Screensaver of the program the fate of a person. Boris Korchevnikov returned with a new TV show “The Fate of a Man. Boris Korchevnikov on television

September 24, 2017

A TV presenter is filming a TV project about heroes with an interesting fate.

The 35-year-old TV presenter returns to the air of the Russia 1 channel in October with a new television project, “The Fate of a Man.” Boris Korchevnikov now hosts his own television program, in which he will talk in the studio about interesting people with a unique destiny. The first filming of the television project will take place on September 28 and 29, and they are now recruiting viewers as extras. They promise to pay you a thousand rubles for sitting and applauding in the studio from 11 a.m. to 00:30 a.m.

Let us remind you that Boris Korchevnikov is currently working general director And general producer TV channel "Spas". For four years he hosted the talk show “Live Broadcast” on the Russia 1 channel, and after Andrei Malakhov replaced him in this post, he began to come up with an idea together with the producers new talk show. Apparently, in his program Boris will try to avoid scandalousness and will begin to focus on the amazing moments in the biography of the heroes.

By the way, recently Boris Korchevnikov himself became the hero of the television program “When Everyone is Home” on his native TV channel. It turned out that after his divorce from his wife, Boris lived with his mother, although he could have rented a separate apartment. “This is my home. This small apartment in the center of Moscow is convenient for me because everything is nearby and I don’t drive a car. And I still can’t get around to moving. Work and all this fuss takes up a lot of time,” Korchevnikov explained this choice.

The TV presenter noted that he dreams of starting a family. To which his mother Irina Leonidovna said that her son would not be an easy husband: “There should be a patient woman next to you.”

Premiere issue released new program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". Boris's first guest was his colleague, familiar to all viewers of the Rossiya TV channel - presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

On October 2 at 12:00, the Rossiya TV channel aired the premiere episode of Boris Korchevnikov’s new program. The presenter invited the audience to relive with him the most exciting and dramatic moments in the lives of his guests. And the first such guest was Boris’s colleague, presenter Vladimir Solovyov, well known to all viewers of the Rossiya channel.

In the studio of the "Fate of Man" program for the first time, the presenter of the "Duel" program spoke about how his amazing life. And the conversation began with professional topic. Once Vladimir advised Boris Korchevnikov to “extinguish aggression against you through memories of extreme happiness.” Vladimir Solovyov said that he constantly faces such aggression and treats it well. “If I were affectionate and gentle, then I would be uninteresting,” the TV presenter explained.

As part of the program, Vladimir Solovyov responded to attacks directed at him regarding “wealth.” “I really have been plowing all my life. Well, it happens, there are people who work all their lives. I’m not a slacker, I’ve been earning money all my life. I’ve been doing business since Soviet times,” he explained.

The topic of sports occupied an important place in the conversation. Vladimir Solovyov spoke about his love for football, as well as the importance of physical education in general - for the profession and for life. The host, a black belt holder, joked about his success in karate: “You need a belt to keep your pants from falling down. No one cares about the color of your belt, they care about what you are like.” Together with their coach, Alexander Khokhlov, the guests demonstrated several amazing strength exercises with an unusual apparatus.

Vladimir also spoke about his attitude towards journalists and war correspondents, as well as about the outbursts of anger that he is sometimes forced to deal with as part of his programs. “I believe that everyone who comes to me is my guests,” noted Vladimir Solovyov. “The respect of my guests for me allows me to build an atmosphere in which it does not lead to assault, although sometimes it can be very heated.”

What did little Vladimir’s mother save from when he was only 12 years old? What does a TV presenter remember when it is necessary to fight aggression directed at him? What does Vladimir Solovyov regret and what is he proud of? What is his main professional rule? Answers to these questions in the first episode of Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of Man”!

Star Russian television Boris Korchevnikov still remains one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia. Thousands of fans have become interested in the man since the release of the series “Kadetstvo”. What is known about the personal life of the popular Russian TV presenter, journalist and actor Boris Korchevnikov, read in our article.

The future journalist and TV presenter was born in Moscow. This event occurred on July 20, 1982. The boy’s parents divorced early, so he was raised by one mother. Her work was related to the theater. Irina Leonidovna worked there as deputy chief engineer. A little later, she took the post of director of the Puppet Theater named after. Exemplary. Therefore, as a child, Boris Korchevnikov spent a lot of time in the theater. The boy was noticed by theater directors and began to willingly invite him to participate in productions. In the O. Tabakov Theater, the young actor played more than 10 roles.

It is not surprising that after graduating from school Boris expressed a desire to receive acting education. However, along with this, he dreamed of becoming a journalist. Therefore, I submitted documents immediately to 2 educational institutions: Moscow State University, Faculty of Journalism and Moscow Art Theater.

It was extremely difficult to make progress in two educational institutions at the same time. Boris Korchevnikov chose to choose Moscow State University and was right, because it was the profession of journalist that brought him enormous popularity.

Television career

Back in early years, before graduating from Moscow State University, Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov worked as a presenter of children's information programs.

Since 2002 he became a staff correspondent information service NTV channel. Korchevnikov prepared news stories for the programs “Today”, “Personal Contribution”, “ Main character».

In 2008, the journalist moved to the STS channel. Korchevnikov tried himself as a presenter; he worked in the “Details” program. In parallel with his work on this channel, he created his own projects, including:

  • "Romania. Albania. Two destinies";
  • “Concentration camps. Road to Hell";
  • “I want to believe!”

In the project “I Want to Believe!” the journalist investigated the issue of “denigration of the Russian church”, interviewed bloggers and famous personalities who spoke harshly against the church. This work received mixed reviews. Boris Korchevnikov was accused of bias, but this only added to the journalist’s popularity.

My career was moving forward and I just needed to take successful steps. This is exactly what the presenter did. Since May 2013, Boris Korchevnikov began working on the Rossiya channel in the Live Broadcast program.

Boris Vyacheslavovich Korchevnikov hosts “Live Broadcast” on the Russia channel

Of course, one cannot fail to note the current successes of a professional in his field. He has already proven himself leadership positions. Since 2017, Boris Korchevnikov has been the general director and producer of the Spas channel.

In addition, Boris Korchevnikov has appeared in popular films more than once. He has roles in the TV series “Kadetstvo”, “New Year’s Tariff”, “Guys and Paragraph”. Exactly like this talented person he proved himself.

Beloved and wife of Boris Korchevnikov

The name of Boris Korchevnikov's beloved is Cecile Sverdlova. The girl is from France. However, Cecile is French only by birth. School years she spent in Moscow. Cecile Sverdlova graduated from GITIS, and then starred in films such as “New Year's Marriage”, “If You Are Not With Me” and others.

From unverified sources it is known that the young people dated for several years in a row. It is worth noting that Boris and Cecile are both deeply religious people. The lovers were spotted together in temples, at presentations and various festivals.

A few years ago, Cecile and Boris were “married.” The news feeds of famous Russian publications were full of headlines “The actor of the TV series “Kadetstvo” got married.”

After rumors about Boris Korchevnikov’s marriage appeared on the Russian Internet, the man’s fans did not decrease. Even married he was and remains incredibly interesting man For female audience TV viewers.

A number of publications described in detail the details of the “wedding.” Boris's fans read the news, which said that the TV presenter did not want to organize a magnificent celebration. Along with a banquet and a bright photo shoot for the press, the young people chose to sign without witnesses. Only the closest people knew about the wedding of Boris and Cecile.

So was Boris really married?

In one of the interviews (in December 2015), Boris stated that he was not married to Cecile. Information about his wedding is fiction. By the way, this fact from the personal life of the TV presenter was mentioned on Boris Korchevnikov’s Wikipedia page.

The press rushed to marry the TV presenter. Boris confirmed that he and Cecile were indeed connected romantic relationship. The couple has not officially fixed them.

Boris later said that he and Cecile broke up. The man wanted to save with ex-lover exclusively friendly relations. It is unknown whether Boris succeeded in his plan.

A colleague’s opinion about Korchevnikov’s beloved Cecile Sverdlova

A colleague from the Tsargrad TV channel said that Cecile - unusual girl. She came to work with her mother, who was waiting for her daughter’s working day to end. During breaks, mom fed Cecile, and later she made sure that the girl got home. According to a colleague who gave her name as Ekaterina, Cecile has not yet “grown up” for marriage. If a girl is followed everywhere by her mother, then what family life there may be talk.

It is not known whether what a certain Ekaterina said is true. Perhaps the girl is just jealous

Cecile wanted success and decided to take revenge on her in this way, humiliating Boris Korchevnikov in the eyes of her fans.

Does the presenter have children?

Despite the fact that Boris Korchevnikov was allegedly married, he has no children with Cecile. He and his “wife” were in no hurry to continue the family line. The TV presenter and actor prefers not to talk about his personal life. Nevertheless, it is known that Boris Korchevnikov definitely does not have children. The man believes that babies should be born exclusively in full loving family. Until he has one in sight, Boris does not consider it necessary to think about offspring.

In an interview with Timur Kizyakov, Boris admitted that he had repeatedly tried to start a family. Unfortunately, none of the attempts were successful.

The man grew up without a father, so he, like no one else, knows how important a full-fledged family is for a child. For a very long time he dreamed of hosting Timur Kizyakov, the host of the “While Everyone is Home” program, at his home. Boris is sad that during the filming, only one of his family was sitting at the table, his mother. A man wants to have big family. The TV presenter admits that even his mother Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova dreams of grandchildren.

Boris believes that both mother and father should take part in raising a child. These people have a very strong influence on the baby; they cannot be “separated”. The concepts of husband and father are inseparable for Boris. But the TV presenter’s mother believes that her future daughter-in-law will have a difficult time marrying her son. The woman says that Boris's chosen one must be incredibly patient. Only in this case will happiness reign in the family.

Boris Korchevnikov believes that if he had a father in childhood, he himself would definitely have a family now. A man would want to start a family, looking at the example of his parents.

Where did Boris Korchevnikov live with his “wife”?

From unverified sources it is known that Boris Korchevnikov prescribed ex-darling in his apartment in Moscow, where, most likely, the young people lived. Subsequently, this information was published on the Moscow City Court website after Boris flooded his neighbors. It is worth recalling that the neighbors decided to file a lawsuit against the actor. Unfortunately for them, they were unable to receive compensation for the material damage caused.

It is not known whether Boris Korchevnikov subsequently wrote out his “betrothed”, or whether Cecile is still listed as a tenant of his Moscow apartment.

Who is the TV presenter's father?

Who is to blame for the fact that Boris Korchevnikov still has not started a family? We have already mentioned that the TV presenter himself considers the absence of his father in his life - main reason Why is he still single at 35?

Boris's father's name is Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov. He abandoned Boris's mother Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova when she was pregnant. The son saw his father for the first time at the age of 13.

Vyacheslav Evgenievich worked as the director of the Pushkin Theater, and later became the theater’s presenter. In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov’s father died. The man died at the age of 70. It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Orlov also has a daughter. She is 12 years older than Boris. The woman's first and last name are unknown. The only thing fans of Boris Korchevnikov know is that his sister works as a primary school teacher.

Memories of Boris Korchevnikov about his father

Former Live Broadcast presenter Boris Korchevnikov does not blame his father for the fact that his personal life with his mother did not work out. Shortly before the death of his parent, the TV presenter invited him to meet and talk. It turned out that the man was not healthy. Boris recalls that his father smoked constantly and drank a lot of coffee. The TV presenter understood that his father would soon die. He barely managed to hold back his tears. Despite the fact that Vyacheslav Evgenievich did not live with his family, Boris still does not consider him a stranger. He didn't want his father to die alone, so he was with him at that moment.

The presenter said that his father died holding his hand in his hand. During his lifetime, the father managed to introduce his son to his sister. Boris admitted that he was glad to find another loved one.

Boris Korchevnikov’s father suffered for a long time and tried to fight death. In an interview, the TV presenter said that his father was in a coma for several months. Boris tried to support him as best he could. It is painful for a man to realize that there is one less person close to him in the world. Having found his father only at the age of 13 (while periodically not communicating with him for several years), Boris still speaks of his parent with exceptional warmth.

It is worth noting that Vyacheslav Evgenievich Orlov did not take part in raising his son and did not help his family. Nevertheless, Boris continued to consider him a father and even discussed his personal life with him and his unsuccessful attempts to start a family.

One of Boris’s vivid memories from childhood is how he looked for his father in every man in the theater, asking: “Are you my dad?”

Boris Korchevnikov’s mother, Irina Leonidovna Korchevnikova, says that when her son asked where his dad was, she answered the guy that he left because Boris behaved badly. In the program “While Everyone is Home,” Timur Kizyakov noted that this approach to the child was somewhat inhumane on the part of the mother.

Predictions for Boris Korchevnikov from a numerologist

Numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva predicted Boris Korchevnikov's imminent marriage.

Clara said that Boris is a man with with a broad soul. He gets satisfaction from helping those in need. The TV presenter had no chance to remain in the shadows. Boris was destined to become a famous person.

What Boris Korchevnikov’s mother said was confirmed by numerologist Klara Kuzdenbaeva - the TV presenter has some difficulties in resolving everyday issues. For example, it is useless to ask him to nail a shelf in the bathroom, since he does not tolerate physical labor. Fortunately, a negative attitude towards physical labor only concerns everyday life.

Boris is an emotionally rich person. He is generous and loves to give gifts. Klara Kuzdenbaeva also noted that the TV presenter has incredibly strong sexual energy. Girls love him for this.

What else did Klara Kuzdenbaeva say?

Boris Korchevnikov (see photo) gets married at 37 years old. Klara Kuzdenbaeva believes that it is at this age that the TV presenter will improve his personal life and will have a wife and children. His chosen one should be very patient and a little greedy. Why greedy? Boris loves to waste money. He needs that person who will control him.

The numerologist noted that Boris has a poor understanding of people. The TV presenter has poorly developed intuition. He is often straightforward and impatient. Many people don't like it. Others begin to fear the man because of this.

According to Klara Kuzdenbaeva, Boris is a real darling of fate. That is why those around him forgive him those shortcomings that few people put up with. A person born on July 20 (Boris Korchevnikov’s birthday) is able to decide other people’s destinies without knowing it, the numerologist noted.

The numerologist also gave Boris advice to be more attentive to his health.

Why did Boris Korchevnikov leave “Live”?

It recently became known that Andrei Malakhov will take the place of the presenter in the “Live Broadcast” program, and Boris Korchevnikov is leaving the channel. Boris's fans are interested in whether the presenter is really leaving at will, or he was “asked” to leave.

Boris Korchevnikov himself said that after his departure the program will be the same as before. It is worth noting that working group, who participated in the release of “Live Broadcast” earlier, remains to work with Andrei Malakhov.

The TV presenter denied rumors about the connection of his departure with health problems. Boris noted that all problems can be solved.

Fans of the TV presenter believe that their favorite’s departure from the “Live Broadcast” program is due to the fact that Boris was offered a position on the “Spas” channel. Now he is the general producer and general director of the channel.

09 February 2018

TV presenter Boris Korchevnikov announced an imminent addition to the family. Boris has long dreamed of having heirs.

Photo: globallook

Today the guest of the “Human Fate” program is singer Natalie. During the conversation, the host of the program touched on the topic of children, because not so long ago the artist became a mother for the third time.

“You live in incredible happy motherhood. You became a mother for the third time at the end of the past year. We congratulate you! What kind of feeling is this - not just for an artist, but for a woman who begged for each of her children?” - Korchevnikov asked a question.

Natalie brought baby clothes to the program studio and began telling Boris how to handle a newborn, and even taught the presenter how to swaddle babies. Unexpectedly for everyone, Boris announced that he would soon become a father himself and was now preparing for his new role.

“I'm going to become a dad. Yes! Teach me what main story? After all, I will also have to swaddle. Should the diaper be warm? Are you using an iron or something? - said Korchevnikov. Natalie congratulated him on his imminent birth firstborn.

Note that the TV presenter carefully hides his personal life. He still has not declassified the name of his chosen one. It is known that Korchevnikov is not officially married yet.

Boris Korchevnikov was born in Moscow. His mother Irina Leonidovna is an honored cultural worker, worked in the Moscow art theater. Father Vyacheslav Orlov directed the Pushkin Theater for more than 30 years. Not so long ago, little was known about Boris’s family, and information appeared in the media that the father of the future actor was TV presenter Vladimir Berezin.

It is known that Boris spent a lot of free time at the theater with his mother. Knowing from the cradle everything that happens behind the scenes, he was not at all shy about the stage. When the boy turned 8 years old, he invited him to take part in one of his performances. Borya agreed and became one of the youngest actors of the Moscow Art Theater. He took part in such productions as “The Cabal of the Holy One,” “Boris Godunov,” “My Dear, Good Ones,” “Sailor’s Silence” and many others.

But the performances were just entertainment and games for the boy. WITH early years he dreamed of becoming a television journalist, took part in several screenings and auditions for the position of presenter of children's programs. Finally, when he was 11 years old, Boris Korchevnikov was invited to the RTR channel in the “Tam-Tam News” program, designed for young TV viewers, and 5 years later on the same TV channel he became the host and reporter of the youth program “Tower”.

After graduating from school, the young man entered two educational institutions at once - theater studio Moscow Art Theater and Moscow state university at the Faculty of Journalism. But he was unable to undergo full-fledged training in two directions at the same time, so he made a choice towards his favorite profession.


Since 2001, while still a student, the young journalist has been collaborating with the NTV channel. It is from this moment that it starts active biography on TV. As a reporter, he prepares reports for several programs of this channel at once: “Today”, “The Other Day”, “Personal Contribution”, “Country and World”, “Profession - Reporter”, “Main Character” and others.

For two years, from 2009, he hosted the educational program “I Want to Believe!” about the mysteries of the history and civilizations of our planet. In total, 87 programs were broadcast on the STS channel. At the same time, the documentary film “Romania. Albania. Two destinies" dedicated to the topic Orthodox Christianity. Boris Korchevnikov turns out to be the host and partly the screenwriter of the television film. He will return to religious themes more than once, but the most sensational will be the investigative film “I Don’t Believe!”, released on the NTV channel in 2013.

Korchevnikov also took part as a presenter in a 6-episode documentary film“Concentration camps. Road to Hell" in 2009, in the 20-episode documentary project "History Russian show business"2010, a 20-episode continuation of the previous project "The History of Russian Humor."

Since May 2013, Boris Korchevnikov can be regularly seen on the Rossiya-1 TV channel in the public talk show Live, where he replaced popular TV presenter.

Korchevnikov is often invited to host various events and gala concerts, for example, “Day Slavic writing and culture - 2013”, “1025 years of the Baptism of Rus'” on Red Square, events “ Immortal Regiment"and others.


Debut in feature films for young actor became the film "Sailor's Silence", in which the boy got the role of the schoolboy David. Then, in 2002, he took part in the filming of the television series “Thief 2. Happiness for Rent,” where he played Maxim Makeev in one of the episodes. A year later, Boris took part in an episode of another series - “Another Life”, in which he starred in the role of Seva.

Boris Korchevnikov in the TV series "Kadetstvo"

Success and fame came to him after the release of the series about the life of Suvorov soldiers “Kadetstvo”. The film was enormously popular among teenagers, and the actors, including Korchevnikov, even toured the country. Boris plays one of the main roles - a decent and purposeful boy Ilya Sinitsin (Tit). Many fans of the film will soon call him the main character of one of the most popular TV series on post-Soviet space. Actress Olga Lukyanenko, who played the role of Ksyusha, Sinitsa’s girlfriend, in “Cadets” became no less famous.

It is curious that at the time of filming, the actor was almost 10 years older than his character. But Korchevnikov’s youthful appearance helped him successfully fit into the role. In total, three seasons of the series were released, which were shown on television from 2006 to 2008.

Subsequently, he got leading roles in films, although the films were not particularly noticeable. The only exception is the fantastic comedy “New Year's Tariff”.

Talk show "Live"

In April 2013, the management of the Rossiya 1 TV channel made changes to the popular Live Broadcast program. Its format is changing significantly: a new TV presenter appears, a modern studio is equipped.

Boris Korchevnikov in the show "Live"

Instead of Mikhail Zelensky, who had hosted the famous TV show since 2011, Boris Korchevnikov was appointed host. New TV presenter brings with it a completely different author's intonation. The audience liked these changes. From this moment on, Boris consolidates his success on TV.

Many people remember the scandal involving the famous showman and Boris Korchevnikov during one of the episodes of “Live Broadcast”. A squabble arose between them, but it still didn’t come to a fight.

In February 2017, information appeared that. This was stated to the media by one of the representatives of the Rossiya TV channel.

Many TV viewers immediately began to ask the question of why Korchevnikov left “ Live broadcast" It is assumed that the TV presenter made this decision for personal reasons.


In 2015, Boris Korchevnikov shocked his fans with his confession during next issue"Live" program. The program, which aired on the Russia-1 channel, was attended by two famous people- singer and actor. They talked about their struggle with cancer, and those present supported the celebrities’ desire to overcome the terrible disease. In the studio they discussed the problem, shared experiences and talked necessary words support.

At the end of the program, the TV presenter himself literally stunned everyone, declaring that he had cancer. Boris Korchevnikov made a statement that not so long ago his health condition was extremely serious. He transferred major surgery to remove a brain tumor. Boris asked the studio guests and all viewers to pray for Dmitry and Andrey:

“I know how important it is when they pray for you, I know how prayers are needed. I know because I was recently in this situation myself. I was also diagnosed with a brain tumor. Fortunately, it turned out to be benign, and the operation has already been performed.”

It was noticeable that Russian TV presenter It's obviously hard to remember the health problems, and the performance was not easy. He thanked his loved ones, saying that it was the support of his family that helped him overcome this obstacle, the terrible challenge that life presented to him.

TV viewers remembered that the famous TV presenter dedicated several episodes of “Live Broadcast” to the singer, who died of cancer. Many began to talk about certain analogies, evil fate, about the unfortunate fates of celebrities who pay for their fame with suffering.

Boris Vyacheslavovich called this period of his life “a state of powerlessness, monstrous weakness.” He openly said that upon hearing the news of his illness, he began to prepare for death. In addition, Korchevnikov condemned Russian society, which, in his opinion, is exclusively aimed at obtaining various pleasures:

"I think it comes from completely wrong attitude to death in our society. The more we live, the more we live in a hedonistic society where death is completely absent “in the mass field.” Although death is something that happens to everyone anyway. And this is the most important event in our lives.”

Such revelations famous TV presenter were a surprise to many. In 2016 social networks users actively began to discuss Boris’ thoughts about life and death, and called his recovery a miracle. On Instagram, commenting on the recovery famous actor, many admired his resilience and attitude towards the experience.

Personal life

Boris Korchevnikov is constantly in the public eye as a TV presenter, which is perhaps why he tries in every possible way to hide his personal life from the public. Russian publications it was reported that he met with model and journalist Anna Odegova, but the matter did not reach the registry office. The couple ended their relationship.

It is known that Boris dated actress Anna-Cecile Sverdlova for a long time. Cecile was born in France, but grew up in the Russian capital. His wife can be seen in such films as “Moscow. Three stations", "New Year's marriage" and "If you are not with me." Information has repeatedly appeared in the media that the couple got married back in 2013, but this has not been confirmed. In 2016, the couple broke up; the TV presenter had a hard time with this breakup.

Boris gets carried away foreign languages, is fluent in German and English. Moreover, he specifically went to Germany and the UK to improve colloquial speech, communicating with native speakers, and also pass the relevant exams.

Boris Korchevnikov now

In August 2017, the most discussed news was his departure from Channel One. TV presenter, thanking his colleagues and channel management for all the years of collaboration.

Later it became known that already at the end of August Malakhov became the host of the new season of the show “Live” on “Russia 1”, replacing Boris Korchevnikov. The most was dedicated to Boris, who devoted four years of his life to the project. This release was considered by many to be very emotional.


  • 1997 - Sailor's Silence
  • 2002 - Thief 2. Happiness for rent
  • 2003 - Another life
  • 2006-2007 - Kadetstvo
  • 2008 - “New Year” tariff
  • 2010 - Landing Dad
  • 2010 - Black Ram
  • 2011 - Guys and Paragraph
  • 2013 - I don’t believe it!
  • 2013 - History of Russian humor