Candle spells for the waxing moon. White magic spells for the waxing moon


How to attract success and love? What can you do to make money flow to you like a river and make you feel dizzy with happiness? Especially for you, we have selected the best rituals to do during the waxing moon.

The moon still remains a mystery to humanity. This eternal satellite of the Earth greatly influences our energy. The Moon can both contribute to our successes and enhance our failures. Today we will tell you how to properly use the Moon so that it turns from an enemy into your ally.

Moon spell to attract love

The ritual is performed in the evening on the waxing Moon. For it you will need milk and honey.

Before going to bed, warm up a glass of milk and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Stir well. Now go to the window. The most ideal option would be if the sky is clear and you can watch the stars. Standing in front of the window, you need to say the following phrase to the milk: “ Moon, moon, you are full of beauty. Help me, attract love to me. And I myself am as white as milk and as sweet as honey. Amen».

The words must be repeated three times. When this is done, drink all the milk and go to bed. The more the Moon grows, the closer the wish will come true, and your betrothed will not be long in coming.

Moon spell to attract monetary abundance

This plot is well suited for those who urgently need money. Moreover, the amount of money you need is already known.

Take a piece of paper and write the following: “ By the power of the Moon I conjure, ... (further write your desire, for example: I receive such and such an amount of money for such and such things). Amen».

Once your wish is written down, hold the piece of paper between your palms and imagine how it has already come true.

After this, you need to leave the piece of paper on the windowsill overnight. In this way, the information will be transmitted to the Higher Powers, and your desire will be charged with the energy of the Moon.

In the morning you need to burn this leaf. Just be careful and choose a container that will safely burn the paper. Ashes are best scattered in the wind. This is easy to do from the balcony or window.

It is advisable to wish for one amount at a time for one specific task. If you want to renovate your apartment and go on vacation, these are different desires, and the ritual will have to be done twice.

13.09.2015 01:00

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When the Moon just begins its renewal, showing only a small crescent to our gaze, the time comes to ask for all the good things.

Conspiracies for the waxing moon target a person. This is the phase when the earth “inhales” and is filled with a new portion of life-giving energy.

It awakens and renews itself, like all the cells of our body when a new portion of oxygen arrives.

Taking advantage of this phase, any person can direct part of the planetary energy flow to their benefit.

Don't think, you are not taking anything away from anyone. After all, the planetary flow exists for all children of the Earth, which means for you too.

You just naturally fit into it, helping the entire living planet achieve harmony. And this is extremely important for her!

Let's start with the fact that they must be pronounced while looking at the Queen of Heaven.

Probably everyone heard in childhood that a nascent sickle should be shown a coin. Then wealth will come into your hands.

Have you ever wondered why so many people struggle with material poverty if the “recipe” for getting rich is so well known? Here's the thing.

Everyone, “poking a coin into the sky,” thinks only about their selfish desires. This is not bad, what’s wrong with personal happiness? It's just ineffective.

Planetary flows are aimed at universal harmony. You need to use this. For example, if you want money, ask for it for everyone. Not for humanity, but for the race, for example.

The Higher Powers will definitely like this message; they will take your desire into account in their “distribution” of benefits. If you want love, then ask the Queen of Heaven for happiness for the two of you and prolongation of the family line.

You see, for the Higher Powers this is more important than satisfying the ego of one person, who can then abandon his goal. And prolongation of the family, creation of happiness for many is a goal worthy of attention.

Which moon to cast a spell on?

Be sure to consult the lunar calendar. carefully prepare for rituals, without neglecting the opinion of sources worthy of respect and trust.

When visually determining the phase of the moon, you can make a mistake. Then the ritual will work not to the plus, but to the minus. You will lose what little you have in your life in the area that you decided to improve.

If real magicians perform rituals, not always in the moonlight, then beginners are advised to look at the night Queen. Until communication with her is established, you should visually maintain contact.

And the inner feeling of the moon comes with practice. If you want, learn.

Just keep in mind that this imposes certain responsibilities on the person. The moon, which is always in the heart, is not something everyone can do.

Therefore, simply use your eyes as a “means of communication” with the luminaries.

The ritual is carried out on the first day of the waxing of the luminary.

Take a brand new bill, show it to the month and say:

“The month grows and turns into the Moon, and with it my soul is enriched! Money for money, as much will come as I give. Then it will double, then triple, there will be a large amount of money! I will not languish over them, but please and spoil my friends and loved ones, my dearest ones! Amen!"

Place the money in your wallet separately from the rest. Don't waste a whole month.

And when it’s time to cast a new spell, be sure to spend the charmed bill (coin) on. The ritual is recommended to be performed every month.

Letters from our readers

Subject: I have more money and opportunities thanks to the advice from your site!

From: Svetlana(sv****** [email protected])

To whom: Responsible for the site

Hello! My name is Svetlana and I want to tell the readers of the site my story of how I was lucky enough to get rid of constant lack of money!

I lived like many of us: home, work, children, worries... and a constant lack of money. You won’t be able to buy your children extra toys or new clothes, nor will you please yourself with a beautiful dress. My husband also has a job that does not pay money.

In general, every month you just think and plan how to stretch the budget so that there is enough money for current needs.

Of course, in our family we have learned to live with our finances. But in my soul there was always a constant feeling of resentment and self-pity. Why is this so, I asked myself. Look, others have money, they bought a new car, built a dacha, it’s clear that they have wealth.

I had already begun to lose hope for a good life. But one day I came across it on the Internet.

You will simply be amazed at how many positive changes have happened to me! I had no idea that this article would change my life so much!

I got money! And not just change, pocket coins, but truly normal income!

Over the past year, we have done excellent renovations in our apartment, bought a new car, and sent the children to the sea!

But all this would not have happened if I had not come to this site.

Don't scroll past. Take a couple of minutes to this information.

And don’t forget that you promised the Queen of the Night to please your loved ones. Don't be greedy and don't hide your capital.

Yes, under no circumstances lend charmed banknotes. Your luck will go away along with your money, and it will be difficult to get it back.

Just keep in mind that washing erases the energy of the conspiracy. If the talisman is washed or wet in the rain, it will lose some of its power (or maybe all).

Another rule: the enchanted thing must be with you all the time. Now smart people have decided to start talking on their phones. Always at hand, you can’t do without it. Let it not only provide communication, but also attract good luck.

If you like the idea, then take your phone, put it in the moonlight, look at the sickle yourself and say the spell three times:

“By the will of God, I call Nikola the Pleasant to put my luck in prison! Let the blue bird sit next to you, do no harm, but attract good, protect you from slander and the evil beast! Only it’s not really a prison, but a golden cage in my body! Called by the heart, luck will not turn away from it! Nikolushka, God’s helper, come and bring me luck! May it ring loudly in your heart and give birth to success! Amen!"

Waxing moon spell for love

To make love mutual, say these words to the month, thinking about the object of your adoration:

“In the middle of the blue sea there is a stone - a mountain. He rose high and did not give in to the waves. The Servant of God (name) sits on that stone and looks at the waves. In his hands is a key and a lock, he is alone among the winds. Just as a key closes a lock, loneliness turns away and drowns in the blue waves. A dear soul will emerge from the surf, and it will remain on the stone with me forever! Amen!"

A strong spell for the waxing moon

During this period it is very good from all kinds of negative influences or attacks. The ritual is classified as extremely powerful.

Just keep in mind that it is held on the very first day. Then the efficiency drops a little.

Protection can be done once a year or every month. It weakens not with time, but with the number of impacts.

If they try to damage you, they will most likely completely destroy it. We'll have to repeat it.

Those who cannot yet feel their own energy and its quality must renew their protection every month. Otherwise, you may not notice how it will crumble into dust and your field will become a toy for other people’s black energies.

Look at the month and say once:

“I envelop myself in the rays of the waxing moon. I create armor, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I protect myself! Amen!"

In this article:

The moon plays a very important role in magic. Everyone knows that the only natural satellite of the Earth does not glow, the Moon reflects the light coming from the Sun and, depending on the location of the satellite in relation to our planet and star, we can observe changes in its illumination. These changes are called the phases of the lunar cycle, the length of which is 29.5 days.

The lunar cycle must be taken into account when turning to magic for help.

Conspiracies that need to be read on the waxing Moon can be very different in purpose. This satellite phase is ideal if you want to attract good luck, improve love relationships, improve your material well-being, etc.

In addition, you need to carefully read the words of the spell before performing the ritual and pay attention to the details. If in a conspiracy the performer addresses the new month, then the ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, if on a waning month, then on the waning one.

The role of conspiracy in the moon ritual

Some professional magicians say that in rituals where the performer turns to the Moon, the queen of the night, for help, you need to use only your own words, which come from your heart and are taken from your own thoughts. Yes, this can really strengthen the ritual, however, it is not recommended for beginners to come up with spell words, since they may not feel the energy well enough, and therefore mistakes cannot be ruled out.

Sincere conscious words always achieve their goal

If you nevertheless decide to pronounce your own words in the ritual, you need to remember that the Moon must be treated with all respect. Addressing the Night Lady disrespectfully will not only negate all your attempts to get the desired result, but can also lead to extremely unpleasant negative consequences.

Love spells for the waxing moon

The new moon and the waxing moon are the most popular periods for performing all kinds of love spells, sugar spells and other love rituals. The beginning of the cycle symbolizes the beginning or a new period in the relationship between a man and a woman. There are a huge number of love spells that differ in purpose, principle of influence and other qualities, but they also have something in common - the timing.

If you come across a ritual for love that needs to be performed during the waning moon, it should not be performed, as it can and most likely will lead to the opposite result.

Love spell on bread

To carry out the ritual, you need to leave a small piece of bread on the windowsill after sunset so that later it will fall under the moonlight. When this happens, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“In a clean field, a wide field, a maiden stands, holding a lot of bread in a basket. Whoever eats the bread of that virgin will be able to dry it with love for himself. I, the servant of God (name), find that bread, then I eat the bread, I attract love to myself as a helper. I attract from the north, I attract from the south, from the east and west, I attract from everywhere. The young moon is my help, the moon is my help. So be it. Amen".

Leave the bread on the windowsill overnight and eat it on an empty stomach in the early morning. This is a universal magical ritual that attracts love luck to you. It can be used both when you have a loved one and you want to establish a relationship with him, and when you simply want to achieve increased male attention to your person.

Men's ceremony to return a wife

This magical ritual is best performed on the night from Friday to Saturday, during the waxing moon. To carry out the ceremony you will need three candles from the church, a small mirror, a barn lock with a key and a photograph of your wife or lover.

This method is carried out an odd number of times

At midnight you need to put a mirror on the table, place three burning candles next to it, which should be the only source of light in the room, and put a photo of your wife on the table.

Take the key in your right hand, and the lock in your left, and read the words of the conspiracy:

“On a distant sea, on an endless sea, there is a stone island. On that island there lies a huge, unliftable stone. The servant of God (proper name) is sitting on that stone, holding a lock with a key in his hands. As the key turns in the lock, so the servant of God (wife’s name) will return to the servant of God (name). And when he returns, it will remain with him, from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

The plot must be read three times and after each reading, extinguish one of the burning candles with your fingers. When the last candle is extinguished, you need to insert the key into the lock and turn it. Afterwards you need to go to bed, and in the morning take the key, the lock and the remaining candle stubs, take them to a deserted place (you can go to the forest) and bury them there.

To return my husband to the family

The best time to perform this ritual is considered to be the last nights before the full moon. On the appointed night, you need to melt a little light honey on the fire and smear it on your lips, then stand by the open window and read the spell, looking at the moon:

“Light honey is heated, sweet honey is melted, honey slowly pours over the lips of the servant of God (name). So let the servant of God (name) languish sweetly and reach for my delicious lips. As God’s people pray to an icon, as they worship an icon, so let God’s servant (name) pray for me, yearn for me alone, miss me alone, let him know no sleep or peace without me. My will is strong, my words are molded, as I said, so it will be forever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Very good feminine way of working

If you still live with your husband, then you need to go to him after this, kiss him on the lips and try to achieve sexual intimacy with him that night. If done correctly, your husband will completely belong to you alone and will never even think about cheating. If your husband has already left, then you need to go to bed and imagine that he is nearby, that he kisses your sweet lips and understands how important you are to him.

Rituals for the waxing moon for money

Each of us has heard many stories about how some other people suddenly become rich, how money seemed to pour into someone like a river. In some cases, such situations are the result of simple luck, others are the result of hard work, but still, many of them cannot be explained from a material, scientific point of view.

The question of how to get rich and where to get money when you need it worries every person, but not everyone knows the answer. In fact, there are many ways that allow you to get rich, but the most interesting is wealth through rituals for the growing moon.

Strong conspiracy for wealth

To carry out this magical ritual, you will need any banknote, for example, with a denomination of 100 or 50 rubles. You need to bend the corners of the banknote in advance so that it forms a triangle, which is then folded in half. Now you need to wait until nightfall, put the corner of the bill to your lips and read the magic spell:

“Like a mighty river attracts small streams to itself, just like a deep sea collects rivers in itself. Just like a woman attracts a man to her, and a man attracts a woman. How night is always side by side with day, and day is inseparable from night. So you, money, attract people like you to yourself, and gather them together. So be it. Amen".

After reading the plot, you need to put the banknote in your wallet without unfolding it (it is advisable to devote a whole section to it) and leave it there for at least one month. Ideally, you should not even touch the enchanted bill, since a simple touch can break the created spell. During this month, try to put aside a certain amount of banknotes of the same denomination and report them to the office of the charmed money and under no circumstances count the number of banknotes you already have.

Ritual for the waxing moon for money and luck

The ritual is carried out during the waxing moon, but the plot is read in the early morning, during sunrise. You need to prepare a large container or basin in advance, then get up before dawn, wash yourself over the basin with clean water and read the words of the conspiracy:

“As water pours into this basin, so let the money spill on me, but stay with me, and never end. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The words of the conspiracy must be read from memory 12 times in a row. After this, you need to wipe your face and hands with a clean handkerchief and carry it with you for the next month. No one should touch the scarf except you, as it will be a talisman that brings you money and good luck.

To attract money to yourself

Before performing the ritual, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of salt in a small amount of warm water in a clean cup. During the evening dawn, you need to stand at an open window, take three sips of water from a cup and read the words of the conspiracy:

“I am God’s servant (name) for gold and silver, and I collect the proceeds for my purse. Just as I will save hot salt, so I will preserve my wealth for centuries. Let what is said come true. Amen".

After reading the words, you need to moisten your forehead and temples with the rest of the salt water, and also sprinkle a little on your collar and bosom. If after this there is water left in the cup, then you need to throw it out the window.

Lunar ritual for wealth

This is a difficult and lengthy magical ritual. To carry it out, you will have to be patient, wait for the next new moon and read the moon plot for three nights.

After this, you need to wait for the full moon and repeat the procedure. In order not to confuse the days, it is better to check the lunar calendar in advance and schedule the exact time for reading the plot.

Before the start of a new lunar cycle, place an empty wallet that belongs to you on the windowsill.

Conspiracy words:

“How many stars there are in the sky, how many lights there are at night, how many fish there are in the sea, and how every fish cannot be counted. So there will be a lot of money in my wallet and no one will be able to count it. Help me Moon, Lady of the Night, bring me good luck and good prosperity. Please help (name).”

The moon plays a special role in magic: it is believed that this satellite of the Earth has magical properties, thanks to which you can achieve financial well-being, meet your love, strengthen family ties, cure illnesses and cope with any troubles if you read special conspiracies, perform rituals and fortune telling.

In general, rituals for the Moon began to be performed a long time ago: the Magi believed that it resembled an ancient beautiful coin, so they read conspiracies mainly to attract wealth. Over time, the number of prayers of different directions has increased, and now they are read depending on the phase of the moon and the wishes of the person saying them.

How does the waxing Moon affect a person’s life?

Approximately 14 days before the new moon, the growth phase begins. At this time, it is customary to read conspiracies for the growing moon. According to legends, if you cut your hair during such a period, it will grow faster and become stronger, which many girls have repeatedly noticed.

The same applies to prayers: they are capable of exaggerating several times what the person reading them lacks, depending on his specific requests.

What rituals for the waxing moon are usually performed:

  • For a successful career and employment in a new, profitable job;
  • To improve financial well-being;
  • To meet new and strong love;
  • To increase material values ​​in the family.

The influence of the waning moon

Unlike waxing, during this period the Moon takes the waning side after the full moon. The duration is approximately 2 weeks, and this time is usually used to get rid of burdensome things or events.

What conspiracies are read during the period of decline:

  • For a trouble-free dismissal from a boring low-paid job, the end of a love relationship;
  • To get rid of diseases;
  • To protect against unwanted people;
  • To eliminate certain negative consequences that arose earlier in life;
  • To eliminate debts, quickly close loans, etc.

Full moon magic

The full moon is the most powerful and magical phase of the moon. Its duration is 3 days: 1 day before and after the exact phase, as well as the very moment when people can observe the entire visible side of the satellite. This time is best for making amulets and talismans, performing rituals to attract love or money.

  • If you have diseases, incl. and the heaviest;
  • If you want to meet love;
  • If you want to develop your own magical skills and intuition.

New Moon Action

It is believed that during this period the Moon rejuvenates, and people practically do not see it in the sky. At this time, productivity decreases, but it is perfect for performing rituals to fulfill your most cherished desires.

What other magical spells can be used:

  • To cleanse the body and thoughts;
  • For the successful start of new projects;
  • To open astral spaces.

The connection between magic and the presence of the Moon in the Zodiac sign

As you know, in magical rituals not only the phase of the Moon is of great importance, but also what sign it is in. For example, during the Moon in Aries, rituals can be performed to increase strength and gain power, in Taurus - to attract money, successfully purchase real estate and meet true love, and in Gemini - to improve communication skills, new acquaintances and interesting travels.

How other signs influence:

  • Cancer: conspiracies are read to find a family and children, improve the quality of life;
  • Leo: favorable for prayers for the birth of a child and gaining power;
  • Virgo: suitable for increasing efficiency and improving intelligence, improving health;
  • Libra: magic is used to successfully complete legal proceedings, strengthen partnerships;
  • Scorpio: rituals are used for spiritual growth and revelation of secrets;
  • Sagittarius: helps with long trips, getting an education.

The Moon in Capricorn is used for rituals for a successful career and resolving political issues, Aquarius helps with problems with friends and the lack of a muse in creative people, and Pisces contributes to the development of clairvoyance skills. When the Moon is in Pisces, fortune telling using Tarot cards is the most truthful.

Rituals for the waxing moon for protection

If you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from negative energy, black magic and evil people, this conspiracy is best suited. It is necessary to read it on the first day of the New Moon, because... With each subsequent day, the strength of its influence decreases.

What to do:

  • We are waiting for the night. When the Moon is visible, we say the words, looking at it: “ I envelop myself in the rays of the waxing moon. I create armor, I don’t wish harm on anyone, I protect myself from harm. Amen! »
  • We perform the ritual monthly.

Also at this time it is customary to perform rituals for love. There are several conspiracies to improve love relationships and meet the right person:

We wait for darkness, take a red candle in our hands and, looking at the Moon, say:

“As the moon grows every day, so will my love grow. Just as a candle melts every minute, so does my bad luck disappear.”

We take a red handkerchief and put it in our pocket, reading: “ Look for me the one my heart and soul want " We carry this thing with us until the full moon.

We stand at the open window, look at the Moon and read the plot:

Luna, the girl is a beauty,

There is a cute one in the world that I like.

You are walking in the sky

You dance in circles with the stars.

Look to your betrothed in a dream,

Show me to him in all my glory.

Day and night he yearns for me

And look for me everywhere.

How God's servant (name) will find me,

She will marry herself quickly.


Health conspiracies

  • We look at the Moon and say a prayer for diseases:

Good Svyatovit, stretch out your hand to me!

Drive away the Black Snake and all his servants!

Give neither Viu, the goat-legged Pan, nor the demoness Kali, nor sister Mazata their will.

May my strength be restored and my illness pass away from this hour!

For 10-15 days before the full moon, you should not attend festive events or drink alcoholic beverages.

There are also several rituals that help get rid of diseases:

Ritual for money during the waxing moon

Since ancient times, this ritual has been used to improve one’s financial situation, and it must be performed during the waxing moon. First you should buy a green wallet and put a few bills in it. How it's done:

We perform the ritual all the time while the Moon is in its growth phase.

To increase your wealth, you can perform another simple ritual every time you count money during the growth of the Moon:

  • We take the wallet, take out all the bills from it;
  • We count money, saying:

“The richer the Moon, the richer my share. As the moon grows, so does wealth find me. The money in my wallet rustles and jingles, rushing to multiply. For the good of me and the universe! Let it be so!”

There is another ritual that must be performed on a new bill:

  • On the first day of satellite growth, we take a new banknote;

We stand at the window, holding money in our hands, and say:

“The month grows and turns into the Moon, and with it my soul is enriched. Money for money, as much as I have to, I’ll give as much. Then it will double, then triple. There will be a large amount of money. I will not languish over them, I will please my loved ones and friends, my dearest ones. Amen!".

We put the charmed banknote in the wallet, but separately from other money. We store it for a month, you can’t waste it. When a month has passed, we repeat the ritual again, and with the previous bill we buy gifts for our loved ones.

Moon fortune telling

Most often, fortune telling is carried out on love, fate and the future. For this, the most optimal time is considered to be the growth phase or the new moon.

Several options for fortune telling:

Consequences - how to protect yourself

As you know, even white magic can lead to negative consequences if used incorrectly or if you disrespect the object to which prayers are addressed (in this case, the Moon). With such violations, the opposite effect can be achieved: loss of love, deterioration in well-being, the appearance of diseases, etc. To avoid this, you need to follow several rules:

If you carry out all the rituals in accordance with the rules and sincerely believe in their power, the result will not be long in coming: after some time, an improvement in your financial situation, strengthening of family ties and getting rid of many other problems against which prayers were read to the Moon will become noticeable.

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How Clairvoyant Baba Nina helps change the line of life

The legendary clairvoyant and prophetess, known throughout the world, launched an accurate horoscope on her website. She knows how to start living in abundance and forget about money problems tomorrow.

Not all zodiac signs will be lucky. Only those born under 3 of them will have a chance to suddenly get rich in July, and it will be very difficult for 2 signs. You can get a horoscope on the official website

So we celebrated the New Year! And, probably, as the chimes struck, everyone made their wishes. But, since this New Year took place on the waning moon (on the 29th lunar day), it is advisable to repeat your wishes again. From the afternoon of January 1st, for two weeks, the Moon is growing and now is the time to make wishes and perform rituals.

I offer you a variety rituals for the waxing moon, characterized by their simplicity and ease. Now is a great time to order everything you dream of. We are entering the New Year, the moon is growing and, besides, now is the time.

Rituals for the waxing moon

Rituals for wealth

Take patchouli essential oil that must be purchased by you personally, and not given as a gift or purchased by someone else. Drop oil onto any banknote (it can be 10 or 100 rubles, it doesn’t matter). Place the money between your palms and rub very intensely until you feel warm. Then close your eyes and, with your palms open, inhale the aroma of the oil. Continuing to rub the bill between your palms (not so intensely), say:

“I give the money in rubles. They return with friends. Thousandfold. To the Servant (or to the Servant) of God (your name).”

At the same time, imagine how money is flying at you from all sides. They are attracted to you in unlimited quantities. If you have a different currency, then instead of rubles you take the banknote of your country and say its name in a conspiracy.

Another ritual for the waxing moon for wealth:

During the waxing moon on an even date, take a banknote and say on it:

“As there are many fish in the water, in a swamp of mud, give me so much wealth. The month grows, grows, and give me the Servant of God (name) wealth! Amen, Amen, Amen"

But you can check out another money ritual that I did myself and I really liked the result!

Rituals for health

For women's health:

Stand facing the new month and address it with the following words:

“A month, a young month - you have a golden horn! For you to increase, and for me to have good health!

Rituals for love

So that there are a lot of suitors hanging around

At midnight, when there is a new moon in the sky, turn several times on the heel of your left foot and say:

“Moon, young month, twine around me with suitors, as I curl around you.”

Attracting the man of your dreams

It is best to carry out the ceremony on Friday night, since this day of the week is held under the auspices of the goddess of love, Venus. Take any white flower, place it on the window at night so that the light of the moon (growing) falls on it and say three times:

“Queen of the night, please send me Love!”

In the morning, at dawn, take a flower and place it between the pages of some spiritual book. It doesn't have to be a religious book, it can be any book that gives you strength and inspiration and feeds your soul. Until the next new moon, the flower should lie in this book, charging with its spiritual power and strength.

On the first night of the new Moon, take the flower from the book, take its dry petals in your palms and again turn to the Queen of the Night, saying:

“I give you, brilliant spirit, part of my dream. I will ask you, accomplishing spirit, the triumph of love!”

Then describe your future the way you would like to see him: his appearance, habits, character. Feel how good you will be with this person! And blow the petals from your palms out of the open window.

Within a month, your man will enter your life.

Here they are rituals for the waxing moon– light and simple. Depending on what you need most now, choose a ritual and act! And don’t forget that if you believe in miracles, they will definitely happen to you!

Happy New Year to everyone!

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