What documents are needed for the antenatal clinic? First visit to the antenatal clinic


It is best to register with the antenatal clinic before 12 weeks. In this way, management of your pregnancy will be more complete. You will undergo the first tests and ultrasound earlier; in case of complications, they can be identified earlier. In addition, women who are registered with early dates(just up to 12 weeks) they pay a lump sum benefit. Although it’s tiny - about 500 rubles, it won’t be superfluous. In any case, at first you won’t have to appear at the antenatal clinic often - once every 2-3 weeks.

Think about some of your first sexual experiences and you probably remember how good it feels to caress and kiss. Many of these body parts, including the neck, chest, ears and other areas, may not be affected by vertebral lesions. Many people claim that these areas become even more sensitive to stimuli than before the accident. Others claim that the sexual arousal in the genital area and ejaculation they had in the past is now projected into other erogenous areas, resulting in the same feelings of sexual pleasure.

Step 2

Typically, women are observed in the antenatal clinic to which they are registered, and your local obstetrician-gynecologist is also appointed in the same way.
However, if you are registered in one city/district, region, and live in another, then simply take a certificate from your place of actual residence and be observed at the medical institution where it is convenient for you. Moreover, you have the right to choose any medical institution of this profile in the city.
You can also choose a doctor yourself; to do this, simply write an application addressed to the head of the residential complex or any other specialized medical center.
When registering, be sure to present your passport, medical compulsory medical insurance policy and SNILS.

Remember that all senses can provide you with sexual stimulation; your eyes, nose, your ears, your hands and mouth can give you senses that you didn't pay too much attention to before the accident. Take the time to explore the possibilities these sensations offer, while remembering that sexual stimulation does not have to be physical. Reminding yourself of other sexual experiences or imaginations can be just as important to a successful sex life. However, our sexual functions are largely psychological; people are able to adapt to serious physical conditions without harming sexual appetite.

Step 3

At the first appointment, the doctor will send you for an ultrasound, and when the results are ready, the antenatal clinic will create a pregnancy history, which will be kept in the doctor’s office until the birth, and an exchange card (also known as a pregnant woman’s dispensary book), which will be kept by you. Both of these documents will contain information about all changes during pregnancy, the results of all tests and ultrasounds, and examinations by other specialists. You must have an exchange card upon admission to the maternity hospital.

You can have sex life until an accident occurs, until you convince yourself otherwise. Some people react to contractions; others sense ancestors in the lower limbs; others have high blood pressure or increased heart rate, as well as disability. Other people do not feel these physiological reactions, but experience a feeling of pleasure accompanied by intense relaxation. Whether or not you have the ability to achieve orgasm depends on your sexual experiences before the accident and how you can adapt to reactions after the accident.

Step 4

In addition to the gynecologist, you will need to visit a therapist, dentist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, register with the children's clinic at your place of residence (immediately take photocopies of your passport, policy, SNILS and a thick notebook there - the baby's future medical card).
In addition, you will have to undergo a considerable number of tests - general blood and urine tests, biochemical blood tests, tests for herpes, hepatitis B and C, HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis. You will have some tests done directly at the antenatal clinic, some in separate laboratories. Among the analyzes there are paid and free

You must remember that the success of your sex life is not measured by your ability to have an orgasm. Orgasm - pleasant experience, but having a satisfying sex life does not mean that every encounter has an orgasm. Disability affects many aspects of life, one of which may be the way we express ourselves sexually. Change does not mean giving up.

There should be no restrictions on the types of sexual activities you can do. You can do any activity that would make you happy before the accident—just find new ways to do it. Any problems such as bedding, undressing or even bedding can be solved with a little planning and exercise. You may also experience new types of sexual activity. The solution should not end too early. With time and exercise, you should be able to become a sexually active person, despite any limitations imposed by defeat.

Step 5

During the examination, the doctor will usually weigh you, measure the volume of your pelvis with a special compass, and measure the circumference of your abdomen. If necessary, he will be examined in a chair. To each appointment, be sure to bring a diaper with you (you can buy disposable ones, but it’s more economical to get a cloth one) and shoe covers (they can also be replaced with slippers).
If you are lucky, the housing complex will give you vitamins for pregnant women and folic acid several times.

Are there many people who believe this? . There are many preconceived notions about the sexuality of people with disabilities. One idea is that these people have no desire or need for sexual expression. The fact that you like apple pie, hasn't changed because you have a spinal injury, so why will your sex drive change? Unfortunately, society perpetuates the idea that sexuality is only for the young and healthy. If a person gets old or has a disability, many people believe that his or her sex life should end.

Step 6

At 30 weeks, the antenatal clinic must prescribe you sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, as well as a birth certificate consisting of 4 coupons. The 1st coupon remains at the consultation, the 2nd is taken from the maternity hospital, and the 3rd and 4th are taken to the children's clinic (to serve the child in the first and second half of life). But you will still be observed by a doctor until the birth. In addition, from this date it is quite possible to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor who will deliver you and at the same time be observed by him.

However, the truth is different; Any person, regardless of age or physical disability, should be able to have a satisfying sex life and continue to express themselves as a member of their gender throughout their lives. Another preconceived idea about people with disabilities is that they also produce children with disabilities; that an adult with a disability cannot raise a child; that the sexual activity of people with disabilities is deviant or excessive.

These myths originated in the past and are often funny and contradictory. Do you have that kind of safety before an accident? All relationships change over time. Statistics on the prevalence of divorce among people with spinal cord injury are not much different from the national average. Some people feel that their relationships become more powerful because of the disability setting - or that they deteriorate and disappear. Only you can know whether the relationship can withstand the crisis imposed by the new situation.

So, you have the first doubts about the fact that you will be able to spend your next vacation only together with your husband, because some very specific symptoms indicate that there will soon be three of you in the family. Where should you look for confirmation of your secret hopes, if not in the antenatal clinic? What awaits you there on your first visit?

Why do you need antenatal consultation?

If you could overcome other difficulties, then you should go through this. If the relationship is causing problems, new life may be the last straw. However, it would be incorrect to attribute worsening attitudes solely to disability. The building or breaking of a relationship depends on many factors; weigh all possible motives before concluding that acquiring a disability has strengthened or destroyed your relationship with your partner.

Yes, if you had no problems with fertility before the accident, you should not have any problems with it; spinal injury does not lead to infertility in women. The monthly cycle, interrupted for some time after the accident, will soon return to normal. From now on, you should have a child in the same way as before the accident.

All pregnant women should attend antenatal clinics; expectant mothers who were not seen by a doctor during pregnancy are sent for childbirth to observational departments of maternity hospitals or to specialized infectious diseases maternity hospitals.

It is definitely worth noting that a pregnant woman can register and attend the consultation that is closest to her home, or based on other reasons in her choice, but regardless of the place of permanent or temporary registration. To register with the antenatal clinic, you must provide a passport and (or) certificate of registration at the place of residence, an insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance (if any). In the future, other documents may be needed, which the expectant mother will be informed about additionally.

If you are healthy and do not have other conditions that could affect your pregnancy, a vertebral injury should not affect your ability to carry your pregnancy to term. If you are in this situation, your doctor may also give medications to stop the work without affecting the fetus. On the other hand, if the baby is sufficiently developed, that is, if the pregnancy has passed since the 32nd week, the doctor may decide to continue the birth. To prepare for any of these scenarios, be sure to discuss alternatives with your obstetrician well before birth.

When is the best time to contact an antenatal clinic?

Most often, a visit to the antenatal clinic is scheduled after the menstruation scheduled according to the individual calendar has not occurred, and a home pregnancy test has given positive result. Nevertheless, there is still some uncertainty that we really want to resolve quickly. However, it is unlikely that in such a short period of time, an obstetrician-gynecologist in a antenatal clinic can absolutely accurately confirm the fact of pregnancy, despite the examination. It is best to wait a couple of weeks, and then the doctor can actually confirm the presence of pregnancy. The optimal time for a visit is 6-9 weeks of pregnancy, i.e. approximately 2-5 weeks after the date of expected but not occurring menstruation.

Is there a periocles that a child has birth defects development due to vertebral lesions? If the vertebral injury is the result of trauma rather than an inherited genetic deformity, your disability will not adversely affect your baby's intrauterine development.

There are women and men who raised children in wheelchair. In this case, you need persistence in solving problems - in fact, it is the same persistence that you proved when the accident happened. Just as you found a solution to living in a house with many steps or doors that are too narrow, you will also find ways to take care of your child.

It is also not worth delaying the first visit to the consultation, because early diagnosis of pregnancy will allow you not only to determine the date of birth with maximum accuracy, but also to fully undergo all the necessary examinations and solve possible problems in a timely manner, and carry out preventive measures in accordance with the stage of pregnancy.

It is wise to consult the doctor who took care of your spinal injury because he or she is familiar with your medical history and can advise you about pregnancy. Additionally, consulting with one or more obstetricians before becoming pregnant can help you learn about pregnancy in the context of a vertebral injury. Consulting specialists will help you from the first steps not to rush to see a doctor.

Learn about artificial insemination procedures. There may be a sperm bank in your town where donors contribute the same way others donate blood. It's good to tell you about all the donated sperm sources available in your area. Insemination will take place two or three times a month for three to six months. If you are healthy and have regular menstrual cycles, fertilization should occur at this time.

Where does the reception begin?

Based on a conversation with a woman who came for an appointment, the obstetrician-gynecologist creates an individual record for the pregnant woman. Such cards are then laid out according to the days or weeks of the appointment of the next appearance of the pregnant woman. What information is reflected in the map?

General anamnesis

  1. Last name, first name, patronymic.
  2. Year of birth. Age expectant mother very important for the doctor, because early or late pregnancy proceeds differently.
  3. Marital status. The question of whether a woman is married or not is not a tribute to curiosity: it is important for the doctor to know the psychological state of the pregnant woman and the possibility of help at home.
  4. Bad habits, age and health status of the husband. This point should not be surprising, because the health of the child also depends on the health of the future father.
  5. The professions of the spouses and the specifics of their work. The harmful production conditions in which future parents work should be known to the doctor in order to draw the attention of the expectant mother to their possible negative impact during pregnancy.
  6. Hereditary diseases suffered in childhood and in mature age general and gynecological diseases, blood transfusions, operations (therefore, it is advisable to remember them first by talking with your parents). If there are hereditary diseases in the family, you may be prescribed a series of tests at a genetic consultation. If you have chronic diseases, the doctor will prescribe special examinations and visits to other specialists.
  7. Contact with infectious patients, travel abroad, especially to countries with a tropical climate, within the last 6 months. Some infections last a long time incubation period(the time when there are no manifestations of the disease yet, but the infection is already developing in the body), i.e. they do not appear immediately, so the doctor needs to know whether there was contact and when, in order to check and prevent complications in time, because the infection can have its detrimental effect influence not only on the baby, but also on the fetus, causing fetal malformations or termination of pregnancy.
  8. The course and outcome of previous pregnancies and births (their number, number of abortions, gestosis, miscarriage of previous pregnancies, surgical interventions during childbirth, birth injuries, the course of the postpartum period, hypoxia and malformations of the fetus and newborn, stillbirths). These data will make it possible to predict the course of this pregnancy and timely prevent this or that disease.
  9. Features of menstrual and sexual functions. A detailed anamnesis will allow the doctor to analyze the condition of the expectant mother and make a forecast regarding the well-being of this pregnancy.

General and special obstetric objective examination

If not, your doctor may recommend further investigation or referral to a specialist. What are the legal considerations of artificial insemination? . If you have not had previous fertility difficulties, you should not have problems such as vertebral lesions; it does not lead to infertility for women. The resulting child will be considered your legitimate child. The donor donor, who will remain anonymous, will not be able to make legal claims against that child, just as you will not be able to make legal claims against the donor.

In fact, you will likely be asked to sign a document accepting parental responsibility to protect both the doctor and the donor from possible legal consequences if, for example, you later decide to give up the child. Will it be difficult for me to get pregnant due to damage to the vertebrae? . You will also find that increasing weight and changing the weight of the center will make the transfer worse and affect overall mobility. You will feel general fatigue not only due to pregnancy, but also due to... excess weight.

After the survey, several more medical procedures are carried out, the data of which is entered into an individual card. This:

  1. Anthropometric data measurements (height, weight). To do this, the doctor's office has scales and a height measurement device. The ratio of height and weight will allow you to identify the features of the proportions and approximately calculate the weight that a woman can normally gain during nine months of pregnancy;
  2. Measurement blood pressure. The fact is that during pregnancy, blood pressure can increase or decrease, so it is important to know its initial indicators;
  3. Temperature measurement. It should be borne in mind that at the beginning of pregnancy the temperature may be slightly elevated - up to 37.5 ° C, this is due to the action of pregnancy hormones. A significant increase in temperature suggests the presence of some infectious disease;
  4. Determining the size of the pelvis using a special device. This is very important stage examinations. The fact is that anatomically, the bony pelvis and the soft tissues lining it are nothing more than the birth canal through which the child moves before birth. Therefore, it is very important to know whether the birth canal is narrow for the baby. This circumstance determines the possibility of childbirth through the natural birth canal;
  5. A vaginal examination of the uterus and ovaries will allow the doctor to correlate the size of the uterus with the expected (based on the date of the last menstrual period) gestational age, and will also provide an opportunity to assess the condition of the vagina, cervix and ovaries. Then, by palpating (probing) the abdomen using special obstetric techniques, the doctor determines the condition of the anterior abdominal wall (elasticity, condition of the rectus muscles, round ligaments), the size and tone of the uterus. During the examination, the doctor will also take a smear from the vagina to determine the degree of cleanliness of the vagina (usually the laboratory examines the smear for the presence of gonococci, trichomonas and Candida fungi, which cause thrush); if necessary, special tests can be taken for other sexually transmitted infections.

In addition, the doctor pays attention to appearance a pregnant woman: her physique, features of the skeletal system, mammary glands and nipples, the doctor examines the skin and visible mucous membranes.

The risk of escalation may also increase. Don't forget to lift more often wheelchair. Urinary infections, although inconvenient, should not complicate pregnancy. However, the use of common antibiotics to treat these infections may, however, have a negative impact on the child's development. For example, tetracycline can cause a child's teeth to become permanently yellow. Inform yourself if using medications to treat routine infections may have negative consequences for you or your child.

They can usually be born naturally unless there are gynecological problems that are not related to vertebral trauma. So you should be able to give birth any way you decide. Additionally, delivery may be easier and faster than usual due to the muscles becoming flaccid at the lesion. If complications arise that usually require a caesarean section - a transverse position of the baby or twins - you should not confront it so as not to jeopardize the safety of the baby.

Referrals for tests
After a general and special obstetric examination, the doctor will issue a referral for the following tests:

  1. clinical blood and urine tests;
  2. biochemical blood test;
  3. determination of blood group and Rh factor;
  4. blood test for the presence in the body of pathogens of diseases such as syphilis (Wassermann reaction - RW), hepatitis B and C and AIDS.

At the first appointment, the pregnant woman will be referred to specialists, who will need to be visited within a few days after the visit to the antenatal clinic. This is a therapist, an ophthalmologist, a dentist, an otolaryngologist, and, if necessary, an endocrinologist and other specialists (in the case where the obstetrician-gynecologist suspects the presence of any chronic diseases).

But this procedure should in no case be done automatically with justification for damage to the vertebrae. Therefore, you should carefully monitor your body's reactions and schedule weekly visits to your obstetrician from the end of the seventh month of pregnancy. In some cases, doctors may recommend hospitalization after the 31st week of pregnancy, when preterm labor is more common. However, in most cases, the onset of labor has obvious manifestations: menstrual cramps, blood stains, increased spasticity and, of course, rupture of the amniotic sac.

Survey results

Based on the results of the examination in the antenatal clinic, a special group of pregnant women is identified with an increased risk of complications for the mother and fetus. These are those women who have obstetric and gynecological diseases, for example, miscarriage of a previous pregnancy, uterine fibroids, or extragenital diseases - these include bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, heart disease. Such pregnant women are under special surveillance: they are recommended to attend antenatal clinics more often than others, depending on their condition, characteristics of the disease and other reasons.

So you need to pay special attention on the body's functions and any "messages" it is trying to send. Can hyper-reflexivity be a problem during labor and delivery? . If the level of the lesion is T-6 or higher, hyperreflexia may be caused by pressure in the abdominal cavity during childbirth. The most common signs are a sudden increase in blood pressure, sweating, chicken, headaches, warmth, nasal congestion or irregular heartbeat. The simplest treatment for hyperreflexia is to remove the negative stimulus, which in this case is the birth of the child - this cannot be done if you want to give birth naturally.

Pregnant women in this group are additionally examined on an outpatient basis or in specialized obstetric and other medical institutions. 70 days after the birth of a child, women, except those who last pregnancy or the birth was accompanied by severe complications, is removed from dispensary observation.

If you came to the antenatal clinic for the first time at 6-9 weeks of pregnancy, then your next visit will be scheduled after 3-4 weeks. Further, in the second trimester of pregnancy, you will need to visit the doctor every 2 weeks, and in the third trimester - from 28 weeks - once every 7-10 days. If complications arise during pregnancy, you will need to visit the doctor more often.