Riddle about a school subject in art for children. Conducting the “Own Game” quiz. Materials and equipment


1. I’ll ask Tanya a question:
- Who lives on the staff:
Seven pretty sisters
Wonderful singers?
Answer, what are you saying?
Who are the sisters? ...

2. What kind of monster is this?
Howling in the hall at a concert?
The mouth opened - the teeth were there.
They hit him in those teeth.
And having all three legs,
Will not rush along the path,
The gas doesn't press even though there is a pedal...
The name of the monster? ...

3. If there are seven notes in a row
They stand in their places
What do we call a family of notes?
Who will call me quickly?
Slava answered first.
What did he answer? ...

4. There is a boss for all notes.
His belly is round.
He locked the camp,
And he almost ruined the lesson.
- You are strict, but not prickly.
Open the mill...

5. Six notes in a row
They quickly lined up.
And one, apparently, overslept,
I was late for construction.
Note, dear sister,
Where would you like to sit here?
Wants to be first in the octave,
Lowest on the staff.
He wants to be the first! Wow!
Who is this? Note...

6. You can hardly imagine
The words began to sing a note:
The RAILS and RIVER began to roar,
REvolver, BELT and buckwheat,
Even Radish is on the mountain.
Everyone sang a note...

7. Everyone started calling dad Sha,
Mom began to be called Ludla...
Well, you, note, are good!
She took from the names and left.
What have you done to people?
Come back, note...

8. The FA suddenly sang a note,
FanFara sings two at once.
This note is specifically
Climbed into words
To sound musical.
What note? Note...

9. What do we make soup from?
From potatoes and cereals.
We also add beans to the soup.
We don't just put a note...

10. This note is at least modest,
I'm good with syllables!
With the software, fields were formed,
With TOPO - slim and beautiful.
What about ZEM? My planet!
What is the name of this note?

11. This note is getting younger,
She stands later than everyone else.
She can sing too
Although it squeaks subtly.
What's her name? Ask!
And she will answer: ...

12. Only this note sign
Says to all notes like this:
“March all the way down a semitone!”
Those words for notes are the law!
Down a semitone? Please!
Lord of notes -...

13. “Hey, friends, note guys,
I'll give you some work:
Run up a semitone!” -
He invites Notok,
Looks who got into where.
This is a musical note...

14. From sharps and flats
He lets him go free
Sheet music. Good note sign!
Tell me what is his name?
And like bees nectar,
Love notes sign...

15. In this picture there is a sea,
The storm is raging in the open air.
From under the foamy wave
The ships are barely visible.
But why are you so surprised?
Spectator, student Anton?
He said: “This is the picture!
WITH female name

16.Put in this vase
Many different fruits at once.
With paints at your easel
The fifth grader sat down, Albert.
The fruit in the vase is first grade!
What does he draw? ...

17. In the picture there is a forest, a river,
What runs from afar
On the grass by this river
Sheep scattered everywhere.

And also on the canvas -
In the distance behind the haze there are ridges...
Tell me, children,
What is the name of the picture? ...

18. On one leg, like a spinning top,
A slender ballerina is spinning,
As if the key was in the toy
There's a secret spring wound up somewhere.
The world has never seen such a performance!
What is this called? ...

19. He has the figure of a violin,
But be stronger, it’s not flimsy!
Powerful voice, low bass.
The instrument is called...

20. Managed to settle down
The note in the word BLUE, braid,
And in the words: Lilac, Tit,
Boletus, fox,
What note? I'm waiting for your answer!

21. We asked Vanya a question.
- Do you play the accordion?
- No! I'll explain in a moment.
At least that instrument is similar
Indeed, to the accordion, -
Ivan answers us, -
Keys like on a piano
What's in the concert hall?
He has white ones.
Call him...

4. KEY. 5. BEFORE. 6. RE. 7. MI. 8. FA. 9. SALT.
10. LA. 11. SI. 12. FLATT. 13. SHARP. 14. BEKAR.
18. BALLET. 19. DOUBLE BASS. 20. SI.


to verse 21

And in two thousand tenths,
I'll tell you guys
Suddenly the accordion decided
And I became friends with the organ.

Interesting hybrid! Well, who is he now?
Not an electric organ - and not an accordion...
the voice is softer and denser, not creaking.
Sings Glory to God like a choir... Rib organ.

And Accordion was only surprised:
How did the organ sound come about:
Just like in church: Clean, golden!
My timbre is not heard behind you!

Rib sang: sorry, Accordion!
I was born to be louder than you.
Akkor answered: everything is fine, friend!
You are my brother, handsome rib organ!
Maybe it will sound with the program -
Maybe without. Big and flexible!
From two-thousand-tenths
Ribik sings to us from the heart!

Even though I don’t play the “riba”,
I know a lot about him:
I'm studying organs,
Everyone should know about this!

Sincerely, CyberOrganist Zhenya

By verse 19:

The double bass is, yes, heavy.
Not from the violin, from the viola.
Know everything that double bass -
The youngest son of viola-bass.

Guys, we put our soul into the site. Thank you for that
that you are discovering this beauty. Thanks for the inspiration and goosebumps.
Join us on Facebook And VKontakte

There are works of art and masterpieces of architecture that are well known to everyone since childhood. But if you study each of these creations in more detail, many mysterious and little-known details are revealed.

We are in website We read about these facts with great surprise.

Apartment on the top floors of the Eiffel Tower

Gustav Eiffel, the creator of the tower, built and furnished an apartment for himself on its upper floors. He often used it to relax or receive guests. One day he had a long conversation with Thomas Edison there.

The apartment has a kitchen, a bathroom, two bedrooms, a living room and, of course, a magnificent view from there. Currently there is a museum with wax figures Eiffel and Edison.

Broken chain at the feet of the Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty was given to America by French citizens in honor of the centennial of the Revolution. It symbolizes freedom, democracy and the abolition of slavery. That is why there is a broken chain at the feet of the statue, which is usually not visible to tourists.

Isleworth Mona Lisa

It is a well-known fact that many artists painted copies and versions of the Mona Lisa, but it turns out that there is another portrait of Mona Lisa, painted, according to scientists, by da Vinci himself. However, the canvas is not a copy of the one located in the Louvre.

Interestingly, the second painting has a slightly different perspective, which can create a 3D effect. Perhaps the clothes and landscape were painted by another artist, or even several. According to scientists, this is an earlier version of Mona Lisa.

Time capsule at Mount Rushmore

During the construction of the monument, architect Gutzon Borglum wanted to create a Hall of Records inside the rock, a secret room where future generations could find key documents and data about US history. To do this, he carved a cave in the rock behind Abraham Lincoln's head. But Borglum soon died and the work was not completed.

In 1998, more than 50 years after his death, copies of important documents and presidential memoirs were sealed inside the unfinished hall, which now acts as a time capsule.

The original appearance of the Great Sphinx

The Great Sphinx is the most ancient statue in the world. It was originally covered with bright paint, which has survived to this day only in fragments, behind the ear. The sphinx also originally had a nose and a false ceremonial beard. Its fragments can be seen in the British and Cairo Museums.

There are suggestions that the sphinx originally had the head of a lion, and a human head was carved in its place much later, which explains the imbalance in proportions between the giant body and the small head.

Creation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa

The famous leaning tower holds many secrets. Basically, everyone knows about the tilt of the tower. However, no one knows exactly who exactly built this bell tower for the Cathedral of Pisa. One of the reasons was that the tower took almost 200 years to build. Historians tend to believe that the structure was designed by Bonanno Pisano, but a more likely architect may be Diotisalvi, who designed the baptistery, located next to the tower and made in the same style.

The face of Rembrandt's "Danae"

Rembrandt began painting “Danae” 2 years after his marriage to Saskia van Uylenburch. The artist depicted his wife in many of his paintings, and for a long time it remained a mystery why the resemblance to Saskia was not as obvious as in his other paintings of the 1630s, and the style he used was more similar to the works of more late period his creativity.

Only relatively recently was it possible to find the answer to this riddle. In X-ray photographs, the resemblance to Rembrandt's wife is more obvious. It turns out that the painting was redone after the death of the artist’s wife, at a time when he became interested in Gertje Dirks. Danae’s facial features in the painting were changed in such a way that they combined both of the artist’s favorite women.

The name of the most famous landmark in Great Britain

Strictly speaking, the name "Big Ben" does not refer to the entire tower, but only to the massive bell inside it. The official name of the bell tower until September 2012 was “Clock Tower” Palace of Westminster" Now the bell tower is officially called the “Elizabeth Tower”.

It is still not known for certain who the bell Big Ben is named after. One theory is that it was named after the man who cast the bell, a large man who went by the nickname "Big Ben." The second theory refers to heavyweight boxing champion Benjamin Count.

Color of the Golden Gate Bridge

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most photographed objects in the world. Its construction took a long time to coordinate with the US Navy. When approval was finally given, the Navy wanted the bridge to be painted black and yellow stripes so it would be visible in the fog. Eventually, the bridge's architect, Irving Morrow, convinced the military to paint the bridge dark orange. This made the bridge not only visible under any conditions, but also beautiful.

The sky in the painting “The Scream”

The original title of Edvard Munch's legendary painting "The Scream" sounded like "The Scream of Nature." In his diary the artist writes:

“... suddenly the sky turned blood red, I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned against the fence - I looked at the blood and flames over the bluish-black fjord and the city...”

In 2003, a group of astronomers suggested that the bright scarlet color of the sky that so amazed the artist was caused by the eruption of the Krakatoa volcano in 1883. Was released into the atmosphere huge amount volcanic ash, which caused particularly colorful, fiery sunsets around the world over the next few years.

- Materials for certification

School subjects:

- Astronomy (grade 11)
- Natural history (class 5)
- Biology (grades 5-11)

- Civics (grade 5-7)
- Natural Science (grades 9-11)

- Local history (grades 5-7)

- Social studies (grades 5-11)
- Fundamentals of life safety (life safety) (grades 5-11)
- Basics of Economics (grades 10-11)
- Jurisprudence (grades 10-11)
- Rhetoric
- Native language(5-11 grade)

- Technology (grades 5-11)

- Physical education (grades 5-11)
- Philosophy (grades 10-11)
- Chemistry (8-11 grade)
- Ecology (grade 10-11)

Lesson summary - game “Mysteries of Art”. fine arts.

Name: Lesson summary - game “Mysteries of Art”
Nomination: Fine arts, school

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MAU DODSHI named after A.A. Alyabyev, art department named after V.G. Perov
Location: Tobolsk city, Tyumen region

Integrated lesson “Your own game”
Topic: “Mysteries of Art”


Target: testing children's knowledge of the studied material in a playful way. Integration of the subject “Conversations about Art” and subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle.


Educational - teaching children to identify relationships between aesthetic and mathematical subjects, learning to work in a team.

Educational — cultivate respect for creativity and love for art; patriotic attitude towards objects of art, respect for the past.

Developmental — development of children's thinking and attentiveness, ability to analyze works of art and develop your own aesthetic assessment.

Equipment: playing field - table, tokens. Presentation “Masterpieces of Art”, musical fragments from cartoons: “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”, “ flying ship", "Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena." Chips for the draw. Badges for team leaders.


1. Organizational part

2. Main part (game).

3. Summing up the lesson.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational part. Greeting children.

The screen shows slide No. 1 of the presentation - the splash screen.

Hello guys! The teacher reads poetry:

If you see in the picture
A river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds,
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut, -
Required picture
It's called a landscape.

Teacher: I am very glad to see you in our lesson - the game. The name of our game is: “Mysteries of Art.” Today you will demonstrate all your knowledge that you received in our lessons during the quarter, and even demonstrate your knowledge in the subject of music and mathematics!!!

2. Main part. Progress of the event.

So let's get started!

First, you need to divide into teams and choose a commander. (children determine the composition of the team and choose a commander). They are placed in the office in working groups - teams so that everyone feels comfortable.

1. First task. Determining the team name and motto (2 minutes are given for this task). The assignment is not graded.

2. Conducting the “Own Game” quiz:

Dear students, listen carefully to the conditions for participation in the game:

Teams answer in turns

- no one shouts,

- if the team that drew the question cannot answer the question, then the other team, with the permission of the teacher, can answer and take points for themselves. The team does not lose the right to make the next move.

— for shouting out answers by members of another team, the teacher may deduct points.

On the playing field-table there are five types of questions of varying degrees of difficulty. By answering questions, you receive the corresponding number of points. At the end we will determine the winner.

I wish the teams success and interesting participation, show all your knowledge and skills acquired in lessons and erudition!!!

Playing field:

Species 10 20 30 40 50
Genres 10 20 30 40 50
Paintings 10 20 30 40 50
Epochs 10 20 30 40 50
Riddles 10 20 30 40 50

Children can choose any question: either for 10 points or immediately for 50.

10 points: When an artist paints, what type of art is he doing? (painting)

20 points: What is sculpture? (a type of art in which a master creates a three-dimensional work of art and works with clay, plasticine or stone)

30 points: What is painting? (a type of art in which the master works in color - paints pictures, creates murals in churches, etc.)

40 points: What are the types of paints? (warm - cold, gouache, watercolor, oil, tempera)

50 points: List the types of art (painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, creative arts)

10 points: What is the name of the genre in which nature is depicted? (scenery)

20 points: What is the name of the genre in which fruits are depicted on the table? (still life)

30 points: What is the name of the genre in which a person is depicted and the types of this genre? (portrait: self-portrait, pair or group portrait)

40 points: Determine the genre and title of the painting? (Slide No. 2 of the presentation with the painting “Girl with Peaches” by V. Serov)

50 points: Determine the name of the painting from the fragment? (Slide No. 3 of the presentation of the painting “Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci)

10 points: What is the name of the painting by artist B. Kustodiev, which depicts a girl, drinking tea? ("Merchant's Wife at Tea")

20 points: What is the name of the picture in which B. Kustodiev depicted joyful people riding sleighs and horses in the spring? ("Carnival")

30 points: In which city is the Hermitage Museum collection located? (Saint Petersburg)

40 points: In what city is the Mona Lisa painting located? (Paris)

50 points: Name three paintings by Russian artists?

10 points: In what era and in what country was papyrus invented? (Egypt)

20 points: In what era did they draw with charcoal, plant sap, and stone? (Primitive era)

30 points: In the era of Catherine II, a wonderful watch was brought to the Hermitage, which captivated everyone with its beauty. What are they called? ("Peacock Clock")

40 points: Determine the name of the era from the suggested options on the slide: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Renaissance? (Slide No. 4, Middle Ages)

50 points: During the reign of which tsar was St. Basil's Cathedral built in Russia? (Ivan the Terrible)

10 points: Can you guess the name of the song? (Musical excerpts from the cartoon “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat”)

20 points: musical fragments from the cartoon “The Flying Ship”,

30 points: musical fragments from the cartoon “Cheburashka and the Crocodile Gena”

40 points: solve the problem: 10 paintings were brought to the museum, of which 8 were portrait paintings. The next day, the patron donated 3 more portraits. How many paintings and portraits remain in the museum if 5 portraits were sent to a traveling exhibition in another city? (6 portraits remain in the museum).

50 points: Determine the name of the painting and the author? (V.G. Perov “Hunters at Rest”)

At the end of the game, the teacher calculates points.

3. The teacher announces the results of the quiz.

Dear guys! Today you showed yourself simply wonderful - you showed how friendly, competent and knowledgeable you are about the material you have studied! I wish you Have a good day and have a great mood!

List of used literature:

1. https://yandex.ru/search/?text=poems

2. https://yandex.ru/search/?text=%D1%81%D1%80%D0%B5%

Appendix 1. Slide - presentation.

Slide No. 1Slide number 2
Slide number 3

Who hasn't missed out on happiness? Soviet childhood, pioneer camps and busy yard life, he should definitely remember some riddles and jokes. A simple drawing was drawn on a piece of paper or simply with a stick in the sand, and the rest had to guess what it was. It was fun because all the riddles are funny. Although rarely did anyone come up with the answer with their own minds, that’s the beauty of it, there were funny assumptions and an equally funny answer that caused a storm of positive emotions...

And now we open a modern textbook" The world around us" for 1st grade and we see the task: Remember or come up with your own drawn riddles. Draw them. Riddle them for your neighbor. An example in the notebook is “a bear climbed a tree” and “a giraffe in the window.” Either the authors decided to joke, or they simply remembered their childhood and We don’t know that all these riddles are terribly good at developing logic in first-graders at school, but the fact remains a fact. Therefore, for those who are not in the know, we remember these riddles and pass on our life experience to the children.

Drawn riddles and answers

This is a bear climbing a tree. Actually, why a bear and not a cat or a sloth in the end? It will not be possible to understand this, so we just remember it.

And that same giraffe:

There can be more spots if desired :)

This is the most highly intellectual drawn riddle, if only because this drawing is the work of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and is an illustration for the book The Little Prince, which children in 1st grade should undoubtedly know about. A boa constrictor swallowed an elephant. And then fantasies on the topic are possible. From a boa constrictor swallowed a hedgehog to a boa constrictor swallowed a boa constrictor.

And this will happen if you combine the 2 previous riddles. It turned out that the giraffe swallowed the phone. Not a cell phone, of course.

Well, if you approach riddles seriously and at the 1st grade level secondary school, then the following examples would be better suited:

The hare is behind the stump and the hedgehog is carrying an apple.

Birds on wires and the Sun behind a cloud.

And so you can make a wish for the wind. By the way, such a task can also be found in higher grades; few people think of showing the wind with the help of swaying trees.

This polar bear at the North Pole.

Train in the dark.

Guess where the match is and where the pencil is. Hint: bottom view :)

Bishops cannot share the ball.

Actually, this is the last of the more or less decent drawn riddles that I know of - the pig is drowning.

But there is also a classic of the genre - Mexican!

A Mexican on a bicycle in person. Top view. A reasonable question arises: where is the steering wheel? Apparently, somewhere under the hat... By the way, this is a favorite hero of many drawn riddles. For some reason the circle in the circle is always Mexican. Not a fried egg or even a pencil (also a top view). And if instead of one stick there are 2 - a Mexican on skis.

And this is just a fat Mexican, and not a children's pyramid.

Topic about border guards with a dog:

Radio operator with a dog; border guard and dog behind a bump; border guards and dogs.

Pinocchio is sleeping (but in my opinion, “he is more dead than alive”).

Sandwich with tomato. Why not :)

The rest of the riddles are a bit unchildish, but we told each other them when we were children. Where did our parents look?


  • Generalization of students’ knowledge on the topics of fine arts being studied;
  • Development of creative thinking, enrichment of horizons;
  • Fostering a sense of collectivism and cooperation.


  • test the knowledge acquired by students in simple genres of fine art;
  • promote the development of ingenuity in children, logical thinking, fantasy, erudition;
  • develop the ability to listen to the opinions of classmates and logically express your point of view.

Materials and equipment:

For the teacher: PowerPoint presentation with tasks, puzzle with lesson topic , audio recording

For students: Paper FA-4, FA-2, crossword puzzle for each team on FA-3, cards with names of paintings and authors, cards describing portraits of fairy-tale characters, gouache, palette for each child, brushes, hand napkins, felt-tip pens, colored paper glue scissors, simple pencils.

Type of lesson: Lesson on generalization and systematization of knowledge

Progress of the creative marathon

  1. Command View
  2. Riddles Smart
  3. Riddles Fantastic
  4. Riddles Movable
  5. Riddles Theoretical
  6. Riddles Artistic
  7. Summing up

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher. Hello!

So, friends, attention -
After all, the bell rang.
Sit back comfortably
Let's start the lesson soon.

You will find out the topic of our lesson if you guess the puzzle

(I post a rebus on the board, the children guess the topic of the lesson encrypted in it)

Teacher. What did we get? That's right, RIDDLES! And the topic of our lesson today is “Riddles”, and the riddles are not easy, but especially for novice artists.

We will work with you in teams. Can you solve riddles? Let's do a little warm-up.

Doesn't look human
But he has a heart
And work all year round
He gives his heart.
He writes when dictated,
He both draws and draws.
And this evening
He will color the album for me.

Children . Pencil!

Teacher. Well done. So your team is called “Pencils”. Next riddle If you guess right, you will find out the name of the second team.

Your braid without fear
She dips it in paint.
Then with a dyed braid
In the album he leads along the page.

Children . Brush!

Teacher. So we found out the name of the second team. This is the Tassels team. Yes, guys, and today we have Mrs. Palitra and Signor Tube in our lesson. I propose to elect them to the jury. Do you agree?

Children. Yes!

Teacher. Now we have two teams: Pencils and Brushes, the esteemed jury, and all we have to do is begin our marathon of fine art riddles. You have to draw or create an emblem. While the music is playing, you draw and glue; if the music becomes quieter, then it’s time to finish, and if it stops completely, you need to put all the materials aside. So, time has passed.

(children create an emblem)

Teacher. Introduce your teams and display your logos.

(children show the emblem and introduce their team)

Teacher. As I promised, the riddles will not be easy.

First stage - Riddles Smart

In fine art there are a lot of expressions, a lot of materials for conveying images. Insert the desired letter in a square, write the entire word, solve the crossword puzzle now Smart guys, get ready! Each correctly guessed word will earn you one forfeit (for pencils, these are pencils cut out of colored cardboard, and for brushes, these are tassels). And one more surprise: there is a hidden word in the crossword puzzle. Whoever finds the word will bring an additional phantom to his team.

Teacher. So let's begin! (children guess the crossword puzzle ( Appendix 1 ), music plays)

The music stopped

Teacher. Time is up, we hand over the crossword puzzles to the jury to sum up the results.

Second stage - Fantastic Riddles

The leaves have lines, circles, curls, dashes and dots. You must use your imagination to create an image. (Sheets with images of various lines are distributed, children work to the music).

Teacher. We present the work to the jury. Creativity, imagination, fantasy, and originality will be assessed. (The jury evaluates and speaks the results of the first stage. We put the earned forfeits into decorated envelopes that are attached to the easels)

Teacher. While the jury is working, we begin

Third stage - Movable Riddles

The team needs to line up according to hair color. Pencils - from lightest to darkest, Brushes - from darkest to lightest. (The jury evaluates).


Next stage - Theoretical Riddles

After viewing reproductions of paintings, players write down the number of the painting corresponding to a particular artist. (We pass the cards ( Appendix 2 ) for jury evaluation). Each correct answer is worth one point.

Teacher. And the last one

stage, fifth - Artistic riddles

Find out the portrait from the description and draw it. (I explain the work algorithm to the children, tell them about the time)

For the first team: “This is what she looked like: her carrot-colored hair was braided into two tight braids that stuck out in different directions; the nose looked like a tiny potato, and besides, it was speckled with freckles; White teeth sparkled in his large, wide mouth. She was wearing a blue dress, but since she apparently didn’t have enough blue material, she sewed red patches into it here and there. For very thin and skinny legs she pulled long stockings different colors: one is brown and the other is black. And the huge black shoes seemed about to fall off...”

For the second team: “There was a long pole near the fence, with a straw effigy sticking out on it to drive away the birds. The head of the stuffed animal was made of a bag filled with straw, with eyes and a mouth painted on it, so that it looked like a funny human face. The scarecrow was dressed in a worn blue caftan; Here and there straw stuck out from the holes in the caftan. On his head was an old shabby hat, with the bells cut off, and on his feet were old blue boots...”

Teams read the description fairy tale hero (Appendix 3 ) within their team, decide who will draw what and get to work.

At the end of the work, the teacher reads out the description, shows the drawing and asks the other team to recognize the fairy-tale character.

(the jury evaluates)

Teacher. And now we will ask the jury to announce the results of our marathon “IZO - Riddles”

(speech by the jury)

Teacher. You did a great job today, everyone was active. Working as a team, everyone knew that the overall success depended on them. And our jury, Mrs. Palitra and Signor Tube, want to award you with certificates.

(we award certificates of commendation)

Teacher. Thank you all. This concludes our lesson.