Drawing lesson on the theme “My favorite fairy tale” in the senior group. Summary of drawing lesson "our favorite kindergarten"


SUMMARY OF DRAWING CLASSES IN THE SECOND JUNIOR GROUP “Designing a plate different ways drawing."

Program content:

    Continue teaching children to draw using the poking method.

    Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly.

    Develop small arm muscles.

    Strengthen the ability to select colors.

    Cultivate accuracy when painting with paints.

Material: 1/2 album sheet with a drawn outline of a plate, gouache, two brushes and all other painting supplies (stand for brushes, napkins, rags, etc.). Two demonstration samples: on one the outline of the plate, drawn with a simple pencil, on the other is a plate, painted using the poking method. Pictures-plates.


The teacher asks the children a riddle

I will have lunch from it,

From deep or shallow.

And these are the dishes

Called (plate)

The teacher shows a picture of a plate, invites the children to repeat the riddle 2-3 times to remember it, and in the evening tell it to mom and dad.

- Reading a story. Listen The Tale of the Sad Plate

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Katya. good girl There was Katya: kind, polite, caring. Only Katya didn’t like to eat. And what her mother didn’t cook for her: soups, porridge, cutlets with pasta - but Katya had one answer to everything: “I don’t want to, I won’t.”

Once the grandmother gave the girl a new plate. Beautiful, straight. He says: “Here, Katenka, a new plate for you, it’s not an ordinary one. Loves it when kids eat well.” Katya thanked her grandmother for the gift, but she didn’t eat any better.

Once Katya’s mother put it on a new plate mashed potatoes with a chicken cutlet, and she left the kitchen to run errands. Katya sits in front of a plate, does not eat, but only spreads mashed potatoes on it with a fork. Suddenly the girl hears someone crying. Katya looked around, but couldn’t understand anything. She was even a little scared, and then she grew bolder and asked:

Who's crying?

This, I'm a plate. I'm crying.

Why are you crying? - asks the girl.

“I’m upset that you don’t eat well and never see my smile,” the plate answers.

Can you smile? – Katya was surprised.

Of course I can. “You’ll eat all the food until the day and you’ll see for yourself,” answered the plate.

The girl immediately took up her fork and ate the entire cutlet and mashed potatoes. And as soon as the bottom of the plate became empty, Katya saw that she was really smiling and was no longer crying.

Since then, Katya always ate what her mother cooked, and the plate always smiled gratefully at her for it.


Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult? No, it's nothing!

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then

The brush runs around.

Spun like a top.

After a poke comes a poke! (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Children first poke along the contour line of the plate without paint. This is the most important condition when drawing using the poking method. Coloring along the lines will help children better understand the shapes of objects. The drawings are more believable and brighter. Repeated movements of the brush along the contour will help better development small muscles of the hand.

Educator: - Now put gouache on a brush and start drawing with pokes along the contour line of the puppy, and then inside. During work, the teacher reminds children who are having difficulty about drawing techniques.

Put your brushes aside and let's play while the paint dries.

Physical education lesson: “Pinocchio”

After physical education, children draw with the tip of a thin brush without lifting the brush from the shown line onto the plates.


Educator: - Let's admire the plates, how beautiful they are! Children and their teacher look at all the drawings.


Master class on drawing “Rainbow-arc”

All children love to draw. Especially - painting with gouache. This technique allows children to feel like real artists. The peculiarity of this technique is that we paint “dry”, without wetting the brush in water, but directly in gouache. It is very important here that the gouache is not dry, otherwise creativity is impossible! It should also be noted that we will draw with a “poke” and not with strokes. The works turn out bright, rich in color! For older kids preschool age I really like this kind of work! And it will come in handy for kindergarten teachers!

To work you will need: a sheet of thick white paper, a bristle brush No. 5, a glass of water, napkins, gouache.

Target: develop Creative skills through training non-traditional types drawing.


Continue to introduce children to new types of drawing;

Develop interest in creative activities;

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Progress of the lesson:

“…..I'm on the rainbow-arc

I'll love to run -


I'll lie in wait in the meadow.

I'm on the red arc

I can’t look enough

For orange, for yellow

I see a new arc.

This new arc

Greener than the meadows.

And behind her is blue,

Just like my mother's earring.

I'm on the blue arc

I can’t look enough

And behind this purple one

I’ll take it and run…” Elena Blaginina.

Educator: Guys, you listened to a wonderful poem about a rainbow. I read it today for a reason. Each of you will draw a rainbow today.

Topic of our lesson:"Rainbow-arc".

Look, there is gouache in front of you. Open, please, put on the table exactly the colors that the rainbow has: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. These are exactly the colors that we will need for our work.

Before starting work, let's remember the basic rules of drawing using the “poke” method (painting with a hard semi-dry brush):

· Water is used only when changing colors, the brush is wiped dry with a napkin before dipping into the paint.

· When drawing, the brush stands strictly vertical to the sheet of paper. Gouache is applied to the sheet with one touch, in other words, “poke”.

· When drawing, leave a white edge on the sheet, making a frame that is not filled with color.

Let's start drawing!

1. Take green gouache and draw a clearing on the bottom of the sheet. Remember to leave a white border without filling the edge of the paper with color.

You should end up with a clearing like this, with space for a small lake.

2. Now we will draw the rainbow itself. Take red gouache and draw the first arc.

3. Now you will need orange gouache. Draw a second arc, next to the red one, leaving no gap.

4. Now take the yellow gouache and continue drawing the rainbow. Don't forget that we are not doing any brush strokes. Just a “poke”.

5. Now take green gouache. Let's draw another arc.

6. Now take blue gouache and draw a new arc exactly under the green one.

7. Guys, do you all know the colors of the rainbow?

The children answer.

Educator: I suggest you take a little break from drawing and learn a short phrase that will help you learn the colors of the rainbow once and for all.

Every red

Hunter orange

Wants yellow

Know green

Where is the blue

Sitting blue

Pheasant purple

The first letter of each word is the first letter of the color in the rainbow.

Let's repeat it all together.

Children repeat.

Do you remember?

The children answer.

Educator: Well done. So what color do we need now?

The children answer.

Educator: That's right, blue.

8. Take blue gouache and draw an arc.

9. And here is the very last arc - purple. Take your time, draw carefully.

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