All letters of the alphabet are in order. The number of letters in the alphabets of different nations


The modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. Alphabet in current view has existed since 1942. In fact, the year 1918 can be considered the year of the formation of the modern Russian alphabet - then it consisted of 32 letters (without the letter ё). The origin of the alphabet, according to historical documents, is associated with the names Cyril and Methodius and dates back to the 9th century AD. From its origin until 1918, the alphabet changed several times, adding and excluding characters. At one time it consisted of more than 40 letters. The Russian alphabet is also sometimes called the Russian alphabet.

Russian alphabet with letter names

On our website for each letter of the Russian alphabet there is a separate page with detailed description, examples of words, pictures, poems, riddles. They can be printed or downloaded. Click on the desired letter to go to her page.

A a B b C c D d E d e e e f f g h h i i j j K k L l M m N n O o P p R r S s T t U u F f X x C t H h Sh sh sch q y y b ee y y I

Often in written speech the letter e is used instead of the letter е. In most cases, the replacement does not cause difficulties for the reader, but in some contexts it is necessary to use the letter ё to avoid ambiguity. Russian letters are a neuter noun. It is worth considering that the style of letters depends on the font.

Numbering of letters

In some logical problems to determine the next element in a series, in games when solving comic ciphers, in competitions for knowledge of the alphabet and in other similar cases, you need to know serial numbers letters of the Russian alphabet, including numbers when counting from the end to the beginning of the alphabet. Our visual “strip” will help you quickly determine the number of a letter in the alphabet.

  • A
  • B
  • IN
  • G
  • D
  • E
  • Yo
  • AND
  • Z
  • AND
  • Y
  • TO
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • P
  • R
  • WITH
  • T
  • U
  • F
  • X
  • C
  • H
  • Sh
  • SCH
  • Kommersant
  • Y
  • b
  • E
  • Yu
  • I

Letters of the Russian alphabet

Frequent questions about the letters of the Russian alphabet are: how many letters are in the alphabet, which of them are vowels and consonants, which are called uppercase and which are lowercase? Basic information about letters is often found in popular questions for students primary classes, in tests of erudition and determination of IQ level, in questionnaires for foreigners on knowledge of the Russian language and other similar tasks.

Number of letters

How many letters are in the Russian alphabet?

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet.

To remember the number of letters in the Russian alphabet, some people associate them with popular phrases: “33 pleasures”, “33 misfortunes”, “33 cows”. Other people associate with facts from their lives: I live in apartment number 33, I live in region 33 ( Vladimir region), I play in the team number 33 and the like. And if the number of letters of the alphabet is forgotten again, then associated phrases help to remember it. It will probably help you too?!

Vowels and consonants

How many vowels and consonants are there in the Russian alphabet?

10 vowels + 21 consonants + 2 do not mean sound

Among the letters of the Russian alphabet are:

  • 10 vowels: a, o, u, s, e, i, e, e, yu, and;
  • 21 consonant letters: b, v, g, d, j, g, z, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch;
  • 2 letters that do not mean sounds: ь, ъ.

The letter means sound. Compare: “ka”, “el” - names of letters, [k], [l] - sounds.

Uppercase and lowercase

Which letters are uppercase and which are lowercase?

Letters can be uppercase (or capital) and lowercase:

  • A, B, V... E, Yu, Z - capital letters,
  • a, b, c... e, yu, i - lowercase letters.

Sometimes they say: large and small letters. But this formulation is incorrect, since it means the size of the letter, and not its style. Compare:
B is a large capital letter, B is a small capital letter, b is a large lowercase letter, b is a small lowercase letter.

Proper names, the beginning of sentences, and addressing “you” with an expression of deep respect are written with a capital letter. IN computer programs The term "letter case" is used. Capital letters are typed in uppercase, lowercase letters are typed in lowercase.

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The alphabet of the Russian language has a centuries-old history. And although this is a well-known truth, few know who invented it and when.

Where did the Russian alphabet come from?

The history of the Russian alphabet goes back to ancient times, during the pagan times. Kievan Rus.

The order to create the Russian alphabet came from the Emperor of Byzantium, Michael III, who instructed the brother monks to develop the letters of the Russian alphabet, later called the Cyrillic alphabet. This happened in 863.

The Cyrillic alphabet had its roots in the Greek script, but since Cyril and Methodius came from Bulgaria, this land became a center for the spread of literacy and writing. Church Greek and Latin books began to be translated into Old Church Slavonic. After several centuries it became exclusively the language of the church, but played important role in the development of the modern Russian language. Many consonants and vowels have not survived to this day, since this Russian alphabet has undergone many changes. The main transformations affected the alphabet during the time of Peter and during the period October Revolution.

How many letters are in the alphabet?

However, it is interesting not only who invented the Russian alphabet, but also how many letters it contains. Most people, even as adults, doubt how many there are: 32 or 33. And what can we say about children! There is every reason for this. Let's dive into history.

There were 43 letters in the Old Church Slavonic alphabet (as it came down to us in written sources). Subsequently, 4 more letters were added, and 14 were removed, since the sounds they denoted ceased to be pronounced or merged with similar sounds. In the 19th century, Russian historian and writer N. Karamzin introduced the letter “ё” into the alphabet.

For a long time, “E” and “E” were considered one letter, so it was common to think that there are 32 letters in the alphabet.

Only after 1942 they were separated, and the alphabet became 33 letters.

The alphabet of the Russian language in its current form is divided into vowels and consonants.

We pronounce vowels freely: the sound passes through the vocal cords without obstacles.
Consonant sounds require an obstacle in the way to be created. In modern Russian, these letters and sounds are in the following relationship, while the number of sounds and letters will be different:

  • - sounds: vowels – 6, consonants – 37;
  • - letters: vowels - 10, consonants - 21.

If we don’t go into details and say briefly, this is explained by the fact that some vowel letters (e, ё, yu, ya) can denote two sounds, and consonants have pairs of hardness and softness.

By spelling, letters are distinguished between uppercase and lowercase letters:

Their writing is associated with the need to highlight proper and common nouns in the text (capitals are used for the latter, as well as for writing words in general).

Learning the order of letters

Even if your baby knows what the letters are called, closer to school age The problem arises in that you need to remember the letters in order in the alphabet. Most children confuse letters for a long time and cannot put them in the right order. Although it is very easy to help a child. There are several ways to do this.

Photos and pictures for kids

Pictures and photos with letters can help you learn the alphabet. You can download them on our website, print them, stick them on thick cardboard and practice with your child.

How can pictures and photos attached to letter symbols be useful?

Beautiful design, bright colors will definitely attract the attention of kids. Children become interested in everything unusual and colorful - and learning goes faster and more exciting. The Russian alphabet and pictures will become best friends in lessons for kids.

Russian alphabet in pictures for children.
Table with cards of the Russian alphabet.

Another option is a table of letters with numbers, numbers

You can also easily download and print it on the website. A numbered letter list for children can make learning the alphabet order much easier for those who can count. This is how the children firmly remember how many letters are in the alphabet, and the accompanying photos and pictures that the table includes help build an associative series. So someone came up with a great idea - to teach the alphabet with pictures and photos.

Russian alphabet with numbering of letters.

Educational cartoons

No one will argue with the fact that all children love cartoons. But this love can be put to good use and you can learn the alphabet with the help of specially created educational cartoons. They include excerpts from Soviet cartoons, bright symbols of letters, pictures, songs. Musical accompaniment forces children to hum and rhyme the alphabet, and this way they remember it much faster.

— “The alphabet in cartoons”

This cartoon can be viewed here:

This is an excellent video tutorial for children. There is not only writing and reading letters, but also excerpts from cartoons, images of what words with a particular letter mean, etc. The baby will have no choice but to remember the song and the order of the letters.

— “Learning letters: the alphabet in verse”

You can watch this cartoon here:

In addition to colorful cartoons and melodic music, the cartoon “Learning Letters: The ABC in Poems” offers simple verses that are easy to remember and tell the child which letter is next in the alphabet.

— “ABC for Kids” by Berg Sound Studio

This is a great cartoon for those children who are already familiar with the alphabet and are trying to read. Here we learn the alphabet and rules for writing words with the Computer and its assistant File. Using words as an example, they tell kids how to read, and what place the letters occupy in the alphabet, as well as how many letters there are in the Russian alphabet. This fascinating cartoon lasts 30-40 minutes, so you will have to be patient. But children won’t need it: the material is presented in a playful way, and the kids won’t get bored.

You can view the cartoon here

— “Learning letters with the cat Busya”

You can download the cartoon here

The main character is the cat Busya, who emerged from an illustrated primer to show children how letters look and are read. The cartoon has not only colorful drawings, but also musical accompaniment. Busya the cat reads short poems dedicated to a specific letter.

— “Learning the Russian alphabet”

It’s easy to watch this cartoon here

It consists of viewing an illustrated primer, and male voice pleasantly and leisurely reads short poems dedicated to letters.

Thus, learning the alphabet should be interesting for children, then they will quickly and easily master the material. We teach in a fun and unobtrusive way

Emperor Michael III streamlined the writing system for the Slavic language. After the appearance of the Cyrillic alphabet, which dates back to the Greek statutory (solemn) letter, the activity of the Bulgarian school of scribes (after Cyril and Methodius) developed. Bulgaria becomes a distribution center Slavic writing. The first Slavic book school was created here - Preslav Book School, in which the original Cyril and Methodius liturgical books (Gospel, Psalter, Apostle, church services) are rewritten, new ones are made Slavic translations from the Greek language, original works appear in the Old Church Slavonic language (“About the writing of Chrnoritsa Khrabra”). Later, Old Church Slavonic penetrates Serbia, and at the end of the 10th century it becomes the language of the church in Kievan Rus.

Old Church Slavonic, being the language of the church, was influenced by the Old Russian language. It was an Old Church Slavonic language with elements of living East Slavic speech. Thus, the modern Russian alphabet comes from the Cyrillic alphabet old Slavic language, which was borrowed from the Bulgarian Cyrillic alphabet and became widespread in Kievan Rus.

Later 4 new letters were added, and 14 old ones were in different times excluded as unnecessary, since the corresponding sounds disappeared. The first to disappear was the iotized yus (Ѩ, Ѭ), then the large yus (Ѫ), which returned in the 15th century, but disappeared again at the beginning of the 17th century [ ], and iotinated E (Ѥ); the remaining letters, sometimes slightly changing their meaning and form, have survived to this day as part of the Church Slavonic alphabet, which for a long time was mistakenly considered identical with the Russian alphabet. Spelling reforms of the second half of the 17th century (related to the “correction of books” under Patriarch Nikon) fixed the following set of letters: A, B, C, D, D, E (with a spelling different variant Є, which was sometimes considered a separate letter and placed in the alphabet on place of the present E, that is, after Ѣ), Ж, S, З, И (with the orthographically distinct variant И for the sound [j], which was not considered a separate letter), I, K, L, M, N, O (in two orthographically different styles: “narrow” and “wide”), P, R, S, T, U (in two orthographically different styles:), Ф, Х, Ѡ (in two orthographically different styles: “narrow” and “wide” , as well as as part of the ligature “ot” (Ѿ), usually considered a separate letter), Ts, Ch, Sh, Shch, b, ы, b, Ѣ, Yu, Ya (in two styles: Ꙗ and Ѧ, which were sometimes considered in different letters, sometimes not), Ѯ, Ѱ, Ѳ, Ѵ. Sometimes the big yus (Ѫ) and the so-called “ik” (in the form of the current letter “u”) were also included in the alphabet, although they had no sound meaning and were not used in any word.

The Russian alphabet remained in this form until the reforms of Peter I of 1708-1711 (and the Church Slavonic alphabet remains like this to this day), when superscripts were abolished (which, incidentally, “abolished” the letter Y) and many doublet letters were abolished,

Real Russian Alphabet.
Grigori Ovanesov.
Grigory Tevatrosovich Ovanesov.









No. - Letter number. h.z. – the numeric value of the letter. r. - Russian alphabet.
To indicate the beginning of a sentence, you must use the same letters with an increased size. It also means that the letter h is a soft voicing of the letter G, which is used in the Russian language, but is not recorded and is used in dialects (adverbs), especially by shepherds when they drive cows, reproducing the sound he (ge). This pronunciation of the letter G as h is considered unliterary. In addition, the same letter G, as a thin throaty wheezing sound, is written in the form g. Moreover, the letters “e” are pronounced as “yyy”, “t” as “thx”, “s” as “ts”, “z” as “dz”, “j” as “j”, r as hard (English) “ p” and “q” as “kh”. The alphabet does not contain the diphtones I (ya), Yu (yu), E (ye) and Yo (yo) since their voicing with separate mono sounds is already in the alphabet. Of course, b and b signs are not letters, since they are not voiced and cannot be used in the alphabet. In the process of voicing the letters of the alphabet, people actively used a wide range of sounds that animals and birds make, imitating them. Of course, the predecessors of the alphabet in graphic notation are two interconnected alphabets compiled millions of years ago. I restored them for the first time in the world, with the same number of letters, which ensured upright walking, practicing grasping movements and creating the semantic content of words with voicing of letters. Moreover, having restored the two most ancient ABCs, I turned out to be their modern creator. In addition, with the help of ABCs, the concepts of counting and numbers are introduced with letter-by-letter notation and designation with fingers, arranged decimal system units of counting, concepts of length and time. The actual number of fingers with spaces between them on the hands and feet are four nines, which together make up the number 36.
Thus, with the help of the Unified Alphabet, a letter-by-letter way of writing numbers was created. For example, the number 9999 was originally written letter by letter as q j g t or 3446 as vnkhz (see alphabet above). Actually, it wasn’t easy for me to figure out on my own the mechanism for writing numbers and numbers letter by letter. For this I used only the alphabet with numeric letter values. In principle, this is a very serious topic, so I highlighted it separately.
Moreover, for the first time in the world, I gave a definition to DIGIT and NUMBER.
In this case, the Number is the quantity voiced by a letter or word in a record.
So a Number is a quantity written in letters or numbers.
Of course, quantity is HOW MUCH.
It should be borne in mind that the number 0 is voiced by the word “zero, zero”, the number 1 is voiced by the word “one, one”, the number 2 is voiced by the word “two, two”, etc., and on different languages in your own words.
Moreover, the reflection of the Unified Alphabet in the form of the positions of the fingers and their grasping movements made it possible to substantiate how all numbers were created up to the largest from 10,000 onwards, which are now used for counting.
In the alphabet, the numerical values ​​of the letters determine the order of distribution into columns (groups). In the first nine (first column), the digital recording of letter numbers and their numerical values ​​are written in the same way. In this case, the numbers of the other three columns of letters are written in two-digit numbers. Moreover, the numerical values ​​in each column include significant figures from 1 to 9. Moreover, in the second column one zero is added to each of these numbers, in the third column two zeros and in the fourth column three zeros. There is also a complete correspondence between each digital entry of a two-digit letter number and its numerical value.
It should be borne in mind that Russian-speaking people, due to the absence of a significant number of letters (mono-sounds) of the world's first alphabet with the help of which the semantic content of words and their pronunciation were created, have serious problems with studying other adverbs of the common language of the peoples of the world.

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