Water monkey. Year of the Monkey according to the Eastern horoscope: what kind of people are born under this sign


Year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028.

The monkey ranks ninth among 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac. The Year of the Monkey occurs every 12 years, according to the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac.

  • Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9
  • Lucky Flowers:

Were you born in the year of the Monkey?

A simple rule will help you determine the year of the Monkey: if it is a year divisible by 12 (for example, 1980), then almost certainly this is the year of the Monkey: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016. Why "almost certainly"? The thing is that it is not always possible to determine your zodiac animal just by the year of birth.

The signs of the Chinese zodiac are determined by the lunar calendar, with the onset of Chinese New Year. New Year in China begins during between January 21 and February 20, and the date of the holiday changes from year to year.

Find Your Chinese Zodiac Sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by your zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Zodiac:

  • Lucky numbers:
  • Lucky colors:

Let's look at a specific example. Let's take 2004:

2004 who?

In 2004, the Year of the Wood Monkey began on January 22. If you were born after January 22, then your zodiac sign is Monkey. But if you were born before January 22, then your zodiac animal is the Goat, the previous sign. Take advantage special calculator on the right to find out exactly who you are according to your Chinese zodiac sign!

Chinese New Year Dates for the Monkey:

Year of the Monkey

Dates in different years

Monkey Type

1932 February 6, 1932 – January 25, 1933 Water Monkey
1944 January 25, 1944 – February 12, 1945 Wood Monkey
1956 February 12, 1956 – January 30, 1957 Fire Monkey
1968 January 30, 1968 – February 16, 1969 Earth Monkey
1980 February 16, 1980 – February 4, 1981 Golden (Metal) Monkey
1992 February 4, 1992 – January 22, 1993 Water Monkey
2004 January 22, 2004 – February 8, 2005 Wood Monkey
2016 February 8, 2016 – January 27, 2017 Fire Monkey
2028 January 26, 2028 – February 12, 2029 Earth Monkey

What brings good luck to those born in the year of the Monkey

According to Chinese astrology, each zodiac sign has its own lucky numbers, days, colors, flowers and even cardinal directions that bring it luck. This is the similarity between the Chinese and Western horoscopes.
By the way, you know What is the difference between the Chinese and Western zodiacs ?

  • Lucky numbers: 4 and 9 and numbers containing them (for example, 49 and 99)
  • Happy days: 14th and 28th of the Chinese lunar month (new moon to new moon)
  • Lucky colors: white, blue, gold
  • Lucky Flowers: chrysanthemum, lagerstroemia (Indian lilac)
  • Lucky directions: north, northwest, west
  • Happy months: 8th and 12th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

Brings bad luck

According to Chinese astrology, those born in the year of the Monkey are advised to avoid:

  • Unlucky colors: red, pink
  • Unlucky numbers: 2 and 7
  • Unlucky directions: south, southeast
  • Unlucky months: 7th and 11th months of the Chinese lunar calendar

People born in the year of the Monkey are attractive, smart and witty. And a natural craving for pranks, curiosity and resourcefulness add mischief to their character.

Monkeys love pranks and make fun of others. They enjoy fooling around, and although they have no bad intentions, their jokes sometimes hurt the feelings of those around them.

Monkeys learn quickly and know how to find benefits under any circumstances. They have many interests and they need a companion who will be able to motivate and inspire them. While some enjoy the Monkey's eccentric nature, others are wary of their restless, cunning and inquisitive nature.

Although they are smart and inventive, Monkeys do not always know how to properly present their talents. They enjoy a challenge and usually prefer to live in big cities.


Monkeys usually have excellent health, partly due to their active lifestyle and desire to diversify their life. If they do get sick, it is usually due to nervous or cardiovascular systems.

People born in the year of the Monkey often spend a lot of time at work. In order not to waste too much effort and energy, Monkeys should remember about rest and allocate in their busy work schedule time for a break.

Since Monkeys usually spend more time outdoors, they should pay special attention to safety; the same goes for traveling or driving.

The most suitable professions for a Monkey

Monkeys always work very hard. They are able to adapt well to a wide variety of work environments.

Successful professions for the Monkey: accounting and banking, science, engineering, stock market trading, air traffic control, directing, jewelry and sales.

How to build a relationship with a Monkey?

Monkeys do not immediately decide to settle down; they are usually flighty and easily lose interest. However, once the Monkey finds the perfect companion, they devote themselves completely to him/her. Since Monkeys are friendly and sociable, it is easy to get along with them.

Year of the Monkey Compatibility with other signs

Each Chinese zodiac sign has its own characteristics. In China, special attention has traditionally been paid to the compatibility of signs. And these days many Chinese They are very sensitive to this ancient knowledge and always turn to the zodiac before starting courtship.

  • Best Compatibility: Ox or Rabbit
  • Least successful: Tiger or Pig

Famous people born in the year of the Monkey:

  • Georgy Zhukov, Konstantin Rokossovsky, Lev Landau, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Boris Akunin, Sergei Diaghilev, Andrei Tarkovsky, Faina Ranevskaya, Sergei Bondarchuk, Oleg Yankovsky, David Oistrakh, Georg Ots, Valeria, Leonid Agutin, Ilya Lagutenko, Viktor Vasnetsov, Isaac Levitan, Alexey Yagudin.
  • Pope John Paul II, Leonardo da Vinci, Scott Fitzgerald, Ian Fleming, George Lucas, Elizabeth Taylor, Tom Hanks, Herbert von Carojan, Celine Dion, Spinoza, Rene Descartes, Bertrand Russell, Harry Guddini, David Copperfield, Michael Schumacher.

Types of Monkey according to the Eastern calendar – 5 elements/elements

In the eastern zodiac, each sign is influenced by one of the 5 elements: gold (metal), wood, water, fire and earth. It is believed that differences in a person’s character are influenced by the element (element) and the sign of the animal in whose year you were born. Thus, There are 5 types of Monkey, each with its own characteristics.

For example, the year of the Earth Monkey, which will begin in 2028, occurs only once every 60 years.
Find out about other interesting Facts about the Chinese Zodiac, which you most likely have not heard of.

Monkey Type

Year of Birth


Gold/Metal Monkey

Smart, resourceful and confident, but also irritable and stubborn

Water Monkey

Smart, quick-witted, love to be the center of attention, but arrogant

Wood Monkey

Always ready to help others; compassionate, self-respecting, but stubborn

Fire Monkey

Ambitious and enterprising, but irritable

Earth Monkey

Optimists, fearless, sincere and open

For the Monkey, 2019 will be a successful year, especially in terms of development and financial well-being. However, they should pay more attention to their health and try to keep themselves in shape.

2019 will be a very successful year for the Monkey; they will be able to easily achieve their goals. Throughout the year, Monkeys will have good opportunities for career growth. Be careful and work hard and success is guaranteed.

Financial well-being of the Monkey in 2019

In 2019, the Monkey will experience prosperity and success. Salaries and incomes will increase, interesting projects will appear. The costs will pay off, and the investment will bring profit.

Monkey Health in 2019

In 2019, Monkeys should devote more time to their health. If you were born in the year of the Monkey, think seriously about regular physical activity and preventive medical examinations.

Year of the Monkey Love in 2019

In love, 2019 will also be a happy year for the Monkey; they will easily achieve success in relationships. And if they wish, they can easily meet their chosen one/darling.

Year of Destiny 2028 for the Monkey

When the year of your zodiac animal arrives, in China they say it has arrived. Year of Destiny (Benmingnian). For example, in 2028 Benmingnian will occur for people born in the year of the Monkey.

The Chinese believe that this year will be special, but those people whose year has arrived may face trials or unexpected changes.
Find out How to maintain good luck in the Year of Destiny and what is customary to give in Benmingnian and modern Chinese traditions.

We wish those born in the year of the Monkey and their families a successful 2019!

Travel into 2019 with China Highlights!

  • Best Tours to China in 2019 – Well-organized, proven tours in Russian
  • China Panda Tours – Find out where you can see a panda in China
  • Holidays in Hainan and Classical China – Beach holidays and cultural traditions of China

1980 who? 1980 is the year of which animal? - Year of the White Metal Monkey. The Year of the White Metal Monkey occurs every 60 years. It was there in 1920, it was there in 1980, and it will be there in 2040. Very often metal is associated with something cold, dark and rainy, but a lot depends on the metal itself.

He can create beauty and create destruction in an attempt to achieve his desired goal. “Iron” will, independence, determination, determination and directness, these are the main qualities that Metal endowed its ward. This is the most powerful sign among other Monkeys. The White Metal Monkey is a warrior who fights until victory.

This is how one can characterize the White Metal Monkey of 1980. This is a fighter who is used to winning at everything. For her, it is much easier to build her own business than to work for someone else. And if she works “for her uncle,” she is always looking for part-time work on the side. Financial independence means a lot to her. Prefers to work alone, achieving his goals independently. She is determined, smart and self-confident.

The White Monkey of 1980 has much more determination and willfulness than one person needs. She is highly motivated to achieve success in all areas of her endeavor. High social status and financial independence are the main values ​​of this Monkey. If suddenly something does not go according to plan, then the Monkey can drop everything and take on something new. Still, like all Monkeys, even the Monkey in Metal Armor does not have the patience to bring all matters to their logical conclusion.

Monkeys require originality in everything, and very often this threatens to lead them to spend their lives alone. But as soon as a person born in 1980 falls in love, such talents as generosity and kindness are revealed. In relationships, they show all their best qualities; there will be passion, fun, originality, and loyalty.

Those born in 1980 are endowed with strong charisma, they like to command and control everything, and at the same time they can be very dangerous opponents, since they do not know the word “flexibility”. They are fanatical and somewhat alien. After all, a monkey clad in steel armor rarely pays attention to other people; the main thing for it is to take everything from life. And for this she will do anything; her methods are not entirely clear to others. And this is precisely where its strength and weakness lie.

People of 1980 always make decisions boldly; they are disgusted by monotonous and monotonous work. They are knowledgeable about ethics and very creative. However, they are excessively strict with themselves and those around them, which is why both of them suffer from time to time. They never justify or explain their actions, so they look mysterious in the eyes of others. These are excellent judges and lawyers.

Representatives of 1980 are not averse to visiting and communicating a lot. For them, the feeling of loneliness is somewhat unpleasant; they treat relatives warmly and caringly and are well informed in everything related to finances. They often love autumn, do well in dry climates, enjoy spicy foods more, are attracted to mountaineering, and the color purple brings good luck.

Years -1872, 1932, 1992, 2052.

The Black Monkey is the most sensitive and secretive. She has good insight and intuition, which helps her adapt to any situation.

Those few who can earn her trust will find in her a good-natured and affectionate person who loves peace and harmony. These are kind, non-aggressive people. Aquatic primates lead very rich emotional lives. This determines their desire for such areas as psychology, philosophy, religion, etc.

However, despite its secrecy, the Black Monkey is very sociable. A craving for society and its interests is in her blood. Without communication, animals wither and become sad. Communication is one of their most important needs. Of course, they perfectly understand the needs and weaknesses of people, which means they know how to get along with them and even manipulate them. Communication is their strong point!

A person born in the year of the Water Monkey has good abilities to persuade and win over his interlocutors to his side. He convincingly defends his point of view and argues skillfully. Their polemic style is logical and argumentative.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting indecision, which sometimes prevents Blacks from choosing the right path. They can be quite eccentric and original. Their wit and eloquence attract the attention of others.

Russian ballerina Matilda Kshesinskaya. National hero of Bashkiria Salavat Yulaev. Russian poet Evgeny Yevtushenko. Russian writer Ivan Goncharov. Dutch philosopher Benedict Spinoza.
French politician Jacques Chirac. American actor Taylor Lautner. Russian military leader Anton Denikin. British philosopher John Locke. British and American actress Elizabeth Taylor.
Italian artist and scientist Leonardo da Vinci. Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen. Russian publicist, writer, philosopher Alexander Herzen. Egyptian actor Omar Sharif. American actress Selena Gomez.

The Chinese have long noticed that periods alternate, intricately intertwining characteristics. They compiled their knowledge into a treatise known as the Chinese Zodiac. To understand its nuances, let's look at an example. Here, 1992 - what animal? How is it characterized and, most importantly, different from others? How does it affect people born during this period?

1992 is the year of whom according to the horoscope?

Let's start with the fact that the Chinese horoscope forms a combination of twelve animals with four elements. But that's not all. Further, any sign obtained from this plexus is painted with a certain color, giving the period additional features. So, if we consider the year 1992, what animal it is, its elements and color, we get the answer: Monkey, water, black. There are only three signs. But these are the key symbols, based on which all other characteristics for 1992 are created. The eastern horoscope allows you to describe those born during this period, what it will bring to other people, how to spend it, and so on. Let's look at the gifts and pitfalls of the year.

Personality characteristics

The Monkey imparts its own characteristics to those whose birth dates include 1992. Whatever animal you take, there are generally accepted characteristics. Thus, a monkey in our imagination is associated with cunning, energy, some

To a certain extent, people born during this period adopt such qualities. Only they are strengthened by the element of water, as explained in the Chinese horoscope. 1992 gave the world purposeful individuals (this is not from a monkey), restrained and very talented. They are friendly and have every opportunity to become the life of the party. They treat professional activities responsibly, perform their duties quickly, skillfully, observing deadlines and standards. They value knowledge. They study all their lives, sparing no time and energy. The horoscope claims that there are no other people who are as capable of achieving goals as those who were given life in 1992. What animal's horoscope can rival such extraordinary characteristics? But not everything is so wonderful. These people also have negative traits (like everyone else).

What should these individuals be wary of?

It is clear that 1992, no matter what kind of monkey it is, will throw several not-so-pleasant “gifts” into the character of its “offspring.” The most difficult thing to overcome is the rejection of criticism. This is where the negative monkey traits come into play. A person believes that he is his own authority. There is no other opinion for him. Therefore, he can only treat favorably those who support him. He perceives criticism as a personal insult. How so, he knows better what to do! Therefore, the answer to the question: “1992 is the year of which animal?” can be supplemented with the following characteristic: smart, but irreconcilable.

By the way, they have the right to do this. Because they don’t shift responsibility for their decisions onto someone else’s shoulders.

About compatibility

It is impossible to consider and not touch upon the issue of his interaction with others. When you ask yourself the question of which monkey is 1992, compatibility comes out to one of the first places. The fact is that it is complex and multifaceted. Abstractly, it can be imagined as a metallic black river flowing powerfully along its bed. How to interact with such a person? What can be done to prevent this directed flow of meaningful energy from being crushed by its inexorable force? The Chinese believe that these people should consider relationships with the Horse and the Rat as promising. Alliances with the Tiger, Ox or Dog can become very problematic. And another question about 1992, what animal (compatibility is meant) does he not tolerate? Who won't get along with at all? It turns out that there are none. The Black Monkey, strengthened by the element of water, makes a person quite flexible. He gets along more or less with everyone, although intimacy can only be deep with the above-mentioned

About the profession

It is believed that there is no specialty or area of ​​activity where these Monkeys would not be successful. The fact is that intelligence is combined with dexterity and cunning. They can become excellent advertisers. Especially in this age of the Internet. If perseverance is cultivated in this person’s character, then all other natural data will be enough for him to build a career in diplomacy. He is smart, and his intellect is flexible and strives for constant self-improvement (by nature). These Monkeys have innate artistic abilities, which they do not realize until old age. It is completely normal for them to play different roles. Children born during this period should be aimed at a career where they will have to constantly move and learn new things, otherwise they will “wither away.”

About communication

A very important point is how a person knows how to build a conversation and generally contacts with others. Those whose year of birth falls in Monkey are masters of communication. And it’s not even that they convey their thoughts perfectly and listen perfectly to their interlocutor. They also have perfect memory, which helps them in making contacts. They always know how to remind about themselves in time with a greeting card or a topic expressed by a thought. What hinders them is arrogance, which must be overcome. The fact is that the Monkey can at one moment, under the influence of his mood, destroy everything that he has worked long and painstakingly on. Regrets cannot mend what is broken. You'll have to start your work again. And you just had to hold your tongue so as not to offend a significant person.

How will their lives turn out?

In childhood and adolescence, these people are real lucky ones. Everything works out for them. They receive as much affection and attention as is necessary for harmonious development. Difficulties overtake these Monkeys in the middle of the journey. At this time, chaos associated with the organization of your personal life or career is possible. And it's not about them. It is simply necessary to solve certain problems related to spiritual growth. At this time, these people need help. They themselves will not think of asking for support. Their old age will be quiet and calm. The Chinese horoscope warns that they may die in a foreign land, far from loving hearts.

What kind of parents are they?

People born under the sign of the Water Monkey are slightly indifferent to children. This applies to both men and women. No, they won’t throw their offspring to their grandmothers, but they won’t tremble over them, moved by every step. It is best for them to perform parental functions based on friendship. Then you can build strong partnerships with children and not lose their affection and love. Monkeys are generous but selfish. They need to realize and accept this trait of their character. But, despite a certain alienation, their offspring are very proud of their parents, often becoming their right hand in the family business.

Special Features

Naturally, the Monkey endows his charges with a zest, without which they could not get what raises many of them to the peak of fame (to one degree or another). This trait is magnificent, subtle. Their jokes are so sophisticated and charming that many people fall under the spell. Sometimes this humor becomes evil, turning into sarcasticness. But friends forgive, and Monkeys are not inclined to pay attention to everyone else. Moreover, mental creativity, expressed in humor, helps their professional activities.

Often they can earn more with a masterly play on words than with years of painstaking work. Women born under the sign of the Water Monkey are endowed with the charm of harmonious maturity. People immediately pay attention to them, trying to “look into the soul.” There is a certain magnetism in these seemingly modest girls.

If a person born in 1992 appears in your circle of friends, then take a closer look at this still young person. Most likely, it will seem to you that he is a quiet and hard worker, destined to spend his whole life in the shadow of someone else's glory. This is not true at all. It’s just that these people are not inclined to open up to everyone they meet. The time has not yet come when their main goal will begin to take on visible features. Rest assured, they are already working on it. If you manage to become their trusted representative, you can eventually receive dividends that are not inferior in size to those paid by large corporations. It’s worth putting up with their intrusiveness and sometimes annoying causticism. The heyday of these individuals will be in 2020, that is, it will coincide with the time of prosperity of Russia!

So, having dealt with 1992, we can draw the following conclusion. This is the period ruled by the Black Monkey, who is under the influence of water. This is a complex and multifaceted sign. People who are lucky enough to come under his influence will live a bright and eventful life.

People born between the dates of February 16, 1980 and February 4, 1981 belong to the Metal Monkey sign according to the Eastern Calendar. People born this year have ingenuity and originality. They are also very reliable, but at the same time quite contradictory in their desires and needs. They are quick-tempered, but quickly move away. Very cunning. They achieve their goal, unless they are interfered with by people who were born in the year of the Tiger.

Year of the Metal Monkey

1980 is the year of the Metal Monkey animal, which determines the presence of certain character traits in people who were born this year. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by enormous willpower and independence. People of this sign are not afraid of hard work, but due to their individualism, they prefer to do it alone, separately from the entire team.

Metal Monkeys do not avoid being in society; they willingly go out into the world, attending various celebrations and events. The monkey never sits idle, he is a big worker. He doesn’t give in to difficulties, doesn’t expect help from others, doesn’t look for easy work. To achieve success, the Monkey will work for a long time.

People born this year, says the Chinese horoscope, have a strong will and character, sincerity and ingenuity, but they are capricious, cunning and very emotional. The most suitable professions for them are: doctor, geologist, bank employee, lawyer and any type of creative activity.

The Metal Monkey is very proud, feels and shows his superiority over others, and therefore is often lonely. But at the same time, she is good-natured towards the people around her. These people are also distinguished by unbridled adventurism, in the good sense of the word, because they always strive to achieve their goal and no obstacles stop them.

Wisdom and an irrepressible desire to achieve one's goals, combined with vanity and excessive self-confidence - these are the qualities that the year 1980 according to the Eastern calendar endowed people with. They will be able to achieve success and avoid crushing falls only by becoming less self-confident.