Questions for the fairy tale quiz. Literary quiz “Journey through fairy tales”


Quiz on fairy tales “Connoisseurs of fairy tales”


Summarize and consolidate knowledge about the names, authors and characters of children's fairy tales;

Develop thinking, imagination, interest, attention;

Foster a love of fairy tales and reading.

Activate children's reading;

Organize leisure time for students.

Progress of the event:

Teacher: Hello guys! Today we have gathered here to talk about fairy tales and check how well you know and love fairy tales. The one who gives the most correct answers to our quiz will receive the “Fairy Tale Expert” certificate.

Conversation on fairy tales. Both adults and children love fairy tales. What is a fairy tale?

Fairy tale- is a work related to oral folk art, with a person’s personal imagination, the author’s idea. The fairy tale was created for entertainment and educational purposes. The fairy tale teaches kindness, honesty, courage, hard work and others positive qualities. The favorite heroes of fairy tales were and remain in Rus': Ivan Tsarevich, Ivan the Fool, Vasilisa the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise, etc. Evil heroes - Baba Yaga, Koschey the Immortal, Serpent Gorynych. There are different tales: about animals, everyday tales, magical... In a word it's Magic world, which talks about how it is better to be kind and honest. Reading, listening, watching fairy tales, we experience a feeling of sadness, joy... A fairy tale is a miracle!

Quiz tasks:

Stage I Warm-up on the topic “Do you know fairy tales well? (answer the questions).

*I am a fabulous heroine, the owner of the world's first flying machine (Baba Yaga)

*Baba Yaga's home? (hut)

*Name of the boy who was carried away by the Swan Geese? (Ivanushka)

*The second name of the tablecloth (self-assembled)

*Which of the inhabitants of the swamps became the prince’s wife? (frog)

*The device in which Baba Yaga makes her flights? (mortar)

*What did Cinderella lose? (glass slipper)

*Who made Pinocchio? (Papa Carlo)

*Who did the old man pull out of the sea with a net? ( goldfish)

*Name of the main character of the fairy tale “Po” pike command"(Emelya)

*Who did the little robber give to help Gerda? (Deer)

*How many goals does Gorynych have? (three)

*What flowers did the stepdaughter pick in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months” (snowdrops)

*Animal into which a beautiful girl (Frog) was bewitched by Koshchei the Immortal.

*The name of Baba's sister is Yaga, the mistress of the swamps (Kikimora).

*Where is Koshchei's death located? (Tree, chest, hare, duck, needle).

*How many times did the old man throw the net into the sea? (3)

*What did the queen say while looking in the mirror?

(“My light, mirror! Tell me,

Tell me the whole truth.

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?").

Who did Kolobok leave from? (From grandfather, grandmother, hare, wolf, bear).

Which queen froze the hearts of people, turned them into evil and indifferent? (The Snow Queen).

What was the name of the little girl? (Thumbelina).

Which animal was harmed while fishing from the pond? (Wolf).

Which hen laid the golden egg? (Chicken Ryaba).

Who did Ivanushka turn into after drinking water from a puddle? (little goat).

Competition 2 (Whose portrait is this?)

- “White-faced, black-browed,

The character of such a meek

And the groom was found for her -

Prince Elisha » (The princess from the fairy tale “The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes).

Born in a lovely flower

Fortunately, her path is difficult

Everyone apparently guessed

What is her name ( Thumbelina )

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And married the princess (Emelya)

Sweet apple aroma

I lured that bird into the garden.

Feathers glow with fire

And the night is as bright as day (Firebird)

She ran after her friends,

Jumped into the fire

And stretched upward with a light steam,

Twisted into a thin cloud (Snow Maiden).

This tablecloth is famous

The one that feeds us to our fullest.

That she is herself

Full of delicious food (Tablecloth self-assembled)

An arrow flew and fell into a swamp,

And in this swamp someone caught her,

Who, having said goodbye to green skin,

Became cute, beautiful, pretty (Vasilisa the Beautiful ).

Once upon a time there was a girl

She forgot her name a long time ago

Since her grandmother once gave her a hat

And everyone started calling her... (Little Red Riding Hood).

A charming young stranger who ran away from the ball at midnight and lost her magic slipper on the steps of the palace.


3 competition “Who sent the telegram”

*I didn’t marry the mole, I’m flying away with the swallow ("Thumbelina")

*I found a flower of amazing beauty, wait to go home.( Father. " The Scarlet Flower»)

*Visited the kids ( wolf. Russian folktale)

*Delivered the thresholds from Mashenka safe and sound (bear, Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear")

*Save! Ate us Gray wolf. (kids from the fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”)

*Very upset. Accidentally broke an egg (Mouse from the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”)

*I can’t come to your holiday. My pants have escaped me ( Dirty from “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky)

*Everything ended well. Only my tail remained in the hole (Wolf from the fairy tale “Sister Fox and the Gray Wolf”)

*Dear guests, help! Kill the villain spider! ( The Tsokotukha Fly from K. Chukovsky's fairy tale The Tsokotukha Fly")

Fun moment. Game "Birds" You should clap your hands when you disagree with something. 1. Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, flies and swifts... 2. Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Lapwings, siskins, Gadgets, swifts. 3. Birds arrived: Pigeons, tits, Storks, crows, Jackdaws, pasta!

Fun moment. Game "Echo" What time is it? Echo replies, “An hour, an hour.” To make the game more fun, clap your hands. Get ready kids! Ra! Ra! The game begins! Ra! Ra! Don't spare your hands! Lei! Lei! Clap your hands more cheerfully! Lei! Lei! What time is it? Hour! Hour! What time will it be in an hour? Hour! Hour! And it's not true! There will be two! Two! Two! Your head is asleep! Wow! Wow! How does the rooster crow in the village? Wow! Wow! Yes, not an owl, but a rooster? Wow! Wow! Are you sure that's true? So! So! But in reality, how? How? How? What is two and two? Two! Two! What about one hundred twenty minus two? Two! Two! Wonderful answer! Vet! Vet! Hello mathematicians! Vet! Vet! Is it an ear or a nose? Nose! Nose! Or maybe a load of hay? WHO! WHO! Is it an elbow or an eye? Eye! Eye! But what do we have here? Us! Us!

Are you always good? Yes! Yes! Or only sometimes? Yes! Yes! Are you tired of answering? Chat! Chat! I ask you to remain silent.

4 competition

To bring final order to fairy tales, you need to answer the questions correctly.

1. What object was Cinderella's carriage made of? (from pumpkin).

2. How much does a ticket to the Karabas Barabas Theater cost? (4 soldi).

3.Who is Freken Bock? (housekeeper).

4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (sparrow).

5.What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).

6.What substance did Fatima smear on Ali Baba’s measure? (honey).

7.What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the Moon? (yearning).

8.What did Kai need to lay out from the ice floes? (the word "eternity").

9. In what case does the hair from old man Hottabych’s beard not work? (when the beard is wet).

10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood’s basket? (pies and a pot of butter).

11. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (on a swallow).

12.What animal did Brother Ivanushka turn into? (into a little goat).

13.What did Emelya drive? (on the stove).

14.Where did the seventh kid hide? (in the oven).

15. Malvina is a girl with what kind of hair? (with blue ones).

Each team will be asked 20 questions. You need to answer immediately, without hesitation. If you don't know the answer, say "next." At this time, the opposing team is silent and does not give any hints.

Questions for the first team:

2. Where did Doctor Aibolit go by telegram? (to Africa)

3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale “The Golden Key or the Adventure of Pinocchio”? (Artemon)

4. A mustachioed character from Chukovsky’s fairy tale. (Cockroach)

5. Groom of the tskotukha fly. (Mosquito)

6. What did the cunning soldier cook the porridge from? (From an ax)

7. Who did Emelya catch in the ice hole? (Pike)

8. Who was the frog in the Russian folk tale? (Princess)

9. What was the name of the boa constrictor from Kipling’s fairy tale “Mowgli”? (Kaa)

10. What did Emelya drive in the fairy tale “Po” pike command"? (On the stove)

11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)

12. What did the fleas give to the clattering fly? (Boots)

13. What flowers did you go for? New Year the heroine of the fairy tale “Twelve Months”? (Behind the snowdrops)

14. Which fairy tale hero wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)

15. Sister of brother Ivanushka. (Alyonushka)

16. The most famous resident of the Flower City. (Dunno)

17. How many years did the old man from the fairy tale about the goldfish fish? (33 years)

18. What was Pinocchio made from? (From a log)

19. Fruits that Cheburashka ate too much. (Oranges)

20. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale? The Snow Queen", who went all over the world to look for her sworn brother? (Gerda)

Questions for the second team:

1. To whom did Little Red Riding Hood bring the pies and a pot of butter? (To grandma)

2. What was the name of the girl who owned the magic flower from Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower”? (Zhenya)

3. Name Fedora’s middle name from Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.” (Egorovna)

4. Who wrote the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (Charles Perrault)

5. What was the name of the girl traveling through Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass? (Alice)

6. What did the buzzing fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

7. Best friend Carlson. (Baby)

8. What kind of hut did the fox have in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”? (Icy)

9. What was the name of Doctor Aibolit’s sister? (Varvara)

10. Mistress of Artemon. (Malvina)

11. Who caught the goldfish? (Old man)

13. What was the name of the little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

14. What birds did the 11 king’s sons turn into? (Into the swans)

15. Who did the ugly duckling turn into? (Into the beautiful swan)

16. What was the carriage made of in which Cinderella went to the ball? (from pumpkin)

17. Friend of Winnie the Pooh. (Piglet)

18. What was the name of the cunning cat from the fairy tale “The Golden Key”? (Basilio)

19. What was the name of the mother bear in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”? (Nastasya Petrovna)

20. From what plant did Eliza weave shirts for her brothers in the fairy tale “Wild Swans”? (From nettle)

6th competition “Magic chest”.

Leading. The Magic Chest contains items from different fairy tales. I will take out objects, and the teams will take turns guessing which fairy tale this object is from.

ABC - “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”

Shoe - “Cinderella”

Coin - “The Cluttering Fly”

Mirror - “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”

Egg - “Ryaba Hen”

Little Red Riding Hood - "Little Red Riding Hood"


1. A book for wise men and women. Polymath's Handbook. -M.: “RIPOL CLASSIC”, 2001.- 336 p.

2. Creative experience with books: library lessons, reading hours, extracurricular activities/ comp. T.R. Tsymbalyuk. - 2nd ed. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2011. - 135 p.

3. Hobbits, miners, gnomes and others: Literary quizzes, crosswords, linguistic tasks, New Year's play / Comp. I.G. Sukhin. - M.: New school, 1994. - 192 p.

4. Reading with passion: library lessons, extracurricular activities/ comp. E.V. Zadorozhnaya; - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 120 p.



Primary school teacher

Pyanikina N.N.

Target:development of interest in fairy tales.

1. Summarize children’s knowledge about fairy tales.
2. Instill an interest in reading.
3. Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.
4. Cultivate friendship, camaraderie, and curiosity during the game.
5. Create a positive emotional infusion for further work.

Equipment:computer, projector, photographs with images fairy-tale heroes, star tokens, for fabulous mail “letter”, “decree”, “telegram”, envelopes with tasks for the competition acting, for the competition “Lost and Found” a box - “parcel”, “golden key” (made of cardboard painted with gold paint), a flower, a beautiful shoe, a feather, a basket of pies (according to the number of children, pies are distributed to all children at the end of the game), medals “The best expert on fairy tales!”
Form:quiz game, competition.

Progress of the event

Guys, do you like fairy tales? Do you know the main characters of fairy tales? Today we will check it and find out who we have best expert fairy tales To do this, we will split into two teams. Each team will come up with a name. If you answer the quiz question correctly, you will receive a star token. At the end of the game we will count which team has earned more stars. You can answer one by one. If the team cannot answer, then the right to answer the question passes to the opponents.

1 competition "RIDDLES"

After the children give an answer, a picture of the answer appears on the screen.

Day and night, like clockwork

Along the golden chain all around

This beast walks like a scientist.

You know, we're talking about about whom?


It’s not a bird sitting on the branches,

And a beautiful maiden sits.

Above the river in the thicket:

He will bewitch, he will call

And it will drag you to the bottom


Answer me, my friend:

What did he name the prince?

And about hail in the ocean?


Ask the whole world

There is no nose thinner than mine,

There is no longer nose!

I wear a long, long nose,

I'm a difficult boy

I've had a hundred adventures,

But in the end, he brought it,

I brought it for all my friends

I am the Golden Key!


Over my simple question

You won't spend a lot of effort:

Who is the boy with long nose

From a log

Made it?

(Papa Carlo.)

She was walking somewhere idly

And I found some small money.

Then I put them in the product:

I bought a Tula samovar.

I told you the fairy tale.

Did you recognize the insect?


Escaped from the dirty

Cups, spoons and pans.

She calls them to her

And she sheds tears on the way


She is a strict teacher of children,

They are not forgiven for their noisy undertakings.

That lady lives with the cat Matilda,

That lady bakes delicious buns.

These buns are a delight,

That lady, alas, believes in ghosts,

Carlson the prankster “tames” her,

Who knows this strict lady?

(Freken Bock.)

In the old man's beard

Not a single hair

Every hair is for a dream!

Who is the owner of the beard?

(Old man Hottabych.)

I'm an old lady anyway:

Both smart and young!

The rat is with me everywhere

Named Lariska.


A girl appeared

In the cup of a flower.

And there was that girl

A little bigger than a marigold.

In a nut shell

The girl was sleeping.

That's the kind of girl

How sweet she is!


Everything is nothing for the Fool,

He will not sell only a skate:

even though the eared one is small in stature,

efficient and daring!

Everyone knows that horse.

What's the name?...

(Little hunchback.)


He lived in Prostokvashino

And with Matroskin etc.y lived

He was a little simple-minded

The dog's name...

(Not Totoshka, but Sharik.)

Poor to y the count hits and m y cheat,

He is looking for a magic key.

Him y terrible look

This is the doctor...

(Not Aibolit, but Karabas.)

And beautiful and sweet,

Only very y it's small!

Slender fig y rochka,

And the call y T...

(Not SnowyRochka, and Thumbelina.)

Lived in b y the rear is hundreds of years old,

Finally, y saw the light

He has grown a beard,

This kind...

(Not Santa Claus, but Old Man Hottabych.)

With goal y with my hair

And with huge eyes,

This one y Kolka - actress,

And the call y t her...

(Not Alice, but Malvina.)

He's a big naughty guy y n and comedian,

He has a house on the roof.

Boast yniche and arrogant,

And the call y t him...

(Not Dunno, but Carlson.)

Where is your ball gown?

Where is the glass slipper?

Sorry, I was in a hurry

My name is …

(Not the Scarecrow, but Cinderella.)

Treats animals in Africa

Good doctor...

(Not Barmaley, but Aibolit.)

I've got some buns for you,

Fly to me at least once.

Master of all sorts of mischief,

The best in the world …

(Not Karabas, but Carlson.)


1) The princess is a turkey. (Princess Frog).

2) At the command of a dog. (At the command of a pike).

3) Sivka - booth. (Sivka - burka).

4) Ivan - prince and green wolf. (Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf).

5) Sister Alyonushka and brother Nikitushka. (Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka).

6) Cockerel - golden shepherdess.

4.contest “Continue the name of the fairy-tale hero”

Ivan…..Tsarevich (fool)

Dr. Aibolit

Postman Pechkin



Lisa…….Patrikeevna (Alice)



Koschei the Deathless

5th competition “KNOW THE HERO OF A FAIRY TALE”

I will now introduce you to verbal portraits of the heroes of your favorite fairy tales. You must name the creator of this portrait - the author of the fairy tale, give its full title and, of course, recognize the hero of the fairy tale. So, according to verbal portrait answer us: who is this?

Who is this? “She was a tall, stately, stately woman in a dazzling white fur coat and a hat made of pure snow. The boy recognized her immediately.”(Andersen. “The Snow Queen”).

On an azure dress - frequent stars, a clear moon on the head, such a beauty - you can’t even think of it, you can’t guess it, you can only tell it in a fairy tale. (Vasilisa the Wise - Russian folk tale. Princess Frog)

From behind a cardboard tree appeared little man, wearing a long white shirt with long sleeves. His face was dusted with powder, white as tooth powder. He bowed to the most respectable audience and said: “Hello, my name is... (Pierrot. A. Tolstoy. The Golden Key, or The Adventures of Pinocchio)

He wore a bright blue hat, canary yellow pants, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally loved bright colors... (Dunno. N. Nosov. The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends)

6th competition “FAIRY MAIL”

Fairy mail. Have you heard of this one? In many fairy tales, the characters correspond and receive a variety of messages from each other. I have letters from fairy-tale characters in my hands. You need to indicate who sent them and to whom, in which fairy tale you read such a letter. Who is the author of the fairy tale? So, I read you fabulous correspondence!

Come, doctor, to Africa quickly

And save, doctor, our babies!

(Telegram from Hippopotamus to Doctor Aibolit. K. Chukovsky. Aibolit )

The grass is turning green, the sun is shining, and in our royal forests the spring flowers. Therefore, we most mercifully command that a full basket of snowdrops be delivered to the palace by the New Year. We will reward the one who fulfills our highest will royally. We will give him as much gold as will fit in his basket, give him a velvet fur coat on a gray fox and allow him to participate in our New Year's ride.

(A royal decree written by the Professor under the dictation of the Queen. S.Ya.Marshak. Twelve months)

I am not your master, but an obedient slave.

You are my mistress, and whatever comes to your mind, I will do with pleasure.( A forest beast, a miracle of the sea - to the maiden, merchant daughter of S. Aksakov. The Scarlet Flower)

7th "ACTING" competition

One representative from each team is selected. The presenter hands them each an envelope with a task. The envelope contains a piece of paper with the name fairy tale character, which needs to be shown using pantomime. Children leave the class for 30 seconds to familiarize themselves with the content of the task and think about it. own actions. Then they come back and give their team a little show. The team guesses the character

8th competition “LOS & FINDINGS OFFICE”

Scenario quizzes for younger students with answers

Quiz for primary classes “Fairy tales”

Equipment: students’ illustrations of the fairy tales they read; artists’ illustrations for the fairy tales “The Golden Key”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, “Thumbelina”, etc.; drawing board.

Participants: high school students dressed in costumes of Little Red Riding Hood, Gerda, Puss in Boots, Basilio the Cat, Alice the Fox and Pechkin the Postman. They hold competitions.

Progress of the event

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello guys! Why do you love fairy tales? Do fairy tales deceive? What proverbs do you know about fairy tales? (Children's answers.)

Competition "Magic Words"

Gerda. Guys, guess who says that.

1. At the behest of the pike, at my desire... (Emelya.)

2. Sivka-Burka, prophetic kaurka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass! (Ivan the Fool.)

3. Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle. As soon as you touch the ground, it’s my way. (Zhenya from the fairy tale “The Flower of Seven Flowers.”)

4. One, two, three! Pot, cook! (Girl from the fairy tale “A Pot of Porridge.”)

5. Kreks, fex, peke! (Pinocchio.)

6. Kara-baras. (Moidodyr.)

Competition "Magic Remedy"

Puss in Boots. Guys, what would you ask...

1. Ole-Lukoje? (Umbrella.)

2. The soldier, the hero of Andersen’s fairy tale? (Flint.)

3. Pinocchio? (Golden Key.)

4. Dunno? (Magic wand.)

5. Little Mook? (Shoes and cane.)

6. Ellie? (Silver shoes, golden hat, silver whistle.)

7. Aladdin? (Magic lamp.)

8. Girls from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm? (Pot.)

Competition "Who is this?"

Cat Basilio. Remember, guys, who is who (for example, a person, a boa constrictor, a fox, a toy).

1. Moidodyr. (Wash basin.)

2. Uncle Fyodor. (Boy.)

3. Pull. (Deer with two heads.)

4. Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. (Mongoose.)

5. Scarecrow. (Scarecrow made of straw.)

6. Matroskin. (Cat.)

7. Gene. (Crocodile.)

8. Syrup. (Shorty.)

Competition "Color Questions"

Fox Alice. Guys, I will ask you “colored” questions, you need to continue the title of the fairy tale or story.

1. Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Blue... (Beard)”.

2. M. Maeterlinck’s fairy tale “Blue... (bird).”

3. Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Little Red Riding Hood”

4. The magical story of A. Pogorelsky “Black... (chicken).”

5. Fairy Tale A. Volkova “Yellow... (fog).”

6. Fairy tale by D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Grey... (Neck)”.

Competition “Find out a fairy tale!”

Postman Pechkin. Fairy tales ask: “And now you, friends, recognize us!” You will need to guess the title of the fairy tale, the name of the character or the surname of the writer.

Said a word -

The stove rolled

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know

Lucky I'm lazy. ("By magic")

And the road is far,

And the basket is not easy,

I would like to sit on a tree stump,

I wish I could eat a pie... (“Masha and the Bear”)

Oh, Petya - simplicity,

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window. (“Cat, rooster and fox.”)

The beautiful maiden is sad

She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun!

She's shedding tears, poor thing! (Snow Maiden.)

What a fairy tale, tell us the secret,

Where it was said:

“Sleep, little peephole, and sleep, other one!” (“Little little thing.”)

Here is a young maiden in the arms of sleep,

It has been lying there for a hundred years

And he waits, but the prince is not there, and no, and no.

Tell me, friends, who is she? (Sleeping Beauty.)

He had many wives, but all

Suffered an evil fate -

He took their lives...

What a villain!

So who is he?

Call me quickly. (Blue Beard.)

Little girl runs merrily

Along the path to the house,

What's in the forest?

This girl needs

Hurry to grandma

Carry the basket

Sent to her. (Little Red Riding Hood.)

The cleverness of this boy

She saved him and six brothers,

Although he is small in stature, he is brave.

So how many of you have read about him? (“Tom Thumb.”)

Do you love cats? I - yes!

Have you met the speakers?

Capable of singing and dancing,

And charm the king

Find housing for the owner

Save him from poverty

To ascend to the throne with the princess? ("Puss in Boots".)

He is the kindest in the world,

He's famous, famous

The kind one treats all sick animals... (Dr. Aibolit.)

Not a kitten, not a groundhog,

Not a wolf cub, not a puppy,

Very cute face

And it’s called... (Cheburashka.)

My father had a strange boy,

Unusual, wooden,

But the father loved his son,

Playful... (Pinocchio.)

And about the golden key

Wrote for us... (Tolstoy.)

Long unknown to many,

He became everyone's friend.

An interesting fairy tale for everyone

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He's called... (Cipollino.)

Competition "Fairytale Objects"

Little Red Riding Hood. Friends, I will list the objects for you, and you name the fairy-tale characters associated with them.

1. Golden egg. (Chicken Ryaba.)

2. Cap. (Pinocchio.)

3. Hat and boots. (Puss in Boots.)

4. Pea. (Princess on the Pea.)

5. Yellow pants and an orange shirt. (Dunno.)

Fairy tale illustration competition

Quiz in verses based on fairy tales for children

All the children know her

And he lives in the forest with the gnomes,

But not at all a sweet tooth,

Her name... (Snow White)

Guess the heroes of the fairy tale,

I'm giving you tips.

To make it easier to answer,

We will rhyme the lines.

Never trust him

At least he will say that he is immortal.

It consists of relics -

Disgusting... (Koschei)

He has a sweet tooth, loves honey,

He visits all year round.

And he sings songs out loud,

Little bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

He lives in a dense forest,

Dark, scary and prickly.

As a villain he is quite successful -

Harmful hairy... (Leshy)

Carlson flew to him,

Played different games.

And your city from above, from the rooftops,

Considered by our friend... (Kid)

He is a cheerful little boy

But he's not a bully at all.

The key was pulled out of the mud

Wooden... (Pinocchio)

He doesn't know kind words

One tail, but three heads.

He's scary and huge -

Fire-breathing dragon)

He looks so much like a ball,

But he couldn’t save himself.

He has a ruddy side -

This is delicious... (Kolobok)

He has it for the kids

There are balloons.

Has a tail like a hook

Piglet... (Piglet)

Didn't need any hints

You guessed all the fairy tales.

The sages created them,

And all of you together... (Well done)

Quiz on fairy tales “The Box of Lost and Found Things”

Storyteller: Here, in this box, are lost and found things, there are a lot of them. Help me return them to fairy tales. So, what do I have here (pretends to take something out of a bag), from what fairy tale?

1. Nail - strange! And nothing more.

Swedish fairy tale “The Nail from Home.”

2. And here is a fish and a torn off wolf tail. Well, you can guess it right away!

Russian folk tale "Little Fox and the Gray Wolf."

3. A small beautiful silk bag with buckwheat. Oh, what a pity! There is a hole in the bag, and the cereal spills out of it. Help quickly, otherwise there will be trouble.

H.K. Andersen, "Flint".

4. So what? An axe, but not a simple one, but “Blooper, the ship has left,” “Bludge, break off the sides,” and here’s a pipe.

Russian folk tale “Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what.”

6. A wheel of cheese.

Hungarian fairy tale “Two Greedy Little Bears”.

7. What a beautiful pot! All hung with bells. Hear the bells ringing out an old song. Where is he from?

H.K. Andersen, "The Swineherd".

8. And here is the mirror! And what's that? An apple, poured, golden, look, you can see right through the grains. No no! Don't touch it, it's poisonous. Carefully!

A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of the Dead Princess.”

9. And here is another mirror. Oh no, just a fragment. This mirror is not good—evil. What else is there? Oh, what a pretty dress! Clutch! Well, where should we put them, what fairy tale?

H.K. Andersen, "The Snow Queen".

10. Here is an old lamp and a ring. I wonder where they are from?

"Aladdin and the Magic Lamp."

11. A lump of tin and a burnt black brooch. Apparently they were in the oven. Where should they go?

H.K. Andersen, The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

12. Oh, I pricked my finger. Hurt! Oh yes, it's a spindle! Look, how prickly!

C. Perrault, “Sleeping Beauty”.

13. How many nuts are there! Wow, so many! Yes, not simple ones. All shells are golden, the cores are pure emerald.

A. S. Pushkin, “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”.

14. Another mirror - a toilet made of oriental crystal, a golden crown made of semi-precious stones. And what's that? I almost broke it... There is no more beautiful flower in the world.

S. T. Aksakov, “The Scarlet Flower”.

15. And here is a bunch of keys. What could it be? Let's take a closer look. One has a black spot. Why would this be?

C. Perrault, “Bluebeard”.

16. And here is some kind of log, a jacket made of brown paper, bright green pants, shoes from an old boot and a cap with a tassel, a huge unkempt beard and a seven-tailed whip. Well, now you know which fairy tale to return all this to.

A. Tolstoy, “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Quiz for primary schoolchildren “How many fairy tales have been told?”

This is a fabled tale, and there is a mystery in it: how many fairy tales have been told?

“How many fairy tales have been told? Shouldn't we start all over again? Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman; they had a hut that was not made of ice, but of bast. They lived in it for thirty years and three years. They lived, did not grieve, and everything was fine, but God did not give them children. So the old woman says to the old man: “Go, old man, to the goldfish. Bow to the fish, obey it, and beg from it an egg, not an ordinary one, but a golden one.” And the old man went to the blue sea. And the old woman sat down at the window to wait for him alone. He waits and waits from morning until night. He looks out to sea, even his eyes hurt.

And the old man is not joking at this time: he twists the fish’s arms and legs with ropes. He pierces his sharp teeth into the very heart and begs for her testicle. And the old woman in the hut grins and waits for Ivan the Fool. Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

Winter has already passed and spring has arrived. The sun began to heat up and the old woman wanted to drink some spring water. She went to the well, scooped up some water, but the trouble was, she stumbled. The bucket fell to the very bottom of the well. The old woman cries and washes herself with bitter tears. Lo and behold, it’s a puddle. Let me, the old woman thinks, let me drink from this puddle.

And then the mouse runs and says in a human voice: “Don’t drink, old man, you’ll become a little goat.” The old woman did not listen to the mouse and drank from a puddle. Suddenly thunder struck, lightning flashed, and the old woman turned into a frog. He sits and croaks. And at that time Ivan the Fool was returning from hunting. Lo and behold, the frog is sitting. He pulled the arrow, took aim... Then the frog begged: “Don’t destroy me, Ivanushka, I will be useful to you.” And so it turned out, like a frog.

Ivanushka brought the frog to the palace to the Tsar-Father. And the sovereign immediately ordered three cauldrons to be prepared: with ice water, with boiled water and with fresh milk. The frog bathed in three cauldrons and became a real beauty, which cannot be said in a fairy tale or described in a feast. The wedding took place here. And the kids didn’t have to wait long. They gave birth to a great many children: thirty-three heroes, with scales like the heat of grief. And the old man blue sea and to this day he walks: he goes to the right - he starts a song, to the left - he tells the fairy tale that I told you. So it turns out that the fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - good fellows and a lesson for the old people.”

Answers: “The Fox and the Hare”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “The Snow Maiden”, “Ryaba the Hen”, “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”, “The Tsokotukha Fly”, “Baba Yaga”, “The Tale of sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Moroz Ivanovich", "The Frog Princess", " The Little Humpbacked Horse", "The Tale of Tsar Saltan...", "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

Quiz for younger schoolchildren “Visiting a fairy tale”

1st round

Guess the heroes.

Seller of medicinal leeches.

Heir to three fat men.

The original name of Captain Vrungel's yacht.

Girl with blue hair.

The one who visits in the morning.

Answers: Duremar, Tutti, “Victory”, Malvina, Winnie the Pooh.

2nd round

Guess the name of the fairytale girl.


Answer: Snow White.

3rd round

Which fairy tale hero III. Do Perrault own all these items?

1. Hat. 2. Sword. 3. Boots. 4. Feathers.

Answer: Puss in Boots.

Which of these words did Kai post?

1. Snowflake. 2. Warmth. 3. Eternity. 4. Youth.

Answer: Eternity.

Among these flowers are those that the stepdaughter collected in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months.” Which?

1. Lilies of the valley. 2. Snowdrops. 3. Cornflowers. 4. Chamomiles.

Answer: Lilies of the valley.

4th round

Compose as much as possible more words from the word SNOW Maiden.

Examples: snow, horn, litter, dew, nose, dream, con, ar, bough, scythe, wasp, river, pen, cancer, rock, rank, garlic, sulfur, mountain, stew, circle, juice, window, etc. d.

Quizzes on fairy tales by C. Perrault, quizzes on your favorite fairy tales.

All quiz questions with answers.

Quiz “Tales of My Mother Goose” (based on the fairy tales of C. Perrault)

1. Does the name of this heroine come from the word “ash”? Answer: Cinderella.

2. What was the name of the heroine who got her nickname thanks to her headdress? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood.

3. What was the name of the hero who loved to wear shoes? Answer: Puss in Boots.

4. What came before Donkey skin when she hit the ground with her magic wand? Answer: Chest with outfits.

5. Who wore a belt with the inscription “When I’m angry, I kill seven”? Answer: Brave tailor.

6. Who had snakes and toads falling from their mouths instead of words? Answer: The rude girl from the fairy tale “The Sorceress”.

7. In what fairy tale on earth snowing, if a feather bed is fluffed in the sky? Answer: “Mistress Metelitsa.”

8. What happened to the stupid, beautiful princess when the prince Rike-Khokholok fell in love with her? Answer: She became smart.

9. Which girl lost her shoe at the ball? Answer: Cinderella.

10. What was the name of the owner of Puss in Boots? Answer: Marquis Karabas.

11. How did the brother knights pierce through and through the bloodthirsty villain-murderer, who had the terrible nickname “Bluebeard”? Answer: With swords.

12. What birds were caught in the bag when the cat was hunting for the second time in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”? Answer: Partridges.

13. Who inherited the middle son of the miller in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”? Answer: Donkey.

14. Who had big hands, big ears, big eyes, big teeth? Answer: The wolf.

15. Who did the ogre turn into at the request of the cat for the first time in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”? Answer: To a lion.

16. What time vehicle the fairy transformed the pumpkin with the help magic wand in the fairy tale "Cinderella"? Answer: In the carriage.

17. What did the eldest son inherit from his father in the fairy tale “Puss in Boots”? Answer: Mill.

Quiz on fairy tales “Fairy tale men”

■ What is the most popular male name in fairy tales? Answer: Ivan.

■ Whose sleigh drove itself? Answer: Emelya.

■ Which girl rescued her friend Kai from ice captivity? Answer: Gerda.

■ Who ate for three and worked for seven? Answer: Balda.

■ Who sowed money, thinking that it would grow Money Tree and all that remains is to harvest? Answer: Pinocchio.

■ Who lived on Basseynaya Street? Answer: Absent-minded.

■ Who cooked the porridge using intelligence and ingenuity? Answer: Soldier.

■ Which Russian heroine folk tale was it an agricultural product? Answer: Turnip.

■ What was the name of Matroskin’s cat’s cow? Answer: Murka.

■ What was the name of the genie that Volka freed from the bottle? Answer: Hottabych.

■ What were the names of the three fat men? Answer: They didn’t have names.

■ What was the name of the sorceress who was afraid of water, and how many years did she not wash herself? Answer: Bastinda, 500 years.

■ Which of the heroes of the Russian folk tale was bakery product? Answer: Kolobok.

■ What was the name of Pierrot's bride? Answer: Malvina.

■ Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog? Answer: Koschey the Immortal.

■ Which hero of the Russian folk tale caught fish very in an original way? Answer: Wolf.

■ What was the name of the young man who had the nickname Dwarf Nose? Answer: Jacob.

■ What was the name of the boy who was carried away by the wild swans? Answer: Ivanushka.

■ Who built the house using best practices, but his brothers worked the old fashioned way and almost lost their lives? Answer: Naf-Naf.

■ Who is the best dreamer and sweet tooth in the world? Answer: Carlson.

■ Who was shipwrecked and taken prisoner with the Lilliputians? Answer: Gulliver.

■ Whoever rushed after the White Rabbit fell into a very deep well and ended up in amazing country? Answer: Alice.

■ What was the name of the jackal, the servant of the tiger Shere Khan? Answer: Jackal Tabaki.

■ Who loved the saying “One head is good, but two is better”? Answer: Serpent Gorynych.

■ What was the name of the toy with a very funny name that fell off the table? Answer: Cheburashka.

■ Which king forgot about the death of his children at the sight of the beautiful queen? King Answer: Dadon.

■ Who was the first jungle animal to show an example of friendship with a human child? Answer: Wolf Akela.