Pearls of wisdom. Parable about a woman. Happy holiday, our dear women!!! A beautiful parable about a woman on March 8


Article from the web.

God, creating woman for the sixth day, worked overtime. The angel who appeared asked:

Why do you spend so much time working with her?

To which God replied:

Have you seen the instructions? It should not be afraid of moisture, but not be made of plastic; it must consist of 200 moving parts, and all of them must be replaced; it should be supported by coffee and leftover food; her knees should be large enough to accommodate two children at once, but when she stands up, they should look graceful; her kiss should heal everything from a scratch to a broken heart; she must have six pairs of arms.

The angel was very surprised that this creature had so many requirements.

Six hands! Well, I do not! - the angel screamed.

God replied:

Oh, the trouble is not in your hands. And in three pairs of eyes that every mother must have!

And this is all in a typical model? – asked the Angel, referring to the three pairs of eyes.

God nodded:

Yes, one pair of eyes so that the mother can see through the closed door when she asks her children what they are doing, although she already knows. A second pair of eyes to see what she needs to know, although others don’t even know about it. And the third couple - so that, looking at the spoiled child, they would wordlessly tell him that they love and understand him.

The angel tried to stop God:

But this is so much work, it’s enough for today, you’ll finish it tomorrow.

But I can’t,” God answered. “I’m almost finishing my masterpiece, which is so close to my heart.”

The angel approached and touched the woman.

God, but is she so tender?

Yes, she is gentle, the Creator agreed. “But I made her strong too.” You can’t imagine how much she can endure and how much she can do.

Can she think? - asked the angel.

God assured:

She not only knows how to think, she can argue and prove.

Then the angel noticed something, reached out his hand and touched the woman’s cheek.

Oh, it looks like this model is leaking water. I told you that you're trying to put too much stuff into it.

It doesn’t leak,” the creator denied. - It's a tear!

Why does she need a tear?! - Angel was surprised.

The Lord explained:

Through tears she can show her joy, worries, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride.

The angel was delighted.

Lord, you are a genius! Have you really thought through everything, because the woman is truly extraordinary?!

Women surprise men with their strength.

They raise children, endure all the difficulties, but at the same time glow with happiness, love and joy.

They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry.

They cry when they are very happy and laugh when they are worried.

They fight for what they believe in and bravely oppose injustice.

They don't take no for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

Woman came from the rib of man.

Not out of your feet to be humiliated.

Not out of my head to surpass.

But from side to side, to be side by side.

From under your arm to be protected

And from the side of the heart to be loved

Ways to apologize to a woman)

The main thing is to choose the right place for the apology. You should not do this near fur shops, jewelry stores and car dealerships, it is unsafe. Although, of course, the easiest way is to buy her something made of gold. For example, a cigarette case. But it is still wiser to ask for forgiveness in a bakery or at a newsstand. However, the choice is yours - based on what you have done. In theory, it’s high time for a chain of men’s stores called “Forgive Me” to appear.

In the meantime, there are no such stores, you can get a tattoo on your eyelids: “They are shameless” or “They will not do it again.” And on my hand - “I won’t forget what a bastard I am.”

You can lie again. But only this time it’s logical to lie, after thinking properly.

You can come up with what struck you when you first met her and tell her about it.

You can drain one of the stash.

You can kiss her mom.

You can shout loudly into the phone in her presence: “Kolya! I'm not coming to drink beer today! I did something wrong to Zoya! No, you are not punished, but simply guilty! And this is more important than twenty years of male friendship, old man, you understand!..”

You can go out onto the balcony, smoke, and then shout in a choked voice: “If you don’t forgive me, I’ll unclench my fingers!”

You can demonstratively hit your finger against your finger for a while. For example, take out the trash twice a day for a week.

You can do something nice for her with your own hands. For example, turn down the TV volume. Or add more. (Great advice - neither subtract nor increase!)

You can buy a mink coat in a size three larger from the store as a deposit. At home, ask her to try it on, admire her, and say: “How wonderfully you’ve lost weight! We need to exchange our fur coat!” Return the fur coat, return the money, and tell her that it was the smallest size.

You can make an apology in a ticker on TV. And at the same time sell drywall.

You can stretch a banner across the entire street: “Zoya, forgive Stepan for Lena!”

You can ask the driver of the bus she takes to work to announce into the microphone that the bus will not go further until Zoya forgives Stepan and pays for his fare.

You can renovate the entire apartment. Overnight. And most importantly - joyfully. Joyful!

You can take her in your arms and spin her around the room until the heart attack reconciles you.

You can buy her a box of chocolates with only white filling!

Or go on your knees to buy bread and bring a low-calorie cake in your teeth.

You can meet her mother at the station and carry her in your arms across the city to the airport.

You don’t have to let her home until she forgives you.

You can save the world and at the end, just before the credits, look at her with a tired look.

You can go wander around the world, perform many feats in the name of the offended lady of your heart. Return with orders and scars. And with a new lady of the heart.

You can also come home from work early, wipe the dust everywhere, wash the floors and dishes, make the bed with silk linens, cook dinner, set the table, light candles, put flowers in a vase, put on a tuxedo...

But! It is very important to calculate the time correctly! And then one of our friends did exactly that, but to brighten up the wait, he drank a little champagne, then whiskey, then turned on the video with vodka, passed out, vomited on his tuxedo, the bed and the floor, broke the dishes...

And, by the way, they still made peace. Because the main thing is to love and respect each other.

I'll survive. And that’s not what we experienced!

Guys! Don’t be nervous... Relax... March 8th is inevitable, like the election of Putin, for example. We survived one thing, we will survive another...

If only men ruled this world, then... The eighth of March would be moved to the twenty-ninth of February. Once every four years is still manageable.

Expensive. Do you remember what holiday it is today?

Two children in the sandbox:

And on March 8, dad gave mom a set of beautiful jars: either FOR spices, or WITH spices...

And my dad gave my mom a big belly! either FROM beer, or FOR beer...

Dear, here we will hang shelves, here we will have lunch, and here there will be a bedroom...

Listen, darling! Let's go without it! They only gave us 15 days, not life sentence!


Her teeth are bad...

Only one thing calmed Ivan Tsarevich when he carried the frog home: that his mother-in-law remained forever in the swamp...

Are you planning to buy your bouquet on March 8th? Keep in mind: Candy tastes better than flowers. Sausage is cheaper. And money doesn’t fade.

March 8th... morning... the wife gets up and goes to the bathroom. Then my husband shouted from the kitchen: “Come on, you motherfucker, quickly go back to bed, I’ll bring you coffee right now!”

March 8th is practically the only day when a woman agrees with everything that is said to her.

Lawyers say that by March 8, a “chessboard” amendment will be introduced into the “Family Code”: “If you touch it, get married!” (Lord, have mercy! - RR)

Hello, do you have any roses?

Yes, how old are you?

Why are they called that?

I don’t know, they say all the girls are delighted with them!

Great! How much does one cost?

A thousand rubles.

Holy shit!!!

When you bring lovers home, at least clean up their tracks. Whose tie is this?!

In honor of March 8, famous climber Pyotr Skalolazov dedicated the conquest of a new peak to his wife. As always, she was the first to congratulate him on his victory, reaching the summit a few hours earlier...

An ideal wife is a woman who was born on March 8th, and whom you met and married on March 8th. And this is not only saving on gifts! Let him just try to ask someday: “Darling, have you forgotten what day it is today?”

Advice for wives:

If on March 8th your husband gave you household appliances from Eldorado, think about who got the “second one for free!”

Our boss has become as angry as a dog lately!

March 8th is practically the only day when a man understands that he needs to be monogamous... (Yeah... I have a hard job ahead of me... RR)

March 8th is the day when even the smartest men spend their nest eggs in the most stupid way. By the way: why do prices for shaving foam and underwear remain unchanged by February 23rd, but flowers double in price by March 8th?!!

An old man differs from a young man in that his sweatpants are stretched out only at the knees.

Withered mimosa. Drooping tulips...
Tired men crowded together like sheep.
And they crumple the gifts in their hands and crumple the wrappers,
And they think: when will the aunts take the gifts?
But you may also have to push a speech!
Or maybe a peck on the cheek. Well, now it starts...
But the poor guys don’t know that the aunts are also disgusted,
Who the hell needs him, it’s the eighth of March?!

The Russian woman is strong and powerful!
The dung heap instantly flies away...
He will cook porridge and clean up the mess.
And if it thumps, it will also fill your snout!
Happy spring, bright women's day
We congratulate you with all our hearts.
Everything we breathe and live
We wish you to have it in abundance.
Be like spring air to your husband
Not knowing need, not knowing deprivation.
To be a forget-me-not among friends,
Be the summer sun for children.
Know only joy and success!
Smiles, compliments, laughter!!!

The student asked the teacher:

You are so wise. You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.

The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.

If you get angry at someone and harbor a grudge,” the teacher said, “then take these potatoes.” On one side, write your name, on the other, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.

And it's all? - the student asked in bewilderment.

No, the teacher answered. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you are offended by someone, add potatoes to it. The student agreed.

Some time passed. The student's bag was replenished with several more potatoes and became quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put in at the very beginning began to spoil. It became covered with a slippery nasty coating, some sprouted, some bloomed and began to emit a sharp, unpleasant odor.

The student came to the teacher and said:

It is no longer possible to carry this with you. Firstly, the bag is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have spoiled. Suggest something different.

But the teacher replied:

The same thing happens in your soul. When you are angry or offended at someone, a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then there are more and more stones. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this burden, because it is too heavy to carry with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe this whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone.

Early morning... March 8th.
The alarm clock rang and, without even having time to properly begin its song, fell silent under the pressure of my finger. Almost in the dark, I got dressed, quietly closed the front door, and headed towards the market. It was getting a little light.
I wouldn't say the weather was like spring. The icy wind tried to get under my jacket. Raising my collar and lowering my head into it as low as possible, I approached the market.
I decided a week before: no roses, only spring flowers... it’s a spring holiday. I approached the bazaar.
In front of the entrance, there was a huge basket with very beautiful spring flowers. These were Mimosas. I went.
Yes, the flowers are really beautiful.
“Who is the seller?” I asked, hiding my hands in my pockets. Only now, I felt how icy the wind was.
“And you, son, wait, she went away for a while, she’ll be back right now,” said the aunt who was selling pickles next door. I stood aside, lit a cigarette and even began to smile a little when I imagined how happy my women, daughter and wife would be. An old man stood opposite me.
Now I can’t say what exactly, but something about his appearance attracted me.
An old-fashioned raincoat, style 1965, there was no place on it that was not sewn up. But this mended and mended cloak was clean.
Trousers, just as old, but insanely ironed.
The boots were polished to a mirror shine, but this could not hide their age. One shoe was tied with wire. I understand that the sole on it simply fell off.
An old, almost shabby shirt was visible from under the cloak, but it was clean and ironed.
His face was the ordinary face of an old man, only there was something adamant and proud in his gaze, no matter what.
Today was a holiday, and I already realized that my grandfather could not be unshaven on such a day. There were a dozen cuts on his face, some of them covered with pieces of newspaper.
Grandfather was cowardly from the cold, his hands were blue... He was very cowardly, but he stood in the wind and waited.
Some kind of bad lump rolled up to my throat. I started to freeze, but the saleswoman still wasn’t there.
I continued to look at my grandfather.
From many little things I guessed that my grandfather was not a drunk, he was just an old man, exhausted by poverty and old age.
And I just clearly felt that my grandfather was embarrassed by his current position below the poverty line.
The saleswoman approached the basket.
Grandfather moved towards her with a timid step. I approached her the same way. Grandfather approached the saleswoman, I stayed a little behind him.
- Hostess... dear, how much does one sprig of mimosa cost? - the grandfather asked with lips trembling from the cold.
“Okay, well, get out of here, you’re a drunk, you’ve decided to beg, let’s get out, otherwise...” the saleswoman growled at her grandfather.
- Hostess, I’m not a drunk, and I don’t drink at all, I’d like one twig...
- How much does it cost? - the grandfather asked quietly.
I stood behind him and slightly to the side. I saw that my grandfather had tears in his eyes...
- One? Yes, I’ll mess with you, you drunk... Come on, get out of here,” the saleswoman growled.
“Mistress, just tell me how much it costs, and don’t shout at me,” the grandfather said just as quietly.
“Okay, for you, drunk, 5 rubles a branch,” the saleswoman said with a kind of grin. A malicious smile appeared on her face. The grandfather pulled his trembling hand out of his pocket; on his palm lay three ruble bills.
- Mistress, I have three rubles, maybe you can find me a twig worth three rubles? - the grandfather once asked very quietly.
I saw his eyes.
Until now, I have never seen so much melancholy and pain in a man's eyes.
Grandfather was afraid from the cold, like a sheet of paper in the wind.
“I’ll find you three for three, drunk, ha, ha, ha, I’ll find it for you right now,” the saleswoman had already gulped.
She bent over to the basket and rummaged through it for a long time...
“Here you go, drunk, run to your drunk, give, ha, ha, ha, ha,” this fool laughed wildly.
In my grandfather’s hand, blue from the cold, I saw a mimosa branch; it was broken in the middle. The grandfather tried with his second hand to give this branch a divine appearance, but it, not wanting to listen to him, broke in half, and the flowers looked at the ground... A tear fell on the grandfather’s hand... The grandfather stood and held the broken flower in his hand and cried.
- Do you hear... what are you doing? - I began, trying to maintain the remnants of calm and not hit the saleswoman in the head with my fist.
Apparently, there was something in my eyes that made the saleswoman somehow turn pale and even decrease in stature. She just looked at me like a mouse at a boa constrictor and was silent.
“Grandfather, well, wait,” I said, taking my grandfather’s hand.
“You stupid chicken, how much does your bucket cost, answer quickly and clearly so that I don’t strain my ears,” I hissed, barely audible, but very understandable.
“Uh... ah... well... I don’t know,” the saleswoman mumbled.
- I’m asking you for the last time, how much does a bucket cost!?
“Probably 500 rubles,” said the saleswoman.
All this time, my grandfather looked blankly, first at me, then at the saleswoman.
I threw a bill at the saleswoman’s feet, pulled out flowers and handed them to my grandfather.
“Here, father, take it and go congratulate your wife,” I said.
Tears, one after another, rolled down the grandfather’s wrinkled cheeks.
He shook his head and cried, just cried silently...
I myself had tears in my eyes. The grandfather shook his head as a sign of refusal, and covered his broken branch with his other hand.
“Okay, father, let’s go together,” I said and took my grandfather’s arm.
I carried flowers, my grandfather carried his broken branch, we walked in silence. On the way, I took my grandfather to the grocery store. I bought a cake and a bottle of red wine. And then I remembered that I didn’t buy myself flowers.
- Father, listen to me carefully. I have money, these 500 rubles won’t matter to me, and it’s no good for you to go to your wife with a broken branch, today is the eighth of March, take flowers, wine and cake and go to her, congratulate her.
Grandfather's tears began to flow... They flowed down his cheeks and fell onto his cloak, his lips began to tremble.
I couldn’t look at it anymore; I had tears in my eyes.
I literally forced flowers, cake and wine into my grandfather’s hands, turned around, and, wiping my eyes, took a step towards the exit.
“We... we... have been together for 45 years... She got sick... I couldn’t leave her today without a gift,” the grandfather said quietly, thank you...
I ran without even knowing where I was running.
Tears flowed from my eyes...

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In the mountains, on a rock, dreaming of dissipation,
Betrayal sat there, thin and angry.
And Love sat next to me under the cherry tree,
Weaving dawn gold into braids.

In the morning, collecting fruits and roots,
They rested near mountain lakes
And they always had an endless argument -
One with a smile, and the other with contempt.

One said: - The world needs
Loyalty, decency and purity.
We must be bright and kind:
This is the beauty!

Another shouted: - Empty dreams!
Who will thank you for this?
Here, truly, people's stomachs will burst from laughter.
Even brainless fish!

One day they raised such a cry,
That the shaggy old man woke up in anger,
Great sorcerer, irritable grandfather,
Sleeping in a cave for three thousand years.

And the old man barked: “What kind of war is this?!”
I'll show you how to wake up the Sorcerer!
So, to end all your strife,
I will fuse you together for all time!
He grabbed Love with a witch's hand,
He grabbed Treason with his other hand
And he threw them into a jug, green as the sea,
And then there is both joy and sorrow,
And loyalty, and anger, kindness, and intoxication,
Both the pure truth and the vile deception.

As soon as he put the jug on the fire,
Smoke rose above the forest like a black tent, -
Higher and higher, to the mountain peaks,
The old man looks at the jug with curiosity:
When everything is melted down, everything will be tormented,
What the hell will happen there?
The jug is cooling down. The experiment is ready.
A crack ran along the bottom,
Then he fell into a hundred pieces,
And a woman appeared...

Eduard Asadov

Once upon a time there lived an Absolutely Independent Woman. About a year ago she became such - absolutely independent. Which I was terribly proud of. She woke up when the alarm went off and never lay in bed. She didn’t care whether she drank coffee or tea: it took her a long time to overcome her caffeine addiction. And she overcame it, at the same time banishing everything sweet, high-calorie and unhealthy from her diet. So she drank water in the morning and ate unsweetened and unsalted oatmeal. She broke up with her friends because she didn't want to depend on them. She was completely indifferent to shopping - and no one would dare to blame her for being capable of losing her head because of a shiny rag. What about shopping? She did not lose her head over men either. Many months have passed since she drove away her beloved (and she almost became dependent on him). In short, the Absolutely Independent Woman felt that just a little more - and she would become the Ideal Woman.

On Saturday morning, a rustling sound was heard outside her door. She opened it. Staggering from fatigue, the Cat stood on the threshold. The woman took a closer look and gasped:
- You?! But... How then? Three hundred and forty kilometers?!
“I walked for a year,” and the Cat, entering the house, leaned exhaustedly against the leg of the chair.
- For what?
“I miss you,” the Cat raised her eyes. “I can’t live without you, or without our home, or without our man.” By the way, where is he?
- But I took you to your aunt in the village... You weren’t offended?
“At first, yes,” the Cat sighed. - But then I forgave. I understand: you so wanted to become independent...
- And it did! - The Woman’s voice suddenly trembled treacherously.
“Well, congratulations,” whispered the Cat. - It's nothing you can do. I'll rest for a day or two and go back.

At night, the Woman, shuddering, opened her eyes - she always woke up from an incomprehensible feeling of melancholy emptiness in her chest. It was cold near my heart - as if someone inside had turned on a fan. Out of habit, she extended her hand for a sedative - and came across warm fur. The cat softly stomped on the blanket, lay down next to her, and purred. Soon the cold fan in my chest disappeared.

...Three days have passed. The woman woke up. I lay in bed for half an hour, then rushed to the kitchen, anticipating the strongest coffee with dark chocolate. Then she reached for her mobile phone and asked her beloved man the most important question: “Where are you?” - In total, she made about a hundred such calls yesterday. Then she made an appointment with a friend in a cafe. And suddenly she saw the Cat sitting by the door.
“Let me out, please,” she asked.
- Are you going?! - Tears sparkled in the Woman’s eyes. - But now I can’t live without you!
“Calm down,” said the Cat. - I'm just going for a walk, I'll be back soon. And please don't lock the door. After all, independence is the knowledge that the door is open. And independence is happiness. Because you have someone to whom you are ready to walk three hundred and forty-seven kilometers...

And the Cat walked out the threshold, smiling encouragingly at the Absolutely Normal Woman.

* * *

A man appeared to God and declared his boredom. God wondered: What to make a woman out of if all the material was spent on a man? But not wanting to refuse the man’s request, after much thought, God began to create a woman.

He needed several bright rays of the sun, all the enchanting colors of dawn, the thoughtful sadness of the moon, the beauty of a swan, the playfulness of a kitten, the grace of a dragonfly, the gentle warmth of fur, the attractive power of a magnet. When he put it all together, the result was an incredibly ideal creature, not adapted to life on earth.

To prevent cloying, he added the cold twinkling of the stars, the fickleness of the wind, the tearfulness of the clouds, the cunning of the fox, the importunity of the fly, the greed of the shark, the jealousy of the tigress, the vindictiveness of the wasp, the bloodthirstiness of the leech, the intoxication of opium and breathed life into it. The result was a real woman.

God gave this woman to a man, saying: “Take her the way she turned out, and don’t try to remake her.”

* * *

One day, a young seamstress was sitting on the river bank, sewing, when suddenly her thimble fell into the water.
She began to cry, and then the Lord appeared to her and asked: “My child, why are you crying so bitterly?”
The seamstress replied that her thimble had fallen into the water, and how could she help her husband feed his family without it?!..
The Lord put his hand into the water and pulled out a golden thimble with pearls. "It's your?" - he asked the woman. She answered "No."
The second time the Lord plunged his hand into the water and took out a silver thimble decorated with sapphires. "Is this your thimble?" - he asked again, and the seamstress answered “No.”
For the third time, the Lord took a leather thimble out of the water. "Is this your thimble?" - he asked, and the seamstress said “Yes.” God was delighted with such honesty and left her all three thimbles, and she happily returned home. Several years have passed.
Once a seamstress was walking with her husband along the river, when suddenly the husband slipped, fell into the river and disappeared under the water. The seamstress began to cry, and Gospol appeared to her again and asked: “Why are you crying?” "Oh God, my husband fell into the river!"
God entered the water and came out with George Clooney.
"Is this your husband?" - he asked the woman.
“Yes,” she exclaimed.
God was angry: “It’s not true, you’re lying!”
“Forgive me, Lord, there was a misunderstanding. You see, if I had said “No” about George Clooney, you would have brought me Brad Pitt. If I had said “No” this time, you would have come out of the water with my husband. And If I answered “Yes” this time, you would have given me all three as husbands. I’m not in particularly good health, I won’t be able to take care of three husbands. That’s why I agreed to George Clooney.”

* * *

A store recently opened where women can choose and buy a husband for themselves. At the entrance there is a set of rules for operating the store as follows.

1. You can visit the store ONLY ONCE.
2. The store has 6 floors, the quality of men increases with the increase in the serial number of the floor.
3. You can choose any man on any floor or go to the top floor.
4. It is not allowed to return to the lower floor.
One woman decided to visit this very “Husband Store” to find a companion. Having read the sign at the entrance to the first floor: “Men with jobs,” she goes straight to the second floor. Sign on the second floor: "Men who have jobs and love children." The woman goes to the third. Sign on the third floor: "Men who have jobs, love children and are extraordinarily beautiful."
“Wow!” the woman thought, but still went to the fourth floor.
Sign on the fourth floor: "Men who have jobs, love children, are dazzlingly beautiful and help around the house."
- Incredible! - the woman exclaimed. - It’s very difficult for me to resist!
But, having said this, he still rises to the fifth floor. A sign on the fifth floor: "Men who have jobs, love children, are dazzlingly beautiful, help around the house and are very romantic." The woman really wanted to stay on this floor and choose a mate for herself, but nevertheless, she overcame herself and went to the top floor. And on the sixth floor she reads a sign with the following content: “You are visitor number 31,456 on this floor, there are no men here, this floor exists only to once again prove that it is impossible to satisfy a woman. Thank you for visiting our store!”

And right opposite this store, the “Wives Store” was opened. On the first floor there are women who love to have sex. On the second - rich women who love to have sex. And to the floors from the third to the sixth no one came in even once.


The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- They say that tomorrow they will send me to Earth. How will I live there, because I am so small and defenseless?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will wait for you and take care of you.
The child thought for a moment, then said again:
- Here in Heaven I just sing and laugh, that’s enough for me to be happy.
God replied:
- Your angel will sing and smile for you, you will feel his love and be happy.
- ABOUT! But how can I understand him, since I don’t know his language? - asked the child, looking intently at God. – What should I do if I want to contact you?
God gently touched the child's head and said:
- Your angel will put your hands together and teach you to pray.
Then the child asked:
- I heard that there is evil on Earth. Who will protect me?
- Your angel will protect you, even at the risk of his own life.
- I will be sad because I won’t be able to see you anymore...
- Your angel will tell you everything about me and show you the way to return to me. So I will always be by your side.
At that moment, voices began to be heard from Earth; and the child asked in a hurry:
- God, tell me, what is the name of my angel?
- His name doesn't matter. You'll just call him Mom.

Mother's Courage (Farid Ad-Din Attar)

During the time of the Prophet, there lived a pious woman named Umm Abdallah, who had an eighteen-year-old son. The son fell ill with a fever and died.
But the woman did not complain and was only thinking about how to convey this sad news to her father when he returned, tired to death, from field work. When her husband returned and asked about her son, she said:
- He's sleeping, don't wake him.
She served him dinner, then he went to the mosque and slept peacefully through the night in his wife's arms. In the morning she told him:
- Yesterday I saw something strange: our neighbors were given something for safekeeping, the owner came and demanded his things back. Then they began to cry and complain.
The husband responded to this that they were stupid: after all, they had only just freed themselves from the responsibility assigned to them. Then she told him what happened to their son. The husband saw her endurance and courageously endured the grave grief.

Heart of a woman

God, creating woman for the sixth day, worked overtime. The angel who appeared asked:
- Why do you spend so much time working with her?
To which God replied:
-Have you seen the instructions? It should not be afraid of moisture, but not be made of plastic; it must consist of 200 moving parts, and all of them must be replaced; it should be supported by coffee and leftover food; her knees should be large enough to accommodate two children at once, but when she stands up, they should look graceful; her kiss should heal everything from a scratch to a broken heart; she must have six pairs of arms.
The angel was very surprised that this creature had so many requirements.
- Six hands! Well, I do not! - the angel cried.
God replied:
- Oh, the trouble is not in your hands. And in three pairs of eyes that every mother must have!
- And this is all in a typical model? - asked the Angel, referring to the three pairs of eyes.
God nodded:
- Yes, one pair of eyes, so that the mother can see through the closed door when she asks her children what they are doing, although she already knows. A second pair of eyes to see what she needs to know, although others don’t even know about it. And the third couple - so that, looking at the spoiled child, they would wordlessly tell him that they love and understand him.
The angel tried to stop God:
- But this is so much work, it’s enough for today, you’ll finish it tomorrow.
“But I can’t,” God answered. “I’m almost finishing my masterpiece, which is so close to my heart.”
The angel approached and touched the woman.
- God, but is she so tender?
“Yes, she is gentle,” the Creator agreed. “But I made her strong too.” You can’t imagine how much she can endure and how much she can do.
- Does she know how to think? - asked the angel.
God assured:
- She not only knows how to think, she can argue and prove.
Then the angel noticed something, reached out his hand and touched the woman’s cheek.
- Oh, it seems this model lets water through. I told you that you're trying to put too much stuff into it.
“It doesn’t leak,” the creator denied. - It's a tear!
- Why does she need a tear?! - Angel was surprised.
The Lord explained:
- Through tears she can show her joy, worries, pain, disappointment, loneliness and pride.
The angel was delighted.
- Lord, you are a genius! Have you really thought through everything, because the woman is truly extraordinary?!

Women surprise men with their strength.
They raise children, endure all the difficulties, but at the same time glow with happiness, love and joy.
They smile when they want to scream. They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are very happy and laugh when they are worried.
They fight for what they believe in and bravely oppose injustice.
They don't take no for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.

They say:
Woman came from the rib of man.
Not out of your feet to be humiliated.
Not out of my head to surpass.
But from side to side, to be side by side.
From under your arm to be protected
And from the heart, to be loved!

Parable about mom

The young Mother has just embarked on the path of motherhood. Holding the baby in her arms and smiling, she wondered: “How long will this happiness last?” And the Angel told her: “The path of motherhood is long and difficult. And you will grow old before you reach the end of it. But know that the end will be better than the beginning.” But, the young Mother was happy, and she could not imagine that there could be anything better than these years. She played with her children and picked flowers for them along the way, and bathed them in streams of clear waters; and the sun shone joyfully for them, and the young Mother shouted: “Nothing can be more beautiful than this happy time!” And when night fell, and the storm began, and the dark road became invisible, and the children were trembling with fear and cold, the Mother hugged them, pressed them close to her heart and covered them with her blanket... And the children said: “Mom, we are not afraid, because you are nearby and nothing bad can happen.”

And when morning came, they saw a mountain in front of them, and the children began to climb up, and got tired... And the Mother was also tired, but all the time she told the children: “Be patient: a little more, and we will be there.” And when the children got up and reached the top, they said: “Mom, we could never have done this without you!”

And then the Mother, lying down at night, looked at the stars and said: “This is a better day than the last, because my children have learned the strength of spirit in the face of difficulties. Yesterday I gave them courage. Today I gave them strength.”

And the next day strange clouds appeared that darkened the earth. These were clouds of war, hatred and evil. And the children were looking for their Mother in the darkness... and when they came across her, Mom told them: “Raise your eyes to the Light.” And the children looked and saw above those clouds the Eternal Glory of the Universe, and it brought them out of the darkness.

And that night the Mother said: “This is the best day of all, because I have shown my children God.”

And the days passed, and the weeks, and the months, and the years, and the Mother grew old and hunched over a little... But her children were tall and strong, and boldly walked through life. And when the path was too difficult, they lifted her and carried her, because she was light as a feather... And finally they climbed the mountain, and without her they could see that the roads were bright and the golden gates were wide open.

And the Mother said: “I have reached the end of my journey. And now I know that the end is better than the beginning, since my children can go on their own, and their children can follow them.”

And the children said: “Mom, you will always be with us, even when you pass through these gates.” And they stood and watched as she continued to walk alone and as the gate closed behind her. And then they said: “We cannot see her, but she is still with us. A mother, like ours, is more than a memory. She is the Living Presence…….”

Your Mom is always with you...: she is in the whisper of the leaves when you walk down the street; she is the smell of your freshly washed socks or bleached sheets; she is a cool hand on your forehead when you are not feeling well. Your Mom lives inside your laughter. And she is a crystal in every drop of your tear. She is where you arrive from Heaven - your first home; and she is the map that you follow with every step you take.

She is your first love and your first sorrow, and nothing on earth can separate you. Not time, not place... not even death!

Mother's heart

The mother had an only son. He married a girl of amazing, unprecedented beauty. But the girl’s heart was black and unkind. The son brought his young wife to his home. The mother-in-law did not like the daughter-in-law and told her husband: “Let the mother not come into the house, put her in the entryway.” The son settled his mother in the hallway and forbade her to enter the hut. The mother was afraid to appear in front of her evil daughter-in-law. As soon as the daughter-in-law walked through the hallway, the mother hid under the bed. But even this was not enough for the daughter-in-law. She says to her husband: “So that the spirit of the mother does not smell in the house. Move her to the barn.” The son moved his mother into the barn. Only at night did the mother come out of the dark barn.

One evening a young beauty was resting under a blooming apple tree and saw her mother come out of the barn. The wife became enraged and ran to her husband: “If you want me to live with you, kill your mother, take the heart out of her chest and bring it to me.” His son’s heart did not tremble; he was bewitched by the unprecedented beauty of his wife. He says to his mother: “Come on, mom, let’s go swimming in the river.” They go to the river, along the rocky shore. The mother tripped over a stone. The son got angry: “Why are you tripping, mom?” Why don't you look at your feet? So we will go to the river until evening."

They came, undressed, and swam. The son killed his mother, took the heart out of her chest, put it on a maple leaf, and carried it. A mother's heart trembles. The son tripped over a stone, fell, hit his knee, the hot mother’s heart fell on a sharp cliff, bled, perked up and whispered: My dear son, didn’t you hurt your knee? Sit down, rest, rub the bruised area with your palm.”
The son began to sob, grabbed his mother’s hot heart with his palms, pressed it to his chest, returned to the river, put the heart into his torn chest, and poured it with hot tears. He realized that no one had ever loved him as devotedly and selflessly as his own mother.

And so enormous and inexhaustible was the mother’s love, so deep and omnipotent was the desire of the mother’s heart to see her son joyful and carefree, that the heart came to life, the torn chest closed, the mother stood up and pressed her son’s curly head to her chest. After this, the son could not return to his beautiful wife; she became hateful to him. The mother did not return home either. The two of them went to the steppe and became two mounds. And every morning the rising sun illuminates the tops of the mounds with its first rays...

Moral: There is no love stronger than a mother’s, there is no tenderness more tender than a mother’s caress and care, there is no anxiety more alarming than a mother’s sleepless nights and unclosed eyes. “If a spark ignited in the heart of a son, a thousand times less than mother’s love,” says Ukrainian folk wisdom, “then even then this spark would burn throughout a person’s life with an unquenchable flame.”