Female name Julianna. General interpretation of the name. Origin and meaning


Initially, this female name was used for men, and it came from the generic name of the tribe. But over time, the meaning of the name Juliana began to be used for girls, and it was translated from ancient Greek as “curly” or “fluffy.”

We still need to find such an emotional and restless little girl as young Juliana. When choosing the meaning of the name Juliana for a girl, parents must be prepared that she simply will not give them peace, the little minx is not heard only if she is sleeping - she has an extremely active and restless nature.

The meaning of the name Juliana for a child implies unimaginable artistry and a tendency to sudden mood swings. She is never gray and neutral, Juliana is either having fun and laughing infectiously, or crying loudly and uncontrollably, or violently angry and angry. The baby is very stubborn, and it is important for her that everyone listens to her and fulfills all her requests.

Along with such strong energy, the interpretation of the name implies the ability to easily forgive offenders, not to get angry when duty-bound, and to quickly move away. She is absolutely deprived of any sense of vindictiveness; she simply does not give due importance to those who “annoyed” her in life.

IN school years The girl is sociable, but not overly sociable. She cannot be called a gossip, but she will discuss teachers with classmates with particular enthusiasm. The transitional age for her, thanks to her ability not to bother her head with unnecessary trifles, goes very smoothly, without frustration for her parents.


Love for Yulianochka is, first of all, not a violent passion; even despite the emotional fervor, she attaches great importance to the independence of the chosen one. If a man has not succeeded in life, this means that the girl does not see the proper potential in him, then there is no point in trying to look after her, she will be put down “one or two”.

The girl tends to idealize, and therefore the search for a soul mate is often too drawn out for her. Having been burned several times, she is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, and gets married much later than her peers.


The main importance in family life Juliana is played by her intolerance of confined spaces and love of freedom. This means that the spouse may not even expect to be able to keep this person within four walls. No, she doesn’t need wild parties and celebrations, she just wants to act, and her activity often leads to quarrels. The girl devotes herself completely to her favorite work, while forgetting about her soul mate.

The children that appear will also not be able to make her a homebody and an ideal housewife. She will drag the kids with her everywhere, and most likely will find a nanny very early in order to quickly go to work and not feel lonely in the confined space of the family hearth.

Business and career

For Juliana has great importance so that she likes the work. She won’t last long in a sedentary and tedious job that she clearly doesn’t like. A freedom-loving nature is drawn to active action, which means that professions related to creativity, as well as work that requires high dedication and the ability to take decisive action, are most suitable for a woman.

Juliana is enterprising, and in the absence of a normal job, she can easily start her own business. She will devote herself to her favorite business without reserve, not attaching importance to her husband’s upset about this. She treats her career like a conscientious mother treats her child, and believes that to achieve a goal it is necessary to give in every effort.

Origin of the name Juliana

The origin of the name Juliana comes from an ancient family of Rome, which used this word as a family name. In the country where this name originated, its etymology was similar to the word “fluffy” or “wavy”.

An interesting story happened with the girl named so, whose name was later canonized - Juliania Olshanskaya. She died at the age of sixteen, but during this time she committed many good, truly Christian deeds, and showed Orthodox virtues appropriate to her age.

Then she was not canonized, but several centuries later they dug a grave at the burial site of Juliana and came across her coffin. Having opened it, people discovered that the body, which had lain in the ground for so long, remained incorrupt and shone with freshness. There were no signs of decomposition on it.

The holy relics of this girl are still revered, and the secret of the name of this saint is that great miracles happen next to her remains: healing of the suffering, deliverance from illnesses and other phenomena not substantiated by science.

Characteristics of the name Julian

The main characteristic of the name Julian is irrepressible activity, a thirst for activity, combined with an absolutely non-aggressive, gentle disposition, and the ability to communicate easily with almost every person. She will always support you in trouble, lend a helping hand, give you the edge of your vest to wipe away your tears.

But with such a character, in addition to all the pros and cons, there are also disadvantages. Men should be careful when communicating with her, although her easy-going attitude and inability to take offense sometimes create the appearance of defenselessness. She is emotional, and can get so angry if someone tries to overcome her stubbornness that no stone will be left unturned.

The girl attaches great importance to friendship and mutual assistance, but at the same time she values ​​personal space very much, and only for herself to a loved one will give permission to enter there. You need to let her decide for herself, and then she will accept the only correct course of action - intuition will help her with this.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Amethyst, Rock crystal.
  • Name days - July 19, January 3.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Capricorn, Aquarius.

Famous people

  • Yuliana Karaulova is the lead singer of the group 5sta Family.
  • Yuliana Shakhova is a journalist, singer, TV presenter, composer.

Different languages

The translation of the name Julian comes from the ancient Greek word Julius, which means “wavy.” This ancient origins left its mark on the spread of the name, although it is more often found in male version. There is information about how the name is translated in different languages, and there it will be pronounced quite consonant with the Russian word: Juliana, Julienna, Juliana, Juliana, Yuliani, Yulyana, Juliaana.

On Chinese the name will sound a little different than in Russian: Yulianna, and with the help of hieroglyphs it can be written as 尤里娅安娜. In Japanese, using the katakana alphabet, the word is written as ユリアナ, and syllable by syllable using Japanese characters— 自篏, which sounds like Yuriana. If you directly translate the meaning - “curly”, you will get the entry 波状花, which will be read as Hajoki.

Name forms

  • Full name: Juliana.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulianka, Julia, Yulianushka, Liana, Yulianchik, Ana.
  • Declension of the name – Juliana, Juliane.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Juliana.

Career, business and money

For Juliana, it is important that she likes the work. She does not want to spend time on routine activities, considering them a useless waste of time. This is a freedom-loving woman who is drawn to active action, so the ideal choice for Juliana would be professions related to creativity, as well as work that requires high dedication and the ability to act decisively when necessary.

This lady is enterprising; if she cannot find a normal job, she will easily start her own business. She will give herself to him without reserve, ignoring loved ones and acquaintances. Juliana’s career is of great importance; she treats it conscientiously, putting all her strength into achieving success. This woman should not take up a career as a businessman; specialties related to art and creativity are much more suitable for her.

Marriage and family

Cannot stand confined spaces, loves freedom. Her husband will not be able to keep her at home; the woman is very active and constantly on the move. You shouldn’t think that the lady will spend her time on parties and affairs, but the household will experience a lack of attention. Juliana devotes many hours to her favorite activities, forgetting about those with whom she connected her life. Even the appearance of children will not be able to change the bearer of the name; she simply will not become an ideal housewife. Next to this woman there should be a strong, independent and calm man who can give maximum comfort.

It is important that he does not limit her in anything; attempts to force Juliana to stay at home will lead to problems. For all difficulties, the wife will blame exclusively her husband. The most important thing for such a woman is to create a family where she will not be limited in anything; it is necessary that the household members understand Juliana and help her achieve her goals.

Sex and love

Juliana is distinguished by her demandingness towards her chosen one. A girl will only prefer someone who fully corresponds to the ideal. She likes reliable, independent and strong men with a sense of humor. If a potential partner has not materialized in life, then Juliana is not interested in him, and it is not advisable to even try to court her.

She is inclined to idealize, therefore she will enter into a long-term relationship only with a man who will meet her needs in everything, from finances to intimacy. Juliana is always extremely trusting and vulnerable, and incredibly sensitive to the slightest insults and does not completely forgive betrayal.


Juliana is characterized by problems with her lungs and respiratory system. They begin in childhood, becoming less obvious in mature age. It is advisable to do exercises that will strengthen them, spend more time on fresh air, move more often.

It would be optimal to do dancing, aerobics, go to the pool and give preference to cardio training. Juliana is sociable, unforgiving, friendly, and non-offensive. She always has a lot of energy, which she directs towards achieving her goals, so this girl has everything else in order.

Interests and hobbies

Yuliana does not like to sit still, but she loves to travel. This girl likes to communicate and meet new people. Juliana also loves cultural recreation, with great pleasure he will go to some exhibition or to the theater, and can pass the time by reading his favorite book. Juliana will make a great singer or actress. The craving for success bears fruit, even having chosen just a hobby for herself, this woman begins to rise, occupying higher and higher positions.

Juliana is a very emotional and lively person, easily excitable and often restless. But also, according to the meaning of the name, Juliana is stubborn, and it’s not even worth trying to convince her of anything. In the vast majority of cases, Yuliana has some kind of talent since childhood, which her parents should definitely identify and begin to develop. First of all, these are musical and artistic abilities.

In the name Julian one can hear both tenderness and incredible strength. Its owner is an energetic, sociable and independent person who always tries to be in sight. Universal respect and recognition are important to her. However, the main character traits depend not only on the name, but also on the girl’s date of birth.

Origin and meaning

Linguists do not give a clear answer to the question of the origin of the name Julian. Their opinions were divided. One group of researchers claims that the birthplace of the name is Ancient Rome. Moreover, previously it was a common noun and was used as a clan name, so in literal translation it means “from the Yuli family.” Other experts believe that the name Juliana has ancient Greek roots and is translated as “curly”, “fluffy”.

Forms of the name Julian

Full name: Juliana.

Abbreviated: Yulia, Yula, Yusya.

Affectionate treatment: Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulyasha, Yulchik.

Related names: , Juliania, Julianna.

Church name: Juliana.

Juliana - full form name

Table: foreign language analogues of the name Julian

Transliteration of the name: IULIANA.

Middle names combined with the name Julian:

  • Andreevna;
  • Victorovna;
  • Dmitrievna;
  • Igorevna;
  • Semyonovna.
  • ღ ღULIKღ ღ;
  • UL4IK;
  • ★ULIANA★.

Patron saints of Juliana, name day dates

By Orthodox calendar Juliana celebrates name days several times a year:

  • January - 3, 15;
  • March - 17;
  • April - 2;
  • May - 16;
  • June - 15;
  • July - 19;
  • August - 30, 31;
  • October - 11;
  • November - 14;
  • December - 17.

The most famous saints who patronize Juliana:

  • Juliana of Ptolemais, martyr;
  • Juliana of Nicomedia, martyr.
Saint Juliana Princess Olshanskaya - heavenly patron of Juliana

Juliania Olshanskaya (in the world Juliania Yuryevna) lived completely short life and died at the age of sixteen. The girl led a righteous life: she was chaste, did not contradict her parents, had a favorable attitude towards the lower class, was engaged in Christian charity, for which she was canonized. Several decades after Juliania's death, her burial was accidentally discovered by people digging a grave for another girl. Having opened the coffin, to which a sign was attached with the girl’s name and the date of her death, they saw the princess’s body incorrupt, without a single trace of decomposition. After this, the coffin with the remains was transferred to the church. The relics of the saint are credited with miraculous healings that occur to pilgrims.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive features:

  • goodwill;
  • responsiveness;
  • energy;
  • determination.

Negative features:

  • moodiness;
  • excessive gullibility;
  • vulnerability.

Rhymes for the name Julian: baboon, liana, median. In poems dedicated to this girl, you can also use rhymes suitable for the shortened version of the name - Julia: neat, beautiful, tiny.


Little Juliana is incredibly active. This is a real “devil” in a skirt. The girl won’t let her parents rest for even five minutes. In her house, children's laughter and fun subsides only when Yulia is resting. The little girl is artistic and often transforms into characters from her favorite cartoons or fairy tales. Juliana is characterized by frequent mood swings, stubbornness, and some selfishness. She loves that everyone around her listens to her and fulfills all her requests at the first call. The main thing that Juliana cannot stand is pressure on her. The girl will do any task, but only if she wants it. Otherwise, the little bully will not lift a finger, no matter how much he is persuaded.

Little Juliana loves to transform into her favorite characters


In her youth, Juliana's character changes a little. The selfishness inherent in her childhood is completely eradicated. In its place comes demands on oneself, often excessive. With her peers great relationship. The girl is rarely alone; her friends love and respect her for her unselfishness and responsiveness. However, young Juliana has one not very good trait - the girl does not know how to admit her mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

If she does something wrong, it is easier for her to blame it on someone else than to tarnish her reputation.

The girl is a very mediocre student. Moreover, this does not mean that she does not have abilities, it’s just that Juliana prefers to pay more attention to her appearance and entertainment than to school sciences.

Adulthood According to Boris Khigir, Yuliana’s main characteristics are incredible energy and thirst for activity, which are combined with a gentle disposition and sociability. A woman is inherently aristocratic, so she easily makes acquaintances among the elite, although she does not avoid communicating with ordinary people . She is not envious, knows how to enjoy the successes of her friends and is always ready to lend a helping hand or give.

useful advice

Yuliana is sociable, she always tries to be the center of attention

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima characterize Yuliana as a natural leader. There are always a lot of people around her, and some don’t even understand why they are so drawn to this emotional and often aggressive girl. Indeed, Yulia is hot-tempered, but she leaves as quickly as she “ignites”. Although he will never ask for forgiveness for his actions or words spoken in anger, since he considers it beneath his dignity.

Talents Juliana's main talent is artistry, which manifests itself in early childhood.

The girl is not afraid of cameras or the stage, she transforms quickly and easily. Parents should pay attention to this fact and try to develop the abilities bestowed by nature in their daughter. In addition, Juliana sings well, she has excellent hearing and voice. This also cannot be discounted, because a girl’s childhood hobby may become her profession in the future. The owner of this name may also be interested in poetry and write poetry herself.

Work and business

If a girl fails to prove herself in her chosen profession, she may well go into business. Her persistence and determination will help not only organize her own business, but also raise it to its maximum potential. high level.

If Yuliana fails to express herself in the creative field, she can go into business. Great success awaits her here.


Juliana has almost perfect health. The girl rarely complains about anything. However, despite this, if Special attention devote endocrine system. Hormonal imbalances cannot be ruled out. Therefore, the girl is recommended to undergo regular examinations.

Personal life

From birth, Juliana has high self-esteem and willfulness, so falling in love with the first person she meets is not in her rules. The girl presents to her chosen one high requirements. Preference is given to an accomplished, purposeful, strong-willed man with whom she will feel like behind a stone wall. Julia believes that losers have no place next to a girl like her. The courtship of a guy who has achieved nothing in life does not interest her. Despite some prudence, Juliana is extremely naive and vulnerable. The girl experiences betrayal hard, and betrayal can lead her to a nervous breakdown.

Juliana cannot stand closed spaces and routine. Therefore, it is important for her that her husband does not limit her freedom. The girl is not one who will enjoy cooking or cleaning the house. The main thing for her is to always be in sight, to shine in society. This does not mean that the girl will not do housework at all, she will simply do this work as a duty, without enthusiasm. The best gift for Juliana there will be a house help hired by her husband, who will free her from the hated rag and pots. And for Yuliana this is another plus in favor of choosing wealthy person. The woman tries to devote a lot of time to her children. She loves them very much and pampers them. However, even for their sake he will not be able to leave his career.

Juliana is a freedom-loving person who hates routine

Table: compatibility with other names

How the letters of the name affect Juliana’s character

The influence of the letters of the name is not equal in strength. The closer the letter is to the beginning of the word, the greater the impact it has.

  1. Letter Y. Prudence, the ability to hide one’s own true face. These people have an arrogant character, leaders by nature - they are not used to giving in and taking second place. Selfish and self-confident.
  2. Letter L. Determination, artistic abilities. Love for unexpected and non-standard situations.
  3. Letter I. Soft nature, full of romanticism. As a rule, she has an attractive appearance, is sociable, and capricious.
  4. Letter A. Symbol of the beginning. Indicates the presence of leadership qualities, a thirst for action and a desire for self-improvement.
  5. Letter N. Selectivity in communication, rejection of monotonous work and criticism, inner strength.
  6. Letter A. Repeat.

Video: Juliana’s character and fate

When was Juliana born?

“Winter” Juliana is a purposeful, smart and reserved girl. She always gets her way and easily climbs the ladder. career ladder. She behaves coldly and unapproachably with men, although, in fact, she is very temperamental.

“Summer” Julia is gentle, kind, has inexhaustible patience, tactful, and responsive. Very often, such people volunteer or work as veterinarians on a voluntary basis.

Juliana, born in the spring, has an incredible imagination. This creative person who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. She is talented, capricious, self-confident. She is used to shining in society and will not allow anyone to claim her place.

“Autumn” Juliana must constantly feel that she is loved and needed. Otherwise - loss of strength and depression. This girl is always guided by a sense of duty and responsibility. She is efficient, active, and strives for self-improvement.

Table: astrological correspondences of the name Julian

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAuthoritarian and self-confident personality. It is typical for her to do only what she wants, regardless of other people's decrees and persuasion. Assertive, energetic, quick-tempered. Prone to adventurism.
TaurusThe main character qualities of this girl are friendliness, peacefulness, and responsiveness. He has great willpower, is hardworking and patient. Its only drawback is its slowness.
TwinsThis person is friendly, but does not have patience and endurance, so he rarely achieves his goal. The girl is very sociable, does not tolerate monotony, loves traveling and meeting new people.
CancerJuliana-Cancer is an emotional and dreamy person. Witty, resourceful, curious. She constantly comes up with new activities for herself and is interested in everything at once. As a hostess, she is hospitable and welcoming, she loves when her home is filled with laughter and fun.
a lionJuliana-Leo is a real aristocrat, a role model. This girl has sharp mind, pedantic, values ​​personal boundaries. She is a little vain, but at the same time different kind soul and decent behavior. You will never hear rudeness or rudeness from her; she can put the offender in his place with just one look.
VirgoThis girl is quite modest, she does not like entertainment venues and large companies. Best vacation for her it’s walks with her family. She has a hard time getting along with people. What prevents her from doing this is her innate straightforwardness and strong desire for justice.
ScalesJuliana-Libra has high intelligence and a logical mindset. She is an excellent conversationalist, she is friendly and responsive, endowed with a good sense of humor. He behaves gently with others, avoiding criticism and careless statements addressed to them, thanks to which he has many friends.
ScorpionThis woman is strong-willed and incredibly balanced. Even in times of great shock, she can restrain her emotions. The only thing she will not tolerate is impartial expressions addressed to her. In this case, the response will be immediate. She is energetic, enterprising, and always achieves her goals.
SagittariusA friendly and kind-hearted person, all her actions come from the heart. She is sociable and has an inexhaustible imagination. The personal life of this girl does not always go well. Often there are several marriages behind them.
CapricornThis woman gives the impression of a thoughtful, purposeful person. Almost since childhood, she has been striving to reach the highest level. This organizes her and strengthens her character. Juliana-Capricorn is an attractive person who carefully monitors her appearance and knows how to present herself beautifully, thanks to which she has many fans. However, due to her inherent selectivity, the girl gets married late.
AquariusJuliana-Aquarius is sociable, easily gets along with people, she can win over and charm. He has a cheerful disposition and a unique sense of humor. She is energetic, constantly comes up with some fun things, it is simply impossible to get bored with her. Outwardly, this girl usually looks bright and unusual. She does not strive to be like anyone else; she prefers her own, unique style.
FishJuliana-Pisces is often inert. Instead of improving her life, she is able to wait a long time for gifts of fate. This is a sensitive and sentimental person. There must be a person next to her who would support and guide her. She is a good conversationalist, polite, pleasant, and non-confrontational.
It is important for you to stand out from the crowd. However, you should not use flashy colors or flashy accessories for this. This should not be understood in the sense that bright, cheerful colors are not for you. Just general style clothing must be correct, good taste, solidity. Clothing should be of high quality and fit you well. Appearance, meeting these criteria, inspires favor and trust. These principles should be followed not only in the process of assembling your wardrobe, but also when choosing the design and furnishings for your home or office.

Compatibility of the name Juliana, manifestation in love

Yuliana, it cannot be said that you are completely incapable of manifestations of love and tenderness, but business comes first for you, and you will choose a partner based mainly on how much he can match yours life interests. Manifestations of strength of character, determination and ambition mean immeasurably more to you than sensuality and external attractiveness. In a marriage, should one happen, you will first of all value in your partner the ability to empathize with your ideas and the ability to provide support.


You strive to “embrace the immensity.” Your soul longs for everything that a person can possess. And - in the maximum possible quantities. Therefore, the problem of choice, as such, one might say, does not exist for you. You simply cannot refuse any offer that life makes you.

When making a decision, the wishes of others are taken into account only as secondary factors: you are sure that if you feel good, then everyone else has nothing to complain about. This means that you can and should force them to “go in a water sled” with you, in the direction you choose.

And here the opportunity opens up to see everything from a different angle. You need outside assistance, and above all, as a “restraining principle.” Otherwise you may want to “turn over the earth.”

But if you are forced to use other people’s opportunities, then you need to learn to share the results. And the sooner you make a choice in favor of such a scheme of activity, the greater your chances of keeping your soul pure and your heart healthy.

Emotional, talented, unstoppable Juliana is the joy and pride of her parents, who will not know peace, because the house will only be quiet when her daughter is sleeping. Of course, not only the name Juliana will play a role, but it is what will give the girl a strong character.

Although there is ambiguity in the name: its owner is capable of unseemly acts, and her fate depends on her upbringing, personal aspirations and goals. And parents need to be attentive if they want to raise a worthy person.

The origin of the name Juliana can be seen in different sources, although it is considered Slavic. Nevertheless, it was originally masculine and meant belonging to a tribal tribe. A similar word is mentioned in the name of an ancient Roman family. IN Ancient Greece That's what they called curly-haired children.

Juliana – Orthodox name, which also belonged to Saint Juliana of Olshansk. By the day of her death at the age of 16, this girl had accomplished a lot good deeds, for which she was elevated to the rank of saints. There is a legend that when her coffin was accidentally dug up many years after burial, the body remained fresh - without a single trace of decomposition. The relics of Olshanskaya, kept in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, are credited with miraculous healings that happen to pilgrims. Saint Juliana is still there, although the relics were partially damaged in a fire in 1718.

Meaning of the name

Juliana... the meaning of a name so unusual at first glance cannot be simple. That’s how it is: a bright nature who can devote her whole life to her calling if she understands what it is.

The girl was born to be successful and talented, so she often achieves heights in her chosen field. But the meaning of the child’s name Julian is not a translation or a story of its origin. This is a character bestowed by nature and parents.


What does the name Juliana mean for a girl? First of all, explosive character and restlessness. Parents will have to make a lot of effort to ensure that the child directs his energy towards development and not destruction. From childhood, the daughter will show stubbornness and emotionality. As a rule, still in early age You can also notice her talent, and she definitely has it. Therefore, if parents think that their girl is ordinary, they are mistaken and need to take a closer look.

The girl is prone to sudden mood swings, and she almost always behaves artistically: if she cries, then so that everyone can hear and pay attention, if she laughs, she laughs loudly and contagiously. In anger she is already scary as a child. But you usually don’t have to worry about the teenager Juliana - she is a balanced child who will no longer cause her parents any trouble, of course, if the parents took the trouble to raise their daughter at an earlier age.

Juliana's career is predicted to be successful if she copes with her quarrelsome character and selfishness. It is unlikely that you will be able to climb the career ladder in politics or commerce. Most likely, her activities will be related to creativity. A girl can become a good teacher.

Juliana, as the characteristic of the name states, is by nature outgoing person and sociable. If you put certain things into it in time moral values, she will be able to find many friends who, as already mentioned, will be devoted to her. She is energetic and positive. Usually does not remember insults.

In love and in the family, Juliana is quite predictable: she attracts a lot of attention and can cause passions and jealousy. She will never lead a monotonous lifestyle, so her partners should think about how to make their pastime varied in order to retain their chosen one. The girl will be a good housewife, but not at the expense of her favorite business.

Additional complexity in relationships is created by the ability to idealize people. Juliana finds it difficult to find a partner precisely because she imagines a hero who actually does not exist. By lowering her requirements a little, she still has a chance to become happy.

To win Juliana, a man must be independent, strong, and wealthy. Only then will she feel comfortable and confident next to him. But even if such a husband tries to force his wife to stay at home with the children, immersed in the household, she will never agree.

What does the name Juliana mean to her husband? Active lifestyle, constant readiness to act, sometimes even to the detriment of the family. Monotony can kill a marriage with Juliana, so it will not be easy for her husband. If everyday life drags on and the husband does not make any effort to make his wife’s life more interesting, she will blame him for all her troubles and bad mood. For the sake of the family’s happiness, it is important to remember that the owner of such a name requires creative fulfillment.

The birth of children will also not keep mother Juliana within the walls of the house: she will work and take them with her. early childhood with you, especially if the work does not require a strict schedule and presence in the office. If one is needed, the children of the owner of this name will quickly have a nanny.

But, of course, Juliana usually doesn’t choose a job where she has to sit in the office all the time - it’s boring and monotonous. She needs a business where she can show her activity, creativity, determination and enterprise.

Juliana's character

Juliana is a born leader. She attracts all people who do not even always understand why she is so attractive. But if suddenly the owner of this name behaves unseemly, she will immediately lose the devotion of her fans and just good acquaintances who doted on her. But she really can act ugly.

The characteristics of the name Juliana indicate that its owner will always be demanding of herself. Sometimes this quality prevents you from achieving what you want. Unfortunately, a girl usually transfers her high demands onto others. It is difficult for her to understand that people are imperfect. She is critical of the shortcomings of the people around her. Nevertheless, she easily forgives insults. And even if it seems that he remembers, he actually never takes revenge or tries to hurt the offender.

Juliana is quite proud and selfish. This prevents her from becoming happy and successful. When she can change her attitude towards people and the world in general, the girl will be able to change her life.

Emotional and easily excitable, lively, restless - there are many synonyms for this name. But at the same time, she is able to choose a worthy authority for herself and follow his advice.

What does the name Juliana mean for its owner? Activity without boundaries, constant determination to act and move forward. Competent, active, talented... she can be both demanding and quite soft. If necessary, Juliana will help and support, let you cry and advise you to act.

Juliana treats her personal space with trepidation, so any attempt on it will be perceived negatively. Without being aggressive, she still defends her right to privacy and personal development.

Name day


Turquoise, the color of aquamarine, which is what the name Julianna means, or rather its character: these are shades of perseverance, activity, and strength of mind.


Poppy and rose - two bright flowers are attributed to the character of the owner of the described name. What does the name Juliana mean in terms of plant selection? Poppy is an extraordinary flower, which is characterized as a symbol of talent and an active life position.

The intoxicating nature of the plant is also inherent in Juliana, because she attracts people to her like a magnet. But a girl does not always know how to use this gift, which is why she can make mistakes. The main thing is not to use your natural gift to manipulate people. As a result, you can get very badly burned.

What does the name Juliana mean? Rose is beautiful, passionate, attractive, romantic. But she is also a perfectionist, demanding of herself and others. This is exactly what this flower and the owner of the name Juliana are like. The girl tends to idealize those around her until she encounters their shortcomings. And then she will show her thorns.

Church name

In Orthodoxy, Julian's girls are baptized with the name Julian - that was the name of Princess Olshanskaya, who was elevated to sainthood.

Name in different languages

The name is originally attributed to the ancient Greek language: the translation of the name Juliana means “wavy, curly, fluffy.” But then only men wore it, but today the more familiar version of the name is more common - Julia. Therefore, they often claim that Juliana and Julia are one and the same.

In different languages, the name will sound similar: Juliana, Juliana, Yuliani, Juliana, Julienne, Yulianna (in Chinese), Yuriana (in Japanese).

Name options: full, affectionate and shortened

The abbreviated name Juliana is Yulia, Yulia, Ana, Liana. The girls are affectionately called Yulechka, Yulyushka, Yulianushka, Lanushka.

With a different spelling - Julianna will be called in abbreviation as she herself wants.

What names are suitable for patronymics?

The most consonant middle name options for this name: Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Vyacheslavovna, Grigorievna, Denisovna, Dmitrievna, Leonidovna, Mikhailovna, Nikolaevna, Olegovna, Sergeevna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Fedorovna.

Name compatibility

Relationships with Alexander, Robert, Victor, Daniil will be successful.

Relationships with Gleb, Ostap, Boris, Valery will be harmonious, but unlikely to be serious and durable.

How to decline a name

The name is declined in the traditional way: Juliana, Juliana, Juliane, Juliana, Juliana.

Famous people named Juliana

Among famous people There are many creative figures with this name:

  • Juliana of Norwich (XIV–XV centuries) – mystical writer;
  • Juliana Maria of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel - Queen of Denmark in 1752-1784;
  • Juliana Charlotte Frederica Grimm - aunt of the Grimm brothers;
  • Juliana Louise Emma Maria Wilhelmina of Orano-Nassau - Queen of the Netherlands at the beginning of the 20th century;
  • Yuliana Yakovlevna Yakhnina – literary critic;
  • Yuliana Nikolaevna Tolstova – Russian sociologist;
  • Juliana Klein - German composer;
  • Juliana Banze - German singer;
  • Yuliana Donskaya - Russian composer;
  • Juliana Pasha - Albanian singer;
  • Yuliana Fedak – Ukrainian tennis player;
  • Yulianna Karaulova is a Russian singer.

The meaning of the name Juliana for a girl is a strong character, love of movement and active image life. Of course, such a person rarely gets discouraged, always finds something to do, he is multifaceted and interesting in communication, which attracts a lot of people. But increased energy can tire people who are unable to maintain the same rhythm, so Juliana should be able to make compromises for the sake of family happiness and maintaining friendships.