The magical power of art: artistic image. This magical power of art What is the magical power of art


Art enriches our lives. And one of its types—literature—meets us at the very beginning of our life’s journey and remains forever. The book, like caring parents, educates and teaches us. By reading fairy tales as children, we learn to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, virtue from meanness.
Literature teaches you to feel, understand, and empathize. After all, every book makes us think about what the author wanted to convey with his work. What thought did he put into his creation? By getting to know new characters, understanding their feelings and thoughts, we begin

It is better to understand the people around us, and most importantly, ourselves. It is not without reason that many great cultural and scientific figures, in moments of emotional excitement, picked up fiction. They found peace and satisfaction in it. Books can help us find the right path in life, while looking for it we often get confused.
But these are not all the advantages of literature. Thanks to her, we learned a lot of necessary and useful information. For example, very few sources were preserved about the campaign of Prince Igor, and the literary work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” shed light on many unknown facts.
By describing the life and customs of his century, the writer helps us form a picture of the time.
The book can even influence the course of the reader’s real life. For example, after reading Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” many people whose lives were similar to the fate of the hero of this work perked up and found the strength to live on.
I think this is the great power of the art of literature.

(410 words) What is art? This is what causes trembling in the soul. It can touch even the most callous and petrified hearts. Creativity brings beauty into people's lives and makes it possible to come into contact with it through music, painting, architecture, literature... The great power of art directs us to goodness and light, instilling in our minds hope and a sense of significance in this world. Sometimes only through it we can express all the joy or pain, despair or happiness. To support my assertions, I will give examples from books.

In the story by A.P. Chekhov's "Rothschild's Violin" » the main character lost his wife and barely survived. This event knocked him out of his routine. At some point, he realized how meaningless his entire existence was, filled with everyday life, hoarding and routine. Under the power of these emotions, he plays the violin, pouring out all his soul and all his sorrows through the sounds of music. Then a Jew named Rothschild heard his melody, and it did not leave him aside. He followed the call of creativity. Never before in his entire life had Yakov Matveevich felt pity for anyone, and even for a person who had previously evoked only contempt in him. And he, once greedy and selfish, gave his instrument to Rothschild, along with all his music - an incredible work of art. This violin and Jacob's music gave Rothschild fame, recognition and a chance for a new life. Thus, the power of creativity helped people discover positive sides in themselves, find mutual understanding, and even helped some of them change their destiny.

In the work of I.S. Turgenev’s “Singers” we can also find an interesting example. The author dedicated the story to the Russian people and their attitude to art, because he himself knew what folk art and the Russian soul were. In this piece he shows us how powerful the power of music can be and how deeply a song can touch people's hearts. During Yakov's performance, whose cracked voice was filled with deep sensuality, people cried while listening to his song. The author, trying to convey all his emotions and sensations from what he heard and saw, said that for a very long time he could not close his eyes that night, because Yakov’s beautiful song was constantly flowing in his ears. This means that the power of art can influence people’s feelings and control them, purifying and elevating the soul.

Art is for everyone. For the rude and callous, for the kind and sensitive, for the poor and the rich. No matter who a person is, no matter what personality he is, the great power of creativity will always motivate him to do wonderful things, will sow a feeling of beauty in his soul, and embody real miracles. The cleansing and uplifting energy of art gives us the opportunity to live correctly - according to the laws of goodness and beauty.

A lot of words have been spent to denote or illustrate the notorious power of what we call art, in our case literature. They are looking for the roots of this influence, going over the technical details of the letter (which is, of course, important), building theories, inventing models, fighting with schools and opinions of authorities, calling on the spirits of ancient deities and calling on new-fangled experts to help... But how this happens remains completely incomprehensible.

More precisely, there is a science called literary criticism, there is a current theory of reading, there is a hypothesis about the different forms of psychoactivity of a person writing, as well as a person reading, but somehow they do not get to the main point. It seems to me that if we got there, the solution to this riddle, like the discovery of nuclear physics, would change our understanding of ourselves in a matter of years.

And only the most “strange” of theorists know that the power of art lies in the fact that it does not shovel a person’s experience from bottom to top, it, as it were, completes it without conflicting with it, and miraculously transforms this experience, which many considered hardly necessary, but then completely unusable rubbish, into new knowledge, if you like - into wisdom.


When I was just planning to write this book and told a publisher I knew about it, he was very surprised: “Why do you think,” he asked, “that writing a novel is the only way out? It’s better to let them read books, it’s much easier.” In his own way, he was, of course, right.

Reading, of course, is simpler, easier and more enjoyable. Actually, that’s what people do - they read, finding in the world of these Scarlett and Holmes, Frodo and Conan, Brugnon and the Turbins all the experiences, ideas, consolation and partial solutions to problems that are significant to them.

Yes, I read the book, you experience the same thing as the author. But only ten to twenty times weaker!

And recognizing reading as a very powerful tool, let’s still try to imagine what we can achieve if we ourselves develop the score of the notorious “meditation”? And then we “arrange” everything ourselves, as is expected in such cases? Of course, without losing sight of the fact that we are doing this in full accordance with our own, deeply PERSONAL ideas about the problem?...

Did you imagine? Yes, I also have difficulty imagining, only to a small extent guessing the effect that a properly organized and well-written book can have on the author. I am a novelist, a connoisseur of texts and people who work professionally with books, I have to admit that I do not know how, why and to what extent this happens. But I can vouch for the fact that it works with stunning power, that sometimes it radically changes the being of the author.

Of course, everything is a little more complicated than I’m portraying here. There is no difference between novel and novel, and there is also a difference between author and author. Sometimes among writers you come across such “radishes” that you are simply amazed, but they write like a nightingale - easily, loudly, convincingly, beautifully! The whole point, probably, is that without novels they would be even worse, they would do evil deeds or turn into downright unhappy people, making their family and friends unhappy.

In any case, I argue that the novel, the very writing of this seemingly completely optional monograph, serves as a means of changing the author’s personality, attracting the rarest property of psychological changeability, or rather, metamorphic creativity. Because it is a kind of window to the truth, opened into oneself. And how we will use this tool, what we will see in the window, what wisdom we will be able to obtain as a result - this, as they say, God knows. All life is built on the fact that everyone is only responsible for themselves, isn’t it?

Art has many ways of expression: in stone, in paint, in sounds, in words, and the like. Each of its varieties, affecting various sense organs, can have a strong impression on a person and create such images that will be carved forever.

For many years there has been debate as to which art form has the greatest expressive power. Some point to the art of words, some to painting, others call music the subtle, and then the most influential art on the human soul.

It seems to me that this is a matter of individual taste, which, as they say, is not controversial. The only indisputable fact is that art has some mysterious power and power over a person. Moreover, this power extends both to the author, creator, and to the “consumer” of the products of creative activity.

An artist sometimes cannot look at the world through the eyes of an ordinary person, for example, the hero from M. Kotsyubinsky’s short story “The Blossom of the Apple Tree.” He is torn between his two roles: a father who has suffered grief due to his daughter’s illness, and an artist who cannot help but look at the events of his child’s decline as material for a future story.

Time and the listener are unable to stop the action of the forces of art. In Lesya Ukrainsky’s “Ancient Tale” you can see how the power of a song and the singer’s words help a knight capture the heart of his beloved. Subsequently, we see how a word, a high word of a song, overthrows a knight who has turned into a tyrant from the throne. And there are many such examples.

Obviously, our classics, feeling the subtle movements of the human soul, wanted to show us how an artist can influence a person and even an entire nation. Glory to such examples, we can better understand not only the power of art, but also appreciate the creative in man.



The magical power of art

Art enriches our lives. And one of its types—literature—meets us at the very beginning of our life’s journey and remains forever. The book, like caring parents, educates and teaches us. By reading fairy tales as children, we learn to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, virtue from meanness.

Literature teaches you to feel, understand, and empathize. After all, every book makes us think about what the author wanted to convey with his work. What thought did he put into his creation? By getting to know new characters, understanding their feelings and thoughts, we begin to better understand the people around us, and most importantly, ourselves. It is not without reason that many great cultural and scientific figures, in moments of emotional excitement, picked up fiction. They found peace and satisfaction in it. Books can help us find the right path in life, while looking for it we often get confused.

But these are not all the advantages of literature. Thanks to her, we learned a lot of necessary and useful information. For example, very few sources were preserved about the campaign of Prince Igor, and the literary work “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” shed light on many unknown facts.

By describing the life and customs of his century, the writer helps us form a picture of the time.

The book can even influence the course of the reader’s real life. For example, after reading Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of a Man,” many people whose lives were similar to the fate of the hero of this work perked up and found the strength to live on.

I think this is the great power of the art of literature.