Sunday troparion: “Angelic forces at Your tomb. Sunday troparia and kontakion


Voice 1

The stone was sealed from the Jews / and the warrior guarding Thy Most Pure Body, / Thou hast risen for three days, O Savior, / granting life to the world. / For this sake, I cry out to You, O Life-Giver, of the Heavenly Powers: / glory to Your Resurrection, O Christ, / glory to Your Kingdom, / glory to Your vigilance, the only Lover of Mankind.

Thou hast risen like God from the grave in glory, / and thou hast risen with the world; / and human nature sings Thee like God, and death has disappeared; / Adam rejoices, Master; / Eve, now freed from her bonds, rejoices, calling: / Thou art the One who gives unto all, O Christ, the resurrection.

Voice 2

When you descended to death, Immortal Belly, / then you killed hell with the brilliance of the Divine; / when you also raised those who had died from the underworld, / all the Powers of Heaven cried out: / Life-Giver, Christ our God, glory to Thee.

Thou art risen from the grave, O All-Powerful Savior, / and hell, having seen the miracle, was horrified, / and rose from the dead; / the creation, seeing it, rejoices at You, / and Adam rejoices, / and the world, my Savior, sings to You evermore.

Voice 3

Let the heavenly ones rejoice, / let the earthly ones rejoice; / as the Lord created the power / with His arm, / trampled down death by death, / became the firstborn of the dead; / deliver us from the belly of hell, / and bestow great mercy upon the world.

Thou hast risen today from the grave, O Generous One, / and thou hast lifted us up from the gates of mortals; / today Adam rejoices, and Eve rejoices, / together the prophets and patriarchs sing unceasingly / of the Divine power of Your power.

Voice 4

The disciples of the Lord heard the bright sermon of the Resurrection / from the Angel / and rejected the condemnation of their forefathers, / boasting by the Apostle with the verb: / death has been cast away, / Christ God has risen, / bestowing great mercy on the world.

My Savior and Deliverer / from the grave, like God, resurrected from the bonds of the earthly, / and crushed the gates of hell, / and like the Lord / he rose again for three days.

Voice 5

The co-original Word to the Father and the Spirit, / born from the Virgin for our salvation, / let us sing, faithfully, and worship; / as you deigned the flesh to ascend to the Cross, / and endure death, / and resurrect the dead / with His glorious Resurrection.

You descended to hell, my Savior, / and you crushed the gates as if you were omnipotent, / you raised the dead as the Creator, / and you crushed the sting of death, / and Adam was delivered from the oath, O Lover of Mankind; / we also call to everyone: / save us, Lord.

Voice 6

The Angelic Powers are upon Thy tomb, / and the guards are dead; / and Mary stood in the tomb, / seeking Your Most Pure Body. / You captured hell without being tempted by it; / You met the Virgin, granting life. / Risen from the dead, Lord, glory to Thee.

Through the life-giving hand / those who died from dark desolations / the Giver of Life, having resurrected everyone, Christ God, / gave resurrection to the human race: / there is a Savior of all, / the Resurrection and the Life, and the God of all.

Voice 7

Thou hast destroyed death by Thy Cross, / opened up paradise to the thief; / Thou didst weep for the myrrh-bearers, / and commanded the apostle to preach, / that thou art risen, O Christ God, / bestowing upon the world / great mercy.

No mortal power / can hold man: / For Christ descended, crushing and ruining its powers; / Hell is bound, / the prophets rejoice in agreement, / presenting themselves, saying, Savior to those who are in faith, / come forth, faithfully, into resurrection.

Voice 8

Thou didst descend from the heights, O Compassionate One, / Thou didst accept the three-day burial, / May we free our passions, / Our Life and Resurrection, O Lord, glory to Thee.

You have risen from the grave, you have raised up the dead, / and you have raised Adam, / and Eve rejoices in Your Resurrection, / and the ends of the world rejoice / from the dead through Your rise, O Most Merciful One.

Troparion and Kontakion Sunday of Eight Voices


Although the stone was sealed by the Jews, / and soldiers guarded Your most pure body, / You rose again on the third day, Savior, / giving life to the world. / Therefore, the Heavenly Powers cried out to You, Giver of life: / “Glory to Your resurrection, Christ; / glory to Your Kingdom; / glory to Your providence, O One Lover of Mankind!”

You, like God, rose from the grave in glory / and raised the world with You. / And human nature praised You as God, / and death disappeared. / Adam triumphs, Lord, / and Eve, now freed from her bonds, rejoices, crying: / “You, Christ, grant resurrection to everyone!”

Voice 2

When You descended to death, Immortal Life, / then You killed hell with the radiance of the Divine. / When You raised the dead from the underworld, / all the Heavenly Powers cried out: / “Giver of life, Christ our God, glory to You!”

You rose from the grave, omnipotent Savior, / and hell, seeing this miracle, was horrified, / and the dead rose. / And all creation, seeing this, rejoices with You, and Adam rejoices, / and the world glorifies You, my Savior, / unceasingly.

Voice 3

Let all things in heaven rejoice, / let all things on earth rejoice, / for the Lord has shown the power of His hand: / he trampled down death by death, / he became the firstborn from the dead, / he delivered us from the belly of hell, / and bestowed great mercy on the world.

You have risen this day from the grave, O Merciful One, / and brought us out of the gates of death. / On this day Adam rejoices and Eve rejoices, / and with them the prophets and patriarchs constantly sing / the divine power of Your power.

Voice 4

Having learned the joyful news of the resurrection from the Angel, / and having been delivered from their ancestral condemnation, / the Lord’s disciples to the apostles exclaimed, triumphant: / “Death has been cast down, Christ God has risen, / giving great mercy to the world!”

My Savior and Deliverer from the grave, / how God raised those born on earth from shackles, / and smashed the gates of hell, / and how the Lord rose on the third day.

Voice 5

The Word, without beginning, like the Father and the Spirit, / born of the Virgin for our salvation, / let us sing, faithful ones, and worship Him, / for He was pleased to ascend in the flesh to the Cross, / and endure death, and raise the dead / by His glorious resurrection.

You descended into hell, my Savior, / and crushed its gates, like the Almighty, / like the Creator raised the dead with Himself, / and destroyed the sting of death, (Christ), / and delivered Adam from the curse, O Lover of Mankind. / Therefore we all exclaim to You: / “Save us, Lord!”

Voice 6

The Angelic Powers were at Your tomb, / and those guarding it died, / and Mary stood in the tomb / and looked for Your most pure body. / You emptied hell without suffering from it, / You met the Virgin, the giver of life. / Risen from the dead, Lord, glory to Thee!

With His life-giving hand / having raised all the dead from the dark depths, / the Giver of life, Christ God, / granted resurrection to human nature, / for He is the Savior of all, resurrection and life / and God of all!

Voice 7

By Your Cross You crushed death, / opened paradise to the thief, / changed the cry of the myrrh-bearers into joy, / and commanded Your apostles to preach, / that You have risen, O Christ our God, / bestowing / great mercy on the world.
The power of death will no longer be able to hold people back, / for Christ has descended, crushing and destroying its powers. / Hell is bound, the prophets rejoice in agreement: / “The Savior has appeared,” they say, to those who are in faith; / Come out, faithful for the resurrection!”

Voice 8

You came down from on high, O merciful One, / You deigned to remain in the tomb for three days, / to free us from passions, / - our life and resurrection, Lord, glory to You!

Having risen from the grave, You raised up the dead, / and raised Adam, / and Eve rejoices over Your resurrection, / and the ends of the world rejoice / over Your rising from the dead, O Most Merciful One.

On March 6, at the Moscow Museum of Russian Icons, a meeting took place with the composer of Coptic hymns, George Kyrillos. Muscovites received a unique opportunity to hear live Coptic liturgical chants.

The chant of the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts “Now the Powers of Heaven” is one of the most powerful impressions of Great Lent. It doesn't sound at other times. We cannot help but feel his “extraordinary” nature. “King of Glory” is the name of Christ, in which there is a very strong connection with the agony of the Cross. Priest Fyodor LYUDOGOVSKY and poet Olga SEDAKOVA comment.

Most parishioners have never heard the beautiful and sublime prayers that the priest says at the most important moment of the Liturgy. The people standing in the temple can only hear exclamations and the end of prayers read silently or in a quiet voice at the altar. How was it like in ancient times? When and why did the current practice begin?

The Sunday troparion in 3 voices is commented on by the leading columns of liturgical poetry “NS”: priest, philologist Fyodor LYUDOGOVSKY and poet, translator Olga SEDAKOVA.

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The main theme of almost all Gospel Sunday stichera is Easter joy, the amazing period of time between the Resurrection and Ascension, between the two steps of Salvation: the Resurrection from the dead - and the return to the Father. The Gospel Sunday stichera of the 8th tone is commented on by the leading columns of liturgical poetry “NS”: priest, philologist Fyodor LYUDOGOVSKY and poet, translator Olga SEDAKOVA.

This Sunday, during the service, the troparion in tone 5, “The Co-Original Word to the Father and the Spirit,” will be sung. Probably the author of this chant, extremely rich in vivid images and dogmatic meaning, was St. John of Damascus. Priest Theodore LYUDOGOVSKY comments.

Mercy, condescension, love - this is God’s attitude towards people. Out of His love, the Lord created man; out of His mercy, He himself became man in order to save us from sin. Priest Theodore LYUDOGOVSKY talks about the meaning of the Sunday troparion of the 8th tone.

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At the all-night vigil, immediately after the joyful singing of “Seeing the Resurrection of Christ,” the rejoicing suddenly ends, the lamps go out, the temple plunges into darkness, and a completely different song begins to sound, “Open the doors of repentance, O Giver of Life.” Preparations for Lent begin

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The death and resurrection of Christ opened the gates of the Kingdom of Heaven to people expelled from Eden - and among the first to enter there was a thief who, before dying on the cross in the face of the Savior, repented of his iniquities. Priest Theodore LYUDOGOVSKY tells about the Sunday troparion of the 7th tone

We are accustomed to the fact that church hymns contain appeals on our behalf to the Holy Trinity, to Christ, to the Mother of God, to angels and saints. In the stichera “All-honorable Paradise, the most red kindness,” the hymnographer puts into Adam’s mouth a request for intercession before the Creator, addressed to... Eden, from which our first parents were expelled for disobedience and unrepentance. Priest Theodore LYUDOGOVSKY tells

On Saturday, at Matins, Psalm 136 will be heard for the last time this year - the mournful, repentant song “On the Rivers of Babylon.” What is it singing about? Who is this accursed daughter of Babylon and babies who should be dashed against the stone? These are sinful passions that must be hated in oneself and put to death before they grow. Archpriest Igor GAGARIN tells

The chant “May my prayer be corrected...” sounds at every Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts during Lent. There is nothing like this either in the so-called full liturgies, which are more familiar to us, or in Vespers, which forms the basis of the Presanctified Liturgy. Priest Theodore LYUDOGOVSKY comments.

Why, on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, do we read a passage from the Gospel about a very personal meeting with Christ of Nathanael, who is in no hurry to believe in Christ the Messiah and in his doubts, like a theologically educated Jew, refers to sources? What kind of mysterious communication takes place between them, what makes the unbeliever Nathanael a believer? Archpriest Dimitry YUREVICH, vice-rector of the St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academy for scientific and theological work, comments.

Voice 1:


The stone was sealed from the Jews and the warriors guarding Your Most Pure Body, resurrected if three days old, Savior, granting life to the world. For this reason, for the sake of the power of heaven, I cry out to You, O Life-Giver: glory to Your resurrection, O Christ, glory to Your Kingdom, glory to Your vigilance, the only Lover of Mankind.


Gabriel, the Virgin who spoke to Thee, rejoice, O Lord of all, with a voice, incarnated in Thee, the Holy Icon, as the righteous David said: Thou hast appeared, the broadest of the heavens, reproaching Thy Creator. Glory to him who dwells in You, glory to him who has passed from You, glory to him who has freed us through Your Nativity.


You have risen like God from the grave in glory, and you have resurrected the world with one another; and human nature sings Thee like God, and death disappears; Adam rejoices, Master; Eve, now freed from her bonds, rejoices, calling: You are the one who gives to everyone, O Christ, the resurrection.

Voice 2:


When you descended to death, Immortal Life, then you put hell to death with the brilliance of the Divine: when you also raised those who had died from the underworld, all the powers of heaven cried out: Life-Giver, Christ our God, glory to Thee.


All more than meaning, All your glorious, Mother of God, sacraments, sealed in purity and preserved in virginity, Mother knew that you are not false, having given birth to the true God; Pray to him for the salvation of our souls.


Thou art risen from the grave, O All-Powerful Savior, and having seen the miracle in hell, one was horrified and rose from the dead; the creature, seeing, rejoices at You, and Adam rejoices, and the world, my Savior, sings to You evermore.

Voice 3:


Let them rejoice in heaven, let them rejoice on earth, for the Lord, having created a power with His arm, trampled down death by death, was the firstborn of the dead; Deliver us from the belly of hell, and bestow great mercy upon the world.


We sing to You, the Intercessor for the salvation of our race, O Virgin Mother of God: for in the flesh Your Son and our God received from You, Let us receive the passion of the Cross, deliver us from aphids as a Lover of Mankind.


Thou hast risen today from the grave, O Generous One, and thou hast raised us up from the gates of mortals; Today Adam rejoices, and Eve rejoices, and the prophets and patriarchs unceasingly sing of the Divine power of Your power.

Voice 4:


The disciples of the Lord heard the bright resurrection sermon from the Angel and rejected the condemnation of their forefathers, the apostle boasting with the verb: death has been cast away, Christ God has risen, granting great mercy to the world.


A mystery that has been hidden for centuries, and unknown to the Angel, by You, the Mother of God, who has appeared on earth as God, in an unfused union we embody, and we will accept the Cross for our sake, having resurrected the primordial One, saving our souls from death.


My Savior and Deliverer from the grave, like God, resurrected from the bonds of the earth, and crushed the gates of hell, and like the Lord is risen for three days.

Voice 5:


Let us sing, faithfully, and worship the co-original Word of the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation, as He deigned the flesh to ascend to the cross, and to endure death, and to resurrect the dead by His glorious resurrection.


Rejoice, impenetrable door of the Lord. Rejoice, wall and cover of those who flow to You. Rejoice, unstormed haven and unmade, who gave birth to the flesh of Your Creator and God, praying that you do not become poor from those who sing and bow to Your Nativity.


You descended to hell, my Savior, and you crushed the gates like the Omnipotent One, you resurrected the dead like the Creator, and you crushed the sting of death, and Adam was quickly delivered from the oath, Lover of mankind, we also call to all: save us, Lord.

Voice 6:


The angelic forces are at Your tomb and watch over the dead body, and Mary stands in the tomb, seeking Your Most Pure Body. You captured hell without being tempted by it; Thou hast met the Virgin, granting life. Risen from the dead, Lord, glory to You.


You have named Your Blessed Mother, you came to the passion of your free will, having shone on the Cross, even to seek Adam, saying by the Angel: rejoice in Me, for the lost drachma has been found. Having arranged everything wisely, our God, glory to Thee.


With the life-giving hand of those who died from the dark pleasures, the Giver of Life, having resurrected everyone, Christ God, gave resurrection to the human race: for there is a Savior of all, the resurrection and life, and the God of all.

Voice 7:


Thou hast destroyed death by Thy Cross, Thou hast opened paradise to the thief, Thou hast offered mourning to the myrrh-bearers, and Thou hast commanded the Apostle to preach that Thou art risen, O Christ God, granting great mercy to the world.


Like the treasure of our resurrection, raise those who hope in You, O All-Singing One, from the pit and depths of sins; You have saved those guilty of sin, having given birth to our Salvation; even before the birth of the Virgin, and at the birth of the Virgin, and after the birth again the Virgin remains.


No mortal power can hold man: Christ descended, crushing and ruining its powers; hell is connected, the prophets rejoice in agreement, appearing, saying, Savior to those who are in faith: come forth, faithful ones, into the resurrection.

Voice 8:


Thou hast descended from the heights, O Compassionate One, Thou hast accepted the burial of three days, so that Thou freest us from passions, Life and our resurrection, O Lord, glory to Thee.


Who for our sake was born of the Virgin, and endured crucifixion, the Good One, who overthrew death with death, and revealed the resurrection as God, do not despise what You created with Your hand; Reveal Your love for mankind, O Most Merciful One, accept the Mother of God who gave birth to You and prays for us; and save, our Savior, desperate people.


Thou hast risen from the grave, Thou hast raised up the dead, and Thou hast raised Adam, and Eve rejoices in Thy resurrection, and the ends of the world rejoice in Thy rise from the dead, O Many-Merciful One.

Hello! 1. Following the Communion, after the canon, the troparion of the day or holiday is read, and if it is a week, then the Sunday troparion according to the tone. Please tell me which Sunday troparion (i.e. which voice) to read?

2. Please explain what the irmos of song 7 means in the canon of repentance: “The angel made a germinating cave for the venerable youth, and the Chaldeans were admonished by the scorching command of God to the tormentor to cry out: Blessed are you, O God of our fathers.”

3. And also from the canon of the prayer service to the Mother of God, irmos song 4: “I heard, O Lord, Thy sacrament, I understood Thy works and glorified Thy Divinity.” What does the word "look" mean? Save me, God.

Priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of the Sretensky Monastery, answers:

1. All church hymns are performed in eight voices or tunes. They change every week on Sunday (week). Only during the bright week of Holy Easter do the voices change every day, because all days are Sundays. The voice of each Sunday and the following week can be recognized from the church calendar. Next Sunday (October 11/24) – 4th tone.

2. The canons that are read at Matins, during prayer services, or as part of the prayer rule consist of troparia and irmos. Troparion is a short song in which the deeds of God, the Mother of God, and saints are glorified, and the meaning and inner meaning of a holiday or event (thanksgiving, repentance, petition) is expressed. Irmos (Greek eiro – to bind, to link), being the first verse, provides an example of the construction of the troparions of this song. Irmos are compiled on the basis of biblical songs, so to understand them you need to turn to these sacred texts. Irmos of the 4th canto briefly expresses the prayer of the prophet Habakkuk (3:1-19): “Lord! I heard Your rumor and was afraid. God! complete Your work among the years, among the years reveal it; in anger remember mercy<…>God comes from Teman and the Holy One from Mount Paran. His majesty covered the heavens, and the earth was filled with His glory<...>You come forward for the salvation of Your people, for the salvation of Your anointed<...>The Lord God is my strength: He will make my feet like a deer’s and will lead me to my heights!” To depict the greatness of the Lord, the prophet uses high poetic language. The meaning of the prayer: having heard about the works of God, the prophet was filled with reverent fear and glorified God. The Church Slavonic word “look” indicates the action of Divine Providence. The Lord has a vision (plan, plan) for the world as a whole and for each person. Irmos of the 7th canto briefly speaks of the miracle of the salvation of three Jewish youths thrown into the fiery furnace at the command of Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 3:19-100). When compiling this irmos, words from the song of one of the youths of Azariah were used: “Blessed are You, O Lord God of our fathers, praiseworthy and glorified is Your name forever” (3:26). Nebuchadnezzar was amazed at the miracle he saw and said: “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, who sent His angel and delivered His servants, who trusted in Him and did not obey the king’s command, and gave up their bodies [to fire] so as not to serve and worship no god other than your God!” (3:95). Therefore, in the Irmos it is sung: “The tormentor is exhorted to cry out: Blessed are you, O God of our fathers.”

In Orthodox chant, a troparion is an ancient Christian prayer song that glorifies the celebrated event, the life and deeds of the saints. In the Orthodox industry today you can buy collections Sunday troparia. In these meetings, troparions for all Orthodox holidays, newly glorified and locally revered saints, and troparions for every day are demonstrated. The collection of troparions Troparion is a very convenient publication, it is designed to help church choristers and readers during worship, as well as for. All troparia are divided into sections and alphabet. On Sunday, the Church remembers and glorifies the Resurrection of Christ, using Sunday troparia and kontakia in divine services, which reveal very fully the meaning of everything that happens, returning Christians to the Easter holidays. Every Sunday is considered Little Easter by the Orthodox. In accordance with the principle of osmoglasiya, kontakia and Sunday troparia are sung from eight voices in one chosen one.

Sunday Troparion according to the voice

Voices - modes are a musical system that underlies ancient church chants. This is a set of melodies to which different chants are sung. Ancient writers said that the first voice is the most solemn and majestic. Troparion Sunday according to voice the first was compared to the sun, supposedly it drives away laziness, lethargy, sadness and sleep. What gives it importance and solemnity is that in the first line of chants in this voice a wide upward step of the melody is used. In worship, different types of chants are used - stichera, troparion, irmos and others, which have different tunes. In order to sing correctly Troparion to the Resurrection you need to know not only the voice number, but also its type. Over the course of many centuries, the musical basis of all variants of melodies of the same voice has remained the same. The musical fund includes eight voices. This system is called osmoglasy or eight consonance. Most of the hymns of one week's services follow one of the eight voices. Eight weeks form an eight-week vocal cycle.

Text of Orthodox kontakions and troparia for Sunday eight tones

The stone was sealed from the Jews and the warriors guarding Your Most Pure Body, resurrected if three days. Savior, grant life to the world. For this reason, for the sake of the power of heaven, I cry out to You, O Life-Giver: glory to Your resurrection, O Christ, glory to Your Kingdom, glory to Your vigilance, the only Lover of Mankind.


Gabriel, the Virgin who spoke to You, rejoice, with the voice of the Lord of all, incarnated in You, the Holy Icon, as the righteous David said: You have appeared, the broadest of the heavens, reproaching Your Creator. Glory to Him who dwells in You, glory to Him who passed from You, glory to Him who freed us through Your Nativity.

Thou art risen like God from the grave in glory, and the world has risen with thee; and human nature, like God, sings Thee, and death has disappeared; Adam rejoices, Master; Eve, now freed from her bonds, rejoices, calling: You are the One who gives to everyone, O Christ, the resurrection.

When you descended to death, Immortal Life, then you put hell to death with the brilliance of the Divine: when you also raised those who had died from the underworld, all the powers of heaven cried out: Life-Giver, Christ our God, glory to Thee.


All more than meaning, All your glorious, Mother of God, sacraments, sealed in purity, and preserved in virginity, Mother knew that you are not false, having given birth to the true God; pray to Him that our souls may be saved.

Thou art risen from the grave, O All-Powerful Savior, and hell, having seen the miracle, was horrified, and rose from the dead; the creation, seeing, rejoices in Thee, and Adam rejoices, and the world, my Savior, sings Thee ever.

Let them rejoice in heaven, let them rejoice on earth, for you have created a power with your arm, trampling down death by death, become the firstborn of the dead; Deliver us from the belly of hell, and bestow great mercy upon the world.


We sing to You, Who interceded for the salvation of our race, O Virgin Mother of God: for Thy Son and our God received in the flesh from Thee, Let us receive passion by the Cross, deliver us from aphids, as Lover of Mankind.

Thou hast risen today from the grave, O Generous One, and Thou hast lifted us up from the gates of death; today Adam rejoices, and Eve rejoices, and the prophets and patriarchs unceasingly sing of the Divine power of Thy power.

The disciples of the Lord heard the bright resurrection sermon from the Angel and rejected the condemnation of their forefathers, the apostle boasting with the verb: death has been cast away, Christ God has risen, granting great mercy to the world.


A mystery that has been hidden for centuries, and unknown to the Angel, by You, the Mother of God, who has appeared on earth as God, in an unfused union we embody, and we will accept the Cross for our sake, by whom, having resurrected the primordial, we have saved our souls from death.

My Savior and Deliverer from the grave, like God, rose from the bonds of earth, and crushed the gates of hell, and like the Lord is risen for three days.

Let us sing, faithfully, and worship the co-original Word of the Father and the Spirit, born of the Virgin for our salvation, as He deigned the flesh to ascend to the cross, and to endure death, and to resurrect the dead by His glorious resurrection.


Rejoice, impenetrable door of the Lord. Rejoice, wall and cover of those who flow to You. Rejoice, unstormed refuge and unartificed one, who gave birth to the flesh of Your Creator and God, praying not to become poor from those who sing and bow to Your Nativity.

You descended to hell, my Savior, and you crushed the gates like the Omnipotent One, you raised the dead like the Creator, and you crushed the sting of death, and Adam was quickly delivered from the oath, Lover of mankind, we also call to all: save us, Lord.

The angelic forces are at Your tomb and watch over the dead body, and Mary stands in the tomb, seeking Your Most Pure Body. You captured hell without being tempted by it; You have met the Virgin, granting life. Risen from the dead. Lord, glory to You.


Thou hast called Thy Blessed Mother, Thou didst come to the passion of free will, having shone on the Cross, even to seek Adam, saying by the Angel: Rejoice in Me, for the lost drachma has been found. Having arranged all things wisely, O our God, glory to Thee.

With the life-giving hand of those who died from dark deeds, the Giver of Life raised everyone, Christ God, the resurrection was given to the human race: there is a Savior of all, the resurrection and the life, and the God of all.

Thou hast destroyed death by Thy Cross, Thou hast opened paradise to the thief, Thou hast offered mourning to the myrrh-bearers, and Thou hast commanded the Apostle to preach that Thou art risen, O Christ God, granting great mercy to the world.


Like the treasure of our resurrection, raise those who trust in You, O All-Singing One, from the pit and depths of sins; For You have saved those guilty of sin, having given birth to our Salvation; even before the Nativity the Virgin, and in the Nativity the Virgin, and after the Nativity again remains the Virgin.

No mortal power can hold man: Christ has descended, crushing and destroying its powers; hell is bound, the prophets rejoice in agreement, presenting, saying, the Savior to those who are in faith: come forth, faithful ones, into the resurrection.

You came down from the heights, O Compassionate One, you accepted the three-day burial, so that you freed us from passions, Lived and resurrected us. Lord, glory to You.


Who for our sake was born of the Virgin, and endured the crucifixion, the Good One, who overthrew death with death, and the resurrection was revealed, as God, do not despise what You created with Your hand; show Your love for mankind, O Merciful One, accept the Mother of God who gave birth to You, praying for us; and save, our Savior, desperate people.

Thou hast risen from the grave, Thou hast raised up the dead, and Thou hast raised Adam, and Eve rejoices in Thy resurrection, and the ends of the world rejoice even from the dead by Thy rise, O Many-Merciful One.