Zhenya Belousov drank himself to death. Singer Zhenya Belousov: biography, personal life, creativity, photos and interesting facts. The last years of Zhenya Belousov's life


In the late 1980s - early 1990s. the songs “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Girl-Girl”, “Evening”, “Night Taxi” were known to everyone, and their performer Zhenya Belousov was one of the most famous pop singers. Rock musicians called him “the standard of vulgarity,” and meanwhile he collected stadiums of sobbing fans. Zhenya Belousov's star burned out as suddenly as it lit up. In 1997, everyone was shocked by the news: at the 33rd year of his life, the singer died suddenly. The cause of death was a stroke, but Belousov’s relatives claim that certain life circumstances that could have been avoided led to this.

Zhenya Belousov has been interested in music since childhood, played the guitar and already at the age of 12 participated in a school ensemble together with his twin brother Sasha. When, after the 9th grade, Sasha entered a vocational school to become a repairman, Zhenya soon followed him only because new equipment was brought to the school. In the mid-1980s, Belousov performed in restaurants in Kursk, where Bari Alibasov once noticed him and invited him to play bass in the Integral ensemble.

Zhenya's twin brother Alexander Belousov

In 1987, Zhenya Belousov began his solo career. Its first producers were composer Viktor Dorokhin and poetess Lyubov Voropaeva. It was they who shaped Belousov’s image and wrote the songs “Alushta”, “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Such a Short Summer”, “Golden Domes” and “Night Taxi” for him. Years later, Lyubov Voropaeva admitted that one of the most popular hits, “My Blue-Eyed Girl,” was actually dedicated... to Viktor Dorokhin’s computer, which was jokingly called “the blue-eyed girl.” Belousov and Dorokhin demanded that the poetess produce a 100% hit with simple and vulgar lyrics. She got angry and, as a form of banter, in half an hour she wrote words that were soon sung by the whole country.

Zhenya Belousov

Popularity fell upon him suddenly and immediately brought tangible dividends: they brought bags of money from the tour and put them in a room called the “wallet.” With this money they bought everything - scarce products from the back door, imported refrigerators and furniture, suits and bags. Over 6 years, 15 million people attended the singer’s concerts. The first record with his songs was released in 17 million copies. But Belousov began to have problems with alcohol, and in 1990 Dorokhin and Voropaeva decided to stop working with the singer.

Girls' idol Zhenya Belousov

After that, it was produced by Igor Matvienko and Yuri Aizenshpis, but this collaboration also did not last long. In the mid-1990s. Belousov began to lose popularity and decided to go into business - he invested money in a distillery. The first deal was a failure, and then the singer was accused of smuggling, theft and tax evasion.

Performer of the songs *My Blue-Eyed Girl* and *Girl-Girl* Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov

Belousov has always enjoyed incredible popularity among women. At the same time, few realized that the singer was married and had a daughter. They got married to Elena Khudik even before Belousov became famous. But he never let beautiful fans pass by. His wife knew about his fleeting affairs and serious novels. According to the administrator of one of the hotels in Yalta, during just 3 days of the tour more than 30 fans visited his room.

From left are Zhenya Belousov and Natalya Vetlitskaya. On the right – Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina

Zhenya Belousov and Elena Savina

When his daughter was several months old, Belousov left the family and married Natalya Vetlitskaya. True, their marriage lasted only 8 days. Soon after the wedding, the singer went on tour, and when he returned, he found his wife with someone else. In 1992, the group's keyboard player Oksana Shidlovskaya gave birth to a son from Belousov, although at that time she was married to another man. In 1994, at one of the parties the singer met 18-year-old student Elena Savina, who became his last common-law wife.

Popular in the late 1980s. singer Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov

In March 1997, Belousov was taken to the hospital with an attack of pancreatitis. After he was already on the mend, he suddenly had a stroke. This probably happened due to an old injury - as a child, Zhenya was hit by a car, suffered a severe concussion and a cerebral aneurysm. The singer spent more than a month after the stroke and surgery in a coma, and on the night of June 2, 1997, he died.

Popular singer, whose early death shocked fans

Girls' idol Zhenya Belousov
Despite the official conclusion of doctors, fans, acquaintances and relatives of Belousov still express different versions about the causes of his death. The singer’s mother was sure that her son was ruined by the diets that he was forced to adhere to due to problems with excess weight that had arisen in recent years. For weeks he could eat nothing - he only drank tea and smoked a lot.

Popular in the late 1980s. singer Zhenya Belousov

After him sudden death There were many rumors - both that he was killed due to problems in business, and that he was an alcoholic - no one could believe that his death actually occurred as a result of a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened 20 years ago, but Belousov’s songs are incredibly popular to this day - they are often sung by other performers.

The biography of singer Zhenya Belousov is a story about a talented and intelligent person who became a hostage to his own image. Absolutely everyone liked the sunny boy with a velvety voice. But behind the shiny tinsel hid a deep nature with great creative ambitions. About the fate of this interesting person we'll talk about it in our article.


The biography of Zhenya Belousov says that he was born on September 10, 1964. The boy was born together with his brother Alexander. As children they were very similar to each other. But over time they became different. In addition to his brother, our hero had an older sister, Marina. Two months after the birth of the children, the Belousov family moved to Kursk. The future singer’s mother, Nonna, worked as a technician. Father Victor was a military man.

Zhenya grew up active and naughty. I never went into my pocket for words. He was always ready to fight back. He loved big companies and was constantly in the spotlight. Once I even got involved with crime. But the parents quickly took action, and the child’s life returned to normal.

Passion for music

And then a new serious hobby appeared in his life - music. At school, together with his brother, they organized their first music group. Then Zhenya entered vocational school No. 1 in Kursk and began studying to become a mechanic. Choice educational institution was not accidental. The best musical equipment in the city was stored here. The boy skipped classes without a twinge of conscience. But the leadership of the vocational school turned a blind eye to this. Zhenya devoted all his time to music. He quickly became a good bass player, and then a local celebrity. Beautiful girls, favorite thing, good friends... Life was wonderful! But our hero understood that he needed to move on.


Creative biography Zhenya Belousova indicates that he was a gifted musician. He was soon noticed by the great Bari Alibasov, who then worked at the Rostov Philharmonic. He knew how to find talent. He invited a young and shy guy to his group "Integral". Here the future celebrity went through the harsh school of Soviet show business. Zhenya played beautifully, but flatly refused to sing. According to Alibasov, he had to work hard to raise the guy into a real artist. But then he performed solo parts with all his might, and live.

Our hero has mixed memories of this time. He performed a lot, performing rock on the guitar, and was a participant in the ambiguous shows that Bari Karimovich loves to organize. One day, at the suggestion of his supervisor, he met Marta Mogilevskaya. She was the artistic director of the Morning Mail program. This meeting turned out to be fateful. It was Martha who introduced the singer to his future producers - Lyubov Dorokhova and Viktor Voropaev. After a while the conversation turned to solo career. In order not to sort things out with the great and terrible Alibasov, Zhenya simply did not come to the train at the appointed time to go on his next tour. The meter's anger was terrible. However, after many years it subsided, and the relationship between the two famous people got better.

The truth about the blue-eyed girl

The biography of Zhenya Belousov was very eventful. But most important point His fate was to leave in 1987 for his new patrons. The relationship was not easy. For a whole year they simply brought him up, slowly breaking him down as a person. They came up with him new biography. They knocked off a couple of years so that he would be closer in age to his fans. They preferred to forget that the 25-year-old guy has a family and a little daughter is growing up. It was a large-scale project called “Zhenya Belousov”. Perhaps the very first serious production endeavor in the new Russia.

The boy was taught to be sexy, but not vulgar. They made him into an elegant doll, which he never was. They taught me how to behave in front of cameras, what words to say, what to wear. At first, all this was new to the artist. In addition, it opened up amazing prospects for the future.

Lyubov Dorokhova, being a serious poetess, made an effort on herself and composed a primitive and ambiguous text about a blue-eyed girl. He was thoroughly saturated with irony. The men demanded something hot from her. And she tried. For example, in the expression “my tough nut to crack,” I replaced “strong” with “hard.” And she called the heroine of the song “blue-eyed girl” because it was a common expression in their family. It meant a computer, with which her beloved husband, Viktor Voropaev, would not leave for hours. And it turned out to be a 100% hit, with which Zhenya was doomed to success. A year later, the artist was covered by a wave of popular love.

Dangerous tours

Interestingly, the singer never suffered star fever. No, at first he, of course, really liked being popular. But he always mocked his success. For example, he talked very funny about his first tour as a solo artist. Zhenya's biography includes many adventures. The fact is that Voropaev and Dorokhova wrote a limited number of songs. And at first the artist traveled around the country with only three compositions. I had to get out.

Zhenya’s concert director at that time was Nikolai Agutin, the father of the famous Leonid Agutin. As a rule, he supported several inexpensive local bands as opening acts. Then, about an hour later, Belousov appeared, sang his hits and, during a long play of one of the songs, jumped into the car, quickly disappearing from the stage. People were furious. The crazy 90s reigned outside. And the words: “Run away, otherwise they will kill you” were taken literally by everyone. So the “sunny boy” had to risk his health and life to earn his fantastic fee. But they brought bags of money from concerts. They say that the artist had a special room where they were dumped. It was called "wallet".

Care for Matvienko

Zhenya Belousov, biography, cause of death, whose personal life interests many, was a creative person. And he very quickly got tired of the monotony. It has become completely unbearable to portray someone who you really are not. In the end, the artist quarreled with his producers and went into free swimming. However, he quickly came to his senses - he did not make a good organizer. And in 1991 he signed a contract with Igor Matvienko.

At first everything went well. The singer recorded the song “Girl-Girl” and shot a video for it. Everything was going well. Zhenya has new songs. But he was thoroughly tired of the image of a “sweet” boy. The artist desperately wanted to change his fate.


An attempt to gain financial independence was the purchase of a distillery. This is a sad page in the biography of singer Zhenya Belousov. He knew a lot about alcoholic drinks and was proud of his products. But the unexpected happened - the artist was accused of smuggling, the plant was taken away, and the money invested was not returned. It was not his fault what happened. However, no one began to look into this. Zhenya was left without funds and was forced to go on tour again. However, there was no trace of its former popularity. New album did not correct the situation. Our hero never became an independent creative unit.

Personal life

Zhenya Belousov was incredibly popular with women! His biography, the reason for his supposed loneliness and other details worried millions of fans. Friends claimed that the singer's pockets were always stuffed with women's underwear. The artist was literally torn to pieces, but this did not bring him happiness.

He first married very early on his school love- Elena Khudik. She gave him a daughter, Evgenia. Unfortunately, this marriage did not stand the test of fame.

Zhenya’s second serious relationship happened with Marta Magilevskaya. She helped our hero become famous. This civil marriage was destroyed by Natalya Vetlitskaya. She was married to Belousov for only nine days. During this time, the singer realized that she would not become a faithful and devoted wife for him.

After the divorce, Belousov returned to his first love Elena Khudik. But he didn’t change his habits - he still changed girls like gloves. This forced his wife to end the relationship permanently. In addition, the artist had a son, Roman, from a girl from his musical group.

Everything has become too complicated in the biography of Zhenya Belousov. Cause of death famous singer can be discerned in his tangled personal life.

Early death

Last love Young Elena Savina became a popular performer. The girl was only 18 years old. This did not stop her from leaving the house and following her lover, who was much older than her. It was Elena who became his inspiration in the last years of his life. And it wasn't easy for her. But love conquered everything. Who knew that Zhenya Belousov had very little time left to live?

The artist's cause of death was stroke. He got on hospital bed, when he had an attack of pancreatitis, and did not doubt for a minute that he would recover quickly. The artist was in full discussion of new creative plans with Bari Alibasov. And he could easily pull the IV needle out of his vein to smoke. Apparently, this negligence cost him his life. The singer died on June 2, 1997 in Moscow and was buried at the Kuntsevo cemetery.

In conclusion

Zhenya Belousov was a wonderful friend, talented musician, an incredibly charming person. His songs are remembered and loved to this day. “Cloud of Hair”, “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Golden Domes”... Handsome, smart, ironic, desperate and brave, he left us too early. But he still had beautiful and gifted children. Roman's son has a voice timbre just like his father's. And when you listen to him, you want to believe that nothing in the world passes without a trace. Evgeny Belousov deserves not to be forgotten. That's why he is remembered and loved to this day.

Evgeny Belousov, better known as Zhenya Belousov, is one of the most popular and sought-after musical performers Russian stage. He sang seemingly simple romantic songs, but became the founder of a whole series of pop singers who similarly entertained the new generation at discos in the nineties.

He was repeatedly invited to perform in groups, but by that time he was already an accomplished solo performer, so he continued to tour on his own, not only throughout the USSR, but also beyond its borders.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov was a typical representative of the eighties. Lush curls were much longer than is customary for men now, shirts different colors and incredibly fashionable jeans at that time - this was the image of the artist remembered by many, in which he was used to going on stage. Zhenya liked to stand out from the crowd, so he always wore bright clothes and some kind of jewelry.

Many who are interested in the singer’s life would also be interested to know about his height, weight, and age. Years of life of Zhenya Belousov: 1964-1997. It is impossible to compare photos of Zhenya Belousov in his youth and now, because the artist died young anyway. Then he was only 32. His height was average for a man - 176 centimeters. The exact weight is unknown, but there were rumors that he could lose four kilograms during the performance.

Biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya was born on September 10, 1964, in the village of Zhikhar. A few years later, his father, Viktor Belousov, and mother, Nonna Belousova, transported the children to Kursk in search of better life. Zhenya was not only child in the family. He also had an older sister, Marina, and a twin brother, Alexander.

In Kursk, Zhenya received secondary education and learned to play the guitar. He initially wanted to be a musician, but his parents insisted on pursuing a more mundane profession. Giving in to parents future star stage, he graduated from technical school, receiving the profession of a mechanic. But he was much more involved in music. In the evenings, he worked part-time in restaurants, entertaining visitors by playing the guitar.

On one of these evenings, the guy was noticed by the capital’s producer Bari Alibasov. He offered Zhenya a job and he, without thinking twice, left with the man for Moscow.

The biography and personal life of Zhenya Belousov have always been the subject of discussion, both during the years of his popularity and for some time after his death. Zhenya was married twice, had affairs more than once, and shortly before his death he lived in a civil marriage.

Family and children of Zhenya Belousov

The singer was born into a family of Soviet workers who moved from Ukraine to Russia in search of a better life. Zhenya himself has two children left. And only one of the babies was born in a legal marriage.

By the way, it is worth noting that none of the marriages lasted long enough for it to really be called family life. Especially when you consider that constantly enjoying enormous attention from fans, Zhenya simply could not help but start another romance. Where Zhenya Belousov’s family and children currently live remains a mystery.

Son of Zhenya Belousov - Roman Belousov

The son of Zhenya Belousov, Roman Belousov, was born in 1992, when the singer lived in a civil marriage with a certain Oksana Shidlovskaya. The boy's parents lived together for a short time, and the boy received his father's jacket as an inheritance.

Since childhood, Roma has been interested in cars and wanted to start his own business in the form of a service station. Currently 25, he is a mechanic by training and loves racing and tinkering with motorcycles. The guy looks amazingly like his father and has the same long hair.

Daughter of Zhenya Belousov - Kristina Belousova

The daughter of Zhenya Belousova, Kristina Belousova, is five years older than her half-brother. Her mother was the musician’s first official wife, Elena Khudik.

Since childhood, Christina adored art, so she was drawn to everything at once - she studied music, dance, and even worked with models. However, after some time, she finally decided on her life and decided to take up psychology. Currently, Christina works in her profession. And with stepbrother does not maintain any relationships.

Zhenya Belousov's ex-wife - Elena Khudik

Zhenya Belousov’s ex-wife, Elena Khudik, met him in the store where she worked at that time. The wedding took place in 1986. They lived together for several years, and a daughter, Christina, was born. But Elena still left her husband when she found out about his repeated infidelities with his bandmates and other singers.

After the divorce, she got an apartment in the capital. After Belousov, Khudik had three more marriages, but she never gave birth to any more children.

Ex-wife of Zhenya Belousov - Natalya Vetlitskaya

Zhenya Belousov’s ex-wife, Natalya Vetlitskaya, can hardly seriously call herself his wife. The couple met while on tour, when they took part in one concert. The romance between them was so stormy that Belousov even forgot about his wife, who was left waiting at home with the child.

They got married in 1989. But their family life"lasted only ten days. After the divorce, Vetlitskaya continued the same stormy personal life. U famous singer there were two official husbands and as many as six civilian ones.

Zhenya Belousov's common-law wife - Oksana Shidlovskaya

Zhenya Belousov's common-law wife, Oksana Shidlovskaya, was a keyboard player in his group. And after returning from maternity leave, she became an accountant and began providing financial support for Zhenya’s business related to alcoholic beverages.

Shidlovskaya lived with Belousov for a short time more than a year, after which she quit common-law husband, taking with him and little son. Most likely, the woman also could not withstand the singer’s constant betrayals. And Zhenya, later short time, I have already found my next “love”.

Cause of death of Zhenya Belousov and his funeral

Shortly before his death, the man's condition worsened. Most likely, due to constant heavy loads, the man suffered a stroke. Doctors immediately performed an operation, and the singer was saved. After the doctors intervened, Zhenya did not live long - only about a month. Death occurred from apoplexy.

The cause of Zhenya Belousov's death and his funeral were covered in detail on television. The musician found his last refuge at the Kuznetsk cemetery in the capital, where many flowers can still be seen on his grave.

Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov

Zhenya Belousov created songs filled with love and romance. He always sold out his performances; people came to his concerts to recharge their batteries and great mood. Zhenya Belousov's career as a musician was as rapid as it was short.

During his lifetime he released seven albums. Four more were released posthumously. Wikipedia Zhenya Belousov can tell a little about all areas of his life, and especially about musical career which he frankly enjoyed.

(1997-06-02 ) (32 years old)

Evgeniy Viktorovich Belousov(September 10, village of Zhikhar, Kharkov district, Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR - June 2, Moscow, Russia), better known as Zhenya Belousov, - Soviet and Russian pop singer, popular in the USSR and Russia in the late 1980s - early 1990s, author of some of his songs.

Most famous songs performed by him: “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Night Taxi”, “Alyoshka”, “Girl-Girl”, “Evening-Evening”, “Cloud of Hair”, “Golden Domes”, “ Short summer", "Dunya-Dunyasha", "Evening on a bench".


Born on September 10, 1964 in the village of Zhikhar, Kharkov region, Ukrainian SSR, twin brothers Evgeniy Viktorovich Belousov and Alexander Viktorovich Belousov were born.

The Belousov family moved to Kursk when Zhenya and his twin brother Sasha were about two months old. Studied at math school No. 6, before that - 3 years at school No. 44.

At the age of 10, Zhenya was hit by a car, he hit the asphalt, and after that he suffered from headaches all his life.

He wanted to be an artist, went to music school in accordion class, played in the school ensemble. At school he was a hooligan and studied poorly.

Studied in Kursk music school in bass guitar class. Did not serve in the army (released due to health reasons, due to a school age severe concussion after being hit by a car). [ ]

In 1984, he played in one of the Kursk restaurants, where he was noticed by the head of the popular ensemble “Integral” Bari Alibasov and invited him to work as a bass guitarist and vocalist in his ensemble and Zhenya left for Moscow.

From 1987 to 1997 - solo career.

In July 1987, he appeared in the TV show “Morning Mail” with Sergei Shustitsky’s song “Far Continents”, and then in New Year's program“Wider Circle” with Stalmakov’s song “Touch the Stars” as part of the group “Integral”.

On January 1, 1989, Belousov married singer Natasha Vetlitskaya. The marriage lasted nine days. Subsequently, Elena Khudik, whom he had known since childhood, became his wife; daughter Christina was born to Evgeniy and Elena Khudik even before their marriage to Vetlitskaya.

Until 1991, Belousov's producers were the poetess Lyubov Voropaeva and composer Viktor Dorokhin. In three years they wrote only seven songs.

At the end of 1991, Belousov went to work for composer Igor Matvienko, who became his producer. [ ] The composition “Girl-Girl,” which appeared in 1991, repeated the success of the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl.” [ ]

In 1996, the singer again released the album “And Again About Love,” but it remained unnoticed by listeners. [ ] Now Belousov worked with different authors, the main one of which was V. Bashenev.

In February 1997, he gave his last big interview to the “Climbing with a Flip” program, and then his last television performance took place in the dog show program “Me and My Dog.”


At the same time, Belousov began to have serious health problems. Problems with alcohol began, which led to the development of pancreatitis, a disease of the pancreas. At the end of March 1997, he suffered from an attack of acute pancreatitis.

In the hospital there was a stroke - a rupture of a blood vessel in the head. At the end of April 1997, Belousov underwent brain surgery to remove a cerebral aneurysm at the Sklifosovsky Institute. He lived for about another month and died at the institute on the night of June 1-2, 1997.


Personal life

Zhenya never hid it: the women in his life began to play almost main role from the age of 14. It was at this age that he first learned the secret of adult love. Belousov's first woman became a counselor at a pioneer camp. Since then, beauties appeared in his life regularly. Together with their friends, they joked: “If you haven’t been with a woman, it means your day will be wasted.”

Women who influenced his life:

Son Roman Evgenievich Belousov (1992), - welder;

At the beginning of June 20 years ago, Zhenya Belousov died. The musician was only 32 years old when he passed away. But the songs with which he filled stadiums in the late 80s and early 90s are still remembered: “Girl-Girl”, “Alyoshka”, “My Blue-Eyed Girl”, “Short Summer”, “Golden Domes” , “Evening Party” is still remembered. Zhenya Belousov lived a short, but bright life. Teleprogramma.pro tells unknown facts from the life of Belousov and his heirs.

1. The singer’s daughter Christina was 10 years old when her dad died, now the young woman is 30 years old, she has good job- works as a translator in large company. The red-haired beauty worked in a modeling agency, graduated from music school, but did not want to study music professionally. She graduated from the Faculty of Psychology of Medical University and is fluent in English and Spanish. Christina never told her friends, colleagues, and acquaintances whose daughter she was. The girl gives the impression of a modest, serious and purposeful person.

“It’s a feeling that dad is still around,” said Kristina Belousova in the “Live Broadcast” program. - What I know about dad is that he was always interested in philosophy, religion, psychology. And all this is interesting to me... I try not to think about my dad’s death with pain, I try to think that he lived a fairly bright life, he gave a lot to the people who surrounded him, including me... I don’t want to I was labeled as the daughter of a famous person.

Kristina Belousova Photo: social networks

Christina lives in a three-room apartment in Moscow, which she inherited from her famous father. Evgeniy divorced his daughter’s mother when the girl was 7 years old, but always helped the family. And Belousov communicated with his illegitimate son Roma, constantly helping them.

Belousov's son Roman is 24 years old. His mother is Oksana Shidlovskaya (former keyboard player in Zhenya Belousov’s group). Evgeniy Belousov's wife Elena Khudik (mother of the musician's daughter Kristina) divorced him when she found out that her husband had a child. illegitimate son. Now the women are communicating, both have arranged their personal lives. Roman loves to ride a motorcycle, trained to be a welder, and plans to open a car service center. I know my sister, but they don’t maintain a relationship. The boy grows up purposeful, the life of the party, like his father.

Evgeny Belousov with his son Roman. Photo: archive

The singer’s children were not interested in music, but his nephew (the son of Alexander Belousov’s twin brother) professional musician. By the way, his name is also Evgeniy.

2. The singer’s mother Nonna Pavlovna died three years ago. IN last interview she recalled what a caring son Zhenya was: his mother often came from Kursk to visit her son in Moscow, he took her to restaurants, bought her gifts, sometimes even took her on tours, helped her financially. Mother and son had a close relationship. “Zhenya’s passion for music appeared in childhood, we immediately sent him to music school,” recalled Nonna Pavlovna. “When Zhenya was ten years old, he was hit by a car, he hit his head very hard, and was on the verge of death for several days...” Belousov’s grandchildren visited Belousov in Kursk, and after Zhenya’s death she herself was in Moscow visiting her son Sasha. “Roman came to see me, he’s very similar to Zhenya, only his features are smaller, he’s not very good at school - he’s like his father! Christina is a psychologist, teaches languages, and from Zhenya she has an addiction to diets. He toiled like crazy - he tried to lose weight until he ruined his health. I was surprised - I came and saw that Zhenya did not eat anything for ten days, only drinking tea. And then at the banquet they pour him something - and the pancreas is inflamed! The first time he felt bad, he drove to Sklif himself. But he was on tour, so a day later he ran away from the ward. The second time I went to the hospital when it was already too late. They gave him so many medications, but his intracranial pressure increased. For Zhenya it was mortally dangerous.”

Evgeniy Belousov was admitted to the hospital with an attack of acute pancreatitis, and after some time the head injury he received in childhood made itself felt - a stroke occurred. In two months popular artist died.

3. Evgeny Belousov was married to Natalya Vetlitskaya for nine days. “While he was on tour, Natalya started romantic relationship. Such an amorous girl was a match for Zhenya. But she left him, and Zhenya was really very worried,” recalled the singer’s producer Lyubov Voropaeva. After the divorce, Zhenya married Elena Khudik, who by that time had already given birth to a daughter, Christina. Lena is his first love from Kursk.

5. Belousov’s friend Igor Sandler said in the “Live Broadcast” program: “Zhenya is magnificent jazz musician, composer. But I was forced to sing “My Blue-Eyed Girl.” He was enormously dissatisfied with himself. He played me his new arrangements, discs, these were progressive jazz-rock recordings. And he said at the same time: “God forbid my fans hear these discs!” Then I’ll be finished!’ He was extremely worried in the depths of his soul that he could not realize himself as a musician.”

6. Producer Lyubov Voropaeva recalled that Belousov sang to a soundtrack, since it was difficult with equipment in those years, especially in stadiums and open areas where the performer often performed. After Evgeniy left show business, he went into business - he began selling alcohol.

7. Voropaeva told the story of the creation of the main hit “My Blue-Eyed Girl.” It turned out to be unexpected. Poet and producer Zhenya Belousova dedicated a song to the computer of her husband, composer Viktor Dorokhin. Dorokhin spent hours sitting at the computer, whom he called the “blue-eyed girl.”

8. Producer Belousova was the first in the country to use “black PR” to promote her protégé. Voropaeva herself “leaked” “sensations” to the media, she herself carried cassettes with his recordings to radio and television, the producer was familiar with music editors. But in 1990, Voropaeva and Dorokhin stopped collaborating with Belousov. In an interview, Voropaeva said that one of the reasons was Evgeniy’s addiction to alcohol at that time. Shortly before the singer's death, they resumed communication.