The life and death of a gentleman from San Francisco (based on Bunin's story).  An acute sense of the crisis of civilization in I. A. Bunin’s story “Mr. from San Francisco”


The work “Mr. from San Francisco,” which we will now analyze, is a story in its genre. It was written by Ivan Bunin. The cruel plan literally excited Bunin’s critics and contemporaries. This story differs significantly from his earlier works. The story was published in the magazine "Slovo" in 1915.

Genre originality and composition of the story

Speaking about the genre of the work, and this is very important to understand when analyzing “Mr. from San Francisco,” let us clarify that this is not just a story, but a socio-philosophical story. That is, the author’s idea is much deeper than just pleasing the reader interesting story and beautiful storytelling. Rising important issues, the answers to which can be seen by looking closely at the author’s point of view, or you can think of them yourself, based on an analysis of events. The composition of the story is interesting in that the story can be divided into two parts:

1. Travel by boat from San Francisco

2. Traveling to the USA in the hold

Thus, when creating the story, I used ring composition. those. where the story began is how it ended.

The hero of the story - the Master - is one of many like him. The presence of irony in the depiction of the Master does not make his image grotesque; there is no caricature in it. Before us is a very rich man who consistently strives for his goal. And so, at the age of fifty, he “decided to take a break.” Human feelings are not alien to him: “...I was happy for my wife and daughter.” Embodied in the Lord characteristic features the clan to which he belongs. This is arrogance and selfishness, the conviction that “there is and cannot be a doubt about the correctness” of his desires, a disdainful attitude towards other people social status. But despite all the lack of spirituality, dissatisfaction with the way of life that he leads awakens in the Master. After rocking on the ship, he says: “Oh, this is terrible!” “Terrible” is the approaching old age, the pursuit of monotonous and tedious entertainment. Sudden death The mistress suddenly emphasized him human traits: “...his features began to become thinner and brighter - with the beauty that already befitted him.”
It turned out that everything accumulated by the Master has no meaning before the eternal laws of life. The conclusion is simple: the meaning of life is not in acquiring wealth, but in something else - in worldly wisdom, kindness, spirituality. The “selected society” was offended that death ruined the dinner and disrupted the fun. No one had a word of sympathy for the Master’s family. The body was dragged into the dampest and coldest room and placed in a soda water box.
In contrast (the main compositional principle of the story) with the “selected society”, Bunin depicts mountaineers who are close to nature and far from the “charms” of civilization. They know how to enjoy the beauty of the sea, mountains, and sky. “They uncovered their heads, put their lanterns to their lips - and naive and humbly joyful praises poured out to them to the sun, to the morning, to her, the immaculate intercessor of all those who suffer in this evil and beautiful world...”
The ending of the story is very significant. No one in the halls of Atlantis, which radiated light and joy, knew that “deep beneath them” stood the coffin of the Master. The coffin in the hold is a kind of sentence to a madly merry society. Ballroom music (contrast!) thunders “among the frenzied blizzard sweeping over the ocean that was humming like a funeral mass.”
The story expresses the author's conviction of an impending global catastrophe. This idea is conveyed using symbolic images Ocean, Abyss, Chaos, Devil, Atlantis - a huge disappeared island. Bunin proceeds from his idea of ​​illusory social laws, deceit, the meaninglessness of human relationships, the depravity of the nature of “civilized” people. The author expresses the idea of ​​the frailty of everything on earth. The Master's passion for momentary pleasures means a shift in values ​​in the world, as a result of which a person's life becomes insignificant. The meaninglessness of human existence is also emphasized by the image of a cruising ship in the raging abyss of the ocean.
The story expresses the author's ideal - it is in the natural, natural values ​​of life. Of particular importance in the story is the image of peasants merging with the beauty of the mountains and sky.


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin is called “the last classic.” In his works he shows us the whole range of problems late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. The work of this great writer has always evoked and evokes a response in human soul. Indeed, the themes of his works are relevant in our time: reflections on life and its deep processes. The writer’s works have received recognition not only in Russia. After being awarded in 1933 Nobel Prize Bunin has become a symbol of Russian literature all over the world.

In many of his works, I. A. Bunin strives for broad artistic generalizations. He analyzes the universal human essence of love, talks about the mystery of life and death.

One of the most interesting themes in I. A. Bunin’s works was the theme of the gradual and inevitable death of the bourgeois world. A striking example is the story "Mr. from San Francisco".

Already with the epigraph taken from the Apocalypse, the through-cut motive of the story begins - the motive of destruction, death. It later appears in the name of the giant ship - “Atlantis”.

The main event of the story is the death of the gentleman from San Francisco, quick and sudden, in one hour. From the very beginning of his journey, he is surrounded by a lot of details that foreshadow or remind him of death. First, he is going to go to Rome to listen to the Catholic prayer of repentance there (which is read before death), then the Atlantis steamship, which symbolizes new civilization, where power is determined by wealth and pride, so in the end a ship, and even with such a name, must sink. A very interesting hero of the story is the “crown prince...travelling incognito.” Describing him, Bunin constantly emphasizes his strange, as if dead, appearance: “... All wooden, wide-faced, narrow-eyed... slightly unpleasant - in that his large mustache showed through like a dead man... The dark thin skin on his flat face is as if stretched and as if slightly varnished... He had dry hands... clean skin, under which ancient royal blood».

Bunin describes in great detail the luxury of the gentlemen of modern times. Their greed, thirst for profit and complete lack of spirituality. At the center of the work is an American millionaire who doesn’t even have own name. Or rather, it exists, but “no one remembered it either in Naples or Capri.” This collective image capitalist of the time. Until the age of 58, his life was subordinated to hoarding, getting material assets. He works tirelessly: “he did not live, but only existed, although very well, but still pinning all his hopes on the future.” Having become a millionaire, a gentleman from San Francisco wants to get everything he was deprived of. for many years. He longs for pleasures that can be bought with money: “... he thought of holding the carnival in Nice, in Monte Carlo, where at this time the most selective society flocks, where some indulge in automobile and sailing races, others in roulette, others in usually called flirting, and the fourth - shooting pigeons, which soar very beautifully from cages over the emerald lawn against the backdrop of a sea the color of forget-me-nots, and immediately hit the ground with white lumps ... ". The author truthfully shows the life of ordinary people who have lost all spirituality and inner content. Even tragedy cannot awaken them human feelings. Thus, the death of the gentleman from San Francisco is perceived with displeasure, because “the evening was irreparably ruined.” However, soon everyone forgets about the “dead old man”, perceiving this situation as a small unpleasant moment. In this world, money decides everything. Thus, hotel guests want to receive only pleasure for their payment, and the owner is interested in profit. After the death of the main character, the attitude towards his family changes dramatically. Now they are looked down upon and do not receive even simple human attention.

Criticizing bourgeois reality, Bunin shows us the moral decline of society. There are a lot of allegories, associations and symbols in this story. The ship "Atlantis" acts as a symbol of civilization, doomed to destruction, and the gentleman from San Francisco is a symbol of the bourgeois well-being of society. People who dress beautifully, have fun, play their games and don’t think at all about the world around them. There is a sea around the ship, they are not afraid of it, because they trust the captain and crew. Around their society is another world, raging, but not touching anyone. People like the main character are as if in a case, closed forever to others.

The image of a huge, rock-like devil, which is a kind of warning to humanity, is also symbolic in the work. In general, the story contains many biblical allegories. The hold of the ship is like hell, in which a gentleman from San Francisco found himself, having sold his soul for earthly pleasures. It is no coincidence that he ended up on the same ship, where on the upper decks people continue to have fun, knowing nothing and fearing nothing.

Bunin showed us the insignificance of even a powerful man before death. Here money does not solve anything; the eternal law of life and death moves in its own direction. Any person is equal before him and powerless. Obviously, the meaning of life lies not in the accumulation of various wealth, but in something else. Something more soulful and humane. So that after yourself you can leave people some kind of memory, impressions, regrets. " Dead old man“did not evoke any emotions among those around him, he only frightened them with a “reminder of death.” The consumer society has robbed itself. The same outcome awaits them as the gentleman from San Francisco. And this does not evoke sympathy.

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Everyone knows the content of Bunin's story, in which we're talking about about a rich gentleman who suddenly died on the deck of a luxury yacht. This work is included in school curriculum. Today we will remember some details of the plot of the novel by the last Russian classic, and also answer the question “what did the gentleman from San Francisco die from?”

Characteristics of the main character

Little is said about the hero's life. And the work itself is small. However, Bunin made it clear that the life of his character is faceless, monotonous, one might even say, spiritless. The biography of a wealthy American is described in the first paragraph. He was 58 years old. For many years he worked, saved and increased his fortune. I have achieved a lot and now, in my declining years, I decided to take from life what I previously did not have enough time for. Namely, go on a trip.

What did the gentleman from San Francisco die of at the age of 58? After all, only now he began to truly live. I planned a trip to Monte Carlo, Venice, Paris, Seville and other wonderful cities. On the way back I dreamed of visiting Japan. But not fate. The life of many people is spent in work. Not everyone has the opportunity to relax, have fun, visit distant countries. But Bunin’s work is not about a workaholic who devoted his life to his favorite business. This is the story of a man whose existence was aimed at achieving financial well-being and the imaginary respect of others.

Once upon a time, a gentleman from San Francisco was a penniless young man. One day, apparently, he set out to become a millionaire. He succeeded. Thousands of Chinese worked tirelessly at his enterprise. He became rich. However, he did not live, but existed. Can constant overcoming of barriers be called life?


The writer compares the deck, cabins, and staff quarters with the circles of Dante's hell. The rich American, his wife and daughter know nothing of what is happening below. They relax, spend time as people of their circle should: have breakfast, drink coffee in a restaurant, then have lunch, leisurely stroll along the deck. A gentleman from San Francisco has long dreamed of a vacation. However, it turned out that he did not know how to rest at all. He spends his time as if according to an approved schedule. However, he himself did not notice this, being in anticipation of the corrupt love of young people Neapolitan women, carnival in Monte Carlo, bullfight in Seville.

And somewhere far away, in the lower cabins, dozens of workers are working. A lot of people serve the hero Bunin and gentlemen like him. "Masters of life" have the right to a luxurious vacation. They deserve it.

The gentleman from San Francisco is quite generous. He believes in the thoughtfulness of all those who water him, feed him, and serve him at breakfast. Although, perhaps, he never thought about the degree of sincerity of the staff. This is a person who does not see anything, as they say, beyond his nose.

How did the gentleman from San Francisco die? Those around him warn him of his slightest desires, protect his cleanliness and peace, and carry his suitcases. He is in a state that can be called happiness. By at least, he had never experienced anything like this before.

To Palermo

Before answering the question of why the gentleman from San Francisco died, it is worth talking about his last days. They passed in picturesque Palermo. Helpful guides were scurrying around here, talking about local attractions.

A successful businessman knew how to pay. True, there are things in this world that cannot be purchased with money. As luck would have it, the weather turned bad. From midday the sun turned grey, and light rain began. The city seemed dirty, cramped, the museums monotonous. The American and his family decided to leave Palermo. Where did the gentleman from San Francisco die? Died successful businessman, before completing his journey, on the island of Capri.

Last hours

The island of Capri greeted the American family more hospitably. At first it was damp and dark here, but soon nature came to life. And here the gentleman from San Francisco was surrounded by a caring crowd. He was waited on, catered to, given gifts - he was greeted in accordance with his social and financial status. Those who arrived were given apartments that had recently been occupied by another equally distinguished person. For dinner they served pheasants, asparagus, and roast beef.

What was I thinking about in the last minutes? main character story? About wine, tarantella, the upcoming walk in Capri. Philosophical thoughts he was not visited. However, as over the previous 58 years.


The gentleman from San Francisco was going to have a rather pleasant evening. Spent a lot of time on the toilet. When I was ready for the next stage of luxurious, but clearly planned leisure, I decided to go to the reading room. There he took a comfortable leather chair, unfolded a newspaper, and looked through an article about the never-ending Balkan War. At this unremarkable moment he died.

After death

How did the gentleman from San Francisco die? Most likely from a heart attack. Bunin said nothing about his hero’s diagnosis. But it doesn’t matter what the cause of death of a rich American is. What matters is how he lived his life and what happened after his death.

And after the death of the rich gentleman, absolutely nothing happened. Except that the mood of the other guests deteriorated a little. In order not to upset the impressionable gentlemen, the bellhop and footman quickly carried the dead American to a cramped, worst room.

Why did the gentleman from San Francisco die? His death irreparably spoiled such a wonderful evening. The guests returned to the dining room and had lunch, but their faces were dissatisfied and offended. The owner of the hotel approached first one, then the other, apologizing for such unpleasant situation, for which he, of course, was not to blame. Meanwhile, the hero of the story was lying in a cheap room, on a cheap bed, under a cheap blanket. No one smiled at him anymore, no one waited on him. Nobody was interested in him anymore.

A person is brought up by society, throughout his life he builds his relationships with other people, plays certain social roles in society. A person’s merits, respect for him and his memory are determined by the benefit he brought to society.

The name of the main character I.A. “Nobody remembered Bunin’s “The Gentleman from San Francisco” either in Naples or Capri,” and the author himself did not give the name of his hero. There were at least two reasons for this.

Firstly, it is a collective image that characterizes the behavior not of one specific person, but of an established social type.

A successful American entrepreneur spent years increasing his capital. Until he was fifty-eight years old, “he did not live, but only existed, ... pinning all his hopes on the future.” As a reward to himself for his long work, he undertook trip around the world with a visit famous places world, with all possible entertainment, luxury and gluttony. In this he believed the true enjoyment of life.

The gentleman from San Francisco had no doubt that wealth gave him the right to feel superior to those who, for a generous fee, provided his comfort: the numerous servants of the Atlantis steamship and hotels, sailors, guides, porters, dancers and musicians.

It seemed that even the inclement weather was to blame for not providing the trip experience he had hoped for. Dissatisfied, he “thought with sadness and anger about all these greedy, garlic-smelling little people called Italians.”

The sudden death of a gentleman from San Francisco in a hotel in Capri darkened the mood of the guests for the whole evening. His family had to immediately make sure that “respect for them was completely lost,” since for the owner the reputation of the hotel was much more important than “those trifles that those who came from San Francisco could now leave in his box office.” In a society where everything is determined by the client’s ability to pay, one cannot count on human attitude, and the gentleman's body was sent on its last journey in a soda-water box.

The second reason why the gentleman from San Francisco remained nameless is that he did not leave any memory of himself good deeds. He treated with contempt ordinary people and used all his wealth to satisfy his own base whims. However, he was never completely satisfied and happy, did not try to sort out his feelings, did not indulge in reflection.

Much happier, in my opinion, was the boatman Lorenzo, “a carefree reveler and handsome man, famous throughout Italy, who more than once served as a model for many painters.” Having earned only enough to last the day, he stood calmly in the market, “looking around with a regal demeanor, showing off with his rags, a clay pipe and a red wool beret pulled down over one ear.” Lorenzo is an episodic character in the story, depicted by the author in a few lines so brightly, picturesquely, cheerfully, as if to prove that for internal harmony it is not necessary to have a lot of money. Lorenzo attracts the attention of artists because he is integral, real, natural, and is perceived as an integral part of the surrounding world, the people of Italy and its beautiful landscapes.

The story "Mr. from San Francisco" has philosophical meaning. Disappointment awaits those who believe that success in society, universal respect and happiness are achieved through the accumulation of wealth. During their lifetime, such people only cause wariness and envy among some, and then they are quickly forgotten about.

Updated: 2017-12-14

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