Choosing a monument for a grave made of black granite. How to choose a good monument for your grave? Useful tips for those who have not yet chosen. Which monument to choose


Seven aspects that need to be clarified before ordering a monument.

1. In which cemetery will the deceased be buried?

This question is much more important than it might seem at first glance:

  • In addition to the general regulations for the installation of tombstones, there are own regulations. Everyone has the right to put forward their demands. They touch stele dimensions, options to install fence, limit plot dimensions and even installation crews.
  • It is necessary to take into account the age of the cemetery and the degree of its maintenance. An elegant fragile monument, for example, in an old and abandoned cemetery can become victim of a number of circumstances- careless handling, destruction of neighboring tombstones, falling branches from trees and, alas, including vandalism or theft.
  • It also matters how it will be look like a monument among others. A modern, expensive and flashy tombstone may look out of place and garish against the background of old and modest steles, or simply get lost in the general background if the cemetery is cramped and overgrown with trees.

2. For how long is this tombstone erected?

This question seems strange only at first glance. Many people first put it on the grave temporary gravestones, so that after a few years you can change it to a permanent, more reliable one.

  • It's one thing if it's monument on the grave of an elderly person, a distant relative, the last in the family. Then the tombstone should be installed “once and for all”, and it should be made, if simple, then as durable as possible.
  • Otherwise, if they also bury in the same area others family members, and provision is made for the monument to be replaced over time during subsequent burials.
  • You can stop at a family memorial, but you especially need to think about this in advance.

3. Will the monument and grave be maintained regularly?

If you do not plan to visit the grave at least twice a year, then it is better to abandon plans for large-scale landscaping and limit yourself to unpretentious ones. And if the grave is expected to remain unattended for a year or more, then perhaps it is not worth planting flowers on it at all, and instead of a flower garden, put a tombstone or lay out the area with gravel or tiles.

The condition of the monument itself depends on the regularity of care. Some tombstones - for example - perfectly withstand any impact environment and the vagaries of the weather. For others (such as marble tombstones), annual treatment is recommended to protect the pores of the stone from moisture and dust, and ultimately from dirt and cracks. Think about whether someone will be able to in a few years.

4. What are your financial capabilities?

They can differ tenfold. In addition, other costs are added to the cost of the tombstone itself - delivery, installation, decorative design etc.

  • There are enough opportunities save money on the production of the monument without damage to final result. This includes early (autumn and winter) purchase of a standard tombstone, rejection of complex forms and minimization self made in finishing - for example, choice instead of manual. Delivery and installation a simple monument You can also do it yourself if necessary.
  • But not everything is worth saving on. First of all, it's the material. Tombstones are cheaper than those made of natural stone. But it is very likely that in just a few seasons you will face additional investments in restoration, or even replacement of the stele.
  • There is no need to save on site preparation For . Large and heavy tombstones and steles of non-standard shape with a displaced center of gravity require a high-quality and reliable foundation, and it is better not to neglect this.

5. What monument would the deceased choose and what are the expectations of loved ones?

When choosing a monument, the customer tries to adequately fulfill his last duty in front of the deceased, to demonstrate respect, or even simply to do “not worse, but better” than others.

  • It's logical when gravestones reflect the personality of the deceased, not the customer. In this regard, there may be a specific will of the deceased, which must be respected. Someone wants a simple stone to stand on his grave, but his relatives don’t want to; someone tells you to depict your favorite car on a stele or musical instrument- and this is everyone’s right.
  • On the other hand, one must also take into account the feelings of those who will visit the grave. In the case of a modest elderly person without relatives, maybe it’s not worth “showing off” complex shape monument or expensive material. But if the deceased was a young man, had many friends and relatives and died untimely, then excessive asceticism in the design may cause misunderstanding among visitors to the graveyard.
  • This also applies religious monuments: in some cases, the relatives of the deceased will consider design elements, for example, or tombstones, to be appropriate.

6. What image should be on the monument?

Photography for a portrait must correspond not only technical requirements, but also for its purpose: to call bright memories of the deceased. You should not use photographs that are too late or those that the deceased himself considered unsuccessful. If colored granite or gray marble is used for the stele, then the portrait should be either engraved on a separate granite insert - a portrait tablet.

The image on the monument may be not only a portrait: In fact, you can place a . But if the deceased was a person, this must be taken into account when decorating the monument with images. So, Orthodox Church, while not prohibiting anything, still approves of modesty, and the canons of Sharia do not allow images of living beings to be placed on tombstones. You can also refuse to apply images, limiting yourself only to the name of the deceased and the dates of his life.

Tombstones can be individualize and in other ways: for example, using bas-relief or ceramic inserts, combining different materials using forged elements. When ordering a finished monument, you can make it special with additional accessories, bronze letters and symbols. The more urgent the personalization of a tombstone, the more important it is to obtain and approve a layout or 3D model of the complex before its production.

7. What accessories will decorate the monument and enhance the grave?

You are not obligated to erect anything other than a monument at the burial site - not even . But they do not only decorative, but also utilitarian functions. The benches and tables are obviously convenient for visitors. Icons and lamps are appropriate if believers can pray there. Vases, flower pots, flowerpots and pergolas will decorate the grave. But on the contrary, they can worsen the impression if they have withered flowers or are empty. Provide in advance which of these will be used, and what about just standing around doing nothing? Complete your production order tombstone useful accessories, and the grave will look “more alive” and more well-groomed by caring relatives and friends.

Immediately after the funeral, a cross is placed on the grave mound with a sign on which the full name and dates of life and death are written. At the request of the relatives, the monument will be erected in a year, when the soil settles. The cemetery administration determines the time of year when monuments are allowed to be erected. Typically this is 5 months from May 15 to October 15. The main condition is that the ground is soft and not frozen. The monument is erected in good weather without rain.

In order to replace a tombstone with a monument, you need to submit an application to the cemetery administration on the basis of a death certificate. This application can only be submitted by the person who was appointed responsible for the burial at the funeral and, accordingly, has a certificate of the construction of the tombstone.

To obtain permission to install a monument, you will need to provide the administration with a passport, a certificate of construction of a tombstone, an agreement with a payment receipt indicating that you ordered a monument or fence, and you will also need to write an application.

Usually the installation of monuments is carried out by the cemetery administration itself. However, you can also submit an application stating that you want to do the installation yourself. It should be understood that monuments, flower beds, fences are your personal property and the administration is not responsible for their damage.

Before installing a monument, ask the administration about rules, among which may be that the monument should not interfere with or block access to other graves, it should contain reliable information, correct dates and full names. Legally you can't use one big monument for 3 let's say related graves, as confusion may occur. Part of the monument should not protrude beyond the boundaries of the site, and its size, for example in some cemeteries, is regulated by no more than two meters in height.

The same rules apply to fences. Not all cemeteries allow you to install a fence; for those that do, you must first submit a written application. The fence should not block access to other graves, the size of the fence should correspond to the size of the plot, the average height is 0.5 meters, the use of sharp peaks is prohibited.

Which monument to choose?

Photo on metal on a cross: For a temporary monument, as a rule, it is placed wooden cross with a sign. Sometimes relatives order a photo on metal for a temporary monument. This photo is no different from photoceramics, except that it has a cavity at the back so that it can be easily attached to a wooden cross. However, as a rule, this is a temporary option until the main monument is installed:
For a permanent monument, people traditionally choose between marble and granite. Marble is cheaper, granite is more expensive.

Marble monument light color, and therefore they do not engrave on it, that is, the master will not be able to transfer the image itself and the inscriptions directly onto the stone, since it will be difficult to see. Not some people still carve a portrait on a light stone:

Therefore, most often additional granite slabs are attached to the monument, where inscriptions or images are already embossed (in the center there is a circle of granite):

Or they use photoceramics, gluing an oval color photograph to the monument:

Although marble is rare black, however, it has pronounced white patches:

Marble is a more pliable material and is used to make stunning statues, monuments, and sculptures. In any case, marble is more suitable for decorative elements, for example, from it, you can make a cross like this, as you can see, they added a granite tablet at the bottom to leave an inscription, they decided not to take a photo:

To add a photograph to a marble monument, you can use any photo sealed in glass:

Due to its pliability and relative softness, marble is inferior to granite in durability; under the pressure of nature, inscriptions become discolored, the color of the stone fades, small cracks may appear, and in addition, light-colored monuments become dirty faster. At least once every 5 years you need to call a master to renew the protective layer on the monument and, if necessary, carry out restoration.

Granite is a more resistant material, but it is practically not used to make complex sculptural works, often marble and granite are combined together in one monument. Granite has many types and colors from yellow to red. However, for portraits painted on the stone itself, only black colors are used; for the rest, just like for marble, you will have to use inserts.

Karelian and Australian gabbro-diabase are considered the best; Ukrainian gabbro is cheaper, but of lower quality. In any case, the agency will advise you and select a monument depending on what you want to do with it: an image, an inscription, or a sculpture.

If you want to the image or inscriptions were directly on the stone, then you need to take black granite. Previously, artists transferred images onto black granite. This process is complex, but high quality. The artist puts his soul into the image, the image turns out as if it were alive.

In addition, when individually tapping with knitting needles, the image is stable and reliable. Today, funeral firms are increasingly purchasing so-called engraving machines; in this case, all that is needed is to place the photograph in the printer, and the machine itself will “tap” and emboss the portrait on granite. After the machine knocks out the portrait, the stone with the image is transferred to the engraver, who completes the unbroken areas and, in general, brings the portrait to the desired state.

In addition to the photograph itself, on the back of the granite they often depict what the deceased loved. For example, an artist will be able to knock out a car, summer garden, sea, and much more. Therefore, if you want a truly high-quality image on a monument, still find a funeral agency with real artists who can transfer the image to the monument as if it were alive.

Before ordering an image on granite look at the portfolio artists:

Each artist is individual and sees and transfers the image to the monument in his own way. Color images are obtained by applying special paint to the monument, after direct engraving. As for the design itself, it can be anything, only you decide what shape, size, and material the monument will be. It can be in the shape of a heart, a cross, a stele, and many other shapes.

In any case, contacting a funeral agency will help you choose something to your liking. However, remember that natural stone is always more expensive than artificial stone, the work of an artist more expensive than work automatic machine.

Advice. Choose your granite carefully. Any granite monument Not Pure black, if you look closely at it, it has a grainy structure, these inclusions affect the work of artists. Imagine that there is a bright spot exactly in the place where the pupil of the eye should be located, and if there are many such spots, then the image may turn out a little worse than if there were fewer inclusions. However experienced artist He will always be able to draw a portrait, although it will be more difficult for him to do it on such a stone.

Conclusion. First, decide whether you want the deceased to be depicted on the monument. Then choose exactly how you want to transfer the image to the monument: photo ceramics, a portrait in glass, an artist or a machine will draw on the monument itself.

For example, if you want to use a photo in glass, then you do not have to choose black granite; you can choose a monument of any color, because the photo of the deceased will simply be embedded in the stone. For non-black granite monuments, workshops, as a rule, make special inscriptions that are not stamped on the stone itself, but are sort of glued to it.

Be sure to ask how it will look! It is not uncommon for people, out of ignorance, to order engraving of inscriptions or even a portrait on light marble or other stones not intended for this. It works out cheaper, but looks like white on white.

Also ask, what technology to choose for applying the image? For example, you want to order photoceramics. The decal is more durable, of higher quality and more expensive, while the Thermal Transfer is cheaper, is faster to produce, but is of lower quality and is more suitable as a temporary option for a cross.

In addition, there are different types ceramics: Slip cast ceramics – cheaper and of lower quality; Dry pressed ceramics – more expensive, but of higher quality. And porcelain tiles, which are ideal for placing a large portrait.

Compare both options and choose the one that suits you. Remember that photoceramics can be of any shape and size, from a standard oval to a rectangle. The technology of applying an image to the monument itself is called engraving; it comes in two types: manual - when the image is embossed by an artist, and automatic, when it is done by a machine. It is believed that handmade images are more durable and durable.

Questions and answers:

The portrait on the monument is not similar:

Perhaps you gave too small a photo and the artist brought out what is shown in the photo, but in real life the man looked a little different. In any case, before the artist started working, you should have been shown an enlarged image and shown what the final result will be. If the image is very different from what was shown to you, you can order a resurfacing of the monument to redraw the image or use another method of applying the image, such as photoceramics.

In practice there are often dissatisfied customers who do not like the image, which is exactly like the photograph, but relatives claim that in real life the person is completely different than in the photo. But an artist simply cannot know what kind of person he was during his lifetime, so one should not expect anything beyond a miracle from him. The image turns out exactly the same as in the photograph, only in black and white.

How to take a photo from a monument?

If it is photoceramics, then, as a rule, it is tightly glued to the monument. However, you can try to carefully punch through the edges of the portrait using a chisel and hammer. Be prepared for the fact that the photoceramic product will crack and become unusable.

How to transfer a photo to a monument with your own hands?

If you are not an artist, then no way. Even if you know how to draw portraits, you will need special equipment: knitting needles, an engraving machine or a kiln for firing photoceramics. However, it happens that people themselves carve inscriptions on the stone and decorate it themselves:

What is the name of the photo on the monument?

That’s what they call it, a photograph for a monument. You can often come across names like engraving a portrait on a monument or photoceramics on a monument.

Caring for a monument made of granite and marble

Granite. Granite has one unpleasant thing: it literally absorbs grease, which means all your fingers can get imprinted on it. If this happens, then cleaning the monument is problematic, but the advantage is that within a month the small stain will evaporate on its own.

If the stain absolutely needs to be removed, you can use baking soda. Apply a teaspoon of baking soda and water to the greasy stain until the baking soda resembles yogurt. When the solution dries (about a day), simply wipe it off.

To clean a granite monument from dust and dirt, you can use special products purchased in the store, or use a regular soft cloth soaked in warm water. Sometimes a weak soap solution is used.

You cannot use household chemicals that you use to clean the kitchen! After cleaning the monument, wipe it with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left. Advice: in stores they sell special napkins for stones; take it out and wipe everything clean and there are no streaks.

If there are cracks in the granite, even small ones must be covered with a special putty for stone. If this is not done, then in winter, freezing moisture can contribute to the destruction of the stone. If you notice that drops do not form into balls when they hit the monument, then it’s time to renew the protective layer of the monument. To do this, after cleaning with soapy water, apply a special product (usually a spray) and let the sealant soak in for about 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove excess sealant with a dry cloth.

If paint gets on granite, it is better to purchase a special solvent for stone. It is not recommended to restore inscriptions and portraits on monuments yourself; for this you need to turn to professionals.

Marble. Marble is cheaper and therefore more problematic material. As a rule, even in the workshop, light and black marble is coated with a special composition that prevents contamination and fading in the sun. Marble does not tolerate moisture well and high temperatures. When wiping, the rag does not need to be heavily soaked in water. You need to handle the candle carefully, not bringing it too close for too long.

Just like on granite, greasy fingerprints can remain on marble; once again, it is better not to touch the monument, or do it with gloves. When cleaning a marble monument, as a rule, you can use a simple soft rag or sponge soaked in warm water. If necessary, use either special products for cleaning marble or detergents with low level pH.

Regular detergents can damage the monument. After cleaning the monument and letting it dry, apply a protective agent and wait until it is absorbed. Afterwards, an anti-fading agent is applied (if the marble is colored). Then a special water-repellent composition is applied. To protect the inscriptions, you can use a special emulsion to protect the engraving.

Remember, if you have a vase installed, then before winter you need to pour out the accumulated water from it.

If the appearance of your monument no longer pleases you, if it has lost color, cracks have appeared on it, the image and inscription have begun to wear out over time, then it is better to contact specialists who will carry out all the necessary procedures to restore the monument and give it the best appearance. Typically, such services are ordered once every 5 years.

What to do with the cross after installing the monument?

There really aren't many options here:

1.Leave a wooden cross next to the monument. Some people honor traditions and believe that a cross must be on the grave, especially if the cross is not depicted on the monument itself.

2. Ask the workers who are installing the monument to take the cross or ask where it can be taken. For example, to the temple, which is located next to the cemetery.

3. Bury the cross in the gravestone.

4. Give the cross to a poor, needy family for a funeral.

5. Burn the cross if it was wooden. Under no circumstances should you throw the cross into a trash can near the cemetery, and you should also not sell the cross.

What to write on the monument?

On the monument, in addition to the full name, surname, patronymic, date of birth and death, people sometimes want to write epitaphs. Epitaph these are words of condolences, for example: We remember, we love, we mourn.

The monument serves us so that we remember. At the end of the epitaph, many people ask to depict a rose or other flowers. The text of the epitaph can be invented by the relatives themselves, or taken from the Internet. Usually a phrase expressing the feelings of mourners or talking about achievements - good qualities deceased. However, nothing prevents you from using any phrase you want to see on the grave dear person, for example your poems.

You need to remember that if the text is large, then you need to say in advance that you want to place an epitaph. Since on the monument there is first a photograph, then the full name, then the date of birth and date of death, and only then the epitaphs, and if there is a desire and space, then at the end they can add a rosette. If desired, or if there is no space in front, kind words can be placed on back side monument, or on the reverse side you can make a three-dimensional image.

How to choose a photo for a monument?

If the photo is simply placed in sealed glass and attached to the monument, then any photo you like. However, most often a photograph will be needed to transfer an image onto ceramics, or onto the stone itself. Earlier for photoceramics They preferred to use black and white photographs, but today color photographs, thanks to special solutions, do not fade in the sun. Photoceramic images are usually not large size in the shape of an oval, and therefore the requirements for photography are lower. Important so that the face in the photo is large. How more photos you will have to enlarge it, the more the photo will lose in quality. You also need to understand that old photographs printed on matte paper have a lot of grain. If possible It's better to use a glossy photo.

Engraving. When engraving, the size of the photo is also very important. If, for example, the detail of the eye is not visible in the photo when enlarged, then the artist (if the artist draws) will have to complete the drawing of the eyes himself. Imagine yourself that you give a 3 by 4 photograph, and it is enlarged to A4 format in order to transfer it to the monument. Of course, in this case the image loses quality.

The larger and clearer the image of the face, the easier it is for the artist to depict an accurate portrait.

There are complex cases, when the artist is brought a small, worn-out passport photo, since there are simply no other photographs preserved. Then, in addition to the enlarged copy, the artist uses a magnifying glass, peers into the small details of the face and redraws (knocks out) these details on the monument. However, in this case, and in all other cases, when the photo is too small and the details are very poorly visible, the artist does not guarantee 100% similarity to the original, but similarity to the small photograph is guaranteed.

Many workshops that produce images for monuments can use Photoshop and retouching.

Should I depict a man in a hat?

For some reason, this is considered bad manners, but if a person wore a cap all his life, loved it very much, and in almost all photographs he is wearing it, then why not depict him in his favorite cap? However, some people ask to remove the headdress using Photoshop.

How old should you portray the person?

Any one you want. There are no religious or ethical considerations on this issue. There are people who believe and depict on the monument the photo closest to the time of death, while others believe that it is possible to depict a younger, old man when he was still in his prime.

Conclusion: Use photos where the face and fine facial details are clearly visible. The larger the photo, the better. If possible, use a glossy photo. In the workshop they will help you choose a photograph, you can select it and take it with you best pictures deceased. As a rule, they will immediately print out a photo enlarged to A4 format in front of you so that you can see what the end result will be.

This article is not about the cost of the monument, but about the quality of work that should be done and what materials should be used.

When the time has come to order a monument, there is no need to be led by various rumors and superstitions that give supposedly exact dates correct installation of this structure from the date of burial.

This is not true, since there is no such clear time. Work can be carried out after 2 months, or even years. The Church has no recommendations on this issue either.

To avoid any misunderstandings in the future with the owners of the cemetery or relatives of the person buried in a neighboring grave, make accurate measurements of your area without going beyond its boundaries.

If there is a monument that you want to replace, you should remove it yourself. First you need to take a photo of him and a nameplate. And then, for ease of transfer, destroy it with a sledgehammer.

This way, it will be easier for you to transport it to places designated for waste. Thus, your wallet will save approximately 2 thousand rubles. After this procedure, you can start searching for companies that provide the services you are interested in.

You need to be prepared for the fact that making a monument will not be cheap. However, a number of companies provide the possibility of partial payment. That is, half of the cost must be paid for the work immediately, and the rest can be paid over the course of a year. In this case, storage of the finished monument is not paid.

Shape and dimensions

Which monument should you choose? They are made from marble chips, natural or synthetic granite. The difference in materials lies in strength.

For example, a monument made of marble chips with a black insert will be weaker compared to granite. Although it costs less, its quality is much worse.

Therefore, it would be better to order a small granite stele. In addition, this material lends itself well to the hands of a craftsman to acquire the necessary forms. Monuments made of artificial granite and marble chips are usually made in advance, and their sizes and shapes cannot be changed.

The next step is to design the engraving. That's enough important point in the design of a tombstone. If you plan to have a photograph engraved on the monument, then pay attention to other works of the master.

Evaluate them by quality; the portrait should accurately copy the image in the photograph, and should not be flat. And also make sure that the work is done in even letters. Specify how engraving is performed: manual or mechanical.

The best option would be monuments made by the hands of a master. Of course, they will cost more, but they will last longer and will differ noticeably in quality.

You can also ask where the material came from. The best black granite occurs if its homeland is Karelian deposits, Swedish, Ukrainian, Chinese and Italian quarries.

Moreover, such material should not change its shade when sunlight. High-quality granite does not have inclusions, prominent spots or strong cracks.

If you find defects, you have the right to ask for a discount. To find the most profitable option, go through several companies, checking the cost of work based on the same parameters.

Once the monument is made, it is not necessary to supervise its installation. The workers will do everything themselves; all they need to do is show them the burial site.

You can check the readiness of your order after installation. Carefully inspect the finished monument, the joints, whether it is placed evenly, and whether there is any clutter. Then be sure to check about the warranty.

In order to get rid of grass overgrowing the grave, you can concrete the area. If you still have money in stock, you can decorate it with tiles. As a cheaper option, it will be enough to cover the ground with a layer of crushed stone, under which you first place polyethylene.

Subject to this minimum quantity advice, you will be able not to waste your financial resources in vain and will be satisfied with the finished monument for your grave.

Mistake #1

It lies in the fact that most often people start to worry about monument almost immediately before its planned installation on the grave. That is, they come to the company’s office and ask to do monument as quickly as possible, almost within a week. At the same time, such customers are very surprised when they are denied a short deadline, they even get offended by the company: after all, they are in a hurry, there is little time left before the funeral, and they do not want to meet them halfway. It is sometimes impossible to explain to such people what short time no good company monument won't do it. Judge for yourself: The average order production time is 2 months, what if monumentnot typical, then more. Customers in a hurry don’t want to hear anything about the queue to order. But in good agencies There are always a lot of customers, so there are long queues.

In short, I realized thatmonument to the graveIt is best to order about six months before its installation. Moreover, decent funeral companies always have warehouses for finished products, and they are stored until the required date for free. Therefore, try to take care of the order monument a few months before installation, and you won’t have to worry in the spring.

Mistake #2

- This unsuccessful choicecompanies. To avoid this, you need to take into account several factors and check a few things. Firstly, O When you contact an agency, immediately find out whether it has its own granite workshop. If not, it’s better to look for another funeral company, otherwise you won’t have any problems. After all, no one is immune from defective finished products. Whereas an agency with a workshop will eliminate the defect itself.

It’s especially good, of course, if the company has not only its own workshops, but also quarries. This doesn't happen often, but it does happen. With these, I found out the quality of the stone is always better and the price is monuments below.

And of course, pay attention to different stock! Reputable companies often conduct them. For example, promotional discounts are announced for monumentsin winter. They are usually very good. This is understandable: in winter there are few orders from funeral agencies, people are unemployed. So promotions are being announced to spur consumer demand during this difficult time for sales. So here, as in the proverb: prepare a sleigh in the summer, and a cart in the winter. That is in winter monumentit's much more profitable to buy than at other times of the year, and even more so in the spring, when funeral firms have a lot of clients.

Mistake #3

People often make mistakes when. For example, they do not take into account the climatic features of the area where the cemetery and, accordingly, the grave are located. And yet, we haven’t figured out the characteristics of the stone.

Let's say we chose You marble monument. You can’t say anything, marble is a beautiful and noble material. Monument done, installed, you are happy with everything. But after a year and a half you suddenly notice that, firstly, lost its original shine, secondly, Vengraved photos and inscriptions somehow “blurred”. And in general, on your marble tombstone mold has appeared! All this means that, firstly, you did not take into account the air humidity in your region. High humidity is the cause of fungus on marble. Secondly, marble, indeed, fades over time, and the images on it become more cloudy.

Me myself when I ordered monument, plate and other accessories to the grave , stopped at granite. He is beautiful, has different color shades and durable. Granite monument My great-grandfather’s grave has been on it for over 40 years, and it’s practically like new.

Mistake #4

She's tied up with the wrong one choosing a portrait for the monument. Sometimes people order e.g. too much a large portrait, which either hardly fits into the overall dimensions, or prevents it from being placed wisely and beautifully on the body monument necessary and symbols. Sometimes there is another extreme: relatives want to have a full-length image on a small tombstone. But we must understand that such choice only suitable for very large monuments , otherwise the face in the portrait will come out too small.

But disappointment large.

When will you choose photo for portrait,try not to make it group. Of course, modern computer technology will easily allow you to separate the desired image from the group. But now imagine the feelings of those acquaintances of the deceased from the photograph who will understand that it was she who was used as a prototype. After all, many of us are superstitious, prone to prejudices and would hardly want such a discovery. And one more thing. In order not to be mistaken in When choosing, bring the artist several possible photos, and let him choose the appropriate one during the process of making the portrait.

Mistake #5

Many people do it based on purchase monumentcheaper. The desire to save money is quite understandable. Most of us are not rich people. Some unscrupulous funeral companies play on this. They sell cheap monuments from surrogate materials, passing off artificial stone as natural. And after a short time monument on the grave begins to crumble. This can be both costly and offensive.

Remember, my dears, that real granite, marble or other quarry stone is not cheap. Hence the relatively high price of blanks for a truly durable tombstone. So save wisely: Better use promotions and discounts offered by agencies.

These are my observations and conclusions regarding how NOT to choose a monument for the grave and what to consider in order to avoid mistakes in this complex matter and not add unpleasant disappointments to yourself. I hope my experience is useful to someone!

Choosing a suitable monument is not an easy and responsible task.

It will last for many years if you make an unmistakable choice of the materials from which it is made, the shape of the tombstone and its design.

In this article we will give several necessary advice, which will help you decide on a quality monument.

When can a monument be placed on a grave?

Many are inclined to believe that the installation of the monument should be carried out no earlier than 12 months after the funeral.

This is partly true. The fact is that the soil on the grave settles for quite a long time, which does not allow for a high-quality installation of the tombstone.

There is a risk that the monument's support may crack and damage will appear throughout the rest of the surface. Poorly compacted soil will not provide the necessary support. erected monument, which will lead to its displacement.

Over the course of one year, the earth will completely settle and compact. A considerable part of the craftsmen in this field assure that it is advisable to wait 2 years and install a cheap tombstone during this period. Monuments are erected in the warm season, preferably in spring or summer.

During the cold and frosty season, the installation of a tombstone is not carried out due to frozen ground.

It is most economical to purchase a monument in winter.

Many manufacturers of monuments are not very overwhelmed with work in the winter and will be happy to fulfill even the most labor-intensive order based on your preferences.

In addition, in winter there are impressive discounts that will save your budget.

You can pick up your “winter” purchase even when it gets warmer, especially since you won’t need to pay extra for storage.

Connection to the environment

When choosing a monument, specialists need full information burial area. When making a tombstone, factors such as the condition of the soil, its structure, the location of the grave and the topography of the ground must be taken into account.

Monuments are erected not to once again boast to others, but for the Eternal Memory of loved ones who have passed away. Therefore, it is inappropriate to show off your well-being and success in this way.

Material selection

The choice of materials in modern tombstone workshops is amazing. It all depends on the amount the customer expects.

A monument made of crumbs, plastic, polymer granite or decorative cement is largely inferior in durability and beauty appearance expensive materials.

If you want to perpetuate the memory of your loved ones, you should pay attention to their natural stone monuments. Buying a granite monument of a small size will be more reasonable than opting for a large tombstone made of marble chips.

A monument made of natural stone can be created in a variety of variations, all you need is your imagination. But a tombstone made of marble chips or polymer granite is made according to several template examples.

The most popular today are natural stones such as granite and marble.

Natural marble. The stone is very malleable to sawing, grinding and polishing. It comes in both gray and white.

Marble is very fragile, sensitive to temperature changes and adverse weather conditions, not resistant to fungus, and gets dirty very quickly. But despite this, marble monument It is strikingly beautiful and with proper care will last a long time.

Natural granite. Granite monuments are made from stone mined in the depths of Ukrainian lands.

This material is durable and stands out for its high quality and strength. Without changing its form and preserving the inscriptions in their original form, such a monument can stand for about the 2nd century.

Granite stone does not require special care, is impervious to weather conditions and retains its original polish for many years.

Shades of stone will suit every taste: red, black, greenish, gray and even the “king of snow” colors - white. Size, composition, processing method ─ all these features will depend full price granite monument.

Size and shape

Once the choice of material for the headstone has been made, you can move on to thinking about the design of the monument.

Specialists can offer sketches of the most popular compositions, but you can order based on your preferences and imagination.

It should be remembered that a large and exclusive monument will cost more. The size of the monument affects its durability.

The larger and more massive it is, the longer it will last, which cannot be said about small tombstones. They age faster and can break down.

Today it is possible to order not only the granite monument itself, but also additional elements for it.

Vases, tables, benches, tiles, figurines, etc. will help create a beautiful memorial.