The meaning of the name Aishe, the origin, character and fate of the name Aishe. History of origin and interpretation of the name Aishe


Value (description):

The meaning of the name Aisha - a detailed description of the origin and characteristics of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Synonyms for the name Aisha. Aisha, Oisha, Oisha.
Origin of the name Aisha. The name Aisha is Muslim, Kazakh.

The name Aisha is one of the most famous Muslim female names because it is the name of the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad, much loved not only by her husband, but also by many Muslims. The name Aisha can also be spelled Aisha.

This name is of Arabic origin. The name Aisha means “life”, “living”, “alive” meaning “active”, “energetic”, “full of life”. There are variants of pronunciation of the name Aisha - Aisha, Oisha, Oisha, for example, among Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs. The name Aisha is becoming widespread throughout the United States.

The owner of the name Aisha is a completely extraordinary girl. Her conversations are all full of logical conclusions, but she knows how to present them in such a way that they seem to appear on their own in the thoughts of the interlocutor, that is, Aisha herself is supposedly not their primary source. Therefore, everyone considers Aisha an excellent conversationalist, with whom it is not at all boring. At the same time, she does not strive to show off her intelligence, preferring to be invisible, to be in the shadows. This woman deserves fame, but not the kind that is shouted about on every corner, but the kind that will be passed on from mouth to mouth, real glory and recognition among the people.

She has a humanitarian character, mathematics, physics and chemistry are very difficult and incomprehensible subjects for her; she is much closer to literature, painting, languages, and other artistic and creative professions. This is a sensitive and very emotional nature, has good intuition. Aisha tries to restrain her impulsiveness and rich fantasies, preferring to be pragmatic and consistent.

She has enough patience and perseverance, she is very stubborn, especially in those cases when she understands that time is on her side, and the situation is developing in her favor. But this path is not without pitfalls, since while walking along it, she experiences great nervous tension, which cannot be reflected in the future, and can even result in obsession and fanaticism. Because she prefers to follow her plans to the limits of what is possible.

Aisha has great self-control and is very careful, especially in the area of ​​her ambitions. Motivation is certainly a magic word, and it will only completely and completely move Aisha towards her intended goal. If she fails to achieve her goals, she is likely to become moody, short-tempered, envious and sad. But if there is even the slightest chance of bringing her projects to life, Aisha will skillfully combine intuition and creativity with her talent for organization and improvement, and will never look back.

As a child, Aisha is extremely perceptive and very emotional, which makes her especially sensitive when it comes to inner harmony. She has a great need for security and love due to a certain lack of confidence. She may become apathetic at the slightest emotional shock and lose all interest in studying at school. She learns to manage her emotions, makes an effort on herself, often with the intention of pleasing her parents. At least at first glance. Her creative streak should be encouraged, because in the future she can prove herself to be a talented girl.

Aisha has a gentle and romantic soul. She values ​​true friendship and loves collaboration with her colleagues. When it comes to love, she may try to hide due to her extreme modesty and shyness, which brings certain difficulties in personal, non-work communication. She hopes that her partner, who can understand her in any case, will be very patient and attentive. Having found her love, Aisha will not even have thoughts about being unfaithful to her husband.

Famous people named Aisha

  • Aisha bint Abu Bakr ((612-678) third wife of the Prophet Muhammad. During her life she was considered one of the greatest scholars of Islam.)
  • Aisha Sayed Castro, Aisha Sayed ((b.1989) Dominican violinist and violist, winner of the Casandra Prize in 2009)
  • Aisha ((born 1986) real name – Aya Andreeva; Latvian singer, participant of Eurovision 2010)
  • Aisha Tyler ((b.1970) American actress and comedian)
  • Aisha Dee ((born 1993) Australian television actress, appears in television series)
  • Aisha Hinds ((born 1975) American actress, appears in both TV series and big movies)
  • Aisha Galimbaeva ((1917-2008) Soviet and Kazakh artist, painter. She became the first professional artist among Kazakh women. Holder of the titles Honored Artist and People's Artist in her native country.)
  • Aisha Gaddafi ((born 1976) former Libyan political and public figure, also previously a UN Goodwill Ambassador. Diplomat and lawyer.)
  • Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

    Compatibility of the name Aisha, manifestation in love

    Aisha, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to express your feelings in forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


    You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

    But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

    It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to give up even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

    You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

    The sunny and radiant girl fully justifies the meaning of the name Aisha. A restless inventor, she is capable of infecting anyone with fun. It is difficult to remain indifferent and calm from her charms.

    In childhood, the meaning of the name Aisha for a child reveals extraordinary artistic abilities - the baby has excellent diction, behaves well on stage and transforms. Since school, he loves to participate in all festivals and events.

    The girl studies well, preferring to study the humanities and foreign languages. Exact sciences are difficult for her - the girl often has to do her homework with the help of her parents or classmates.

    The restless character of the young lady provokes keen interest in her from classmates and others. She is always in the center of everyone's attention, charging the atmosphere with her life-affirming mood.

    Some may think that Aisha is weak-willed, but this is only at first glance. This peace-loving creature, when angry, can fight back against the most daring and daring people. Because the gentle female name endowed its owner not only with excellent humor and cheerful character, but also with perseverance, stubbornness and self-will.

    Having made a decision, the girl does not pay attention to the beliefs of her opponents, remaining unconvinced. This reveals another meaning of the name Aisha for a girl. Basically, the interpretation of the name depends on the environment and upbringing of the baby. Surrounded by care and warmth, the girl will be soft and courteous with everyone, and vice versa, forced to defend herself in her family, she will behave harshly and uncompromisingly with others.

    Excessive pressure causes irritation in the girl, which can provoke a violent reaction. He does not like criticism in any form, reacting to it sharply, sometimes even unprincipled.

    The young lady has an amazing gift for dressing her feelings in bright and unusual forms that evoke a response from those around her. Despite this, the girl pays great attention to external gloss, judging a person by his appearance.


    For a girl, falling in love does not mean giving up her career and the possibility of her own realization. An ambitious nature will not be able to get along with a person who will put forward some boundaries and impose his own priorities.

    The romance, vulnerability and femininity of a young lady attracts a lot of representatives of the opposite sex, but the girl has unspoken standards for selecting a life partner. For her, the neatness and appearance of the suitor is of great importance, and the internal qualities of the chosen one must pass the test of endurance.

    Routine and stability quickly bore a woman, as a result of which her interest in her chosen one begins to quickly fade away. In a relationship with a man, for a young lady, novelty and variety are of paramount importance, while dullness and commitment evoke insatiable boredom.


    Despite the fact that family means quite a lot to a woman, she does not intend to give up her previously set plans and priorities. The relationship with her husband is quite difficult and “loud”, although in her own way, the young person respects and loves her chosen one.

    Since children are given one of the highest values, a woman does not want to have them early. To begin with, time must pass, which will put everything in its place.

    Business and career

    A career means a lot to a woman, not so much in terms of providing food, but as a way of self-expression. Having gotten married, the young lady adheres to the statement that the husband should provide for the family. Before marriage, parents are responsible for providing financial support for the young person.

    He doesn’t like to stay in one place for a long time, and if he doesn’t like something, he quickly changes jobs. He chooses a field of activity not according to possible income, but according to the dictates of his heart. She has all the qualities to achieve career growth - the young lady is smart, instantly navigates the situation, and has an excellent gift of persuasion.

    She is capable of achieving great heights in the following professions: sales representative, philologist, translator, teacher, social activist, manager.

    Origin of the name Aisha

    The origin of the name Aisha is Arabic. Considering where the naming came from, history indicates the first mention of Aisha, whose name was the second and beloved wife of the Prophet Muhammad. After the death of her husband, the woman remained faithful to him until the end of her days, refusing to accept Ali's power.

    In addition to the fact that the etymology of the name Aisha from Arabic means “living, energetic, prosperous,” the secret of the name indicates incredible perseverance and the ability to fight to the end.

    Characteristics of the name Aisha

    Together, the pros and cons of the young lady’s character make up a holistic and extraordinary personality with the name Aisha. The characteristics of the name Aisha are quite interesting. The girl is gifted with a bright personality and many abilities, and her desire for self-realization sometimes causes some imbalance.

    The fact is that a baby may have several pronounced abilities, as a result of which one will have to give preference to one of them. This difficult task is sometimes overwhelming - wanting to realize herself to the maximum, the young lady tortures herself for a long time, as a result of which the end result is not the same as previously planned.

    When raising a baby, parents need to pay great attention to this factor, trying as much as possible to decide what is best for the girl to do.

    The mystery of the name

    • Stone – carnelian, chrysolite.
    • There are no name days in the Orthodox calendar.
    • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Scorpio.
    • Patron planet - Saturn.
    • Favorable colors are beige, red, lemon yellow.
    • Totem animal – electric stingray, eel.
    • Favorable plant - alpine rose, barberry.

    Famous people named Aisha

    • Aisha Hinds (1975) is an American actress.
    • Aisha Tyler (1970) – American actress and comedian. She is known for her supporting role in the television series Ghost Whisperer.
    • Aisha Issa (1982) is an American actress.

    Name Aisha in different languages

    In English, German and French the translation of the name Aisha is Aisha. In Chinese the name is translated as 阿伊莎 (Ā yī shā), in Japanese it sounds like -アイーシャ (Aīsha).

    Name forms

    • Full name: Aisha.
    • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Ayesha, Aishe, Aishash, Aeshash, Aishka, Asya, Aishenka, Asha, Ashka.
    • The declension of the name is Aishu-Aishe.
    • There is no church name in Orthodoxy. When performing the sacrament of baptism, the parents choose a name that is similar in meaning or sound, the most suitable one being Elena.

    The female name Aisha comes from the Arabic word for “life”, and can be translated as “active”, “energetic”, “vital”, “living”, “successful”. In Muslim countries, Aisha can be pronounced as Oisha, Aisha, Oisha, and has recently been gaining popularity in the United States of America.

    Diminutive form of the name: Aishenka, Aish, Aishonok, Aya, Ayechka, Asha.

    In Aisha's Orthodox calendar, name days are not celebrated due to their affiliation with the Muslim faith. Adult Aisha, having decided to accept the Orthodox faith, takes any consonant Orthodox name.

    Pros: Successful, energetic, positive, sociable, sensitive.

    Cons: Selfish, envious, conflicting, uncompromising, gossip.


    She is growing up as an energetic, emotional and smiling girl. He begins to speak early, has excellent diction, loves to come up with interesting stories and tell them to his listeners. He can easily make even an unsociable person talk. Has no patience, wants to get everything right now. She can be very persistent, especially when time is running out and she needs to achieve a goal. He knows how to charge the atmosphere with his optimism. Aisha may have several talents, so as not to be torn, she needs to choose one of them and seriously pursue it.

    Thanks to his artistic abilities, he takes part in all school productions and dances and sings well. But Aisha’s studies are not going well, she has difficulty in exact sciences, physics and chemistry terrify her.

    But Aisha has no problems with the humanities; she loves literature, painting, and foreign languages ​​are easy for her. Aisha has a sensitive nature and subtle intuition, which helps her not to make mistakes in life. Thanks to her outgoing and positive nature, Aisha has many friends around her. With age, Aisha knows how to hide her rich imagination under the guise of pragmatism.

    Aisha achieves her goals only through motivation. He never regrets things or actions he did not do, and does not like to look back. Values ​​friendship and tries to maintain friendly relations with colleagues. Aisha knows how to create a positive and friendly atmosphere in the team. Despite the apparent appearance of a weak woman, Aisha can give a worthy rebuff to the offender verbally or physically. Aisha always has her own opinion, she does not give in to the influence of others. He takes criticism hard, even if he understands that the critic is right.


    Aisha is not in good health and suffers from all childhood diseases. As an adult, she may have nervous breakdowns and a tendency to hypertension.


    She will choose a job that she likes, where she can realize herself; she is not very concerned about the financial side. As a rule, it is provided first by the parents, then by the husband. He does not like monotonous and boring work; he usually changes several jobs in his life until he really finds a job he likes, where he will give his all and be able to move up the career ladder. Can succeed in trading, teaching, translating a foreign language.


    Aisha attracts males with her feminine behavior. Having fallen in love, Aisha, due to excessive shyness and modesty, hides her feelings from the object of her love behind a mask of indifference. Her boyfriend must be patient and gentle so that Aisha opens up to him.


    She is looking for a husband equal in interests and hobbies, not without a rich inner imagination. Aisha will not be able to live with a powerful and cruel man for long; she will leave him without hesitation, taking her children with her. Family life with Aisha will not be boring, as she loves spontaneous trips, surprises, and unexpected visits from guests. It is difficult to compromise with her husband and children. She gives birth to children at a late age, but consciously becomes an excellent and caring mother to her children.

    The name Aisha is one of the most famous Muslim female names because it is the name of the third wife of the Prophet Muhammad, much loved not only by her husband, but also by many Muslims. The name Aisha can also be spelled Aisha.

    This name is of Arabic origin. The name Aisha means “life”, “living”, “alive” meaning “active”, “energetic”, “full of life”. There are variants of pronunciation of the name Aisha - Aisha, Oisha, Oisha, for example, among Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazakhs. The name Aisha is becoming widespread throughout the United States.

    The owner of the name Aisha is a completely extraordinary girl. Her conversations are all full of logical conclusions, but she knows how to present them in such a way that they seem to appear on their own in the thoughts of the interlocutor, that is, Aisha herself is supposedly not their primary source. Therefore, everyone considers Aisha an excellent conversationalist, with whom it is not at all boring. At the same time, she does not strive to show off her intelligence, preferring to be invisible, to be in the shadows. This woman deserves fame, but not the kind that is shouted about on every corner, but the kind that will be passed on from mouth to mouth, real glory and recognition among the people.

    She has a humanitarian character, mathematics, physics and chemistry are very difficult and incomprehensible subjects for her; she is much closer to literature, painting, languages, and other artistic and creative professions. This is a sensitive and very emotional nature, has good intuition. Aisha tries to restrain her impulsiveness and rich fantasies, preferring to be pragmatic and consistent.

    She has enough patience and perseverance, she is very stubborn, especially in those cases when she understands that time is on her side, and the situation is developing in her favor. But this path is not without pitfalls, since while walking along it, she experiences great nervous tension, which cannot be reflected in the future, and can even result in obsession and fanaticism. Because she prefers to follow her plans to the limits of what is possible.

    Aisha has great self-control and is very careful, especially in the area of ​​her ambitions. Motivation is certainly a magic word, and it will only completely and completely move Aisha towards her intended goal. If she fails to achieve her goals, she is likely to become moody, short-tempered, envious and sad. But if there is even the slightest chance of bringing her projects to life, Aisha will skillfully combine intuition and creativity with her talent for organization and improvement, and will never look back.

    As a child, Aisha is extremely perceptive and very emotional, which makes her especially sensitive when it comes to inner harmony. She has a great need for security and love due to a certain lack of confidence. She may become apathetic at the slightest emotional shock and lose all interest in studying at school. She learns to manage her emotions, makes an effort on herself, often with the intention of pleasing her parents. At least at first glance. Her creative streak should be encouraged, because in the future she can prove herself to be a talented girl.

    Aisha has a gentle and romantic soul. She values ​​true friendship and loves collaboration with her colleagues. When it comes to love, she may try to hide due to her extreme modesty and shyness, which brings certain difficulties in personal, non-work communication. She hopes that her partner, who can understand her in any case, will be very patient and attentive. Having found her love, Aisha will not even have thoughts about being unfaithful to her husband.

    • Synonyms for the name Aisha. Aisha, Oisha, Oisha.
    • Origin of the name Aisha. The name Aisha is Muslim, Kazakh.