Eastern love - a fairy-tale mirage or a cruel reality? About relationships and Arab men


In Finland, a father was sentenced to 3 years in prison for attempting to kill his one-and-a-half-year-old son to annoy his wife.
The wife informed Mr. Ali Abdulkadir Omer of her intention to divorce. Ali Omar (41 years old) took the child and dropped the back of his head on the floor!
The child lost consciousness. The mother rushed to the child, the husband rushed to bite her back (became furious, zhyyvotnae), beat and kicked her. The woman dodged and ran out onto landing, fleeing from an insulted husband armed with a knife.
The son was hospitalized for 10 days, but he and his mother were lucky and survived.

Our compatriot in Egypt was unlucky - she lost her property, and then her life
The woman died at mysterious circumstances as early as February 19, and the investigation is still delaying tests and examinations, “losing” interrogation reports, is not going to detain the suspected Arab “husband” and generally persuades them to bury the body as soon as possible
The girlfriends of the Russian woman who died in Egypt claim: “The Arab gigolo “swindled” Lena out of 4,000,000 rubles and killed her!”
Forty-seven-year-old Elena Lobanova went to Hurghada for a late, long-awaited love. She was going to buy an apartment. Enter the profitable “leather” business, give birth to a child and become happy at all costs. She died on February 19, early in the morning, amid the religious “sobs” of the muezzins, in the first rays of the resort sun she so adored, barely melting the glassy sea horizon... How exactly is still a mystery.

An international call from Lenin’s Egyptian number burst into her son’s apartment near Moscow only at eight in the evening:

Brother, your mother has a heart - stop! - wheezed with a terrible accent handset. - I took her to the hospital! Already cold. Sorry, brother! My home is your home! I loved Lena so much, brother...

It was Karim, his mother's 24-year-old Arab lover. Of course, he could only call 22-year-old Artem “brother”...

Artem simply did not understand further gibberish, since Karim spoke “Hurghada national” - a “curly” cross between Arabic, Russian and English languages. In addition, his mother kept snatching the phone, wailing in Arabic...

But Tyoma was no longer listening. He tried in vain to realize that his mother was no more. Mom, who was about to return home, with whom they had spoken on the phone yesterday, to whom he was finally able to send money for a ticket as soon as the banks opened.

She really wanted to leave. The last SMS messages my girlfriends received showed despair: “Everything is bad... Artem can’t send money - Western Union doesn’t work... I can’t buy a ticket.” But while Russian tourists were fleeing en masse from the revolution that had flared up in Egypt, Lena was much more frightened by something else... She almost didn’t say what exactly. Not for my son - how can you worry even an adult, but a child. Not to her friends, apparently ashamed to show herself, always strong and successful, from her weak and stupid side... She hid behind the neutral-steel “I’m fine.” And only occasionally, clearly by accident, uncontrollably, as if screaming in pain, she would drop: “I’m in captivity, I haven’t gone outside for two weeks - he locks me up,” or “he forbids me to call, he took away my passport,” or “Everything is very bad, but I can't write. I’ll explain later when I arrive...”

About what she really was last days, now we can only guess. The corpse was identified in the morgue, emaciated to the point of a skeletal state, with a swollen face covered in bruises and streaks from the mouth and nose. Because in her bank accounts, where back in November 2010 there were almost four million for the sale of an apartment and land, only 400 rubles remained.

“You are together... You won’t understand me”

Muscovite Elena could not be classified as an unfortunate and unclaimed “magpie” who lives on TV series about “Cinderellas”. No woman’s curls on the head, shapeless colorful robes and “anti-stress” cakes with extra folds at the waist! Educated, always fit, wealthy. The chief accountant of a large store, and then of the famous cardiovascular center “Bakulevka”, she was always in good shape, characteristic of a female leader. She earned good money, dressed tastefully, and was proud of her two-meter-tall student son. It just didn’t work out with my personal life.

She and Valerka divorced in 2002, says Galya, best friend Lena. - He's a good guy, but he drank. He was coded, stayed for two or three years, and then traditionally went on a binge for three months. This infuriated her terribly. Then, in 2002, she and I returned from vacation, and Valerik had just gone into another “tailspin.” Well, Lena couldn’t stand it and drove him away. She said: “How much is possible? I’m 38 years old, I’m still young, I can live at least a little more peacefully for myself.” Divorce was very difficult for everyone. They were together 13 years before that. My husband was terribly worried. The son was exhausted. But Lena always had a character - flint. I couldn't forgive.

Alas, perhaps the same “flint” in the soul did not allow the then young “divorcee” to establish a relationship with a new man. Elena was courted, but she was very picky in her relationships and clean to the point of disgust. Of course, she was tormented by loneliness, but for example, bringing a strange man into the house where her son was growing up was taboo for her. For example, friends remember how at some birthday party she was introduced to a man whom she really liked. As usual, she discussed it with her friends, and together they rejoiced at the new prospects... And then she told how he called her:

I have something for you gorgeous bouquet roses and a bottle of champagne, I’ll come now - wait!

“I don’t mind, but only if it’s the other way around, not you coming to me, but I coming to you,” Lena snapped.

The gentleman was offended and hung up. They didn't communicate anymore.

Lena was proud. And pride, as you know, is the favorite “delicacy” of loneliness. It is on inaccessibility and strict principles that this cruel “beast” is fed. And the worst thing is that sooner or later the supply of principles runs out, and then the hungry loneliness bites painfully into the heart. Usually this happens just when a woman would be happy, not caring about pride, to rush to any man’s call, but they don’t. This happened to Lena too.

She didn’t go anywhere in particular,” Galya sighs. “I didn’t even like company, because I didn’t like drinking.” And where to meet? The circle closed: home, work, kitchen, where we drank tea like neighbors... She began to cry often: “You don’t understand me! Everything is fine with you - you have a husband.” And I told her: “What does my husband have to do with it? We also left the romance stage a long time ago - we’ve been together for twenty years. Everything is the same: home, work...” And she: “Yes, of course... But you are together!”

Business on feelings

Twenty-year-old Karim, a dark-skinned, long-eyed bag merchant in Hurghada, became for Lena the long-awaited “male call” that any single woman is psychologically ready to respond to. Balzac age.
They met in 2008. It was the last day of the vacation when Lena, tanned and fluttering in her short skirt, walked around the city in search of souvenirs. She knew that she looked great for her age—few people could boast that they could easily wear jeans that their friends’ seventeen-year-old daughters had grown out of. Therefore, she took the increased attention of the young and muscular owner of the store for granted.

This is not the first time that funny local “Mowgli” have flirted with her. Another thing is that until now she had not taken these boys seriously - as potential men for herself. And then, suddenly, I myself felt that I was dying like a fly in jam and was sweetly choking in a thick stream of mutual passion.

And, despite the fact that the next morning the newly-made Juliet’s plane rushed off to cold Moscow, the romance began as a strong sea knot. Moreover, as usual, around the neck of a Russian woman in love, who doesn’t know a damn thing about the culture and mentality of an Arab country, but who firmly believes that “her habibi is not like all these professional gigolos that they regularly talk about in the newspaper and on TV.”

From this moment on, the entire story of the romance between Lena and Karim can be safely included in the anthology of Russian-Arab love. Classic! Endless text messages: “Ay kiss yu”, “ay miss yu”... Moreover, mostly from his side. Something is wrong with him - new passions are paying him. But she doesn't know. He looks at the phone screen and calculates how much this machine-gun burst of “i-lavs” cost him. Then he imagines how a poor Arab youth in love is gnawing on a crust of black bread for dinner in order to save his Egyptian pennies for exactly the same “queue” tomorrow. And he runs to transfer him a hundred dollars to pay for the phone. She rereads the clumsy ones, but that makes them even more precious, like soap. self made, texts, and he doesn’t even realize that all of them, like the phones of some Russian girls, were stuffed into a worn-out Siemens even before he bought the device from the older one, who had already taken the first steps in “ career ladder"friend's gigolo. And now a new journey towards love. And in the suitcase he has an expensive smartphone as a gift. He will immediately sell his Siemens to the next growing “colleague” who needs a complete database of SMS messages in all languages. And heavy artillery will go into battle.”

A week of love, departure again. Then - a touching request to help pay for my mother’s treatment. Then - an SMS about your dream of coming to visit your beloved. Sent him $5,000 for a ticket, a visa and a warm jacket. Excuses that he cannot come yet because he needs to feed all his sisters, since his uncle was forced to go to Italy to work. Scandal over the fact that “I had to send $5,000 to my uncle because he had terrible problems, but “I’ll definitely give it back, don’t be angry!” Her attempts to erase him from her life. His cunning tactic is to wait until he calms down and gets bored, and then suddenly appears again with a plea for love: “I have a lot of girls, but they are all not worth you.”

She even changed her number somehow so that he couldn’t find her - Galya smiles sadly. - I went on vacation not to Egypt, but to Turkey. He was gone for six months. And then I see Lenka writing text messages again. I found it!

In April 2010, “Carthage” was destroyed - Karim introduced Lena to his family and, returning to Moscow, she called her friend Alena asking how to privatize the apartment, so that she could then sell it and leave for permanent place residence in Egypt.

“I will be loved... But if not, I will commit suicide!”

Everyone tried to dissuade me. Even at work, Lena quarreled with her friends, who opposed her Egyptian happiness with a friendly “demonstration.” Her friend Galya buzzed her ears with notations. The only conclusion Lena made was that she needed to be less frank with those who put too much pressure. That is why, apparently, no one except Alena’s friend knew terrible secret Karima, whom Lena herself recognized by chance...

This was in August 2010, when Lena had already put the apartment up for sale and went to Hurghada for a couple of weeks, not even to a hotel, but to visit Karim, says Alena. - It was like a “shooting-in”, a test of life together. And then one day she discovered that money was missing from her wallet. A small amount - a couple of hundred dollars, but the fact itself...

Moreover, the apartment was locked, the key was hidden, and “Habibi” himself was lying in the bathroom with an empty syringe in a deep “high.” Lenka then told how, sobbing, she instantly packed her suitcase and climbed down the sheets from the window. I ran to a friend who was just on vacation in one of the hotels. But two days later Karim found her, fell to his knees, begged for forgiveness, and said that he would die without her. He told a “scary tale” about how lonely he was when she left him, and his uncle put him on a needle to “unwind.” Moreover, he dragged with him his mother, who sobbed in the background and nodded, confirming that everything was to blame for her son’s heartfelt longing for her and an unscrupulous relative. Lenka forgave. She didn’t tell anyone but me about this, apparently out of fear that they would judge her even more. I couldn’t blame her, I really sympathized with her, but I also repeated that going to live with a drug addict is madness! But she was adamant: “It’s my fault for his misfortune! I brought him down and now I have to help him cope.”

In November she sold her Moscow apartment. I bought Artem a one-room apartment in the region. I collected all my things, put money on the card and arranged a “dump” for my friends.

She flew away on wings, Galya recalls. - She made plans... He promised her a joint business. Even before leaving, Lenka gave him 18 thousand euros so that he could invest “her share” in the store. I dreamed: “I’ll buy an apartment, I’ll go to the store with him in the morning to work, and in the evenings I’ll go to the sea.” And how joyfully she waved the extract from Bakulevka, which showed that she was healthy and could still give birth! She said: “Before meeting Karim, I hadn’t seen any men at all for five years. I don’t want to do this anymore... That’s how long I’ve been given, I’ll live that long, but as a human being, loving and being loved. If it doesn’t work out, I’ll kill myself.”

What was that? Prediction? Or maybe an idea that she inadvertently gave to a young, smart gigolo? After all, the first thing he did after Lena’s death was to bring to the police a piece of paper covered with writings. in English letters. Allegedly Lena's suicide note, in which she asked her to forgive her. But the handwriting doesn't look the same. And she couldn’t write in English...

“I realized that she was being used, but I didn’t want to believe it”

Who would have known that that cheerful, hopeful evening, like the legendary one (separating the afterlife and real worlds) River Styx, will become for Lena the boundary beyond which a long, painful death will begin.

She disappeared gradually, Galya recalls. - At first we texted endlessly and talked on Skype. She was even happy. She wrote that at Karim’s request, her mother was teaching her how to cook Egyptian dishes. Not so cheerful anymore, but she still chuckled at the fact that Karim had rejected almost all of her summer clothes as being too revealing and she had to wear terrible local clothes. And it’s already quite sad that, despite her investments, only his mother sells in the store, and Lena sits locked at home. Then Lena began to disappear. She explained this by saying that Karim doesn’t like it when she spends money chatting on the phone.

What surprised her friends most was that she was clearly avoiding talking about buying an apartment. It was impossible to get anything out other than “we’re completing the paperwork.” Already on New Year's Day, after a long silence, Galya unexpectedly called:

We urgently need three thousand euros to buy a very nice apartment! The one I was counting on before is not suitable... In general, please go out on loan.

Well done! - my friend was indignant half-jokingly. “You’ve been silent like a fish for weeks, but when you needed money, you immediately called.” How are you?


What else, besides this, could the unfortunate woman say, who, apparently, had already realized that she had been taken advantage of, but did not want to believe it?

These are also a couple of classic gigolo scenarios... Speaking about general business, he “forgets” to say that you won’t be able to open anything without him. At least in the role of Pound from “The Golden Calf,” but a local should be among the founders of any business in Egypt.

In the same way, it is not easy to buy an apartment here without the help of a man and generally complete any transaction. But the worst thing is that if your money falls into the hands of a man, he has every right kick you at any moment, and no court will force him to return anything to you. The probability that Lena fell into just such a trap is 99.9%. Having taken all the money, including the “apartment” money, he began to slowly press on her. He reacted irritably to her mention of the apartment: “Our business is falling apart, and you’re stuck with your apartment!”

And in order to get the most out of it, at some point he began to lie, saying that he still had his eye on an apartment, but it was a little more expensive. This means that you urgently need to call your friends with a request to send more money. And when they send it, naturally, give it to him.

First, Galya sent the money, then Artem, and again, and again... But, as it turns out, Lena never even bought an apartment. On New Year's and birthdays I sent skimpy congratulatory text messages to my friends.

“It doesn’t look like her at all,” Galya sighs. - Lena used to be such a “lighter”! All congratulations are in verse, I composed them myself. I think maybe he put her on some pills or drugs so that she would gradually become a “vegetable” and would no longer aspire to anything?

A big child with a dead mother in his arms...

Just last week, Artem arrived at the sunny resort with the most difficult mission - “to identify his mother’s corpse.” Thanks to Lenina’s friend Alena, who volunteered to support Artem and went with him.

Recently they visited Karim. They found out that not a single thing of Lenin’s was preserved in the house. That is, he took the documents to the police. And he “attached” things.

Where is the computer?


What about the camera?

Lena gave it to someone...

What about gold jewelry? She had a whole box...

I sold them.

What right did you have?

And she bequeathed them to my sister in her suicide note.

Where is the money for the apartment that Lena wanted to buy?

I have no idea.

And where is the last 500 euros that Artem sent to Lena for a ticket?

I spent it on bribing the police to let me go...

Simplicity is worse than theft! Karim returned to Artem only the gold pendant in which Lena wore a tiny photograph of her son.
And if before leaving Tema was at a loss as to whether Karim was to blame for his mother’s death, now he is sure of it.
But the worst thing is that now the boy cannot forgive himself for not stopping his mother once:

I watched her suffer, fade away, suffer... She got a terrier and talked to him... I decided that since she was drawn to this guy, then she would be happier with him. It seemed to me that I was sacrificing my interests for the sake of my mother. But it turned out that I sacrificed her. But I only wanted one thing - for her to be happy. Before leaving, I dreamed about my mother. Calm. I asked: “So what happened?” And she: “It happened so...” She didn’t even tell me in a dream. And also, do you know why it hurts? It's like I'm leaving her here. Transporting a body is very expensive, and there is no crematorium here. Now I will never have a mother. There won't even be a grave for her.

...Help him not go crazy!

So far, neither a graphological examination of the handwriting in the “suicide” note, nor a biochemical analysis of the deceased’s blood has been carried out.

The doctors told me from the very beginning that it was murder! says Ahmed, a translator who helps Elena's son communicate with Egyptian officials. - But the consulate already got information from somewhere that “an autopsy was carried out, no violent injuries were found on the body, internal organs in order".

“We can bury you!” - Yusup Abakarov, an employee of the consular department of the Russian embassy in Cairo, solemnly announced.

But there are still too many questions in this matter! A 47-year-old woman, whose health, according to doctors, even allowed her to give birth, cannot just die. And if you also take into account that for some reason she was bleeding from her nose and ears, and some strong medications were found next to her, which Elena herself had never taken and, given the “house arrest” given to her, could not buy anywhere ...

We carried out the autopsy without the relative’s permission because there is every reason to believe that this is a murder, the Hurghada prosecutor’s office told us.

So far, doctors have only learned that Lena died due to a sharp drop in blood pressure. But what caused it can only be found out with the help of biochemical analysis.

Perhaps this is clonidine poisoning, says Valentina Pulkacheva, a Russian human rights activist living in Egypt who is helping Artem navigate the situation. - Lately local criminals often use it. Last fall there were four such cases.

No biochemical analysis, no handwriting examination regarding “ suicide note“Still no, although a week and a half has passed since the death. Moreover, the suspect still remains at large. He bombards Lena’s son with SMS messages, trying, under the guise of sympathy, to control the situation and find out what the police and the prosecutor’s office already know.

And, by the way, he worries in vain. Apparently, for the bribe, which Karim himself admits to, the police “lost” both the medicines that were found on Elena’s body and the protocol of his interrogation... Is it possible to accidentally lose the most important document - the interrogation of a criminal suspected of murder, who has already cheated at least twice your testimony! He either said that he found Elena already dead in bed, or that he took her to the hospital while still alive...

Hey, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian consulate in Cairo, which I have been trying in vain to reach for several days! Please help Artem Lobanov figure out who is to blame for the death of his mother! It's very difficult for the guy. He is a kind, strong and slightly clumsy child. There is no Russian consulate in Hurghada. He is alone in a foreign country, with his mother’s corpse in his arms and absolutely without help. Imagine how scary it is and help!

And we will definitely return to this topic later, and we really hope that by then everything will change for the better.

"Generators unusual ideas", "owners family nest" and "desperate friends" - it's all about them, the Arabs. They are also spoiled, boastful and unpredictable. Personal experience girls, but not wives.

Oksana L. has been dating a resident of Jordan for four years, who came to Kyiv to study and earn money, and tells how she and her friend manage to combine such different views of the East and West.

About friendship and personal boundaries
We always have guests at our house. At any moment, a friend or just an acquaintance can call and come to our home in the middle of the night. Naturally, as a woman, I need to set the table and make sure everyone is fed and happy. Sometimes the house resembles some kind of Arab camp, and not a family nest.

If a friend needs help, you need to rush to him in the middle of the night. Arabs are always ready to help out a friend, come where they need to, pick them up, lend money.

They are not jealous of friends. My friend is very jealous, but this only applies to our Slavic guys and men, although I don’t give a reason. He trusts his own people. In any case, his friends, understanding who we are to each other, never allowed themselves even harmless flirting.

About work
They prefer conversations to business - long conversations over hookahs. These are real philosophers who are ready to reason and plan for hours. Although this time could be spent on constructive actions rather than chatter, most of which will be forgotten the next day. There is such a problem eastern men: Their conversations often diverge from their actions. They promise a lot, and they themselves sincerely believe in what they say. Plans can change dramatically, or mood, or something else, and promises will remain just words.

Arab men need to be encouraged - this is how they become inspired and are ready to move mountains for the sake of their family. This applies, in particular, to work. It is important for them to feel that a woman believes in their strengths and capabilities.

Generators of unusual ideas. In the four years since I’ve known my man, he’s started all sorts of businesses. Cafe, transportation of dogs and birds from Ukraine, which are in demand in his homeland in Jordan, processing of semi-precious stones, etc. But he did not bring any ideas to completion. I didn’t initially calculate the risks, I acted based on momentary desires, passion and emotions.

Many people do not value their parents' money. Young people live and have fun at the expense of their parents and do not know the value of money earned not by their own labor.

Attitude towards women
Most Arabs are spoiled by their mother's attention, love care and are often selfish. They like to surround themselves with everything beautiful and are avid fashionistas. They love to dress up: beautiful clothes, shoes, an abundance of rings and bracelets. Favorite clients of barbershops: stylish beard, gelled hair, expensive perfumes.

They love to educate, and if they fail, they can use force. They put pressure on me morally. Very hot-tempered. Any little thing can set them off. At the same time, their woman should admire them.

They love to brag about their woman to their friends - they tell them what a housewife she is, caring and a jack of all trades. It is important for them that others admire their woman, and therefore automatically admire them.

It is difficult for our men to offer to live together - they are afraid for their freedom. Arab men, on the contrary, want the girl they like to be constantly in their sight. At home, nearby, close by. They are ready to protect and care for her, although they demand a lot in return.

Very generous. If possible, they give the woman gifts, they like broad gestures, and are not at all stingy.

They value independence in our women, the fact that a woman can take care of herself, earn money and not depend on a man as much as possible. In his homeland, women mostly stay at home and do housework.

There is a minus. Monogamy is not for Eastern men. How many times have we had to watch family Arab men woo our girls. When my wife calls, they hang up or don’t pick up. And when they call back, they sing like a nightingale, as they love, and exquisitely lie about why they couldn’t answer. Treason is not considered as such for them. This is the norm in the life of an Eastern man.

About everyday life
My friend definitely won’t eat borscht for three days in a row, although he really loves my borscht. Arab men are very demanding and capricious in everyday life, like children, and are often dependent. If we talk about my man, he can clean and cook even better than me. But it is important for him to see that they care about him and do something for him.

I’m used to Russian cuisine, but my love for hummus and flatbreads remains unchanged.

Loves cleanliness, but not to the point of fanaticism. He understands that we both work a lot and come home very late, so we don’t always have the physical strength to clean and cook at night.

About children and family
My man is ready to coddle with every child, but I’m not sure that he will get up in the middle of the night for his own. This is the wife's responsibility. And the man pampers his child and pays attention to him during short games. All other delights of education fall on the shoulders of the woman.

In a marriage with a Christian, there is no choice what religion their joint child will choose - he is a priori born a Muslim. Especially if we're talking about about the boy.

My man’s parents are wealthy and ready to support him, but he, having matured, when the youthful frenzy had passed and partying with friends was no longer a priority, wanted to prove to his family that he could get on his own feet.

About religion
I refused to convert to Islam, realizing that I would not be able to wear closed clothes, honor Muslim traditions and be in a “golden cage” at home. He didn’t swear, he accepted my choice. But it is very important for him that his woman shares her religion with him and his legal wife, in any case, must convert to Islam or be a Muslim initially.

Arabs know the Koran from an early age. They read it like mantras. But my man openly admits that, living among Russians and Ukrainians, he leads an anti-Muslim lifestyle.

His mother, when she came to visit us, brought a hijab as a gift with the hint that I should accept their religion since I live with her son.

A negative attitude towards alcohol remains, despite the love for discos (already in the past) and hookah smoking (this is part of traditions). He doesn't respect it when a woman drinks, even in company.

About the future
After living with an Arab man, it’s strange to see how our women treat their Russian husbands. It’s crazy to see the disrespectful attitude and desire to be in charge at times. My views on what a woman should be like in a relationship with any man have changed.

I don’t know where this relationship will lead - Russian girls are more freedom-loving, ambitious and active. I wouldn’t like to be completely dependent on my husband.

But Arab men are like sweet nectar. You can’t get drunk, but even when you drink, it becomes too cloying that you want plain water. But after nectar it seems tasteless. I’m like a tightrope walker halfway: I can’t go back, but the unknown lies ahead...

We have often shelved this topic, because we understand that a similar topic can cause a strong imbalance among the masses of our readers. But it’s still worth talking about this, since the beautiful half of our humanity walks in circles from year to year and steps on the same rake.

Not only a Russian woman who comes to Egypt on vacation or for work, for example, decided to collect money and work, but also any other woman on planet Earth can step on this “unit” for agricultural purposes. Many people go to Egypt because holidays here are not expensive, all year round warm and within walking distance of the great miracle - the colorful Red Sea and its immense enchanting underwater world. But this is not the only thing that attracts beautiful women to Egypt...

Egypt, just like Turkey and any other tourist country, welcomes guests with a friendly smile, surrounds them with care, attention and love, because it has already been paid for! A pleasant vacation, which you remember with a sweet smile on your face, forever sinks into the soul, penetrates into the very heart and... Anyone gets hooked, because the bait has already been cast and we have been caught!

Some particularly impressionable fish swallows the hook so deeply that we can hear these cherished words: “I want to marry an Egyptian!”

"What is this? How is this? “Her parents, friends, girlfriends are surprised. And she’s all about him, and about him.

So what is true Arab love?

Getting to the point this issue It’s worth making a few adjustments, because our goal is simple - to open women’s eyes to a number of features of sex tourism in Egypt, which for some reason makes many women believe that after a holiday romance there must be a continuation...

Why do they think this?

So, the first thing we draw the readers’ attention to is the phrase “true Arab love.” It can be real in two senses:

1. you are loved; you are idolized; you are adored; you are eagerly awaited back; they don’t want to lose you; they don’t want to let you go; you are needed like air; they are ready to give you the last thing they have in the bins; they are ready to shower you with diamonds and money; they are ready to give you a star; they are ready to give the whole world to you just to be together and other romantic chatter, which is consolidated by night conversations, many love SMS, from which the blood freezes in the veins and for some reason the brain immediately turns off, giving way to feelings and such a nasty gang of savages as hope and faith in bright feeling- Love.

2. all of the above, but with one small nuance - only if you have money

In Egypt, the most common version of “true Arab love” is when a fish is hooked and believes in the first option, but its “beloved” only wants two things from it:

- intimate relationships

In other words, he adheres to the second option, but at the same time he tries in every possible way to make the woman bruised by a rake believe in the first option. And he succeeds without any extra effort, since he knows perfectly well that a woman loves with her ears and they often fail her, since her eyes do not see, her brain does not work, because the rake played its role. And that's all - an unarmed woman. Everything else is no longer important, because he doesn’t need more.

Once the fish is on the hook, one thing remains important - not to let the fish fall off the hook. The loving Khabib uses another weapon - lies. What does an Arab do best? Lie and love. But not everyone thinks so, because everyone lies, even me! It's funny isn't it? But that's how it is. True, the Arabs know how to do this so skillfully that women’s excessive emotionality completely turns off all attempts of the brain to self-heal.

Arab gigolos lie so sophisticatedly that a woman inspired by love believes every word! Just think, is it possible not to believe the person who:

“I just recently lost my family and friends, I was left completely alone. But he did not fall into despair and in just 2-3 months he was able to get back on his feet, save some money, get connections and voila - he already has a network of stores that bring in a solid income.

But after that, women and friends began to appear who only needed his money from him, which is why he stopped believing in love and became disillusioned with people. But you! Yes, you, it is you and only you - the only one who returned to him the forgotten feeling of love! He reinforces his words with the smallest details and dilutes the story with extraneous water, so that what was told earlier is a little forgotten, and does not forget to say how beautiful, wonderful you are, you can’t take your eyes off.

It was you, the one and only, who brought him back to life and I’m ready to dedicate my successes to you, sign just one document called an orphi-contract, invest part of the money in his business and that’s it... We will always be together. It would be better, of course, if we have a child and we will be a real family!

So tell me, would you dear readers, right now with a fresh mind they believed in this story? Oh yes! Everyone will boldly declare that: “No! What nonsense. What fool would believe this!” Seriously? Then I bow to you.

But! The vast majority of women believe this, who, in addition to words, see in front of them a handsome Arab who showers them with compliments and something else. What I won’t say, guess for yourself. But all of this is nothing more than words; taken together, they are a complete lie.

Why do women fall for this? Let us turn to a friend of psychology: “Comrade, female psychology“Why do women trust such men?”

“Funny question! A woman is an emotional being with a bright expressed feeling motherhood, even if she has not yet learned the very essence of this very motherhood. She is easily moved, moved to pity, and she instantly wants to help the poor unfortunate, to protect him from troubles and adversity. Surround him with care and love, create family comfort and an idyll.

Give him everything he asks for, because he has already sunk into her soul. He is her dear! Well, or it will become family in the near future. It won’t even bother you that this is all just in words with redirection to tomorrow, because tomorrow is always better than today. Tomorrow is a utopia, it is a balm, it is a panacea, burning the remnants of an already lame logic.

In addition, a woman, like a sponge, is ready to endlessly absorb words of love, tender kisses and dissolve in a passionate Egyptian night... even if the last two points were promised by the Egyptian, but not brought to life.”

Women's psychology is multifaceted, because a lonely woman is ready to do anything in order to be loved, the only one, desired. Many women don’t even know about this, but understand it only when they meet a sweet-voiced Egyptian who can’t pronounce Russian words well. You can’t even imagine what women in this state are ready for!

They give everything they have: they sell apartments, cars, send all their money, sell jewelry. These “drug addicts”, intoxicated with love, go with their last money to Egypt to see their one and only, just to be close to him! One can talk endlessly about women’s actions at such moments. So much that it won’t fit into the three-volume set of the world’s longest novel.

But our article will be incomplete if we do not answer the question: “What makes the Egyptian Habibiks do this?”

Why do they easily destroy the fates of unfortunate women who completely trusted them? Why do they equate a woman with easy prey and suck every last drop out of her, and then look for a new victim and repeat a similar scenario with an already changed “biography”? Why do they need this? Why do they do this to women?

Basics of sex tourism in Egypt or how to make money from a tourist

Now it's time to see reverse side medals, while removing all the sweet words and inventions.

Egyptian upbringing, so to speak, does not allow men to simply directly offer sex to a woman without any preamble. This is considered indecent. Therefore, many men in Egypt so masterfully learned to master their tongue, first of all, and only then all other parts of the body. Therefore, they are very often confused with the most romantic men.

Moreover, religion strictly prohibits having a fleeting romance with a local woman. In order for a man to become a man, he must have some kind of fortune, be financially secure, have housing. And after he has all this, he may immediately have a wife who will satisfy him as a man.

Apparently, this is why a man has the right to find himself one or more wives if he can support them, because he puts so much effort into ensuring that he has all this and has endured and strained for so long! And now he has every right to “relax.” A woman is the reward of a man who was able to achieve something in life.

But what about young people or those who cannot make a fortune and start a family?

Right. First of all, do not be upset, for no one forbids you to turn your attention to those who do not adhere to a similar religion. True, there are a couple of issues, but they easily evaporate and the problem is easily solved. Moreover, there are some concessions in the Koran that do not prohibit or condemn masturbation, but also allow women to seek salvation from the oldest profession on earth. But you have to pay for this too. Where can I get money if I don't have it?

Have you ever noticed that the tourism industry in Egypt is overwhelmingly male-only across all fields? This is determined by upbringing, for an Egyptian Muslim woman bears on her shoulders the responsibility of raising children and protecting the home. Of course it can work, but a real man will never allow his wife to waste her time on work. For what? After all, he provides her with everything she needs.

So, you won’t earn much from a simple Egyptian job. This is a poor country. Therefore, a little more can be extracted from tourists who are happy to gawk at the sights and shell out considerable amounts of money. But it’s much more pleasant to combine business with pleasure... They are looking for gullible women to help them save money for a wedding with an Arab woman. To do this, they repeat the previously described scenario, bombarding them with promises and other chatter.

If a woman is not fooled by empty words, but demands to legitimize the relationship and marry an Egyptian, then the third weapon comes into force - the orphi contract.

Marriage to an Egyptian begins with the conclusion of an orphi contract. What is it?

Orphi contract

This is a kind of document that is concluded between two people. It is drawn up in two copies and handed over to both parties (one remains with the woman, the other with the man). Signed in court in front of two witnesses, who are usually men.

Women can also act as witnesses, but then two women can replace one man (witnesses: for example, 1 man and 2 women). In some cases, the presence of a lawyer in court is also necessary, but when drawing up an orphi contract, he is not required.

But what does this paper, which bears the proud name “contract”, give?

What did the loving Egyptian promise you? Apparently the same golden mountains, endless love and boundless devotion?

This document does not impose absolutely any obligations on the “spouses”; it is not even registered anywhere. All that is there is a piece of paper that can be easily torn, thereby declaring that the “civil marriage” has been dissolved.

But why then is all this disgrace necessary? A woman has absolutely no need for this. For her, this is a piece of paper that completely “frees the hands” of the man, who now has the full and most important legal right to possess this woman. This is the key to legit love relationships with a woman.

Moreover, a man may have dozens of such contracts. How many are there? You can only find out about this from the man himself, from another woman or his friends, since the orphi contract, as we have already said, is not registered anywhere.

Without this document, a man does not have the right to even touch a woman just like that. For this, the police can immediately arrest him. And with this contract, the woman signs her own death sentence.

Therefore, if a woman wants to have at least some rights and ardently wants to become a legal wife, then it is worth insisting on the legalization of the orphi contract. How to marry an Egyptian? Once an ardent desire to enter into a legal marriage appears, it is necessary, as always, to declare your desire. Those. come to court with a lawyer, where you will have to sign a lot of papers and certify this whole pile with seals.

Three or four months after this procedure, the newlyweds are given a document on the basis of which they are legal husband and wife. What does a woman get in this case?

  1. A visa for six months, then for a year and for 5 years. Subsequently, she can become the happy owner of an Egyptian passport.
  2. According to this document, the legal spouse has the right to buy tickets at the Egyptian rate, which is available only to local residents.
  3. If a prenuptial agreement was concluded, then you can count on at least some compensation after the divorce. Of course, if marriage contract was generally drawn up and this moment was stipulated in it.

Further, perhaps the legal spouse will “delicately” hint that it would be nice to change religion, and then you will have to learn to live according to their laws, where the woman for the most part obeys and pleases her husband in every possible way. Those. you will have to pacify your character and demonstrate chastity and purity.

Are you ready to do this? Do you really need all this?

If you began to doubt the sincerity of Khabib, then here is a mini guide for you.

How to find out whether Khabib loves you or is just using you?

Everything is extremely simple. If love conversations come down to one thing - money, expensive purchases and gifts, then most likely Khabib is simply pulling out money.

If the beloved does not make the mistake described above, but covers up all this extortion with the words: “We are doing this together, for the sake of our family, everyday life. All the other nonsense in the same spirit, and you just send me money, I’ll buy everything myself, then come back in another year. I will have everything ready by this time.”

It won’t be possible to find the scoundrel in a year or two. Proving that the money was sent or transferred to such and such an account will also be problematic because no one forced you to give it back cash to some stranger. It's your own fault...

The worst thing is when a woman finds herself face to face with all this horror, and even with a child in her arms. Then “love” begins to blackmail, declaring that according to their law, the child remains with the father. In order not to part with the child, a woman is ready to do anything, even give everything to the last penny.

Further, if for the time being love continues, love SMS reach the addressee with regular frequency, attention to the woman does not dry out and the world remains beautiful, and everything seems to be fine, everything is fine, then try not to give gifts anymore, not to send a single ruble to your beloved and completely block him cash flow. What will the reaction be? As a rule, the unfortunate woman immediately receives SMS messages with threats, insults, rudeness, and the woman’s biography is filled with more and more delicate details.

There is nothing more to add here, because for the most part, an Egyptian needs a Russian woman for only two purposes:

- Intimate relationships to temporarily extinguish your desire. Continuing the topic of sex tourism in Egypt, because some women come here for this too.

- For the sake of money, which will then be used to furnish housing, so that later his legal wife, an Egyptian Muslim, will enter his house. It doesn’t matter how he “made” his fortune...

It's rare when a hero a real fairy tale about love becomes a rich, wealthy Egyptian who marries a Russian woman for love. And they lived happily ever after...

Dear women, respect yourself, do not be fooled by empty promises and always think about the consequences of a short holiday romance. Remember that the one who truly loves is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who reinforces his words with actions. It’s better not to talk too much, but to prove your love with deeds!

Dedicated to all deceived women whose destinies were broken as a result of their own naivety and blind faith in Arab love.

The music is playing quietly. I stand at the mirror, and, concentrating on the dance, I make movements. Every cell of the body is moving. I feel it. Sweat is running down my face. I am all wet. There is very little left until the end of the oriental melody.
Suddenly, I hear a voice. It’s my uncle coming from work...
“Sharmuta!” he exclaimed, approaching me.
I lowered my eyes.
Blow. I grabbed my cheek. Tears treacherously flowed from my eyes.
-I didn’t raise you for this! Slut! Isn’t it enough for you to hear about me?! Isn’t gossip enough for you?!
I'm silent. It's useless to argue... He's right. It's because of me that all his suffering is. Because of me... It's all my fault. If I hadn't danced, people wouldn't be talking nonsense about the fact that I- unworthy girl of easy virtue...
“Sharmuta” is just one word that hurts the soul, leaving scars on the heart.
People are cruel. They don’t understand that sometimes there is no other choice but to make money... I’m only 18. I was born in Sulaymaniyah, in the unruly, bloody steppe of Kurdistan. My mother was Slavic. I don’t know where exactly... I don’t know anything about her. I only know that she was very beautiful... Thin and fair-haired. I only have one photograph of her left. She protects me like an icon... My father married my mother despite the fact that was a Yazidi. He loved her very much and went against the will of his family. But, probably, the great Hode punished him for this... My dad died a year after my birth and my uncle took custody of me. A cruel, powerful man. He had three of his own the children he loved more life and allowed them everything. And me... He didn’t care about me. What was happening to me. His wife was no better. She thought that I was an ungrateful and stupid, arrogant girl. Maybe that’s true and there is. After all, its youngest daughter they cherished and idolized.
We always lived richly. We didn’t need anything... But I wore my sister’s things. I was always reproached even for bread.
Only at school did I feel good. I had friends there. And teachers. They treated me well.
Once we had a holiday, and I saw on TV how a dark-skinned Arab woman with a chiseled figure moved to the rhythm of the music... Ever since then, I fell in love with that enchanting dance... Belly dancing.
Without telling my family, I trained to music every day, and then danced in different clubs. This was the only way to earn at least some money for clothes and food.
But soon conversations began that reached my uncle. I still remember... He beat me with sticks until I was bruised and locked me in a barn for 5 days.
“I hope you remember this lesson,” he said then, grinning.
Indeed. I remembered the lesson for two long years and did not dare to turn on the music, but now I still decided to dance and then it caught me again...

Probably every second girl who has visited hot countries once had an affair with an Arab.
Whether this is good or bad, I don’t presume to judge, but those who swam will understand me.
Some girls from this voyage returned with broken hearted, others caught their firebird, adapted to a foreign culture, found compromises and began to live with their beloved in the thirtieth Arab kingdom.
I apologize in advance for my sometimes unnormative and somewhat rude approach to this subject. I would divide all Arabs into two categories.
Firstly, for the category of cheap resort limiters from Sharmalsheikhs, Hurghada and Kemer (sorry, the Turks were also targeted): animators, restaurateurs, hoteliers, sellers of smelly Arab perfumes. Let's not ignore the Liban women from Beirut and surrounding zhnubs (villages), blue-eyed Syrians, poor Jordanians and Palestinians with travel permits instead of passports, and, of course, Egyptians - kulu tamaam!
After studying at local colleges, they left their Cairos and Tripolis to conquer more developed Arab countries, where they successfully found work as salesmen in shopping centers, or middle managers in Arab companies. They have made numerous friends, exclusively from their own countries, and regularly go on safari with a large Egyptian shob, taking with them a hookah and pickled kafta.
Libanashki, who represent high fashion, have settled down in a similar way. , as salespeople from Zara and department seniors at Massimo Duti. These people regularly go into debt, buying cars and fashionable rags, because for a Lebanese there is nothing more important than a gelled hairstyle and the awareness of one’s own coolness. They know how to present themselves with precision geometric progression raises their rating in the eyes of blond foreigners. After acquiring all of the above, there is no more money left for living, so they basically rent an apartment by sharing money with their neighbors. They rarely go to the mosque and mostly hang out in fashionable clubs, like Cavalli, all night with one drink in their hands (they get drunk before leaving, mixing vodka with red bull in their apartment), then, heavily scented with cologne, and rolling up their sleeves on a shirt up to the three-quarter level, they are sent out into the world in twos or the whole noisy company.
All of them: Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, etc. of the first category are united by the lack of money, the desire to have a nice rest and a violent sexual temperament.
They earn little, but spend a lot, mostly on themselves , money is often short, so they do not hesitate to borrow from their faithful friends, and often forget to repay debts. In spite of everything, they manage to keep warm-hearted girls near them for a long time, and the whole secret is that they perfectly know how to hang noodles, look after them beautifully, shower them with compliments, and last but not least, oh how fucking good they are in bed. They are not at all disfigured by intellect, because most of them, except for paragraphs of the Koran and the magazine Ahlan, have never read anything.
They will spend another year sailing abroad and one day my mother will call from Syria with the words: “Hamudi, ya amar, habibi” and say that it’s time to get married. And he will rush off to Damascus for the first date with the bride, after which there will be matchmaking and a magnificent Arab wedding.
He will return all in tears, hug Natasha, repent of what he has done, saying that he is not guilty - the will of the mother. Meanwhile, the little wife is not bad-looking, prepares excellent mlukhiya and will be able to raise future offspring according to the laws of Islam.

And we will return to the second category of arabesques , to those from wealthy families. Usually they are finished prestigious universities, the majority even in America and Canada, sometimes received new citizenship. They occupy good positions in big foreign companies, they are fun and have something to talk about. Arabs from different countries are rarely friends with each other and replenish their circle at the expense of university friends or distant relatives. They, Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, Emiratis... openly dislike each other and rarely become friends. They have money, so they are more often in society and they are more picky than the first category. Just so you know, these also mostly marry their own, but exceptions are more common here, since their families are usually more open and more often approve of their children’s choice to connect their lives with a foreigner.
Being with an Arab is not easy and you must always take into account the existing cultural differences, especially if you come across a Muslim Arabesque.
Important points - attachment to his mother, his mother will always be the first woman in his life, the unequal position of men and women, what is allowed to a man, a woman can only dream of. Personally, I am touched by the fact that even their own women (the same arabesques) are often unable to cope with Arabian horses, and they continue to hang around in the flesh until old age sets in or the Hajj occurs (preferably in old age), otherwise and he won't change anything.
I had lunch yesterday with a client of mine who has turned into a good friend. I remember when he returned from Mecca last year, he swore that everything had changed and he was neither to his wife’s left, but his period of asceticism did not last long. Yesterday he again started talking about his past and present loves. I couldn’t stand it and asked him, they say, why are you Doctor Ayash, Arabs, wandering around like that and your marriages are somehow inferior. His point of view was that they marry mostly without falling in love and without having time to get to know their soulmate well. Women, in turn, before marriage do everything to please a man, but after marriage they lose interest in their husband and perceive him solely as a source of security and well-being, but the broad Arab soul wants love.
But another incident prompted me to write this post. An example of the promiscuity and lustfulness of Arabs of the first category, when they do not care who to look after , and they bombard you with messages and harassment not because of special sympathy, but rather because your number was saved in their address book.
So on Saturday a similar specimen became attached to me and pulled me out of the ground, as they say. We met at work more than a year ago, met twice on business matters, he kept holding out his sweaty palms for a handshake, as I remember wedding ring on ring finger. And then, as they say, not even two years have passed, he began to joke to me: how long have you been working as a business, a bunch of other things, and in the end - let's meet - let's get to know each other better, I want us to become friends. Well, don't fuck your mother, what a meeting! At first, I explained to him civilly, as best I could, that I was not interested in his friendship, and that all my evenings were busy, if there was something to do with work, come, dear, to the office. If I wasn’t a client, I would have sent it a long time ago. He still didn’t recognize my signals, he thought that I was breaking down, and the next day let’s do it again. At this point, of course, I got really angry and I expressed my opinion. Got rid of it.
This is the most shining example a cheap Arab who doesn’t care who gets bullied, while not wondering if I’m free or if I need it at all! At the same time, he is so stupid that he does not doubt for a minute the attractiveness of his proposal.
Regarding the Arabs of the second category, I also have something to say. I had three in total; the first romance, as expected, happened at a resort in the well-known Sharm El-Sheikh. That means I met an Egyptian, although he was not an animator, but the owner of 5 local hotels. Oh, girls, how he drove me crazy, of all the Arabs, only the Egyptians are capable of this, he said that he was divorced (resort Egypt is generally a valley of free men, no matter where you rush, everyone is not married). As a result, I conquered it, and monthly flights to Sharm el-Sheikh and back began, I took my girlfriends with me to make it more fun. How we hung out there (naturally, it was all inclusive on his part), then he met new love and the monthly holiday on the Red Sea ceased.
The second was a local, from the Emirates, the affair lasted almost a week, and it happened purely out of nothing to do. Everything stopped the moment I saw him in a kandura (white dress); before that, he had only appeared on dates in European clothes. I felt completely uneasy about “what will people say”, and in general how is it between me and HE? The question always came down to the kondura, I remembered this white robe, and I gave up and didn’t want anything anymore. I still don’t understand what caused such an unhealthy subconscious reaction. I left him, and he probably has the same opinion about me as I do about the Arabs)).
And finally, the third final episode, the Canadian Canadian. He won me over because he never lied, couldn’t flirt at all, didn’t use hair gel, and wore Converse sneakers. Oh, I forgot, after a week of dating, he brought me to meet my mother, which shocked both of us, since it was a complete surprise for us.
This concludes my scientific work. I hasten to note that all of the above is my subjective opinion, and may not coincide with the opinions of others, and please do not forget about happy exceptions (I am an optimist).