Yuri Malyshev with his wife Karina. Biography of Elena Malysheva: family, husband, oddities at work. Elena Malysheva: an amazing biography


It’s been a year since Elena Malysheva became a grandmother. Her eldest son Yuri gave birth to a boy, who was named Igor. “We were all in the maternity hospital when our Karishka gave birth. As soon as our grandson was born, we were allowed to enter the ward. You didn’t suffer during childbirth, but simply saw a miracle. This is completely uncomplicated happiness! But my husband has even more feelings, because our grandson is his full namesake: Igor Yuryevich Malyshev,” the TV presenter shared.


According to Elena, her husband has changed a lot since becoming a grandfather. “It seems to me that he has become a very gentle and obedient person in everything that concerns his grandson. Previously, it never occurred to me to ask him to do household chores - he was always busy. Now it’s enough just to stutter that he needs to spend time with his grandson, help change his clothes. And my husband does this with such joy, as if he had only dreamed of this. He often says that. life develops in a spiral. And little Igor Malyshev is new round life, on which his grandson and full namesake will live his bright and wonderful life"- said Malysheva.

The baby celebrated his first birthday in February. Elena talked about how we congratulated the baby: “We gave our Igor a children’s train with circular rails. It is intended for children from one and a half to five years old - as the child grows, he can ride in a circle or ride on the track himself. The train did not please the grandson, but scared him. We hope that when he grows up, he will appreciate such an interesting gift."

Malysheva ignores her son’s family and prefers not to bother with advice. " The son’s family is a completely separate unit of society, with its own traditions and way of life. I twice had episodes when I had to decide whether to intervene or show tact and respect,” Elena admitted.

“My husband and I bought a silver spoon for our grandson. But our Karina told me: “American pediatricians do not recommend using metal spoons for children under one year old, as they can injure the child’s gums. I replied: “Come on, Karish, we raised some handsome guys! No one is injured!” And then I thought: “Lord, what if I really scratch Igorechka’s gums?!” I realized that all the pain of the experience will fall not on me, but on the boy’s mom and dad. Let them feed from their modern plastic spoons!” the TV doctor said.

The second incident occurred in the summer. "At the peak of the heat, I announced that the child should be given plain water so that he does not become dehydrated. To which I received the following response from my son: “The American Association of Pediatrics recommends adding extra breast-feeding, but do not give water, since using water in children under one year of age increases the risk of intestinal infections." I began to argue and said that the European Association of Pediatrics, on the contrary, recommends water. But then I thought: boiled water is not a sterile product, no matter how try. breast milk– sterile, beautiful, with protective antibodies! What if this damn water gives our baby diarrhea? I just can’t live! And I retreated again,” said Elena.

Nevertheless, Malysheva great relationship with my daughter-in-law. "We are very lucky with Karina. She grew up in full family, in which my mother was very seriously ill. And all these difficulties fell on Karishka and her amazing dad. When she first came to our house, and that was in New Year, she made the first toast to her parents. She spoke about them with such respect and warmth that my heart sank. I then thought that she came to us very much good girl. She is very bright, cheerful, cheerful. And with what respect she treats our son! I understand: her parents raised her that way. But sometimes I tell her: “I have the impression that you grew up in our home.” Everything coincides so much - outlook on life, ability to work, huge responsibility for the family..." - quotes Elena

Elena Vasilievna Malysheva (Shabunina). Born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo. Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor medical sciences, professor.

Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin.

Mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova.

She has an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors. Sister is a neurologist, brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician State Clinical Hospital named after. S.P. Botkin.

Graduated as a child music school in piano class.

After 7th grade I went to work with my twin brother. Her mother got her a job as a barmaid in a hospital, and her brother as a janitor. “I carried food from the kitchen to the children’s department and fed small children. I earned 40 rubles a month, as I remember now, and I gave every penny to my parents,” she said, adding that her children were raised on the same principle.

Graduated high school No. 19 Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered Kemerovo medical school to the Faculty of Medicine. She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In the same year, she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow.

In 1987 she defended her dissertation for the scientific degree candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.”

After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute.

Currently he is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University.

In 1992, she began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo).

In 1994, she began working as an author and presenter of a daily program. “Did you call the doctor?” within the framework of the “Business Russia” (RTR) channel. In the same year, she completed a training course at the European Health Center and environment in the USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course.

After the program was revived "Health" at ORT in 1997, Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia.

In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: new strategy management inflammatory process».

Since 2007 - member of the Academy Russian television.

Since August 16, 2010, he has been broadcasting on the First Television Channel “Life is great!”, which appears on weekday mornings. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine.

Since 2012, she has been actively promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet.

It has been repeatedly noted that in her speeches Malysheva allows herself to make offensive, biased, inaccurate, dangerous and even racist statements.

Thus, in one of the programs, Malysheva argued that the G point is an erogenous organ in women, although the existence of this point has been refuted by many scientific studies.

In one of the programs, Malysheva conducted an experiment that led to the death of a rat. This caused great indignation among Channel One viewers. However, it later turned out that this experiment was indicative, and the animal was injected with a simple tranquilizer, which is used for surgical operations. The animal was briefly euthanized for display.

In one of the programs, Malysheva raised the topic of emitting gases during orgasm, which caused a great public outcry.

Business empire of Elena Malysheva

Elena Malysheva - good businessman. She earns about 1 billion rubles a year for her health.

She owns a clinic that opened at the end of 2015 on the site of City Clinical Hospital No. 19 on Krasnaya Presnya. She also owns the media portal Zdorovieinfo.ru. In addition to Elena herself, her sons Yuri and Vasily have shares in the company.

Malysheva’s two other companies are engaged in attracting advertising. Malysheva owns one of them - LLC WV Am Corporation - solely. Revenue in 2014, according to the latest data from the Spark database, amounted to 249 million rubles, net profit- 13 million rubles. Another company, PM Partners LLC, is owned by Malysheva together with famous TV presenter, producer, ex-senator Alexey Pimanov. Revenue in 2014 was declared at 1 million rubles, net profit - 571 thousand rubles.

Most profitable business Malysheva - these are dietary sets. Together with Shchiglik, the TV presenter owns Elena Malysheva’s Diet LLC, created in 2012. The company sells meal kits for those who want to lose weight. The kits are packaged in boxes, each of which weighs 13.5 kg and, according to the seller, is enough for two weeks. The menu includes “meatballs in red sauce with buckwheat”, “Italian spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce”, “chum salmon fillet with steamed bosto rice”. These are mostly ready-made frozen meals. One box costs 14.5 thousand rubles. The company's revenue in 2014 amounted to 503 million rubles, net profit - 100 million rubles.

Elena Malysheva in the program "Alone with Everyone"

"In first place - proper nutrition, reducing calories. A woman should eat no more than 1.2 thousand kilocalories per day, a man - 1.5 thousand kilocalories. Then everyone will lose weight and look good,” says Malysheva.

Elena Malysheva's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Elena Malysheva:

Married. Her husband, Igor Malyshev, is a specialist in molecular biology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University, where Elena Malysheva also works.

The couple has two sons - Yuri and Vasily.

Personal life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva - today

Find out everything about Elena Malysheva now: Name: Elena Malysheva Date of birth: March 13, 1961 Zodiac sign: Pisces Place of birth: Kemerovo Profession: Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor. TV presenter. Director and presenter of television programs "Health" (since 1997) and “Life is great!” (since 2010) broadcast on Channel One and Radio Russia. Professor at Moscow State Medical and Dental University.
What is Elena Malysheva's height and weight?
Weight: 63 kg Height: 168 cm
What are the parameters of Elena Malysheva’s figure?

Today Elena Malysheva - successful TV presenter, independent creative personality . Currently he is a professor at the Moscow State Medical and Dental University. In 1992, she began producing the “Recipe” program on the Kuzbass TV channel (Kemerovo). In 1993, she was the author and presenter of the “Lazaret” program (Channel 5, TV channel “Northern Crown”). In 1994, she began working as an author and host of the daily program “Have you called the doctor?” within the framework of the “Business Russia” (RTR) channel. In the same year, she completed a training course at the European Center for Health and Environment in the USA. Europe's most prominent health journalists were invited to attend this course. After the revival of the “Health” program on ORT in 1997, Elena Malysheva became the presenter, director and author of this program. The first episode aired on October 3, 1997. The program is also broadcast on Radio Russia. In 2007, at the MMA named after. I. M. Sechenova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences on the topic “Reprogramming cellular responses of macrophages: a new strategy for controlling the inflammatory process.” Since 2007 - member of the Academy of Russian Television. Since August 16, 2010, he has been hosting the program “Live Healthy!” on the First Television Channel, which is broadcast on weekday mornings. He is the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. Since 2012, she has been actively promoting a commercial project - Elena Malysheva’s Diet. en.wikipedia.org

In the photo Elena Malysheva with her husband and children -

Elena Malysheva's husband - Igor Yurievich Malyshev, Professor of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Doctor of Medical Sciences, specialist in molecular biology, head of the laboratory dealing with the topic “Reprogramming of macrophages as a new strategy for managing the immune response in various diseases.” The marriage produced two sons - Yuri and Vasily. en.wikipedia.org


Born on March 13, 1961 in Kemerovo in a family of doctors. Father - Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin, mother - Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova. Elena has an older sister and twin brother Alexey, who, like their parents, became doctors (sister is a neurologist, brother is a surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, chief physician of the S.P. Botkin City Clinical Hospital). She graduated from secondary school No. 19 in Kemerovo with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute at the Faculty of Medicine. She graduated from the institute with honors in 1984. In 1984 she entered graduate school at the Academy of Medical Sciences in Moscow. In 1987, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the topic “Prevention and elimination of cardiac arrhythmias through adaptation to stressors and activation of gamma-aminobutyric acid.” After working for some time as a general practitioner, she became an assistant at the Department of Internal Medicine at the Second Medical Institute. en.wikipedia.org

Malysheva's awards
Order of Friendship (2006)
Medal "For Merit to Domestic Healthcare"
Badge "Excellence in Healthcare"

Wedding of Elena Malysheva's son

In one of her programs, the TV presenter shared with the audience good news that she married her eldest son. Wedding of Elena Malysheva's son took place last year and became a joyful event in the life of her family. She decided not to skimp and celebrate the celebration widely, inviting her relatives, friends and co-hosts to it - Dmitry Shubin, Andrey Prodeus, German Gandelman. True, the wedding itself took place a month earlier, and they celebrated it in a close family circle.

In the photo - the wedding of Elena Malysheva’s son

Elena Malysheva's son Yuri married a girl from the estate Karina, with whom immediately after the wedding he flew to America to spend his honeymoon. A year after the wedding of Elena Malysheva’s son, she shared with her friends and viewers of the program another good news that she had become a grandmother. The TV presenter spoke about this a month after the birth of her grandson, in honor of whom she decided to create a new section in her program, “I am a grandmother!” - in it she is going to talk about the development of babies.

Elena Malysheva’s eldest son, who made her a grandmother, is also a doctor and works together with Elena Vasilievna on television. He - creative producer program “Live Healthy!” and he was the author of the themes of the skits that caused a lot of noise.

In the photo - Elena Vasilievna with her sons

In addition, Yuri himself acted as one of the artists who performed a song about testicles, which plunged the audience into an indescribable shock. Elena Vasilyevna happily picks up everything creative ideas son and implements them in his programs, and then they become topics for discussion.

Elena Malysheva began hosting programs on medical topics back in 1992, and her first program was broadcast on Kemerovo television and was called “Recipe.” A year later, she became the head of the “Lazaret” program on Channel Five and the Northern Crown TV Channel. Two years later, Elena Vasilievna was already running the column “Did you call the doctor?” on RTR.


Elena Malysheva and circumcision

On January 27, 2011, in his program “Live Healthy!” Elena Malysheva showed how a man is circumcised and why it is needed. Moreover, it imitated the process of circumcision foreskin on a woman, cutting off the collar of her turtleneck. This broadcast caused a great public outcry. In one of the episodes of the TV show “ProjectorParisHilton,” presenter Ivan Urgant and his comrades staged a parody of the circumcision process. http://www.uznayvse.ru/

Elena Malysheva on Yandex

Russian teacher

Soviet and Russian therapist, teacher, doctor of medical sciences, professor. Wikipedia

TV presenter Elena Malysheva: personal life, photos, husband, children

Married to: Igor Yurievich Malyshev

Parents: Galina Aleksandrovna Morozova, Vasily Iosifovich Shabunin

Children: Vasily, Yuri

View free photo biography and personal life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva website. Everything about Elena Malysheva is available on mobile phones online.

Private life of TV presenter Elena Malysheva (Malysheva Elena ) - today

Source of photo biography and personal life of Elena Malysheva: http://bez-makiyazha.ru