Introducing children to musical instruments. A selection of games on the topic “Musical instruments. Goals of conducting classes on musical instruments in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques


Target: introduce children to Russian folk instruments.


  • Instill a love for your culture and history.
  • Enrich children's knowledge about the properties and features of Russian folk musical instruments; learn to distinguish their timbre coloring.
  • Introduce the definitions: “symphony, folk orchestra.”


  1. V. Bychkov“Fundamentals of artistic craft. Musical instruments".
  2. YES. Rytov"Traditions folk culture V musical education children."

Musical repertoire:

  1. Russian folk tune “Barynya”.
  2. Russian folk tune “The moon is shining.”
  3. Russian folk tune "Kamarinskaya".
  4. Russian folk melody "Oh, you, birch."
  5. J. Strauss "Waltz".
  6. Jumping Elbow.


Musical instruments: gusli, ocarina, zhaleika, accordion, button accordion, rubel, domra, balalaika, spoons, rattle.

Equipment: screen, stereo system, multimedia system, puzzles depicting Russian folk instruments (balalaika, domra).

Progress of the lesson

Children enter music hall and sit on the chairs.

The Russian folk tune “Barynya” sounds.

Two young ladies in Russian suits come out from behind the scenes folk costumes and perform cheerful dance with handkerchiefs.

1st young lady: Hello, dear guests!

Children: Hello.

2nd young lady: Today we will get acquainted with Russian folk musical instruments.

Everyone on earth
There is a home.
Good and fun
And it’s cozy in it.
The dog has a (children guess) ... kennel,
The fox has... a hole,
The robin has...a nest,
The owl has... a hollow.

1st young lady: Guys, where do you think our friend, musical sound, lives?

Maybe in the cry of a seagull?... (children's answers)
In an eagle's cage? ...
Or in the trumpet call
Good elephant? ...

Children: Musical sound lives in musical instruments.

1st young lady: Right. Look guys, I have spoons in my hands.

2nd young lady: And I have a ratchet.

Together: These are Russian folk musical instruments.

The young ladies invite the children to play.

A musical and didactic game “Cheerful Rhythm” is being held.

Game description:

The first young lady taps out a rhythmic pattern on spoons, children repeat, clapping the rhythm with their palms.

The Second Young Lady plays a rhythmic pattern on ratchet, children repeat the rhythm, stomping their feet.

A child comes out and reads a poem about spoons.

We are not castanets - we are just spoons,
But Khokhloma with a bowl are still beautiful.
For example, or with another painting
Comparable in color to a rainbow-arc.
The musician honors us,
You can also just eat with us
We are also appreciated as gifts abroad,
Especially when it suits the firebird.
Brightly colored round scoop
And a barrel with a golden border.
But it’s still sad for us to just hang,
After all, we want to chirp and sing.
We will become castanets for you
And your feet will start to dance joyfully.

Children perform the “Dance with Spoons” to the Russian folk melody “Oh, you, birch”(description of movements by Z. Root from the collection “ Musical script for kindergarten", 2006)

1st young lady: Now turn your attention to the screen. Before you is an orchestra (demonstrated orchestra of Russian folk instruments). Let's take a closer look at the instruments and listen to how they sound.

The recording includes the Russian folk tune “The Moon is Shining.”

And now we will listen to another orchestra (an image is shown on the screen symphony orchestra ).

The recording includes “Waltz” by J. Strauss.

2nd young lady: Guys, who knows what these orchestras are called and how they differ?

Children's answers...

Symphony Orchestra– a large group of musicians for performing academic music. The symphony orchestra consists of four groups of instruments: bowed strings, woodwinds and brass, and percussion.

Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments- an orchestra that includes instruments from the domra and balalaika family, as well as gusli, accordion, zhaleika and other Russian folk instruments.

The 1st Young Lady approaches the table where the instruments lie: accordion, rubel, psaltery, gusli, ocarina.

1st young lady: Guys, look at the amazing tools here.

2nd young lady: I wonder what they are called and how they are played?

At this time, a musician (special guest) comes out from behind the scenes, playing the harmonica:

Guys came to visit you,
I'm not an ordinary musician.
I see a lot of tools
I'll play for you with all my heart.

The first instrument I will play is called an ocarina. Ocarina ancient wind musical instrument. In its shape it resembles an egg with holes for fingers. Usually the ocarina is made of ceramic, but sometimes it is made of wood, glass or metal. Listen to how it sounds.

And this is pathetic. In ancient times, shepherds played this instrument. Zhaleika wind reed musical instrument. Why reed? Because inside there are special small plates with tongues or squeaks. Pischiki are made from reed, birch bark and even goose feathers. The pity is like a pipe. A flute is a pipe with holes (show the flute on the screen). Unlike the pipe, the pity has an expanding horn (show bell). Listen to the pity.

Next tool - harp. Gusli stringed musical instrument. Our Slavic ancestors played the gusli more than a thousand years ago. People who played the harp were called guslars; they simultaneously played the harp and told epics. The gusli has a triangular shape and has from 5 to 17 strings. Listen to how the harp sounds.

Rubel- refers to household items. In the old days it was used for ironing clothes, winding the linen on a roller and rolling it out. The rubel was also used as a musical instrument. When playing, the ruble is held by the handle with one hand, and the other is moved back and forth along its scars wooden spoon or a stick. This produces a characteristic “crackling” sound. Play the ruble.

But my favorite instrument is accordion and button accordion. These instruments are related. They have a common name - harmonics. The harmonica was invented in Germany almost 200 years ago. It was first brought to Russia as an unusual souvenir, but very soon the accordion became a real folk instrument. One Tula merchant bought a harmonica at a fair. I brought it home, disassembled and studied its structure and realized that there was nothing complicated about it and made a new accordion with my own hands. And very soon thousands of accordions began to be made throughout Tula and other Russian cities. Listen to the harmonica.

1st young lady: Guys, did you like the stories about Russian folk instruments? Let's give our musician a round of applause.

The Russian tune “The Moon is Shining” is played by a button accordion.

The young ladies invite the children to take the instruments and play them. After the game, the children say goodbye to the musician.

1st young lady: Let's continue the celebration, come out and play!

Games are played:

The first game is “Look for your instrument.”

Two-part music is playing (“Jumping” by V. Loktev). Children, standing in 3-4 circles, join hands. In the center of the circles there are drivers with musical instruments. During the first part of the music, children walk in a circle with a springy step, the drivers play musical instruments. During the 2nd part, children easily run in all directions in hops. The drivers run to other places. When the music ends, children find “their” instrument, forming a circle.

The second game “Assemble your instrument.”

Children are divided into two teams. You need to assemble a picture from puzzles to make folk musical instruments - the balalaika and domra. Who can assemble the picture faster?

2nd young lady: Well done guys, you completed the task! Now let's guess the names of the tools you collected.

The 2nd young lady approaches the picture with the image of a balalaika:

And only three strings,
She needs it for music.
The game makes everyone happy!
Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,
Who is she? Guess it...
This is our... (balalaika).

The 1st young lady approaches the picture with the image of a domra:

Balalaika's friend,
Laughing, merry!
Have fun until the morning
And her name is...? (children's answer) Domra!

2nd young lady: Well done boys! And now for a surprise. Sit back comfortably and greet with applause the little musicians from the children's art school who will play the domra and balalaika for you.

After the concert, the young ladies say goodbye to the children until they meet again.

Target: show children variety musical instruments, generalize and deepen children’s life ideas about already known musical instruments.

Tasks: expand and generalize the musical and auditory experience of children, their ideas about musical culture, develop timbre hearing, and the ability to recognize the sound of an instrument.

Leading: Dear guests, today we invite you to musical conversation, dedicated to music and musical instruments.

IN Everyday life a person is surrounded by many sounds and noises. Some of them irritate us, we are so used to others that we simply don’t pay attention to them, others are soothing to the ear. What noises do you guys know?

For us, these are the most ordinary sounds, but the composer, thanks to his gift, transforms them into music, a play, a song.

“Music lives everywhere” Semerin

The wind sings barely audibly.
Linden sighs by the garden -
Sensitive music lives everywhere -
You just need to listen.
Birds meet the sunrise.
The swallow is glad to see the sun!
Sensitive music lives everywhere.
You just need to listen.

Grieg's play "Morning" is played in a recording.

Leading: Music is created by a composer, and musical instruments help him in this. What musical instruments do you know?

When I was little, my mother took me to an interesting large box. Amazing picture appeared before me! Wooden hammers were playing some kind of game with metal strings. There were many of them. The hammers touched the strings and suddenly, as if in fright, jumped back. And the strings rumbled from the frantic attacks of the hammers. cried. as if touched to the quick, they sang tenderly under gentle touches, laughed and rejoiced, were indignant, sad and sighed. This whole game was called Piano.

And then one day I overheard a conversation between two instruments. It was a grand piano and an upright piano.

The piano explained: my name comes from two Italian words- forte and piano. In Russian I should be called Gromkotiho.

And they call me Royal, which means royal. I have crossed three types of musical instruments: The genus of strings. Type of keyboard. Type of drums.

My biological father- noble harpsichord. From him I inherited my appearance and my heart - the keyboard mechanism. My mom is a dulcimer. The music on it sounds from the striking of sticks on the strings. This is very ancient instrument. And I was made by the Italian master Bartolomeo Cristofori. And from now on I stand in the great concert halls. Now let's listen to how our noble piano can talk.

Performed by a student of the piano department, P.I. Tchaikovsky’s “Waltz” from the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” sounds.

The quiet sounds of a violin are heard from afar.

Leading: I recognized you! You are a famous violin. Which other musical instrument sings more soulfully, sweeter than a small violin? It was as if something tender and warm had touched my heart. And my heart sank with bliss.

My Russian name- beep. English - giga, i.e. ham (it looked like a ham - a piece of pork).

Wherever the violin sang. She was terribly frivolous. And she was in a gypsy camp, and in a fashionable restaurant - where there was dancing there and I, she said. She was always on hand for a dance teacher. He hid it in his jacket pocket. And they made her what she is now Italian masters Amati. Stradivari, Guarnenri. And they gave her a voice of divine beauty.

Performed by a student string department sounds "Chorus of Wizards" from Weber's opera "The Magic Shooter"

Leading: Guys. Look at Bayan - what a beauty!

The soul of this tool is a special pneumatic device. Operated by the force of compressed air. The air is pumped and vibrates elastic metal plates - tongues. The button accordion will open the soul - the tongues dance merrily, and if you feel sad, the tongues tremble in thought. Bayan comes from the ancient Russian city of Tula. It was created by master P. Sterligov and gave it a proud epic name. Because he has heroic strength, and he can play any music. Often ditties and folk songs are sung to it.

A duet of accordion players performs.

Leading: Once upon a time there lived a balalaika. She really loved to joke around and chat. She made friends with cheerful people - in round dances, at festivities. Everything would have gone on like this, but she had a rival - a happy, overseas seven-string guitar. We began to slowly forget our laughter. They began to like the gentle, thoughtful guitar more and more. How many soulful romances you can sing with a guitar!

Students perform A. Rybnikov’s romance “I will never forget you”

Leading: Dombra is a Kazakh folk instrument. Dombra is used as a solo instrument and as an ensemble instrument. It has a pear-shaped body and a very long neck, divided by frets. People have created a legend about the origin of dombra. Once upon a time there lived two brothers. The youngest had a dombra, which he loved to play. The elder brother was very proud and vain. He decided to build a bridge. While he was building the bridge, the younger brother played the dombra all the time. The older brother got angry, snatched the dombra from the younger brother’s hands and smashed it on the rocks. All that was left was the imprint of the dombra on the rocks... Many years have passed. People found this imprint and began to make new dombras based on it.

Kurmangazy's kui "Balbyrauyn" is performed by an ensemble of dombra players.

Presenter So we got acquainted with musical instruments, and now let's listen musical pieces performed by students and teachers of our school.

A small concert is held where teachers and students perform.

Leading: In conclusion, we want to tell you a wish in the words of the Russian composer D.D. Shostakovich: “Love and study the great art of music. It will reveal to you the whole world high feelings. It will make you spiritually richer, purer, more perfect. Thanks to music, you will find new strengths in yourself that were previously unknown to you. You will see life in new tones and colors.”


1. Kazakh musical instruments. Almatykitap 2006, K. Konyratbay
2. In the world of musical instruments. Ghazaryan S.S. 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 1989.
3. Stories about Russians folk instruments. Vasiliev Y., Shirokov A. 1986
4. The birth of the piano. Mark Silberquit. 1984. Publisher: Soviet Composer

A thematic selection of games and exercises for young children on the topic “Musical Instruments”


Introduce children to various musical and noise instruments.
Enrich children's active and passive vocabulary on this topic.
Form stable ideas about color, shape, size.
Teach children to distinguish between the concepts of “loud” and “quiet”, “fast” and “slow”.
Introduce musical works.
Strengthen the skills of finger painting, sculpting, sticking.
Develop hearing, thinking, auditory attention, fine motor skills.


Instruments: bells, drums, musical hammers, tambourines, rattles, metallophones, accordions, guitars.
Shelves (double plasticine boxes, color silhouette pictures of musical instruments.
Background for finger painting “accordion”, finger paints, wet wipes.
A picture of three bears and silhouette images of pipes of different sizes.
A picture of a piano keyboard.
A picture with a drawn rope and geometric shapes on it are silhouette images of bells with corresponding geometric shapes.
Picture “Tambourine” with circles around the circumference different color and two sizes, corresponding to the color and size of the button.
Clothespins, rattle circles.
Beans, empty eggs from Kinder Surprises.
Plasticine, matches.
Picture “Metallophone”, multi-colored stripes of different lengths.
Details of the “Guitar” applique, plasticine, glue.
Audio recordings: “Mozart for children”, “Musical instruments”,
"Children's album. Neapolitan song" P. I. Tchaikovsky.

Didactic game “Music Store”

Place number 2 on the top shelf, and number 3 on the bottom shelf. Now lay out the musical instruments. Put two tools on the shelf with number 2, and put three tools on the shelf with number 3.


Finger drawing “Accordion”

Children spend vertical lines along the accordion bellows and leave round fingerprints on the buttons.


“Give the bears pipes”

Here are three bears. They love to play the pipes. Give them the pipes correctly: the biggest bear gets the biggest pipe, the smaller bear gets the smaller pipe, and the smallest bear gets the smallest pipe.

Modeling “Pipe”

By straight rolling, children sculpt a thick sausage, by pressing from the end they make a bell, and use a match to pierce holes.


Finger gymnastics “Playing the piano”

To the sound piano music(“Neapolitan song”) children tap their fingers on a picture of a keyboard, imitating playing an instrument.


Didactic game “Hang the bells”

You need to hang the bells, each in its place.

Exercise “Ring - be silent”

While the music is playing, the children ring the bells and run. As soon as the music stops, the children also stop and stop ringing the bells.


Didactic exercise “Loud-quiet”

The teacher shows how to beat the drum with sticks loudly and quietly. Then the children themselves beat the drums, according to the command “loud” or “quiet.”


Children place buttons in circles around the tambourine of the appropriate colors and sizes.

(In the archive with the lesson there is a simpler version of this game for younger children).


Children select strips of metallophone and place them in a suitable place (lengthwise).

Then the teacher asks to show with a finger-pointer a strip of red, yellow and all other colors.

Musical-dynamic pause “Musical instruments”

Children imitate playing musical instruments according to the lyrics of the song.


Game with clothespins “Attach a handle to the rattle”

Children attach a clothespin handle to a circle rattle.

Manual labor “Rattle”

Children open Kinder Surprise eggs, fill one egg with one bean, and the second egg with many beans. Then the eggs are closed and the children shake the made “rattles” and find out which one makes the loudest noise.

Visual activity “Guitar”

Children first glue the soundboard of the guitar, then the neck. Then pegs and a resonator are made from plasticine.

Musical-rhythmic exercise “Musical hammers”

Now the musical hammers will go for a walk.

Here they are going down the stairs
(knock slowly)

And now the hammers went out into the street, were happy and ran.
(frequent beats)

Then the hammers began to jump. Skok, skok.
(quickly hit with hammers)

Suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, covered the sun, and it began to rain. At first it was small, rare drops, and then a heavy downpour began.”
(gradual acceleration of the rhythm of hammer strikes)

The hammers got scared and ran home.
(knock quickly and rhythmically with hammers)

Didactic exercise “Guess the musical instrument by sound”

The teacher hides and makes sounds using different instruments. Children try to guess and name or show this instrument.

Musical and rhythmic exercise “Orchestra”

Children choose an instrument of their choice and play along to the music.

Development musical abilities through playing noise instruments.
Creation of conditions conducive to increasing the creative activity of children, expanding their musical horizons, awakening interest in all types of musical activities.


Involve children in completing tasks correctly and develop sustained attention when completing them.
Develop the ability to name correctly noise instruments, play them rhythmically, listen to each other.
Enrich lexicon children.

Improve motor activity children, coordination of movements and free movement in space.
Develop a sense of rhythm musical memory,
With the help of experimental activities, develop imagination and creative imagination.
Develop the ability to react to changing parts of music.

Arouse desire and interest in playing noise instruments.
Foster curiosity, independence, and activity when completing tasks.

Verbal (riddles, conversation).
Visual (presentation, noise instruments).
Practical (playing with spoons, playing with a tambourine, dancing with rattles, song-dance).
Gaming (game with a tambourine, reflection).

Vocabulary work: Introduce the names of noise instruments into the children's active dictionary.

Preliminary work:
Learning songs with movements.
Playing musical instruments.
Learning the dance with rattles.
Introducing the outdoor game with a tambourine.

Individual work:

Encouraging children for completing a task.
Encourage inactive children to become active.

Multimedia installation.
Music Center.
Audio recordings.
Children's noise instruments: spoons, rattles according to the number of children.
Pockets for handouts.
Diamonds for use in the game.
Chest with non-traditional tools.
Posting for reflection.

Musical greeting.
Departure to the city of musical instruments.
Reproduction of rhythmic patterns at the request of the teacher.
Outdoor game.

Musical repertoire:
Communication game “Hello!”
Musical and rhythmic warm-up by E.D. Makshantseva.
A song with imitation of playing instruments “Let's play and sing.”
An outdoor game with a tambourine.
R.n.m “Oh, you canopy, my canopy.”
Dance with rattles.
Song-dance “We will clap our hands...”.

Children enter the hall to the music and stand in a general circle.


Magazine "Musical Palette".

Hello, palms clap - clap - clap
Hello, legs - top - top - top
Hello, little eyes - myrg, myrg, myrg
Hello, my nose - peep - peep - peep
Hello, ears - wow - wow - wow
Hello, cheeks - splash - splash - splash
Hello, lips - smack - smack - smack
Hello children, hello!

Musical director: Guys, do you want to go on an excursion to the Town of Musical Instruments?

Children's answers.

Fine. To go on an excursion we must do a rhythmic warm-up. You are ready? Be very careful, listen to the musical accompaniment, perform movements rhythmically.


Collection “Children's Fun” by E.D. Makshantseva

Rhythmic warm-up p. 4 (helps organize children's attention)

After the Rhythmic Warm-up, the children sit on chairs.

Musical director:

Guys, we have arrived in the Town of Musical Instruments.

What instruments do you know?

Children's answers.

For some reason no one meets us. Let's sing a funny song about musical instruments and play them. Maybe someone will come out of the house?


"Bell" No. 44 p. 21

Let's knock on the first house and find out who lives in this house. The teacher sets a rhythmic pattern, the children repeat. A riddle appears from one house.

I'm round like the sun, only with bells
I sound very loud, you will hear it yourself,
When you take me in your hands, hit me with your palm
I will sound loud and loud
Guess who I am?


Children's answers.

That's right, guys, it's a tambourine. Tambourine is percussion instrument, because we hit it, and it responds to us with its ringing sound. Let's play with a tambourine.


Children stand in a circle, three children stand in a circle with tambourines. Children with tambourines beat the tambourine rhythmically to musical accompaniment, the rest of the children move in a circle. During the second part of the music, the children sit down and “fall asleep,” and the children with the tambourine quietly leave the circle, put the tambourines behind their comrades and sit down next to them. When a loud chord is heard, the children wake up, look around, find the tambourines, stand in a circle and the game continues.

Well done guys, take your seats. What a funny tambourine, he even played with us. I wonder who lives in the next house? Let's knock.

Two daring, painted, Khokhloma girlfriends It’s impossible to be alone, do you recognize us, friends?


That's right, guys, these are spoons. You have pockets on your chairs, take the spoons out of them. Look how beautiful, bright, painted, and made of wood they are. They play on spoons with their backs - humps, stroking them. Let's try how we can do it.


R.n.m. “Oh, you are my canopy.”

Well done, you and I have created an ensemble of spooners. Let's repeat the “ensemble of spoons.” Fine. Put the spoons back in their pockets and let them rest. And we’ll look into another house and find out who lives there?

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

I'll fall into the hands of a child
I'll play loudly - loudly
No wonder it's a fun toy
And my name is...

That's right, guys, it's a rattle.

Rattles picked up
They sounded loud
Rattles are fun
They don't tell you to sit still
Get everyone in a circle quickly
Start dancing with them!


Well done boys. We danced with all our hearts. But we have one more house that is not open. Who lives in it? We'll find out now.

The music director sets a rhythmic pattern, and the children repeat it. A riddle appears from the house.

The tools are amazing to everyone
Look - a sight for sore eyes
The beans and pasta in them are simply delicious
What do they sound like? We don't know
I really want to know
We must boldly take them in our hands
And everyone can play together!

Guys, what kind of tools are these? And we have a chest here. Do you want to know what is in it? Now we will open it. Oh, some unfamiliar instruments. Wasn't there a riddle about these instruments? Look, here are beans, and here is pasta, and here is rice, peas... Let's play them and listen to how they sound.

The boys play their instruments waste material, then say their impressions.

Well done guys, look carefully, are all the houses open?

Children's answers.

Our excursion is coming to an end. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And we will return with the help of a song. Do you agree?


"Bell" No. 35, page 28

At the end of the song, the children returned to the kindergarten. The music director asks questions during the lesson.

Guys, did you enjoy the tour?

Where have we been? What instruments did you come across?

Would you like to visit the Town of Musical Instruments again?

Look, I have different notes lying on the shelf: some are cheerful, others are sad. In what mood will you go to the group?

Show off your notes.

It was a pleasure traveling with you today. But it's time for us to say goodbye to you. I would like to wish you creative success so that you grow up to be big dreamers. .

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Musical activity

with presentation"Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments" Description of material: I present to your attention a summary of a music lesson using the presentation “Journey to the Land of Musical Instruments.” This lesson intended for children 4-5 years old ( middle group). The material will be useful for

music directors and kindergarten teachers.

Target: Event duration: 20 minutes preschoolers. Draw children's attention to musical instruments.



  • To form basic ideas about wind musical instruments;
  • Fix the names of the instruments.


  • Develop attention, musical memory and pitch hearing.


  • Fostering interest and love for music;
  • Fostering interest in playing simple musical instruments.

Technical means:

  • Music Center;
  • Projector (for showing presentations and videos);
  • Computer.

Equipment and materials:

  • Table (for musical instruments)
  • Musical instruments
  • Cape

GCD move

In the middle of the hall there is a table with musical instruments on it, covered with a beautiful cape. The projector shows slide number 1.

To the march (I. Kishko), children enter the music hall, marching, walk in a circle and sit on chairs.

Music hands: Hello guys. Today we will take you on a journey through the country of musical instruments. We are already familiar with some tools, and we will get acquainted with some only today. Tell me guys, what instruments are you already familiar with?

Children: Answer

Music hands: Well done, you know a lot of instruments, I am very proud of you! Guys, it seems to me or you really want to find out what is hidden under the cape.

Children: Answer

Music hands: Then it's time to take your seats in our magical train and go on a journey.

The song “Locomotive Bug” is playing

(Music: Alexander Ermolov. Lyrics: Alexander Morozov).

Fields and forests float past the window.

We are going to where miracles await us.

And the sun is shining and the river is shining,

And our little train flies so fast!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go

Steam locomotive - Bug!

Chug, chug, chug, tu, tu, tu -

White lambs

Blows out on the go (3 times)

Music hands: Well done! You sing and play very beautifully! And look how bright and colorful whistles are.

Slide No. 5 is broadcast on the projector

Music hands: Let us listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a tune played on a whistle

Music hands goes to the table where all the instruments are and takes the harmonica.

Music hands: And here we have a look - harmonica.

He gives the accordion to the children to examine, and slide No. 6 is shown on the projector.

When the children examined the accordion, the music. hands announces the contents of the slide to the children.

Music director: Now, let's listen to how it sounds.

The recording sounds like a harmonica playing

Music director: Look, there's still one here interesting tool, let’s get to know him too, so... (music director announces the contents of the slide to the children).

Slide No. 7 is broadcast on the projector

Music director: Guys, you want to see how they play on this wind instrument?

Children: Answer

The video “Game on Triol” is broadcast on the projector

Music director: The artists produced a beautiful performance in the video recording. Now let's remember what tools we considered...