What is classical therapeutic massage for adults and children? Therapeutic massage


General massage is one of the safest and effective ways treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Pleasant relaxing procedure helps to dissipate tension throughout the body, get rid of muscle blocks, improve blood and lymph circulation.

Just a few sessions conducted experienced craftsman, can provide an excellent tonic effect, improve the condition of the nervous system and forget about chronic pain.

During the procedure The master works on the patient’s entire body, starting from the top of the head and ending with the fingers and toes.

As a result all muscles and the musculoskeletal system are toned, synovial fluid is formed more actively, metabolism is activated and decay products leave the body faster.

An additional bonus The procedure results in improved functioning of the nervous system (normalization of sleep, relief from chronic fatigue syndrome and depressive conditions).

The procedure also affects appearance patient: the condition of the skin improves, and as a result of improved metabolism, weight decreases. Upon recovery after injuries, treatment of osteochondrosis and back pain, general massage has a significant therapeutic effect.

And for diseases of the heart, blood vessels, respiratory system and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system, the procedure is often included in a comprehensive treatment program.

Conditions for massage

Effect of the procedure
The higher the patient can relax, the higher it will be. It is optimal if the massage is carried out in a warm, spacious room on a special transforming table.

Preferably so that before the procedure the patient takes a warm shower, and the massage is performed on the naked body.

To make the session even more enjoyable, use a special massage oil or cream. If the procedure is relaxing, it is acceptable to use essential oils with a relaxing effect on nervous system.

In particular, lavender, mint, rose, chamomile, patchouli, and lemon balm oils are suitable. If indicated, they can be used during massage. medicinal ointments.

Rules for classical body massage

Massages during the procedure whole body:

  • head;
  • back (including the collar area, thoracic and lumbar regions);
  • legs (back and front surface, buttocks);
  • stomach;
  • chest area;
  • hands.

The procedure involves exposure to strictly defined sequence:

  1. Back massage in the direction from the sacrum to the neck and along the side surfaces of the body to the armpits.
  2. Massage the forearms towards the armpits, and the neck from the hairline to the areas under the collarbones.
  3. Massage the lower back and upper segments of the buttocks towards the lymph nodes in the groin.
  4. Massage back surface legs (from the feet to the knees, as well as from the knees to the groin) and the lower part of the buttocks.
  5. After this, the client lies on his back and the abdominal area, front surface of the legs and chest and arms are massaged. All movements are performed in the direction of the armpits and inguinal cavities.

First of all areas of the body are worked out larger area, then smaller ones. When massaging the rectus muscles, movements occur from top to bottom, while work with the oblique muscles occurs from bottom to top.

Attention! With a general classic massage, a head massage is performed at the very beginning or at the end of the procedure.

The massage therapist determines how much attention to pay to each part of the body individually, taking into account the needs of a particular person. However, in any case, during the procedure the whole body should be worked out, and the right and left parts should be massaged in the same volume.

The patient should be alerted severe pain during or after a session, the appearance of bruises, lack of massage of certain parts of the body (including feet, palms, head).

Duration of the procedure and the number of sessions are determined individually for each patient depending on his weight, the purpose of the massage, and the presence of diseases. On average, the procedure lasts from 45 to 120 minutes, the course includes 10-15 sessions.

Average price one general session classic massage depends on the specific settlement and tariffs of the medical institution. For Moscow it is about 1.7 thousand rubles. For general strengthening and preventive purposes, it is recommended to undergo a course of massages 1-4 times a year.

Since ancient times, medicine has used a method of healing, elevating mood and calming the nervous system, such as massage. Massage is enough effective remedy for stimulation vitality body, to give muscles elasticity and flexibility to the body. No wonder everyone and the participants of the ancient Olympic Games Before the start of the competition, I took a massage course. The bodies of ancient athletes were rubbed by specially trained people who used sand and various types oils It was believed that exposure to sand and oil gave athletes special ease of movement and incredible muscle endurance. Be that as it may, massage has not lost its relevance today.

General information

Classic therapeutic massage is a set of special procedures that are used to quickly restore specific functions of organs and systems human body. There are quite a lot different types massage, and each of them is designed to influence some problem area. Classic therapeutic massage guaranteed to help with back pain of various etiologies, with problems with musculoskeletal system. In addition, therapeutic massage can restore the natural mobility of joints, enhance the regenerative properties of tissues and lead to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body. Many of us, faced with various diseases and injuries, come to the decision to treat not with medications, but through classic therapeutic massage . Valid for some diseases the best remedy You won't find anything better than a massage!

The benefits of classical therapeutic massage

Classic massage is guaranteed to have the following positive effects on the body:

In addition to what is described above, attention should be paid to the fact that therapeutic massage has a pronounced restorative and restorative effect. The healing process under the influence of massage procedures is accelerated significantly. Therefore, a person in as soon as possible is able to enter into his usual mode of life. Classic therapeutic massage necessary for everyone even healthy people. A person receives only positive emotions from a classic massage, and, in addition, a tonic effect. Procedures and manipulations carried out by experienced massage therapists in specialized institutions improve the passage of signals along the nerves, while lost reflexes are restored, the body becomes more flexible and resilient.

Types of classical therapeutic massage

Classic therapeutic massage can be roughly divided into five main types.

  • 1. General massage. General therapeutic massage is, in essence, a classic therapeutic massage. It is carried out as close as possible to the affected area or directly above the diseased area of ​​the body. During classical therapeutic massage, the muscle strength of specially trained people is used or special hardware or mechanical means are used. This is necessary to achieve a deeper effect on tissues and nerves. Through general therapeutic massage, a reflex effect is exerted on the entire body. However, general massage is successfully combined with all other types of massage and with another type of treatment: surgical or medicinal.
  • 2. Acupressure. When carrying out acupressure, an impact occurs on certain, biologically active points on the human body, which are reflexively associated with diseased organs or systems. Acupressure is effective for migraines and frequent colds.
  • 3. Reflex massage. This is a method of long-term impact on the reflexogenic zones of the body, which are associated nerve endings with specific areas of the epithelial cover.
  • 4. Connective tissue massage. This type of massage is aimed at specific effects on specific (connective) tissues. It is often used to treat internal organs, although it is intended to restore joint function.
  • 5. Hardware massage. Hardware massage includes manipulations carried out using various vibration massagers, hydromassage units, air massage units, ionizers, vacuum massage units and ultrasonic massagers. As you can see, each type of massage has its own characteristics. And you need to be a professional to thoroughly know about all their advantages and features.

Actually, classical therapeutic massage can include any type that can have a healing or therapeutic effect on the body. In addition to those described above, there is another rather rare type of massage - periosteal massage. It is not used often, and it is very similar to acupressure. But with such a massage, the phalanges of the fingers act only on bones that are not covered with a large layer of muscle tissue. Periosteal massage is used purposefully as an anesthetic. This type of massage restores blood circulation in the periosteum.

Contraindications for therapeutic massage

If there is such a quantity positive qualities classical therapeutic massage, although it is successfully combined with other traditional (medicinal and surgical) methods of treatment, it also has some contraindications. The most common contraindications to the use of massage are:

Benefits of massage

The benefits of massage treatments are undeniable. Therapeutic massage has existed for many millennia, and its effectiveness has been proven repeatedly. You just need to remember that a person is a single integral system, and influencing certain points, affects the entire body. And the main thing here is not to harm your health. Therefore, it would be most correct if massage procedures are carried out by a specialist. Today there are many possibilities for this.

In our medical center specialized offices have been opened in which professionals with higher education who have extensive experience in carrying out similar procedures. Not worth the risk own health, trusting it in the hands of a self-taught man.

Let qualified professionals demonstrate their skills! Then you will be able to experience the truly unique power of massage!

One of the most popular and ancient types of massages is therapeutic classic look massage. Daily life V modern world often presents a person with stressful situations, due to which the normal activity of the human body or its individual systems is disrupted. Frequent stress on the musculoskeletal system causes no less harm to human health. By using this therapeutic type of massage as a preventative measure, you can relieve fatigue, gain confidence in your strength, increase your performance and thereby reduce the risk of disease.

Sequence of actions during a general classical therapeutic massage.

In this procedure, the back is first massaged, then the shoulder girdle and neck are massaged, then gradually the masseur begins to massage the lower back and upper part of the buttocks. After this, the back of the legs and lower buttocks are massaged. At the next stage, the patient lies on his back and his stomach, legs and chest. The last step in this procedure is massaging the front and back surfaces of the arms.

During the procedure of general therapeutic massage of the back and other parts of the body, the massage therapist performs a sequence of movements. First, the back is stroked, then kneading, rubbing, vibration, patting and squeezing. The same happens to other parts of the body, starting from the back and ending with the arms. Some techniques are repeated 4-5 times.

General massage has a very good effect on the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs of a person. It is used for problems with the patient’s musculoskeletal system, digestive disorders and disorders in the nervous system. Therapeutic classic massage of the whole body can speed up recovery processes after injuries and after mental or physical fatigue. If you want to get the most beneficial effect from a back massage, then you need to undergo it in courses of 10-15 sessions 3 times a year.

Indications and contraindications for massage procedures.

General massage is allowed to be used after bruises and sprains, during treatment of the back or lower back, for hypertension and minor heart problems, for gastritis. By receiving a general massage, the patient’s blood and lymphatic fluid circulation improves, joints, muscles and tendons become more elastic, and the body begins to remove toxins more intensively. In the vast majority of patients, the nervous and immune systems stabilize.

*You cannot perform a general classical massage for colds, high temperature, for blood diseases, tumors and thrombosis.

Today, more and more often, doctors began to prescribe this to their patients. effective method treatments like massage. Thanks to it, it is possible not only to eliminate painful and unpleasant sensations, but also to prevent the development of pathology. There are many types of massages. Each of them has its own positive effect on the body. Often in medical practice they use the classical technique, which has already gained popularity among the population.

When performing a massage, all muscles and tissues are involved in the process. During therapy, skin and muscle receptors transmit a signal to the central nervous system. The flow of impulses helps to increase the tone of the nervous system or have a relaxing effect. It's a matter of the methodology used. Such changes have a positive effect on the performance of vital systems. During the massage, the specialist uses aromatic oils. They contain large number active substances of natural origin. They are the ones who allow you to achieve the desired effect.

The benefits of classical massage are as follows:

  • the stratum corneum is removed;
  • a normal level of epidermal moisture is achieved;
  • the skin becomes young;
  • the movement of lymph is stimulated, metabolism is accelerated, as a result of which toxins and wastes leave the body;
  • the feeling of tension in muscle structures goes away;
  • the tone of the vascular walls increases;
  • functionality returns;
  • the activity of the nervous system returns to normal;
  • it is possible to regulate the performance of internal organs;
  • efficiency increases;
  • pain goes away;
  • tissue regeneration accelerates after injuries and increased physical activity.

The video shows a description of a classic back massage:

Goals and objectives

Each organ and system of the human body works according to its own well-oiled mechanism. In case of violations, various techniques are used. One of which is classic massage. How does this treatment option affect? The fact is that the effect obtained during the session immediately comes into contact with the nervous system. When performing massaging movements, active production of tissue hormones occurs. They take part in the transmission of nerve impulses to the central nervous system, help move blood, tissue fluid, and restore processes.

The nervous system can be in a state of either increased or decreased excitability. The technique of classical massage shows a significant effect on the excitability of the nervous system, promotes the emergence of responses from the various systems human body.

A full course of classical massage allows you to remove keratinized tissue of the skin epithelium from the skin. Instead, young cells from the rough layers of skin move here. Positive influence Classic massage cannot bypass capillaries and blood vessels. During the session they will expand and begin to work actively. This helps to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​the body that is amenable to massage. They are described in the link.

The video describes the procedure for a classic full body massage:

Classic massage is very useful for improving external respiration in people. Massage also increases the saturation of venous blood with oxygen. Mainly, this therapy has a restorative effect on tired muscles and improves their functioning. Under the influence of massage techniques, muscle tone in athletes improves.

Massage performed using classical technology has a healing effect on joints, ligaments and muscles. This is due to warming of the treated area, increased blood circulation, and active production of synovial fluid. The result of therapy will be protein, mineral and gas exchange.

Only an experienced and experienced person can perform a massage according to the classical scheme. qualified specialist. He must know the structure of each joint.

How is it different from other types of massage?

In the ranking of the most effective massages include classic and therapeutic. At first glance it may seem that there are no special differences between them, but not everything is so simple.
If you want to perform a massage for the purpose of prevention from various ailments, then you should turn your attention to the classic one. It is actively used for health purposes, to improve overall well-being.

If we talk about the positive effect on the body, then classical massage is no different from therapeutic massage. They both have a relaxing effect on muscles, improve the movement of lymph in tissues, stimulate the functioning of internal organs, have a rejuvenating effect, and give the body vigor.

Despite the large number of similarities, therapeutic massage involves treating only problem areas. It is advisable to use it only in case of an existing problem. In other words, therapeutic massage is a type of therapy that eliminates the painful and unpleasant symptoms of an illness and the cause of its formation. Classic massage has a restorative effect, that is, it helps prevent the occurrence of illness. Ointments, balms, and oils can be used here.

Another equally effective massage is considered to be sports massage. Its goal is to prepare the athlete for excessive physical activity and overcome greater fatigue after training. In addition, this type of massage allows you to:

  • overcome pain, heat and bleeding;
  • eliminate fatigue;
  • forget about muscle tension;
  • heal injuries.

What is the difference between sports massage and classical massage? It's all in the application. Classic, as mentioned above, is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes, as well as for recreation. As for sports, it has only one goal - to prepare the athlete or reduce stress after training. The next difference between massages is the course and mood for specific areas of the body. The most significant difference is the intensity of the activities. Classically, massage is a pleasant procedure, but sports massage can even bring tears to the eyes of athletes. And the last difference involves the use of aromatic oils for classical technique performance, which is unacceptable in sports.

Massage movements

This type of massage involves the following techniques:

  • stroking;
  • trituration;
  • kneading;
  • shaking.


The first movement is stroking, during which it is possible to relax the body. Special attention in this case, they focus on unhealthy areas of the body. The masseur performs sliding and smooth movements with his hands. Stroking not only opens the session, but also ends it. This element is considered very important when performing massage on children and adults. It’s not for nothing that little children are prescribed light strokes every day from the first day of life. Thus, it is possible to form a full-fledged muscular system, make breathing smooth, and blood circulation complete.


The specialist will use this technique already in the middle of the session. The technique of “shifting” the skin is used. The massage therapist places the hands with an edge or palm and treats the required area. Afterwards, the process involves progressive manipulations with both hands in one direction and the other. Rubbing is very useful for small children aged 3-4 months. But here you will have to make circular movements more softly and use your fingertips.


This technique is characterized by the use of pulling, squeezing, squeezing, and lifting of tissue. All movements must be clear and fast. Kneading is necessary to activate the work of muscle tissue. For the patient, this technique is relaxing, since the muscle tissue should only feel the touch. Kneading is also recommended for children from the first year of life. But all movements should not be fast and abrupt.


This technique includes oscillatory movements. During their implementation, the massage therapist grabs the muscle with his fingertips. If vibration is performed for children, it should be presented in the form of gentle pressure.
The duration of one classic massage session will be 60-80 minutes. Each of the presented elements must be performed at least 5 times. For those who went for a massage for the first time, all actions should not be long. The reason is that the skin must adapt to such a warm-up. If this is not followed, the patient may experience discomfort and pain. You can watch a video of a general classic full body massage. you will find a video with the technique of performing a classic back massage.

The video shows the goals and objectives of classical massage:


The price of a classic massage is determined taking into account the type of manipulation, its duration and the area being treated:

  1. A general massage lasting 1.5 hours will cost you 1,500 rubles.
  2. To massage your back for 20-30 minutes you will need 1000 rubles.
  3. A massage of the head and neck-collar area lasting 20-30 minutes will cost 600 rubles.
  4. A massage of the arms and neck-collar area lasting 30-40 minutes costs 900 rubles.
  5. Massaging the lumbosacral area and legs for 30-45 minutes costs 900 rubles.

Therapeutic massage is the effect on the body of rubbing, kneading and vibration techniques using the hands of a specialist, special devices (massagers, brushes), water or water-air jet.

A course of therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis and other pathological changes in the musculoskeletal system may be the only way to restore the health of the spine.

An excellent disease prevention course is a course of special therapeutic massage for infants. This promotes correct physical development child and alleviates the problems of infants’ adaptation to the world around them - improves sleep, calms the nervous system, and teaches the baby to feel his body.

It is difficult to overestimate the role of massage in combating the consequences of injuries, as well as nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue syndrome.

In what cases will the use of therapeutic classical massage be beneficial, and when is it better to refuse it? How does massage affect various organs and systems?

Purpose and contraindications of therapeutic massage

Massage is most often an additional therapy in the primary treatment of many diseases. However, it is important to remember that a number of diseases are incompatible with the classic form of this manipulation (and possibly with other types of it - acupressure, oil, stone massage).

A massage course will help in the fight against diseases:

  1. osteochondrosis;
  2. chronic arthritis;
  3. radiculitis;
  4. hypertension;
  5. low blood pressure;
  6. decreased intestinal tone;
  7. chronic gastritis with low acidity;
  8. bronchitis;
  9. pneumonia;
  10. bronchial asthma;
  11. paralysis of limbs;
  12. impaired capillary circulation;
  13. poorly healing fractures;
  14. muscle and tendon injuries.

Contraindications include any acute conditions of the diseases listed above, acute myocardial infarction, inflammatory processes on the skin, open or festering wounds.

Contraindications to therapeutic massage:

  1. elevated body temperature (above 37.5°C);
  2. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  3. viral colds, acute respiratory infections;
  4. fungal skin infections;
  5. tumors of any quality;
  6. blood diseases;
  7. critical days with heavy bleeding;
  8. pregnancy with a threat of failure;
  9. autoimmune diseases;
  10. acute allergic reactions (aggressive rash, difficulty breathing);
  11. sclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Therapeutic massage for back pain

Therapeutic back massage improves blood circulation, relaxes muscles and gradually restores the natural position of the spine, even with severe curvature.

The position of the spine determines the functioning of the internal organs and muscle frame. Thus, the cervical spine is responsible for cerebral circulation and movement. facial muscles. Thoracic - for the work of the heart, lungs, upper respiratory tract and mobility of the shoulders and arms. Lumbar - for the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and glands, body movements. Sacral section affects the internal genital organs, rectum and provides balance when walking and sitting.

Thus, working out the entire back or spine by department directly affects the quality of life, the ability to move, sit and lie without pain, and also indirectly affects the condition of vital internal organs.

Classic massage can be done daily, alternating areas of impact on the back, or 2-3 times a week, if you focus on one part of the spine, for example, the cervical.

Frequent complaints of headaches, general weakness, characteristic pain and burning in the neck and between the shoulder blades indicate cervical osteochondrosis. The reason for the development of this particular type of osteochondrosis, unlike the pathology of other parts of the spine, is not due to injuries or heavy lifting. The cervical region suffers from poor posture, stooping, sedentary work, muscle tension and compression nerve fibers in one position.

A course of therapeutic massage for cervical osteochondrosis brings tangible results from the first week - an experienced massage therapist will restore imbalanced muscle tension, restore mobility and elasticity to the vertebrae, and relieve neck pain. To eliminate the consequences of osteochondrosis cervical spine 20–25 sessions may be required, and in the future, repeated courses 1–2 times a year.

Massage to improve blood circulation

The characteristic technique of classical massage allows you to achieve better blood and lymph flow in muscle tissue. This happens thanks to special movements of the massage therapist’s hands - techniques that are divided into stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibration. Moreover, each of these techniques can be either deep, with a lot of force, or superficial, soft.

Regular massage stimulates the tissues and has a warming effect. With its help you can achieve positive results to reduce inflammatory processes, congestion, strengthen muscles, tone the skin.

Therapeutic, performed by a professional or independently, smooths out deep wrinkles and tightens sagging tissues.

The tone of the facial muscles can be significantly increased by shallow sliding movements, stroking and vibration along massage lines:

  1. on the forehead - from the bridge of the nose up to the hairline;
  2. on the cheeks - from the nasolabial folds with upward movements to the temples;
  3. on the chin - from the center with upward movements to the place behind the ears;
  4. on the neck - up from the collarbone to the chin.

Massage perfectly helps in the fight against inflammatory processes genital area, both male and female. There is a technique for women and prostate massage for men. In both cases, it is quite difficult to perform the movements on your own, so it is better to contact a specialist.

Therapeutic massage of the prostate helps in cases where antibiotics do not penetrate well into the gland due to its swelling. Massaging is carried out through the rectum for 1–2 minutes with light movements in the shape of a figure eight. Usually 10 sessions are enough to improve the patient's condition with acute prostatitis, and further treatment becomes much more effective.

Any type of therapeutic massage, despite its apparent simplicity, is very in an effective way stimulation of the vital forces of the body. Before taking a treatment course, you should consult your doctor to identify possible contraindications.

If you suspect a pathology of the spine, you need to take an x-ray - this will help the specialist choose the appropriate movement technique and avoid exacerbation of pain.