What does a housing inspection do? What issues does the housing inspection solve?


State housing inspection(GZHI) is a Russian executive body whose responsibility is to control the country’s housing stock. In each subject of the federation there is a local council, acting in accordance with the constitution of the country.

GZHI monitors compliance with housing legislation, as well as the implementation of laws on energy saving and modernization. The housing inspectorate also oversees compliance with the requirements for the use and preservation of the housing stock, and the rules for the formation of capital repair funds. Moreover, representatives of the organization can check a fairly wide range of organizations for legality. The housing inspection can also hold citizens accountable.

The housing inspectorate must monitor the legality of the creation of management companies, homeowners' associations and housing cooperatives. Supervises the provision utilities and charging for them. Verifies that utility users are provided with all necessary information.

At the same time, what is important, GZHI does not have the right to interfere and conduct inspections of the financial and economic activities of management companies, homeowners' associations, housing cooperatives.

Reasons for complaints

You can contact the housing inspection for the following reasons:

Violation of rules for maintenance and repair, standards for providing utilities. The list of violations may include a wide variety of reasons - from a broken light bulb in the entrance, to mold on the walls and a non-working elevator. You can complain to the inspection about insufficient temperature of hot water, heating, damaged railings and the fact that the entrance is not washed or cleaned, and for other reasons - if the management company or the HOA does not want to solve all these problems;

Installation of utility metering devices;

Determining the amount and payment for utility services (if you think that the tariff is unreasonably inflated or the payment was calculated incorrectly);

Concluding contracts for the provision of utility services;

Providing the management company, homeowners association or housing cooperative with the necessary information to consumers;

Improper use and maintenance of residential premises;

Issues of management of apartment buildings.

Who can you complain about?

You can complain to the housing inspection about management organizations, homeowners' associations and other legal entities that provide management services for apartment buildings and provide utilities.


If violations are identified during the inspection, the housing inspectorate issues an order to eliminate them. If an administrative violation is detected, a protocol is drawn up and measures are taken to eliminate the violations. In case of failure to comply with the instructions, the violator faces serious fines and even professional disqualification. The punishment may also be criminal. At the very least, the inspector can forward the materials to law enforcement agencies to initiate criminal proceedings. The inspector can also go to court to protect the rights of owners and tenants of premises in apartment buildings.

Licensing of management companies

A licensing commission is created on the basis of the housing inspection. She takes exams for heads of management organizations. At the same time, they are checked lore. Then the management company is checked for compliance with licensing requirements. If everything turns out to be in order, the organization is issued a license. The housing inspectorate must monitor the quality of management of apartment buildings. For violations, the house can be excluded from the register of licenses, that is, taken away from an unscrupulous management organization. If the number of excluded buildings increases, then the management company is deprived of its license to manage apartment buildings.


on the state housing inspection of the city of Moscow

(as amended December 18, 2001, August 19, 2003)

1. General provisions

1.1. The State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as Moszhilinspektsiya) is a functional body of the executive power of the city of Moscow for state control over the procedure for the intended use and technical operation of housing.

1.2. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate in its activities is guided byConstitution Russian Federation, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, other regulatory legal acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow, as well as these Regulations.

1.3. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is part of the Municipal Services Complex of the Moscow Government as an independent body. The activities of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate are coordinated by the First Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government, who heads the Municipal Services Complex of the Moscow Government.

1.4. Moszhilinspektsiya carries out its activities in cooperation with the Main State Housing Inspectorate in the Russian Federation, the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the City of Moscow, the Department of Fuel and Energy Economy of the City of Moscow and other executive authorities of the city of Moscow and local government bodies, inspection bodies, as well as public associations and citizens.

1.5. Employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate holding government positions civil service of the city of Moscow are civil servants of the city of Moscow, they are subject to guarantees of legal and social protection of civil servants of the civil service of the city of Moscow, established federal laws and the laws of the city of Moscow on public service.

1.6. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is a legal entity, has forms and a seal with its name and the image of the coat of arms of Moscow, stamps, an independent balance sheet, separate property, bank accounts and treasury authorities.

1.7. The full name of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is the State Housing Inspectorate of the City of Moscow. Short name - Moszhilinspektsiya.

1.8. The legal address of the Moscow Housing Inspection is 129090, Moscow, Mira Avenue, 19.

2. Tasks and functions

2.1. The main task of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is to implement the policy of the Moscow Government on state control over the implementation of legislative and regulatory acts in the field of technical operation of residential buildings and premises, engineering equipment and networks, the targeted use of the housing stock, as well as ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the provision of housing and utilities and timely and high-quality consideration of their requests and complaints.

2.2. In accordance with its assigned tasks, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate performs the following functions:

2.2.1. Controls:

Compliance with the procedure for the use, maintenance, operation and repair of residential buildings, premises in them, individual residential premises, engineering equipment and networks, as well as adjacent areas; the procedure for providing housing and communal services; compliance with the operating modes of utility networks and other equipment;

Compliance with the procedure for acceptance into operation (newly built and repaired) of intra-house gas supply systems, chimneys and ventilation in gasified residential buildings and premises in them, in individual residential premises, as well as during gas-hazardous work;

Compliance with the procedure and rules for recognizing residential buildings and premises as unsuitable for permanent residence and transferring them to non-residential;

Providing housing and communal services for the population.

2.2.2. Organizes a survey of the technical condition of residential buildings, develops an automated information and analytical system for monitoring the technical condition of the housing stock of Moscow and provides the Moscow Government and other authorities with analytical information on the results of the survey and proposals for ensuring the safety of residential buildings.

2.2.3. Organizes and conducts diagnostics of structures and engineering equipment of residential buildings (including gas) using instrumental methods for monitoring their technical condition.

2.2.4. Organizes the work of technological transport and a base of mobile laboratories to perform the main functions of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

2.2.5. Summarizes and analyzes the results of inspections of the quality of technical operation and prepares, on their basis, proposals to the Moscow Government on the volume and priority of repair work in the housing stock.

2.2.6. Provides control over implementation decisions made and instructions to eliminate identified violations, applies administrative sanctions in accordance with the powers granted.

2.2.7. Summarizes and analyzes data based on the results of inspection surveys, issued orders, administrative sanctions using modern information technologies.

2.2.8. Participates in the development of draft laws of the city of Moscow and other regulatory legal acts in the field of use and technical operation of housing.

2.2.9. Explains the policy of the Moscow Government in the field of technical operation of housing and communal services, ensuring transparency in the work of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, cooperation with the media (print, radio, television).

2.2.10. Considers submitted for approval: applications for reconstruction (redevelopment and re-equipment) of residential buildings and residential premises; design and estimate documentation for installation of gas equipment in residential buildings, premises in them, and individual residential premises.

2.2.11. Checks gas equipment and devices used in indoor gas supply systems for compliance with the norms and regulations in force in the gas industry, as well as the availability of certificates of conformity for such devices.

2.2.12. Provides accounting and control of organizations and entrepreneurs without education legal entity carrying out design, installation, maintenance and repair of intra-house gas supply systems, chimneys and ventilation, as well as training and certification of relevant specialists.

2.2.13. Considers appeals and complaints from citizens within the established time frame and takes the necessary measures to resolve and implement them.

2.2.14. Ensures the activities of the City Housing and Conflict Commission.

3. Authority

To perform the assigned functions, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is vested with the following powers:

3.1. In cases established by law, and in the manner prescribed by it, freely inspect residential buildings, premises in them, individual residential premises, and related housing and communal services facilities in accordance with the tasks provided for by these Regulations.

3.2. In cases established by law, request and receive from persons providing the use and technical operation of controlled facilities, technical documents, contracts, agreements, written and oral explanations, statutory documents and other information necessary to perform control and analytical work.

3.3. Request and receive from executive authorities and local governments the information necessary to conduct inspections.

3.4. Involve, on a contractual basis, qualified specialists and experts from other organizations in the inspection of the technical condition of residential buildings and housing and communal services facilities, the examination of technical documentation and the preparation of legislative and regulatory acts and proposals.

3.5. In cases established by law, issue mandatory orders to organizations, entrepreneurs without the formation of a legal entity, officials and persons equal to them by law, as well as citizens to eliminate violations.

3.6. Make and execute decisions on the application, in accordance with the procedure established by law, of financial sanctions and the collection of fines for violations of the procedure for the use and technical operation of housing and related housing and communal services facilities identified as a result of inspections.

3.7. Represent, in the prescribed manner, on your own behalf, the interests of the city of Moscow in courts, arbitration courts, government bodies, and other organizations.

3.8. Seek assistance from internal affairs officers; request expert opinions in order to ensure control over the implementation of measures prescribed by officials of public authorities of the city of Moscow, as well as in order to assess the nature and circumstances of the offense committed.

3.9. Participate in resolving issues regarding the unsuitability of houses and premises for habitation.

3.10. Participate in investigations of accidents and other incidents with gas equipment and appliances installed in gasified residential buildings and premises.

3.11. Extend the deadline for fulfilling the order in accordance with the established procedure.

3.12. Provide explanations on the procedure for carrying out inspections of controlled objects in the city of Moscow, providing housing and communal services, as well as approve the forms of official documents necessary for its implementation.

3.13. Submit, in accordance with the established procedure, to the Moscow Government and the Mayor of Moscow proposals for the repeal of regulatory legal acts and other decisions of executive authorities of the city of Moscow that contradict current legislation.

3.14. Within the limits of its competence, carry out educational, consulting and methodological work aimed at the prevention and prevention of crime.

3.15. Conclude agreements for the provision of consulting services and examination on the technical operation of housing, utility networks and other equipment for housing and communal services.

3.16. Act in accordance with the established procedure as the founder of technical, expert and training centers, as well as other services for the provision of consulting and technical services for the inspection of residential buildings, premises in them, individual residential premises, utility networks and other equipment.

3.17. Carry out interregional and international cooperation in the field of operation and management of housing.

3.18. Exercise, within the limits of their competence, other powers established by federal laws and laws of the city of Moscow, legal acts of the Moscow Mayor and the Moscow Government.

4. Structure, management of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate

4.1. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate includes housing inspections for administrative districts, specialized inspections, departments for the implementation of city programs and projects, a scientific and methodological unit, a base of mobile laboratories, operating on the basis of regulations approved by the head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

Operates under the Moscow Housing InspectorateCity Housing and Conflict Commission , which considers controversial issues regarding the application of penalties, deadlines for eliminating identified violations of current technical standards for the use, maintenance and operation of the housing stock.

4.2. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is headed by the Chief State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow, who is appointed and dismissed by the Moscow Government in agreement with the Main State Housing Inspectorate in the Russian Federation.

The head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate has deputies, whose appointment and dismissal are made by the Moscow Government on the recommendation of the head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

The heads of housing inspections of administrative districts are appointed to the position by the head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate in agreement with the prefects of the administrative districts.

4.3. Employees of the Moscow Housing Inspection holding government positions in the Moscow civil service are civil servants of the city of Moscow and are subject to civil service legislationAnd labor legislation with the features provided for by the legislation on civil service; they enjoy the right to wear uniforms.

4.4. To perform certain functions, employment contracts may be concluded with other employees who are not civil servants of the city of Moscow.

4.5. Head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate:

4.5.1. Exercises rights and fulfills duties arising from the tasks facing the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

4.5.2. Manages the activities of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate on the basis of unity of command, is responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate and compliance with the norms of current legislation.

4.5.3. Organizes the work of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, selection and placement of personnel, makes decisions on the promotion and disciplinary liability of Moscow Housing Inspectorate employees.

4.5.4. Disposes in the prescribed manner in cash and property assigned to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

4.5.5. Issues orders and instructions within its competence.

4.5.6. Approves job descriptions for employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

4.5.7. Approves the regulations of the structural divisions of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate.

4.5.8. Represents the Moscow Housing Inspectorate without a power of attorney in all state, judicial bodies, other institutions, organizations and enterprises, concludes agreements in the prescribed manner, issues powers of attorney.

4.5.9. Approves the structure and staffing table The Moscow Housing Inspectorate, within the established wage fund, establishes bonuses to official salaries, approves the Regulations on material incentives for Moscow Housing Inspectorate employees, the procedure for making and wearing uniforms.

4.5.10. In accordance with the procedure established by law, resolves issues related to public service in the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, including: the formation of a personnel reserve, selection, placement, retraining and advanced training of personnel, certification, assignment of class ranks.

4.5.11. Cancels illegal and unfounded decisions of subordinate officials.

4.5.12. Exercises other powers in accordance with regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and the city of Moscow.

4.6. The recruitment of specialists to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is carried out in accordance with current legislation. The specific responsibilities of specialists are established by job descriptions.

4.7. Officials authorized to carry out control:

4.7.1. Deputy heads of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, heads of inspection structural units, and employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, in accordance with their official responsibilities, are inspectors of the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow.

4.7.2. An inspector of the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow is an authorized official who, by order of the head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, has the right to carry out inspection control within the framework provided for by these Regulations, issue mandatory orders and draw up protocols on administrative violations. The head of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate receives the powers of the Chief State Housing Inspector of Moscow ex officio.

4.7.3. An inspector of the State Housing Inspectorate of the city of Moscow, when performing official duties provided for by these Regulations, has the right, in the manner prescribed by law:

Inspect controlled objects;

Fill out a notification to the state control body with a list necessary documents, which in mandatory within the prescribed period must be submitted to the state control body for inspection;

Give binding instructions;

Draw up protocols on administrative violations;

Contact law enforcement agencies for assistance in conducting an inspection.

4.8. The actions and decisions of officials of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate in the performance of their official duties may be appealed to the management of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate, to higher authorities or in court.

5. Property and financing

5.1. To carry out the tasks and functions provided for by these Regulations, the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is provided with the necessary premises, communications, technological transport, technical means for diagnosing and monitoring the condition of structures and engineering equipment, and other material and technical resources that ensure the implementation of the tasks being performed.

5.2. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate is financed from the budget of the city of Moscow under the section “Public Administration and Local Self-Government” and other permitted sources.

5.3. The property of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is owned by the city of Moscow and is assigned to the Moscow Housing Inspectorate with the right of operational management.

5.4. The Moscow Housing Inspectorate owns and uses property belonging to it in the manner established Civil Code Russian Federation, legal acts of the city of Moscow.

6. Change of Regulations, reorganization and liquidation of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate

6.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are made by decree of the Moscow Government in the prescribed manner.

6.2. Termination of the activities of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is carried out in the form of liquidation or reorganization by decree of the Moscow Government in agreement with the Main State Housing Inspectorate of the Russian Federation.

6.3. When the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is reorganized, all its documents are transferred to the legal successor.

6.4. When the Moscow Housing Inspectorate is liquidated, its archives in an orderly state are transferred to the Moscow City Association of Archives in the prescribed manner.