The second semantic series in the works. Tale of a turnip. Second semantic series. How does the state get rich, and how does it live, and why does it not need gold, When a simple product has



Preface 3
Introduction A Word about Igor's Campaign and Tales of A. S. Pushkin. Questions
Chapter 1 The Tale of the Dead Princess. - The path of Russian civilization
Chapter 2 The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish. - Man and society
Chapter 3 A tale about a priest and his worker Balda. - The battlefield is the forehead. Transformation of consciousness
Chapter 4 The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. -- Lesson for Good Fellows
Chapter 5 A tale about Tsar Saltan, about his son, the glorious and mighty hero, Prince Guidon Saltanovich, and about the beautiful Princess Swan. - Creation of the world
Chapter 6 Fairy tale "Groom". - Choosing a groom - choosing a Path
First of all, I would like to admit that I had no goal of researching “The Lay of Igor’s Campaign” and the thought of Pushkin’s acquaintance with “The Lay” had never crossed my mind before.
The topic of the work arose naturally as we studied fairy tales, by itself. Feeling the symbolic nature of Pushkin's fairy tales, I wanted to consider the second semantic row of each fairy tale. I was inspired for this study by the brilliant analysis of “The House in Kolomna” and “Belkin’s Tales” carried out by V.M. Zaznobin from the point of view of the Concept of Public Safety. The layout of the 2nd semantic series of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” is also interesting. V.M.’s remark also deserves deep attention from researchers. Zaznobin that the second semantic series can be clarified only by taking into account Pushkin’s drawings for his works.
Understanding the symbolism of fairy tales, it turned out to be impossible not to turn to “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”, because there are a lot of textual connections, and there is also a connection at the semantic level. Speaking about the concept of “The Lay,” I rely on Vl. Zhikarentsev’s study “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign,” a message from the ancestors. How did the maiden of Resentment and discord come to the Russian land and what to do?”

Read from this series

[Grandfather planted a turnip.]

The Spirit of man or the Mind sowed the reason with the speech of dirty tricks (RE-PA). What is meant here is the Mind, and not the Mind (Discriminating Mind), i.e. the Primary Mind, the Mind that does not distinguish between Good and Evil, but has the abilities to Create and Perceive. Nastyness does not necessarily mean something vile; the main thing here is the quality of inertia (PA-BONE or paki bone, like a bone), constancy of the sown cause over time.

[The turnip has grown very, very big.]

A huge consequence has ripened in the material universe (in the earth). For example, illness.

[Grandfather began to pull a turnip from the ground. He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out.]

The human spirit (Mind) tries to eliminate the Consequence by actions in matter (pulling a turnip from the ground). However, he does not achieve success, because he works according to the Consequence. Medicines and procedures do not help.

[Grandfather called grandma. Grandma for grandpa, grandpa for the turnip - they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.]

He called upon the Mind or Spirit to help the Soul, i.e., His spiritual experience and Emotions. The result is negative, because the work is being carried out according to the Investigation. A positive attitude and mindset are not enough.

[The grandmother called her granddaughter.]

A person turns to inner reality to solve a problem, intuitively guessing or receiving a hint that the reason is hidden in the Structure of the Soul. VNU-CH-KA = “Vnu-three quality.”

[The granddaughter for the grandmother, the grandmother for the grandfather, the grandfather for the turnip - they pull and pull, but they cannot pull it out.]

An attempt to eliminate the Effect by influencing the intermediate cause (ripened negative quality in the soul), for example, by denying this negative, does not lead to success.

[The granddaughter called to the bug.]

Further study of causality leads to the discovery in the unconscious of the image of the Cause or, which is the same thing, its Measure. Negative entities are read from right to left, inversion takes place. In this case, BEETLE = Quality of ALIEN.

[A bug for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for a turnip—they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out.]

An attempt to directly deny the image or measure of a detected negative quality, which is called head-on, does not lead to success. Lacks depth of understanding.

[Called the bug to the cat.]

The study of causality leads, as one grows spiritually and accumulates spiritual experience, to the discovery of the mechanism of KARMA. A person discovers a cause-and-effect relationship between cause (Alien Quality) and effect (Shock Quality = CAT, read with inversion). SHOCK - “Retribution for negative impact on the environment.” A person clearly sees how a cause created in an episode of the past gives rise to an effect in time and space. Awareness of the mechanism of Karma convinces a person that it is necessary to influence the Cause and helps to understand HOW EXACTLY it is necessary to influence it in order to change the Effect.

[The cat called the mouse.]

To work in the Cause, Thinking or Reason is involved (MOUSE = Quality of THINKING). The sown cause, as a thought form, is creatively processed, transformed into a thought form that generates either a positive Consequence (VIKARMA algorithm), while negative images during such work change to positive ones, or is completely erased, neutralized (AKARMA or Impeccability algorithm), while a scene from the past in consciousness it either moves away, or becomes clouded, or becomes uninteresting, or remains far below or disappears. Visions of straight roads from horizon to horizon may also appear before the inner eye, which indicates that the time track has been cleared.

[Mouse for the cat, cat for the bug, bug for the granddaughter, granddaughter for the grandmother, grandmother for the grandfather, grandfather for the turnip - they pull and pull, they pulled out the turnip!]

The effect simply disappears either instantly or quickly enough if the process has not yet become irreversible or, in the case of diseases, large organic changes have not occurred in the tissues during this time. For those uninitiated in cause-and-effect mechanics, this looks like a miracle. Examples of solving such problems in relation to diseases of a psychosomatic nature, and these are the majority, can be viewed on the website of the project “Healing SPARK of the Spirit” at

If the interpretation of the fairy tale proposed here does not look convincing to you, dear reader, then you can perceive it as an intellectual exercise, the purpose of which is to express the algorithms of cause-and-effect mechanics through the figurative matrix of the fairy tale. Well, like, “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting.” Anything else is logically unprovable and can only be known through one’s own spiritual experience.

The above decoding makes Pushkin’s work in these symbols harmonious and logical from beginning to end. This does not mean that when writing the poem, Pushkin had exactly the same ideas at the level of his own consciousness. The point is that through his unconscious levels of the psyche, through the images and drawings underlying the text, he was given global information from Above, which he reflected in his works. The above transcript is captivating with its logic and degree of correspondence with the text, but does not at all pretend to be exclusive. Such transcripts come to their authors through information channels linked to the channels that once worked for Pushkin, with Pushkin’s egregor.

Among the works of special significance in conceptual terms is the work of A.S. Pushkin's "Gavriliad". It helps to understand the nature of the official proclamation of the Prophets, as well as why there were no Prophets in the history of Russian civilization. The meaning of the “Gavriliad” comes down to the fact that the devil’s forces (the Tempter Serpent), the egregorial-church forces (the Archangel Gabriel) and God the Creator and Almighty had a relationship with the conception of Christ. Thus A.S. Pushkin shows that I. Christ was formed and involved simultaneously in three scenarios. He was a Righteous One who received revelations from Above, secondly, he is used by egregorial levels, church hierarchies to solve their earthly problems and, finally, by satanic forces raping humanity and shedding rivers of blood with crosses on their chests and the name of Christ on their lips. The righteous, who over the past three thousand years have not been able to fit into the script needed by the healers, are not declared Prophets. In "Gavriliad" the understanding of these processes by A.S. Pushkin demonstrates openly.

With the story of Moses
I don’t agree with my story:
He wanted to captivate the Jew with a fiction,
He lied importantly, and they listened to him.
God rewarded him with a submissive style and mind,
Moses became a famous gentleman,
But believe me, I am not a court historian,
I don’t need the important rank of a Prophet!

A.V.: What do you see as the origins of such a special mission of A.S. Pushkin?

V.A.: A.S. Pushkin, without a doubt, belonged to the systems of priestly initiation. In him, on his father’s side, he combined the knowledge of Holy Russian, Slavic, and on his mother’s side - the ancient Egyptian priesthood. The depth of his penetration into the mysteries of existence can be judged even by individual rare stories, where he provides information in a direct, uncoded form. Think about whether a person who wrote, for example, the following could write fairy tales for children:

Desert sower of freedom,
I left early, before the star;
With a clean and innocent hand
Into the enslaved reins
Threw a life-giving seed -
But I only lost time
Good thoughts and works...

Graze, peaceful peoples!
The cry of honor will not wake you up.
Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?
They should be cut or trimmed.
Their inheritance from generation to generation
A yoke with rattles and a whip.

Or listen to how he understood the worthlessness of the official branches of government, in particular the legislative branch, in global governance schemes:

I don’t value loud rights dearly,
Which makes more than one head spin.
I don't complain that the gods refused
It's my sweet fate to challenge taxes,
Or prevent kings from fighting each other;

And there is little grief for me,
Is the press free to fool the fools?
Or sensitive censorship
In magazine plans, the joker is embarrassed.

And what is his most accurate algorithm for detuning from enslavement to economic priority through gold and world money? In fact, it provides an algorithm for crisis-free management, which we only have to comprehend and implement in practice:

How does the state get rich?
And what does he live on, and why?
He doesn't need gold
When a simple product has.

Having comprehended these lines, you understand that, contrary to the imposed stereotypes, our money supply should remain unchanged, even if not a single dollar or a single gram of gold remains in the country. And listen to what a cruel sentence A.S. pronounces. Pushkin to the future of usury, which in our time has destroyed the manufacturing sector of Russia with exorbitant usurious loan interest rates reaching up to 210% per annum:

The little imp, tucking his hoof under himself,
Twisted the moneylender by the fire of hell.
Hot fat dripped into the smoked trough.
And the money-lender baked on the fire.

This execution has great meaning:
Always having one acquisition in the subject,
This evil old man sucked the fat of his debtors
And he mercilessly turned them around in your light.

A.V.: In our programs you convincingly showed the essence of the six management priorities of conceptual power. There is also an idea of ​​them in the works of A.S. Pushkin?

V.A.: Yes, that's true. I consider it possible to give answers to your questions directly in the verses of A.S. Pushkin. We are convinced that the priority of military weapons is the weakest, they are used by those who have not mastered the methodology for using information weapons. Now let’s listen to A.S. Pushkin:

Rivals in the art of warfare,
Know no peace among yourselves;
Bring tribute to the dark glory,
And revel in enmity!
Let the world freeze before you,
Marveling at the terrible celebrations:
No one will regret you
Nobody will bother you.

And here is his remark about the interaction of this military priority with genetic weapons:

Has God really given us one thing?
Is there pleasure in the sublunary world?
We are left in consolation
War and muses and wine.

Pushkin’s thought on the fourth priority of essentially world money has already been heard. Let's give his advice to the screenwriters of the third ideological priority.

You, knights of the Parnassian mountains,
Try not to make people laugh
The immodest noise of your quarrels;
Scold - just be careful.

A.V.: Could you give other, more or less obvious decodings of the second semantic series of A.S. Pushkin?

V.A.: You, apparently, remember our special program dedicated to the method of growing, during the 42-year campaign of Moses, zombified administrative periphery of social healer structures, biorobots according to the function they perform on Earth. And here is a reflection of the results of this savage experiment on human genetics in the work of A.S. Pushkin:

He was deafened by the noise of internal anxiety.
And so he is his unhappy age
Dragged, neither beast nor man,
Neither this nor that, nor the inhabitant of the world
Not a dead ghost...

Pushkin clearly and unambiguously speaks about his understanding of the Law of Time that we had previously discovered and the powerlessness of the Global Predictor and previous control algorithms in front of it:

He brings down the stars from the sky,
He whistles - the moon trembles;
But against the TIME OF LAW
His science is not strong.

Seven works by A.S. are filled with special mysticism. Pushkin, written in a single chronological and semantic matrix, ending with the work "Blizzard", which became the musical epigraph of our program. Of these, the “Secluded House on Vasilyevsky” (1828) stands out, followed by a rigid chronological grid:

On October 9, 14 and 20, 1830, “The Undertaker,” “The Station Agent,” and “The Young Lady and the Peasant Woman” were released in succession. Strictly on the same dates

All these seven works are written in the same matrix of images - each of them has seven main characters. Let us give inquisitive radio listeners the opportunity to identify these characters with social phenomena. Let's give some tips:

form of government - widow or widower in all seven works of A.S. Pushkin;

the ruling elite is the image of a dead man in each of the works;

liberal intelligentsia - Vladimir Nikolaevich, Masha's fiancé ("Blizzard");

people - Masha ("Blizzard", "Shot"), Parasha ("House in Kolomna");

ideology before 1917 - Masha's maid ("Blizzard"), Thekla ("Little House in Kolomna");

ideology after 1917 - Mavra ("Little House in Kolomna"); Shmit ("Blizzard")

contenders for leadership of the people - Colonel Burmin ("Blizzard"), the Black Mustache guards ("House in Kolomna").

Today the information left to humanity by A.S. Pushkin, started working. I would like to end today’s program with verses from one of the proponents of the “Dead Water” concept.