Wishing the man health. Good health


Health and wellness give us the opportunity to live a fulfilling life, prosper and enjoy happiness. A sick person is limited in many ways. But, modern traditional medicine has reached a dead end - all its methods are imperfect, and are as useful as they are harmful. Antibiotics disrupt microflora and destroy the liver. Drugs to enhance immunity weaken the body's natural ability to protect against infections and regenerative function. And so the list can go on ad infinitum. Therefore, it is important to have basic knowledge about how our body works and use all the power of nature in order to maintain our health. In this article you will find 7 tips that will help you not only maintain, but also restore your health.

1. Go hungry.

Today we already have scientific evidence of the benefits of fasting. This is no longer the medicine man’s method, which many people were skeptical about. A Japanese scientist discovered the mechanisms of autophagy and received for it Nobel Prize 2016! During the period of fasting, cells process all the garbage that they have accumulated and from it they produce energy for functioning and restoration. Violation of this process leads to the development serious illnesses, including cancer. Therefore, fasting will help not only cleanse the body of toxins and waste, but also prevent many diseases.

2. Drink water.

And nothing else will replace it for you. Pure water participates in all processes that occur in our body, and then is filtered and comes out with all sorts of nasty things through the skin and urinary system. You need to drink every day - because our body does not take breaks in its work. Thanks to a stable drinking regimen, in 2 weeks you can align the functioning of organs and systems, normalize blood pressure and get rid of weakness and drowsiness.

3. Move.

We have all heard that movement is life. In fact, all these are not high words and catchphrases. This too scientific fact. There are 2 most important fluids in our body, the proper circulation of which is the secret to good health. This is blood and lymph. We are luckier with blood - it is pumped in the body due to a powerful pump - the heart. With lymph, things are a little different. Muscle contractions are responsible for the circulation of lymph. The more of them you have every day, the stronger your health and immunity.

4. Don't be afraid of the sun.

How many times have we heard and read about how harmful the sun's rays are. That the action of ultraviolet radiation can destroy our body, cause skin cancer and other terrible diseases. But, it's all about abuse. Of course, 24/7 tanning will not do any good. But daily exposure to the open sun for 30-40 minutes helps us balance our hormonal balance. Hormones are responsible for most processes in the body. For some reason, in our society, hormonal problems are considered a woman's problem. But a man’s body also works thanks to hormones, they’re just a little different. In addition, the sun triggers the production of vitamin D, which strengthens bones (promotes the absorption of minerals, especially calcium), improves mood and builds resistance to stress.

5. Enrich your diet with vegetables and fruits.

Even though many of them have a sour taste, they alkalize the body. The stability of the acid-base balance guarantees the harmonious functioning of organs and systems. Too acidic an environment in the body leads to poor health, illness, weakened immunity and metabolic disorders.

6. Minimum medications.

Today, even doctors do not recommend abusing medicines. Every person periodically suffers from acute respiratory infections. This is not a consequence of weak immunity, but rather serves as training for it. If we allow the body to overcome the disease on its own, helping it with plenty of fluid to remove toxins, then it will become stronger. If we immediately take antiviral drugs, we doom the immune system to weaken. If muscles are not used, they atrophy. This principle works throughout the body. What is not used long time, first weakens and then is subject to destruction.

7. Get more sleep.

But, precisely at night, and not during the day. Our body is designed in such a way that in the dark it begins to produce all the necessary substances for recovery and starts regeneration processes. After every day we need recovery, and lack of sleep prevents these processes from being fully realized.

This is the seventh article of the project “Values ​​that determine our lives.” In it I reveal the value of “health”. The affirmations (phrases to repeat over and over again) and practical methods given in the article will help you improve your health, significantly increase your energy levels and slow down the aging process.

“The only beauty I know is health” (Heinrich Heine)

Our body is the temple of the soul. And the way we treat our “temple” shows how much we love and value ourselves. The human body can give you an idea of ​​a person's lifestyle and habits. We all understand that fat, flabby, lazy and sick bodies are the result of negative habits associated with overeating, eating low quality food, lack of exercise, etc. Bad habits are, in turn, the result of low self-esteem. A person who loves and values ​​himself takes care of his health. He works on himself every day to be even healthier and more energetic. Such a person knows exactly how important it is to learn to overcome short-term discomfort and form habits that lead to healthy image life. In fact, when a person chooses the pleasure of tasty but unhealthy food, the pleasure of lying on the couch and watching TV and other similar short-term pleasures, he ends up paying off the loan with ten times more discomfort. He pays with illnesses, low energy levels, developing irritability, dullness and stupidity. Do you think he will be able to truly realize his potential and his wildest dreams in such a case?

"Stupidity is the most major vice person" (Carlos Castaneda)

Today, due to the psychosomatic view of scientists on human health, we already know the fact about the direct relationship between the body and the psyche. “All diseases come from nerves” - this saying has now become a scientifically based phenomenon. Therefore, working with thoughts and negative attitudes will be an integral part of the work to strengthen and improve our health.


The state of the human body depends on the state of consciousness.

Not self-love, negative attitudes and outlooks on life, give rise to bad habits, which destroy the body, make it sick and lazy.

Self-loving, purposeful and happy man is a person with good health and a huge supply of energy.

By refusing to overcome short-term discomfort (for example, discomfort from getting up earlier in the morning to do exercises... or discomfort associated with giving up tasty but unhealthy food), you find long-term discomfort in the form of illness, laziness, apathy or irritability.

For better work on strengthening and improving health, it is necessary to change to more positive, both physical and mental habits.

Application in practice:

  1. Anti-stress recipes.

The psychosomatic view of illness is gaining increasing popularity among medical scientists today. For example, the American doctor John Sarno, as a result of many years of research, came to the conclusion that the main cause of pain is

not functional and structural disorders, but suppressed emotions. And it seems that everyone understands that the saying “all diseases come from nerves” has a basis, but few people pay due attention to this. At the same time, everyone is subject to stress today! The only difference between people is how they deal with stress. People who have learned to effectively manage stress—and turn it into a friend rather than an enemy—live higher quality, happier, more fulfilling lives.

What can we do to protect ourselves as much as possible from negative influence stress? How to turn stress into a friend, worry less and enjoy life more?

A study was conducted in the USA over 8 years, in which 30,000 people participated. The study found that people who believed that stress was harmful to health were much more likely to get sick and die. But people who believed that stress helped them and did not harm them at all lived mostly healthy and healthy lives. happy life. And today science says that if you change the way you think about stress, it will make you healthier.

When you are stressed, your body becomes energized. Stress is a beneficial reaction of the body: adrenaline entering the bloodstream makes you stronger; rapid breathing saturates the brain with oxygen more intensely, etc. This is your body's way of helping you cope with the task ahead of you. Treating stress like a friend helps you calm down much faster and solve problems more effectively. Only a negative attitude towards this natural physiological process, the purpose of which is to help and protect, is harmful.

So, turn stress into a friend! As soon as you start to get nervous, thank your body for taking care of you, thank life for new experience which you receive. And then, just solve the problem in front of you. As a result latest research(USA, Harvard University), it also turned out that if people share their experiences during stress or begin to care about others, they quickly cope with stress and become much happier. Therefore, do not keep your experiences to yourself. Share, communicate, care, thank and you won’t be afraid of any stress. This is how you gain strength and energy.

  1. Remove destructive words.

German psychotherapist Nossrat Pezeshkian was one of the first to discover words that program body diseases. Dr. Pezeshkian combined these words into the name organic speech - words and expressions that directly affect physiological organs person. According to Pezeshkian, this is truly dangerous and destructive energy that can undermine even the best health, even if it is at least three times heroic. Here are just some examples of phrases that are destructive to the body:

  • my patience has run out
    I've already broken my head
    something is gnawing at me
    they ate all my baldness,
    sitting in my kidneys (something, someone),
    they cut off my oxygen
    I can’t digest (something or someone),
    they squeezed all the juice out of me,
    they spoiled a lot of blood for me,
    I wanted to sneeze
    bored to the point of nausea
    just a knife to the heart,
    I'm already pounding (shaking),
    served the whole neck,
    fed up
    it turns my heart away,
    drove me to death
    walk in my shoes
    putting pressure on me
    find an outlet... and so on.

Moreover, each specific negative phrase or word leads to a very specific type of disease. This is how our speech programs our illnesses. And the only thing you need to do is keep track of your vocabulary and become aware of the negative, destructive phrases we use. This way you will stop negative programming and become much healthier (or at least protect yourself from possible diseases). This was proven on a large scale by Dr. Pezeshkian’s method.

  1. Keep a steady rhythm and move forward regularly.

The rhythm of processes can be traced in everything and everywhere: man and all the nature around him, the Earth, and Space live according to the law of rhythm. Research has proven that a stable sleep, nutrition and work schedule helps the body maintain health. But it has also been proven that for constant improvement the body must periodically experience stress, a certain conflict with the physical and physical environment around it. social environment. Thus, the combination of a stable rhythm with regular mild stress (getting out of the comfort zone) strengthens and improves our health.

Therefore, develop your own regime for yourself. Try to go to bed and get up at the same time, work and rest, eat and exercise. And at the same time, improve every day. Every day, increase the load, get out of your comfort zone, do something new and unusual, do what is necessary for success in achieving your goals, but gradually, a little at a time. Mastering new skills, forming new ones good habits, start with a minimum, for example, 10 minutes, but every day. And then just increase the time: 15-20-40 minutes, etc. A stable rhythm and constant improvement (slight stress from leaving your comfort zone) is the golden formula for good health and great achievements.

  1. Climb higher on the food pyramid.

Russian physiologist I. Pavlov said that the human body is a self-regulating and self-healing system if you place it in a natural environment. What is the natural environment for our body? This is fresh air, clean water and healthy natural food. Of course, in modern conditions- this is not always available. But everything, as they say, is in our hands. If a person truly wants to become healthy and live happily ever after, he will find options on how to realize this.

“Do not rely on medicine, it cannot teach a person how to become healthy. Try not to be captured by doctors! To become healthy, you need your own efforts, constant and significant. Man, fortunately, is so perfect that he can almost always regain health.”

(Academician, cardiac surgeon N.M. Amosov)

IN human body Biochemical processes occur every second. All substances that enter the body with food are converted into new tissues. Self-renewal of cells, tissues and organs is a natural process. Old, damaged cells are destroyed and new ones are formed instead. And the quality of our food and lifestyle determines how healthy our constantly renewing cells, and, accordingly, the entire body, will be.

Let's see what science and medicine today recognize as high-quality nutrition, on which human health directly depends?

1) Fresh air.

A person can live without food for several months, without water for several days, but without air he may not live even 3 minutes. A lot has been written and said about the benefits of fresh air. And I’m sure you understand this very well. The main thing is to do it. In modern urban conditions, how can we create conditions for nutrition and saturation of the body with fresh air? First, and most importantly, walks in parks or places where there is a lot of vegetation and fresh air (away from the road and exhaust fumes). During this kind of walk fresh air is happening large number positive changes in our body. Our heart trains, metabolism is activated, blood supply improves, and excess calories are burned. 30 minutes of this walk every day will take you to a new level of health. Playing sports in the fresh air is even more beneficial for our body. Second, ventilate your room every day and try to sleep with the window at least slightly open (unless, of course, your window faces the roadway). Third, periodically control your breathing. The most useful and correct breathing is diaphragmatic breathing (deep, calm breath into the lower abdomen). This is how you breathe when you are relaxed. Consciously engaging in diaphragmatic breathing relieves stress and fatigue.

2) The power of water.

It is known that the human body is 80% water. And to maintain hydration and health, it is useful to drink at least 2 liters of clean water a day (not coffee, not tea and other drinks, but water). Lack of water in the body leads to various diseases, for example, allergies, high blood pressure, asthma, etc. The highest quality water is water from springs and springs. In second place is structured water made from fresh fruits and vegetables. It is also known that if you drink a glass of water at once, then the body will not have time to absorb at least 1/2 of the amount of water, but will simply pass through the kidneys and straight into the bladder(the exception is a full glass of water in the morning; water is absorbed best at this time). Therefore, it is better to drink water not a lot, but often.

What else do you need to know about water? That this is living, moving energy, charged with certain information that can both harm and heal you. Today, thanks to the research of Japanese doctor Masaru Emoto, we know that the information with which we charge water is of great importance. He took over 10,000 photographs showing various shapes water crystals. And the most slender and harmonious crystals were formed only in cases of positive informational influence on water.

Therefore, before drinking a glass of water, thank life and today for all the wonderful things that have happened to you and are happening now. Charge your water with health messages, love and gratitude, and you will become much stronger, healthier and happier.

3) Healthy eating culture.

Who controls you - your habits or you? In relation to food, this issue is most important. If we eat only because it tastes good, we are almost certainly ruining our health. Today, in the age of synthetic food from hypermarkets, prepared on the basis of cheap products and seasoned with a variety of chemical elements, everything that is tasty may turn out to be far from healthy. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is curb your bad eating habits. Remember the famous phrase: “You need to eat to live, not live to eat.” Therefore, every time you sit down at the table, honestly ask yourself: “Will this food benefit my body?” If “no” (tasty, but not healthy), refuse! Maybe not right away, maybe a little at a time, but one way or another, try to avoid junk food as much as possible. To better understand what you can and shouldn't eat, read additional literature about healthy foods and the benefits of living foods. And a few more recommendations:

Half an hour before meals, it is useful to drink at least half a glass of water or eat some juicy fruit. When digesting food, our body can expend a lot of fluid and energy. Water and fruit before meals “compensate” for losses and provide energy.

Reduce the amount of food you eat. You've probably heard about the dangers of overeating. Our body typically needs much less food than we eat. Therefore, having put the usual amount of food on your plate, then remove 1/3 from the plate back. Chew more thoroughly and leave the table a little hungry. This is the golden principle of healthy eating.

Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. American scientists, as a result of research on cancer epidemiology, its biomarkers and prevention, found that raw fruits and vegetables heal and rejuvenate the body. A raw food diet, for example, is now recognized as an official method of treating cancer. Diversify your diet by adding more live fruits and vegetables. Replace gradually harmful products to more useful ones, which will contain less chemistry and more life.

  1. Move and improve yourself.

The human body is designed to move. The minimum rate of human movement, from the point of view of doctors, is 10 km per day on foot. Today, in the age of advanced technology, people move less and less and spend more and more time at the computer. But sedentary lifestyle life leads to loss of strength and illness, while appearance deteriorates, appetite disappears, and blood pressure, bones become fragile, muscles become flabby and painful, and moments of depression often occur. What's the solution? Sports and movement! It has already been proven that regular exercise slows down the aging process of the body. With active movement, oxygen enters every cell of the body, blood circulation is activated, reflexes improve, the heart strengthens, muscles become toned, and you become stronger, more energetic and beautiful. Remember, no movement - no life. Everything that is solid and inactive in nature is dead, everything that is in motion, flexible and plastic is alive. Play sports, do exercises, walk more often during the day, and you will be healthy.

If you still haven’t decided what sport you want to do, I recommend choosing one that will help you in your activity. How? A specific sport means a specific type of energy and specific resources. For example, if you want to learn how to get more done during the day at work, choose running. Regular jogging will make you more energetic and give you the speed to accomplish two to three times as much. If your work requires confidence, determination, perseverance and discipline - choose martial arts. If you need to learn how to better communicate with people and work in a team, choose a team sport (football, volleyball, etc.) If your work is stressful, choose yoga. With its help you will learn to manage yourself and your condition.

Determine for yourself which sport is right for you, start doing exercises every day (at least 10-20 minutes), and try to walk as often as possible during the day. This lifestyle is guaranteed to take you to new levels of health and happiness, and you will have plenty of energy for additional projects, as well as energy for new types of impressions and new experiences. This way you will have time to do everything!.. You will be able to realize and try everything you dreamed of and everything you wanted to try.


* My body is a reflection of my thoughts and inner beliefs.

* By creating a positive outlook, I am building the foundation for good health.

* I love and accept myself, both inside and out.

* I believe in my body's ability to heal and restore itself.

* My body has wisdom and knows the path to health.

*I'm leading active image life and keep myself in great shape.

*I feel great. I radiate health.

* My body is filled with life and energy.

* Every year I become younger and healthier.

* I am healthy and happy.


As you know, everything we believe in directly affects us. "IN healthy body- healthy mind." Learn to consciously use your consciousness, attitudes and beliefs. Do not leave room for weeds in the “garden” of your consciousness, filling it only with bright, inspiring thoughts. Climb higher up the nutrition pyramid to consume higher quality food, regularly engage in sports and other health-improving procedures (hardening, cleansing the body, fasting days etc.) to stop getting sick, become more energetic and stronger. To always remain young and tirelessly move forward towards new victories and experiences at any age, be filled with determination to gain good health and take action!

Stay healthy much easier than treating illnesses caused by an incorrect lifestyle. Some people need to get sick to finally understand how valuable their body is and how important it is to think about what you do to yourself every day. Why not be inspired by the idea that in the near future people will learn to extend their earthly life? In this case, taking care of your “suit” becomes a natural need. Keep your body healthy so you can live longer and do more good things!

Another great motivation is that health is inextricably linked with youth and beauty. Everyone wants to be beautiful, especially young. To do this, you just need to adjust some habits. Let these 13 tips become your lucky ticket to a healthy future!

How to maintain good health

Happiness is possible only when a person is healthy. Try to keep this in mind. Who said being healthy is difficult? Stay healthy very easy if you approach your life wisely!

Editorial “So Simple!”

This is real creative laboratory! A team of true like-minded people, each an expert in their field, united by a common goal: to help people. We create materials that are truly worth sharing, and our beloved readers serve as a source of inexhaustible inspiration for us!

The basis of beauty can be considered good health, and not only health itself, but joy and freshness, which become characteristics of appearance, actions and relationships thanks to good health. How attractive shining eyes seem to us, shiny hair, clear voice, liveliness of manners and thoughts, as well as external animation, which is natural with good health. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of these characteristics.

But what is good health? We are healthy if we do not get sick, if we do not have to go to doctors and if we are not bedridden. But are we healthy if we feel relatively well most of the time? Not really. The radiant appearance we just talked about cannot be a sign of relatively good health. A fresh and radiant appearance indicates excess health.

But what are the secrets of excess health? Health, like happiness, is built on compliance with certain laws. We acquire good health by observing these laws and applying them in our lives. These are the laws of good health.

1. Eat right

Excellent and proper diet is as follows: approximately half or even more of your diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables, and you should try to subject them to as little heat treatment as possible. It is better to eat them fresh or raw. Whenever possible, buy or grow them without the use of chemicals. About a quarter or more of the diet should consist of whole grains (wheat, oats, corn, rye, millet, barley and buckwheat). Approximately ten percent or more of the total should be consumed in legumes (peas, lentils, beans), seeds and nuts. The remaining ten to fifteen percent of food should consist of lean meats, low-fat dairy products and vegetable oils, which should mainly be consumed with other foods.

Do not use fat or water during cooking. Cook food in a hermetically sealed container at a temperature below the boiling point of water. Don't cook food for too long. If you are not feeling well, after just a few days of this diet you will feel much better. If you are healthy, you will feel even healthier. If you do not want to follow these tips in detail, change your diet in those aspects that you see fit.

1. Processed products: Avoid all processed and refined foods, such as white flour, white sugar, white rice or products containing them. These are pasta, cookies, breakfast cereals, biscuits, cakes, pies, crumpets, pizza, spaghetti, candies, chewing gum and ice cream. Do not eat food packaged in boxes, bottles, cans or bags. Avoid canned or frozen foods. Do not eat cold meat, ham, boiled pork, sausage or frankfurters. But why shouldn't you eat these foods? For two reasons.

First, vital elements are lost or destroyed during processing. These are vitamins, minerals, enzymes and natural fibers. In the process of freezing and heat treatment, for example, enzymes are destroyed. When grinding grain into fine flour, the bran disappears, which means vitamins and fibers. In processed sugar, all minerals and vitamins disappear, so that there is nothing left in this product that could be called food. In an attempt to compensate for these losses, manufacturers add vitamins and minerals to processed foods, but they are not comparable to what has been removed from them, and, in addition, it is impossible to add enzymes, because they also disappear.

Secondly, processed food contains additives, such as preservatives, emulsifiers, coloring agents and flavoring agents. Such supplements are harmful to human body and cause many diseases. Coloring agents added to food, for example, can cause increased sensitivity to them. If the products are called natural, don't believe it. Food manufacturers call their products this way in order to sell them. Read the labels carefully to avoid poisonedleniya.

2. Salt. Use limited quantities.

3. Toxic chemicals. Avoid eating fruits and
vegetables that were treated with pesticides during
cultivation or chemicals to keep them fresh

4. Chemical fertilizers. Don't buy fresh food
food grown in soil that was fed with chemicals
chemical fertilizers. Such fertilizers destroy the surface
thick layer of soil, causing insect infestation and producing
large harvests of foods deficient in essential vitamins,
minerals and enzymes.

2. Get enough sleep

To get enough sleep, always go to bed at the same time. If you find it difficult to go to bed on time, maybe you are planning too much work? In this case, find out for yourself what is more important to you, work or sleep and health. Maybe you should reconsider your priority scale.

To ensure that sleep brings rest and recuperation, do not eat after 6 pm, go to bed before 10 pm and sleep on a good, dense mattress. The most useful hours for relaxation

time until 12 o'clock at night. No one can explain this phenomenon, but practice has proven that it is so.

3. Let's ourselves physical activity

Physical exercise is as necessary for good health as the food we nourish the body with. You may think that you are providing your body with enough physical activity if you walk around the house, bending and stretching while doing housework. But the thing is that these movements do not contribute to physical training of the heart and circulatory system and do not force all the muscles to tense.

Physical exercises should be of two types. Firstly, they must provide sufficient load in a certain period of time. That is, they should increase heart rate and last for half an hour or forty minutes. Then they will stimulate the cardiovascular system, help strengthen the heart muscles and provide the circulatory system with oxygen. If you exercise regularly for six months or more, it will lower your heart rate, normalize your blood pressure, and therefore make you healthier. Secondly, during exercises, as many muscles as possible should be used in order to strengthen-drink them and make them more flexible.

Good types of exercise include gymnastics, acrobatics, rhythmic gymnastics, cycling, weight lifting, swimming, brisk walking and running. However, in order to engage all the muscles, you should combine some types of exercises. But what will we get as a result of these efforts? If you exercise yourself regularly and sufficiently, you will want to sleep less, eat less, you will gain more healthyVya And you will feel better.

4. Drink more clean water

Calculate the amount of water you need to drink during the day based on your weight. You should drink half your weight in pounds in pounds. For example, if you weigh 128 pounds, you need to drink 64 ounces of water per day. Make sure the water is clean. The water from our taps is not always drinkable. It may contain pesticides and other elements that have entered the water from the soil and sewer pipes. You can check the composition of the water from your taps in special laboratories. If it does not meet its standards, purchase a filter or buy bottled water.

Make sure you drink water in sufficient quantity. Do not deprive your body of one of the most important components of health. If you do not drink the required amount of water, your body will be forced to use its own water day after day. If you do not supply your body with enough fresh water, all its organs and the entire body will suffer.

5. Breathe more fresh air

Good air provides you with three ingredients. Firstly, it must be fresh, and then there will be a lot of oxygen in it. Secondly, it must be sufficiently moistnom. Thirdly, breathe deeply to provide your lungs with the necessary amount of oxygen. Oxygen is the main food for the lungs. Make sure that the rooms are regularly ventilated, watch your posture so that you can breathe deeply, and that your lungs are ventilated not only from the top, but to the very bottom. Increase your oxygen intake through vigorous exercise.

Air humidity is extremely important for health, especially for the prevention of respiratory diseases such as colds, sore throat and bronchitis. Many modern heating systems dehumidify the air, so that even in humid climates the air in the house is dry. To solve this problem, purchase special air conditioners or hang wet towels in the rooms where you spend most of the time. At night, weather permitting, turn off the heaters and open the windows.

6. Don't be stressed at work or at play

The ability to relax plays a very important role in maintaining health and beauty, while tension harms a person. When doing work that makes your body involuntarily tense, how can you relax? By force of will, your mind controls your body and forces it to tense or relax. When you tell your body to relax, you instantly feel a release of tension. Additional tools that can help you relax include exercise and a good mental attitude.

A positive attitude is built on the virtues of faith, hope, optimism and love. These also include kindness, love of life, compassion, forgiveness and enthusiasm. These positive properties are in harmony with the functions of the body, fill it with strength and promote good health. In contrast, a negative attitude towards life arises from character defects such as restlessness, feelings of fear, anxiety, pessimism, hatred, resentment, impatience, envy or anger. Any negative manifestation has a destructive effect on health. Its destructive effect affects nervous system and all over the body. We all know of cases where people have died due to fear or rage.

8. Weight control

There are two reasons why you need to monitor your weight. First - your health. Excess weight is detrimental to health. It prevents organs from performing their functions, serves as an obstacle proper breathing, walking, becomes the cause of diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. You can significantly improve your health, strengthen your strength and prolong your life by lowering your weight to normal.

The second reason to lose weight is... your appearance. If you have full figure, you cannot create the impression of a feminine, sophisticated or delicate outfit with soft fabrics, subtle colors and feminine clothing. There is nothing you can do to hide excess fatness. When you return to a normal weight, you will look many times more attractive in your feminine clothes. You will become younger and more tender, and your facial features will acquire a new vivacity. It’s worth losing extra pounds even for the sake of your own appearance.

Tips for those who want to lose excess weight:

1. Diet. Choose one of the many complete diets or use the rules that we offer. You need to eat as many fruits and vegetables and nutritious foods as possible. This will help you satisfy your appetite and stay healthy.

2. Avoid eating certain foods. Avoid eating sweets and fats. These are pies, cakes, ice cream, candies, chewing gum, soft drinks, cookies, muffins, syrups and jam. After a month or two, you will feel less of a need for sweets, or even no such desires at all. This step will not only help you lose weight, but will also significantly improve your health, preserve your teeth and prolong your life.

3.Follow right time eating. Try not to eat after 6 pm. Food eaten in the evening, when you are enjoying your rest, is absorbed best by the body. Never eat at night for the same reason. It would be wise to eat only two meals a day. This is breakfast at 10 am and lunch at 4 pm.

4. Support group. Maybe you should join a weight loss group. There you can discuss different types of healthy diet, provide each other with support and assistance.

5. Radical diet. Avoid radical diets and diet pills, as they are harmful to your health. Maybe you don’t believe in losing extra pounds or think that you are doomed to struggle with excess weight all your life, and therefore it’s not worth starting? Maybe you think you'll have to starve for the rest of your life to stay slim? No, that's not true. Let this thought inspire you: when you finally reach your normal weight and feel great, losing those extra pounds will make it much easier to control your weight further. Your appetite will also return to normal, or at least it will be much easier for you to manage. You will reach a point where this problem will no longer be painful and insoluble.

Once you reach a healthy weight, get into the habit of weighing yourself once a day or at least twice a week. If during this time you gain at least half a kilo, go on a diet to stay slim for the rest of your life.

9. Deal with internal problems

If you eat right and follow the health principles we just talked about, many internal problems will resolve themselves. If you feed your body with nourishing and nutritious food and give it sufficient physical activity, then it will work for its own health. If some internal problems do not disappear after a significant period of implementation of a strict health program (for example, diseases of the blood, tonsils, internal organs and chronic infections), contact good specialists. Most of these problems can be resolved with a careful and correct attitude to nutrition.

Healthy looking

Cleanliness, freshness and health attract men. But what can you do to look like this? Here are some tips for this.

1. Health. To look healthy, you need to be healthy. Health will color your cheeks with freshness, give clarity to your eyes, shine to your hair, clean skin and liveliness to your facial features.