Exhibitions - inva-studio. Meet: InvaAcademy National Inva Academy


The congress was stormy. There were many different groups, opinions, positions. The teachers had a lot of grievances against the center, representatives of literally all the union republics arrived, reformers both in words and in deeds, and the meetings took place not just in verbal skirmishes, but in real fights.

Gennady Nikolaevich tried to find some kind of compromise between the “warring”, arrows of indignation also fell on him, in particular for the fact that he became the editor-in-chief of UG, replacing the beloved former editor-in-chief, who brought a lot of new things to the work of the editorial office of the Teacher’s Newspaper.

I remember the extraordinary endurance in the most dramatic moments Gennady Nikolaevich and his appearance: a handsome, stately man. At that time he was in his early forties, and he was indeed very handsome. During breaks between meetings in the smoking room about Selezneva a circle of teachers gathered and in a normal, non-hysterical atmosphere there were a lot of sensible suggestions and comments to him as the editor-in-chief of UG, to which he listened carefully.

In particular, one of my colleagues, a teacher from Anapa, I remember, proposed introducing a Carnegie recommendations section into the UG. And what’s interesting: it really appeared very quickly and efficiently, immediately after the congress, and not only to the general benefit, but also to the great pleasure of my colleague, who enthusiastically showed it to everyone and said, you see, this is at my suggestion.

For the second time I not only saw, but also became acquainted with Gennady Nikolaevich in Moscow, when he was already Chairman of the State Duma, and the whole country knew him well, and this was no longer the Soviet Union, but the Russian Federation, where he headed its main representative body.

By this time, we had organized a children's rehabilitation art studio in Kuban, in which children with the most difficult disabilities painted icons and paintings. We were already quite well known both in the regions and in the capital. We became laureates of the First All-Russian festival of artistic creativity of disabled children in Sochi and Moscow, and held an exhibition at the First International Congress of Disabled Children in Tyumen.

In 1998, we were invited to Moscow to design a stage on the Kremlin’s Cathedral Square, where the famous opera singer was to perform Montserrat Caballe. After that, we began to be invited a lot to respectable exhibitions. In January 1999, our first exhibition took place in the State Duma, and the next year, during the dramatic events in Serbia, during which, if I’m not mistaken, it seems, two hundred Serbian children were brought to Moscow and settled in children’s camps, we they held a meeting in the State Duma.

During this meeting, our guys gave each Serb a gift - their own drawing, and at our request B.G. Kibireva, State Duma deputy from Kuban, hosted G.N. Seleznev. I remember the meeting took place in a large long room with an equally long table. Gennady Nikolaevich gave each of the guys his autographed book.

Gennady Nikolaevich He listened to us carefully, asked about problems, who needed what, and took a photo at the end of the meeting with our entire group. After this meeting, quite close and warm relations were established between us. Of course, we never abused our acquaintance with the Chairman of the State Duma and communicated with him more through his assistant G.N. Zinoviev.

But sometimes when Gennady Nikolaevich was free, he invited me to his place, and we talked with him about the most important problems of disabled people, of course, mainly about rehabilitation problems, which we have been doing for many years at the Inva Academy.

In total, we held four exhibitions in the State Duma and three with the participation of Gennady Nikolaevich. The year 2003 turned out to be especially wonderful for us. That year we held exhibitions in Paris and in several cities in Finland.

But this was the anniversary year of our Northern capital, St. Petersburg, where, as you know, we are from G.N. Seleznev. About six months before the anniversary, Gennady Nikolaevich, during one of the meetings, asked me if our guys could paint a large good icon for the anniversary of St. Petersburg, preferably St. Alexander Nevsky. We will try, I replied, and we began work on this important and, of course, difficult and responsible task for the speaker of our country himself.

The icon is life-size, on a board, two meters high and more than a meter wide. Several of our graduates literally pored over it for several months, using natural gold leaf and the same natural paints strictly according to the canon. I remember I carried it on the plane, so to speak, by hand, heavy, all shining with gold, fresh colors, varnished, and all the time I was afraid of “hurting” my carefully painted face and clothes.

During the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the anniversary of St. Petersburg, after his speech Gennady Nikolaevich presented our icon to the governor of the Northern capital (at that time he was V.A.Yakovlev) and explained that the icon was painted by pupils of the children's disabled organization Inva-Studio from Krasnodar.

I remember the icon was shown in close-up on the huge monitors in the hall. The whole hall stood up, and a shiver ran down my spine: is it really us, it’s our guys who have received such an honor?

At the end of the ceremonial meeting Gennady Nikolaevich He thanked me with a kind smile and said: “Well, Nikolai Nikolaevich, now your studio is definitely in Russian history.”

I'll never forget how Galina Nikolaevna Zinovieva a little later she called me and on behalf of Gennady Nikolaevich told me that the icon, by decision of the leadership of St. Petersburg, was transferred to the Kazan Cathedral.

In December, we went with a group of guys to Finland and, of course, we went to this wonderful temple, built in honor of the Russian victory in the Patriotic War of 1812 and which is one of the cultural masterpieces of our state.

Our icon St. Alexander Nevsky was installed in a wide golden frame in the very center of the cathedral. Many could not help but cry. These were happy tears. This is how the studio entered that year, thanks to G.N. Seleznev, into national history.

During one of the exhibitions in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, which he organized for disabled children G.N. Seleznev, We also handed over to our main representative body of the country a large icon of the “Unshakable Eye of the Lord,” which, in a sense, had a symbolic meaning. In the sense that the Duma itself was and remains the state eye of the country and society.

Perhaps the most remarkable and at the same time memorable was our meeting with Gennady Nikolaevich Seleznev during his trip to Kuban in 2006.

A few months before the trip, he personally warned me that he would definitely come to our Inva-Studio and personally communicate with all the guys; will see how our work is going and how we live.

Of course, for our students this became an event of almost the highest order. Well, imagine one of the most famous politicians in the country comes to visit you. Of course, this is a holiday, this is an important event, especially for those who, due to restrictions, cannot travel anywhere, and the guys began to prepare intensively.

We made several albums and booklets to give as gifts Gennady Nikolaevich. In our narrow corridor in the studio they organized an exhibition of the latest works and photographs of our participation in the 100th anniversary in Veshenskaya M.A. Sholokhova, our great writer. The general director of the museum-reserve, M.A., was invited to a meeting. Sholokhov, his grandson Alexander Mikhailovich, and many more of our friends.

In general, we not only did a great job, but were filled with the highest and most rosy expectations in anticipation of the meeting. And on the very eve of his arrival in Kuban Gennady Nikolaevich they call us from the regional administration and they calmly say: you know, tomorrow the chairman of parliament will be in Kuban Seleznev, but his trip to you is cancelled. He won't have much time. After meeting with the governor, he immediately goes to Anapa. Of course, I was simply shocked by this information.

Everything is running like that machine, everything is already waiting for our friend and wonderful person, and now - like a tub of ice water, like a blow to the head. I sat at the table for several minutes and could not understand what had happened. Why such a “breakdown” of an already prepared and agreed upon meeting?

Then I decided to call Galina Petrovna Zinovieva, assistant Gennady Nikolaevich. She responded to my message briefly: I don’t know, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Now I’ll check with Gennady Nikolaevich. It seemed like nothing had changed. I'll call you back in ten minutes. Ten minutes later she actually called back and said: don’t worry, everything remains in effect. Tomorrow he will be with you at the appointed time. Only then did it dawn on me.

The cancellation of the meeting was an initiative of officials of the regional administration, who became uncomfortable that such a well-known children's organization for disabled people in the country, which the head of the country's parliament himself had planned to visit, was huddled in such unsightly conditions.

Literally half an hour after our conversation with Galina Nikolaevna The mayor of Krasnodar and a whole team of builders came to the studio, who within 24 hours “improved” the entrance to the studio and put the yard broken up by cars in order: they filled it with asphalt, removed the long-disposed Zhiguli car, and piles of construction waste.

Meeting with G.N. Seleznev became truly iconic for us and, I think, the guys remembered for the rest of their lives.

Despite all the fact that we were frightened by the lack of time, Gennady Nikolaevich I listened to everyone, looked at everything, talked with the children, parents, and teachers. Of course, he drew attention to our poverty, which he later spoke about more than once in his speeches and, apparently, told our officials about it. But that’s why they are officials, so that, like that cat Vaska, they listen but don’t pay attention.

The guys broke up with Gennady Nikolaevich very warmly and, of course, they were grateful that he did not let them down, but came and talked to them, so to speak, directly, directly. For a very long time afterwards they remembered this visit and even boasted of photographs to their relatives, friends and relatives: look, I’m with Seleznev.

For us, teachers, such meetings of famous people in the country with children are part of the rehabilitation process. They provide the opportunity for a new understanding of them, a new status in this difficult world for them.

Later, when Gennady Nikolaevich was no longer a speaker and even a deputy of the State Duma, the guys always invited him to all their events in Moscow, because he is ours, they said. And these are not just words that are spoken as a routine phrase, but an attitude towards a close and, in their own way, dear person.

No matter how difficult it was for us to break through, and sometimes even wade through the difficulties and jungle of indifference, primarily bureaucratic, the years passed and we achieved a lot: we opened a department for the disabled at the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts (now the Institute of Culture), where our children can to receive a full-fledged higher education, we received, although not very convenient, but still our own premises in Krasnodar. Our branches have appeared in thirteen regions, and in Moscow the center coordinating their work at the federal level is Inva Academy.

When she once visited our exhibition in Sochi L.A. Putin asked us how we were able to do so much without a budget, I answered - it’s thanks to our party, the “Party of Good Hearts”, that is, people like Gennady Nikolaevich Seleznev, who constantly helped us in all our endeavors. Of course, without their support and specific regular assistance, we would never have achieved the current level of our work and recognition, including from officials.

In 2013, Inva Academy celebrated its twentieth anniversary in the State Duma. We held an exhibition and a master class. We arrived in Moscow in a large group. The exhibition was not just large, but bright and multifaceted. All areas of work, all departments, our domestic and foreign events were represented. Of course, we invited you to the exhibition

During the exhibition Gennady Nikolaevich said: you know, Nikolai Nikolaevich, it’s time for you to open your own exhibition center in Moscow. We are already working on this, I laughed, and we will definitely invite you to the opening.

At this time Gennady Nikolaevich worked in one of the banks in Moscow. He gave me a business card and asked me to come to him to talk about various issues. About two months later we met him at the bank. Our colleague, a lawyer from Krasnodar, was with me A.F. Filippov.

I showed Gennady Nikolaevich our international program, which we called “Children’s Cultural Diplomacy”. He looked at it carefully and asked where the name came from, since rehabilitation is dominant in your area.

I told him that since 2000, we have been holding not only exhibitions abroad and master classes, but, in essence, representing our culture through the creativity of disabled children. This name was not invented by us, but by diplomats. In 2007 we held an exhibition at the Council of Europe, which was opened by the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, at that time Terry Davis and which was attended by representatives of 47 countries of the continent.

After the exhibition our Ambassador to the Council of Europe A.Yu. Alekseev came up to me and said: “You know, Nikolai Nikolaevich, Today I was congratulated on the brilliant exhibition of our children even by those who had barely greeted me before. Your exhibition had, one might say, a diplomatic character.”

“Yes, great,” confirmed Gennady Nikolaevich, by viewing the program and then an album with the same name. I consulted with him on how best to present our program at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where our meeting with S.V. Lavrov, our minister, and he gave some valuable advice, and then turned to me and A.F. Filippov with my own question: “I will also have my own request for you. We organized the Party of the Revival of Russia, and we have a branch in Kuban. But, unfortunately, it is quite weak. I would like to ask you to help our department head there to strengthen the work.”

“Well, this is more likely to Anatoly Fedorovich, and not to me,” I said, turning to Filippov. Gennady Nikolaevich gave us his mobile phone number and asked us to call at any time if any help was needed. “Unfortunately, I can’t help you financially, but as for advice and any other support, always call.”

From this time until the last days Gennady Nikolaevich we often called him on the most important and pressing issues for us; and always received valuable advice and moral support, in particular before the Paralympics, where we held two bright and interesting exhibitions, as well as before our exhibitions in Rome and the Vatican, and a meeting with the Pope in the summer of 2014.

Death fell on us like a bolt from the blue Gennady Nikolaevich. It seemed like almost yesterday that we were together opening our International Exhibition Center at the Almazny Mir joint-stock company in Moscow, where he said warm parting words, and suddenly this happened. The children cried when they learned about the tragedy and, of course, will long remember the wonderful image of our trustee and great friend Gennady Nikolaevich Seleznev.

President of the National


Arts and social


growing up


Chapter of the book - All power to the law! State Duma

This year in Russia has been declared the year of equal opportunities. In Krasnodar, one of the places where people with disabilities have every chance to be equal to ordinary people, or even surpass them, is the Inva Academy of Arts. There, through creativity, they restore lost skills and help them find themselves in life. The works of the academy's students, in particular paintings and icons, have gained great popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Sasha knows firsthand what it means to “start life from scratch.” When doctors diagnosed him with a terrible brain tumor, he was a third-year art student. After the operation, Sasha had to put his easel and brushes aside for two years; he simply could not hold them in his hands. The guy stopped communicating with his peers and spent more and more time alone. Mom gave up. It was then that their acquaintances advised them to contact Inva Academy and, through creativity, through painting, try to restore their lost skills. And the long-awaited turning point came. Sasha began to recover, learned to draw again, and even graduated from university.

“The acquisition of these skills gives him confidence, strength, and interest in life. He now has a goal,” says Natalya Danilova, Sasha Danilova’s mother.

Thanks to Inva Academy, hundreds of other people of different ages and with different diagnoses have a goal. Forty-year-old Dmitry, who found himself in a wheelchair after an accident, was discovered at the academy to have a talent for graphics. 17-year-old Alisa, who has suffered from polyarthritis since childhood, found herself in icon painting.

300 people with disabilities are treated with art therapy in Krasnodar alone. More precisely, they begin to undergo treatment, and then get carried away, earn money and even teach themselves. Icons of the academy's students adorn the walls of almost all churches in Krasnodar, the Kazan Cathedral, and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Exhibitions of paintings and decorative arts have been held more than once in Germany, France, and, of course, in Russia.

“We set the task not only to rehabilitate disabled children, but to give children the opportunity to get an education and then a profession so that they can support themselves financially,” explains Nikolai Galkin, president of the national Inva Academy of Arts and Social Rehabilitation of the Younger Generation.

It all started with a small studio in the village of Novotitarovskaya. 16 years ago, in a tiny room, the first 5 students sat down at the desks of the future Academy. It was inconvenient to work in a cramped room with disabled people in wheelchairs, and there were not enough materials for work. However, there were kind people who selflessly supported the new project. With the assistance of Oleg Deripaska’s charitable foundation “Volnoye Delo”, today hundreds of children and adults can study at the academy for free.

“When I was in the room where the inva-studio was located, I realized that we cannot help but help these people, teachers who have taken on a very difficult, but very important job - helping children who can only study in special conditions ", says Tamara Rumyantseva, general director of the Volnoe Delo charity foundation.

Looking at the works of these people, you understand that such masterpieces could only be born in such special conditions. As the artists themselves say, classes at Inva Academy help them, at least temporarily, forget about physical ailments and get the opportunity to do what they love.

“I realized that this is mine, I can’t live without it, I can’t live without art,” says Alexander Danilov.

At Inva Academy, people with disabilities believed in themselves again, learned to dream, and some, like Sasha, found their meaning in life.

Valeria Poltoranina

Pavel Davydov: At the beginning of December, the traditional Decade of Disabled People took place in Russia. Round tables, actions, and meetings organized by public organizations, medical institutions and social services took place in many regions. The main goal of the action is to help and support people with disabilities. "Inva-Academy" took an active part in the event. This is probably the most unusual educational institution in our country. Her students are children and teenagers with disabilities, but with a boundless desire to become needed in this world.

We will talk about creative treatment and methods of socialization of people with disabilities with the President of the National Inva-Academy, Nikolai Galkin. Nikolai Nikolaevich, hello. Please have a seat.

Nikolay Galkin: Hello. Thank you.

P.D.: We are very glad to see you again in our studio. The Decade of Disabled People has ended. Tell me please, what are the results?

N.G.: The results are very good. This year we held more than 50 exhibitions. Now, despite the fact that the decade has ended, we are holding four exhibitions at the same time - two exhibitions are in Krasnodar and two exhibitions are currently being held in Moscow. The regions reported to us. Recently they sent some very interesting materials from Chechnya. There is an organization there, called “Optimum”. It is headed by a wonderful person, Ruslan Akhmaev, and he sent it. They held an event there, also dedicated to the Decade of Disabled People. In Crimea, they also celebrated this decade, this is also very interesting.

P.D.: As far as I understand, the main goal of the Decade of Disabled People is to attract public attention to the problems of people with disabilities. Please tell me, in what format is it more correct, from your point of view, to do this - to hold exhibitions or still to meet and communicate?

N.G.: You know, here I would say it’s a complex. On the one hand, exhibitions. On the other hand, we conduct master classes. We recently held a master class at the Moscow House of Nationalities, and the children showed how they work, and at the same time showed their own exhibition.

But besides this, we also hold round tables for teachers. The most interesting, I think, round tables are held with parents. Disabled children should enter into some of the complexities of our lives earlier than healthy children. Why? Because it is more difficult for them to master, say, the same staircase. Sometimes our mothers feel sorry for their children and do not adapt them to those difficulties. And when parents meet, when they show their children, and the so-called pitying mothers see what the children of “not pitying” parents have already achieved, this can be very revealing and has educational significance for parents. This is very important.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, as far as I understand, for more than 20 years Inva-Studio, and subsequently Inva-Academy, have been doing very important work. Through art therapy, your specialists help teenagers find their way, and most importantly, help them enter society. Scientists still do not have a clear definition and precise understanding of how art therapy can help. And it seems to me that you have this understanding. Does art heal?

Scientific research has shown that art therapy not only supports, but has a healing effect on people with disabilities.

N.G.: Yes, it heals. We took part in a seminar in Yalta, where there is a center for inclusive education. And I gave a small mini-lecture there, and at the same time we held three master classes at once. And I gave an example there of how scientists have shown through research that art therapy not only supports, but actually has a healing effect on people with disabilities. This is very important.

But I will say this: we do not only do art therapy, we do rehabilitation in a broader sense. Therefore, it is very important for us not only, so to speak, to support physically and psychologically, but also to integrate a disabled person into society, into different societies. And in what societies? It is most difficult to integrate into societies associated with market relations. Therefore, we have now developed the concept of organizing children's business towns, where children from a fairly early age can get used to market relations and then easily enter into them.

P.D.: Where will these business towns appear, in which regions? Are you still not calculating?

N.G.: You know, right now this is still just our dream.

P.D.: But you probably see its implementation in some regions.

N.G.: It is best to do this in Crimea. There is a wonderful teacher, he heads the institute in Yalta, Alexander Vladimirovich Gluzman. At one time he was the Minister of Education of Ukraine, and now he has been heading the institute for many years. And they have a center for inclusive education there. And when we talked to him, we agreed on this. And if the Ministry of Education supports us, it will be simply wonderful.

P.D.: When a year ago you were in this studio and answered questions from my colleague Angelina Grokholskaya, you said that you expect that Crimea will have its own “Inva-Studio”, its own “Inva-Academy”. Did you manage to do this?

N.G.: It works. It's not that easy or that quick to do. We held events in Simferopol. There is a wonderful center there, headed by Nina Aleksandrovna Nikitina. Now they have been allocated funds and are expanding. It is very important that we simultaneously solve the problem of harmonizing interethnic relations. You see, through culture this is much easier. In Yalta, as I already said, we held events. And in Sevastopol. In Sevastopol, we rely not only on professional personnel, but also on social activists. There are the Krasilnikovs there, they are entrepreneurs, and they help us in this regard.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, you have come such a serious way. Once upon a time there was just a rural studio that helped people with disabilities. Today this is a large “National Inva-Academy”, which covers, if I’m not mistaken, 14 regions. Can you answer for yourself and for our viewers what became fundamental?

N.G.: You know, love for the child became fundamental. I’ll tell you honestly, the first six months when I was carrying these children, I felt some kind of awkwardness in front of them for the fact that I was not disabled. Then I got used to it and got involved. And now we are all already... We live as a community. And when they come to us, they specifically note this family atmosphere here. Love for children arises in the process, namely love. It is very important how to help a child so that he feels better. This is very important.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, you just said that when you communicated with disabled children, it was uncomfortable for you that you had no restrictions in terms of some kind of physical condition. A very important point. Indeed, when we communicate with special children, every time we project it all through ourselves. But the important point is how to change the attitude of society? Because we, society, why don’t we accept? We are afraid. And fear is born from ignorance. How can you maintain a balance here and still retain your humanity?

N.G.: You know, the inclusive education system always requires some improvement. And, of course, this educational condition is necessary.

I'll just give you this example. We had a girl, she was studying at the institute, and when she came... She is a wheelchair user. We conducted such surveys, and some healthy female students said, the so-called healthy female students said: “It’s kind of uncomfortable for us to be around.” And then they got used to it, then they fell in love with her. Now she's married, she's a district weightlifting champion, she's graduated. And they treat her completely differently. That is, a process is necessary.

About creative treatment and methods of socialization of people with disabilities. "On equal terms." We speak with the president of the National Inva Academy Nikolai Galkin.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, what is stopping you from introducing your method of inclusive education in regular schools today? I know you’ve been working on this project for a long time, but things are still going wrong.

N.G.: You know, there is still fear, I would say, fear of something. Of course, it is more difficult to work with disabled people. And sometimes it happens like this: an official gets burned, and “it’s better not to do it.” Here in his head is the dominant “it’s better not to do it than to do it.” There is no need to be afraid of this. And you need to understand that any experiment has different nuances, and you shouldn’t be scared. We traveled abroad a lot, and we never had a single emergency. Why? Serious preliminary work is underway with parents, teachers, and those who organize it.

P.D.: In a nutshell, let’s tell you what your inclusive education system is.

N.G.: Our inclusive education is so comprehensive, I would say. On the one hand, we take into account the child’s conditions. And when he comes, the first thing he does is travel through our center. And we see him, and he sees us. And we begin to adapt gradually to each other. This inclusion is very important.

To be successful, it is important to keep a few things in mind. Don't say "no" or "bad". Secondly, it is imperative to see and understand the child’s successes.

It is very important when the parent comes and sits next to the child - then the entry into this system is smoother. And parents are interested and begin to understand what and how to do, because there are a lot of illiterate people (I mean, in terms of rehabilitation, disabled people). And this ultimately leads to success.

And here are a few of these points that are important to us. Don't say "no" or "bad". Secondly, it is imperative to see the child’s successes and understand. Here Vasily Ivanovich Ruskin spoke, and he has a very serious, so to speak, strong side - he sees the positive in the first steps. Now “Inva-Studio” is headed by our former parent, Lyudmila Vasilyevna Rysukhina. You know, until she does everything to the last to help the disabled person and his family, she will not calm down. These are the strengths. People come to us and say: “Why are you so successful?” Because these are the people we raised during this time.

P.D.: We recently spoke with Vasily Ruskin via Skype, a representative of Inva-Studio from Krasnodar. And he expressed the opinion that today it is extremely necessary to find this separate approach to each child, to each disabled person. But this is extremely difficult to do. In your opinion, why? Are there not enough resources? People? Skills, knowledge?

N.G.: No, I think we have enough resources. Simply targeting these resources is our problem.

P.D.: By the way, about money. Who is helping Inva Academy today? State, no?

N.G.: I once said... We met with Lyudmila Alexandrovna Putina, I think it was in 2001. She says: “Nikolai Nikolaevich, how did you do so much as a public organization?” I say: “We have a “party of good people”. It is this “party of good people” that helps us. Tatyana Gennadievna Rogozina helps a lot. And Dmitry Olegovich, when he was ambassador to NATO, he invited us there. We are there We held a wonderful exhibition, we transferred the icon there to the central church in Brussels. These are the enthusiasts.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, we talked about almost everything, touched on the positive aspects and even talked about how society can be involved in an important inclusive project. But I'm afraid that they forgot the main thing. Please tell me what is preventing Inva-Academy from developing further today?

N.G.: I would say this: insufficient attention from those who should pay attention to this in the first place. Recently we gathered officials and representatives of the Legislative Assembly at Inva-Studio. They say: “Yes, yes! This is all very good. Yes, we will help!” But sometimes it happens like this: the event ends and that’s it, it’s forgotten. And of course, legislation. The legislation needs to be improved.

P.D.: Nikolai Nikolaevich, at the end of our conversation, tell us, reveal the secret, the veil of secrecy, what plans and what tasks do you set for Inva-Studio for 2017.

N.G.: We set this goal for 2017. First of all and most importantly, of course, continue to work in Crimea and include Crimea in the system of our work. But also to learn from Crimea what they have. They have a lot of good stuff there. Therefore, let's not spread ourselves thin. Crimea should now be included in the system of our relations.

P.D.: And I wish you and all the employees of Inva-Academy that the number of regions will continue to grow, and at the end of 2017 there were not 14, but at least 30.

N.G.: Thank you.

P.D.: Good luck in your work! And thank you for telling us today, using specific examples, how important it is to be on an equal footing.

Employees of Inva-Academy in 14 regions of the country every day, no matter how loud it may sound, accomplish a real feat. It's hard work. This is serious support for special children and their parents. And this is an individual approach to each student. And the main thing here is the result, which is worth any effort. The president of the National Inva-Academy, Nikolai Galkin, was in the Big Country studio.