An adult is not. What makes a person an adult? Don't attach much importance to fashion


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There is an expression: “smart beyond his years.” This is what they say about people who prove by their own example that maturity is not a bonus that comes with age, but a state of soul and mind.

website has prepared a list of 8 signs that indicate that a person is psychologically older than his peers. Moreover, these rules work for people of very different biological ages. If you recognize yourself in at least half of the points, it means that those around you really have something to learn from you.

You listen more than you talk

With experience, we understand that endless and empty chatter, as a rule, does not bring any benefit either to us or to the people around us. Therefore, psychologically mature people prefer to give the opportunity to speak out to those who really need it. In addition, by listening to others, we can glean a lot of important and interesting information, which will not happen if we always speak for ourselves.

Don't attach much importance to fashion

The biggest advantage of growing up is finding harmony with yourself. When this happens, a person stops looking at the opinions of others and the artificial laws of fashion. Therefore, a “psychologically mature” person does not follow fashion all the time. Such people don’t care what clothes, books, films or gadgets are now in great demand. They choose with their hearts.

You follow the news with interest

While a teenager is fixated on himself and his inner world, an adult understands that he is a small link in a huge system of the world and his life directly depends on what is happening around him. Therefore, mature people will never neglect new important information about world events.

But at the same time you follow an “information diet”

But when trying to keep track of important things, we should not forget that the Internet is replete with useless or even unpleasant information that only clogs our minds and brings a lot of negative emotions. Taught by experience, psychologically mature people always know when to disconnect from the information flow. It won’t be difficult for them to spend at least a couple of hours without a gadget in their hands.

You don't get bored being alone with yourself

If a person cannot enjoy spending time alone, it is time to sound the alarm. After all, this means that he simply does not have enough peace of mind and he does not know how to independently cope with his thoughts and emotions. Mature people enjoy spending time alone because they know that to be alone is to be in the best company.

And you hate stereotypes

Over the years, experience comes to us, and experience is the expansion of all boundaries and the loosening of all barriers. This is why “psychologically adult” people do not recognize any stereotypes. From such people you will not hear that a woman cannot play football well, and a man cannot cook deliciously. They choose interests and hobbies for themselves in the same way - without looking at any stereotypes.

You are not a perfectionist to the core...

Over the years you realize that it is impossible to achieve absolute perfection. Therefore, as people grow up, they stop suffering from so-called perfectionism. A mature person will never torture himself in order to achieve some illusory and unprecedented heights. He knows that sometimes it's damn necessary to give yourself a break, and he does it without any remorse.

But you know how to criticize yourself

But the previous point does not mean at all that “psychologically adult” people should take their own affairs and self-development frivolously and irresponsibly. Vice versa, distinguishing feature An adult is that he knows how to admit his own mistakes and does not blame anyone but himself for his failures. Such people know how to honestly criticize themselves, and this helps them become better every day.



adj., used often

Morphology: grown up And adult, grown up, grown up, adults; more mature; adv. like an adult

1. For adults they call a person who is no longer a teenager in age, who has reached mature age.

Lucy has become quite an adult.

2. noun Adults- these are people who have reached adulthood. This word is often used in communication with children to refer to older people in relation to children.

What separates us adults from children? | Don't interrupt when adults are talking!

3. Adults call children's actions, facial expressions, words, etc., which are more characteristic of mature people than children, but which can be observed in some children.

4. adv. When children do something like an adult, they do it the same way as older, mature people.

5. When you say a phrase to someone You're an adult or You and I are adults, you call for seriousness, responsibility, and ask to perceive something from the standpoint of common sense.

I don’t intend to ask you again, decide for yourself, we are all adults. | Don't do anything stupid! We are adults, you yourself will repent later.

6. For adults a living organism (insects, animals, etc.) is an organism that has already reached a certain phase in its development.

Adult larva.

7. Adults They call such subjects, affairs, problems, areas of activity that are aimed at mature people, and not at children.

Adult bike. | Adult ticket.

8. Adults These are films, television programs, etc. that are not recommended to be shown to children because they contain scenes of violence, eroticism, etc.

Adult magazines.

9. As an adult child They ironically call a mature person who retains in his behavior and thinking the characteristics of a child’s perception of the world.

grow up verb, nsv.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “adult” is in other dictionaries:

    Old, mature, mature. A girl of age, of marriageable age, of marriageable age, has become unmarried; It's time for the girl to become a bride soon. .. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    ADULT, adult, adult. 1. Came out childhood, grown up, reached manhood. They already have adult children. Grown up girl. 2. in meaning noun adult, adult, male, adult, adult, female; more often plural A man of mature age... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    ADULT, oh, oh; grown up and grown up, grown up, grown up. 1. Having reached adulthood. Adults. V. young man. Enough in. 2. adult, wow, husband. A person who has reached adulthood. Listen to adults. 3. full Not intended for children, not... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    adult- adult, briefly. f. grown up and grown up (low consumption), grown up, grown up, grown ups; compare Art. more mature... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

    adult yak- Yaks over three years old. [GOST 16020 70] Topics: livestock for slaughter General terms yaks EN adult yak DE Altjak FR jack adulte … Technical Translator's Guide

    Adult- Adult ♦ Adulte One whose body has stopped growing and who from now on can only grow spiritually. Growing up means being faithful to childhood and at the same time giving up the desire to remain in childhood forever. All children want to grow up. Infantilism is a disease... Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

    I m. One who has emerged from childhood and adolescence has reached manhood, maturity. II adj. 1. Having emerged from childhood and adolescence, having reached manhood, maturity. 2. Characteristic of such a person. 3. decompression Designed for such a person... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova

How to become a psychological adult? What to do if a person has not grown up, is of a decent age, but behavior, thinking and life remain at the level of a teenager or small child?

When, since childhood, I felt unwanted, incapable, unloved, superfluous, bad.

  • When a person is stuck in a scenario repeating the fate of his parents or living in spite of him, and thereby only worsening his scenario.
  • When relationships are not created, or are created that cause pain and suffering.
  • When you can’t free yourself from parental care, trauma, resentment towards parents, people and your life.
  • When a person owes money to his parents, he is afraid to go against their will, does not communicate with them at all, is afraid to tell the truth, to offend, to live his own life.
  • When he is afraid to be left without the love and support of his parents, to disappoint them, to be rejected or an outcast, when instead of the relationship between parents and children there are reproaches, claims and resentments.

What to do? There is only one answer. Grow. It is up to the individual to grow themselves or with the help of specialists.

Not grown up, not mature- one who does not know who he is, does not accept himself, does not understand what he wants, expects help or instructions from others, blames himself and others, looks for the guilty around him for self-justification, is inactive, looks for someone to shift responsibility for failures onto, regresses, and As a result, he degrades and lives in fears and resentments. Fights with mother and father with fear of rejection-absorption. This is a minimal description, but I think it is enough to understand who I am?

The algorithm for growing yourself is as follows:

(the same goes for relationships with your father)

1 step. A person’s recognition of the fact that he does not live his own life, does not do what he wants, is a puppet, weak-willed, a slave, powerless, empty, does not understand what he wants and why, all the signs of intoxication are on his face. I am in my mother (scenario), I have not yet been born, I am not able to live independently. I'm being controlled, it's not my choice. I'm not here. Feelings and feelings of powerlessness, emptiness, disappointment.

Step 2. Separation from mother. I am small and she is big, I am her child, she is my mother, we are separate. I can't be poisoned anymore, I want to live and grow. Mother has her own destiny, life and choice, I have mine. I have the right to be myself, so I distance myself. Destruction of fake family values, manipulation and blackmail. Feelings, sensations - anger, aggression, rigidity, bitterness, pain, resentment.

Step 3. Moving away from the mother, we begin to see the mother as she is in reality. I understand who she is, I understand why she is like this, what happened to her, but I am not responsible for it. I see myself in reality, I understand and accept myself, I realize that now, on this moment, only I am responsible for myself. I'm starting to grow up. We are equal, we are separated from each other and each is capable of raising himself. Separation and distance as isolation from infection and intoxication again. Feelings, sensations - calmness, acceptance, inspiration, hope, a surge of strength, interest.

Step 4 The process of growth, I learn on my own, I make mistakes myself, I correct myself, I know and accept myself, I like freedom and responsibility, first achievements, merits and experience acquired on my own. It’s as if I’m looking down at my mother and seeing her, accepting her. I am proud of myself, I understand and accept her, her choice or inability to grow herself, change her life. She is just my mother, ordinary, alive and imperfect. I’m sorry that this happened to you and to us... Feelings, sensations - satisfaction, excitement, inspiration, a surge of strength, calm, confidence, warmth, joy and regret.

Step 5. I accept and understand myself as an adult, I accept and understand my mother as an adult. We are equal, we are family, but we are free. I have my own life, my mother has hers, I have my own choice and path, my mother has hers. Each of us has the right to be ourselves. Almost adulthood and maturity. Sensations and feelings - warmth, calm, lightness, confidence.

Resources and energy are spent here no longer sorting out relationships, but directed towards the outside world! And then:

Step 6 completing the work. Understanding yourself, your meaning, path, resources, implementation of plans, responsibility, looking forward, progress, gratitude to the mother for giving birth and raising, giving what she could, warmth and ease in relationships, understanding and acceptance. As a rule, a return to true, family values, a desire to preserve relationships, to warm them, to support them to the best of one’s ability and ability, not to take everything upon oneself, but to soberly assess one’s resources.

If you can’t handle it yourself, come, together we can do it, good luck to you!

Develop your interests. A lack of momentum or developed interests or hobbies can make you seem immature. If you find something that you enjoy and become a “professional” at it, it will make you appear more experienced and mature. It will also give you new things to talk about with other people, whether or not they share your passion.

Set goals for yourself and work to achieve them. Part of maturity is the ability to accept your existing strengths, identifying areas in which you need to become even more proficient and setting goals for the future. Remember the future and allow it to properly illuminate your decisions in life. Once you set clear, achievable, and measurable goals, start working towards achieving them.

Learn to recognize when you can fool around. You don't have to be serious all the time to appear mature. True maturity involves understanding the appropriateness of behavior and knowing when to fool around and when to be serious. It's good if you can be frivolous different levels, to be able to reduce your mood to fool around to different scales.

  • Try to set aside time for yourself every day to just be lazy. You need time to let off steam and sit back. Give yourself some time (say, after school) to have some fun.
  • It is worth understanding that your frivolity does not always suit formal situations, for example, at school, in church, in the workplace and especially at a funeral. You will be expected to show consideration, not play pranks. So frivolity in such situations usually signals a person’s immaturity.
  • However, in informal situations, such as with friends or even with family, it is appropriate to fool around. It may even bond you even more tightly to each other.
  • Set some criteria for yourself so you know when it's okay to be frivolous or make a joke, and when not. Do not allow yourself jokes and pranks of a mean or humiliating nature.
  • Respect others. We all need to live in peace with each other. If you do things to deliberately irritate others or don't take other people's feelings into account when doing something, others may view you as immature. Try to be mindful of the needs and desires of those around you, this will help you build a reputation for yourself as a mature and respectable person.

    • Treating others with respect does not mean that you should allow others to wipe their feet on you. This means that you need to listen to others and treat them the way you would like to be treated. If other people are rude or unkind to you, don't respond in kind. Show that you are above this by leaving them.
  • Choose mature friends. Your friends influence your behavior. Make sure you hang out with people who make you better instead of spending your time with people who pull you back.

    Develop emotional maturity

    1. Don't become a bully or engage in bullying. Aggression often arises from feelings of insecurity or low self-esteem. It can become a way of expressing and asserting one's power over others. Aggression harms those at whom it is directed and also harms those who express it. If you notice aggressive behavior in yourself, talk to someone you trust, such as your parents or school psychologist about how to stop it.

      Don't gossip, spread rumors or talk about people behind their back. Gossiping, spreading rumors, and talking behind their backs can hurt others just as much as punching them in the face, if not more. Even if you gossip without malicious intent, it can also cause harm. Mature people show concern for the needs and feelings of others, and do not engage in actions that might hurt.

      If someone treats you unkindly, rise above it. If you can, don't answer; your silence will send a signal that what the person said is not normal. If you can't let it slide, just tell the person that their comment was rude. If the person apologizes, accept the apology; if not, just leave.

      Be open to new things. Mature people are always open. Don't ignore something or dismiss an opportunity simply because you've never heard of it or never tried it. Instead, look at it as an opportunity to learn something (or someone) new and different.

      • If someone has beliefs or habits that are different from yours, don't immediately start judging that person. Instead, ask open-ended questions such as, “Could you tell me more about this?” or “Why do you need this?”
      • Try to listen more and talk less, according to at least, at first. Don't interrupt people and don't say, “I think...”. Let them talk. You'll be surprised by what you learn.
      • Ask for clarification. If someone says or does something that doesn't seem right, ask for clarification before judging. For example, if you think someone has insulted your beliefs, take a deep breath and then say something like, “I heard you say ______________. Are you sure that’s what you meant?” If a person says that he meant something completely different, accept his words.
      • Don't expect only the worst from people. Participate in the situation with the expectation that everyone is a person like you. They may not have intended to be sarcastic or harmful, but they too can make mistakes. If you learn to accept people for who they are, it will help you become more mature.
      • Sometimes you just won't agree with someone. This is fine. Sometimes you just have to agree or refuse - that's part of maturity.
    2. Be confident in yourself. Don't apologize for any quirks or quirks you have, even if others don't approve of them. As long as your behavior does not contradict social norms and does not harm anyone, you can freely express your individuality. Mature people do not doubt themselves and do not try to appear to be something they are not.

      Be yourself. The ability to remain true to oneself is considered an indicator of maturity. You can be confident without any arrogance or pomp. A mature person does not need to tear others to smithereens or pretend to be anything.

      Take personal responsibility. Taking responsibility for your words and actions is perhaps the most important part of developing maturity. Remember that everything with you it doesn't just happen. In his own life you are a disseminator of information. Both your words and actions have consequences, both for yourself and for others. Be honest when you make mistakes. Understand that you cannot control others, but you can control your actions.

      • Take responsibility when things go wrong. For example, if you wrote a bad essay, don't blame the teacher. Think about what actions you took that led to this result. What can you do better next time?
      • Focus less on whether certain things are fair. In life, everything is not always fair. Sometimes you don't get what you deserve. Mature people do not allow injustice to stand in their way of achieving their goals.
      • Control what you can. Sometimes you will feel like you have no control over your life. Sometimes this is true. You can't control the restaurant manager to hire you, or the person you like to agree to go out with you. But there are things you can control. For example:
        • For work: You can polish and make adjustments to your resume. You can prepare as best you can for the interview. You can dress like a professional for an interview. You can arrive on time. You may not end up getting the job, but make sure you make sure you make all your preparations.
        • For relationships: You can be respectful, funny and kind. You can control yourself around another person. You can be sensitive and tell him/her that you want a relationship. Here's what you can control. Even if things don't work out, you can relax knowing that you were honest with yourself and tried your best.
      • Don't accept defeat. Most of the time people give up because it is easier than trying again. It's easier to tell yourself "I'm a failure" than "well, this approach didn't work, let's see what else I can do." Take responsibility for your choices and choose to keep trying, no matter what it is.

    Communicate like an adult

    1. Control yourself. Anger is strong emotion, but it can be tamed. Don't overreact to small and unimportant things. When you feel on edge, stop and count down 10 seconds to think about your response before speaking. This will prevent you from doing things you will regret and allow you to become more mature in your communication.

      • After you stop, ask yourself what is really going on. What is the real problem with what is happening? Why are you upset? You may find yourself angry about something that happened a couple of days ago that isn't really worth trashing your room about.
      • Think about a potential solution to the problem. Before choosing any method, think about different options. Which one will cope with what is happening?
      • Think about the consequences. This is exactly where most people stumble. “Doing what I want” is often considered the most attractive solution, but will it actually solve the problem? Or will it make it worse? Think about what the outcome of each possible method might be.
      • Choose a solution. After you have considered possible consequences of each option, choose the one that seems best to you. Please note that this is not always the easiest or most fun way! And this is also part of growing up.
      • If you need to say something, say it in a calm voice and back it up with a few reasonable arguments to justify your feelings. If a person just wants to argue and not listen, walk away from the conflict. It's not worth it.
      • When you are angry or overreacting, take a deep breath and count to 10. You must maintain self-control and not let your anger get the better of you.
      • If you have a quick temper, others may have fun provoking you. If you control yourself, they will lose interest in what they are doing and leave you alone.
    2. Learn assertive communication. When adults want to communicate seriously, they use assertive techniques and behaviors. Assertiveness is not the same as boldness, arrogance or aggression. Individuals with this quality express their feelings and needs clearly, and they listen when others do the same. Arrogant and selfish people do not care about the needs of others and are only focused on getting what they want, when they want it - regardless of the fact that it will make others unhappy. Learn to stand up for yourself without being arrogant or aggressive and you will definitely feel more mature. Here are some ways to communicate in an assertive style:

      • Use “I” statements. “You” statements make a person feel like they are being blamed and rejected. Staying focused on what you are feeling and experiencing allows you to remain productive and mature in your communication.
        • For example, instead of telling your parents, “You never listen to me!” try using an “I” statement like “I don’t think anyone heard my point of view.” When you clearly say how you feel, the other person is more likely to want to know why you feel that way.
      • Recognize the needs of others as well. The world doesn't revolve around you. It's good to express your feelings and emotions clearly, but also remember to ask others about their needs. The ability to put others first before yourself is real sign maturity.
      • Don't rush to conclusions. If you're not sure what happened, ask! Don't judge in advance - remember, you don't have all the information.
        • For example, if your friend forgot that you were planning to go shopping together, don't think that he doesn't think about you or that he's a terrible person.
        • Instead, use an “I” statement as an invitation to your friend to express his feelings: “I was really upset when you couldn’t go shopping. What's happened?"
      • Invite others to cooperate. Instead of saying “I want to go skateboarding,” ask others to participate in this: “What would you like to do?”
    3. Stop arguing. For many people in many cultures, mature communication involves avoiding swearing, especially swearing. Using bad language can shock others, or even make them feel like you don't respect them. It can also make others think that you are incompetent or a poor communicator. Instead of swearing, try to expand your vocabulary. As you learn new words, use them to express your thoughts and feelings.

      • If you often say curses when you are upset or hit, try turning it into a game, instead of curses, come up with unusual expressions. Instead of cursing when you hit your foot, it's much funnier (and more expressive) if you say something unusual like "Stupid monkeys!"
    4. Speak politely without raising your voice. Raising your voice, especially when you're angry, is likely to make others feel uncomfortable. They may even decide not to pay attention to you. Screaming is for babies, not adults.

      Watch your body movements. Your gestures can say as much as your words. For example, crossing your arms in front of you may tell others that you are not interested in what they have to say. If you stand slouched during a conversation, this indicates that you are not really “here” or want to be somewhere else. Study your body's signals and make sure it is saying what you want to express.

      • Instead of crossing your arms in front of you, keep them relaxed on both sides of your body.
      • Stand straight, do not hunch, keep your head parallel to the floor.
      • Remember that your face can also give signals. Don't roll your eyes or look at the floor.
    5. Talk to people about serious topics. Such topics can be considered school, news, life experience And life lessons that you received. Of course, you can spend some time joking around with your friends. It all depends on your surroundings. You may not want to talk about the same topics with best friend and a math teacher.

      • Ask questions. One of the signs of maturity is curiosity. If you only talk about your own things, you won't seem mature. Engage others in conversation. If someone tells you something interesting, ask them to tell you more about it!
      • Don't pretend you know something you don't really know. Admitting that you don't know something can be difficult. At the end of the day, you really need to become mature and informed. But pretending to know something will only make you look (or feel) stupid. It's much better to say something like, “I haven't read about that yet. We need to see it!”
    6. Say nice things. If you can't say anything positive, it's better to remain silent. Immature people constantly criticize and point out the shortcomings of other people, and do not hesitate to say things that are offensive in every sense. Sometimes they justify their cruelty by saying that they are “just being honest.” Mature people choose their words carefully and do not offend people in their efforts to be honest, so remember to watch your words and not say things that might hurt others. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.

      Learn to sincerely apologize for your mistakes. No matter how conscientious you are, from time to time you say something offensive or unwittingly offend other people. We all do stupid things sometimes, because no one is perfect. Learn to control your pride and say, “I apologize.” A sincere, honest apology for something you said or did will demonstrate your maturity.

    7. Handle both compliments and criticism maturely. If someone compliments you, say “thank you” and nothing more. If someone criticizes you, be polite and say something like, “Okay, I'll definitely think about it.” The criticism may be wrong, but if you take it politely, you will appear mature at the time.

      • Try not to take criticism personally. Sometimes people may try to help and express themselves incorrectly. If you think this is the case, ask for clarification: “I heard that you didn’t like my essay. Could you be more specific about this so I can take it into account in the future?”
      • Sometimes criticism tells us a lot more about the person giving it than about you. Whether she seems unfair or hurtful, remember that the other person may just be trying to make themselves look better by tearing you down. Don't let this affect you.
      • Accepting criticism politely doesn't mean you can't stand up for yourself. If someone hurts your feelings, tell them in a polite and calm tone: “I'm sure you didn't mean it, but when you criticized my appearance, then this offended me greatly. Next time, could you please refrain from commenting on my appearance?”
    • Be kind, understanding friends and everyone! Be kind not just one day, but all the time.
    • Maturity is difficult to acquire. However, don't change yourself to become mature. Instead, strive to be who you are and be good. There are no more questions about who is older and who is younger. If you want people to take you seriously, think about how to act to make yourself heard, just remember that once you take the first step, you need to stand firm and not change your mind. If something goes wrong, try to remain calm and think about it. next step, do not blame others, because you commit an act, and you are responsible for it. Be mature and responsible.
    • When you have a conflict with someone, do not argue, but try to resolve it in a calm, rational manner. If it turns into an argument, end it as soon as possible.
    • Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This is generally considered to be the definition of maturity.
    • Write down your goals for becoming more mature and plan your actions to achieve them. For example, you may decide to be quiet instead of constantly talking about yourself. Work on this for a week and then evaluate the result. Even if you are not perfect at it at first, keep trying.
    • Show mercy. Even if someone doesn't deserve a second chance, give it. It will make you greater and more mature.
    • You should know how to look in different situations. Hair orange color Spikes can express your personality, but if you work in a formal setting, such appearance may lead others to think that you are immature, even if this is not the case.
    • Try to focus your attention on other people's questions. This will make you seem more mature.
    • Punctuality is a virtue!
  • What unites all children and teenagers? They all dream of becoming older. They associate adults with independence, and there is nothing surprising here. For a certain age, this is completely normal, because this is how the formation and development of personality occurs. But what does it mean to be an adult? Some people don't understand this even at 30 or more years old.

    Reasons to become an adult

    Let's figure out why we need to say goodbye to childhood. Why imitate your parents? Why does there come a time when girls try to look older than their years, start dyeing their hair, putting on makeup, dressing like older girls? Boys strive to be like authoritative men, often taking even criminal figures as their ideal. The answer is simple - they all dream of recognition and freedom of action.

    What makes a person an adult

    Think about it, do you really dream of growing up? Did you know that every adult is doomed to control two personalities within himself: a parent and a small child who wants to do rash things. A truly adult person knows how to curb the inner child in himself, to stop the game when it has not yet had time to harm anyone. In turn, the inner child looks after the parent, preventing him from overly commanding and controlling everything in the world. An adult takes full responsibility for the actions of his second personality.

    Adult behavior

    What will a person who has left childhood never do? He will not lie senselessly, steal, look for those responsible for his mistakes, he will not put on the mask of an elder. The most important thing is that he will not strive to surpass his age.

    Being an adult means being able to distinguish good from evil, wisdom from stupidity. This means being able to sacrifice something for the sake of other people. In turn, children are characterized by self-centeredness, rebellion, maximalism, and self-will. An adult knows how to curb himself; if necessary, he will be able to limit and put himself within limits in order to achieve his goal.

    How to become an adult

    Everything has its time! Don't rush to grow up, because you won't get your childhood back later. But if you feel like it's really time for you to grow up, then take some steps:

    1. Learn to cope on your own life's difficulties And your own desires. Know how to tame your ardor and negative emotions when they are unnecessary.
    2. Remember, a lot comes with experience, but don’t try to gain it too quickly.
    3. Listen to the advice of your elders. Understand that they actually have much more knowledge, they are unlikely to advise stupid things. Adults very often seek advice from to a wise man. This does not mean that it is necessary to listen to such advice, but it is more useful for you to take them into account.
    4. Learn to be responsible for every step you take, every word you say. You will be truly responsible for someone when you have a family, but now, first, try not to shift responsibility to others.

    Now you know the main features of an adult. Well, do you still want to say goodbye to the rainbow-filled days of childhood? The most important thing is that you must understand that there is nowhere to rush, if you are about 14, if you are over 30, then you are a little late, but you can still catch up.