The emergence of statehood among the Slavs. Old Russian state Kievan Rus


There are quite a lot theories regarding the formation of the Old Russian state. In short, the main one is:

The northern territory of settlement of the Slavs was obliged to pay tribute to the Varangians, the southern - to the Khazars. In 859, the Slavs freed themselves from the oppression of the Varangians. But due to the fact that they could not decide who would rule them, civil strife began among the Slavs. To resolve the situation, they invited the Varangians to reign over them. As the Tale of Bygone Years says, the Slavs turned to the Varangians with a request: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order (order) in it. Come reign and rule over us.” Three brothers came to reign on Russian soil: Rurik, Sineus and Truvor. Rurik settled in Novgorod, and the rest in other parts of the Russian land.

This was in 862, which is considered the year of the founding of the Old Russian state.

Exists Norman theory the emergence of Rus', according to which the main role in the formation of the state was played not by the Slavs, but by the Varangians. The inconsistency of this theory is proven by the following fact: until 862, the Slavs developed relationships that led them to the formation of a state.

1. The Slavs had a squad that protected them. The presence of an army is one of the signs of a state.

2. Slavic tribes united into super-unions, which also speaks of their ability to independently create a state.

3. The economy of the Slavs was quite developed for those times. They traded among themselves and with other states, they had a division of labor (peasants, artisans, warriors).

So it cannot be said that the formation of Rus' is the work of foreigners, it is the work of the entire people. But still, this theory still exists in the minds of Europeans. From this theory, foreigners conclude that Russians are an inherently backward people. But, as scientists have already proven, this is not so: the Russians are capable of creating a state, and the fact that they called the Varangians to rule over them speaks only about the origin of the Russian princes.

Prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state began the collapse of tribal ties and the development of a new method of production. The Old Russian state took shape in the process of the development of feudal relations, the emergence of class contradictions and coercion.

Among the Slavs, a dominant layer gradually formed, the basis of which was the military Nobility of the Kyiv princes - the squad. Already in the 9th century, strengthening the position of their princes, the warriors firmly occupied leading positions in society.

It was in the 9th century that two ethnopolitical associations were formed in Eastern Europe, which ultimately became the basis of the state. It was formed as a result of the unification of the glades with the center in Kyiv.

Slavs, Krivichi and Finnish-speaking tribes united in the area of ​​Lake Ilmen (the center is in the city of Novgorod). In the middle of the 9th century, this association began to be ruled by a native of Scandinavia, Rurik (862-879). Therefore, the year of formation of the Old Russian state is considered to be 862.

The presence of Scandinavians (Varangians) on the territory of Rus' is confirmed by archaeological excavations and records in chronicles. In the 18th century, German scientists G.F. Miller and G.Z. Bayer proved the Scandinavian theory of the formation of the Old Russian state (Rus).

M.V. Lomonosov, denying the Norman (Varangian) origin of statehood, associated the word “Rus” with the Sarmatians-Roxolans, the Ros River, flowing in the south.

Lomonosov, relying on “The Legend of the Princes of Vladimir,” argued that Rurik, being a native of Prussia, belonged to the Slavs, which were the Prussians. It was this “southern” anti-Norman theory of the formation of the Old Russian state that was supported and developed in the 19th and 20th centuries by historians.

The first mentions of Rus' are attested in the “Bavarian Chronograph” and date back to the period 811-821. In it, the Russians are mentioned as a people within the Khazars inhabiting Eastern Europe. In the 9th century, Rus' was perceived as an ethnopolitical entity on the territory of the glades and northerners.

Rurik, who took control of Novgorod, sent his squad led by Askold and Dir to rule Kiev. Rurik's successor, the Varangian prince Oleg (879-912), who took possession of Smolensk and Lyubech, subjugated all the Krivichs to his power, and in 882 he fraudulently lured Askold and Dir out of Kyiv and killed them. Having captured Kyiv, he managed to unite the two most important centers by force of his power Eastern Slavs– Kyiv and Novgorod. Oleg subjugated the Drevlyans, Northerners and Radimichi.

In 907, Oleg, having gathered a huge army of Slavs and Finns, launched a campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople), the capital of the Byzantine Empire. The Russian squad devastated the surrounding area, and forced the Greeks to ask Oleg for peace and pay a huge tribute. The result of this campaign was peace treaties with Byzantium, very beneficial for Rus', concluded in 907 and 911.

Oleg died in 912 and was succeeded by Igor (912-945), the son of Rurik. In 941 he attacked Byzantium, which violated the previous treaty. Igor's army plundered the shores of Asia Minor, but was defeated in a naval battle. Then, in 945, in alliance with the Pechenegs, he launched a new campaign against Constantinople and forced the Greeks to once again conclude a peace treaty. In 945, while trying to collect a second tribute from the Drevlyans, Igor was killed.

Igor's widow, Princess Olga (945-957), ruled during the childhood of her son Svyatoslav. She brutally took revenge for the murder of her husband by ravaging the lands of the Drevlyans. Olga organized the sizes and places of collecting tribute. In 955 she visited Constantinople and was baptized into Orthodoxy.

Svyatoslav (957-972) is the bravest and most influential of the princes, who subjugated the Vyatichi to his power. In 965 he inflicted a series of heavy defeats on the Khazars. Svyatoslav defeated the North Caucasian tribes, as well as the Volga Bulgarians, and plundered their capital, the Bulgars. The Byzantine government sought an alliance with him to fight external enemies.

Kyiv and Novgorod became the center of formation of the Old Russian state, and the East Slavic tribes, northern and southern, united around them. In the 9th century, both of these groups united into a single Old Russian state, which went down in history as Rus'.

Until now, historians have put forward various theories about the emergence of Kievan Rus as a state. For a long time now, the official version has been taken as a basis, according to which the date of origin is called 862. But the state does not appear out of nowhere! It is impossible to imagine that before this date, in the territory inhabited by the Slavs there were only savages who, without help from “outside”, could not create their own power. After all, as we know, history moves along an evolutionary path. For the emergence of a state there must be certain prerequisites. Let's try to understand the history of Kievan Rus. How was this state created? Why did it fall into disrepair?

The emergence of Kievan Rus

At the moment, domestic historians adhere to 2 main versions of the emergence of Kievan Rus.

  1. Norman. It is based on one significant historical document, namely the Tale of Bygone Years. According to this theory, the ancient tribes called on the Varangians (Rurik, Sineus and Truvor) to create and manage their state. Thus, they could not create their own state entity on their own. They needed outside help.
  2. Russian (anti-Norman). The rudiments of the theory were first formulated by the famous Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov. He argued that the entire history of the ancient Russian state was written by foreigners. Lomonosov was sure that this story lacked logic and did not reveal the important question of the nationality of the Varangians.

Unfortunately, until the end of the 9th century there are no mentions of the Slavs in the chronicles. It is suspicious that Rurik “came to rule the Russian state” when it already had its own traditions, customs, its own language, cities and ships. That is, Rus' did not arise out of nowhere. Old Russian cities were very well developed (including from a military point of view).

According to generally accepted sources, the founding date of the ancient Russian state is considered to be 862. It was then that Rurik began to rule in Novgorod. In 864, his associates Askold and Dir seized princely power in Kyiv. Eighteen years later, in 882, Oleg, commonly called the Prophetic, captured Kyiv and became the Grand Duke. He managed to unite the scattered Slavic lands, and it was during his reign that the campaign against Byzantium was launched. More and more territories and cities were annexed to the grand ducal lands. During Oleg's reign, there were no major clashes between Novgorod and Kiev. This was largely due to blood ties and kinship.

Formation and flourishing of Kievan Rus

Kievan Rus was a powerful and developed state. Its capital was a fortified outpost located on the banks of the Dnieper. Taking power in Kyiv meant becoming the head of vast territories. It was Kyiv that was compared to the “mother of Russian cities” (although Novgorod, from where Askold and Dir arrived in Kyiv, was also quite worthy of such a title). The city retained its status as the capital of ancient Russian lands until the period of the Tatar-Mongol invasion.

  • Among the key events of the heyday of Kievan Rus can be called the Epiphany in 988, when the country abandoned idolatry in favor of Christianity.
  • The reign of Prince Yaroslav the Wise led to the appearance of the first Russian code of laws (code of laws) called “Russian Truth” at the beginning of the 11th century.
  • The Kiev prince became related to many famous ruling European dynasties. Also, under Yaroslav the Wise, the raids of the Pechenegs, which brought much trouble and suffering to Kievan Rus, became permanent.
  • Also, from the end of the 10th century, its own coin production began on the territory of Kievan Rus. Silver and gold coins appeared.

The period of civil strife and the collapse of Kievan Rus

Unfortunately, a clear and uniform system of succession to the throne was not developed in Kievan Rus. Various grand ducal lands were distributed to warriors for military and other merits.

Only after the end of the reign of Yaroslav the Wise was a principle of inheritance established, which involved the transfer of power over Kiev to the eldest in the clan. All other lands were divided between members of the Rurik family in accordance with the principle of seniority (but this could not remove all the contradictions and problems). After the death of the ruler, there were dozens of heirs laying claim to the “throne” (from brothers, sons, and ending with nephews). Despite certain rules of inheritance, supreme power was often asserted through force: through bloody clashes and wars. Only a few independently refused to rule Kievan Rus.

The contenders for the title of Grand Duke of Kyiv did not shy away from the most terrible deeds. Literature and history describe the terrible example of Svyatopolk the Accursed. He committed fratricide only in order to gain power over Kiev.

Many historians come to the conclusion that it was internecine wars that became the factor that led to the collapse of Kievan Rus. The situation was also complicated by the fact that the Tatar-Mongols began to actively attack in the 13th century. “Petty rulers with big ambitions” could have united against the enemy, but no. The princes dealt with internal problems “in their own area”, did not compromise and desperately defended their own interests to the detriment of others. As a result, Rus' became completely dependent on the Golden Horde for a couple of centuries, and the rulers were forced to pay tribute to the Tatar-Mongols.

The prerequisites for the coming collapse of Kievan Rus were formed under Vladimir the Great, who decided to give each of his 12 sons his own city. The beginning of the collapse of Kievan Rus is called 1132, when Mstislav the Great died. Then 2 powerful centers at once refused to recognize the grand ducal power in Kyiv (Polotsk and Novgorod).

In the 12th century There was rivalry between 4 main lands: Volyn, Suzdal, Chernigov and Smolensk. As a result of internecine clashes, Kyiv was periodically plundered and churches burned. In 1240 the city was burned by the Tatar-Mongols. The influence gradually weakened; in 1299, the residence of the metropolitan was moved to Vladimir. To manage Russian lands it was no longer necessary to occupy Kyiv

The main prerequisites for the emergence of the Old Russian state developed during the 6th-8th centuries. During this period of time, a large number of different events took place: the collapse of the clan system, the formation of tribal unions, the replacement of clan division, etc. It is worth noting that the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus is an amazing state that has occupied its niche in history.

According to historians, the formation of the represented state was influenced, first of all, by the Norman tribes. From the very beginning, two large and important cities from a political and economic point of view were formed: Kyiv and Novgorod. This state arose precisely in Kyiv, which was the political center at that time.

Among the most famous rulers of the ancient Russian state, Prince Oleg can be distinguished. Many campaigns are associated with the activities of this great Kyiv prince. Experts say that it was Oleg who formed the so-called core of the ancient Russian state.

The importance of the adoption of Christianity for the state development of Rus'

Among the final stages of the formation of Kievan Rus, one can highlight the reign of Yaroslav the Wise, as well as St. Vladimir. During the reign of these princes, quite large state changes took place in Kyiv. The most important thing is that during the reign of these princes Christianity was adopted, which became the state religion. It should be noted that this religion was already familiar to the Slavs. Few people know that Byzantium is the first source of the appearance of Christianity in Rus'.

It is no secret that the baptism of Rus' took place in 988 thanks to Prince Vladimir. If we talk about the reform of Prince Vladimir, it was the most progressive and also effective. More precisely, Christianity in Rus' is the main spiritual force that has significantly strengthened the state. In addition, at this time a completely new institution called the church appeared in Rus'.

This institute was headed by the metropolitan, in villages and cities there were priests, but in the regions - bishops. People paid a tenth of their income (tithe) to the church monthly. The grand ducal power became the political basis of the state.

The main factors influencing the destruction of the Kyiv state:

  1. The formation of feudal relations, which influenced the emergence of the largest land holdings;
  2. Changing the order of the principality by seniority. A completely new organization of power was being established;
  3. Creation of appanage principalities;
  4. Weakening of economic ties, etc.

In general, the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus went through quite difficult stages of formation.

It is worth noting that the formation of the ancient Russian state of Kievan Rus is associated with Prince Rurik, who was summoned by the Novgorodians in 862. Many historians consider Rurik to be the founder of the ancient Russian state, since he really did a lot of things. It was Rurik who first conquered Kyiv in 882. In addition, this prince managed to defeat the following tribes: Varangians, Drevlyans and others.

At that time, Slavic traditions acted as the basis of the ancient Russian state. In the period from the 10th to the 11th centuries, the political life of Kievan Rus changed significantly. The formation of the Old Russian state is the Norman theory, according to which the Normans were the first indigenous inhabitants of Ancient Rus'. The topic of the origin of the great state is still relevant and interesting for many scientists.

Video: Kievan Rus - foundation.

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Ivan Nekrasov is with you, and today I have prepared for you an analysis of the next topic on Russian history. In the last article, we covered the topic “Eastern Slavs” in full, as much as possible, that is, the base of the first lesson will be enough for you to write even some complicated Olympiad, and if you have not yet studied that material, do not start this, because they are a logical complement to each other =) At the end of the article you will find a summary for study and homework to consolidate this topic. And also, dear friends, let's be more active, judging by the likes and reposts of these lessons, you exist and visit this site

Prerequisites for the formation of the state

So, the prerequisites for the formation of the Old Russian state, in general in the 6th–9th centuries. the prerequisites for the formation of the state of the Eastern Slavs were formed. The economic prerequisites for this process were the transition to arable farming, the separation of crafts from agriculture, the concentration of crafts in cities, the emergence of exchange relations, and the predominance of free labor over slave labor.

Political prerequisites were taking shape: the need of the tribal nobility for an apparatus to protect their privileges and seize new lands, the formation of tribal unions of the Slavs, the threat of attack by enemies, a sufficient level of military organization. The social prerequisites were the change of the clan community to a neighboring one, the emergence of social inequality, the presence of patriarchal forms of slavery, and the formation of the ancient Russian nationality.

A common pagan religion, similar customs, rituals, and social psychology created the spiritual prerequisites for the formation of statehood.

Rus' was located between Europe and Asia within the plains, so the need for constant protection from enemies forced the Eastern Slavs to rally to create a strong state power.

State formation

According to the Tale of Bygone Years (hereinafter referred to as PVL), the oldest chronicle of Rus', in 862 the Varangians, who had previously imposed tribute on the tribes of the Ilmen Slovenes and Chuds, were expelled overseas. After which civil strife began on the lands of the tribal union of the Ilmen Slovenes. Unable to resolve conflicts on their own, local tribes decided to call upon a ruler not associated with any of the clans:

“Let us look for a prince who would rule over us and judge us by right.” And they went overseas to the Varangians, to Rus'. Those Varangians were called Rus, just as others are called Swedes, and some Normans and Angles, and still others Gotlanders, and so are these. The Chud, the Slovenians, the Krivichi and all said to the Russians: “Our land is great and abundant, but there is no order in it. Come reign and rule over us." And three brothers were chosen with their clans, and they took all of Rus' with them, and they came and the eldest, Rurik, sat in Novgorod, and the other, Sineus, in Beloozero, and the third, Truvor, in Izborsk. And from those Varangians the Russian land was nicknamed. Novgorodians are people from the Varangian family, but before that they were Slovenians.”

V. Vasnetsov. Calling of the Varangians

The semi-legendary calling of Rurik to reign in Novgorod in 862 (his brothers are completely fictional characters) is traditionally considered the beginning of the history of the Russian state.

The same year the chronicler dates the formation of the second center of Russian statehood - the Kyiv principality of Askold and Dir. According to the PVL, Askold and Dir, Rurik’s warriors, left their prince and occupied Kyiv, the tribal center of the glades that had previously paid tribute to the Khazars. Now the legend about the exodus of Askold and Dir from Rurik is considered unhistorical. Most likely, these princes had no relation to the Varangian ruler of Novgorod and were representatives of the local dynasty.

In any case, in the second half of the 8th century. On the lands of the Eastern Slavs, two centers of statehood were formed.

Norman question

There are two main hypotheses for the formation of the Old Russian state. According to the classical Norman theory, it was brought from outside by the Varangians - the brothers Rurik, Sineus and Truvor in 862. The authors of the Norman theory were G. F. Miller, A. L. Schlötzer, G. Z. Bayer, German historians who worked in the first half XVIII century at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The anti-Norman theory, the founder of which was M.V. Lomonosov, is based on the concepts of the impossibility of “learning statehood” and the formation of the state as a natural stage in the internal development of society.

The problem of the ethnicity of the Varangians is directly related to the Norman question. Normanists consider them Scandinavians; some anti-Normanists, starting with Lomonosov, suggest their West Slavic, Finno-Ugric or Baltic origin.

At this stage of the development of historical science, the concept of the Scandinavian origin of the Varangians is adhered to by most historians; at the same time, the fact is recognized that the Scandinavians, who were at a similar or even lower level of development of social relations than the Eastern Slavs, could not bring statehood to the lands of Eastern Europe. Thus, the emergence of the Old Russian state was the logical conclusion of the process of internal development of East Slavic society; the ethnicity of the princely dynasty did not play a primary role in the formation of Rus'.

N. Roerich. Overseas guests

The first Kyiv princes

Oleg the Prophet (879–912)

In 879 Rurik died in Novgorod. Since Rurik’s son, Igor, was a child. power passed to his “relative” Oleg, nicknamed the Prophetic in ancient Russian chronicles. Little is known about Oleg’s relationship with Rurik. V.N. Tatishchev, with reference to the Joachim Chronicle, called Oleg a brother-in-law (brother of Rurik’s wife, Efanda).

In 882, Oleg went on a campaign from Novgorod to the south along the Dnieper. He conquered Smolensk and Lyubech, captured Kyiv. According to the chronicle. Oleg cunningly lured the rulers of Kyiv, Askold and Dir, out of the city and killed them under the pretext of their “non-princely origin.” Kyiv became the capital of the new state - “the mother of Russian cities.” Thus, Oleg united under his rule the two original centers of ancient Russian statehood - Novgorod and Kyiv, and gained control over the entire length of the great trade route “from the Varangians to the Greeks.”

Oleg kills Askold and Dir

Within a few years after the capture of Kyiv, Oleg extended his power to the tribes of the Drevlians, Northerners and Radimichi, who had previously paid tribute to the Khazar Khaganate. The prince's control over the subordinate tribes was carried out through polyudya - an annual tour by the prince with a retinue of subordinate tribes in order to collect tribute (usually furs). Subsequently, the furs, which were extremely highly valued, were sold on the markets of the Byzantine Empire.

In order to improve the situation of Russian merchants and robbery in 907, Oleg, at the head of a militia of the tribes under his control, made a grandiose campaign against the Byzantine Empire and, reaching the walls of Constantinople, took a huge ransom from Emperor Leo VI the Philosopher. As a sign of victory, Oleg nailed his shield to the city gates. The result of the campaign was the conclusion of a peace treaty between the Byzantine Empire and the Old Russian state (907), which granted Russian merchants the right to duty-free trade in Constantinople.

After the campaign against Byzantium in 907, Oleg received the nickname Prophetic, that is, one who knows the future. Some historians have expressed doubts about the campaign of 907, which is not mentioned by Byzantine authors. In 911, Oleg sent an embassy to Constantinople, which confirmed peace and concluded a new treaty, from which references to duty-free trade disappeared. Linguistic analysis eliminated doubts about the authenticity of the 911 treaty. Byzantine authors have information about it. In 912, Oleg, according to legend, died from a snake bite.

Igor Rurikovich the Old (912–945)

Igor Rurikovich entered Russian history with the nickname “Old”, i.e. the oldest. The beginning of his reign was marked by the uprising of the Drevlyan tribe, who tried to free themselves from dependence on Kyiv. The uprising was brutally suppressed, the Drevlyans were subject to heavy tribute.

K. V. Lebedev. Polyudye

In 941, Igor made an unsuccessful campaign against Constantinople. The Russian fleet was burned by “Greek fire.” The repeated campaign in 944 was more successful. The Byzantine Empire, without waiting for troops to arrive on its lands, agreed to pay tribute to Igor, as before to Oleg, and concluded a new trade agreement with the Kyiv prince. The treaty of 944 was less beneficial for Russian merchants than the previous one, since it deprived them of the right to duty-free trade. In the same year, the Rus fleet, allowed by the Khazar Kagan into the Caspian Sea, devastated the city of Berdaa.

In 945, Igor was killed during Polyudye by the newly rebelling Drevlyans (according to PVL, he was torn apart by two trees) after an attempt to collect tribute again. Of Igor’s wives, only Olga is known, whom he revered more than others because of “her wisdom.”

Olga (945–960)

According to legend, Igor's widow, Princess Olga, who assumed power due to the childhood of her son Igor Svyatoslavich, took cruel revenge on the Drevlyans. She cunningly destroyed their elders and Prince Mal, killed many common people, burned the tribal center of the Drevlyans - the city of Iskorosten - and imposed a heavy tribute on them.

V. Surikov. Princess Olga meets the body of Prince Igor

To prevent uprisings like the Drevlyan one, Olga completely changed the system of collecting tribute. On the territory of each tribal union, a graveyard was established - a place for collecting tribute, and a lesson was established for each tribe - the exact amount of tribute.

Tiuns, representatives of the princely authorities responsible for collecting tribute, were sent to the lands subject to Kyiv. In fact, Olga's reform contributed to the transformation of Rus' from a loose union of tribes, united only by princely power, into a state with administrative divisions and a permanent bureaucratic apparatus.

Under Olga, the connection between Kievan Rus and the Byzantine Empire, the richest and most developed state of the early Middle Ages, strengthened. In 956 (or 957) Olga visited Constantinople and was baptized there, thus becoming the first Christian ruler of the Old Russian state.

S. A. Kirillov. Princess Olga (Epiphany)

At the same time, Olga’s adoption of Christianity was not followed by the conversion of either her son Svyatoslav, who was a zealous pagan, or his squad.

Svyatoslav Igorevich (960–972)

Svyatoslav spent almost his entire short reign on military campaigns, weakly dealing with the internal affairs of the state, which his mother actually continued to head.

In 965, Svyatoslav made a campaign against the Khazar Kaganate and, having defeated the Kagan’s army, took the city of Sarkel. In place of Sarkel, a Russian outpost arose in the steppe - the Belaya Vezha fortress. After this, he devastated the Khazar possessions in the North Caucasus. Probably, this campaign is associated with the assertion of the power of the Kyiv prince over the Taman Peninsula, where the Tmutarakan principality later arose. In fact, Svyatoslav’s campaign put an end to the power of Khazaria.

V. Kireev. Prince Svyatoslav

In 966, Svyatoslav subjugated the Vyatichi tribal union, who had previously paid tribute to the Khazars.

In 967, Svyatoslav accepted the Byzantine Empire’s proposal for joint military action against Danube Bulgaria. By drawing Svyatoslav into the anti-Bulgar coalition, Byzantium tried, on the one hand, to crush its Danube rival, and on the other, to weaken Rus', which had sharply strengthened after the fall of the Khazar Kaganate. On the Danube, Svyatoslav over the course of several months broke the resistance of the Bulgars “and took 80 of their cities along the Danube, and sat down to reign there in Pereyaslavets, taking tribute from the Greeks.”

Svyatoslav VS Khazar Khaganate

The Kiev prince did not have time to gain a foothold in his new Danube possessions. In 968, a horde of Pechenegs, Turkic-speaking nomads who had previously been dependent on the Khazar Kaganate, approached Kyiv. Svyatoslav was forced to curtail the conquest of Bulgaria and rush to the aid of the capital. Despite the fact that the Pechenegs retreated from Kyiv even before Svyatoslav’s return, the arrangement of affairs in their state delayed the prince. Only in 969 was he able to return to Pereyaslavets on the Danube, which he hoped to make his new capital.

The desire of the Kyiv prince to gain a foothold on the Danube caused complications in relations with the Byzantine Empire. In 970, war broke out between Svyatoslav and Byzantium. Despite the initial successes of Svyatoslav and his allies, the Bulgars and Hungarians, his army was defeated in the Battle of Arcadiopolis (PVL speaks of the victory of the Russian army, but data from Byzantine sources, as well as the entire subsequent course of the war, suggest the opposite).

The campaign of 971 was personally led by Emperor John Tzimiskes, an exceptionally experienced and talented commander. He managed to transfer the war to the territory of Danube Bulgaria and besiege Svyatoslav in the Dorostol fortress. The fortress was heroically defended for several months. The huge losses of the Byzantine army and the hopelessness of Svyatoslav's situation forced the parties to enter into peace negotiations. Under the terms of the concluded peace, Svyatoslav left all his Danube possessions, which came under the rule of Byzantium, but retained the army.

K. Lebedev. Meeting of Svyatoslav with John Tzimiskes

In 972, on the way to Kyiv, Svyatoslav, passing the Dnieper rapids, was ambushed by the Pecheneg Khan Kurei. In a battle with the Pechenegs, the Kiev prince met his death.

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The history of the emergence of the state uniting the tribes of the Eastern Slavs still causes a lot of controversy. There are two theories of the formation of the Old Russian state: Norman and anti-Roman. We will talk about them, as well as the reasons for the emergence and development of the state in Rus' today.

Two theories

The date of formation of the Old Russian state is considered to be 862, when the Slavs, due to strife between tribes, invited a “third” party - the Scandinavian princes Rurik to restore order. However, in historical science there are discrepancies regarding the origin of the first state in Rus'. There are two main theories:

  • Norman theory(G. Miller, G. Bayer, M. M. Shcherbatov, N. M. Karamzin): referring to the chronicle “The Tale of Bygone Years,” the creation of which belongs to the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor, scientists came to the conclusion that statehood in Rus' - the work of the Normans Rurik and his brothers;
  • Anti-Norman theory(M.V. Lomonosov, M.S. Grushevsky, I.E. Zabelin): followers of this concept do not deny the participation of the invited Varangian princes in the formation of the state, but believe that the Ruriks did not come to an “empty” place and this form of government has already existed among the ancient Slavs long before the events described in the chronicle.

Once, at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences, Mikhailo Vasilyevich Lomonosov beat Miller for a “false” interpretation of the history of Rus'. After the death of the great Russian scientist, his research in the field of the history of the Old Russian state mysteriously disappeared. After some time, they were discovered and were published under the editorship of the same Miller. It is interesting to note that modern research has shown that the published works do not belong to the hand of Lomonosov.

Rice. 1. Collection of tribute from Slavic tribes

Reasons for the formation of the Old Russian state

Nothing in this world happens for nothing. For this or that event to happen, reasons are needed. There were prerequisites for the formation of a state among the Slavs:

  • Uniting Slavic tribes to confront more powerful neighbors: At the beginning of the 9th century, the Slavic tribes were surrounded by stronger states. In the south there was a large medieval state - the Khazar Khaganate, to which the northerners, Polans and Vyatichi were forced to pay tribute. In the north, the hardy and warlike Normans demanded ransom from the Krivichi, Ilmen Slovenes, Chud and Merya. Only the unification of the tribes could change the existing injustice.
  • Destruction of the clan system and clan ties: Military campaigns, the development of new lands and trade led to the fact that in clan communities based on property equality and joint farming, stronger and richer families appeared - clan nobility;
  • Social stratification: The destruction of the tribal and communal system among the Slavs led to the emergence of new layers of the population. This is how a layer of tribal nobility and warriors was formed. The first included the descendants of the elders who managed to accumulate more wealth. The second, the warriors, were young warriors who, after military campaigns, did not return to agriculture, but became professional warriors who defended rulers and the community. A layer of ordinary community members, as a sign of gratitude for the protection of the soldiers and princes, presented gifts, which later turned into obligatory tribute. In addition, a layer of artisans emerged who moved away from agriculture and exchanged their “fruits” of labor for products. There were also people who lived exclusively through trade - a layer of merchants.
  • Urban development: In the 9th century, trade routes (land and river) played a major role in the development of society. All new layers of population - nobility, warriors, artisans, merchants and farmers sought to settle in villages located on trade routes. Thus, the number of residents increased, the social system changed, new orders emerged: the power of princes turned into state power, tribute into a mandatory state tax, small cities into large centers.

Rice. 2. Gifts to vigilantes for protection from enemies

Two centers

All of the above main stages in the development of statehood in Rus' naturally led in the first half of the 9th century to the formation of two centers on the map of modern Russia - two early ancient Russian states:

  • in the north- Novgorod Union of Tribes;
  • on South- merger with the center in Kyiv.

By the middle of the 9th century, the princes of the Kyiv Union - Askold and Dir achieved the liberation of their tribes from the “offerings” of tribute to the Khazar Kaganate. Events in Novgorod developed differently: in 862, due to strife, the residents of the city invited the Norman prince Rurik to reign and own the lands. He accepted the offer and settled in the Slavic lands. After his death, his close associate Oleg took control into his own hands. It was he who went on a campaign against Kyiv in 882. Thus, he united the two centers into one state - Rus or Kievan Rus.

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After Oleg’s death, the title “Grand Duke” was taken by Igor (912 -945), the son of Rurik. For excessive extortions, he was killed by people from the Drevlyan tribe.

Rice. 3. Monument to Prince Rurik - the founder of the Old Russian state

What have we learned?

Today the following questions on history (6th grade) were briefly discussed: to what century did the formation of the Old Russian state date back (9th century), what events became the prerequisites for the emergence of statehood in Rus' and who were the first Russian princes (Rurik, Oleg, Igor). These theses can be used as a cheat sheet for preparing for history exams.

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