I want to know all the state symbols of Russia. State symbols of Russia. Practical significance. The material used can be recommended when preparing lessons about the surrounding world, history, and extracurricular activities


I am sure that most residents of our country are familiar with most of the state symbols. We will not undertake to test your knowledge - it is better to do it yourself.


The state symbols of any country include the coat of arms, flag and anthem. This triad did not arise immediately. It was only in the 20th century that a mandatory tradition was established throughout the world - each country to have its own coat of arms, flag and anthem.

Residents different countries are rightfully proud of their symbols. The attitude towards the coat of arms, flag and anthem is the attitude towards the state itself. And it must be respectful.

The symbols of our Motherland date back hundreds of years.

The first state emblem appeared at the end of the 15th century, the first flag - in the 18th century, and the first anthem - in the 19th century. But more on that a little later.




The Moscow Kremlin is called the heart of Moscow. It is located on the banks of the Moscow River, in the very center of the city. The Kremlin, the symbol of Moscow, is a magnificent ensemble that unites architectural monuments different eras, is surrounded by brick walls, above which 20 towers rise. The Kremlin houses government agencies, ancient palaces and temples. You can walk along the Kremlin walls. By the way, once it was almost blown up - you can find out more



Red Square is the main square of Russia. Military parades and the main celebrations of the country take place here. On Red Square there is a mass interesting monuments culture and attractions. The most famous of them are the Mausoleum of V.I. Lenin, Execution Place, St. Basil's Cathedral, as well as the Upper and Middle shopping arcades, Kazan Cathedral. In addition, to the west is the Moscow Kremlin.



Temple of the Intercession Mother of God(St. Basil's Cathedral) – main temple Red Square and all of Moscow. It was built in the mid-16th century by decree of Tsar Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan Khanate - part of the former Golden Horde. Previously, we have already devoted a large and interesting article To the Cathedral - read it



The word “coat of arms” came into Russian in the 16th – 17th centuries. It is based on the German erbe, which means “inheritance.” So already in the word itself there is one of important features coat of arms - stability, consistency in use.

The state emblem testifies to the sovereignty of the country, the family coat of arms indicates that its owner belongs to a certain class. A coat of arms can indicate land holdings, like many family coats of arms of the Middle Ages, and serve as a means of identifying its owner. Therefore, the coat of arms, as a rule, is officially approved by the highest authority.

Where did the emblem of the double-headed eagle come from in Rus'?

Initially, historians thought that Rus' borrowed it from Byzantium. As a sign of the imperial court, the double-headed eagle adorned the fabrics, clothing and shoes of emperors and courtiers. This emblem became especially popular under the emperors of the Palaiologos dynasty. Perhaps the double-headed eagle was their family emblem. His image can be seen on the handwritten Gospel that belonged to Dmitry Paleologus.

In Rome, the eagle has been revered since ancient times. According to legend, it was the eagle, this messenger of the gods, who predicted the discovery of Tarquin the Ancient royal power. The prevalence of the double-headed eagle emblem in the Balkans led scientists to believe that it was from this region that the eagle could have come to Rus'. But, the most interesting thing is that the double-headed eagle was also found in Rus' itself, and long before 1497. The double-headed eagle was intended to symbolize the power and independence of our country. In this capacity, he continued his history on Russian soil.

In the 16th – 17th centuries. In the Moscow kingdom, two state seals were used - the Great and the Small. They differed in size, placement of emblems and inscriptions, but both retained images of a horseman and a double-headed eagle. On Bolshaya state seal the rider was placed on the chest of a double-headed eagle. On the Small Seal, a horseman and an eagle were depicted on both sides.

At the end of the 1530s. the double-headed eagle acquired a more warlike appearance; they began to depict Him with open beaks and protruding tongues. In heraldry, such an emblem is called an armed eagle.

armed eagle

On the seal of False Dmitry I, an eagle is depicted with raised wings, and above his heads there are two crowns, between which there is a third, larger size. On the seals of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the eagle's wings were lowered, and three crowns were placed above the eagle's heads.

In the first half of the 19th century. image Russian coat of arms changed again. Two types of state emblem arose. In the first, an eagle with outstretched wings held the Moscow coat of arms on its chest in a shield of an elegant, pointed upward shape. A crown was placed above the eagle's heads. This eagle sometimes held a bunch of lightning and a torch in its paws, and in the other - laurel wreath. The second type of coat of arms is an eagle with raised wings, crowned with three crowns. The shield with the Moscow coat of arms on his chest was framed by the chain of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called. And on the eagle’s wings there are 6 shields with the coats of arms of the most important lands, the names of which were included in the imperial title. Last modified the state emblem in the pre-revolutionary period took place in 1882 - 1883.

Alexander III accepted the Large, Middle and two Small coats of arms made by the artist A.I. Charlemagne. The presence of three types of state coat of arms is explained by the fact that they were depicted on seals that sealed documents of different significance.

Renaissance Russian state entailed the inevitable return of the original Russian symbols, so recklessly consigned to oblivion in Soviet period. The history of the creation of the coat of arms is enormous. Symbols are nameless, they do not know their authorship, they are created by history itself.

In 1917, the eagle ceased to be the coat of arms of Russia. The return of the double-headed eagle to the coat of arms of Russia took place in 1993 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 30, 1993. The author of the sketch of the coat of arms is the artist of the State Heraldry under the President of the Russian Federation E.I. Ukhnalev.



The Russian flag owes its birth to the Russian fleet.

B 1667-1669 The first Russian flotilla was built in the village of Dedinovo on the Oka River.

We had to choose a flag for the ship. The flag of a particular country showed that this ship belongs to it and is its territory. The flag served as an identification mark of the ship, and the state thereby indicated that the ship was under its protection.

By that time, the leading maritime powers already had their own flags. All of them were distinguished by a simple image and simple colors, since it was important that they were recognizable from afar. Usually the colors of the flag included two or three stripes. The colors of the stripes corresponded to the colors of the state or dynastic symbols of the country.

It is from maritime flags that many state flags originate.

In April 1668, Russian ships were ordered to issue large number fabrics are white, blue and red, but exactly how these colors were located on the first Russian flags is not known.

Some researchers believe that the flag consisted of four parts. A blue cross divided the panel vertically and horizontally, and white and red colors were arranged in a checkerboard pattern. There was a red border along the edges of the cloth.

In 1699, Peter I gave the naval flag the status of a state flag - the main symbol of the country.

In November 1990, the commission, which was to develop a draft of a new flag of the RSFSR, proposed restoring the historical Russian flag - a white-blue-red banner.

On December 11, 1993, on the eve of the adoption of the new Constitution, the President of Russia signed a decree “On the State Flag Russian Federation" In accordance with it, white, blue and red colors of the flag were established.

The Russian tricolor probably arose from the Dutch model. Red color, the color of blood, as if meant earthly world, blue - the celestial sphere, white - divine light. The color red was considered a symbol of courage and courage, and was also synonymous with beauty. Blue color was a symbol of the Mother of God. White color personified peace, purity, nobility.

August 22 is the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation.

The national flag of the Russian Federation is constantly raised on the buildings of the authorities of our country. It is posted on public holidays and ceremonies. Rising on the buildings of Russian diplomatic missions abroad. The flag is our shrine, and we must treat it with respect and reverence.



The Russian national anthem - the official state symbol of Russia - is performed on the most solemn occasions, during official ceremonies. of national importance. Hymns as solemn cult chants originated in ancient times. In Russia until the 17th century ceremonies accompanied by church chants.

« Anthem" - word Greek origin, it means “a solemn song of praise.” The anthem has great significance for its people, both in the past and in the present.

Since the time of Peter I, military marches have occupied a special place. And it has become a generally accepted tradition to have a national anthem in the last 200 years. In December 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin proposed adopting the “old” Soviet anthem with music by Alexandrov.

The first official national anthem appeared after the victory of Russian weapons over Napoleonic army.

In 1813 in St. Petersburg, to the tune of the English anthem “God Save the King/Queen!” for the first time performed "Song to the Russian Tsar", the author of which was famous poet, translator, philologist A.Kh. Vostokov. In 1815 there appeared new text songs called “Russian Prayer”:

God save the king!
The glorious one has long days
Give it to the earth!….

V.A. Zhukovsky.

After 2 years, Zhukovsky added two stanzas to the text, and the anthem acquired its final form in 1833, thanks to the officer and composer A.F. Lvov. The anthem of Lvov was heard everywhere - both in the army and during civil celebrations. It became the national anthem of the Russian Empire.

Russia knew a few more melodies that became its unofficial anthems. One of them belongs to the genius of Russian music M.I. Glinka, author of the opera “A Life for the Tsar”:

Glory, glory, our Russian Tsar,
The Lord has given us a king-sovereign!….

In February 1917, along with the monarchy, the old anthem became a thing of the past. Completely different songs were heard on the streets, and “La Marseillaise” took the main place among them.

The anthem is the official state symbol. He is, as it were, the musical and poetic embodiment of the country and its people, and therefore there should be the most respectful attitude towards him.

These symbols are part of Russian history, the embodiment of its heroic and tragic pages, a reflection of the life of the peoples of our country.

— We should all know well the history of the state symbols of Russia.

— The attitude towards the coat of arms, flag and anthem is the attitude towards the state itself. It must be respectful.

— Insulting state symbols is akin to insulting the state, its people, its history and culture.

Olga Balabkina, Deputy Chairman State Assembly(Il Tumen) RS(Y):
— The Russian flag was raised over our country during the August 1991 putsch, then it became clear: Russia has become a different country, with a new, emerging democracy, a country that remembers and honors its history, but at the same time confidently steps into the future.
The Russian tricolor unites us and helps us feel that together we are a single multinational Russian people. The flag makes us feel respect for our history, traditions, culture; it is covered in military and labor glory, sporting success and the achievements of many generations of residents of our country.

The Russian flag has visited outer space, on the North and South Poles, the highest peaks continents, crossed all seas and oceans. Without it, not a single significant event takes place - from the signing of important state documents to international sports competitions, world championships and Olympic Games.
Probably, each of us experienced that exciting moment, that pride for the country in which we live, when the national flag of the Motherland rises on sports competitions, when our athletes stand on the highest step of the podium.
We witnessed the moment when the Russian flag was raised over the territory of the Republic of Crimea, when millions of our fellow citizens joyfully received the news of returning to Russia.

All of us, regardless of political beliefs, worldviews, or other differences, are citizens single state. This has always united us and unites us. We live in a common home, and taking care of it, caring for our loved ones, friends, neighbors, helping elders, supporting the weak, joy for children, respect for the views and shrines of people living nearby - this is the contribution of each of us to achieving peace and justice.
Let the feeling of pride for Russia and our national flag always live in us!

Alexey Eremeev, chairman standing committee on state building and legislation, head of the United Russia faction in the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
“Every citizen of our state, which has always maintained itself through the spirit of patriotism, love for the Motherland, and fulfilling one’s duty, must follow the tradition of celebrating such holidays. I consider this holiday important for the younger generation and for all of us, citizens of the Russian Federation, because we instill in our children and young people an understanding of the significance of the national flag, and tell the history of the formation of the Russian state.

The Russian tricolor is perceived as a symbol of freedom and development new Russia. In the 90s, people under this flag went to conquer the democratic foundations of our state, with which Russia is strong today. Now our national flag unites all our citizens, regardless of political views and moods. I think that the Russian tricolor as a symbol of the state is dear to every Russian. I wish to all citizens that we always love our Motherland, that the white-blue-red banner always flutters over us as a symbol of the greatness and power of the Fatherland.

Yuri Grigoriev, deputy Il Tumen, head of the “A Just Russia” faction in the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
— Since ancient times, white, blue and red colors in Rus' meant: white- nobility and frankness; blue - fidelity, honesty, impeccability and chastity; red - courage, bravery, generosity and love.

We have to live and work under the Russian flag so that children and grandchildren can be proud of the victories and successes of their ancestors, continue to strengthen Russian statehood, develop the economy, pass on cultural values from generation to generation, making scientific discoveries and sporting achievements.

Let our state Russian flag fly proudly over the stable and prosperous Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). We are the biggest Russian region on Far East both in Russia, and the Russian flag unites the peoples of the Russian Federation in their desire for development, friendship and harmony.

Gavril Parakhin, deputy Il Tumen, head of the LDPR faction in the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
— In the current situation in the country and the world, the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation becomes especially significant for our people. For residents of our republic, as for all Russians, the celebration of this holiday is an opportunity to unite and discuss the situation in Ukraine.

Russian Tricolor Day makes it possible to realize that we are not alone: ​​we have a state, we have national holidays and sacred national symbols. The multinational people of Russia and our republic are united by one thing - a sense of pride in our country, in their flag, in their president. According to the results of many polls, V. Putin is a leader as a politician, as strong personality, which makes it clear to the whole world that our state has strength and significance, and this cannot be ignored.

Yuri Baishev, Chairman of the Committee on Family, Childhood and Youth Affairs, physical culture and sports of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
— Each state has official attributes, and residents are proud of their symbol. For us, citizens of the Russian state, the Russian flag, like the anthem and the coat of arms, is a sacred concept.

Due to the emerging difficult situation, due to sanctions from some countries, we Russians have united even more. This holiday, associated with one of the most important state symbols, strengthens our patriotic spirit, national pride. Therefore, it is gratifying that such a significant public holiday. Of course, I would like this date to fall within the period academic year, then in schools and others educational institutions Massive events were held dedicated to the symbols of our Fatherland.

WITH careful attitude To state symbols, the historical traditions that we instill in the younger generation, the education of worthy citizens of the country begins, and the feeling of respect and love for the Motherland grows stronger. And I think that this holiday is very important and necessary. We must be proud that we live united and united in such a multinational country as Russia. Our state is the largest in the world both in territory and in land and water resources.

I myself, as a person directly involved in sports, can say that I always feel a great sense of pride in our country when the national flag of our country is raised to the sounds of the anthem in honor of the victories of Russian athletes at Olympic Games and at the world championships. Let there be more such moments in our country!

Vladimir Prokopyev, Chairman of the Standing Committee on Land Relations, Natural Resources and Ecology of the State Assembly (Il Tumen) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):
— Since 1994, on August 22, all Russians celebrate the Day of the State Flag of the Russian Federation - a holiday approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The Russian flag symbolizes indestructibility historical traditions. Even at the turn of the 17th-18th centuries, during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, Russian warships plied the Caspian Sea under a white-blue-red banner. Great is the merit of Peter I in recognizing the tricolor as the state flag of Russia.

IN modern history The tricolor flag became the official state symbol of Russia on the eve of the adoption of the Constitution on the basis of the resolution on the state flag, hereinafter referred to as the Regulations on the Flag. On December 27, 2000, the Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation “On the State Flag of the Russian Federation” came into force.

The national flag, as a symbol of the unity of the country’s inhabitants, gives every citizen the opportunity to be proud of their Fatherland and feel like a part of a mighty power. We are faced with the task of educating young citizens from childhood in the traditions of patriotism; its solution is impossible without respect for the state symbols of our multinational Motherland.

Dear fellow countrymen! Let the personifying colors of the Russian tricolor: white - nobility and freedom, blue - faith and fidelity, red - will and courage become your bright companions in life.

On the capital's Red Square in front of St. Basil's Cathedral there is a monument in memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612. On its pedestal there is a laconic inscription: “To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky, grateful Russia.”

Fundraising for the construction of the monument began in 1803 on the initiative of members of the Free Society of Lovers of Literature, Science and the Arts. In 1804, sculptor Ivan Petrovich Martos created the first sketch of the monument.

Ivan Martos was born in 1754 in the town of Ichnya, Chernigov province, into a family of small Russian nobles. In 1761 he was admitted to the Imperial Academy of Arts and graduated from the course in 1773 with a small gold medal. Working in painting classes, the young man already felt his calling as a sculptor.

Among the best boarders at the Academy of Arts, Martos was sent for an internship in Italy. In Rome, he comprehends the majestic simplicity of classical sculptural forms. It was precisely in those years when Baroque gave way to classicism, and the young sculptor wholeheartedly embraced the aesthetic ideals of the established style.

Upon returning to St. Petersburg in 1779, Martos became a teacher of sculpture at the Academy of Arts, then became its senior professor, rector, and, finally, in 1831, emeritus rector.

In the early 80s of the 18th century, the artist created a series of sculptural portraits. The most famous of them are portraits of N. I. Panin (1780) and A. V. Panina (1782). Subsequently, Martos worked in the genre of elegiac memorial sculpture. The most successful are the tombstones of M. P. Sobakina (1782), E. S. Kurakina (1792), E. I. Gagarina (1803). A special place in this series is occupied by the tombstone of Field Marshal Count Pyotr Aleksandrovich Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. However, the sculptor dreamed of a big, large-scale work.

In 1808, Emperor Alexander I decided to hold a competition to create a monument to the heroes of 1612 - the liberators of Russia, which was planned to be installed in Nizhny Novgorod, where the militia was gathered.

Many people took part in the competition Russian sculptors. But the project of Ivan Martos was recognized as the best. On January 1, 1809, a nationwide subscription was announced, sending engravings depicting the approved project throughout the empire, “so that this way of life would be known to all Russians.” This drawing was significantly different from the first draft and in its composition almost coincided with the final version of the monument. By 1811, a sufficient amount of money had been collected to begin work. By this time, it was decided to erect a monument in Moscow on Red Square, and an obelisk in Nizhny Novgorod.

Creating a small model sculptural composition was begun in 1812, "at the time when the great work to save the fatherland again, just as Minin and Pozharsky saved Russia exactly two hundred years ago.” Due to the outbreak of war, the creation of the monument progressed slowly, and it was not until 1815 that a large model was completed and exhibited by Martos for public viewing.

The interest in the master’s work was already great, but after Patriotic War Since 1812 it has increased unusually. Russian citizens saw this monument as a symbol of victory. The periodicals published not only notes about the progress of work on the monument, but also separate large articles devoted to this, including about the technologies used in its manufacture.

The monument, based on the Martos model, was cast in bronze in St. Petersburg in 1816 by Vasily Ekimov, and on May 21, 1817, the monument was sent to Moscow by water - along the Neva and Lake Onega, then along the canals and Sheksna to Rybinsk, and from there along the Volga to Nizhny Novgorod. In the city where Minin began to gather the militia, a solemn meeting was held for the monument. An eyewitness described this event as follows: “No pen can depict the admiration of both some townspeople and the inhabitants of the entire local region by the appearance in the local waters of such famous monument to his fellow citizen." From Nizhny Novgorod the sculpture was delivered along the Oka to Kolomna, and then along the Moscow River directly to the walls of the Kremlin.

In Moscow, the location of the monument was chosen in the middle of Red Square near the Trading Rows.

The grand opening of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky took place on February 20, 1818. On Red Square, filled with thousands of Muscovites, troops were lined up and a military parade took place. To the beat of drums and shouts of “hurray,” the blanket was removed from the sculpture. One of the Moscow newspapers described this event as follows: “During this solemn ceremony, the crowd of residents was incredible; all the shops, the roofs of Gostiny Dvor, shops built specifically for the nobility near the Kremlin wall, and the very towers of the Kremlin were strewn with people eager to enjoy this new and extraordinary spectacle.”

The monument was distinguished by its severity and simplicity of silhouette, majestic emotionality: Nizhny Novgorod elder Kuzma Minin, dressed in a Russian shirt, calls on Dmitry Pozharsky to lead the militia and lead him to save the Fatherland; Pozharsky, leaning on his shield, takes the sword from Minin’s hands.

The red granite pedestal was decorated with bas-reliefs depicting the collection of public donations and heroic episodes of the struggle for the liberation of Moscow. On one of the bas-reliefs one could see Martos himself with his two sons - militiamen already in the Patriotic War of 1812. On the back of the pedestal there is a bronze inscription: “Composed and sculpted by John Martos, master from Ichnya.”

The monument to Minin and Pozharsky complemented the national-patriotic sound of the Red Square ensemble: the Kremlin and the Intercession Cathedral personified the greatness of the Russian state, and the Kazan Cathedral recalled the victories of Russian weapons early XVII century. Ivan Martos had a great influence on the work of many Russian sculptors of the first thirds of the XIX century. He died in St. Petersburg on April 5 (17), 1835.

The significance of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky goes far beyond the memory of the events of 1612. Not only did it become the first monument in Moscow, but also the first monument to depict a man from common people. In 1930, during the reconstruction of Red Square, the monument was moved to St. Basil's Cathedral.

IN beginning of XXI century, historical justice also triumphed in relation to Nizhny Novgorod, where a copy of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky was erected opposite the fortress gates, from which the people’s militia once emerged.

Material prepared by E. V. Nikolsky

First of all, we would like to sincerely express our gratitude and appreciation to our respected organizers of the competition for their ideological and creative activity, great analytical work according to the evaluation of the works presented by the participants of the competition, for the good impressions of this wonderful annual event, at which we will learn even more how much is being done in our country for coverage of materials on patriotic themes, the development of the Russian system.

At a press conference October 25, 2013 the competition was recognized "collector of Russian souls".
Here fellow journalists discuss important problematic issues patriotic movement and new tasks are set in the matter of interaction in the formation of what is so necessary in our time information field associated with values in Russia.

Previously, the organizers of the competition noted that the dominant theme in it was the theme and task of the competition participants, and indeed all Russian media - to cover through all its eras, show people holistic structure of national state symbols and values. This, it is worth noting, is both a new and well-forgotten old system of cognition for authors and readers, requiring a certain correct movement - back and deeper, without speculation, gloss and special effects. This is a universal educational and educational task, the solution of which depends on the systematic activity of its participants and the accumulation of knowledge bearing value codes.

Many victories were brought closer by the patriotic muses of artists. These are our artists, artists. Prose, poetry, music, means fine arts they raised people in the spirit of fiery patriotism and hatred of the enemy, “equating the pen and the word to the bayonet.”

National symbol of Russia is itself its citizens. It acts as a powerful force for the entire society. We can say that most people have patriotic feelings, and this is confirmed by numerous sociological surveys. However, it should be noted that our people have a dramatic historical fate and these feelings have had a special meaning since time immemorial. They define the primary source of hard work, heroism, modesty, devotion, responsibility - in a word, everything that has been perceived as Russian for centuries national character and the soul of a people who are sacredly committed to their .

Historically, it has always been the main factor in our Victory. However, it is a mistake to associate patriotism only with the past.

National symbols of Russia present it as a unique country with a rich cultural and natural heritage, emphasizing the diversity and originality of our country. The protection of these symbols is closely related to ensuring the spiritual security of the state where we're talking about on information support for spiritual and moral heritage, historical traditions and norms of social life.

Every city in Russia has its own symbol. They have museums, libraries, monuments, picturesque historical places, each with a special appeal, truly memorable, each with its own zest that can be revealed endlessly using the full power of our native language.

A bright national symbol of Russia- native . The native word is lively and diverse, capacious and poetic. The Russian language is capable of reflecting the finest shades, feelings, depth of thought, clearly and holistically present historical event, convey its features and details. He brightly recreates the image, their deeds and accomplishments, beautifully confesses his love for nature, reveals perfection even in its smallest creation. The dignity and visual richness of the Russian language passes into the dignity and richness of Russian culture and the dignity of the Russian people, the Russian people.

Another year has passed, the results of the XII have been summed up all-Russian competition Media "Patriot of Russia". The geography of the competition is expanding, the number of works is increasing, and this is gratifying to note. Of course, there is no race for numbers, as the organizers noted at the press conference. The task is in quality, in expanding the theme of patriotism from the history of all glorious eras to the present day, in bright illumination of those symbols that we talked about. Interest in it is steadily growing. We have something to work on, new guidelines have been identified and new tasks have been set, which we have a great desire to work on.

Each power must have its own official distinctive features, in particular, its national flag. It is the most recognizable symbol of the country, as it is individual and unique. As a rule, it is a panel of certain proportions, which can be made of fabric of one or several colors. The flag often bears the state emblem or emblem. With the help of colors and images contained on it, the socio-political structure of a given country can be reflected.

The country’s flag as a state symbol is extremely important for instilling patriotism, love for one’s homeland, a sense of blood and spiritual unity with previous generations, people who defended its sovereignty. He connects the life of every citizen with the fate of his country and has great value in international relations. Many Russians wonder what the flag of the Russian Federation means. There is no clear official interpretation on this matter. Attempts are being made to connect its colors with the meanings accepted in ancient times, events last centuries on the territory occupied Russian Empire, as well as processes that have occurred recently.
What is the flag of the Russian Federation today? Main symbol country is made in the form of a rectangular panel. It consists of three horizontal stripes of equal width. The top one is white, the middle one is blue, and the bottom one is red.
The history of the flag of the Russian Federation in its current form begins in August 1991, when in Moscow over the White House, where the Supreme Council RSFSR, again raised the white-blue-red tricolor, which was used in the pre-revolutionary period. Its use was legislated in November 1991. Later, on December 25, 2000, the President of Russia signed a law containing the description and status of the flag. This document is still in force today and is constitutional in nature.
The history of the flag of the Russian Federation has preserved evidence various options explanations of the choice of tricolor colors. According to one of them, he showed unity Orthodox Church, sovereign power and people, where white stripe was a symbol of faith, blue - power, and red symbolized the Russian people. At the beginning of the last century, there was an opinion that the first stripe meant freedom, the second indicated the patronage of the Mother of God, and the last denoted power. Today, as before, judgments are being made that the colors of the Russian flag are associated with such concepts as faith, hope and love. The adopted decrees show us the importance of the flag of the Russian Federation for the life of the country and society, as well as its role in international legal relations.
Thus, the flag must be constantly raised on the buildings of organs public administration. Other objects are also decorated with it on national holidays. His image is placed on cars, planes and ships senior managers countries. In accordance with the ritual established by the President of the country, he must rise every day in military units and formations. The law also provides for other options for using this official symbol of the state. The role of the Russian flag is extremely important for the life of a modern state and its future socio-political development, the positioning of the country in the world. It performs an important task and is a symbol of patriotism.