What is the planet Mars responsible for in the horoscope? Mars in the sign of Leo. Strong and weak Mars in a person’s natal chart


Mars is the fourth planet farthest from the Sun. Ancient astrologers were aware that the soil of this planet is red. Iron oxide gives it this hue, which is why the astrological element of the planet Mars is iron and the color is red.

Strong and weak Mars in a person’s natal chart

The principle of Mars in astrology is the principle of manifested action, activity and masculinity, the principle of “yang”. The vital activity of a person, which he shows to the outside world, his ability to act and react, depends on how strong the position Mars occupies in the horoscope. People with a strong Mars in their horoscope have very pronounced so-called masculine character traits: physical strength, endurance, high energy potential, active life position, quick response to stimuli. Such people are very mobile, they need to do something, go somewhere, express their energy somehow. If energy is in excess, this leads to conflicts, which is why Mars was considered in ancient times the planet of war and aggression. All famous generals and warriors had a strong Mars in their horoscope. Weak Mars in the horoscope indicates that a person has a lack of vital energy and activity, he is passive and conflict situations does not show aggression, tries to settle everything peacefully. Men with such a weak Mars are usually considered “weak” and “weak.”

Mars in Aries

The signs ruled astrologically by Mars are Aries and Scorpio. Mars in Aries gives a tireless warrior and fighter, a nonconformist, a person who spends his entire life in struggle (and with whom or what it does not matter, the fact of the struggle itself is important), which is why among people with Mars in Aries there are so many representatives of military and security professions.

Mars in Taurus

Taurus and Libra, the signs ruled by Venus, are signs of exile for Mars (that is, signs where it is difficult for him to show his strength). Mars in Taurus avoids direct activity, a person with Mars in Taurus will not strive for battles and battles, his destiny is peaceful work, where he is quite successful. People with Mars in Taurus are distinguished by great hard work and patience.

Mars in Cancer

Cancer is a fall sign for Mars. In a sign ruled by the Moon, it is difficult for Mars to express its activity directly and directly; here activity is dissipated by the lunar principle of passivity. Therefore, people with Mars in Cancer prefer to avoid acute situations that force them to react quickly and directly; they try in every possible way to avoid conflicts. Due to the impressionability of Cancer, people with such Mars are very vulnerable and are afraid of open aggression. There is also a tendency to consider oneself a victim (and what exactly: evil people or unfortunate fate - it doesn’t matter).

Mars in Gemini

Mars in Gemini. Here the energy of Mars manifests itself through the verbal level, in other words - through communication, exchange of opinions and polemics. People with Mars in Gemini are very active and energetic, but often tend to be scattered about several things at once, which often interferes with the achievement of global life goals.

Mars in Leo

Mars in Leo shows its energy quite clearly and loves to demonstrate its masculinity (or energy in the case of female representatives). Such Mars really has enormous energy potential and the ability to bring many projects to life, the main thing is to have a sincere desire.

The element in which Mars is located in natal chart sets its own rules, largely related to the characteristics of this rather harsh planet. Being responsible for physical activity, it is she who provides energy replenishment, and also determines the degree of a person’s aggressiveness and the method of implementing aggression externally. Mars is not the same in the zodiac signs; its influence also differs in relation to men and women.

The influence of the planet affects the search for a method of achieving goals. Mars gives representatives of air signs the skills of persuasion, and gives perseverance and initiative to fire signs. Water signs Mars bestows developed intuition and cunning. Representatives of earth signs, under the influence of a warlike planet, become more patient and pragmatic.

The zodiac sign in which Mars is located can suggest a physically attractive type of potential partner for a woman. The male planet influences the manifestation of strength in sexual relationships, determines the leading position when taking initiative, and in men demonstrates the manifestation of strength. In women, Mars helps to express oneself, being closely associated with an arousing image.

Mars in the zodiac signs of the element of Fire

Mars in the Fire zodiac signs, which include Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, demonstrates a person’s ability to impulsively get involved in work. His zeal continues until he completely loses his strength, and as it is restored, the work either continues or interest in it is lost. The latter is especially true if Mars is in Aries. The return to the previous occupation is carried out with the same zeal.

Mars in Aries

It is often stated too straightforwardly, which is fraught with rash decisions. Excessive emotions are absent, and energy is directed to receiving new information and development of skills and abilities. He takes on new tasks with pleasure, including man-made ones. Characterized as self-confident, tenacious and proactive in conducting business.

Mars in Leo

He is overly emotional, because of this he defends his interests expressively, sometimes even too “dramatically”. Achieving goals is often driven by the desire for appreciation and recognition. Takes initiative creatively without losing self-confidence. Appreciates compliments and attention to himself.

Mars in the constellation Sagittarius

Moves towards the goal energetically and sometimes rudely. Excessive impulsiveness is compensated by high morality. For decisive action, one needs inspiration, which can be drawn from ideals. Prone to adventures that fuel the energy balance. Values ​​self-improvement and does not stand still, having a need for research.

Mars in the zodiac signs of the Earth element

These include Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. The Earth element of Mars encourages pedantry in decision making. There is no rush, first you need to think through everything, it is advisable to make a plan. And although it is difficult to talk about increased energy in this case, the effectiveness of Mars in earth signs obvious. The quantity and quality of work is impressive even if the planet is in Taurus, which is characterized by endless improvement of what has been done.

Mars in the zodiac sign Taurus

He is stable in his positions, concentrates his actions on achieving real goals and increasing comfort. Straightforward, stubborn, although not without creativity. If he achieves what he wants, he may lose initiative and be content with what he has, without striving for something new. Sometimes excessively slow. Physical energy is influenced by life in a measured rhythm.

Mars in Virgo

He defends his interests responsibly and pedantically, without unnecessary emotions. There is a tendency towards perfectionism. An overemphasis on details can hinder proactive action, as can a tendency toward self-criticism. For effective work needs energy replenishment.

Mars in the constellation Capricorn

He is careful in achieving his goals, thinking through every step. He is prone to rational planning and self-discipline, and is not without ambition. Often sets himself difficult to achieve goals and takes a long time to achieve them. Can ignore conservative rules and prohibitions if they interfere with his own plans.

Mars in the zodiac signs of the Air element

Mars in the element of Air is Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Mars is very active in them, but does not always lead to a clear result. A person led by Mars can be overly fussy, trying to solve several issues at once and, as a result, not finishing any of the things he has started. The only exception is Mars in Aquarius; it is more advisable for representatives of Mars of other Air signs to work in a team or at least in pairs.

Mars in Gemini

He defends his interests flexibly, is tongue-tied, witty, quite contradictory and does not always know what exactly he wants. Easily distracted and often wastes time due to unfocused attention. He replenishes physical energy through communication, which is why he strives to establish new connections and master previously unfamiliar skills.

Mars in Libra

He does not always move towards his goals decisively. This happens due to carefully weighing your thoughts. Shows initiative gently, is good as a leader, as he successfully finds an approach to any opponent, is gentle. The basis of the activity is the desire to achieve harmony and justice. Physical activity is stimulated by new relationships and exposure to beauty.

Mars in the constellation Aquarius

This sign promotes eccentric and independent assertion. Individualist, proactive, but initiative is manifested due to the need for self-expression. The penchant for reform solutions is colored by a love for creative innovation. Physical energy is stimulated by freedom of self-expression and planning new plans, anticipating opportunities.

Mars in the zodiac signs of the element Water

The latter include Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The element of Water pushes the planet Mars to take active action at a moment when there is no longer any possibility of delaying it. It can also be an incentive desire, but it still takes time to build up, which takes away moral preparation. Mars is slowest in the constellation Pisces.

Mars in Cancer

He defends his positions with an eye on those around him. He attaches increased importance to his roots, and his lifestyle is based on traditions and conservative foundations. Initiative is influenced by mood and self-confidence. Physical energy is promoted by peace, a feeling of a strong back and protection. Her soul-searching, numerous fears and indecision slow her down.

Mars in the zodiac sign Scorpio

He moves towards his goals confidently and intensively. Subject to passionate impulses, including sexually. To achieve results requires emotional strength fueled by desires. Initiative can also be influenced by the spirit of competition or infringement of one’s own interests.

Mars in the constellation Pisces

The sign of Pisces helps to defend one's interests idealistically, but with a touch of compassion and empathy. He is proactive and strives to achieve goals with a focus on the interests of others, trying not to infringe on them. Mars compensates for physical energy good mood and positive emotions, can draw it from dreams.

The sphere of Mars is action. Sometimes this is called will, but often its activity is perceived as another type of emotional manifestation - passion. In the astrology of the last century, emotions were associated with Venus, and passionate desires, anger, and the ability to achieve what you wanted were associated with Mars. Most often, Mars manifests itself through gesture and word.

Mars is the outer pole of Venus and there is a strong connection between them. Mars itself turns on only when it receives an impulse from outside or from within. Mars needs a starter. He is forced to act by other planets: goal - Jupiter, duty - Saturn, desire - Venus, idea - Mercury, impulse - the Sun, or instinctive reaction - the Moon. Venus and Mercury represent the inner character traits of a person. The type of thinking and emotions depends on the qualities of these planets. Mars represents the external manifestations of man, and therefore depends on the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. Venus and Mars – woman and man, and Knight. Mars needs Venus to motivate him to action. When feelings are hurt, he springs into action, and only then the strong Mars fights for what he has with all his might, protects what is dear to him, without hesitation. When analyzing the type of will of a person, one must look at which planets Mars is connected with by aspects or dispositions, which prompts him to action: with Jupiter - the thirst for honors, with Saturn - a sense of duty, with Venus - love. When Venus is weak, you need to see if Jupiter or the Sun can push it. But the first thing you need to look at is the Venus-Mars pair. Even if there are no aspects between them, a strong Venus can awaken Mars to activity. Mars acts when it is on its territory, when it is clear what needs to be done.

Mars – Fighter, competitor, demonstrated will. Therefore, any interaction of a strong-willed type is described by its position in the map.

Mars is active masculinity, in a woman is associated with the strength of sexual desire. This is a manifestation of us outside, therefore, whatever Mars is, that’s how we are seen in society. This is how a person achieves something in life.

Mars in the element of Fire: the greatest focus, of course, you need to take into account the speed of the planet, but in fire signs Mars is always strong, it is active there if there is an idea: an impulse has come, a desire or a plan has arisen, it does not hesitate, it turns on immediately, easily and freely. Here Mars is a leader, a loner who does not take into account the will of those around him. But for Mars, leadership is not an end in itself; he is a leader because he acts when others still hesitate, and often acts ahead. Strong Mars becomes the center of the group, setting the momentum. Fire uses the energy of the initial impulse, as much as there is, it will splash out at the end of it, until the energy of the impulse is exhausted, Mars will work, then it needs to take a break and gain energy. Therefore, it works jerkily and strongly: it turns on quickly, but quickly runs out of steam.

The beginning is yang, the element is fire; abode - Aries, Scorpio; exaltation in Capricorn; fall in Cancer. The passage time of the zodiac is 710 days (1.95 years), and one sign is 2 months. Mars reaches its greatest strength when, like the Sun, it is at its zenith.

Mars is a planet of the fire element. These are will, activity, struggle, passion, anger, strength and aggression, as well as noble initiatives, sacrifice and feat. It represents courage, determination, straightforwardness, competitiveness, as well as military action and risk-taking. Mars (Ares) - god of war. Mars is considered an inauspicious planet, a malefic that brings complications and disruptions in life. Mars in a horoscope shows where a person’s energy will be directed, that is, his affection, as well as sexual passion (the ideal of a man in a woman’s horoscope). That's why strong Mars is found in people who are energetic, enterprising, creative, and assert justice. Weak Mars leads to passivity, absent-mindedness, wasting energy on worthless things (sex) and the inability to bring things to completion.

Mars represents pioneers in any business, military, police, boxers and other athletes. He is responsible for real estate, property, construction business, as well as machinery, various types of machinery, weapons, electricity and electronic equipment. Mars also represents engineers, mechanics, electricians, gunsmiths, blacksmiths, steelworkers, cooks and people who deal with fire and iron, as well as surgeons, butchers and others associated with blood. Among relatives, Mars represents brothers.

“Martians” are impulsive, they strive to give everything in one impulse and achieve the goal immediately, in a hurry. Good Mars gives noble initiatives, the implementation of plans, that is, the opportunity to bring what has been started to completion; good, creative energy (positive biofield). Negative Mars causes accidents, foretells danger from fire, and involves confrontation. Such Mars is present in evil, rude people, hot-tempered and cruel. The positive-negative Mars pair can be compared to the police-criminal antagonists.

The mark of Mars on the appearance: sharp, rough facial features, a decisive appearance, developed muscles, hard, unruly hair (in a crew cut), red or blond, as well as reddish skin, freckles, pronounced brow ridges and nasolabial folds (running from the nose to the corners of the mouth), sometimes - a broken nose. Folds on the neck indicate aggressiveness and greed. The voice is commanding, usually hoarse, the speech is sharp and abrupt.

On the hand, the line of Mars is the line of the mind or head (second from the top of the palm) - one of the main ones. Starts between big and index fingers, passes along the plain of Mars and ends closer to the edge of the palm on the hillocks of Mars and the Moon. A straight, long, pronounced line of Mars speaks of a strong will and the ability to reason clearly and sensibly. If a straight line crosses the palm to the edge, connecting at the base with the line of life, then this indicates an excess of prudence and stinginess, weak imagination and characterizes a person of action, when the end justifies the means. A too short line of Mars is a sign of weak will, indecision and lack of intelligence, a tendency to deceive and steal, and in women, moreover, strong coquetry. The longer the line, the longer the life (the life line is also important).

The plain of Mars (strength) is located under the line of Mars, between the lines of life and health, which separates it from the Mount of the Moon. The Mount of Mars is located under the Mount of Mercury above the Mount of the Moon between the lines of the heart and mind. The degree of development of the mount of Mars shows how its qualities are manifested: an overly developed one indicates an evil Mars, normal development indicates a good and strong Mars. The absence of a lump speaks of indecision and cowardice (men do not dare to marry).

Briefly: Mars is strength, energy, will, courage, determination, enterprise, competitiveness, ardor and sexual passion. Mars is responsible for property (real estate), mechanisms, machines, weapons, electricity, electronic equipment, construction business, as well as fire and iron. Mars represents brothers, as well as men, military, police, engineers, electricians, mechanics, cooks and surgeons.

in the natal theme, we can see Various types temperaments.

Mars in Aries

In the first sign of the zodiac - Mars is at home. This means enthusiasm, inspiration of the first desire for life and the future.

A person with Mars in the sign of Aries has certain traits that are common to all people born under this sign. This is not only enthusiasm and inspiration, but also a daring, impulsive temperament, inflamed by a restless and endless thirst for action.

Self-affirmation is his vital necessity, so strong that if some factors contradict or interfere with this process, then a person’s internal energy reaches extreme limits, burning him over low heat. He is often inconsistent in his actions. He is an individualist who takes risks and does not see the obstacles that may arise in his path.

Keywords : ability to brave actions, individualism, outbursts of anger, self-assertion, carelessness.

Mars in Taurus

Mars in Taurus reveals to us a person who has a certain calm strength and ability to act - understandable, attentive, constant, unhurried, realistic, cautious, but very assertive. He can show extraordinary persistence, death grip, a combination of patience and courage, and gradually overcome all difficulties and obstacles. He has all the advantages and disadvantages of a stubborn person who is not afraid of anything. In this connection, it is generally difficult to convince him. His self-affirmation often takes the form of conquest or certain achievement in material life. He acts only when he feels safe. There are times when he becomes impatient, takes a one-sided and inviolable position, refusing to change his mind even in small things.

Keywords : constructive ability to act, efficiency, perseverance, perseverance, courage, calm strength, intolerance, signs of anger.

Mars in Gemini

In the zodiac sign ruled by Mercury, Mars is present as an excellent stimulant of mental abilities. A person who has this configuration has a pronounced ability to skillfully express and actively convey his ideas, theories and concepts. But since his ability to act is limited to the sphere of thinking, he is more successful in intellectual self-affirmation than in attempts physical influence on other people. He has valuable skill conduct a discussion, actively communicate, polemicize, and is often very convincing. He has a taste for caustic witticisms, lightning-quick remarks, and loves to fight over ideas. But sometimes he becomes a victim of his own incessant mental activity, which leads him to nervous exhaustion.

Keywords: ability for mental work, ingenuity, belligerence, intellectual self-assertion, eloquence, sensitivity.

Mars in Cancer

The ability to act of a person whose Mars is in the sign of Cancer takes the form of refined self-defense, which, however, does not save him from sudden outbursts of internal violence. Nevertheless, such a person most often neglects the possibility of forceful self-affirmation or simply refuses it. And then it is very important for him to feel external support or encouragement from certain people from his immediate environment in order to master the situation, act and take action. IN similar cases he compensates for his fear and his inaction with exceptional restraint, fierce conservatism and a stubborn, almost fanatical refusal of any prospect of change. This condition often develops into long-term anger.

Keywords: refined self-defense, refusal of forceful self-assertion, need for external support, restraint, conservatism, refusal of change.

Mars in Leo

In this sign, where the ruler is the Sun, Mars stimulates the instinctive will of man. She becomes dominant and actively dominant. We are dealing with a very energetic, open person, whose ability to act is often the main form of self-expression. This person is clearly aware of the moment in which he is, feels like a master, and therefore acts as he breathes. He does not allow the idea that someone can challenge his right to impose his will on others with that confidence and nobility that does not exclude certain excesses in the form of impudence, inflexibility, or even simply abuse of power. His courage sometimes turns into arrogance.

Keywords : ability to take energetic action, ardor, courage, tendency to show off, authoritarianism and sensitivity, impatience and inflexibility.

Mars in Virgo

Here, in the second house of Mercury, Mars shows that a person's ability to act is used only in cases of extreme necessity. This person cannot stand empty efforts, and at the same time any possibility of changes in his lifestyle and behavior. Under this sign, self-affirmation is restrained, pondered, analyzed. A person feels the need to justify his every action. Before acting, he calculates, weighs, evaluates all his chances and waits for his moment. This strategy can be very effective, but it also makes a person overly skeptical, demanding, petty and meticulous, even manic.

Keywords: prudence, inability to take risks, conservative, depressive temperament, gift or inclination for subtle work, underestimation of self-affirmation, guilt complex for one’s actions.

Mars in Libra

Under the influence of Mars, a person is picky in his actions, and at the same time behaves extremely confidently and strictly. Despite the fact that Mars is in exile in this sign, it does not lose its power, which leads to best results. A person who has Mars in this configuration is able to show prudence and restraint, as well as prudent determination. Under the guise of benevolent gentleness, he hides the ability to firmly hold the sword of justice in his hands, use it decisively and show mercilessness. This person is able to behave rather sternly, avoid excesses and wait for the moment to achieve desired result. However, such behavior often borders on indecision, and can also lead to fanaticism of unjustified cruelty.

Keywords : the ability to act prudently, prudence, a tendency to select, thoughtfulness, the ability to choose the right moment to take action, a heightened sense of justice, indecisiveness, outbursts of aggressiveness.

Mars in Scorpio

The person in whose natal horoscope such a configuration is presented can become a formidable adversary. He is distinguished by a secretive manner of behavior. Outwardly he is quiet and calm. In fact, he is a calculating provocateur and a bold experimenter who is ready to take only reasonable risks. Difficulties, obstacles, critical situations give rise to the desire in him to surpass himself, to show courage and readiness for battle - qualities whose existence is difficult to guess. This person is capable of both the most passionate feeling and boundless indifference. Therefore, he is able to act and react very harshly, coolly, decisively and categorically. These people are full of self-confidence and courage, but unlike Mars in Aries, Mars in Scorpio is more judicious and calculating. These people achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. They are attracted to everything secret and dangerous; it seems that they have no fear at all.

Keywords: secretive behavior, depth of feelings, provocation, courage, tendency to take reasonable risks, belligerence, stamina and perseverance, lack of ardor, cold cruelty.

Mars in Sagittarius

The ninth sign of the zodiac symbolizes blossoming and natural development personality. With this position of Mars, a person’s strength and energy is complemented by his belligerence and readiness to compete. He feels a constant need to impose his will on others. He behaves directly, enthusiastically, and innocently, but sometimes he sins with excessive zeal. Wanting to do the best or bring benefit, he often achieves the exact opposite result. Such a person loves physical activity, but sometimes wastes his energy in vain, tends to complicate simple things and is not always able to look from the outside at the events in which he participates. He builds his own worldview not only on knowledge and experience, but also on the ability to foresee upcoming events. He defends his opinion in disputes, from which he almost always emerges victorious.

Keywords: generosity, belligerence, competitiveness, readiness to physical activity, optimism, sincerity, frivolity in actions, impatience, idealism, the desire to impose one’s will.

Mars in Capricorn

Thanks to Mars being in the sign ruled by Saturn, the person has strong determination, insight, clarity of mind and perseverance, but lacks ardor, passion and energy. This is a reasonable person who strives to achieve maximum results. He is capable of long and continuous efforts rather than of ardent, inspired impulses or spontaneous actions. This person is reserved, careful, resilient and so stubborn that he does not give up until he achieves a certain goal. He is able to detach himself from the world of feelings and emotions and, as a result, become tough, adamant and indifferent, but at the same time gain self-control. He has great reserves of patience and endurance. His tenacity, perseverance and great ambition guarantee a prosperous old age and early achievement of a high social position.

Keywords: self-defense, firm determination, perseverance, insight, correct assessment of one’s capabilities, careful and leisurely actions, rigidity, indifference.

Mars in Aquarius

The active energy of a person in whose natal horoscope this planet is present is subordinated to reason. He shows some aptitude for physical labor or inventive abilities that help him express himself. He is extremely energetic, but his strength lies not in his muscles, but in his psyche. He is very mobile, able to boldly and successfully deal with several things at once, make decisions quickly, act on time and without delay.

He reacts correctly to the situation. At the same time, he can be undisciplined, unstable, impulsive and a categorical opponent of any authority or demonstrate intolerance in his views. He puts all his energy and enthusiasm into any business, especially if it is based on his own idea.

Keywords : dynamism, ability to work with hands, aptitude for technique, excellent reactions, ability to choose the right moment, exhaustion nervous system, waste of energy, indiscipline, dangerous impulsiveness.

Mars in Pisces

Under the influence of Mars, which is in the sign ruled by Jupiter and Neptune, a person strives to ennoble all his actions. He is either exalted or broken and suppressed by his stormy emotions, which can break out at any, most unexpected moment and manifest themselves with extremely cruel, primitive and destructive force, like a true flood that sweeps away everything in its path. Often, thanks to his generosity, emotional sensitivity and intuition, such a person is ready to take on a challenge. He is capable of making the most incredible dreams come true. He uses psychic power so that no one feels it. An agreement is often reached through cunning, diplomacy or secret ways; the fight against competitors and enemies is carried out mainly secretly, but decisively. However, he can be very touchy, react without controlling his emotions, or use his powers very poorly.

Keywords : secretive behavior, depth, subordination to emotions, the desire to ennoble one’s actions, the desire for the absolute, touchiness.