The evil queen from sleeping beauty. Sleeping beauty syndrome. About fairy costumes and spinning wheels

Sleeping beauty syndrome
(article written in October 2010)

Moscow is a city of active, enterprising, working, business women. And at the same time, in Moscow there is a huge number of “sleeping beauties”.

Do you remember the fairy tale about the sleeping beauty from childhood?

“Sleeping Beauty is a princess who was bewitched by an evil witch. The princess slept for 100 years, according to the witch's prediction, and everything around her slept, remaining unchanged: people, castle, objects. The castle was surrounded by thorny impassable thickets-fence and a large dense dark forest. One day, while hunting, the prince was driving through the forest and came to the place where the castle stood, and because... 100 years passed on this very day—the thorny thickets opened and he was able to go inside.
There the prince saw the sleeping princess, fell in love, kissed her - and then she and everyone around her came to life and woke up. The prince and princess got married, and together they lived happily ever after..."

But this all happens in a fairy tale. But what do we have in real life?

In real life, we meet many women who are outwardly very attractive, energetic, and successful. But at the same time, their inner Woman, the feminine soul, sleeps in a sound, deep sleep...
Sometimes a woman's soul sees dreams, beautiful and pleasant... She dreams, dreams, but does not wake up.
And most importantly, he avoids seeing reality. Avoids showing activity and her feminine strength and power in relationships with men.

What is the “sleeping beauty” syndrome?
-The sleeping beauty dreams of love, of the man of her dreams, but...does nothing to make her dream come true.
-May feel insecure as a Woman. She believes that she cannot influence relationships with men, that little depends on her.
-As a rule, the sleeping beauty hopes that someday everything will turn out well, she just needs to meet a “suitable” man. And then a woman’s happiness will come on its own, without her efforts and actions.
-She can engage in constant self-improvement (figure, diet, facial correction, wardrobe, outlook, success, etc.). According to principle: When I become good enough, the prince will definitely appear!
-She often refuses to meet those men who are trying to attract her attention, under the following pretexts: I didn’t like him, he said the wrong thing, he wasn’t active enough, I’m not worthy of him - anyway, then he will reject me and I will suffer, etc.
-Or she genuinely doesn’t notice men’s attention to her.
- Such a woman works a lot or devotes a lot of time and effort to some other activity: caring for loved ones, studying, career, communicating with friends, shopping, etc.
The bulk of her energy is spent not on building relationships with men, but on resolving other issues.
-Her attention begins to be occupied by thoughts that There are no normal men, all valuable specimens have already been taken over. Maybe we should stop hoping, nothing will work out anyway? And then the inner woman falls asleep forever, without hope of waking up.
-The most dangerous thing is if a woman decides: female happiness is not for me.

How does this syndrome develop?
Let’s imagine that a woman’s personality structure has at least 3 parts:
-female/feminine part (inner Woman)
-male/masculine (her Animus, “the embodiment of all masculine psychological tendencies in the woman’s psyche”)
-neutral, asexual Id (has intelligence, practical life skills, functions at home and at work)

The Inner Sleeping Beauty Woman is usually someone who is not strong enough, insecure, or traumatized by past love experiences or events. early childhood.
This part of her personality either did not have time to wake up and bloom in full force. Or she chose to fall asleep and not manifest herself, but simply passively wait for someone who would save her and wake her up to life...
As a rule, the “sleeping beauty” has an It that is awake and controls her life. Then the woman is perceived by others as psychologically asexual.
She perceives herself as an employee, a leader, a friend, a daughter, a mother, a sister, a colleague... It’s often not a woman’s turn.
And life is pushing her towards this. big city with its rhythm and tasks. The criterion for choosing clothes is comfort. At work there is a dress code, you need to be a genderless, well-functioning cog, at home you need to be a daughter or mother, in life there are a lot of problems and matters that need to be solved. There’s no time for the inner Woman here, there’s no time, there’s a lot to do...
In some women, in addition to the id, the animus is also very active. A woman, in the course of her life and career, struggling with difficulties, can fly into a strong identification with her Animus, give it power—and then she is perceived as a “man in a skirt.” In this case, it often happens that men, attracted by a charming, flirtatious, feminine appearance, fly to such a woman like flies to honey - having flown closer and starting to communicate, they meet a fellow man under this feminine shell... And this inner man can also be very aggressive and competitive, he begins to measure himself against an unlucky admirer: who is smarter, who is more important, who is cooler, who has more of what...
Further options for the development of events are possible. But more often than not, the fan, having recovered from the shock, quietly crawls back.

Such a “sleeping beauty” (whose inner Woman has fallen asleep) passively waits for the moment to come when that handsome prince appears in her life, who, seeing how beautiful she is in her deep sleep, will love her and kiss her. And then she will feel a real woman... Everything around will become bright, alive, warm - and then they will live together happily ever after. And she doesn’t have to make any effort, everything will happen on its own...
But, thinking in this way, she makes 2 important mistakes, thinking that the prince:
-will fall in love only if he sees the beauty sleeping (and not awake and active)
-that we must continue to sleep (otherwise the prince will not appear and fall in love).

At the same time, sleeping beauties forget that: there are not enough princes for everyone, on the way a prince can be grabbed by a more active girl, and it is only in a fairy tale that you can maintain your beauty and youth unchanged for 100 years.
But for the prince, sleeping beauty is a relative of his great-great-great-grandmother? And in a few years the young princes will be looking not for their sleeping great-great, but for their peers...

What happens in reality to the princes while the beauty is sleeping?
Modern princes have a hard time. To “make a fairy tale come true,” the prince must:
-Overcome obstacles (dense thickets, thorns). Not every modern man wants to deal with difficulties at all—why go into such an impenetrable forest? It is more convenient to walk along the usual paved paths. Or in general it’s better to sit at home, warm and comfortable. If you were still in the car, sitting behind the wheel and with air conditioning, so in dense forest You can't get there by car!
-Don’t turn left on the road to the castle—there are a lot of temptations! Beautiful and brave girls walk in the forest, Amazons gallop, Little Red Riding Hoods sing their songs, there are fairies and sorceresses. Even Baba Yaga greets good fellows: she feeds them, gives them something to drink, and washes them in the bathhouse. Each one captivates in its own way. There is something to distract yourself with.
-Fall in love with this beauty. But the prince may not like the sleeping beauty—well, she’s just not his type!
-Do what is expected of him. Suppose the prince liked the girl. Here he stands in front of the sleeping beauty and thinks: do I need this? What is her character like? I’ll break the spell, I know how—but it’s not written in the fairy tale how to put the spell back! One kiss and then a commitment for life! I'll go back, I won't wake him up, let him continue sleeping. She slept for 100 years and will sleep again. There will be another prince for her...

What do we want our prince to be like?
The answer to this question is known: kind, smart, strong, attractive, courageous, successful, enterprising, active, understanding me, generous, attentive, caring, broad-minded and high intelligence etc.
If the beauty does not see at least one of the listed qualities in the prince, it means that this is not a real prince! And then he won’t be able to kiss and wake her up!
And this prince, who did not pass the selection, will leave unsalted, and the beauty will continue her interrupted sleep and dreams of an ideal handsome prince and a wonderful life with him...
In general, the chances of the fairy tale coming true are somehow slim...

U modern man, claiming to be a prince, the personality structure can also be divided into 3 parts:
-male/masculine part (inner Man)
-neutral, asexual Id (has intelligence, practical life skills, functions at work and at home, solves problems and tasks)
-Anima (“the embodiment of all feminine psychological tendencies in the male psyche, such as vague feelings and moods”).

Recently, a certain trend has been noticeable in Moscow, about which women are complaining :
“most men are passive”, “they don’t behave like men”, “they have feminine characters", "they are not brave, enterprising and responsible, but flexible, indecisive, avoid responsibility, love to talk rather than act", "they have difficulty making decisions and do not want to take responsibility or take initiative", "at work 90 % of employees are men, of which only a few people with masculine character, the rest are either neutral or with a feminine character,” “if he meets with a masculine character, then he is a newcomer, and Muscovite men do not behave like men...”
And then we can assume that in men of this type the masculine part of the personality, the inner Man, is not sufficiently active and developed.
IN everyday life and at work, in order to cope with tasks, the asexual It is enough for them. Some men have a strong and active Anima, which largely determines their behavior.
It turns out that now we have many “sleeping princes” waiting for an active, feminine, self-confident woman to come and awaken their male part of their personality, the Man in a man, from sleep?!

Why did it happen that many potential princes fell asleep and turned into “sleeping handsome men”?
There are many reasons and they are different.
For example:
-absent father with strong masculinity
-lack of male behavior in the immediate environment
-dominant and overwhelming masculinity of the boy's mother
- stuck at the teenage stage of personality development
-initiation as a man not completed in youth for the formation of a distinct male identity
-corporate cultures of business organizations and government agencies that suppress personal manifestations of employees, their initiative and activity
-fatigue from the demands and rhythm of life in a big city...

For a modern woman in this difficult situation, when the “sleeping beauty” strategy has stopped working for quite objective reasons: conditions and lifestyle have changed, men have changed...
- the main thing and the first thing: you need to wake up and see that there are men around and they are all different (including those with a strong masculine component).
-accept the truth that every person is the architect of his own happiness, including women’s
-change your strategy of behavior with men
-master different attraction and dating strategies
- pay attention to your inner Woman, develop your feminine part, femininity.
-clarify the relationship with your Animus, take away some of the power from it

A woman who wants to see a “real man” next to her has a choice of 2 paths:
1. attract a man with strong masculine character traits.
2. be able to awaken the Man in the “sleeping prince”.

The stronger and brighter the femininity in a woman, the more in touch she is with her inner Woman, the more men with a strong masculine part of their personality, with a “masculine character,” are attracted to her. It is usually the opposite that attracts and fascinates.
A woman with strong femininity, mastering the skill of influence and seduction, will be able to awaken the Man in a man. Even if this part of the personality is asleep or temporarily resting...
And then instead of the “sleeping beauty” and the “sleeping prince” there will be a Woman and a Man nearby.

Elena Kuzeeva is a psychotherapist, Gestalt therapist, author and presenter of the training series “Elena Kuzeeva’s School of Women’s Skills” at the Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy.

Incredible facts

Many may be quite surprised to learn that some Disney cartoons, which have been so popular among children for several generations, are actually initially they are not based on good and positive stories.

This may be shocking, but these very stories were based on violence, murder, cannibalism and other blood-chilling events.

Original versions of fairy tales

It is generally accepted that Disney, by changing the original versions of fairy tales, made them kind and pleasant, and therefore more accessible to the general public. However, there are also those who accuses Disney of unfairly distorting the original stories.

Some of the very first versions of fairy tales became known to us thanks to the Internet and discussions on various forums. However, there are many Disney stories that actually look different, and we don’t even realize about “substitution” of the plot.

Listed below are examples of lesser-known versions of popular cartoons that more than one generation of young viewers have grown up with.

Pinocchio Disney

1. Pinocchio: Corpses and Murder

Original version: Pinocchio becomes a murderer, and in the end he himself dies

In the very first version of the tale, Pinocchio was punished with death for his disobedience. Wooden boy ruthless towards old Gepetto and constantly teases him. The old man begins to pursue Pinocchio and ends up in prison for allegedly offending the boy.

Pinocchio returns home where he meets a hundred-year-old cricket who tells him that naughty children turn into donkeys. However, the wooden boy, not wanting to listen to wise advice, in a fit of anger, he throws a hammer at the cricket and kills it.

Pinocchio ends his life by being burned in a fire. Before his death, he sees the same fairy who saves him in the Disney version. The wooden boy is choking on smoke. Witnesses to his dying suffering are a cat with a mutilated paw, which Pinocchio had previously bitten off, and a fox. Both animals were hanged by the evil wooden boy.

The editors found this ending too angry and sad. Therefore, it was decided to change the second part and add a different ending to make the story more positive and kind.

Thanks to the efforts of Walt Disney, after numerous misadventures that Pinocchio experienced due to his own disobedience and stubbornness, he returns to his old father and becomes a good boy.

History of Aladdin

2. Dismemberment in Aladdin

In the original version: Cassim was mutilated and brutally killed

For those who don't know, Kassim is the father that Aladdin lost in his early childhood. This hero appears in the third part of the film. Cassim is the leader of the Forty Thieves gang. Surely everyone has heard about this gang.

The stories of "Aladdin" and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves" begin to become closely intertwined. To go to the wedding of his son and Princess Jasmine, Cassim had to leave his villainous business for a while.

In the original version, Ali Baba learns what words need to be spoken in order to get into the cave where forty thieves keep their treasures. He then tells his brother Cassim about the gold, also telling him magic words, thanks to which he still ends up in the treasury.

However, from the greedy excitement that gripped him at the sight of such untold wealth, Cassim forgets his magic spells and cannot leave the cave. At this moment the robbers return. Seeing an unexpected guest, they kill him in cold blood.

Fallen princesses: what happened to the heroines of fairy tales after the wedding?

Cassim's body was then cut into pieces. The robbers left the dismembered limbs at the entrance to the cave as a warning to others who wanted to enter the treasury.

At the end of the tale, after numerous scenes of murder, only the slave remains alive.

Cinderella: original version

3. Cinderella the Killer

In the original version: Cinderella kills her evil stepmother

Perhaps each of us is familiar with two versions of the tale of poor girl, who was offended by her evil stepmother. "Cinderella" from Charles Perrault and the Brothers Grimm is based on the plot of the fairy tale by Giambattista Basile.

In Basile's version there is another character - the governess, who at first is very supportive of Cinderella. The girl cries to her about her bitter fate and complains about her evil stepmother. The governess advises her to kill the one who makes Cinderella's life unbearable.

With one blow from the chest lid to the neck, the girl takes the life of her tormentor. The governess marries Cinderella's father. However, her life becomes even sadder and harder than before.

As it turned out, the new stepmother has seven daughters whom she hid. When they were presented to Cinderella's father, he forgets about his own daughter. Now Cinderella is doomed to hard work around the clock. She is forced to do the most menial chores around the house.

5 Little-Known Versions of Famous Children's Fairy Tales

The final part of the story is very similar to a traditional fairy tale. Disney did not change the ending of the story, since in any version the fairy tale about Cinderella - happy ending. The poor girl, after undergoing trials, marries a handsome prince.

And with Charles Perrault, and with the Brothers Grimm, and with Basile, a simple servant becomes a princess. Disney, being a supporter of the "happy ending", did not change the final part of the story, but only added positivity and joyful faces to it.

So, the story about a poor girl with whom the prince falls in love was not always as harmless and pure as Disney presents us with.

Sleeping Beauty - original

4. Sleeping Beauty is among the dead

In the original version: Sleeping Beauty rests among decaying corpses

Everyone remembers how in the famous fairy tale the witch cursed the girl. At the age of fifteen, the beauty was supposed to die from a spindle injection. However, another witch softened the curse, promising that it will not be death, but a dream lasting a hundred years.

The briar bushes that grew thickly around the castle became a thorny trap for hundreds of young people who tried to pass through these thorns in the hope of seeing the sleeping princess. They all died after getting entangled in the bushes. They died a terrible and painful death.

Exactly one hundred years later, as the second witch predicted, the curse subsided. The abundant vegetation, which had become the grave of many young men, turned into wonderful flowers.

A prince passing by on a horse sees Beauty. With his kiss he brings her back to life. This is exactly the happy ending that Disney filmed.

The original version of this story came from the same Giambattista Basile. And his fairy tale script was much less pure and joyful.

In his version, the king rapes the sleeping Beauty. In a dream, a girl becomes pregnant and gives birth to twins. Then she wakes up, but her life is overshadowed by the machinations of the evil queen, who, in the end, burns in fire intended for Beauty.

Despite the fact that the ending of the fairy tale is also happy, it is difficult not to admit that the entire plot of the story is filled with disgusting scenes of violence and murder.

Andersen's fairy tale The Little Mermaid

5. Bloodthirsty Little Mermaid

Disney made the cartoon "The Little Mermaid", taking as a basis the plot of the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. In this story, for the sake of the prince, the young Mermaid makes enormous sacrifices: her tongue is cut out, and her legs bleed.

Mermaid endures unbearable pain in order to stay with her loved one. However, the prince marries someone else. Unable to kill the one she loves more than herself and her family, the Little Mermaid commits suicide by turning into sea foam.

However, Andersen himself came up with his own tale based on another story written by Friedrich de la Motte Fouque. His version of Ondine is more cruel and sad.

Having received a human soul, Ondine marries a knight. However, numerous relatives of the mermaid are plotting, thereby interfering with her happiness with her husband. On top of everything else, the knight falls in love with Bertida, who settles in their castle.

Disney cartoons pale in comparison to Soviet cartoons

To save her lover and his new passion from the wrath of her uncle, the evil merman, Ondine commits suicide by throwing herself into the river. The knight marries Bertida. However, Ondine returns in the form of a mermaid and kills her unfaithful husband.

A stream suddenly appears near the knight’s grave, which is a kind of symbol of the fact that the mermaid and her lover are together even in the next world, and their love stronger than life and death.

Fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Thunders

6. Torture of unfortunate Snow White

In the original version: Snow White was tortured and became a slave.

In the story described by the Brothers Grimm, the queen attempted on Snow White's life three times: at first she tried to strangle the girl by tightening the corset so tightly that deprived her of the ability to breathe.

Then she combs the girl's hair poisonous comb. When this method did not bring the desired result, the evil queen decides poison your stepdaughter with an apple, biting into which she dies.

The dwarves put Snow White in a glass coffin. A prince passing by, seeing the beautiful deceased, decides to take the coffin home. With a strong push, a piece of the poisoned apple falls out of Snow White's throat, and she comes to life.

At the wedding of her stepdaughter and a handsome prince, the evil queen dances in shoes made of hot iron, then dies from burns to his legs.

Perhaps many will be surprised by the fact that the Brothers Grimm borrowed the idea of ​​the fairy tale from the same Basile, whose version was particularly bloodthirsty and numerous scenes of violence.

According to Basile's story, the girl dies at the age of seven. Her body is placed in seven glass coffins. The key to the coffin is kept by the uncle of the deceased, as the girl’s mother is dying of grief. In a dream, the girl continues to grow and by a certain age she becomes a real beauty.

The uncle's wife finds a coffin with a deceased woman. She pulls her hair, the poisonous comb falls out, and the girl comes to life. Suspecting the poor woman of being her husband's mistress, the woman begins to treat her poorly.

Snow White's hair is cut off, she is beaten half to death, and she is made a slave. The poor thing is subjected to humiliation and beatings every day. This causes her to have black circles under her eyes and bleeding from her mouth.

The girl decides to take her own life, but before doing so she tells the doll about her difficult fate. Snow White's uncle, having overheard her confession, understands everything. He divorces his wife, treats his crippled niece, then marries her to a rich and good man.

The Story of Hercules

7. Self-immolation of Hercules

In the original version: Hercules burns himself

Zeus, the supreme god, rapes Alcmene, the wife of Amphitryon, who also has intimate relations with her that same night. As a result, Alcmene is pregnant with two babies from different fathers. From Zeus son Hercules is born.

The boy grows up, becomes a great and valiant warrior and marries the beautiful Megara. In a state of madness brought upon him by Hera, Hercules kills his children.

At the end of the story, his fourth wife hangs herself after seeing Hercules tear off his clothes and skin. He's trying to burn himself alive. However, only his flesh is burned in the funeral pyre. The immortal part of his being returns to Olympus, where he lives happily ever after with Hera.

8. Fox and death hunting dog

In the original version: both animals die a terrible death

Copper and Chief, the brave hunting dog, difficult relationship. Copper hates Chief and is jealous of his master. It is obvious that the owner singles out Chief among all his dogs. This is not surprising: after all, somehow Chief saved him from a bear attack, while Copper, frightened by the huge beast, simply hid.

Tod is a fox who always teased his master's dogs, driving them to madness. One day, after another provocation from Tod, the Chief breaks loose. While chasing a daring fox, Chief is hit by a train and dies.

Grieving, the owner swears revenge on the fox. He trains Copper to ignore all foxes except Tod.

Meanwhile, Tod and the old Fox are causing trouble in the forest. However, Copper and the owner, having stumbled upon the foxes' den, poisoned the little foxes inside with gas. Master mercilessly kills Tod's cubs one after another.

Todd himself always manages to escape death. But Copper finds Tod and kills him. The dog himself is very exhausted and also almost gives up his soul to God. However, the owner is nursing his dog. For a while, both are almost happy.

Unfortunately, the owner starts drinking and ends up in a nursing home. In desperation, he takes a gun and kills his faithful dog. Copper died at the hands of his own master. This is such a sad ending original story about the Fox and the faithful dog.

Cartoon Hunchback

9. Death and suffering in "The Hunchback"

In the original version: Both Esmeralda and Quasimodo are subjected to the most severe torture, then they both die

Hugo's version is undoubtedly more tragic. The lover Frollo inflicts a terrible wound on the handsome Phoebus during his date with Esmeralda. Quasimodo then throws Frollo off the roof of Notre Dame. Disney softened the ending of the story. IN classical history there was a beautiful gypsy hanged on the gallows.

At the end of the story, the unfortunate hunchback goes to the crypt where the corpses of executed criminals are buried. Having found his beloved among the rotting bodies, Quasimodo hugs her corpse. And after some time, people entering the crypt see two skeletons intertwined in a tight embrace.

10 Pocahontas Was Raped And Murdered

In the original version: Pocahontas was kidnapped, raped and killed

The Disney film about the beautiful Indian girl Pocahontas was based on the notes of English travelers. The history covers the period of early colonization. The action takes place in the Virginia Colony.

When Pocahontas was very young, she was kidnapped by the British for ransom. The girl was raped and her husband was killed. She was then baptized and given a new name, Rebecca.

To hide the pregnancy that occurred after the rape, Pocahontas is married to John Rolf. Together with her new family, the savage leaves for England, where familiar things become a curiosity for her.

After two years, the Rolfs decided to return to Virginia. On the eve of departure, Pocahontos becomes ill and vomits violently. Suffering from terrible convulsions, the girl dies. Presumably, Pocahontas died of tuberculosis or pneumonia. She was only 22 years old.

However, according to another version, Pocahontas became aware of the plans of the English government to destroy the indigenous Indian tribes. The British intended to take the land from the Pacahontas people.

Afraid that Pocahontas might reveal political strategies regarding the Indians, the British planned her poisoning. Pocahontas had to die before returning to her homeland and telling what she knew.

Once upon a time there lived a king and a queen. They had no children, and this upset them so much that it was impossible to say. They made so many vows, they went on pilgrimages and to healing waters - it was all in vain.

And finally, when the king and queen lost all hope, they suddenly had a daughter.

You can imagine what kind of celebration they organized in honor of her birth! All the fairies that could be found in the country were invited to visit the little princess. The fact is that fairies in those days had a wonderful custom: to endow their goddaughters with various wonderful gifts. And since there were seven fairies, the princess had to receive from them no less than seven virtues as a dowry.

Fairies and other invitees gathered at the royal palace, where a festive table was set for the honored guests.

Magnificent dinnerware and a box of cast gold were placed in front of the fairies. Each drawer contained a spoon, a fork and a knife - also made of pure gold of the finest workmanship, studded with diamonds and rubies. And so, when the guests sat down at the table, the door suddenly opened, and an old fairy entered - the eighth in a row - whom they had forgotten to invite to the christening.

And they forgot to call her because she had not left her tower for more than fifty years and everyone thought that she had died long ago.

The king ordered that the device be given to her too. The servants did this in an instant, but the golden box with a spoon, fork and knife was not enough for her share. Only seven of these boxes were prepared - one for each of the seven fairies.

The old fairy, of course, was very offended. She thought that the king and queen were impolite people and were greeting her without due respect. Pushing the plate and cup away from her, she muttered some kind of threat through her teeth.

Fortunately, the young fairy who was sitting next to her heard her muttering, and, fearing that the old woman might decide to give the little princess some very unpleasant gift, she, as soon as the guests rose from the table, made her way into the nursery and hid there behind the canopy of the crib. She knew that in an argument the one who has the last word usually wins, and she wanted her wish to be the last.

When lunch ended, the most solemn moment of the holiday arrived: the fairies went to the nursery and, one after another, began to present their gifts to the goddaughter.

The youngest of the fairies wished that the princess would be more beautiful than anyone else in the world. Another fairy rewarded her with tender and kind hearted. The third said that her every move would cause delight. The fourth promised that the princess would dance excellently, the fifth - that she would sing like a nightingale, and the sixth - that she would play for everyone musical instruments with the same art.

Finally it was the old fairy's turn. The old woman leaned over the crib and, shaking her head more from frustration than from old age, said that the princess would prick her hand with a spindle and die from it.

Everyone shuddered when they learned what a terrible gift the evil witch had in store for the little princess. No one could stop crying.

And then the young fairy appeared from behind the curtain and said loudly:

Be comforted, king and queen! Your daughter will live. True, I am not so strong as to make what is said unsaid. The princess will have to, no matter how sad it is, prick her hand with a spindle, but she will not die from this, but will only fall into a deep sleep and will sleep for exactly a hundred years - until the handsome prince wakes her up.

This promise calmed the king and queen a little.

However, the king decided to still try to protect the princess from the misfortune that the old evil fairy predicted for her. To this end, by a special decree, he forbade all his subjects, under pain of death, to spin yarn and keep spindles and spinning wheels in their house.

Fifteen or sixteen years have passed. One day the king, queen and daughter went to one of their country palaces.

The princess wanted to explore the ancient castle, and, running from room to room, she finally reached the very top of the palace tower.

There, in a cramped little room under the roof, an old woman was sitting at a spinning wheel, calmly spinning yarn. Oddly enough, she had never heard a word from anyone about the royal ban.

What are you doing, auntie? - asked the princess, who had never seen a spinning wheel in her life.

“I’m spinning yarn, my child,” the old woman answered, not even realizing that she was talking to the princess.

Ah, this is very beautiful! - said the princess. - Let me try to see if I can do it as well as you.

The princess quickly grabbed the spindle and did not have time to touch it when the fairy’s prediction came true: she pricked her finger and fell dead.

The frightened old woman began to call for help. People came running from all directions.

They did everything: they splashed water in the princess’s face, slammed their palms on her palms, rubbed her temples with the fragrant vinegar of the Hungarian Queen - nothing helped.

They ran after the king. He went up to the tower, looked at the princess and immediately realized that the sad event that he and the queen had so feared had happened.

With sadness, he ordered the princess to be taken to the most beautiful hall of the palace and laid there on a bed decorated with silver and gold embroidery.

It's hard to describe in words how beautiful the sleeping princess was. She didn't turn pale at all. Her cheeks were pink and her lips were red like coral. And although her eyes were tightly closed, you could hear her breathing quietly.

Therefore, it really was a dream, and not death.

The king ordered not to disturb the princess until the hour of her awakening came.

And the good fairy, who saved her goddaughter from death by wishing her a hundred years of sleep, was at that time very far from the royal castle.

But she immediately learned about this misfortune from a little dwarf walker who had seven-league boots (these are such wonderful boots that if you put them on, you will walk seven miles in one step),

The fairy immediately set off on her way. Not even an hour had passed before her fiery chariot, drawn by dragons, had already appeared near the royal palace. The king gave her his hand and helped her off the chariot.

The fairy tried to console the king and queen as best she could. And then, since she was a very prudent fairy, she immediately thought how sad the princess would be when, a hundred years later, the poor thing would wake up in this old castle and not see a single familiar face near her.

To prevent this from happening, the fairy did this.

With her magic wand she touched everyone who was in the palace (except the king and queen). And there were courtiers, ladies-in-waiting, governesses, maids, butlers, cooks, cooks, walkers, soldiers of the palace guard, gatekeepers, pages and lackeys.

She touched with her wand both the horses in the royal stable and the grooms who combed the horses' tails. I touched the large palace dogs and the small curly dog, nicknamed Puff, who lay at the feet of the sleeping princess.

And now everyone who was touched by the fairy’s magic wand fell asleep. They fell asleep for exactly a hundred years in order to wake up with their mistress and serve her as they served before. Even the partridges and pheasants, which were roasting on the fire, fell asleep. The spit on which they spun fell asleep. The fire that was roasting them fell asleep.

And all this happened in one single moment. Fairies know their stuff: wave a wand and you're done!

After that, the king and queen kissed their sleeping daughter, said goodbye to her and quietly left the hall.

Returning to their capital, they issued a decree that no one should dare approach the enchanted castle.

But this could not have been done, because in just a quarter of an hour so many trees, large and small, grew around the castle, so many thorny bushes - thorns and rosehips - and all this was so closely intertwined with branches that neither man nor beast I couldn’t get through such a thicket.

And only from a distance, and even from the mountain, could one see the tops of the towers of the old castle.

The fairy did all this so that no one’s curiosity would disturb the peace of the sweet princess.

A hundred years have passed. Many kings and queens have changed over the years.

And then one fine day the son of the king, who reigned at that time, went hunting.

In the distance, above the thick dense forest, he saw the towers of some castle.

Whose castle is this? - he asked. - Who lives there?

Each one answered him what he himself heard from others. Some said that these were old ruins in which ghosts lived, others assured that all the witches in the area celebrated their Sabbath in the abandoned castle. But the majority agreed that the old castle belonged to the cannibal. This cannibal allegedly catches lost children and takes them to his tower to eat without interference, since no one can follow him into his lair - after all, he is the only one in the world who knows the way through the enchanted forest.

The prince did not know who to believe, but then an old peasant approached him and said, bowing:

Good Prince, half a century ago, when I was as young as you, I heard from my father that in this castle the most beautiful princess in the world was sleeping soundly and that she would sleep for another half a century, until her betrothed , the son of some king, will not come and wake her up.

You can imagine how the prince felt when he heard these words!

His heart began to burn in his chest. He immediately decided that it was his fate to awaken the beautiful princess from her sleep!

Without thinking twice, the prince pulled the reins and galloped in the direction where the towers of the old castle were visible, where love and glory attracted him.

And here in front of him is an enchanted forest. The prince jumped off his horse, and immediately tall, thick trees, thorny bushes, thickets of wild roses - everything parted to give him way. As if along a long straight alley, he walked towards the castle, which was visible in the distance.

The prince walked alone. None of his retinue managed to follow him - the trees, having let the prince through, immediately closed behind him, and the bushes again intertwined their branches.

Such a miracle could frighten anyone, but the prince was young and in love, and this is enough to be brave.

Another hundred steps - and he found himself in a spacious courtyard in front of the castle. The prince looked to the right, to the left, and the blood ran cold in his veins. Around him lay, sat, stood, leaning against the wall, some people in ancient clothes. They were all motionless, as if dead.

But, peering into the red, shiny faces of the gatekeepers, he realized that they were not dead at all, but were simply sleeping. They had goblets in their hands, and the wine in the goblets had not yet dried, and this clearly showed that a sudden sleep had overtaken them at the moment when they were about to drain the cups to the bottom.

The prince has passed large yard, paved with marble slabs, climbed the stairs and entered the hall of the palace guards. The men-at-arms slept standing, lined up, with carbines on their shoulders, and snored with all their might.

He passed through many chambers full of dressed-up court ladies and smartly dressed gentlemen. All of them were also fast asleep, some standing, some sitting.

And finally he entered a room with gilded walls and a gilded ceiling. He entered and stopped.

On the bed, the curtains of which were thrown back, lay a beautiful young princess of about fifteen or sixteen years old (not counting the century she had slept through).

The prince involuntarily closed his eyes: her beauty shone so much that even the gold around her seemed dull and pale. Trembling with delight, he approached and knelt before her.

At that very moment the hour appointed by the good fairy struck.

The princess woke up, opened her eyes and looked at her deliverer.

Oh, is it you, prince? - she said. “Finally!” You've kept yourself waiting for a long time!..

Before she had time to finish these words, everything around her woke up.

The horses neighed in the stable, the pigeons cooed under the roof. The fire in the oven roared as loud as it could, and the pheasants, which the cooks had not had time to finish frying a hundred years ago, turned brown in one minute.

The servants, under the supervision of the butler, were already setting the table in the mirrored dining room. And the ladies of the court, while waiting for breakfast, straightened their hair, tousled over a hundred years, and smiled at their sleepy gentlemen.

In the hall of the palace guard, the men-at-arms again went about their usual business - stamping their boots and rattling their weapons.

And the gatekeepers sitting at the entrance to the palace finally drained the goblets and filled them again with good wine, which over the course of a hundred years had, of course, become older and better.

The entire castle - from the flag on the tower to the wine cellar - came to life and began to rustle.

But the prince and princess heard nothing. They looked at each other and couldn't stop looking at each other. The princess forgot that she had not eaten anything for a whole century, and the prince did not remember that he had not had poppy dew in his mouth since the morning. They talked for four whole hours and did not have time to say even half of what they wanted.

But everyone else was not in love and therefore died of hunger.

Finally, the senior maid of honor, who was as hungry as everyone else, could not stand it and reported to the princess that breakfast was served.

The prince shook hands with his bride and led her into the dining room.

The princess was superbly dressed and looked at herself in the mirror with pleasure, and the prince in love, of course, did not say a word to her that the style of her dress had gone out of fashion, according to at least, a hundred years ago and that such sleeves and collars have not been worn since the time of his great-great-grandmother.

However, even in an old-fashioned dress she looked better than anyone in the world.

The bride and groom sat down at the table. The most noble gentlemen served them various dishes of ancient cuisine. And the violins and oboes played for them lovely, long-forgotten songs of the last century.

The court poet immediately composed a new, although slightly old-fashioned song about beautiful princess, who slept for a hundred years in an enchanted forest. Those who heard it really liked the song, and since then everyone, young and old, from cooks to kings, began to sing it.

And those who did not know how to sing songs told a fairy tale. This tale passed from mouth to mouth and finally came to you and me.

Retelling from French by T. Gabbe

And take that dead girl away!

Google's translation is simple and clear: "a popular story about a princess who is cursed by a witch after their birth. She must stick to the spindle and fall asleep from time to time. The good fairy softens the curse for consultation."

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky wrote a wonderful ballet. Libretto by M. Petipa, I. Vsevolzhsky. They forgot to invite Fairy Carabosse to the christening. Princess Aurora expands with a knitting needle, which is hidden in a bouquet of flowers.

"The Sleeping Beauty is the daughter of the last king." Music, as usual, by Pyotr Ilyich, no words, staged by Yuri Vamos. Theater "State Prague Opera".

Some of the names by which our heroine is known: Briar Rose, Dornröschen, La Belle au Bois dormant, Princess Auroura, Princess Rosebud, Prinsessa Ruusunen, Sleeping Beauty, Tornerose.

Did you go to the cinema?
The film history of Sleeping Aurora is not as intense and rich as its sisters and, but nevertheless...

This time it was the Germans who were awake. There's a war all around, and they're making movies...
Germany, 1917.
Director: Clyde Geronimi
Played by: Mabel Kaul
In one of the roles: Marie Grimm-Einodshofer

They are filming.
Germany, 1929.
Director: Carl Heinz Rudolph
Played by: Dorothy Douglas

Soviet art is breaking in.
sleeping Beauty
USSR, 1930.
Director: Georgy Vasiliev, Sergey Vasiliev
Role: Varvara Myasnikova
About the need to create new, proletarian art.
Varvara Myasnikova played Anka the machine gunner in Chapaev and the fairy godmother in Cinderella.

And the Germans are filming everything...
Germany, 1943.
Director: Ferdinand Diehl
First cartoon.

Princess Ruusunen
Finland, 1949.
Director: Edvin Laine
Role: Tuula Ignatius, Annika Sipilä (as a child)

The Germans became wary and called in a director-storyteller.
Germany, 1955.
Director: Fritz Genschow
Played by: Angela von Leitner
The director in the role of the father-king.
Dancer Gert Reinholm as the prince.

Greedy American hands don't sleep either.
The Sleeping Beauty
USA, 1955.
Director: Clark Jones
Played by: Margot Fonteyn
Ballet. Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky.
Episode of "Producers" Showcase".

The Sleeping Beauty
USA, 1958.
Played by: Anne Helm
An episode of Shirley Temple's Storybook.

Sleeping Beauty
USA, 1959.
Director: Clyde Geronimi
Voice: Mary Costa
The Same Cartoon That Turned a Gothic Story into Cotton Candy.
The princess receives the name (according to Tchaikovsky) Aurora, the prince is now called Philip, and the uninvited old woman is Melifecent.
The image of the old woman (however, here she is young) becomes the image of all Evil in subsequent Disney studies. And not only in it (remember the Eye of Sauron in the Trilogy).
Singing animals.

Well, our guys arrived in time.
Sleeping Beauty.
USSR, 1964.
Director: Apollinary Dudko, Konstantin Sergeev
Role: Alla Sizova
And, yes, this is ballet.
The premiere of the ballet “The Sleeping Beauty” took place at the Mariinsky Theater on January 3, 1890, and under the editorship of choreographer Konstantin Sergeev received a second wind on March 25, 1952. Twelve years later it was filmed.

GDR, 1965.
Director: Katja Georgi

States again.
The Magic Land of Mother Goose
USA, 1967.
Director: Herschell Gordon Lewis
Played by: Linda Appleby
Something surreal.

Fairy Tales for Old Children
USA, 1968.
Played by: Jane Powell
Episode of "The Red Skelton Show".
All fairy tales come to visit us.

Woke up: Prince of a Guy(USA, 1968, Melody McCord, episode of the series "Bewitched"), Grimms Märchen von lüsternen Pärchen(Germany, 1969, Ingrid van Bergen, porn), Dornroschen(GDR, 1971, Juliane Korén, ballet), Once Upon a Brothers Grimm(USA, 1977, Joanna Kirkland), Big Apple Birthday(USA, 1978, Rep Gurst), Fairy Tales(USA, 1978, Fred Deni, porn), American Ballet Theatre: The Sleeping Beauty(USA, 1979, Cynthia Gregory, ballet).

Jak se budí princezny
Czechoslovakia-GDR, 1978.
Director: Václav Vorlicek
Played by: Libuse Svormová

GDR, 1980.
Director: Dieter Bellmann
Played by: Marie Gruber

Sleeping Beauty
USA, 1983.
Director: Jeremy Kagan
Played by: Bernadette Peters
Episode of the series "Faerie Tale Theatre".

Boszorkányszombat / Fairy Tale Ball
Hungary, 1984.
Director: Janos Rozsa
Played by: Eniko Eszenyi
It happens that the prince kisses the wrong Sleeping Beauty. This can cause trouble.

That same year we held our own fairy tale ball.
Tales of the Old Wizard
USSR, 1984.
Director: Natalya Zbandut
Role: Anna Isaykina

Sleeping Beauty
USA, 1987.
Director: David Irving
Played by: Tahnee Welch

So that there is no doubt that the actress is a beauty:

Sipova Ruzenka
Czechoslovakia-Germany-Italy, 1990.
Director: Stanislav Parnicky
Played by: Dana Dinková

Into the Woods
USA, 1991.
Director: James Lapine
Cameo role: Maureen Davis
Broadway productions on screen.

Sleeping Beauty
USA-Japan, 1995.
Director: Toshiyuki Hiruma, Takashi Masunaga

Several ballet adaptations:
The Sleeping Beauty
Great Britain, 1995.
Played by: Viviana Durante

Director: Mats Ek, Gunilla Wallin
Played by: Vanessa de Ligniere

La belle au bois dormant
France, 2000.
Director: Pierre Cavassilas
Played by: Aurélie Dupont

Woke up: Sov sødt / Sweet dream(Denmark, 2000, Tina Guldmann, episode of the Christmas series "Pyrus i alletiders eventyr"), House of Genius(USA, 2002, voice of Jennifer Hale, episode of the animated series "House of Mouse"), Jack Milton: Fairy Tale Detective(USA, 2003, Jennifer Jarrett), Märchenland Reinhardswald(Germany, 2003, Natalie Schalkewitz, documentary), DysEnchanted(USA, 2004, Sarah Wynter), Dornroschen(Germany, 2004, Ramona Drews, horror-horror), Märchen-, Sagen- und Symbolfiguren: Märchenland Reinhardswald(Germany, 2005, Sarah Weber), Sesame Street(USA, 2006, Leslie Carrara).

Blanche-Neige, la suite / Snow White. Mating season.
Great Britain-Belgium-France-Poland, 2007.
Director: Picha
Voice: Cécile De France
The Prince kissed Beauty, but he was already married to Snow White, which Beauty doesn't care about.

Shrek the Third
USA, 2007.
Director: Chris Miller
Voice: Cheri Oteri
Although S. Beauty herself is mentioned briefly in the tetralogy about Shrek, the plot of the first and fourth parts is based precisely on “someone must kiss and break the princess’s spell.”

Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams
USA, 2007.
Voice: Erin Torpey
Two cartoon stories in which Aurora and Jasmine extract eternal values ​​from the universe.

Dornröschen - Ab durch die Hecke!
Germany, 2007.
Director: Dominic Müller
Played by: Josefine Preuß
Episode of the series "Die ProSieben Märchenstunde". In the same series, a year earlier, our heroine appeared in the episode "Rapunzel oder Mord ist ihr Hobby" performed by Annette Frier.

The Sword, the Wand and the Stone
New Zealand, 2008.
Director: Marama Killen
Played by: Daan Bolder
We don’t know what kind of film it is or what it’s about. There is a character named Thalia.

Sleeping Beauty
USA, 2008.
Voice: Elisa Paganelli
Cartoon. Episode of "Super Why!"
Sp. The beauty appears in three more episodes.

Granny O'Grimm's Sleeping Beauty
Ireland, 2008.
Director: Nicky Phelan
Cartoon. Oscar nomination.
Grandma O'Grimm tells her version of the fairy tale. It's scary.

Germany, 2008.
Director: Arend Agthe
Played by: Anna Hausburg

Germany, 2009.
Director: Oliver Dieckmann
Played by: Lotte Flack

Nothing seems to be missing. It began with the Germans and ended with the Germans (as of today).


Relevance research

Fairy tales accompany us from early childhood; the older we get, the more interesting and complex their plots and characters become. However, we often notice that in fairy tales of different nations we encounter similar plots, situations, and characters. From scientific literature we know that there are so-called wandering fairy tales, which are one way or another repeated in one form or another in the folklore and literature of different nations. There are many film adaptations of these works. We found it interesting to do research on this topic because it suits our age, reading range and allows for creativity.

An object research- wandering fairy tale plot about "sleeping beauty".

Item research– Russian and foreign literature and folklore.

Target– find out what a wandering plot is and what wandering fairy tale plots are known; determine the features of the plot about the “sleeping beauty”, the similarities and differences in the literature and folklore of different peoples.

Problematic questions

What is a wandering fairy tale plot? What wandering fairy tales are known in literary criticism? What are the features of the sleeping beauty tramp plot? What does this story have in common among different peoples and different writers? How are works with this plot different?


The plot of the “sleeping beauty” is as follows: a certain king/king has no children for a long time, and a certain magical creature predicts the birth of a child for the queen/queen; the prediction comes true, and the long-awaited beautiful daughter is born. For the birth or christening of a daughter, the king gathers a feast and invites witches/fairies/witches who should present the newborn with wonderful gifts. Usually they forget to invite one of the witches/fairies/witches, who, offended, predicts the girl’s death. However, the last word remains with the younger witch/fairy, who softens the curse and replaces death with a long sleep, which must be interrupted by a kiss from the loving prince/prince.

However, in some fairy tales, other events are superimposed on this plot: the queen mother dies, and the king marries another, evil stepmother, who learns from the magic mirror that the princess surpasses her in beauty. The stepmother tries to get rid of the beauty, sending her to certain death, and then makes three attempts to kill her, using various methods and poisoned objects, including an apple. The princess finds shelter in the forest with dwarfs/gnomes/heroes. As a result of the actions of the evil stepmother, the princess dies and is buried in a glass/crystal coffin. She is awakened again by the kiss of the prince/prince in love.

In each fairy tale of different nations, this plot has its own distinctive features and details.


1. Find information in scientific literature and on the Internet.

2. Analyze the material, choose the main thing.

3. Create a questionnaire and conduct a survey.

4. Analyze the questionnaires and choose the most important ones.

5. Analyze students' creative work.

6. Systematize the results of your work.

7. Summarize, draw conclusions.


Analysis of scientific literature on the chosen topic, diagnostics (questioning), study of students’ creative works and their analysis.

Ichapter. Scientific the basis studying wandering fabulous plot O « sleeping beauty».

“A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly. with the participation of magical, fantastic forces."

There are many fairy tales with similar, almost identical plots. Such plots are called “wandering”.

There are many definitions of wandering plots in the research literature.

Stray plots are stable complexes of plot-plot motifs that form the basis of oral or written work moving from one country to another and changing their artistic appearance depending on the new environment of their existence.

“Wandering plot” is a term used by literary scholars and researchers of oral folk art to designate plots that have similarities in folklore and literature of different nations. The appearance of the “wandering plot” is associated with the interaction of folk cultures and human migration.

“Vagabond plots are very stable and remain essentially unchanged throughout their journey between different peoples. In the process of transition of plots, more and more new variants appear, but their structure remains unchanged. In each country, the plot changes depending on the national characteristics of culture, economy, politics, and social system. The basis remains the same, and it is quite easy to relate the wandering plots. Fairy tales provide especially striking examples of wandering plots.”

There are different types of wandering stories: heroic, telling mainly about the glorious exploits of heroes, knights, heroes, etc.; such, for example, is the wandering plot of “the fight between father and son,” etc.; mythological or fairy tales, which are based on legends about snakes, magic birds, a miracle maiden, a self-assembled tablecloth, and other characters and objects of fairy tales; such, for example, is the wandering plot in fairy tales and epics about the Serpent Gorynych and hidden death, etc.; fairy-tale-everyday ones, telling about everyday phenomena reflected in a fairy tale; such are the wandering stories about a stepmother and stepdaughter, about the abduction of wives and girls as an echo of the custom of “kidnapping,” etc.; novelistic-everyday (satirical-everyday); These are the wandering plots in a number of jokes about fools, in short stories about treacherous wives and widows, in fairy tales about the priest and the peasant, and others.

Stray stories are divided into groups, for example, the story of “Sleeping Beauty”, “Snow Maiden” and others. We decided to take a closer look at the story of the “sleeping beauty”.

V.A. In 1831, Zhukovsky wrote the poetic fairy tale “The Sleeping Princess,” where the birth of the queen’s daughter predicts cancer.

The plot of “Sleeping Beauty” echoes the fairy tale about Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs (1812, Brothers Grimm) by A.S. Pushkin transferred both folklore traditions to Russian soil in his own “The Tale of the Dead Princess” (1833).

The predecessor of “The Sleeping Beauty” (1697) by C. Perrault is the fairy tale “The Sun, the Moon and the Thalia” by Giambattista Basile, first published in 1634.

A tale of the peoples of East Africa " Magic mirror"was built according to a similar scheme, rich in local national flavor. Instead of 7 heroes - 10 hunters.

“The Magic Mirror” is a Russian folk tale.

Br. Grimm, C. Perrault, V.A. Zhukovsky, A.S. Pushkin - they all wrote down the tale of the Sleeping Beauty, transforming it in their own way. Zhukovsky used the plots of the German fairy tale “The Briar Princess” by the Brothers Grimm and the French “Beauty Sleeping in the Forest”, adapted by Charles Perrault. The plot of his tale exactly repeats the tale of Charles Perrault. Pushkin wrote his work based on folk tales, which he collected while in exile in Mikhailovskoye in 1824–1826. Dressed in peasant attire, he mingled with crowds of people at fairs, listening to the apt folk word, writing down the stories of storytellers. There he wrote down the fairy tale “The Self-Looking Mirror,” similar in plot to “The Tale of the Dead Princess.” Another source is the fairy tales of Arina Rodionovna. It was about them that he wrote to his brother Lev: “In the evening I listen to fairy tales - and thereby compensate for the shortcomings of my damned upbringing. What a delight these tales are! Each one is a poem!” . And M.K. Azadovsky points to Western European sources, in particular to the fairy tale “Snow White” by the Brothers Grimm. But this coincidence is only external. Pushkin's creation is more poetic, expressing the ideas and ideals of the Russian people.

One of the largest folklorists of the twentieth century, V.Ya. Propp wrote the book “Historical Roots fairy tale", in which he found out the sources of the fairy tale in historical reality and, among other things, spoke about the origin of the wandering plot about the “sleeping beauty” in the chapter “ Big house" The part of the chapter that describes this plot is called “Beauty in the Coffin.” The researcher associates the origin of the plot with the rite of passage: “In a fairy tale, a girl living with the heroes in the forest sometimes suddenly dies; then, after being dead for some time, she comes to life again, after which she marries the prince. Temporary death […] is one of the characteristic and permanent signs of the rite of passage.”

V.Ya. Propp says that the girl “dies unexpectedly and just as unexpectedly comes to life and gets married,” and identifies three groups of objects from which she dies. “One group consists of objects inserted under the skin: needles, thorns, splinters. This also includes hairpins and combs inserted into the hair. The second group is drugs administered orally: poisoned apples, pears, grapes or, less commonly, drinks. The third group consists of items that are worn. Clothing appears here: shirts, dresses, stockings, shoes, belts and jewelry items: beads, rings, earrings. Finally, there are cases where a girl turns into an animal or bird and turns back into a human. The means of revival are very simple: you need to remove a needle or pin from under the skin, you need to shake the corpse so that the poison jumps out, you need to take off your shirt, ring, etc.” .

Also V.Ya. Propp explains why the coffin is made of glass. “Why is the coffin often made of glass - this question can only be answered in connection with the study of the “crystal mountain”, “glass mountain”, “glass house” and all the role that crystal and quartz, and later glass, played in religious ideas , right up to the magic crystals of the Middle Ages and later times. Crystal is attributed special magical properties, it played a certain role in initiation rites, and the crystal coffin is only a special case of a more general phenomenon."

conclusions By Ichapter

As the work of researchers has shown, wandering fairy tales are rooted in ancient times and are associated with the interaction of folk cultures and the migration of peoples. They are divided into thematic groups, one of which includes fairy tales with the plot of the “sleeping beauty”. Scientists have identified the sources of this plot in historical reality and identified a number of distinctive features, characteristic of this wandering plot: groups of objects from which the beauty dies, means of reviving her, features of the coffin, etc.

Thus, a review of the research literature on the topic allows us to say that this plot has long attracted the attention of scientists who analyzed its main features.

IIchapter. Representation modern readers O stray fabulous plot O « sleeping beauty».

Survey results .

We conducted a survey among students in grades 5–6 and 11, as well as their parents (35 questionnaires). Based on the survey results, we were able to find out that 3% of respondents did not read fairy tales in childhood, 97% did. Moreover, 89% of them like to read fairy tales; the rest are not.

To the survey question “Do you know what a wandering fairy tale is?” 51% of respondents answered affirmatively; they had heard about the “wandering” plot, but did not know what it was – 23%; they had never heard of the “wandering” plot – 26% (see Figure 1).

Rice. 1

To the question “Have you read fairy tales with similar plots?” 91% of respondents answered “yes”, and only 9% – “no”.

- At the same time, 60% were able to name fairy tales with similar plots; 40% were unable to name them (see Figure 2).

Rice. 2

54% of respondents know where fairy tales with wandering plots come from, 46% do not know (see Figure 3).

Rice. 3

The majority (97%) see differences in fairy tales with a wandering plot, while 3% do not (see Figure 4).

Rice. 4

At the same time, 100% of respondents read a fairy tale with a plot about the sleeping beauty.

Table 1

Comparative analysis of fairy tales with the plot of the “sleeping beauty”

Brothers Grimm "Rose Pine"

C. Perrault "Sleeping Beauty"

V.A. Zhukovsky "The Sleeping Princess"

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

Brothers Grimm "Snow Maiden"

The king has no children for a long time.

A magical creature predicts the birth of a child for the princess.

The queen must give birth to a child.

The queen dreamed of a child.

The prediction comes true, a daughter is born. The mother remains alive.

A child is born, a mother dies.

The king gathers a feast, invites witches, who present the girl with gifts.

There is no storyline.

The father forgets to invite a witch, who is offended by this and predicts the death of the newborn.

There is no storyline.

The younger sorceress replaces death with a long sleep, which the prince must interrupt.

There is no storyline.

The king remains with his wife, the mother of the princess.

The king marries someone else.

There is no storyline.

The stepmother has a magic talking mirror.

There is no storyline.

The stepmother is trying to get rid of her stepdaughter and orders her to be killed.

There is no storyline.

Tries to kill her 3 times using magic items.

There is no storyline.

The princess finds shelter with the dwarfs/heroes.

There is no storyline.

The princess dies and is buried in a glass/crystal coffin.

The prince wakes up the sleeping beauty with a kiss.

The prince breaks the coffin and thereby awakens the princess.

The princess wakes up when the servants carrying the coffin stumble and a piece of poisoned apple falls out of her throat.

For analysis, we took the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm “The Rosehip” and “The Snow Maiden”, C. Perrault’s “The Sleeping Beauty”, V.A. Zhukovsky “The Sleeping Princess” and A.S. Pushkin's "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

In all fairy tales, the beginning is similar: a certain king / king has no children. And then minor differences in the plot begin: in the Brothers Grimm’s “Rose Pine”, in C. Perrault and in V.A. Zhukovsky, the birth of a child is predicted by a certain magical creature, in the rest the child is born without a prediction. Subsequently, the similarities and differences between fairy tales allow us to divide them into the two groups highlighted above. In the first group we include “The Briar Rose” by the Brothers Grimm and the fairy tales of C. Perrault and V.A. Zhukovsky, who have many similarities in their plots, and secondly, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights” by A.S. Pushkin and The Snow Maiden by the Brothers Grimm.

Further, in the fairy tales of the 1st group, a storyline develops, which is absent in the 2nd group: the king gathers a feast, to which he invites witches/witches/fairies, who give the girl gifts, but for various reasons forgets to invite one of the witches, to which she is offended and predicts newborn death. Next, the last witch, who had not yet had time to bestow the gift on the girl, intervenes and softens the curse, replacing death with a long sleep, which should be interrupted by the kiss of the prince/prince in love.

We find a different development of the plot in the tales of group 2. It all starts with the king marrying another after the death of the queen mother. The stepmother has a magic mirror that tells her that she is the most beautiful. The stepmother is trying to get rid of her stepdaughter, who has become too beautiful, and tries to kill her three times.

Analysis of students' creative works

Analysis of students' creative works (26 essays) allowed us to conclude that almost all students know the plot of the “sleeping beauty” after studying this topic in class. All the necessary plot elements (see. comparison table) are preserved in creative works.

However, students come up with new storylines, introduce additional characters, come up with new names for characters, and transfer the action of the fairy tale to modern world, endow the characters with new character traits, unique speech characteristics and the worldview of modern man. All this means that this work led to the development of students' creative abilities.


1. C The story about the “sleeping beauty” has become widespread in the folklore and literature of various peoples: Italians, French, Germans, Russians, peoples of East Africa, etc.

2. There are many similarities in the story of the sleeping beauty among different nations, and similarities are also observed in the details of some fairy tales (see table).

3. Differences in the plot are associated with the inclusion of additional storylines by some writers, as well as in the details of the plot and in the national characteristics of the characters (see table).

4. Work on studying the features of the plot about the “sleeping beauty” led to the complete assimilation of the features of this plot and the development of the creative abilities of 5th grade students.


Examples of creative work by 5th grade students

B. Varvara, 5A class.

Condition fairies

Many centuries ago, a king and queen lived in a small kingdom. They ruled wisely and were kind and fair. But they had one misfortune: they had no children. The king and queen were very sad and turned to all the healers and wizards, but no one could help them.

One day an old fairy knocked on the castle gate. She said that she would give them a child, a beautiful girl with golden hair and blue eyes like the sky, but on one condition. As soon as it touches the baby's skin sunlight, she will fall dead. The king and queen agreed, and a year later their daughter was born. They named her Elaine, which means "flickering light" in Scottish. In their joy, they forgot about the old fairy’s condition.

The day of christening has arrived. Many guests gathered at the palace to congratulate the king and queen. Among them was an old fairy. Seeing her, the king and queen became gloomy, remembering the terms of the contract, and quickly ordered the servants to take their daughter away into the shadows. Noticing the sadness on their faces, another, younger and inexperienced fairy approached the king and queen. Having learned what was so saddening the king and queen, she said: “I cannot undo the old fairy’s spell, I can soften it. Your daughter will not die from the touch of sunlight, but will fall into a long sleep and will sleep, young and beautiful, until she is awakened by the kiss of love.”

The king and queen thanked the fairy and were a little consoled, but they firmly decided not to let their daughter fall asleep and kept her in the castle during the day, and only allowed her to go out at night.

Years passed, Elaine grew and became more beautiful behind the castle walls, only going out into the air at night. But on her sixteenth birthday, Elaine decided to watch the sunrise. She didn't know what would happen as soon as the sunlight touched her.

That same night, Elaine separated from the group of maids walking with her and ran away into the forest. It was dark and scary, tree branches whipped her in the face and tore her exquisite clothes, but she did not stop and ran further and further into the forest. Finally, she ran out of the forest and stopped when she reached her goal: a high hill stood right in front of her. Falling from fatigue, Elaine climbed the hill and fell exhausted. And now the first rays of the sun appeared over the horizon, and as soon as one of them touched the girl’s delicate skin, she fell asleep in eternal sleep. The king and queen mourned their daughter for a long time, but it was too late. Her body was carried to the castle and laid on a bed in a high tower.

Centuries passed, the king and queen died, and the castle stood in ruins. And only Elaine, still beautiful and sweet, lay in the tower.

But one day, while hunting, a prince noticed an old castle in the distance and headed towards it. Passing through the huge gates, the prince realized that the castle had long been abandoned. He walked through endless halls and corridors until he finally saw the stairs leading to the tower. He went upstairs and gasped in surprise. Lying on the bed in front of him was, without a doubt, the most beautiful girl in the world. And he, unable to restrain himself, ran up and kissed her scarlet lips.

But what is it? The princess's face began to change rapidly, as if she had lived entire years in seconds. Her snow-white skin darkened and became wrinkled, her eyes sunken, and her beautiful golden hair turned into gray tow. The gentle hands became the hands of an ancient old woman: ugly blue veins appeared through the parchment skin. The prince recoiled from the bed in horror: instead of the princess, there lay a disgusting old woman. Another second - and the old woman crumbled, turning into a handful of dust.

Mortal horror seized the prince. With a wild cry, he rushed away from the castle, but the terrible vision did not let him go. His mind was clouded, it seemed to him that a terrible old woman was reaching out to him with her bony hands, trying to kiss him. The poor prince remained in this forest. Sometimes hunters who happened to find themselves in the vicinity of the castle encountered a strange creature: it moved on two legs, but this was the only thing that resembled a person. With a wild howl, it rushed away when it saw people, and no one managed to get close to it to look at it.

You, of course, guessed why the princess grew old: after all, no one has ever managed to change the terms of the contract with the fairy; they are always fulfilled, sooner or later.

G. Alina, 5A class.

Fairy tale O sleeping princess

Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. Good fairies lived in one kingdom. However, among them there was an evil witch who had neither soul nor heart, and any flower withered at the sight of her.

Well, in another kingdom there lived ordinary people like us, and they were ruled by a king who had a beautiful, loving wife, but they had no children for a long time.

One day the queen was walking in her garden when she suddenly saw a bird. Didn't have a great voice. The Queen had never heard such incomparable singing. And this bird predicted to her that exactly a year later she would have a wonderful daughter. Indeed, exactly one year later the queen was born beautiful girl with luxurious hair.

The king arranged a luxurious feast in the neighboring kingdom where the fairies lived. All magical creatures were invited to the feast, but the king did not invite the evil witch, from whom all the flowers withered, because he knew that you would not get a kind word from her. However, she came herself when the fairies presented the princess with the best gifts. The evil witch's revenge was terrible. She froze all magical creatures and plunged both kingdoms into eternal cold and frost. The evil witch also decided to give the little princess a gift. The queen and king were horrified by such a gift, because the witch wished the girl that on her sixteenth birthday she would walk through the cold snowy garden. Cold and ice will freeze her heart, and she will fall into eternal sleep.

For a long time, the king was inconsolable and ordered the princess to be locked in the highest tower that was in their castle in order to protect his only daughter from harm.

Years passed, and the poor princess grew up in her tower. She tried many times to get out of there, but to no avail. The door was locked and guards stood behind it. The parents visited their daughter only once every six months. According to the fairies' prediction, the girl grew up very beautiful and kind. She had an angelic voice. Singing and her other talents saved the girl from boredom.

The princess turned 16 years old. The girl looked out the window, and as if Magic power beckoned her outside. The door opened on its own, the guards fell asleep, and the girl began to slowly go down the stairs. She went down, opened the door and went outside. The princess walked for a long time along the icy paths. Suddenly she saw a door. The girl opened it with difficulty. Outside the door was an icy garden. Suddenly the princess fell. This prediction of the evil witch came true. The ice froze the girl's heart, and she fell into an eternal sleep, and with her the entire kingdom and all the people who lived in it.

Years passed. Everyone forgot about this kingdom. It was impossible to go there because of the ice.

One day, a prince was walking through the forest, thirsting for exploits and glory. He was able to get between the ice, because he was dexterous and strong. The prince managed to find a door that led to an icy garden. In it he saw a girl of magnificent beauty. The prince looked at her for a long time, could not restrain himself and kissed her.

The princess woke up, and with her the entire kingdom was freed from the eternal cold. The princess and the prince got married, and they lived happily ever after.