libraries, clubs, and sections.

If necessary, visit a psychologist.

To develop a child’s sustainable interest in learning, knowledge, and the need for constant search for it is the key task of teachers and parents. This aspect is the main one in the development of the personality of the modern generation.

Aksana Nugamanova
Formation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren

Today, more than ever, society's responsibility for educating the younger generation is widely recognized. Activation of cognitive student activities junior classes is one of current problems on modern stage development of pedagogical theory and practices. This is natural, since teaching is the leading activity schoolchildren. Extremely significant for educational activities is cognitive interest, cognitive activity.

Today there are two ways: extensive and intensive. They both have one end target: education of moral, educated, creative, social active personality.

Teacher's attempts form generalization techniques, as well as children’s search for generalized solutions are often unsuccessful, which affects the character cognitive activity of schoolchildren. However, the teacher has every opportunity to awaken the child’s desire learn everything new.

With the aim of For the formation of cognitive activity in children, the teacher needs:

Create a friendly atmosphere in the classroom;

Use a large arsenal of means to maintain interest in the subject;

Concentrate on the main educational material;

Avoid overloading students.

It should be noted that cognitive activity is formed by means of information selection and through the participation of younger schoolchildren in cognitive activity.

We would like to bring to your attention our experimentally conducted pedagogical work, the purpose of which was formation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren.

We have chosen non-standard forms of education, which in Lately often used by primary school teachers. Their the main objectiveformation of cognitive activity of students. Unconventional lesson form: fairy tale, travel, age-appropriate game junior schoolchildren. In the game, children easily master new skills and knowledge. In a non-standard lesson, you can use various forms of play and learning. As a result, the likelihood of acquiring new knowledge, skills and developing one’s creative abilities increases.

Let's look at each of them in more detail. forms.

1) Lesson – quiz on literary reading on the topic "The tale is rich in wisdom".

From the beginning of the lesson, the children were asked to independently Job:

Determine the topic of the lesson with help tasks: rebus, composing words and syllables taken from other words, riddles.

- Define goals: what groups are fairy tales divided into, types of fairy tales, what is the peculiarity of constructing a fairy tale, how is it different from others literary works.

Solve the crossword using riddles, For example: Which of the heroes scared everyone with his puffing.

Using surprise moment: Postman Pechkin brought a telegram with the addressee from a fairy tale, you need to identify them.

Usage "black box" with fairy tale items.

Based on the results of the lesson, we, together with the students, decided to draw up a project. Both students and their parents took part in the preparation of the project. Project we named: “What a delight these fairy tales are”.

2) Lesson - competition (KVN) on the topic "The world around us".

During the lesson, children were also offered independent activity that immediately activated children's attention.

On the eve of KVN, the children independently divided into teams and chose captains.

Prepared homemade exercise: emblem, team name, greeting.

We solved crossword puzzles using riddle clues.

Answered questions For example: What does a hedgehog do in winter?

We deciphered the names of the animals and distributed them into groups, For example: ice, salt, wire (horse, elk, ant).

The children especially liked this task; during the decoding process they offered many different options.

A problem was proposed situation: There is a fire in the forest, what should you do?

All students without exception participated in KVN, they showed themselves very actively.

3) Integrated lesson on the Russian language and literary reading in topic: "Out there on unknown paths".

The lesson immediately started with a problem situations: note from Afanasy (brownie) in trouble on the island of Sleep.

Finding a map of the island using penmanship.

Using the game "Tongue Twisters" If you're wrong, you're out. (Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass).

Writing text in notebooks. (The text was taken from literary works, the children listened to it carefully, remembered the name of the work, what character it was talking about, and only after that they prepared to write the text).

The peculiarity of this lesson was that there was no clear sequence in its preparation; during the lesson, we selected tasks proposed by the children.

4) Lesson - a fairy tale topic: "Meet the guests". (Russian language).

5) Lesson – surprise "Gift from Hottabych". (Literary reading).

During the lessons all children took Active participation, participated with interest in all types of tasks and completed them with joy. Children whose fatigue and distractibility exceeded activity, in such lessons they revealed themselves in a new way. showed activity and high performance.

Same with purpose formation of cognitive activity were used by us puzzles: short description an object or phenomenon that contains a task in the form of a direct or implied question. We offered riddles in which students, based on one or two signs, could reconstruct a complete image of an object or phenomenon. The students were also offered riddles in which the list of objects and their characteristics could be expanded or they were built on the basis of a negative comparison.

The children alternately compared different and at the same time similar features, grouped them in a new way, and by eliminating erroneous answers when new features accumulated, they found the answer. In this work, we developed in children the ability to reason, think logically and figuratively.

Most often, children solved crosswords or puzzles, since this is a specific form of working with riddles. Children could not only work independently, but also in groups or pairs. Thus, in this form, children developed social and communicative communication.

In our lessons we used cognitive tasks: questions, different types of games.

We paid special attention didactic games, since they are creative, purposeful activities, during which children develop deeper will know Phenomena of the surrounding reality make the learning process interesting and also help students overcome obstacles in mastering the material.

When selecting didactic We based our games on the students’ interest and sometimes went beyond the curriculum.

The work often used techniques that generate activity in students, For example:

"Shifters". Information written in words upside down, without changing the order of words in the sentence, children needed to read correctly information.

"Catch a mistake". The students found deliberate errors in the text and corrected them.

Using these techniques contributed:

Promotion student activity in class;

formation skills of independent and group work with educational material;

The desire of students to establish cause-and-effect relationships in nature and society.

IN educational process we often used such methods, How:

Problematic presentation of knowledge.

A heuristic conversation in which students’ knowledge is not offered in ready-made form; it must be acquired independently using a variety of means.

Research - based on acquired and new knowledge.

Significant role in formation of cognitive activity independent work played a role. Because it is she who develops educational students' abilities, contributes to the development practical skills, makes the acquired knowledge meaningful and deep.

Working with children junior school age we primarily took into account age characteristics these children. The lessons were designed so that the students found it interesting and they took part in them. Active participation.

Based on the above, we can draw the following conclusion. Process formation of cognitive activity in younger schoolchildren may have positive result when correct formed and organized experimental and pedagogical activities.

Cognitive activities the process of an individual’s comprehension of the surrounding nature and social reality. PD is aimed at achieving a scientific understanding of the surrounding reality, at teaching.

PD ml shk mainly comes into education. Cognitive activity reflects the definite interest of junior high school students in acquiring new knowledge, internal determination and the constant need to use different ways actions to replenish knowledge and broaden horizons. Cognitive interests develop gradually, over a long period of time.

Know the activity:

1) reproducing (previously known)

2) interpretive (explanation)

3) creative (creates himself)

Activation of cognitive activities:

1) the principle of problem-based learning

2) the principle of mutual learning

3) the principle of adequacy of educational and cognitive activities to the nature of the practical task

4) exploratory nature of learning

5) self-learning principle

Having known processes- these are the main forms of mental activity that allow you to quickly, deeply and correctly navigate the phenomena of the surrounding reality. The development of cognitive processes in primary school age is characterized by the fact that of the involuntary actions performed unintentionally in the context of a game or practical activities, they turn into independent types of mental activity, having their own purpose, motive and methods of implementation, factors in the formation of arbitrariness of processes (Elk.)

Perception-reflection of objects and phenomena in human consciousness, with their direct impact on the senses. Perception is more differentiated. Younger schoolchildren notice not what is essential in objects, but what stands out clearly. When memorizing verbal material, children remember words denoting the names of objects better than words denoting abstract concepts. The younger student does not know how to properly manage his or her V., they do not know how to independently analyze this or that subject, or work independently with insolence. benefits. Perception of time: children accurately perceive periods of time associated with the daily routine, systematic execution academic work. In the perception of space: in the process of learning, children acquire systematized knowledge about the units of measurement of space, learn precise verbal designations of spatial properties and relationships of objects, and receive practical N. and U. orientation in space. The ability to systematically and systematically memorize educational material increases throughout primary school age. The development of perception does not occur by itself, but occurs with the development of thinking.

Thinking- the process of indirect and generalized reflection of reality. The success of this cognitive process is ensured by the independence of characteristic techniques of mental action. Kinds: impudent; arrogant; verbal-logical Logical operations: analysis, synthesis, classification, comparison, establishment of laws. The main type of thinking in primary school age is visual-figurative; types of conceptual thinking and mental operations are formed - analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, classification, abstraction, which are necessary for the appropriate processing of theoretical content. As children begin school, they develop conceptual thinking, during which the child learns new concepts, they are introduced into the system, and mental concepts are used more often. Thinking is solution-oriented specific tasks. Mastery of knowledge becomes special kind child's activities. He is faced with the task of acquiring scientific ideas and concepts, the study of the laws of development of nature and society. Because figurative is the main thing, then visibility has a special role. Techniques for activating thinking: the urge to compare, contrast, justify, evaluate... Thinking develops along with speech.

Speech- a system of sound signals, written signs and symbols used by humans to represent, transmit, and store information (Nemov RS). At early school age, a restructuring of the child’s relationships with people occurs. Two spheres of social relations appear: child-children, child-teacher. The need for communication determines the development of speech. Mastering speech turns into speech activity. Speech mediates both memory and thinking.

Imagination- the process of creating something new. Images based on available: 1) textbook. the activity is facilitated by the asset. Development of imagination; 2) the production of imagination is formed (having developed in the conditions of the creation of special activities: a collection of stories, fairy tales, poems); 3) the development of the child’s imagination gives new things. Possibility: allows you to go beyond practical limits. Personal experience, overcome social normativity. Space, activates the development of qualities of L, stimulates the development of figurative signs. System; 4) imagination has an effect when a child can allow himself to be whoever and how he wants in his fantasy and have what he wants, on the other hand, imagination can lead a child away from reality, creating obsessive images.

Attention– a state of psychological concentration on something. In a younger schoolchild, attention is active concentration, the focus of consciousness on the objects that he perceives, imagines, thinks about and talks about. Attention is a very complex cognitive process. In terms of the degree of activity it can be involuntary and voluntary, and in terms of volume it can be narrow and wide. The following properties are known: switchability, distribution (concentrated and distributed); strength and stability (strong, weak, stable, unstable). In younger schoolchildren, involuntary attention predominates. Bright, colorful objects and a fascinating story evoke a direct emotional response. Voluntary attention is poorly developed. This is explained by the underdevelopment of the regulatory function of the second signaling system. Children's attention is characterized by narrowness, that is, they are not able to simultaneously cover a large number of items. Known Issues represents the distribution of attention - prolonged concentration on various objects. Hence its instability. As a result of increased impressionability, children easily jump from one object to another. Attention ml. school is dispersed: they do not see what is easy to see, they make rude unforgivable mistakes- omissions, rearrangement of letters, etc. The leading role in the development of attention belongs to the teacher. He must constantly use visualization.

Memory-the process of memorizing, storing, and reproducing various information by people (Nemov RS). At school, the child becomes required to memorize voluntarily. The following are involuntarily remembered: the material included in the content of the main goals of the activity; mat-al defiant act of mental work; mat-al the most significant, experienced. Memorization techniques: highlighting semantic units; planning; comparison; classification; reliance on feedbacks; play(repeat). Younger schoolchildren are characterized by visual-figurative and mechanical memorization. Specific objects, facts and events are easily imprinted in their minds. But their logical memory is not sufficiently developed. They do not know how to break the material down into meaningful points and retell it in their own words. They need to be taught this specifically.

Res-t cognize activities– reorientation from object to subject of activity (appearance, activity, response) according to Davydov VV. Throughout learning, cognitive processes become arbitrary. In school and playback At work, the teacher offers exercises whose purpose is to develop cognitive processes. Considering that they are connected to each other. They are not a priority, but some people have more developed attention, memory, etc. during special work. If we develop verbal-logical thinking, this does not mean that other species will disappear.







With. Extreme

2015/2016 academic year

Impact of the game

on the development of cognitive processes

junior schoolchildren

At primary school age, children have significant development reserves. Their identification and effective use is one of the main tasks of teachers and parents.

Psychologists have proven that ordinary children V junior classes Schools are quite capable, if they are taught correctly, of mastering more complex material than that given under the current curriculum. To do this, it is necessary to teach them to study without spending extra physical effort, to be attentive and diligent. In this regard, it is necessary to arouse and maintain constant interest among students.

When a child enters school, under the influence of education, a restructuring of all his cognitive processes begins, and they acquire qualities characteristic of adults. This is due to the fact that children are included in new activities and systems. interpersonal relationships, requiring them to have new psychological qualities. General characteristics All cognitive processes of a child should become arbitrary, productive and stable.

The types of games for children are very diverse. There are games that are designed specifically for developing the mental abilities of schoolchildren, improving and training their memory and thinking, which help to better assimilate and consolidate the knowledge acquired at school, awakening in students a keen interest in the subjects they study. Such games require constant attention.

In their totality, educational and cognitive games should contribute to the development of children’s thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, the ability to analyze and synthesize, perceive spatial relationships, develop constructive skills and creativity, cultivate students’ powers of observation, validity of judgments, and the habit of self-examination, teach children to subordinate their actions to the task at hand, and bring the work they have begun to completion.

By the beginning of primary school age play activity does not lose its role, but the content and focus of the game changes (compared to preschool age). At that time significant place games with rules and didactic games occupy. In them, the child learns to subordinate his behavior to rules, his movement, attention, and ability to concentrate are formed, that is, abilities that are especially important for successful learning at school are developed.

Attention plays a great role in the educational process of younger schoolchildren. The learning process depends on how much the teacher can hold the attention of the children's audience.

To maintain the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren, ensuring the achievement of learning goals, schools use various methods and forms of organization of student activities, as well as various means training. Leading place among the latter belongs to didactic games. In didactic games, primary schoolchildren learn to subordinate their behavior to rules, their movements, attention, and ability to concentrate are formed, that is, they develop abilities that are important for successful learning at school.

In the process of teaching mathematics, it is important to develop in children the ability to observe, compare, analyze, generalize, reason, and justify the conclusions that students come to in the process of completing tasks.

The purpose of the didactic game “Logical Dominoes” is to consolidate children’s knowledge about the properties of objects, the development logical thinking. To play you will need a set of figures different color and size. Two students play and have a full set of pieces. The first student places a piece on the table. The second student’s response is that he attaches another figure to this figure, differing from it only in one property: shape or size. The one who is the first to be left without pieces loses. The teacher walks through the rows and leads the game.

Didactic games for the development of thought processes are used in lessons mathematics:


Didactic games in mathematics lessons in primary school.

The best counter. There are 6-10 examples written on the board for oral counting. Two students stand with their backs to the board. The teacher shows by example. Students sitting at their desks solve it orally. One of the students names the answer. With the teacher's permission, both students standing at the blackboard simultaneously turn to face the written examples and find the example to which the answer was named. The student who is the first to provide the correct example wins.

Even number. 13 or 15 sticks are placed on the table. Two people play. Each of them in turn must take one or two items at their discretion. The one who collects an even number of items wins.

Russian language:


Didactic games in Russian language lessons in primary school.

Postman. This game is aimed at consolidating students’ knowledge of selecting a test word, expanding their vocabulary, and developing phonemic awareness. The essence of the game is that the postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each). Children determine where they have been invited.


explain spellings by selecting test words;

make sentences using these words.

For example:

vegetable garden - grains, kale, radishes, carrots;

park - doro-ki, bere-ki, do-ki, li-ki;

sea ​​- plo-tsy, fl-ki, lo-ki, islands;

Zoo - kle-ka, marty-ka, tra-ka, decide-ka.


Target: formation of the process of inflection and word formation, consolidation of phonetic and grammatical analysis of words, spelling of proper names.

Progress: Form animal names from the following words:

ball, arrow, eagle, red, star

Make up sentences from the resulting words (Ball, Arrow, Orlik, Ryzhik, Asterisk).

Highlight the part of the word that you used to compose nicknames (suffix, ending).

and even natural history:


Didactic games in natural history lessons.

Vegetables fruits. This game aims to strengthen children’s ability to classify and name vegetables and fruits, and to correctly use the verbs “put” and “put”. The teacher divides the children into two teams with an equal number of players.

The teams sit on chairs facing each other. The first children from each team pick up small balls and begin passing them to their neighbors. Pupils of one team, passing the ball, name vegetables, the other – fruits. The passing of the ball is accompanied by dialogue:

1st student: Put a vegetable in the basket.

2nd student: I put a cucumber. (Turns to his neighbor, passes the ball and

says: “Put a vegetable in the basket.”).

3rd student: I put carrots. The one who repeats the name twice or makes a mistake gives a forfeit, and at the end of the game buys it back.

Thus, the use of didactic games in the process of teaching primary schoolchildren activates their interest in learning.