Aries zodiac sign - detailed characteristics and compatibility with other signs. Characteristics of an Aries woman in love


Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. His reign begins on March 21, the day of the spring solstice, and lasts until April 20. Aries women born at the beginning of this period (March 21-31) are under the protection of warlike Mars.

The fiery planet gives naturally temperamental people even more passion and sexuality. Women with a birth date of April 1-11 fall under the influence of the Sun, which endows its protégés with ambition and leadership qualities. Late Aries (April 12-20) is ruled by loving Venus. These are gentle and enthusiastic people with a penchant for the arts.

The element of Aries is Fire. He gives women a bright charisma, thanks to which others are attracted to them like butterflies to the light. The favorable colors of a fire sign are all the tints of red and yellow present in a flaming sunset or sparks from a fire.

The most powerful talisman stones for the Aries woman: ruby, agate, garnet, amethyst, carnelian, sapphire, rock crystal, diamond. Your heart and your ruling planet will tell you which one to choose:

  • Carnelian, agate and rock crystal will help moderate the stubbornness and excessive egoism of Mars.

  • Amethyst and moonstone will smooth out the powerful manifestations of solar Aries.

  • The romanticism of Venus harmoniously combines with the natural energy of diamond, sapphire, ruby ​​and garnet.
Lucky numbers are 4, 7 and 9, as well as their various combinations. The luckiest day of the week is Thursday. It is worth marking the beginning of a new project, the date of an important meeting or trip.

Character of an Aries woman

Many Aries women have a conventional masculine character: they are self-confident and power-hungry, they are not characterized by the softness and complaisance inherent in the fairer sex. But, despite the ambitious nature of Aries women, men value and love life partners born under this sign. Like any other zodiac sign, Aries is polar. Depending on how a girl uses her natural inclinations, they can manifest themselves in positive or negative aspects of her personality.


  • Confidence. When you evaluate the actions of an Aries lady, you understand: for her there are no fears or obstacles. If she's up to something, it won't be easy to stop her.

  • Independence. A valuable quality of an Aries woman is her independence from men. She will not ask her husband to drive a nail, carry bags, or give wise advice, since she is confident in her abilities. “He will stop a galloping horse” - this is about her.

  • Generosity. If you earn the favor of an Aries lady, get ready to receive gifts and compliments. She is used to expressing her gratitude not only with words, but also with material signs of attention.


  • Selfishness. Confidence in extreme manifestations takes on the characteristics of superiority over others. To shake narcissism, Aries needs to meet a worthy partner who will be stronger and more decisive than her.

  • Loneliness. A self-sufficient Aries woman often goes through life alone. She can do without men much longer than representatives of other signs.

  • Greed. The flip side of generosity is excessive stinginess. The transformation of attitudes towards material wealth occurs as one grows older, when reckless youth gives way to experienced maturity.

Qualities to be developed

The main traits that confident Aries women need to cultivate in themselves are prudence and caution. Before you get involved in a long-term project (relationships, business, obligations), look mentally a couple of months ahead. Take time out to evaluate all the gains and losses from the planned action. And only then sign the contract or at the registry office.

What does an Aries woman love?

  • Be the first always and in everything. The scope of her leadership is practically unlimited, be it work, family or relationships with friends.

  • Independence. Do not try to put a girl born under the sign of Aries in a golden cage - she will still break free.

  • Flattery (within reasonable limits). What woman doesn't like compliments? If such persons exist, then this is definitely not an Aries girl.

  • Active lifestyle. Traveling, playing sports, an interesting hobby, making new acquaintances... The Aries lady will always find something to do to feel the inexpressible joy of being.

  • Directness. Lies and ambiguity are unacceptable for a woman of this sign. To trust a person, she must feel his sincerity.

  • Take care of yourself. Even when going out to the store, elegant Aries take a long time to preen themselves in front of the mirror. They are sensitive to their appearance, so they are sure that others are looking at them under a microscope.

What an Aries woman doesn't like

  • To plan. Easy-going people prefer spontaneous events to long-awaited events.

  • Irresponsible people. Aries women are an exception among fire and air signs, who are famous for their optionality.

  • Ask for help. It is unlikely that you will hear a desperate cry of “HELP!” from the mouth of Aries. She would rather come to the rescue herself than ask for it.

  • Complain. Such a lady does not have the expression “unhappy female lot” in her arsenal. Even if the dark streak in her life dragged on, she would call it “temporary difficulties.”

  • Show your weakness. The Aries girl will not “cry into her vest”, counting on consolation and support. She is characterized by unshakable fortitude and optimism.

  • Criticism. Don't try to express your dissatisfaction with Aries. Even if your complaints are fair, they will not be received adequately.

How to win an Aries woman

If such a lady feels sympathy for a man, she will not take a wait-and-see attitude. Most likely, she herself will win his hand and heart, so the partner just needs to respond to gestures of attention. When a man wants to melt the ice of a beautiful lady’s indifference, he should resort to the advice of astrologers:

1. Aries girls are incorrigible romantics at heart. They believe in love until the grave and read chivalric novels. To earn love, try to live up to the lofty ideals of your chosen one: sing serenades, do crazy things and make generous gestures.

2. When courting representatives of this sign, do not stoop to naked flattery. They will instantly distinguish a sincere feeling from emotional falsehood.

3. Be faithful and devoted. When near Aries, do not cast appraising glances at other girls; she will not tolerate even hypothetical rivals.

4. Do not limit your partner’s freedom with jealousy and attempts to control her. For the right to be independent, an Aries woman is capable of sacrificing her feelings.

5. Be persistent and original! Such ladies are crazy about pleasant surprises. A subtle compliment, an unusual gift, an elegant bouquet of flowers are the best friends of an Aries girl, however, just like diamonds.

Love and marriage

In manifestations of the heart, Aries are excessively cold, which is compensated by passion in sex. The future with their lover must have real material basis for them. “Paradise in a hut” is unacceptable to them. They choose bright and wealthy people with bright prospects as companions. An Aries woman will be proud of her love for her husband if he is spiritually and financially stable.

The exclusive feature of representatives of this sign is that they fall in love at the level of the mind. When they realize that their partner is worthy of reciprocity, they will sincerely love him.

Having found the other half, Aries does not hesitate to tie her with the knots of Hymen. Sometimes her chosen one finds himself walking down the aisle so unexpectedly that he does not have time to realize what is happening. Not all husbands dream of quickly falling under a woman’s heel, but for Aries wives this tendency manifests itself already on their first dates. Having quickly formalized the relationship, they do not leave their gentlemen a chance for long thoughts.

Ladies of this sign treat family responsibilities rationally. They carry out household chores without excessive zeal, devoting exactly as much personal time to them as is necessary to maintain visible comfort. The role of a housewife is not for her.

Suitable profession

A career is no less important for an Aries woman than for a man. For such a lady, a decent job is a means for realizing life’s ambitions to a greater extent than a successful marriage. The business horoscope of those born under this sign suggests that they can achieve recognition in any chosen field.

Innate leadership allows you to more fully realize your potential in the role of a boss rather than a subordinate. The overly straightforward nature of such a woman can lead to conflict situations with management.

Even in their youth, Aries know what field of activity they want to choose. Intuitively, they prefer activities that involve change, travel, and a sense of being indispensable. Routine and sedentary work are hateful for such women. They can most successfully realize their irrepressible potential in the following professions:
  • manager
  • traveling salesman
  • insurance agent
  • veterinarian
  • doctor
  • architect
  • actresses
If you have good physical data, success in professional sports is possible.


Aries women have naturally strong immunity. In the horoscope of this sign, the main vulnerabilities are associated with the head, especially with the organs of hearing and vision. There is a high probability of migraines, fatigue, hypertension, and insomnia. As a rule, these disorders are caused by overexcitation, moral exhaustion, and lack of proper rest.

Due to the accelerated metabolism, Aries diseases have a rapid course: an abrupt onset and a pronounced crisis are replaced in most cases by a quick recovery. The danger is that owners of this sign tend to downplay the danger of the disease and the importance of following the regime.

If an Aries girl neglects doctors’ recommendations, a seemingly frivolous disease may become chronic and protracted.

How to raise an Aries child girl

From the cradle, children of this sign show restlessness and stubbornness. Such qualities should not be encouraged by giving them a delicate rebuff. Don't let the Aries girl sit on your head, otherwise she will turn from a little princess into an obstinate princess.

Teach her to develop patience and delicacy: these qualities are absent not only in the horoscope of children, but also of adult Aries. The best hobbies for an Aries girl are dancing, playing the piano, and dynamic sports. If you manage to instill in her a love for these activities from a young age, negative energy will be directed in a useful direction.

Children born under the sign of Aries are selfish and cynics to a greater extent than everyone else. Develop in a little girl compassion for her neighbor, love for the surrounding nature, animals, and you will raise a caring and loving daughter.

She could command regiments, inspire the masses, or head a serious business. The energy of an Aries woman can only be envied: perseverance, determination, the ability to clearly move towards a set goal and not succumb to environmental pressure - these are the strengths of Aries. This iron lady has enormous, completely unfeminine willpower, which helps her in joy and sorrow.

But every lady has the desire to finally be weak and find herself in the arms of someone who is truly stronger. And be happy to submit to him, linking your destiny with a strong partner. Yes, Aries demand, perhaps, the impossible - they want their companion to have an even stronger character. But how to find it, and what else it should be - the stars will tell you.

Aries (Latin: "Aries") is the sign that opens the entire astrological cycle. On the left it is adjacent to the constellation Pisces, and on the right – Taurus. Symbol of this zodiac sign– spring, a breakthrough, a real revolutionary leap leading to something new and beautiful. It is no coincidence that it was in the astrological era of Aries that the first empires appeared, which fought endless battles for the right to world domination.

Aries element is fire: determination, perseverance, optimism and firmly following your star. Accordingly, and lucky colors have fiery shades: red, orange, scarlet, as well as steel (steel is a symbol of unbending will). Talisman stones: garnet, ruby, red and coral. Aries is ruled by warlike Mars- a planet of decisive action, an irreconcilable war for its place in the sun.

That is why all famous women born under the sign of Aries have not only brilliant talents, but also far from feminine characters. These are strong, self-confident people who are used to relying solely on themselves. Let's name just a few of them: the legendary Scarlett O'Hara and Alla Pugacheva, Empress Catherine I and Irina Khakamada, Valeria and Bella Akhmadulina, Celine Dion and Montserrat Caballe. All these personalities exude enormous power, real scope. These ladies are not characterized by classic female whims, because they consider such behavior to be an outright weakness. How then to choose a suitable pair for them, and how the stars see them - right now.

Aries woman: how the stars see her

It must be said that Aries is very fair about his nature. Yes, in public she tends to exaggerate her abilities. But such a policy is largely conscious. It’s just that if you set lower standards for yourself, you will involuntarily adapt to them and slide down. And if you raise the level, the motivation effect will work - and now, you have really pulled yourself up to previously unknown heights. The method works - everyone can use it.

Fiery pressure

Yes, if an Aries girl knows what she wants, she will certainly achieve her cherished dream. I see the goal - I see no obstacles, this is exactly how our heroine thinks. She does not respect those who hesitate, does not understand those who are indecisive. He is skeptical about people who reason - after all, how can you philosophize and miss your happiness. Aries will certainly take it, even if fate throws a thousand obstacles at her. In her case, the main thing is desire.

Commander in a skirt

There is authority in this girl. Not to say that she is particularly eager to command. But he is definitely considered to be the informal leader of the team. Aries just knows how to organize people, how to give them clear tasks and inspire them to do something. Why not use your talents? So it turns out that outwardly she looks like a commander in a skirt, while in reality no one except her will take on such work.

A place under the sun

She always fights for him. He fights according to the rules, although he can cheat. On the other hand, Aries always lives under the sun, because she is an incorrigible optimist. It is not typical for this lady to fall into a prolonged period of depression, mope for days on end, or simply feel sorry for herself. She always cries alone, and does not allow herself any sentimentality in public. Well, that's her nature.

Attitude to work and money

The typical Aries girl always has ambitious career plans. Sometimes she spends quite a long time looking for herself, because she is often in a hurry and jumps over 2 or 3 steps. Often she complicates her task, because the casket just opened, and she didn’t even notice. Our heroine just loves to get everything at once.

But having gotten into trouble and experienced different models of behavior, Aries will very quickly understand what’s what and show himself in a completely different way. She will become a cunning, calculating lady who perfectly senses the mood of the team and knows who really has influence in it. Aries will certainly come under the protection of the strong, thanks to which he will make a career breakthrough. There's just time for everything.

Alla Pugacheva

As for money, it must be said that our heroine is not an accountant who carefully counts every penny. For the sake of her pleasure, in order to conquer those around her with her breadth of scope, this lady will go to great lengths. And all because she believes in herself. So she recklessly spends, at times, impressive amounts of money - after all, she will earn new ones, and it cannot be otherwise.

What kind of man does an Aries woman need?

It will frankly not be easy for the man who claims the hand and heart of our heroine. The fact is that being stronger than the strong is always a difficult task. Aries sets the bar very high for those around her for only one reason: first of all, she raised it for herself. Yes, this lady is a real fighter, a soldier in life, who is used to making her way on her own.

That’s why it’s important for a future gentleman to listen to priceless stellar advice now:

  1. Be a leader. Yes, the Aries girl is used to moving in powerful circles. She is an eagle soaring among eagles. Therefore, you should not assume that she will be interested in a modest, quiet man. Of course, for the sake of interest, she may pay attention to the classic homebody, a reliable friend and just a good person. But whether their union will work out is a big question.
  2. Reveal feminine qualities in a lady. Yes, Aries herself somehow got used to her steely character. But this does not mean that she does not have the classic features of the fair half of humanity. On the contrary, she has an abundance of feelings and romanticism. That is why we can say for sure that she will certainly give her heart to the person who can discern the gentle, sentimental light behind the tireless energy.
  3. Inspire and energize Aries. This lady loves fast, dynamic relationships that develop by leaps and bounds. It is extremely important for her to be praised, supported, in a word, hinted in every possible way that she is on the right path. At the same time, do not even think about patronizing an Aries - she does not tolerate the very expression “weaker sex”, because she can give odds to any representative of the stronger sex.
  4. Finally, lay peace at the feet of the ram. She loves conquerors, not diplomats. Yes, the image of a man that this lady cherishes has many features of a hunter, a real getter who catches his prey. And believe me, our heroine is not at all opposed to becoming prey. It’s just that to do this she must meet a very strong and cunning hunter.

How not to behave with an Aries

At first glance, it seems that this lady has absolutely no complexes. And so it is. She will tell you directly what she really thinks. However, Aries herself prefers the bitter truth to sweet lies. However, her gentleman should pay attention to some red lines, breaking which in the case of an Aries is quite dangerous:

  1. Don't argue with an Aries. This is useless and even harmful. She's just a know-it-all, confident lady who knows what she's talking about. Convince her or not, she will still act in her own way. But cunning, diplomatic maneuvers - this will completely help. You just need to do everything softly and delicately.
  2. Never fuss if you want to tell Aries something important. She does not tolerate hints when it comes to sorting things out. Aries will not listen to vague comments; she does not like pompous stories. She needs to say everything directly and to the point. What time, where, why, why - only specifics, and no water.
  3. Don't criticize Aries. Again, this is useless. If you want to fix it and start doing it roughly and clumsily, you will receive exactly the same answer. Aries is influenced by soft, but at the same time strong, logically based beliefs. She is quite tolerant of normal, specific remarks. But if she suddenly feels that they are simply trying to manipulate her, they will part without regret.
  4. Finally, don't provoke an Aries. Our heroine is very impulsive, so theoretically anyone has a chance to see another version of her in case of conflict. There's no need to test her nerves, just study the potential pain points and never press on them. After all, it's unmanly.

Who is suitable for an Aries woman, and who is not so good

So, the Aries girl is a born leader, a real perpetual motion machine, who is interested in people of a similar worldview. She treats life more like a fun competition, so she sets about her next tasks with sports passion and youthful enthusiasm.

That is why Aries is looking for, rather, a like-minded person who will, as they say, be on the same wavelength. She is unlikely to be interested in a man who is indecisive or shy, cautious, and risk-averse. Our heroine is constantly driven, so her companion must provide thrills regularly and in full.

As for the compatibility of an Aries woman with specific zodiac signs, the picture looks like this:

  1. In the classic version, our heroine’s compatibility is most favorable with men of her own fire element. Their alliance with is interesting, although complicated. When two volcanoes live under one roof, they will never be bored. True, the main problem of the partners is whether they will be able to come to an agreement, or whether they will devote most of their family leisure time to endless disputes without winners and losers. conquers the Aries girl with his majesty, broad gestures, and real royal generosity. The romance with him promises to be extremely bright. In this case, the main threat is the power of the man and the disobedience of the lady. Finding a compromise in this tandem is the main condition for its existence. As for, such a union quenches Aries’ thirst for adventure, giving her wonderful energy of movement and aspiration for the future. The main thing is not to overdo it with heating, because strong fire burns and does not warm.
  2. The union of Aries with the air signs of the zodiac is very interesting. True, the interest here is of a completely different nature. Air is the element of sociability, keen intellect and endless imagination. If our heroine understands male strength in this way, she is in the right place. will give Aries an inexhaustible source of food for the mind and creativity. will show life in all its diversity. And the aristocratic ones will introduce you to secular circles, in which the energetic Aries has every chance of taking a leading position.
  3. Less favorable is the union of an Aries girl with aquatic men. will seem to her too indecisive, but rather artistic storytellers who live in heaven much more often than on sinful earth. An alliance with, which has deep inner charisma and very great strength, seems more promising. However, there is a risk that he will begin to suppress the will of our heroine and literally limit her freedom. If this particular scenario is realized, the tandem will not last - Aries will firmly rebuff any such attempts.
  4. Finally, earthly zodiac signs will seem to Aries to be extremely boring, although reliable, interesting people. They are great for the role of friends, but they are clearly not suitable as energetic companions who will go on adventures with her. A hardworking person will wish his wife to stay at home more often. The conservative will not understand the constant changes in her mood. And the pragmatic person wants to see in the image of a companion a reliable friend who is always at arm's length. Well, these heroes simply have different life values.

Aries in bed

At the hour of the night, Aries is not just a source of bright light, she is a real flame that burns and makes you tremble. This lady likes to take everything at once - you cannot hesitate with her, otherwise she will cool down and simply burn out. Aries loves extreme sex, full of surprises and adventures. This lady simply feeds on the energy of improvisation and struggle.

If a man approaches her as his prey, this will greatly please Aries, because only in this case will she be able to give free rein to all her feelings. And don’t forget that she is a maximalist in life. There is no middle ground for an Aries; she needs everything or nothing.

An Aries woman is strong, bright, fiery, interesting. She will build a real team from her family, which will undoubtedly be able to reach many heights.

Nelly Frolova

Specialization: Astrology, Parapsychology
Education: Professional

Articles written

A lively mind, independence, stubbornness, unshakability in the correctness of one’s own decisions, the desire to overcome any obstacles on the way to the goal - these are the qualities that distinguish representatives of the fair sex born under the Aries horoscope.

The element of this sign is fire. Ladies born under the constellation Aries are impulsive, hot, literally radiating energy.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


The representatives of this horoscope are by no means meek “lamps”. Perhaps at first glance there may be a certain feeling of coldness, even arrogance, but this is an illusion. In fact, there is a whole volcano of emotions hidden inside. In general, innate artistry is characteristic of all those born under this constellation. At the same time, “lambs” value sincerity, are not capable of sycophancy, in turn cannot tolerate lies and betrayal, are jealous and authoritarian in relationships.

Perhaps the worst negative character trait that an Aries woman possesses is intemperance coupled with a quick temper. But to some extent, this feature can be considered as a plus, because these ladies quickly move away, splashing out their emotions.

They are absolutely not vindictive.

The Aries girl has been implementing her own plans from an early age. They tend to always go towards their intended goal, be it family or career. Difficulties, as a rule, do not bother them; on the contrary, they fuel their passion and desire to quickly reach their intended heights. From a man's point of view,

The fair sex is difficult to understand, and even more so the representatives born under the sign of Aries. One of their features may be incontinence of speech, which can often play a cruel joke on the “lambs”. They tend to say what is on their tongue, to cut right through the truth; lies and flattery are unacceptable to them. In relation to herself, the Aries woman, in turn, cannot tolerate false pretense, sycophancy and will instantly see through pretense, but like any other representative of the fair sex, she loves and appreciates sincere compliments addressed to her.

Ladies born under the Aries horoscope are mostly optimists. They don't tend to get depressed. The Aries woman has a strong, almost masculine character. No matter how bad she feels, hardly anyone will see her tears in a moment of weakness. All she needs is to let off steam, let alone, and the ladies, under the auspices of the fire element, know how to do it enchantingly. A representative of this zodiac constellation, as a rule, is pretty, has good physical characteristics, and leads an active lifestyle.

Often girls born under this sign choose sports hobbies that are on the verge of extreme. It is unlikely that the “sheep” will be able to be locked up at home. By nature they are hard workers, they know how and love to work, striving to reach the top of the career ladder.

The Aries woman is a big spender. They love to spend money and do it with pleasure. In general, the attitude towards money is quite democratic - today it is, and that’s good. Assertiveness towards achieving your goals is one of the characteristic features of the ladies of this zodiac sign.

To sum up the preliminary results, We can highlight the main character traits inherent in Aries women:

  1. Energy.
  2. Hot temper.
  3. Determination
  4. Desire for leadership.

The listed characteristics leave a certain imprint on relationships with the opposite sex. Yes, it’s not easy to find the key to the “sheep’s” heart, her behavior can confuse fans, but you definitely won’t be bored with the “fiery” girl - Aries simply cannot stand routine, both in ordinary life and in love.

Relationships with men

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Usually, a lady born under the horoscope constellation Aries is visually attractive and knows it well. Ladies - “Lambs” rarely abuse cosmetics, believing that everything is already very good. They are not deprived of male attention, often have a large number of fans, but the prerogative of choice will always remain with the fair sex, to the point that the lady herself is able to take the initiative into her own hands, making a marriage proposal to the chosen one.

What character traits are required from a chosen one?

Her partner must be the best, even unattainable. This attracts hot "lames".

A man who is a patron, a man who is a father will not do. The emancipation and independence of this sign will never allow the stubborn “lamb” to be truly happy with a person who puts himself above her in a relationship.

As in other areas of life, most of all in love she values ​​her own independence and freedom.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Ladies of this zodiac sign are distinguished by their loyalty until their feelings for their chosen one cool down. Pathologically jealous. A loving “sheep” will never allow herself to have affairs, and if her heart has cooled down, she will openly declare this to her partner. He expects exactly the same attitude from his companion - he does not accept betrayal, not so much out of a sense of possessiveness, but because of wounded pride, regarding this as betrayal.

The complexity of the hot temperament of these women gives them a lot of difficulties in family life, which can only be overcome if they manage to choose a suitable partner with whom the “sheep” will be truly comfortable. Family life may well be happy if there is mutual love and affection, because, having gotten used to it, an Aries wife can be almost ideal.

The intimate side of the horoscope

Carnal pleasures are almost in the first place for the girl Aries. In bed, these representatives of the fair half of humanity are selfish, passionate, and resilient. Soft eroticism does not appeal to them. It is unlikely that an Aries woman will have a harmonious relationship with a man who does not correspond to her sexually.

Sex is one of the main components of family happiness for the ladies of this zodiac sign. The partner must ensure the satisfaction of the raging flame of the Aries woman.

Long foreplay is not her thing. Copulation on the verge of primitive unbridled passion, where the “lamb” will dominate, setting the pace - this is what she really needs. Of course, romance is not alien to them, but after an intimate tete-a-tete dinner with a partner by candlelight, a romantic continuation is unlikely to follow. Most likely, the dinner will end in a sexual marathon, and the bed is by no means the only place for carnal pleasures.

Expert opinion

Practicing astrologer


Aries prefer active positions in bed, where they themselves will control the process, setting the pace. The “missionary” position is clearly not for them, but rather the “indomitable rider”. Among those who prefer BDSM, the vast majority are “lambs” according to the horoscope. The role of “Mistress” will come in handy for hot minxes. The concepts of sex and love are interconnected for them, and both should be of the highest category - it is not in their character to settle for less.

To win such a hot thing, the chosen one will have to meet her high criteria in love and bed, be able to give her physical pleasure and be able to pass the palm both in sex and in everyday life. Only with this approach is an Aries woman able to shine like a multifaceted diamond, bringing creativity into family life and rewarding her admirer with the gifts of love and fidelity.

A girl born under the sign of Aries is a very bright and strong personality. This is a real iron lady who is used to everything being according to her rules. And this applies to absolutely all areas of life.

general description

Aries is a sign ruled by the planet Mars. It is known to be considered a masculine planet. Therefore, “masculine” traits creep into the character of a girl born under the sign of Aries. But this definitely cannot be called a disadvantage.

The Aries woman is a very strong personality who is able to cope with all her problems without any help. At the same time, she is used to always being in first place. She is a born perfectionist who is ready to work tirelessly so that no one even suspects her that she can’t or doesn’t know how to do something. Such a woman hides all her weaknesses. Therefore, among Aries there are practically no hysterics who cry in public and constantly complain about their difficult fate.

Such a girl shows independence very early. She always prefers to make her own choices, both in serious matters and in small things. Therefore, you should not impose any of your preferences on a little girl born under this zodiac sign. By the way, since childhood she has preferred male company to female company. Aries always want to be the center of attention and prefer to be a leader. This is very good, because they have enough managerial qualities and new ideas. Therefore, other people are happy to follow them.

Aries belong to the element of Fire. This greatly affects the girl’s character. She is stubborn, adamant and determined. All these features help her always remain bright and noticeable. Of course, this characteristic also attracts men. There are always many fans around strong girls who are ready to endure even the difficult character of their chosen one.

But often, for a girl born under this sign, what is more important is not romantic relationships, but facts from her successful biography. She wants to actively control everything and receive as many rewards in life as possible.

For this activist, there is nothing worse than inaction.

Weaknesses and strengths

The positive traits of the Aries woman include her ambition and ability to win. This is a strong personality who never gives up and does not tire others with negative emotions. Another plus is its bright appearance. Even if she is naturally average, thanks to her own perfectionism and attention to detail, the girl will still be able to turn all her traits into advantages.

Another positive trait is strength of character. Aries girls are unbending and stubborn. This gives them the opportunity to go towards the goal and 90 percent out of 100 achieve their goal. Therefore, they calmly cope with all their huge lists of plans and to-dos and remain happy.

The disadvantages include some arrogance. Aries women do not accept those who are weaker than them and are very demanding of others. It is quite difficult for the subordinates and relatives of such women to get along with such a person. Also, a disadvantage can be called some hot temper of such girls. This often spoils their relationships with loved ones, colleagues and loved ones.

Features and Preferences

Aries women always look well-groomed and beautiful. They are ready to spend a lot of money to always maintain their beauty. As a rule, they have a fairly good figure. They prefer to highlight it with tight-fitting outfits. It looks really luxurious. But at the same time, for girls, their own comfort is still more important than someone’s opinion about their appearance. Therefore, they often wear sportswear or regular jeans and T-shirts.

Another important question that interests many is what to give such a woman. The first option is high-quality jewelry. Naturally, you shouldn’t give her cheap trinkets. It's better to choose a good stone. The ideal option is a diamond. Poets said that a rainbow was imprisoned in it. The stone shines in all shades. This makes him beautiful and mysterious.

Previously, mystical properties were attributed to these stones. It was believed to bring good luck to all who wore it. An Aries woman will definitely like this stone.

Another popular and no less expensive option is a diamond. It looks best in a gold frame. Such an expensive gift will definitely conquer the demanding Aries girl.

Another popular gift is a new gadget. The Aries woman will appreciate any technical innovation. They want to constantly be in the center of events and keep up with others. A good option is something useful and functional. For example, a robot vacuum cleaner, a modern coffee maker or a creative food processor. You can also take a simpler route - buy a smartphone of the latest model.

It should be stylish, modern and eye-catching.

You can also give girls good perfume. But it’s difficult to guess the aroma. A simple tip is to choose a perfume with a neutral scent, which is not cheap. It is better to avoid heavy oriental scents, because Aries usually prefer light scents with citrus notes. They do not get boring during the day and are equally suitable for both hot summer and cold winter. An Aries woman will definitely appreciate an expensive branded scent. And, of course, you shouldn’t risk giving this bright and confident lady a cheap fake.

Another option is interesting accessories. You can pay attention to pendants with women's names. A self-confident girl will be flattered by such a gift. You can also find a pendant with a number representing a lucky number. Astrologers also claim that this sign is very strongly associated with the human head. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to all the jewelry that is placed on the head. These include hats, exquisite scarves, and hairpins. Of course, it is best if it is something original and unique, so that the accessory allows the girl to stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others.

A win-win option is to give Aries something related to her many hobbies. If this is an active girl, then you can choose some cool sports gift. For example, a fitness machine, a new gadget, or a certificate for the gym. For those who literally live their home and family life, it is worth paying attention to various kitchen utensils or indoor flowers.

Universal gifts that help a person improve and develop in some new direction are also suitable. Almost every Aries girl strives to engage in self-development throughout her life. Therefore, she will definitely like interesting books, CDs or certificates. The main thing is that the gift suits the girl. If you give Aries a gift that does not match her hobbies, she may well be offended.

Love and relationships

Despite the fact that the Aries girl does not put relationships first, she still starts relationships. And different partners are suitable for this.

Aries know how to flirt very beautifully and attract a huge number of men. Since childhood, the girl has been surrounded by those who are ready to move mountains for her. And this goes on for a very long time. The Aries woman is a real predator. But this is only at first glance. Next to a loving person, she will open up from a completely different side. After all, in love he is a very sincere and naive character.

Unlike the more flighty Gemini, Aries do not chase the number of men and very rarely cheat on the partner they have chosen. Such women are devoted to a person in a relationship. They satisfy all their thirst for flirting by communicating with this most constant lover. Aries expects the same attitude from their partner. It is very important for them to feel unique and loved.

At first, many are seriously put off by the fact that the girl is too independent. This is not happening because she is a real feminist. The fact is that she is simply accustomed to relying solely on herself. Such a girl does not wait for someone to come and save her - she solves her problems herself, earns money and builds a career. Therefore, to achieve it, you need to be a strong personality. Such a girl will only fall in love with a person who can impress her.

A woman loves to be admired. At the same time, she will immediately recognize falsehood and insincerity, and will definitely not appreciate such compliments. In some ways, such girls are idealists and perfectionists, even in relationships. Aries does not agree to half measures and less than ideal men. A woman wants to be proud of her beloved man. Therefore, very often representatives of this sign choose workaholics or representatives of creative professions who have already achieved certain heights.

At the same time, she does not need a “bag of money.” On the contrary, a successful Aries girl is ready to support her loved one both emotionally and financially. But only if she really believes in him and loves him. In addition, she is ready to shower her lover with attention and gifts. In some cases, Aries women choose those who are slightly weaker than them. But this is almost always a man who wants to develop together with his partner.

Such girls do not accept apathetic and uninitiative men.

Every time an Aries woman falls in love as if it were her last. A romantic nature sincerely believes that each of her loves is to the grave. In her relationships, she never pretends and very rarely tries to manipulate her partner. The only drawback of Aries is that she is very jealous. A woman will not share her beloved with anyone. Even simple words of admiration towards another girl will cause an attack of jealousy in an Aries in love.

By the way, you definitely shouldn’t offend such a girl. If you do this, then your loving partner will turn into a cold, offended creature for a long time. Aries slowly moves away, so in order to melt her heart again, the partner has to put in a lot of effort.

It’s worth talking separately about Aries spouses. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, do not get married too early. And even in marriage, this is not a classic wife who is interested, first of all, in family and everyday life. This is a bright personality who has many interests outside the home. Many husbands consider such a woman to be a true punishment. Such a woman is ambitious, so she will not completely abandon the house - her children and husband will be fed, and the house will impress guests with its well-groomed appearance. But cooking and cleaning will not cause her much enthusiasm.

In everyday life, an Aries wife can be hot-tempered. Any little thing can make her angry. But this outbreak of anger passes very quickly, especially if the husband is able to extinguish her irritation with his tenderness. She rarely falls into apathy and always knows what to do with herself. This could be some new hobby, apartment renovation, or family entertainment. An Aries woman, even in a stable relationship, wants to constantly change. Sometimes it seems that her energy is even too much. But this enthusiasm in everyday life also brings benefits, because the Aries Woman quickly copes with all everyday problems.

The main advantage of a stable relationship with an Aries woman is that your partner will never be bored with her.

Life with her will definitely not be monotonous, and routine will not kill a passionate relationship.

Separately, it is worth noting the passion of the Aries woman. Most of those born under this sign are the ideal lovers. They love to receive pleasure and give it equally. As in life, in bed the Aries woman loves to be admired. In addition, she does not like routine and is always ready to experiment. There is no need to be afraid to share even your wildest fantasies with her. Most likely, she will enthusiastically turn all her partner's ideas into reality.

Career and finance

Another distinctive characteristic of an Aries woman is her sharp mind. He helps a girl achieve a lot, especially in the exact sciences or in business. True, it is worth noting that bright and purposeful women are not able to obey. Especially those who, in their opinion, do not know how to properly manage people.

Therefore, Aries prefer to be bosses, albeit small ones.

Also, the profession of an entrepreneur, manager, or even a military man is perfect for these energetic and active girls. As a rule, Aries have fairly high incomes. But a successful girl spends money very easily, without even thinking about her own extravagance.

An Aries woman, as a rule, manages to quickly achieve heights in her chosen field. She is a born careerist who can easily cope with any problems. In her youth, she is ready to push all other interests into the background and actively work only on her career. As a result, it brings good results, and in just a few years it becomes quite successful.

Zodiac sign and eastern horoscope

Character is influenced not only by the zodiac sign. It is also important in what year a person was born. The combination of the eastern and western horoscopes gives a more accurate description of a person.


A girl born in the year of the Rat under the sign of Aries is sociable. He is a bright personality and a born leader. She doesn’t even need to manipulate people - they themselves will follow the girl. Aries-Rat is a person who will find an approach to anyone. Another important feature that distinguishes such girls and women is perseverance and arrogance. Such people make excellent politicians and military men, that is, all leaders who can manage a huge number of people.


Girls born in the year of the Pig are distinguished by endurance. They are able to withstand quite difficult living conditions while maintaining a positive attitude.

The Pig is the very sign under which strong and patient individuals are born. A woman born in the year of the Pig will become an excellent life partner. She will not complain about problems, but will calmly help solve them. A woman is confident in herself, but criticism from a loved one may well hurt her, especially if unpleasant words were spoken at the beginning of the relationship. In this case, the girl may well “break.”


The combination of pride that the sign of the Rooster gives with the eccentricity of Aries also has an interesting effect on a person’s personality. It’s not hard to guess that the combination turns out to be truly fiery. Girls born in the year of the Rooster and under the sign of Aries are bright, independent and proud. At the same time, they always empathize with those around them and try to help those in whom they see potential. Such a girl does not tolerate pressure and is not ready to break herself for the man of her dreams or the ideal job.


The Aries woman, born under the sign of the Ox, is another example of a very self-confident person. She always strives to get everything at once, without making a choice between a happy family and a successful career. Such maximalism is completely justified, because Aries-Ox is a person who is truly capable of working tirelessly on relationships and on a career, and really fulfilling all plans.

Another important point is that for such a girl it is important that her relationship is equal. On the one hand, she does not want to live with a person who will be weaker than her and will be able to constantly obey, and on the other hand, it is important for her that the chosen one does not put pressure on her.


Another interesting combination of signs is Monkey and Aries. Such a girl is very bright and extremely charming, and also talkative and has a very great influence on her environment. If necessary, she will always achieve her goal through manipulation. But even in this case, such a girl will evoke only positive emotions.

She is also active in her work and skillfully copes with even the most difficult tasks. Most of all, such women like to work with people: to persuade, communicate, perhaps even sell. Therefore, they should choose appropriate professions so as not to get bored at all alone with numbers and reports.

To many men, such a bright personality seems frivolous, especially in his youth. But in fact, she will perform well in a long-term relationship. Like all Aries, she is loyal and does not like to change partners. Therefore, here the external impression also turns out to be deceptive.

Goat (Sheep)

An Aries woman, born under the sign of the Goat or Sheep, is an excellent combination of femininity and hard work. She clearly knows how to separate work and personal life. At work, she is an ambitious and persistent person who knows how to convey her thoughts to listeners. These women make excellent speakers, so the profession of a lecturer or announcer is best suited for them. The Aries woman will be flattered by the attention of a huge number of people who listen to her.

In relationships, the Sheep-Aries also prefers to dominate, sometimes even too much. Not all men want to endure the company of a spouse who controls them. But if she chooses a partner with a strong character, she will be able to prove herself as a caring mother and a good housewife. True, for this she needs to meet a real “tamer” who will be able to conquer her partner and adjust her to himself.


The Aries-Snake woman is a very wise person who always strives for self-development. First of all, like other Aries, she develops professionally. She works best with numbers. She copes well even with very complex tasks. Aries-Snakes know how to surprise both at 20 and at 40 years old. At any age, they retain their core, which is what attracts men to them.

As for personal relationships, those who do not like to take the initiative into their own hands will be most comfortable with such a woman. Another plus is that she is passionate in bed.

But at the same time, the Aries woman is faithful and caring.

The Dragon

Another bright sign is the Dragon. Both men and women born under this sign love to command and control. Aries-Dragon is a real iron lady. It will be easy for strong and strong-willed men with her. It is also very important that a woman is busy with something else besides her family. If she doesn’t have the opportunity to express herself at work, she will “go out.”

Cat (Rabbit)

This interesting combination gives the girl insight and ambition. A woman born in the year of the Cat is diligent and diligent. She is able to cope with complex tasks that require a lot of work.

This is a rare case when family relationships are very important for an Aries girl. She wants everything in the family to be perfect and correct. Everyone in the family has their own role. Only in this case does the girl feel relaxed and truly open up. In this case, the woman is able to prove herself as a very good mother and caring wife.


Tiger women are distinguished by their easy-going nature. It is easiest for them to find a common language with others. Aries-Tiger knows how to listen to his interlocutors and convey the necessary thoughts to them. Such women reveal themselves best in psychology and medicine. As for relationships, such a girl needs to be won over. She needs to be given good gifts and given a lot of attention. The Tiger Girl values ​​extraordinary actions very highly.

The eastern horoscope allows you to reveal the girl’s character in even more detail. After all, different combinations bring their own flavor to the personality of Aries. But at the same time, some things still remain unchanged - this is the stubbornness and ambition of rebellious Aries.

Famous personalities

Stars born under the sign of Aries are excellent proof of how much such a bright woman can achieve. For example, Alla Pugacheva and Lady Gaga, well-known to many, are precisely Aries women. They attract the attention of the public not only with their talent, but also with their charisma. This is what allows them to remain in the spotlight for so long, despite their age.

Also, such world celebrities as Reese Witherspoon and Kristen Stewart were born under the sign of Aries. Fans of these famous Aries are interested in watching their idols in real life. After all, hot-tempered and bright Aries really know how to surprise with their shocking antics. In addition, behind the success of each of these girls lies its own story, and it is rarely simple, because Aries do not look for easy ways and achieve fame through hard work.

Among the domestic stars, in addition to Pugacheva, we can also highlight Laima Vaikule, Valeria and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. All these girls appeared on screens in their early youth and immediately attracted attention. Over the years, famous ladies only get better. They prove by their example that the date of birth can have a significant impact on fate.

In general, women born under the sign of Aries are some of the brightest representatives of the entire zodiac circle. They are stubborn, ambitious, eccentric, and usually quite successful. If such a girl devotes a lot of time to the area in which she wants to achieve great heights, then she will definitely succeed. Aries has neither stubbornness nor determination. But this does not deprive the fairer sex of femininity at all - next to her partner, even an iron lady can turn into a tender and caring wife.

Zodiac Aries woman characteristics, sex, relationships, money, family

Day: Tuesday, Stone: Diamond, Psychotype: Leader, Motto: I, Energy: Yang

Zodiac sign Aries women is governed by the element of fire, and accordingly the qualities of fire are transferred to these women. Passion is one of these qualities; in sex they are seducers, but the lover must also be energetic and strong; if not, then interest in such a union will soon fade away. Zodiac Aries woman is passionate and enthusiastic, she is like the dominant female in the pack, always ahead, fearless and a natural leader. Charismatic and energetic, she is looking for the same partner - a leader. She always wants to follow her own path and will bravely accept any challenges of fate. The life of an Aries woman will definitely be interesting and active. She loves travel and adventure.

Astrologer's advice: The description of the zodiac sign will be much more specific if we consider the year of birth and the section of the eastern calendar will help in this. Go to the appropriate section - .

The sign of Aries woman is the first in the zodiac constellation and the ruling planet is Mars, in this combination the Aries woman is awarded endless optimism and leadership qualities.

The Aries woman can sometimes imitate, but she never repeats herself. Often, with her activity, she can cause a commotion among those around her, and she will also have ill-wishers, but their discontent will be caused more likely by envy of Aries’ organizational abilities. She is quite brave and is not afraid of direct conversation.

Zodiac Aries woman They are very impulsive, hardworking and often take on more workload than others. This ambitious lady accepts any challenge, but she does not always have the patience and can move on to the next task without completing the previous one. The Aries woman loves to fight for the rights of other people, and for her it does not matter much how this may affect her career.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study monthly and annual horoscopes for all zodiac signs. An astrological forecast will allow you to make positive decisions on any issues. High quality and useful. Go to the section .

Zodiac Aries woman sex and relationships

Although she gives the impression of being strong, she is very vulnerable inside. She is romantic and loves with all her heart, caring. The Aries zodiac woman will always look for great and pure love, and sometimes she finds it, in which case her charm and tenderness are revealed, which hardly anyone else is capable of. She is gentle and affectionate and needs a loving person who will understand her and accept her for who she is. Sometimes she can be jealous, but her jealousy is controlled and quickly fades away unless there is a good reason.

In intimate relationships, Aries is very assertive and passionate. As a wrestler, her bed is the ring; she is active, thirsty for a bright orgasm, wants to dominate, and her natural ingenuity helps her in this. She loves non-standard positions and places for sex, and her partner needs to be ready for sex: “here and now!”

An Aries woman strives to have a lover who can not only excite her, but most importantly satisfy her! Her temperament is like fire, it flares up quickly enough, but is difficult to extinguish.

Video Aries:

Aries and money
For the Aries woman, the factor of independence is very important and, accordingly, she pays considerable attention to control over financial resources. But, unfortunately, this will not work out very well for her; pragmatism is not her strong point. The Aries woman is generous and loves to give gifts. She will turn to the bank for a loan quite often.

Astrologer's advice: Be sure to keep in mind that an individual horoscope from an astrologer provides maximum information that cannot be understood from general characteristics. Order.

Zodiac Aries woman and family
As a wife and mother, she is caring and attentive, not very demanding about everyday life. She will fight tooth and nail for her children, and her care will be very diligent. She will also be very good as a teacher, but she has her own parenting style that works very well for her and her family. Those lucky enough to be loved by an Aries can feel secure. The qualities of a defender are most developed in Aries.