Famous quotes from Gogol. Gogol N.V. About the meaning of life


There was no model, there were no predecessors either in Russian or in foreign literature. All theories, all legends were literary against him because he was against them. To understand him, it was necessary to completely throw them out of your head, forget about their existence - and for many this would mean being reborn, dying and rising again,” wrote Vissarion Belinsky. You can’t say better than him about the amazing gift of this genius.

Classic French literature XX century Henri Troyat spoke about Nikolai Vasilyevich: “In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy; in the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of the short stature of a man with long nose, a bird's eye look and a sarcastic smile. This man is perhaps the most extraordinary, pure genius the world has ever known. Among the writers of his time, he appears as a unique phenomenon, who, having very quickly got rid of the influence of others, carries his admirers into the world of phantasmagoria, in which the funny and the terrible coexist.”

We have selected 20 quotes from the works of Nikolai Gogol:

It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? "Inspector"

I'll marry you so that you won't even hear. "Marriage"

Lift my eyelids: I can’t see! "Viy"

I gave birth to you, I will kill you! "Taras Bulba"

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse smart person. "Dead Souls"

I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. "Inspector"

Eh, Russian people! He doesn't like to die his own death! "Dead Souls"

There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. "Overcoat"

Do you know Ukrainian night? Oh you don't know Ukrainian night! "May Night, or the Drowned Woman"

The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you. "Taras Bulba"

The child was christened, and he began to cry and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular councilor. "Overcoat"

The newspaper may lose its reputation. If everyone starts writing that his nose has run off, then... And so they already say that a lot of inconsistencies and false rumors are being published. "Nose "

There's only one there decent person: prosecutor; and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig. "Dead Souls"

What grief does time not take away? "Old World Landowners"

You need to treat your word honestly. It is the highest gift of God to man. “Selected passages from correspondence with friends”

There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. "Taras Bulba"

Everything is a deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Prospekt"

The Russian man has an enemy, irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without which he would have been a giant. This enemy is laziness. Letter to K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome

“Gogol had no model, there were no predecessors either in Russian or in foreign literature. All theories, all literary legends were against him, because he was against them. To understand him, it was necessary to completely get them out of your head, to forget about their existence - and for many this would mean being reborn, dying and being resurrected again.”- Belinsky wrote about Gogol. You can’t say better than him about the amazing gift of this genius.

The classic of French literature of the 20th century, Henri Troyat, spoke about Nikolai Vasilyevich: “In the eyes of the Western reader, the two pillars of Russian literature are F. M. Dostoevsky and L. N. Tolstoy; in the eyes of the Russian reader, both of them are in the shadow of a short man with a long nose, a bird's gaze and a sarcastic smile. This man is perhaps the most extraordinary, pure genius the world has ever known. Among the writers of his time, he appears as a unique phenomenon, who, having very quickly got rid of the influence of others, carries his admirers into the world of phantasmagoria, in which the funny and the terrible coexist.”

We have selected 20 quotes from Gogol's works:

1. It is, of course, Alexander the Great, a hero, but why break the chairs? "Inspector"
2 .I will marry you so that you won’t even hear. "Marriage"
3. Lift my eyelids: I can’t see! "Viy"
4 .I gave birth to you, I will kill you! "Taras Bulba"
5 No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person. « Dead souls»
6 .I tell everyone openly that I take bribes, but with what bribes? Greyhound puppies. This is a completely different matter. "Inspector"
7. Eh, Russian people! He doesn't like to die his own death! "Dead Souls"
8. There is nothing angrier than all kinds of departments, regiments, offices and, in a word, all kinds of official classes. Now every private person considers the whole society insulted in his own person. "Overcoat"
9 .Do you know Ukrainian night? Oh, you don’t know Ukrainian night! "May Night, or the Drowned Woman"
10. The Fatherland is what our soul seeks, what is dearer to it than anything else. My homeland is you." "Taras Bulba"
11. The child was christened, and he began to cry and made such a grimace, as if he had a presentiment that there would be a titular councilor. "Overcoat"
12. The newspaper may lose its reputation. If everyone starts writing that his nose has run off, then... And so they already say that a lot of inconsistencies and false rumors are being published. "Nose"
13. There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor; and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig. "Dead Souls"
14. What grief does time not take away? "Old World Landowners"
15. You need to treat your word honestly. It is the highest gift of God to man. “Selected passages from correspondence with friends”
16. There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood. "Taras Bulba"
17. Everything is a deception, everything is a dream, everything is not what it seems. "Nevsky Prospekt"
18. The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness. Letter to K. S. Aksakov, March 1841, Rome
19. Why are you laughing? -Laughing at yourself!.. "Inspector"
20. It's boring in this world, gentlemen! “The Tale of How Ivan Ivanovich Quarreled with Ivan Nikiforovich”

Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol(surname at birth Yanovsky, from 1821 - Gogol-Yanovsky; born March 20 (April 1), 1809, Sorochintsy, Mirgorod district, Poltava province - February 21 (March 4), 1852, Moscow) - Russian prose writer, playwright, poet , critic, publicist, recognized as one of the classics of Russian literature. Came from ancient noble family Gogol-Yanovskikh.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, bend it, and it will bend.

Look at whether you love others, not at whether others love you.

Whoever wants to honestly go through his life must keep in mind in his youth that someday he will be an old man, and in his old age remember that he, too, was once young.

To live in the world and have nothing to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.

IN literary world there is no death, and the dead also interfere in our affairs and act together with us, just like the living.

Are there really such fires, torments and such strength in the world that would overpower the Russian force!

Misfortune softens a person; his nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects that surpass the concept of a person in an ordinary and everyday situation; It’s as if it all turns into heated wax, from which you can sculpt whatever you want.

It now seems to everyone that he could do a lot of good in the place and position of another, but he just cannot do it in his own position. This is the cause of all evil.

If one senseless whim was the cause of worldwide upheavals and forced people to do stupid things the smartest people, what would happen then if this whim were meaningful and directed towards good?

It is easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call someone beautiful.

Women are such an object!.. Their eyes alone are such an endless state into which a person has driven - and remember what their name was!

Stupidity is the special charm of a pretty woman. By at least, I have known many husbands who are delighted with the stupidity of their wives and see in her all the signs of infantile innocence.

A.I. Ivanov. "Portrait of Nikolai Gogol." 1841 Russian Museum. Saint Petersburg. Russia.

We are maturing and improving, but when? When we comprehend a woman more deeply and more perfectly.

I swear, our women will wake up before men, nobly reproaching us, nobly whipping us and driving us with the scourge of shame and conscience like a stupid herd of sheep, before each of us has time to wake up and feel what he should have long ago prompted himself, without waiting for the scourge.

Getting married doesn't mean going to the bathhouse.

There is no bond holier than fellowship! A father loves his child, a mother loves her child, a child loves his father and mother. But that’s not it, brothers: the beast also loves its child. But only one person can become related by kinship by soul, and not by blood.

Often through visible to the world laughter, tears invisible to the world are shed.

Laughter is a great thing: it does not take away either life or property, but the person guilty before it is like a tied hare.

In the depths of cold laughter, hot sparks of eternal, powerful love can be found.

Fearing laughter, a person will refrain from doing something that no force could restrain him from.

If the power of laughter is so great that people fear it, then it should not be wasted.

Anger is inappropriate everywhere, and most of all in a matter of justice, because it obscures and muddies it.

Anger or displeasure against anyone is always unjust; in only one case can our displeasure be fair - when it is turned not against someone else, but against ourselves, against our own abomination and against our own failure to fulfill our duty.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol in a group of Russian artists in Rome. Among those depicted are architects Fyodor Eppinger, Karl Beine, Pavel Notbeck, Ippolit Monighetti, sculptors Peter Stawasser, Nikolai Ramazanov, Mikhail Shurupov, painters Pimen Orlov, Apollo Mokritsky, Mikhail Mikhailov, Vasily Sternberg. Daguerreotype of Sergei Lvovich Levitsky, 1845. It is believed that this is the only daguerreotype of N.V. Gogol.

Even if you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else.

Art is reconciliation with life.

Art certainly strives for good, positively or negatively: whether it shows us the beauty of the best that is in a person, or whether it laughs at the ugliness of the worst in a person.

There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating.

An incomprehensible phenomenon: what surrounds us every day, what is inseparable from us, what is ordinary, can only be noticed by deep, great, extraordinary talent.

Before you is a community - the Russian language! Deep pleasure calls you, the pleasure of immersing yourself in all its immeasurability and grasping its wonderful laws... Start from the original foundations.

Our extraordinary language itself is still a mystery. It contains all the tones and shades, all the transitions of sounds from the hardest to the most gentle and soft; it is limitless and can, alive as life, be enriched every minute, drawing, on the one hand, lofty words from the language of the church and biblical, and on the other hand, choosing apt names from its countless dialects scattered throughout our provinces, having the opportunity to do so Thus, in one and the same speech, one can ascend to a height inaccessible to any other language, and descend to a simplicity that is perceptible to the touch of the most incomprehensible person - a language that in itself is already a poet.

Portrait of N.V. Gogol, framed from a group daguerreotype by S.L. Levitsky, 1845

Moreover, our poets have done good by spreading a hitherto unprecedented euphony. I don’t know in what other literature poets have shown such an endless variety of shades of sound, which, of course, was partly facilitated by our poetic language itself.

The word of a Briton will echo with heart knowledge and wise knowledge of life; The short-lived word of a Frenchman will flash and spread like a light dandy; The German will intricately come up with his own clever and thin word, which is not accessible to everyone, but there is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, so bursting out from under the very heart, so seething and vibrantly trembling, like a well-spoken Russian word.

You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift; everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself, and, truly, another name is even more precious than the thing itself.

The Russian people express themselves strongly! And if he rewards someone with a word, then it will go to his family and posterity, he will drag it with him into service, and into retirement, and to St. Petersburg, and to the ends of the world.

Our language also contributes to the formation of readers, which is, as it were, created for skillful reading, containing all the shades of sounds and the most daring transitions from the sublime to the simple in one and the same speech.

In our proverbs... one can see the extraordinary fullness of the people's mind, which knew how to make everything its instrument: irony, mockery, the accuracy of pictorial consideration in order to compose a burning word that penetrates through the nature of Russian people, teasing every living thing.

Where is the one who would native language Our Russian soul would be able to tell us this almighty word: forward? Who, knowing all the powers, and properties, and all the depth of our nature, with one magical wave could direct to high life Russian person?

And everything is a nugget itself, a lively and lively Russian mind that does not reach into its pocket for a word, does not hatch it like a hen chickens, but sculpts it right away, like a passport, for eternal wear, and there is nothing to add later, what kind of nose or lips - one line outlines you from head to toe.

You cannot force a Russian person to speak until you anger him and completely drive him out of patience.

There is a wonderful property in human nature, and especially Russian nature: as soon as he notices that another is bending over to him in the slightest or showing condescension, he himself is almost ready to ask for forgiveness. No one wants to give in to the first, but as soon as one has decided on a magnanimous deed, the other is already eager to outdo him in generosity.

The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without which he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.

A Russian person is capable of all extremes: seeing that with the little money he has received he cannot lead life as before, out of grief he can suddenly squander what was given to him for long-term maintenance.

Many of us even now, especially among young people, have begun to boast excessively of Russian virtues and are not thinking at all about deepening them and cultivating them in themselves, but in order to put them on display and say to Europe: “Look, Germans: we are better than you.” ! This boasting is the ruin of everything. It irritates others and harms the braggart himself.

And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast!

Rus'!.. Isn’t it here, isn’t limitless thought born in you, when you yourself are endless? Shouldn't a hero be here when there is room for him to turn around and walk?

Even if you gallop from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.

All disorder comes from ignorance of one's land. Unfortunately, ignorance of our homeland is the basis of our upbringing.

This is something more than ordinary love for the fatherland. Love for the fatherland would sound like cloying boasting. Our so-called leavened patriots are proof of this: after their praise, however quite sincere, you will only spit on Russia.

The mass of the public, representing the nation in its person, is very strange in its desires... The mass of the people in this case is similar to a woman ordering an artist to draw a portrait of herself that is completely similar; but woe to him if he did not know how to hide all her shortcomings!

Fyodor Antonovich (Otto Friedrich) Moller “Portrait of N.V. Gogol” 1840. Oil on canvas Ivanovo Regional Art Museum.

What a strange fashion has started in Rus' now! The man himself lies on his side, is lazy about the real thing, and hurries the other, as if the other must certainly pull with all his might for joy that his friend is lying on his side.

Really, our human soul is like a steamed turnip.

True nationality lies not in the description of the sundress, but in the very spirit of the people.

A person is never completely right or completely wrong.

Man is such a brute that he will only get down to business when he finds out that he is going to die tomorrow.

A person who answers a question with protective words: “I don’t dare say in the affirmative, I can’t judge by first impressions” is doing well: this is what true modesty dictates; but a person who expresses his first impression in the first minute, without fear of either compromising himself or offending the tender intelligibility and sensitive strings of a friend, that person is generous.

A person is always talkative when there is a secret sweetness in his sadness.

A person is wise, intelligent and intelligent in everything that concerns others, and not himself.

A one-sided person is self-confident; a one-sided person is impudent; a one-sided person will arm everyone against himself.

A one-sided person cannot find the middle in anything.

Man is already created to demand eternal help others. Everyone has something that everyone else doesn't have; Everyone has a different nerve that is more sensitive than another, and only friendly exchange and mutual assistance can make it possible for everyone to see the object with equal clarity and from all sides.

There is only one decent person there: the prosecutor, and even that one, to tell the truth, is a pig.

Money, like a shadow or a beauty, runs after us only when we run from it. He who is too busy with his work cannot be embarrassed by the thought of money, even if he does not have enough for tomorrow.

... We have many who are willing to be seconded in any business. As soon as some place appears and there are some monetary benefits with it, the secretary will instantly be fastened to the side.

Our rogues and bribe-takers know how to circumvent every decree, and for them a new decree is only new gain, a new means of cluttering up every administration of affairs with greater complexity, of throwing a new log under a person’s feet.

An example is stronger than the rules.

There is a wonderful thing in the world: it is a bottle of good wine. When your soul demands another soul to tell its whole half-sad story, crawl into your room and uncork it, and when you drink a glass you will feel all your senses quickened.

Architecture is also a chronicle of life: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent.

There is a time when it is otherwise impossible to direct society or even an entire generation towards the beautiful until you show the full depth of its real abomination.

The source of poetry is beauty.

Poetry is a pure confession of the soul, and not a product of art or human desire; poetry is the truth of the soul, and therefore can be accessible to everyone.

A writer's syllable is formed when he knows well the person to whom he is writing.

The writer has only one teacher: the readers themselves.

The duty of a writer is not only to provide a pleasant activity for the mind and taste; will be strictly exacted from him if some benefit to the soul does not spread from his writings and nothing remains from him as an instruction to people.

Just try to keep it fair from above, from below everything will be fair by itself.

Every person should fulfill his calling on earth conscientiously and honestly.

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.

No skillful and brilliant doctor will undertake to treat a disease until he knows its entire course and all the twists and turns of the circumstances that accompanied it.

Youth is happy because it has a future.

We need tolerance; without her there will be nothing for art. All births are good when they are good in their own way.

The beginning, root and confirmation of everything is love for God. But for us this is the beginning at the end, and we love everything that is in the world more than God.

The higher the truths, the more careful you need to be with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn into commonplaces, and common places no longer believe.

Take care of yourself first, and then of others: become yourself first purer soul, and then try to make others cleaner.

Reason is incomparably highest ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.

Glory cannot satisfy and give pleasure to those who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces constant awe only in those worthy of it.

Through suffering and grief it is destined for us to obtain grains of wisdom that cannot be acquired in books.

Theater is a pulpit from which you can say a lot to the world.

Only that work that forces the entire person to turn to himself and withdraw into himself is our deliverer.

One has only to take a closer look at the present, and the future suddenly appears by itself.

Instead of harshly judging your past, it is much better to be unforgiving about your present activities.

Russian strength and power in the winged word. It will imprint history so heartily that descendants will remember it for thousands of years.

High truths must be guarded tirelessly and used carefully. Otherwise, the truths will turn into latrines of common use, which are trusted only weakly, and then in a small way, or out of need. – Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol

The value of the Russian language is in precious words, in which sound is a souvenir; the phrases are savory, grainy and large, like jasper or sparkling amber. Other names are more precious than the plain thing itself.

Stolen glory is useless, even harmful to the thief. They tremble and worship before the well-deserved glory.

Grief takes away time. Passion must survive an unequal duel with him.

Gogol: They have not yet invented books of reason, where wisdom is studied through human suffering and bitter misfortune.

A woman won’t call her rival a beauty; it’s easier for her to kiss the devil on the ass.

The lightness of the poet's phrases, the ease and sublimity of the artist are given to him by sweat, suffering and incredible efforts, which is called talent.

Wolves always remain extreme - they try to write off all the elk of the reserve as gray.

Continuation beautiful quotes Read Gogol on the pages:

Even if you gallop from here for three years, you won’t reach any state.

Be patient, Cossack, and you will become an ataman.

Yes, in Rus' there are such nicknames that you will only spit and cross yourself if you hear them.

What grief does time not take away?

It is impossible to understand people who, having encountered happiness, run away in panic.

What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written and cannot be cut down with an axe.

How can you fight a bull and still not get milk from him?

It is already known to the whole world that when England takes snuff, France sneezes.

I invited you, gentlemen, in order to tell you the most unpleasant news: an auditor is coming to us.

There is no greater torment for a person than wanting to take revenge and not being able to take revenge.

The lady is pleasant in every way.

There is life in the old dog yet?

Even those who are no longer afraid of anything are afraid of ridicule.

To be in the world and not have anything to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water and bend it, it will bend.

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent.

Youth is happy because it has a future.

A man without a nose is something terrible. It seems that he is no longer a person, but also not an animal. And it’s completely unclear what to do with this - either throw it away or leave it!

No matter how much you feed a wolf, you can’t attribute all the moose in the reserve to it.

You should never brag about the future.

There is no Russian person who would refuse to drive fast.

The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.

Whoever has a fist cannot straighten into a palm.

Pity never takes possession of us so strongly as at the sight of beauty touched by the corrupting breath of depravity.

The Russian man has an enemy, an irreconcilable, dangerous enemy, without whom he would be a giant. This enemy is laziness.

Once you take a closer look at the present, the future suddenly appears by itself.

Damn you, world, how beautiful you are.

There is hardly a higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating.

What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written; it cannot be cut down with an axe.

Words must be handled honestly.

Fear is stickier than the plague.

Comparing knowledge and the ability to use it is the same as comparing the distance to a house and to the Sun.

And although my thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia, I myself, but my mortal composition will be removed from it.

There is life in the old dog yet.

When a person falls in love, he is like a sole, which, if you soak it in water, bend it, and it will bend.

Love us black, and everyone will love us white.

Misfortune softens a person, his nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to understanding objects that surpass the concept of a person in an ordinary and everyday situation.

Poets do not come from somewhere overseas, but come from their own people. These are the lights that flew out of him, the advanced messengers of his powers.

The higher the truths, the more careful you need to be with them: otherwise they will suddenly turn into commonplaces, and they no longer believe commonplaces.

Reason is an incomparably higher ability, but it is acquired only by victory over passions.

God, what a life ours is! the eternal conflict between dreams and reality!

Words must be handled honestly.

Without good fathers there is no good education, despite all the schools.

Always remember that every wasted minute here will inexorably be asked for there, and it is better not to be born than to turn pale before this terrible reproach.

Theater is a pulpit from which you can say a lot to the world.

Be patient, Cossack - you will become an ataman.

Fame cannot give pleasure to those who stole it and did not deserve it; it produces constant awe only in those worthy of it.

The source of poetry is beauty.

By teaching others, you also learn.

On the road! on the road! away the wrinkle that has appeared on the forehead and the stern gloom of the face! At once and suddenly we will plunge into life with all its silent chatter and bells.

To be in the world and not have anything to indicate your existence - this seems terrible to me.

In literature, death does not exist as a concept. The dead live as well as the living. Act with them. There are.

Art certainly strives for good, positively or negatively: whether it shows us the beauty of all the best that is in a person, or whether it laughs at the ugliness of all the worst in a person. If you expose all the rubbish that is in a person, and display it in such a way that each of the spectators will receive complete disgust for it, I ask: is this not already praise for everything good? I ask: is this not praise for good?

A person in love is like a sole. Bend it, throw it, do whatever you want - it will endure anything.

Even if you happen to be angry with someone else, be angry with yourself at the same time, at least for the fact that you managed to get angry with someone else.

My thoughts, my name, my works will belong to Russia.

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.

There is no bond holier than fellowship.

There is no word that would be so sweeping, lively, would burst out from under the very heart, would seethe and vibrate so much as a well-spoken Russian word.

The mayor is as stupid as a gray gelding.

No matter how stupid the words of a fool are, sometimes they are enough to confuse an intelligent person.

What is accurately spoken is the same as what is written and cannot be cut down with an axe.

Why are you laughing? You're laughing at yourself!

It is easier for a woman to kiss the devil than to call another beauty.

If there is only one Russian farm left, then Russia will be reborn.

He who is already a fist cannot straighten into a palm.

There is hardly the highest of pleasures than the pleasure of creating.

The reason for all the troubles is that people think that if they were in a different time, in a different place, in a different position, they would have done everything better. And behind these thoughts they forget to do well here and now, in their place.

The source of poetry is beauty.

Often, through the laughter visible to the world, tears flow invisible to the world.

Misfortune softens a person; His nature then becomes more sensitive and accessible to the understanding of objects that surpass the concept of a person in an ordinary and everyday situation.

Architecture is also a chronicle of the world: it speaks when both songs and legends are already silent.

There is nothing more pleasant than being obliged to do everything to yourself.

The writer has only one teacher: the readers themselves.

Lord God! What an immense distance between the knowledge of light and the ability to use this knowledge!

The highest ability, which is wisdom, can be obtained only by overcoming unnecessary passions and base desires.