Protecting the aura when communicating with a patient. Energy protection "Whip blow". Burning in a candle flame


It's time to talk about Aura. We will figure out how to properly protect ourselves from external stimuli and negative energy coming from other people. The aura is our force field, which is connected to the signals sent by the universe. She can read information about the past, present and future. YOU can easily determine what type of Aura is protecting you by following certain instructions.

Is Aura important?

Undoubtedly! This is so important that ignoring the correct defense can be compared to a crime. But what's so important about it?

Our aura contains very sensitive information about who we really are.
It contains encoded information about our past, present and future.
Our aura can vibrate in different rhythms, corresponding to current emotions. Moreover, a strong aura can help us achieve certain successes in magic.
Aura is a way of communicating with our environment. Therefore, when it is cleansed and strong, we can benefit from healing sessions and the magic of nature.
Likewise, when our aura is strong, it can prevent attacks from outside. Therefore, it can protect us from physical and emotional illness. But don’t forget to listen not only to your inner voice, but also to the advice of doctors!

How to protect and preserve your aura

Below we list 7 ancient ways to help you achieve better balance and protect your aura. Of course, for maximum efficiency, you can practice everything at once, but not all beginners will master a series of instructions. So let's get started!

1.Anointing with incense

You can anoint yourself with blessed incense, which increases the protection of your aura and can protect it from further harm coming from outside.

Anointing is an ancient technique for cleansing your aura that uses the smoke of blessed plants, herbs and resins. However, other herbs that are not mentioned in certain manuals can be used. For example, you can use incense smoke, which can boost your mental strength

Of course, you can use various mixtures of herbs, which also effectively increase the protection of the aura.
In addition, you can use more complex mixtures that are available to skilled people. One of them is called "Phoenix" or "Phoenix". It consists of a mixture of myrrh, spikenard and cinnamon, which complement each other perfectly and evoke the powers of the Phoenix itself!

2. Wearing black

When you are under external energy attack, you should wear black clothes. Black color provides the necessary protection. The effect of such fabric can be compared to an invisible surface that protects you from unkind glances and negative energy. However, you should not wear black for long as this color not only protects from negative energy but also from positive energy. That is why you need to wear such clothes in time when you are sure of an upcoming attack. After wearing, you need to wear those things that best suit you in color.

3. Crystal magic

Carry black tourmaline with you, which can help protect you from psychic attacks. This talisman is quite accessible to everyone, and can be worn in combination with any clothing.
Moreover, you must have black obsidian with you. This particular stone can help you strengthen your energy and dispel the negativity that surrounds you.

4. "Grounding"

This simple technique can work wonders at a time when our aura is under attack. “Grounding” actually represents unity with Mother Earth. And naturally, no one can overcome all its power.
“Grounding” will help you counteract powerful external attacks and protect yourself from psychic attacks. Moreover, this allows you to direct the healing energy of Nature to yourself. This is really important when you have already taken some damage.

5. Small charcoal

Charcoal can help you align yourself with our Mother Earth. As the article on Magical Protection says: “A small piece of coal in your pocket (wrapped in a paper towel to keep it from getting dirty) can protect you from the evil eye, curses, evil spirits and psychic attacks. Place three pieces under your bed on a white plate to protect yourself while you sleep. After each use, wash them under cold running water. It is available to everyone and can effectively protect you from external threats.

6. Holy water

This is the most accessible and one of the most powerful magical tools. Making holy water with your own hands is very simple. But you don’t have to bother and go to the nearest church to get it where you feel comfortable. Holy water dispels negativity, cleanses the aura and fills our spirit.

7. Eye of Horus

One of the most powerful and ancient symbols, the eye of Horus or God Ra, is actually the main tool against any dark magic. This deity is the personification of the victory of the forces of Good against all essential evil. The Eye of Horus is considered one of the most powerful talismans against dark energy. It is believed that with its help you can strengthen your spiritual consciousness and tune into one harmony with the Divine Source.
You can charge your Eye of Horus, providing better magical protection. This will help you better protect your aura. Sing these verses from Books of the Dead 7 times:

"Let the Eye of Horus be my Protection,
O Osiris, patron of the westerners,
let him extend his protection to me as to you,
I can do no harm, and no one can harm me!”

Interest in metaphysics is very often provoked by the desire to protect oneself and one’s family from the attacks of energy pests. Damage, evil eye and other attacks. Every day we encounter negative energies and in order to live peacefully and harmoniously we must be able to protect ourselves, and also try not to be lazy and do the exercises daily. Those who will work, I think, will definitely notice an improvement in their mood, luck and health! So, let's learn:

Learning to protect ourselves

1. Material objects.

They can be: a bag of salt. Mirror. Pin. Aroma pendant with natural essential oil. Stones.

1) Pouch. This is a bag made by you from natural cotton fabric. Size 4*7 cm. Red fabric is often chosen as a good color. Then ordinary salt is poured in there, tied with a red woolen thread and put in your pockets or, better yet, near your chest, opposite your heart.

2) Place the mirror in your pocket and carry it with the side of the mirror facing people.

3) Pin, attach it head down to the clothing.

4) Protective stones. We use: carnelian, chrysoprase, jadeite. The most neutral are carnelian, tiger eye, hawk eye. We wear them as an amulet, pendant, in a ring or on the hand as a bracelet on the hands.

5) Aroma pendant. We drip shield oil into it: incense, rosemary, juniper, sage. You can choose what you like. But one thing. Every day we drip 2 drops.

Mental projections of shields:

These are shields that arise through the effort of your thought. Basically, such shields are used as protection from attacks by vampiric creatures, or from enemy attacks. Their main advantage, and at the same time disadvantage, is that the energy used by this shield must be yours. And she is quite exhaustible.

Special protections for serious cases. We use it while there are magical battles or strong influences on you. I do not recommend using it on a regular basis, since protections fence you off from all energies and do not allow positive ones into the aura.


Imagine a ball around your body, a meter from your body in circumference, and imagine how it has a golden dense glow around the edges.
Along the edges of the golden color there is a dense violet color... For greater protection, after the violet, you can also visualize the blue layer.... Update and check the boundaries every day... The ideal distance is a meter around the entire circumference of the body...

When you feel negative, imagine how an energetic rain washes you from above, right through your aura... Through your auras and bodies... this is done for 2-3 minutes.... If you feel someone else’s influence or someone else’s will in you, imagine how it is inside you and your aura burns with a violet flame and burns everything alien, mentally say that everything that is not your divine will goes away and is burned... 1-2 minutes is enough.

Do this as often as possible and it will become a habit; you will do it instantly and without extra effort. This will help you find harmony with yourself and the world around you. I do this several times a day and always feel happy and protected.


You need to imagine yourself surrounded on all sides and from above by a wall of one, two or three rows of bricks. On the outside, the wall is covered with a continuous layer of mirrors facing the outside world. And no matter from which side the attacker tries to attack you, he will always receive a retaliatory blow reflected and reinforced by the mirror. This technique is popular all over the world and has proven its effectiveness more than once. When using the mirror wall, never show the person trying to influence you negatively that you are defending yourself. Your calmness and friendliness will make him attack you even more. strong blows, which will return to him with increasing force. Very strong defense. Since the arrows come at you and reflect from the shield, they go with 3 times the force on the one who sent the negativity.

3. EGG

To perform this technique, it is necessary to develop the ability to sense any objects at a considerable distance. First you need to master “gaze touching”, i.e. mentally touch objects and capture the feeling from them (you can touch the object with your hand, and then try to reproduce this feeling in your mind without touching the object). Having mastered “touching with your gaze” without looking at the object, “touch” it again. You should not close your eyes while doing this. This is how you develop clarity of visualization. After mastering this exercise, we build an “egg”: you need to feel, and not imagine, that at the level of 2 fingers below the navel, in front, behind and from the sides at a distance arm's length there are four warm golden peas, i.e. the result is a cross lying in a horizontal plane with an axis passing along midline bodies. When the cross rotates, a hoop is formed, which can easily be turned into an egg that surrounds your body and does not allow any negative influences to penetrate inside. The walls of the egg are very dense; the biofield layers wrap around each other for about a minute. Shells can be one-color, two-color (imaginary). It is advisable to use colors such as gold, blue, and orange. It is very important to clearly spatially sense all your actions. It is necessary to warn that training in “probing” objects should not last longer than 1-2 minutes and more often than 5-7 times a day.


There is a rather interesting shield that not only has protective properties, but also medicinal. Create a mental image in the form of a pyramid, golden, pretty bright color. By the way, you can increase it. At least cover the whole house with it. It all depends on the amount of strength. The most optimal thing is to end the pyramid about half a meter above you. Of course, the bottom of the pyramid will be at your feet. It is desirable that the pyramid is regular and tetrahedral. The corners of the lower base of the structure should be directed towards the four cardinal directions (it is better to navigate using a compass, since the magnetic field is constantly changing, and accuracy must be high)
Such a pyramid is known to have healing properties. Especially gold) + creation of positive energy in the very center of the pyramid: where you are. Well, some, but still protection from unpleasant influences. If you are sick, this is very useful. This kind of structure works on the principle of accumulating positive energy.

The pyramid changes the internal circulation of energy even in positive side. This cannot be called a shield, but more just a healing variation, but it works great. It is important that in case of illness it actually protects others from you.

5. Vortex protection

Vortex protection is a technique that, due to its great power, is recommended to be used only in special cases. Enter an altered state of consciousness (in this case, we mean strong concentration and calm, accompanied by a clear head). Raise your hands up (while standing), imagine that downward flows of energy (from space - from top to bottom) are penetrating into the body through them. At the same time, imagine that upward flows of energy enter through your legs (from the ground - from bottom to top). These two flows meet in the body at the level of the navel and wrap themselves in a clockwise vortex. The vortex spins stronger and stronger, becoming larger and larger. Soon it completely covers the entire body, and you feel that a luminous cocoon is spinning around you, which throws away everything negative and negative.

6.Energy cocoon

Sit down, close your eyes, imagine that a luminous point stands out from the crown of your head. Slowly make it rotate clockwise around your head. Then direct the movement in a downward spiral, without stopping the movement of the point around you. In the same way, move it clockwise and in a spiral from bottom to top to the starting position.

Do this exercise several times, each time accelerating the movement of the point. After some time, you will notice that the point leaves behind a luminous trail in the form of a cobweb. When you reach a certain rotation speed, the cobweb trails will merge around you into a luminous cocoon.
Learn to create a cocoon without making any effort, and in the future, install it automatically - unconsciously.
Provides, oddly enough, a dense, good fibrous base. The method is not easy, both in creation and in destruction by the enemy.

7. Cocoon

Human exposure is most likely at night. Having plunged into an altered state of consciousness, imagine that your bed is shrouded in a golden translucent cocoon. Imagine that the walls of this cocoon are capable of protecting anyone who is inside it from energetic influences. In the morning, when you leave your bed and emerge from the protective cocoon, you will be able to fully contact the world.

This method of protection is very good in long period. It gives access to metabolic processes in your body, while protecting you from negative effects. This method will not save you from direct exposure to the battlefield, but it will provide you with a restful night's sleep.

Protection from spirits:

Introducing a transparent wall on 3 sides. Like a triangle. The walls are full height.

Protection for every day.

It is unique in that it protects against the bad, but lets in all the good. What does not cut you off from the energies of the outside world.

But these techniques can be used every day. They do not block you from the influence of the outside world and allow you to fully coexist with the outside world:

Magic shield -

This is an energy field that is mentally exposed in front of you in order to protect yourself from negative thought forms, energy vampires who use their energy to suck out your own, very often without noticing this, as well as spirits and entities that have attached themselves to you for one purpose or another. Everything that surrounds us, and we ourselves, are made of energy. Therefore, the only logical way to protect yourself from negativity is to use your own energy to close yourself off from the external influence of negative forces. Many truly serious professional magicians constantly use a magical shield to protect themselves from negative attacks while working with the energy of other people. At first glance, this will seem strange, but once you get used to using a magic shield in everyday life you will understand how convenient and simple it is.
In order to create a magical shield, you need to mentally imagine the energy field surrounding the entire body. The magic shield will look different for everyone, it all depends on the level and power of imagination. Before creating and installing a magical shield, you must undergo a cleansing ritual.
The cleansing ritual will help remove all the negative energy that has been sitting in you for a long time. We know many such rituals and you have the right to choose the one that is most convenient and appealing to you. How often you perform a cleansing ritual is up to you. Some people prefer to do this every day, while others prefer to do it once a week. There are also people who perform a cleansing ritual once a year. And only after completing the cleansing ritual can you start creating a magical shield.
In fact, the process of creating a magic shield is quite simple. When doing this for the first time, it would be right if you tried to set aside a certain period of time for it, so that no one would bother you or interrupt you, but when installing a magical shield becomes a habit, you will be able to perform this ritual anywhere and in any environment.
Thoughts can create reality - this is a well-known fact. You will use your thoughts to create a powerful, strong and beautiful energy field around your body. Your own magical shield can be of any shape, size and color, it can consist of any material.
One of the most common simple magic shields is usually white, round shape, protecting the entire body. Such a shield can also be presented around other people in order to transfer part of its protection to them in some situations.
Having finally decided on how your own magic shield will look, you need to spend a little time imagining it in great detail, as if it were surrounding your body. You need to fantasize until you really feel its strength and power and make sure that your magical shield has become absolutely real. Now you are ready to use it every day.
When you wake up in the morning, immediately imagine that you are surrounded by your protective magical shield and tell yourself that it will always be like this. Throughout the day, think about your protection - this will give you more strength and confidence.
Despite the fact that the magic shield was constantly used during healing sessions and when working with negative energies, only recently has it become popular among non-professionals
Remember that just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The energy is real and a magical shield simply uses your own energy to block the negative energy of those around you. Many people find that using a magical shield really helps them in their daily lives. By following their example, you will no doubt one day find that the negative energy of others no longer bothers or interferes with you.
Now you are able to let only positive forces pass through your own magical shield. Imagine how good it is to be constantly surrounded only by the positive energy of love and happiness. When this happens, your life will definitely change for the better, and the magical energy dormant in you will awaken and increase every day.

An ancient technique of Buddhist monks.

It's called the TREE OF LIFE.

Start with grounding, centering, and complete body relaxation exercises. Then imagine that you are an ancient mighty tree with spreading branches, whose roots, starting right from your feet, grow powerfully into the ground. Feel how these roots go deeper and deeper into the bowels of the Earth until they reach the golden core of the planet. Through these roots, the golden energy of the Earth fills your feet, your legs, rising higher and higher through the spinal channel. Imagine that your spine is the trunk of a tall wise tree, and fill every part of your body with this energy. Let the golden energy of the Earth rise through the neck and head to the very crown (crown) and go beyond the physical body.

Then feel your branches, which, like arms, radiate upward and outward from the trunk, branching into many smaller branches, twigs and shoots. And on these branches green leaves and golden flowers with delicate petals bloom. Feel how these flowers, having hatched as buds, then open wider and fuller until they open completely and the petals break away from the branches and fall to the ground. Imagine how a golden rain of petals falls on the surface of the Earth and their substance, dissolving, penetrates under the crust and descends to the core of the planet. This substance becomes one with the golden center of the planet and is then reabsorbed by the roots. and rises through them. Always end your meditation in the center of the Earth and slowly return to reality. Stretch and do a few movements; Before standing up, be fully aware of yourself in the present.

Clairvoyant Arina Yurchenko

Each person, in the course of his life, emits a certain type of energy into the space around him. We mean what is usually called an aura, this is a special glow of the human field. Not only does a person emit an aura himself, he also falls under the radiation of the auras of other people, and this does not always pass without consequences. The energetic impact on your biofield, that is, aru, can be random. For example, a person with a stronger biofield can suppress your aura, or, on the contrary, people with serious illnesses have also not quite healthy aura which can negatively affect your well-being; in certain cases, after visiting hospitals or cemeteries, some people with weak energy may become ill with something unknown, at first glance, without visible reasons. In other cases, damage or the evil eye may be sent to you and thereby break the protective functions of your biofield, which can have a very negative impact. A person has not only a physical body, but also an astral (spiritual) one. This invisible body is called the aura. If everything is fine with the aura, then the person feels appropriate, his health is fine and he is full of energy, but as soon as the aura is disturbed, everything changes quickly and dramatically. It can be affected by different external factors, which destroy it. There are several ways to restore it. So, how to protect your aura from negativity and protect yourself from its influence on you in the future?

First way

If you come home, especially from a crowded place, and feel that there has been an invasion of your aura, this may manifest itself as malaise or ordinary fatigue. Take a bowl of water and a box of matches, light one at a time and circle it around your head until the match burns, then throw it into the water and do this 12 times. Then circle one more time around the torso and around the legs in the area of ​​​​the feet. Then pour out the water and after half an hour the discomfort will go away.

If you live in a rural area and have stove heating, then open the firebox valve and look into the stove three times. Also, within half an hour all bad sensations will pass. Wood is burned in the stove, so it will draw out all the negativity from your biofield through the chimney. Just don’t hold it, just quickly look three times, otherwise the stove can drain all the strength from you along with the negativity and you will feel like after hard physical work.

Second way

This method is used when induced states have been present for a long time, and a person begins to feel that he is not living his life: things are going badly, there are problems in the family, there is not enough mental and physical strength. This method is very strong, it is capable of removing all malicious and non-malicious damage, evil eyes and curses, but if the impact was exerted by a professional, then you will have to use a stronger method.
You will need a wax or, if not, a paraffin candle; light it and move your hands along the flame of the candle for about five minutes, placing your palms so as not to get burned. Thus, the fire plasma will gradually select the negative from your aura and destroy it. Wash your hands in the flame as if you were washing them under a tap, continue the procedure until half of the candle burns out.

There are cases when the damage is so strong and it is not possible to remove it or due to lack of finance, as is known good psychics They rarely do anything for free, and this is more than a dozen sessions or there is simply no one to remove this damage. So, if you decide to get rid of a very strong negative impact on you or anyone in the family you can use strong and effective way. You will need a bucket of cold water City water supply is also suitable, you just need to pour it with a ladle several times in a thin layer from top to bottom, the water will immediately change its properties, and if you pour water like this for half an hour, it will resemble spring water in its qualities. Remember this advice, due to turbulence and saturation with oxygen during transfusion back and forth, the alkaline index of the water increases. After which you need to take off your clothes; if you are in the bathroom, the effect will be weaker; if on the street, it increases tenfold. Take a deep breath, swallow the air and hold your breath, say the phrase “God of my heart, God of my understanding, hug me while pouring” and pour a bucket of water over your head. Do this every day for a week, the damage should go away quickly.

In this article we will not touch upon secret methods of removing spoilage, since you understand that we do not want to take away someone’s bread by publicly publishing secret methods. For most, the methods described above will be sufficient. Well, those who want to learn more about secret methods of removing severe damage can write to us about it.

People often feel bad for no known reason. Many people find it difficult to understand that emotional and mental factors influence the state of the physical body. Poor mental health: depression, weakness, apathy and body pain can be caused by: internal conflict, and an energy attack from the outside. That is why we need to learn to strengthen our aura and protect ourselves from negative influences from the outside.

Most people are “vampires” because they unintentionally drain the life force from others. The same can be said about the entire hospital atmosphere. A weakened person feels better when a healthy person exuding energy is nearby. If you are full of strength, and in front of you is a sick person who is dear to you, happily share your energy. Life force- prana is necessary for everyone, it is the basis of human life, and our attention is a directed flow of force to a certain place. The only point is how we use this personal power.

Ways to protect your aura from negativity

Almost all people drain energy from others from time to time. If you are a person with developed senses, you can feel prana flowing out of you to another being. But how to protect the aura from the negativity of a hostile person? He also needs energy, but unfortunately, he is too ignorant to realize and block the leakage channels. Most of us find ourselves in this role more often than our inflated pride allows us to realize. In order to cut off energy leakage channels, you can use. Next, we will consider several ways to strengthen and protect the aura from negativity:

In addition to the human “vampire,” various energy entities invisible to the “normal eye” feed on prana. It is more difficult to protect yourself from such attacks than from the influence of other people, which is why more and more people are resorting to the services of a strong Magician.

In order to contact a bioenergy master, sign up for a session and receive protection from negativity, fill out the contact form below. Please indicate convenient days and times for the session. With love master Vivit, skype: showsinsho

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