Pickling crispy cucumbers for the winter: the secrets of delicious pickling. Pickling cucumbers for the winter: hot, cold, dry. The best recipes for pickling cucumbers in a bag, in a barrel, with vinegar, without vinegar, with citric acid, without brine, lightly salted


Step 1: prepare the cucumbers.

We thoroughly wash the cucumbers under running water and place them in small portions on a cutting board.

Using a knife, cut off the edges of the component and place in a deep bowl. Attention: If you come across large cucumbers, do not be discouraged, as they can be cut into several pieces that can be easily placed in a jar.

Step 2: prepare dill and leaves for preservation.

One by one, wash the dill under running water, as well as the leaves of horseradish, black currant and oak. Shake off excess liquid from the greens and place on a clean, flat plate.

Step 3: prepare the garlic.

Using a knife, peel the garlic and then rinse lightly under running water. Attention: There is no need to chop the cloves, so immediately put them in a free saucer and leave them aside for a while.

Step 4: prepare the jar.

For this recipe, you can not sterilize the jars, but simply rinse them thoroughly under running water. I still stick to the old rules, so I always boil the container before canning so that nothing explodes at the wrong moment. So, first, we thoroughly rinse the walls and bottom of the jar using a kitchen sponge and dishwashing detergent. Then place it neck down on a clean cloth towel.

Now place a wooden board and a jar on the bottom of a large saucepan and fill everything with regular cold water so that the liquid completely covers the container. Temporarily take out the jar from there, and put the main container on medium heat. Attention: To make the water boil faster, you can cover the pan with a lid. Immediately after this, carefully place everything into boiling liquid, reduce the heat and sterilize for 15 minutes. After this, turn off the burner, and take out the container using kitchen tongs and place it upside down on a clean cloth towel. Next we place the lid. Important: this action must be performed very carefully, since a hot jar may burst, but we do not want this.

Step 5: prepare crispy pickles.

At the bottom of a sterile jar we tightly place dill, garlic, bay leaves, black peppercorns, as well as horseradish, black currant and oak leaves. Now carefully and close to each other we place the cucumbers right up to the very neck of the container. We put the jar on a metal stand, since the container will be quite hot when we do the seaming, and leave it aside for a while.

Pour plain cold water into a medium saucepan. Place the container on medium heat and cover with a lid. When the liquid boils, turn off the burner and immediately pour it to the top into a jar of cucumbers. To do this, hold the pan with oven mitts so as not to get burned. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 10–15 minutes.

After this, pour the water back into the pan and put it on medium heat. When the liquid boils again, we repeat the procedure from start to finish. For the third time, at the same time we add salt, sugar and vinegar to the jar. Turn off the burner again, pour boiling water over the cucumbers and close the container very tightly with a lid.
Now we find a secluded place, put the cans upside down and wrap them in a warm blanket. We leave the seaming in this state for a day, and then place it in the refrigerator or a cool room, for example, a cellar. That's it, the crispy pickles are ready. After this, they can be immediately opened and served to the dinner table.

Step 6: Serve the crispy pickles.

Open the jar and use a fork to place the cucumbers on a special plate. This roll can be served with dishes such as fried potatoes, all kinds of porridges with meat, and even put in salads.
Enjoy your meal!

Instead of screw caps, you can use regular metal ones. In this case, we will need a can opener;

Horseradish, black currant and oak leaves can be added to the seaming to taste. The more components, the more expressive the taste of cucumbers will be. I usually add 3-4 leaves to the jar, and a small bunch of dill;

You can roll up very small cucumbers - gherkins. Then the roll will turn out even tastier, and the components will be very crispy.

Pickling is a popular way of preparing vegetables for the winter, including crispy cucumbers that go harmoniously with any dish. Pickling cucumbers for the winter involves dozens and even hundreds of different recipes, which differ in the amount of salt, seasonings used and pickling methods.

In order for harvesting cucumbers for the winter to be successful, you must, as always, carefully approach the issue of choosing vegetables. Cucumbers should be strong and without damage. Therefore, it is considered optimal to harvest cucumbers on the day they are picked from the garden. It is also advisable to sort the cucumbers by size so that they are equally saturated with salt and seasonings.

You should know that chlorinated water is not a suitable option for pickling. Experienced housewives recommend currant, cherry and oak leaves as spices. You can also use grape leaves, bay leaves, garlic, and onions. Before pickling, it is recommended to soak cucumbers and change the water to get rid of bitterness.

The main type of preparation, except for salting, is hot and cold salting.

Hot method of pickling cucumbers in jars.

Spice leaves are placed at the bottom of the jars, then the cucumbers are compacted tightly. You can also add cherry, currant leaves, etc. between the cucumbers. Then the cucumbers are poured with boiling water and covered with sterilized lids, wait 3 minutes and drain the water. Then pour the cucumbers again and wait 5 minutes. Next, the water is drained and filled with boiling brine with 30 g of salt per liter. The jars are rolled up and cooled.

There is another recipe. Cucumbers are poured with boiling brine and kept for a day, and then placed in the basement for 7-8 days. When the cucumbers are ready, the brine will need to be poured into a saucepan, the jars washed and sterilized. The cucumbers will need to be re-arranged with a new portion of spices and filled with boiling brine (drained). All that remains is to seal with lids and cool. In both cases, it is recommended to cool quickly.

A cold way to pickle cucumbers for the winter.

Cucumbers with seasonings are placed in jars, filled with cold solution - 50-60 g of salt per liter. To obtain brine, salt is dissolved in a small volume of water and then poured into cold water. Then you should cover the jars with gauze and wait a couple of days to ferment. Next, the jars are placed in a cool place for a week and a half at a temperature of 1-4 degrees or for a week at a temperature of 17 degrees. When the fermentation process is complete, you need to add brine and seal the jars without sterilization (airtight). Such cucumbers are stored at a temperature no higher than 4 degrees.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter can be done according to other recipes. For example, cucumbers can be pickled in barrels - not only oak, but also plastic. The method of pickling cucumbers in bags is also popular.

What table would be complete without this wonderful and tasty vegetable. Together with salty ones, they are almost the main appetizer of any table.

On a note! Although this salted vegetable is considered an indispensable attribute of the Russian feast, the Byzantines introduced it to the Russian people. It is believed that even the Russian name for cucumber, according to Vasmer’s dictionary, comes from the Greek word “ogyros” - “unripe”.

Cucumber is one of the few fruits that is eaten unripe. In Rus', they were salted in oak tubs, which ultimately gave the finished product a unique taste and incomparable aroma. Nowadays, this type of preparation is also practiced, but it is rare. Moreover, in apartment conditions it is practically impossible to do this.

Recipe for cold pickled cucumbers

There are a lot of ways to pickle cucumbers, mostly standard ones are used, in which the cucumbers are filled with hot water. But I want to start with a recipe in which they are salted with cold water.

After all, with this marinade, the cucumbers turn out deliciously crispy and hard. So let's get started.


  • cucumbers - 1.3 kg.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • horseradish - 5-6 leaves
  • dill - 1 bunch with umbrellas
  • currants - 2-3 leaves
  • cherry leaves - optional
  • salt - 100 g
  • cold water - 1.5 liters.


1. Soak cucumbers collected from the garden or purchased at the market for 3 hours in water, after which they are thoroughly washed under running water.

2. Prepare the greens. Wash horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, currant and cherry leaves well. You need to choose only whole and young leaves. Next, peel a few cloves of garlic.

3. Wash the cucumber jar well. We put horseradish leaves at the bottom of the jar, then put dill umbrellas, followed by currant leaves.

4. Before putting the green ones into the jar, you need to cut off their tails. After that, we send them to the container in a standing position (standing). Place 3 cloves of garlic on top.

5. For a three-liter jar you will need 100 g of coarse salt. Pour it into a jar and fill it with cold water.

The water should be very cold. It is advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for one night. And of course, it should not be running water, but purified and filtered.

6. Close the jar with a tight lid. Shake until the salt is distributed throughout the jar. A jar of pickled cucumbers can be immediately stored in the cellar.

In winter, this snack will delight you and your loved ones with its unique taste and crunch that is pleasant to the ear.

How to prepare pickles for the winter without vinegar?

Every good housewife has her own proven recipe for making pickles. Traditionally they use a bite. I present to your attention the following pickling method, which uses citric acid instead of vinegar. I recommend making this recipe at least once. I think you'll appreciate it.

Ingredients for one liter jar:

  • cucumbers - 500 grams,
  • horseradish leaf - 1 piece,
  • cherry leaf - 1 piece,
  • currant leaf - 2-3 pieces,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • allspice peas - 2 pieces,
  • black peppercorns - 3-4 pieces,
  • dill umbrella - 1 piece,
  • hot pepper - to taste
  • water - 500 milliliters,
  • citric acid - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • salt - 0.5 tablespoon.


1. Place allspice peas, black peppercorns, and 2 cloves of garlic into prepared sterile jars.
If the garlic is very large, then it is better to cut it lengthwise.

2. Add one cherry leaf and 2 currant leaves, rinsing them thoroughly with cold water. Next, add dill umbrellas and well-washed horseradish leaves. You need to cut out the stem from the horseradish leaves, which will be useful later.

3. Cut off the tails of the cucumbers. We put them in jars in a vertical position. One liter jar takes approximately 500 g of vegetables.

4. Place horseradish stalks in between the cucumbers. Next, place the second layer of cucumbers horizontally. If the fruits are large, they can be cut in half.

5. Add some more dill umbrellas. Add hot pepper to taste. Place a currant leaf on top. Fill the jars with boiling water, cover with a sterile lid and leave for 10 minutes.

7. Boil water in a saucepan and pour it back into the jars of cucumbers, leave for 10 minutes.

8. Now you need to prepare the marinade. For a liter of water you will need 1 tablespoon of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. 1 liter of water is enough for about 2 liter jars.

It is necessary to boil the marinade, wait until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved in the water.

9. Drain the water from the cans.

Place 1/3 teaspoon of citric acid in a jar. Immediately pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers. We roll up the jars with a seaming wrench and turn them over.

Leave the jars upside down under the blanket until they cool completely.

It is best to store the finished product in a dark, cool place or in a cellar, where they will last longer. In winter, they will delight you and your family, especially at the holiday table.

Hot pickled cucumbers in jars

If you don’t know how to pickle delicious cucumbers in a jar for the winter without sterilization, then I have a very simple hot recipe for you.

This is how my grandmother pickled cucumbers. After 2-3 days they turn out lightly salted, and after a month or by winter they become salted.


  • fresh cucumbers -3 kg.
  • water – 3 liters large
  • rock salt – 250 g (~9 tablespoons)
  • dill – 4 branches
  • horseradish – 2 leaves
  • garlic – 8 cloves
  • black currants – 30 pieces.


The amount of ingredients is calculated for 2 3-liter jars.

1. First you need to rinse the cucumbers thoroughly under running water.
We choose fruits that are not too large so that they fit freely in the jar and do not have large seeds inside.

2. All greens also need to be washed thoroughly.

3. Pour 3 liters of water into the pan, add salt, bring to a boil, stirring occasionally.

4. Meanwhile, rinse the jars with warm water; there is no need to sterilize them. At the bottom of the jars we put a branch with a dill umbrella cut into several pieces and black currant leaves, we also put horseradish leaves, cut in half and garlic cut in half.

6. Add a final layer of several sprigs of herbs and garlic. As soon as the brine boils, pour it into the jars and close the jars with plastic lids.

7. First, place the lids in boiling water for 15 seconds.

The resulting delicacy should be stored in a cool place. These cucumbers will be a good appetizer at any holiday; your guests will definitely appreciate them.

Cucumbers for the winter in jars with iron lids

I present to your attention another way to pickle cucumbers. All ingredients are very simple and traditional. I think good housewives will take it into service.

Ingredients for brine per 1 liter of water:

  • Salt - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Dill (umbrellas)
  • Black currant leaves - to taste
  • Black peppercorns - to taste
  • Allspice black pepper - to taste
  • 3 liter jar - 1 tablespoon vinegar (70%)
  • 2 liter jar - 1 dessert jar. spoon of vinegar (70%)
  • for 1 liter jar - 1 teaspoon of vinegar (70%)


1. First of all, we wash the cucumbers well and trim the edges, we also wash the greens and dry them.

2. We will roll the cucumbers into three jars, different in volume: three-liter, two-liter and liter. The jars must first be sterilized and the lids boiled.

Place dill and a few blackcurrant leaves on the bottom of the jars, then add cucumbers. It is best to place them in a liter jar while standing. Add a little more dill and blackcurrant leaves, then continue adding cucumbers. Add a few more blackcurrant leaves.

4. As soon as all the cucumbers are placed in the jar, pour boiling water over them. Cover the jars with iron lids and wait for the jars to cool.

5. After the water has cooled, pour all the water into the pan in which we will make the brine. Add salt and sugar to the drained water, mix everything thoroughly.

6. Place the brine on the stove and wait until it boils. As soon as the brine has boiled, turn off the gas and pour the hot brine into the jars.

7. Add vinegar to each jar. After this, cover the jars with lids and roll them up with a seaming key.

8. Turn the jars upside down, cover with a towel and wait until they cool.

We will take samples from them on cold winter evenings. These cucumbers go very well with boiled potatoes and herring. I think this combination will not leave anyone indifferent.

Prepare cold pickled cucumbers with vodka:

If you love real barrel cucumbers, I recommend trying this recipe. The secret of preparation is very simple: in addition to traditional greens, we also put acorn leaves and marigolds in the jar, and add vodka to the brine. The cucumbers according to this recipe turn out simply incomparable.

Amaranth (shiritsa) is a unique plant, the benefits of which are noticeable in folk medicine, in cooking and even in cosmetology.

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
  • Salt - 100 g
  • Vodka – 50 g
  • Currant leaves, horseradish, dill umbrellas, amaranth (amaranth), several marigolds


1. Wash the cucumbers well and soak in water for 2 hours.

2. Banks are also well washed and sterilized. Place several sprigs of herbs and 5 cloves of garlic on the bottom of the jar.

Fill the jar with vegetables. Add water to salt and mix well. Fill the cucumbers with salt water.

3. Leave them in a jar of salted water at room temperature for 4 days. After 4 days, pour the brine into the pan.

4. Place the pan on the fire and boil the brine. Fill the jar with cucumbers with cold water, shake and drain the water. Meanwhile, boil the brine for 5 minutes.

5. Pour vodka into the jar with the vegetable. Then fill them with hot brine.

Seal the jar hermetically with a sterilized lid using a seaming key. Turn the jar upside down.

According to this recipe, cucumbers turn out like salted cucumbers, but at the same time crispy. They need to be stored in a cool place, so they will keep well until spring. Although it is unlikely that you will be able to store such a tasty treat for so long.

Video recipe for cucumbers in jars with mustard

And finally, another unusual pickling recipe, in video format. Its difference is that mustard is added to the marinade. It gives the cucumbers a slightly piquant taste that will not leave your family and friends indifferent. Enjoy watching!

OK it's all over Now. If you liked the recipes, please share them on your page. Let your friends know about them too. I also look forward to your comments and feedback.

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Of course, everything can be bought in the store. And pickles are no exception. But, if you are a good housewife or want to become one, then you will have to learn how to pickle cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is a special ritual, and there are so many recipes! Read in this article: how to pickle cucumbers using cold and hot methods, my original recipes for pickling cucumbers. Read on.

Here's what the professionals advise.

Salting crispy cucumbers for the winter

For pickling, you need to prepare.

Start with the containers and dishes in which you are going to roll the cucumbers.

  • Cans with a capacity of 1.5 liters to 3 are suitable. I prefer three-liter jars.

Take care of the lids too.

  • For cold salting, you will need hard plastic lids, those that need to be preheated.
  • For hot salting you need metal lids and a good seaming machine key.


Of course the cucumbers themselves.

  • Medium-sized cucumbers of the same shape and color, with small pimples, are best suited for pickling.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers must be soaked for at least 2 hours in cold water.
  • Many recipes recommend trimming the ends of cucumbers, I never do this, but cucumbers are pickled and stored perfectly. So, to trim or not to trim is a matter of taste and aesthetics.

Salt and spices.

  • The most common table salt for pickling cucumbers is suitable, the kind that comes in a simple paper packet, without iodine or any additives.
  • For the cold method of pickling cucumbers, you will need dill sprigs, or rather umbrellas with seeds, currant leaves, cherries and plums. Garlic cloves and horseradish root will also come in handy. Nothing else.
  • For hot pickling, you need bay leaves, peppercorns and citric acid as a preservative. You don’t need any herbs or leaves in the hot brine; cucumbers turn out fragrant and crispy without them.

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter - tasty and simple! Or how to pickle cucumbers

The cold method is the simplest and most accessible


  • cucumbers
  • currant, cherry and plum leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic cloves

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Place 2-3 teeth in clean 3-liter jars. garlic, dill umbrellas and leaves. Place the cucumbers very tightly on them, try to press them very tightly. During the pickling process, the cucumbers shrink and the jar will not be full, and microbes can easily penetrate into the empty space.
  2. After placing the cucumbers, pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. coarse salt with top.
  3. Then fill with cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids.
  4. Turn the jar upside down several times to disperse the salt.
  5. Place the jars in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. At first the brine will be cloudy, then it will begin to lighten. Liquid may leak out from under the cap; opening and adding is unnecessary. Better notice this jar and eat it first. Cucumbers are ready in 2-3 weeks this way and can be stored for almost a year.

By the way, cold cucumbers are my favorite. They really remind me of my grandmother’s cucumbers from a large oak barrel. Try it, you won't regret it!

Video recipe "Quickly pickled cucumbers"

Hot method of pickling cucumbers

By pickling cucumbers in this way, you prepare homemade canned food for future use. They do not require storage in a cool place, but the salting process is quite labor-intensive and even dangerous.

You will have to tinker with boiling water, hot jars and pour brine over the cucumbers 3-4 times. Be patient and strong, the results are worth it!


  • cucumbers
  • sugar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns
  • lemon acid

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the cucumbers and place tightly in 3-liter sterilized jars. In this recipe, the cucumbers are reduced and even boiled, so the more densely the cucumbers are packed, the less fuss with half-empty jars.
  2. Boil water and carefully pour over cucumbers. Cover the jars with lids and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Drain the water. Boil another water and pour it over the cucumbers again. Leave for the same time. Pour the water into a large saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. salt and 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar per jar. Sugar preserves the color and crunchiness of cucumbers, but does not add sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine.
  4. Pour 0.5 tsp into each jar. citric acid, pour boiling brine and roll up with metal lids.

The jars can be put away to cool in a cupboard or in a far corner. After rolling, I wrap my cucumbers in a warm blanket for a day. As my mother taught me, I think they are warmer there and that makes them tastier.

The ancient Romans knew how to prepare pickled cucumbers, but the Russian inquisitive mind went further, and Nizhny Novgorod residents, for example, invented pickling cucumbers in pumpkin. How do you like this option? Pickled cucumbers have long become an original Russian product, in the preparation of which we undoubtedly have no equal, and the brine that accompanies them is also our Russian drink, the surest remedy for a well-known ailment.

To make pickles successful, you need to know a few simple rules:

  • You need to choose cucumbers for pickling correctly: they must be small to fit in the jar. The selected cucumbers should not have any voids inside; choose strong, hard fruits with pimply skin. Before the cooking process, be sure to soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2-3 hours, maybe a little more. For better pickling, cut off the tails of the cucumbers and pierce them with a fork;
  • The quality of water for pickling cucumbers is also incredibly important. It’s good if you have the opportunity to use clean water from a well, but if not, filter tap water, you can also use purchased bottled water. In any case, the cleaner the water, the better the result.
  • The dishes used for pickling cucumbers must be perfectly clean. Wash glass jars thoroughly in soda or soap solution, rinse thoroughly, pour over boiling water and dry. You can also heat the jars, for example, in the oven, at a temperature of 100-110ºС. Be sure to boil metal lids, wipe them dry to remove any scale that has formed, and wash plastic lids thoroughly and pour boiling water over them before closing the jars.
  • Pickled cucumbers are called pickled cucumbers because salt plays the most important role in their preparation. To prepare pickles for the winter, use regular rock salt; it is ideal for pickling cucumbers. Neither fine nor, God forbid, sea salt is suitable for our purposes - the cucumbers will become soft. The selected recipes will tell you how much salt you need per liter of water to prepare the brine. Typically the amount of salt varies from 40 to 60 grams.
  • And finally, about all sorts of herbal seasonings. Some people like black or allspice, others prefer mustard seeds or cloves. The usual classic set of spices looks like this: peppercorns, dill umbrellas, horseradish and currant leaves. But you can go further and add, for example, basil, cumin, horseradish root, garlic, mustard, oak and cherry leaves. Place the spices on the bottom of the jars and between the cucumbers, and cover them with horseradish or currant leaves on top. A piece of oak bark added to all the other spices will make the fruit crispier.

There are two ways to prepare pickles for the winter: cold and hot.
The cold salting method is very simple. Place spices and cucumbers in prepared jars. Then stir the required amount of salt in cold water and pour the cucumbers with this brine. Cover the jars with nylon lids heated in hot water. In a month you will receive wonderful pickles, which need to be stored either in the refrigerator or in the cellar. Under no circumstances should you leave cucumbers prepared in this way for storage in a warm room; you will spoil the product - the cucumbers may simply explode.

Hot pickled cucumbers are prepared as follows: dissolve salt in boiling water, add dill, horseradish, a couple of currant and cherry leaves, let simmer for a few minutes and pour this brine over the cucumbers. Leave the jars simply covered with gauze for the number of days specified in the recipe. After this, add brine and seal the jars with lids. By the way, to prevent the jars from exploding, add a few mustard seeds to the brine, and a few thin slices of horseradish placed under the lid will help protect the cucumbers from mold.

Well, that’s basically it. Theory, we know, is a good thing. Let's move on to practice, because for any housewife, the ability to pickle cucumbers is an indicator of her culinary skills.

Cold salting method. Recipe No. 1

currant, cherry and plum leaves,
dill umbrellas,
garlic cloves,
salt (1 heaped tablespoon for each jar), water.

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours. Then place 2-3 cloves of garlic, leaves and umbrellas of dill into clean 3 liter jars. Place the cucumbers tightly on top of the spices. Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. salt with topping, fill with cold boiled water and close with tight plastic lids. Turn the jars of cucumbers over several times to disperse the salt and place in a cool place. The brine will be cloudy at first, but then it will begin to lighten. Cucumbers prepared this way will be ready to eat in 2-3 weeks, and they can be stored for almost a year. A little liquid may leak out from under some lid, but you cannot open the jars and add brine. Just eat the cucumbers from this jar first.

Cold salting method. Recipe No. 2

2 kg cucumbers,
2 dill umbrellas,
5 black currant leaves,
5 cherry leaves,
1 clove of garlic,
20 g horseradish root or leaves,
8 black peppercorns,
¼ cup salt,
2 tbsp. vodka,
1.5 liters of water.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers and immediately plunge into ice water. Pack tightly into a 3 liter jar, topping with washed leaves, dill, garlic and pepper. Pour the prepared cold saline solution, add vodka and tightly close the jar with a plastic lid. Immediately place the prepared pickles in a cool place. The cucumbers turn out strong and green.

Hot salting method

Bay leaf,
lemon acid,

Select cucumbers by size, soak in cold water for 2 hours, then place tightly in 3 liter sterilized jars. Boil water, carefully pour it over the cucumbers, cover with lids and leave for 15 minutes. When the time is up, drain the water. Boil another water, pour it over the cucumbers again and leave for the same time. Then pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt at the rate of 2 tbsp. salt and 3-4 tbsp. sugar for 1 jar. Don’t let the amount of sugar confuse you; it makes the cucumbers crispy, but it doesn’t add any sweetness to the brine. Boil the brine. Pour ½ tsp into each jar. citric acid, pour boiling brine and seal with sterilized metal lids. Next, you can wrap the cucumbers for a day, or you can simply leave them to cool without wrapping, placing them in a dark place.

Pickled cucumbers with oak bark

currant leaves,
black peppercorns,
cherry leaves,
horseradish leaves and root,
oak bark (sold at the pharmacy),

Place horseradish leaves, peeled and cut into pieces horseradish root, black peppercorns, currant and cherry leaves, dill and cut garlic cloves and 1 tsp each at the bottom of 3-liter jars. oak bark into each jar. Place the cucumbers tightly and place a horseradish leaf on top. To prepare the brine, dissolve salt in boiled cold water at the rate of 1 tbsp. salt with topping to 1 liter of water. Pour cold brine over the cucumbers and cover with plastic lids, dipping them in boiling water for a few minutes before closing. Store cucumbers in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers “Scented”

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
2 kg cucumbers,
3-4 dill umbrellas,
2-3 bay leaves,
2-3 cloves of garlic,
1 horseradish root,
2 horseradish leaves,
2 cherry leaves,
3 sprigs each of celery, parsley and tarragon,
5 black peppercorns,
1 liter of water,
80 g salt.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash and soak in clean cold water for 6-8 hours, then rinse them with clean water. Place spices and cucumbers in layers at the bottom of the jar, place dill on top. Prepare the brine by dissolving the salt in cold water. Fill the cucumbers with brine to the very edge of the jar, cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. After a white foam appears on the surface, drain the brine, boil well and pour it over the cucumbers again. Immediately cover with the prepared metal lid and roll up. Turn the jar upside down, wrap it carefully and leave until completely cool.

Country pickles

horseradish leaf,
coarse salt.

Soak the cucumbers for 4-6 hours. Wash the jars well, put horseradish, dill, garlic and cucumbers in them. Fill the jars with cucumbers with filtered water. Place a horseradish leaf on the jars so that it covers the neck of the jar. Place 3 tbsp in gauze. heaped salt and tie a knot. The number of such nodules should match the number of jars of cucumbers. Place the knots on the horseradish leaves. The main thing is to make sure that the water touches the nodules, otherwise the salt will not dissolve. Place the jars on plates, as liquid will leak out during the fermentation process, and leave them like that for 3 days. After three days, remove the nodules, rinse well the dill and horseradish leaves that were on top, drain the brine and boil it, adding water, because some of it has leaked out. Pour the prepared brine over the cucumbers and close with tight nylon lids. Initially, the brine will be cloudy, but don’t worry, after a while it will become transparent, and a sediment will form at the bottom, which shouldn’t bother you either. Store pickles in a cool, dark place.

Pickled cucumbers in Russian

3 kg cucumbers,
2 tbsp. salt (per 1 liter of water),
5 cloves of garlic (for 1 jar),
spices, aromatic leaves - to your taste.

Sort the cucumbers by size, wash them and place them in sterilized jars, layering with garlic, dill, cherry leaves, oak leaves, horseradish, currants, etc. Then pour the cooled brine of salt and water over the cucumbers in the jars. Cover the jars with saucers or plates and leave for 3-4 days. Then drain the brine from the jars. Boil a new brine, also adding 1 liter of water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Pour boiling brine and immediately seal the jars with sterilized lids. The brine will not be transparent, this is necessary.

Pickled cucumbers with vodka

Ingredients (for a 3L jar):
1.5 liters of water,
150 ml vodka,
3 tbsp. Sahara,
2 tbsp. salt,
2 cloves of garlic,
3 bay leaves,
dill stalk,
horseradish leaves.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly and cut off the ends. Place spices and garlic at the bottom of the prepared jars and pack the cucumbers tightly. Dissolve salt and sugar in cold water, pour this solution over the cucumbers, then pour in vodka. Cover the jars with gauze and leave for 3-4 days at room temperature. Do not forget to regularly remove the resulting foam. On the 4th day, drain the brine, boil it for 5 minutes, pour it back into the jars and seal them with sterilized lids.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard

horseradish leaves,
dill umbrellas,
cherry leaves,
black currant leaves,
mustard (powder).

Wash the cucumbers well. Place the prepared greens into the pan, pack the cucumbers tightly and fill everything with brine (2 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of boiled water). Place a wooden circle or large plate on top of the cucumbers, apply pressure and leave for 3 days. Remember to keep an eye on the cucumbers and skim off any foam. After three days, drain the brine and place the cucumbers and herbs in sterilized jars. Strain the brine, boil it, adding 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. salt. Fill the jars with brine, wait 10 minutes, drain again, boil, add 1-2 tbsp. dry mustard. Pour brine over the cucumbers for the last time and roll up the lids. Turn over and leave to cool without wrapping.

Pickled cucumbers with hot pepper

5 kg cucumbers,
5 stalks of dill with umbrellas,
10 cloves of garlic,
8 horseradish leaves,
20 currant leaves,
8 bay leaves,
black peppercorns,
red hot pepper,

Select cucumbers of the same size for pickling, cut off the ends and place in a saucepan, add dill, garlic, currant leaves and fill with brine prepared at the rate of 2 tbsp. salt per 1 liter of water. Set the oppression and leave the cucumbers for two days. Then remove the spices, strain the brine, rinse the cucumbers and put them in sterilized jars along with fresh spices, adding bay leaves, horseradish leaves and red hot pepper (3-4 rings will be enough for a 1 liter jar). Boil the brine, fill the contents of the jars with boiling brine and seal them with prepared sterilized lids.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

Ingredients (for 3 liter jar):
1.5 kg cucumbers,
1.5 liters of fresh tomato juice,
3 tbsp. salt,
50 g dill,
10 g tarragon,
6-8 cloves of garlic.

Prepare cucumbers, jars, herbs and garlic. Place peeled and chopped garlic cloves, dill and tarragon on the bottom of the jars. Place the cucumbers vertically on top. Squeeze the juice out of the tomatoes (about 1.5 liters of tomato juice goes into a 3 liter jar). Bring the juice to a boil, dissolve the salt in it and cool. Pour the cooled juice into the jars of cucumbers, cover with plastic lids, after holding them in hot water, and put them in a dark, cool place.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina