Oriental fairy tales written by children. Oriental tales – an unforgettable flavor. "Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" - a well-known fairy tale


30.08.2014 18:32

The mysterious world of the East beckons and surprises... For the first time, children are introduced to distant countries by fairy tales inhabited by cunning merchants, genies, viziers, sages, noble boys and girls unearthly beauty. Reading amazing stories, people imagine the magnificent chambers of the sheikhs, gardens and fiery dancers.

Oriental tales - unforgettable flavor

There is probably no such person who does not know any oriental fairy tale. Among the most famous stories, which have survived to this day, can be attributed to a cycle of stories called “A Thousand and One Nights”. In them, Scheherazade tells Shahryar bedtime stories because she wants to persuade the ruler and restore faith in real women.

And what distinctive features have tales of the East? There are several of them:

  • every story has a deep meaning;
  • fairy tales teach courage, kindness, loyalty;
  • a twisted plot imbued with magic;
  • beautiful syllable, figurative language;
  • Each character's communication style matches social environment, from which he came;
  • a bizarre interweaving of fantasy and reality;
  • vivid images positive characters;
  • amazing descriptions picturesque countries;
  • every fairy tale has a moral and philosophical idea - for example, greedy heroes are always left with nothing;
  • reading oriental tales, a person plunges headlong into the unknown;
  • Fascinating stories are interesting for children and adults.

Countries East Asia have rich culture and centuries-old history. Fairy tales are the creation of a folk genius, which reflects traditions, life, and the uniqueness of the national character...

"Aladdin and the Magic Lamp" - a well-known fairy tale

This folklore work filled with secrets and mysteries. In it we're talking about about a tomboy who got into underground kingdom and found countless treasures there. Main character of this tale - a big slacker. The boy loved to climb into other people's gardens and ran around the city from morning to evening. When the young man turned 15 years old, fate smiled at him. The poor man met a Maghreb man, after which he became the owner of a copper lamp. But this lamp was not easy, because an almighty genie lived in it, fulfilling any desires.

The essence of this oriental tale is that a lazy man turned into a valiant man who, without the help of a genie, saved his wife and defeated an evil sorcerer. His love for Princess Budur helped him overcome all obstacles. It should also be noted that money did not spoil the young man, because it was generosity that saved Aladdin from the Sultan’s execution.

"Sinbad the Sailor" - a collection of entertaining journeys

The collection “A Thousand and One Nights” describes seven fantastic journeys. Moreover, fairy tales are based on real events, and on the views of Arab mythology. The main character is a legendary sailor who plowed the waters far and wide on his ship.

The tireless wanderer could not sit on the shore for long, so he traveled along distant lands, encountering various obstacles along the way. For example, a fearless sailor outwitted the huge roc bird and blinded the cannibal giant. He also visited the country of winged people and the island of Serendib. “Sinbad the Sailor” is a work that describes the wanderings of an avid traveler. The plots in fairy tales are curious and interesting, so the reader does not get bored for a minute.

“Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves” - “Simsim, open up”

This oriental tale has its roots in the history of the Arab world. It reflects the life of peoples, their way of life. The main character is not characterized by self-interest and greed, so he used the gold found in the cave not only for his own purposes. Ali Baba distributed food to the poor and was never stingy. In this fairy tale, good wins and evil is defeated. A sad fate awaits characters who do bad things. For example, Kasim, a heartless rich man who does not value family ties, dies. The robbers also got what they deserved. But a maid named Marjana showed her devotion and became Ali Baba’s sister.

Opening the door to mysterious world East, the child inhales the scent of magic, distant countries and travel. The stories of peoples are a source of wisdom and a means of understanding the world around us, so every person should know them.

Fairy tales of the peoples of the East are always filled deepest meaning, accumulated over the centuries-old history of the people who created them. In these tales you can meet great rulers and poor people, luxurious palaces strewn with gold, and city streets with robbers roaming them. In eastern fairy tales there are no morals; important thoughts are conveyed through the lips of sages, parables and instructive examples.

Since ancient times, the peoples of the East have lived “by their own rules.” Reading oriental fairy tales is interesting for both children and adults, because they introduce readers to amazing life, traditions, and culture that are unfamiliar and very unusual to Westerners. The main characters of oriental fairy tales are, most often, people and their actions. As fairy-tale creatures usually good or evil genies, huge snakes or dragons appear. Plunge into the world of black-haired princesses, brave young men, evil rulers, desperate and noble robbers, beautiful concubines in luxurious harems, endless deserts and wonderful green oases. Oriental tales are waiting for you!

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They say that an old wolf lived in the forest. And he was so old that he could no longer hunt and get food for himself. So he walked around hungry and angry. One day a wolf was wandering through the forest and met an old fox, skinny and hungry, even hungrier than him. They said hello and moved on together...

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One day, a badger and a marten saw a piece of meat on a forest path. - My find! - the badger shouted. - No, mine! - the marten screamed. - I saw it first! - the badger got angry. “No, I,” says the marten...

Whether it happened or not, one day a cat and a mouse got into a conversation. The mouse was sitting in the hole, and the cat was sitting near the hole. We talked about business, about health, about this and that, and then the cat said: “Mouse, oh mouse!” Come out of the hole, I'll give you a piece of lamb fat...

One day a ferocious tiger got into a cage. In vain the terrible beast roared and fought against the iron bars - the trap was so strong that the tiger could not bend a single rod in it. But it so happened that at that time a traveler was passing nearby...

In ancient times, people never killed birds. It never occurred to them that birds could be eaten. Therefore, the birds were not at all afraid of people and even pecked grains from human hands. But one day some traveling merchant got lost in the forest and for many days could not find the road to the village...

There lived an evil landowner in a village. A peasant lived not far from him. The peasant had such a smart son that the whole village was proud of the boy. The landowner found out about this and ordered: “Bring the boy to me!” I'll see how smart he is...

Whether it happened or not, one day the tiger, the ruler of animals, fell ill. Runny nose! It is known that people do not die from this disease. But the mood of the ruler has deteriorated - and this is mortally dangerous for his subjects. Therefore, all the animals, as one, came to the tiger to testify to their devotion to him...

In the province of Thai Nguyen there lived a widow. She had a stupid son named Viet Soi. One day Viet Soi noticed a very beautiful girl at the door of a hut. Viet Soi came home and said: “Mother, on the outskirts of our village I saw a very beautiful girl.” Let me marry her...

They say that one day the padishah, without servants and without retinue, left the city gates. And he met Ali Muhammad, a man known for his cheerful and impudent disposition. The ruler stopped Ali Muhammad and addressed him with the following question...

Whether it was or not, a sparrow and a hen got into a conversation. A sparrow was sitting on a stone fence, and a chicken was walking around below. - Listen, aren’t you tired of walking and pecking all the time? - asked the sparrow. - After all, you forgot how to fly...

Just as a beauty needs a mirror to see her face, the world needs a poet to see her soul. Kutub Khan's soul was not distinguished by beauty, and he did not really want to see his true face. Therefore, calling the poet to him, he told him...

One day a hunter lost his falcon. He looked for it for a long time, but probably would not have found it if some old woman had not turned to him at the market: “Good man, buy a beautiful bird from me!” A week ago she flew into my window, but now she doesn’t eat or drink - she’s bored...

There once stood a rich caravanserai in the city of Aleppo. It was never empty, it was always full of people, a lot of goods and all sorts of goods were always stored in it. And opposite, across the street, there was a bathhouse...

A merchant and a tinsmith once argued about what was more important: wealth or intelligence. The merchant says: “Why do you need intelligence if you are as poor as a field mouse?” - But even gold won’t help a fool! - answered the tinsmith. - Well, you're lying! - said the merchant. - Gold will help a person out of any trouble. The tinsmith does not agree...

They also say that once the padishah drove past the garden and saw an old man behind the fence planting a peach tree. “Hey, old man,” the padishah turned to the gardener, “your life is coming to an end, you will no longer wait for the fruits of this tree, so why bother?”

One poor Arat had a son, Damdin. When Damdin grew up, his father told him: “You can’t do any good work.” Get out of the yurt and learn from people how to live. Damdin left his father, disappeared for three years, and returned on the fourth...

One day a little jackal got very hungry and came to the river. He heard from his smart father that there is always something to profit from in the river. The little jackal had no idea that an angry, voracious crocodile lived at the bottom of this river...

One day a bird catcher spread a large net in a wheat field. Before sunset, many different birds flocked to the field. The bird catcher pulled the rope, and the whole flock was caught in the net. But there were a lot of birds, they rushed together from the ground and rushed upward along with the net...

The astrologer arrived at the court. The padishah showered him with honors and every day called him before his eyes: “Come on, tell your fortune!” The rulers always look to the future with concern: they eat fat, sleep softly - in a word, they have something to lose...

One Korean peasant gave birth to a boy during happy hour. He grew by leaps and bounds and already at the age of seven he became known throughout the country for his intelligence. The news also reached the Emperor of Japan that in Korea a little boy can read, write, write poetry and solve the most difficult riddles...

Once upon a time, sparrows not only flew quickly, but also ran very quickly on the ground. But one day a sparrow accidentally flew into the royal palace. And at this time there was a feast in the palace. The king and his courtiers sat at tables laden with all kinds of dishes...

It so happened that one moneylender fell into poverty. In order not to die of hunger, he needed to do some work. But everyone knows that moneylenders don’t like to work, and this moneylender didn’t want to work either...

Many, many years ago there lived a rich man in China. It has long been known that all rich people are greedy and evil, but this rich man was the most greedy and the most evil in all of China. His wife was just as greedy and evil. And so these people bought themselves a slave. They were looking, of course, for the cheapest slave, and the cheapest one turned out to be the ugliest girl...

One man rode an elephant into the city and met five beggars along the way. The beggars walked towards the elephant, without turning anywhere. - Get out of the way! - the man shouted. - Don't you see that there is an elephant in front of you? He'll trample you now...

When the rainy season arrived, it was time to make sacrifices to the gods. And so one brahman bought a little white goat, put it on his shoulders and went to a distant temple. In this temple, believers appeased the gods with sacrifices...

In ancient times, on the shore of one sea lived a poor fisherman named Kenzo Shinobu. All his wealth consisted of a rickety hut, a dilapidated boat and a bamboo fishing rod. One day, on a cold, windy day, someone knocked on Kenzo's hut. Kenzo opened the door and saw a decrepit old man on the threshold...

In ancient times, when tigers ate insects rather than meat, there was a terrible drought on earth. The grass in the forests burned, the trees withered and the streams dried up. And then the animals in the jungle began to die...

In one village there lived a farmer. He inherited from his father a piece of land, a buffalo and a plow. One day a moneylender came to the farmer and said: “Your father owed me a hundred rupees.” Repay your debt...

One tailor had an apprentice - a boy named Son. It is not known whether this tailor sewed well, but it is known that he was greedy and gluttonous. Sometimes a tailor and an apprentice would come to work for someone, and they would immediately be given two cups of boiled rice...

That's how it was. The fox had no luck in the hunt. Goitered gazelles ran away from her, hares ran away, pheasants flew away, and she came across only rats. But is this food for a fox-rat? The fox has lost weight, her fur hangs in clumps, her fluffy tail has fallen off. What kind of fox is it if its tail is shabby?

There lived a peasant and his wife in the village of Katano. They had a daughter - a kind, cheerful girl. But a misfortune happened - the girl’s mother fell ill and died. A year later, my father married an angry, ugly neighbor. The stepmother disliked her stepdaughter, constantly scolded her and forced her to do the hardest work...