Virtual exhibitions. A holiday dedicated to the work of G. B. Oster Vaccination against overindulgence Goal Acquaintance with naturalist writers For the Year of Environmental Protection


Book Festival “The Best Inventor of Bad Advice” (Grigory Oster)

The scenario of this event may be useful in the work of GPD educators and teachers primary classes, teachers-librarians during extracurricular activities for International Day children's reading, for the anniversary children's writer G. Oster. The material is intended for holiday program with children from 7 to 10 years old.
Target: development of cognitive interest in reading through familiarity with the works of children's writer Grigory Oster.
Tasks: create a joyful, festive atmosphere; contribute to increasing the level of reading competence of children; develop active listening skills, attention, initiative, acting skills; bring up respectful attitude to the book, instill a love of reading.
Equipment: media presentation on the work of G. Oster, an exhibition of G. Oster’s books, a ball, cards with roles for impromptu theater, sweets, prizes.
Progress of the event:
The song “Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting” from the cartoon “38 Parrots”.
Librarian: Hello, dear guys! I am glad to welcome you to the Book Festival dedicated to the International Children's Reading Day, which is celebrated annually on April 2 on the birthday of the Danish storyteller H.H. Andersen. Our holiday takes place within Regional action“Reading is great! Or Fun Adventures in the Land of Reading,” the motto of which is “Read and Smile!”
I am sure that children all over the planet most like to read funny, mischievous stories and poems that make them smile and laugh. For example, these are:
Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face,
So why waste energy?
Time to waste.
It's also useless to get a haircut,
There's no point.
By old age by itself
Your head will go bald.

If you decided to sister
Just to scare as a joke,
And she’s down the wall from you
Runs away barefoot
So the jokes are funny
They don't reach her
And you shouldn’t give it to your sister
Live mice in slippers.

Do you think these are useful tips or vice versa? (Harmful)
Do you know which writer is the best at coming up with bad advice? (Grigory Oster) A portrait of G. Oster is projected onto the screen.

Do you think he gives these tips so that children will actually do this? (No, to do the opposite).
Grigory Bentsionovich Oster is a children's writer whose books are read with pleasure by adults too. G. Oster was born on November 27, 1947 in Odessa, but lives and works in Moscow. In 1975, his first children's book, How to Give Gifts Well, was published. Cartoons based on his books brought great fame to G. Oster.
Tell me, what cartoons based on G. Oster’s books do you know? (“A Kitten Named Woof”, “38 Parrots”, “Tail Exercise”, “Grandma Boa Constrictor”, “Petka the Microbe”).
By the way, early literary pseudonym G. Ostera - Oster (“sharp-tongued” - this is what they say about a witty person).
Being already a well-known author of the animated series about the Monkey, the Baby Elephant, the Boa Constrictor and the Parrot, G. Oster wrote his most famous book"Bad advice." The book “Bad Advice” is projected onto the screen.
“Scientists have recently discovered that there are naughty children in the world who do everything the other way around. They are given helpful advice: “Wash your face in the morning” - they take it and don’t wash it. They are told: “Say hello to each other” - they immediately begin not to greet each other. Scientists have come up with the idea that such children should be given not useful, but harmful advice. They will do everything the other way around, and it will turn out just right.”
Don't make noise in class
Keep quiet
So that you can't hear
And I can't see you.
If it's quiet under the desk
Sitting through the entire lesson
There is hope without a deuce
Return home.

Don't be upset if
Calling mom to school
Or dad. Do not be shy,
Bring the whole family.
Let uncles and aunts come
And second cousins
If you have a dog,
Bring her too.

“Previously, scientists believed that harmful advice could only be given to naughty children who did everything the other way around. Such a child will hear bad advice, do it differently - and it will turn out just right. But recently scientists realized that obedient children also need harmful advice. It turns out that harmful advice acts as an inoculation against stupidity on an obedient child. Now scientists allow harmful advice to be read to all children - both obedient and disobedient."
For example, in your pocket
It turned out to be a handful of sweets,
And they came towards you
Your true friends.
Don't be scared and don't hide,
Don't rush to run away
Don't shove all the candy
Along with candy wrappers in your mouth.
Approach them calmly
Without saying unnecessary words,
Quickly taking it out of his pocket,
Give them... your palm.
Shake their hands firmly,
Say goodbye slowly
And, turning the first corner,
Rush home quickly.
To eat candy at home,
Get under the bed
Because there, of course,
You won't meet anyone.

Guys, is this the right thing to do? What would you do? (shared candy with friends)

Now we will try to organize impromptu theater. We call 11 people onto the stage. For this we are allowed into the hall balloon, on whom the music stops, he goes on stage. Children are given sheets of paper with roles. The adult reads the text, and the children play the corresponding roles.

If dad is interested,
Why weren't you at school?
Offer him a choice
Several reasons at once.
For starters, you can just
Tell me how you went to school,
But suddenly a terrible wind
He began to knock down passers-by.
You stubbornly strived for knowledge,
But weakened, and the mighty whirlwind
Didn't let you study
And he literally got into the movie.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
A movie you haven't seen
So I had to watch it.
But you looked with disgust,
Understanding with all my soul,
Which, of course, is studying
A hundred times more important than cinema.
For the second reason it is worth
Choose something like this
Why does dad immediately
Your eyes will pop out of your head.
For example, say that school
Captured by terrorists
That they were taken hostage
All your teachers
That, trying to break through to them,
You went to the assault three times,
But I had to, bearing losses,
Fighting retreat... to the movies.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
A movie you haven't seen
So I had to watch it.
But you looked with disgust,
Understanding with all my soul,
What... Dad is in this place
You may have a heart attack.
If dad doesn't have enough
Two reasons, say it's school
You walked, but for some reason
I couldn't find this school.
What about the compass and map
You searched for her persistently,
But in whatever direction
You didn't move, everywhere
Every time, such a strange thing,
I came across... a movie.
And since at this time
They showed a new one there
Film... Dad is here,
Apparently it will kill you.

G. Oster continues to laugh and make fun of human shortcomings in his other books.
"School Dream Book".“Interpretation of dreams you had before, after and during lessons.” The book “School Dream Book” is projected onto the screen.

“To see a Russian language teacher in a dream is disappointing, especially if at the end of the dictation she wakes you up.”
“Anyone who dreams that the left shoe is on his right foot, and the right shoe on his left, should, without waiting for awakening, change his shoes right in his dream.”
“If someone who has fallen asleep in math class dreams about unstressed vowels, it means that he has already slept through the break.”
“If you dreamed that it was time to get up, then it is so. Don’t get your hopes up: unfortunately, such dreams have no other meanings or meanings.”

"A book about the delicious and healthy food of the cannibal." “The Cannibal’s Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” is projected onto the screen.

“It is not true that the Ogre eats only ill-mannered boys and girls. He likes the well-mannered ones even more because they are much tastier. And also know: there is a very simple way to escape from the Ogre when he catches you. At the very last second, as soon as he opens his mouth, say in a nasty voice: “Have you washed your hands?” “No,” the Ogre will say. “Here, go wash,” you say, “and then sit down at the table.” And when the Ogre runs to wash his hands, shout after him: “With soap, with soap! I’ll check.” No self-respecting Ogre will ever return to you after this.”
What shortcomings of schoolchildren are mentioned in the following humorous recipes:
“Select the dirty, disheveled crybaby girls, wash, comb their hair and tightly fill a strong wooden tub with them. You don’t need to pour salt - the girls themselves will cry a full tub of salty tears.”
Screamer with whipped cream
“Throw a loudly screaming boy waving his arms into thick cream and, as soon as a lot of foam appears, carry him to the table, having previously plugged his ears with cotton wool.”
“Three very offended boys and four even more offended girls are doused cold water, cut the onion into thin slices and sprinkle it on the heads of everyone offended until they are completely offended. The finished salad can be decorated with a large angry girl on top.”
“Take several boys rolled in mud, add to them one girl smeared with jam, put them all in an opaque glass jar, close the lid tightly and put them in a dark place so that no one can ever see them. Canned grub nicely decorates any table.”

Grigory Oster created a whole series of unique textbooks on sciences that do not exist until today.

"Problem book." The book “Problem Book” is projected onto the screen.

“Dear guys, this book is deliberately called “Problem Book” so that it can be read in math class and not hidden under the desk. And if the teachers begin to be indignant, say: “We don’t know anything, the Ministry of Education has allowed it.”
And now we will spend Competition for young mathematicians. We call three first-graders and three second-graders onto the stage. Children take turns solving fun puzzles.
Competition for young mathematicians.
1 class: Kolya buried his diary with twos to a depth of 5 meters, and Tolya buried his diary to a depth of 12 meters. How many meters deeper did Tolya bury his diary with twos? (7)
2nd grade: The hen Ryaba laid an egg, and the mouse took it and broke it. Then Ryaba laid 3 more eggs. The mouse broke these too. Ryaba strained and demolished 5 more, but the unscrupulous mouse smashed these too. How many eggs could grandpa and grandma make themselves scrambled eggs from if they hadn't spoiled their mouse? (9)
1 class: On Monday, Vova did not share two candies with Fedya, and on Tuesday he did not share four candies. How many more candies did Vova heal on Tuesday? (2)
2nd grade: There were 12 ticket inspectors and 4 stowaways on the bus by chance. How many ticket inspectors will there be per stowaway? (3)
1 class: The wolf invited 3 pigs, 7 kids and 1 Little Red Riding Hood to his birthday party. How many delicious guests did the wolf invite to his birthday? (eleven)
2nd grade: Three grandmothers each had one gray goat. Grandmothers loved goats very much. The goats went for a walk in the forest, and there the wolves ate them. All that was left were the goats' horns and legs. How many horns and how many legs are left? (6 horns and 12 legs)
Summing up the results of the competition.

"Vizgculture." The book “Vizgculture” is projected onto the screen.
“MORNING EXERCISES WITH EVENING DISCHARGES. Stunning, amazing, stunning, dizzying, mind-blowing, amazing, shuddering and capsizing gymnastics and athletic exercises for you, grandpa, grandma, dad, mom, cousins, sisters and all other relatives, including long-dead ancestors, as well as bare-room, table-top, under-table, stationary and outdoor sport games on the roadway."
What exercises do you think this textbook might contain?

Children's favorite textbook - "Candy eating." The book “Candy Eating” is projected onto the screen.

"You start learning new item– candy eating, that is, eating candy. You will continue to eat candy for the rest of your life, until all your teeth fall out. Moreover, the better you study, the faster they will fall out. Usually, excellent students' teeth fall out already in the second grade, good students - fourth-graders - in the fifth or sixth, and those who study for a frail, unfortunate C, lose their teeth by the end of school. But don't worry. Even when you don’t have a single tooth left, you can still indulge in candy eating.”

Game "Candy Rain".
Today we had a candy rain in our hall, and all the candies need to be collected. The presenter scatters candy on the floor. We call 6 people onto the stage: one from each class. Each participant is given a plastic bag. Cheerful music is turned on. You need to collect as many candies as possible for your class.
G. Oster still continues to invent humorous sciences. For example: “Nothing studies”, “Writing”, “Accommodation studies”. He even published a textbook, “Papamalogy,” in which he explains to children how to deal with adults.
Here he is, this wonderful children's writer Grigory Oster! And the writer’s five children inspire him to create new heroes, not allowing him to forget his childhood.

Dear readers!
We invite you to visit interesting, educational book exhibitions organized in the libraries of the Yemanzhelinsky municipal district.

Writers' anniversaries
Books dedicated to anniversaries
History of Russia (To the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution)
(Reading room)
“Choose your future” October 5
“Addictions that take lives” October 17
“Komsomol members are heroes!”
Children's Department of the Central District Hospital
Exhibition-excursion “Ural Protected Places”
Book exhibition “Dogs and cats under one cover”
Book exhibition “All the colors of the rainbow” (to the 115th anniversary of E. Permyak)
Book exhibition “If it’s break at school...” (Teacher’s Day)
Book exhibition “Think, think my head!” (Teacher's Day)
Sound exhibition “Musical piggy bank”

— Book and illustration exhibition “Always Ready” (to mark the 85th anniversary of the formation of the Russian Civil Defense) 10/04/2017;
— “Writer, ethnographer and storyteller” -165 years of D.N. Mamin - Sibiryak 10/25/2017;
— “The artist is a battle painter exposing the war” — 175 years since the birth of V.V. Vereshchagina (1842-1904) 10/26/2017;
Book exhibition “Pain and Memory of Generations” (on the Day of Remembrance of the Victims of political repression in Russia) 10/30/2017.

Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates.
“Dates. Books. Names."
8 - 125 years since the birth of M.I. Tsvetaeva (1892-1941), Russian poetess.
9 - 470 years since the birth of M. Cervantes (1547-1616), Spanish writer Renaissance
Exhibition – memory “My youth – Komsomol”

09.10. Book exhibition “Tankograd Day”
Exhibition - debate “The Time of Don Quixote” (470 years of Cervantes)
13.10. Installation “Smart Things” (115 years of E. Permyak, 130 years of S. Marshak)
Exhibition – portrait “The Charm of the Age” (120 years of I. Ilf).
10.30.Book exhibition “I will teach you to live without sadness” (G. Oster’s 70th anniversary)
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Exhibition-viewing “Animals – heroes of books” - from 02.10 to 22.10
Exhibition-memory “Our Komsomol Past” - from 23.10 to 05.11
Library-branch No. 6 Borisovka
"Culinary Art"

Permanent book exhibitions

Central district library(CRH)
Literary anniversaries
Thematic shelf “In book memory - the history of Russia.”
(Reading room)
Exhibition – journey “Around the world in 80 books”,
“Blue Mirrors of the Stone Belt” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 1, Rabochiy village
“Let's take care of our Earth! We have only one” 2017 Year of Ecology in Russia.
Library-branch No. 2 Krasnogorsky
“Vernissage”, dedicated to the artists celebrating their anniversaries in 2017,
“Literary calendar” - for the anniversaries of 2017,
"Book news"
“Through the pages of the history of the village of Krasnogorsky” library quilt for the 65th anniversary of the village of Krasnogorsky.
Exhibitions and installations:
"This is how the village began"
"Famous Countrymen".
Exhibitions – expositions:
"Miner's Chronicle"
“Krasnogorsky in photographs”,
"I went through that war"
"Poets are fellow countrymen."
Library-branch No. 3, Zauralsky village
“Green miracle - Earth” as part of the Year of Ecology,
“Our opening day: treasures of the world” Exhibition of reproductions famous artists- anniversaries,
Book exhibition for anniversaries and memorable literary dates. “Dates. Books. Names."
Library-branch No. 4, Krasnogorsky village
"Diary of a Volunteer"
“Tolerance – harmony of diversity”,
“2017 is the year of ecology.”
Library-branch No. 5, Baturinsky village
Review exhibition for the year of ecology “A House Called Earth”,
Local history exhibition “I grew up in this city”,
Ecological local history exhibition"Know your land"
Educational exhibition “The World of Animals and Plants”,
Assorted exhibition “About everything in the world”,
Exhibition-call “Read a book about war”,
Literary exhibition “Reading in the classical style”,
Exhibition-introduction “Famous Anniversaries”,
Exhibition-folklore “Holidays of the folk calendar”,
Exhibitions – recommendations “Once upon a time there were fairy tales” and
"Books of my childhood"

In the Irkutsk Regional Children's Library named after. Mark Sergeev is hosting a book and illustrative exhibition “About Everything in the World”, dedicated to the life and work of Samuil Marshak and dedicated to his 130th birthday.

Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (03.11.1887–04.07.1964) – famous poet, translator, playwright, literary critic, classic of children's literature, author of popular poems, fairy tales and plays for children. He began writing poetry at the age of four; by the age of 11, Marshak had already written several poems. The poet spoke about his little readers with great love:

My reader is a special kind.
He can walk under the table.
But I'm glad to know that I know you
With the reader of the year two thousand.

Five sections of the exhibition present the main milestones of the multifaceted creative path writer and biographical materials about S. Ya. Marshak. Getting acquainted with the exhibition, everyone will be able to plunge into the atmosphere of wonderful fairy tales and poems created by their favorite author.

The first section is dedicated to Marshak the storyteller. Readers will find here books that are loved by many generations of children: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse”, “The Tale of a Smart Mouse”, “The Rock Hen and Ten Ducklings”, etc.

In the second section of the exhibition, Marshak is presented as a kind and wise teacher, his books “The Cheerful Alphabet” and “ Fun account» invariably help children comprehend the basics of school science.

The third section is dedicated to Marshak the playwright; such widely famous plays for children, like “Cat House”, “Twelve Months”, “Smart Things”.

The fourth section reveals the work of Marshak as a talented translator. The writer created not just translations, but real works of art. Marshak’s brilliant translations have made many masterpieces of world literature accessible to the children of our country: English folk ballads, songs for children, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian folk poems. Readers will find here the books “Heather Honey,” “The House That Jack Built,” “Signor Tomato,” and others.

The final section contains literature about the writer’s life and work, his essays, and contemporaries’ memories of him. “The immortality of a writer is his books. S. Ya. Marshak left a rich legacy that will live on for many generations,” says children’s writer, literary critic and memoirist Vera Smirnova about him.

A total of 39 copies of books are presented at the exhibition. Young readers are already getting acquainted with the exhibition, which will last until November 30, with great interest. Free admission.


"Literary Chronicle of the War"

Today, on the eve of a wonderful holiday, Victory Day, we present to your attention a new virtual exhibition "Literary chronicle war. Front-line writers and their books" . For the exhibition, we selected works by those who know about the war first-hand - direct participants in those events: war correspondents, soldiers and officers, partisans and underground fighters. Many of these books were filmed, so the slides, in addition to information about writers and books, contain links by clicking on which you can watch these films online.

More than 70 years separate us from the beginning of the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945). But time does not reduce interest in this topic, drawing the attention of today’s generation to the distant front-line years, to the origins of the feat and courage of the Soviet soldier - a hero, liberator, humanist. Yes, it is difficult to overestimate the writer’s word on war and about war. An apt, striking, uplifting word, poem, song, ditty, a bright heroic image of a fighter or commander - they inspired soldiers to feats and led them to victory. These words are still full of patriotic sound today; they poeticize service to the Motherland, affirm the beauty and greatness of our moral values. That is why we return again and again to the works that made up the golden fund of literature about the Great Patriotic War.

Great contribution to the development of the Soviet military prose contributed by front-line writers who joined great literature in the late 1950s and early 1960s. So, Yuri Bondarev burned Manstein’s tanks near Stalingrad. E. Nosov, G. Baklanov were also artillerymen; poet Alexander Yashin fought in the Marine Corps near Leningrad; poet Sergei Orlov and writer A. Ananyev - tank crews, burned in the tank. The writer Nikolai Gribachev was a platoon commander and then commander of a sapper battalion. Oles Gonchar fought in a mortar crew; the infantrymen were V. Bykov, I. Akulov, V. Kondratyev; mortarman - M. Alekseev; a cadet and then a partisan - K. Vorobyov; signalmen - V. Astafiev and Y. Goncharov; self-propelled gun - V. Kurochkin; paratrooper and scout - V. Bogomolov; partisans - D. Gusarov and A. Adamovich...

To view the exhibition, click on the picture.


"We are reading pa-Belarusian. Pygody, science fiction, detectives"

21 lyutagaў in all respects International day of native language.

Sweet, bright, so close to the heart, the love of our skin, not looking at how free it is in words. Tamu shto mova getaya is the dearest. Tamu shto menavita yana robіts Belarusa Belarusam. I believe that our language will be loud and never known from the linguistic map of the world.

For the holy blessings we have created and are launching a virtual exhibition for your respect "We are reading pa-Belarusian. Pygody, science fiction, detectives". The books on display at the exhibition are works of Belarusian and foreign authors in the Belarusian language from the fund of our library, all without exception useful and borrowed. Cosmic falls, incredible jumps, secrets and riddles, searches for ancient artifacts and treasures, knights, pirates, Indians... All the information and the essence of what you know in these books.

Read the Belarusian! Say hello to your dear language!

The exhibition is dedicated to the students of the current and oldest school age, as well as to the mentors and others.


"Books on the Screen"

Cinema has long become an integral part of our lives. Cinema originated in the 19th century. However, even now it is extremely popular all over the world. Every year, thousands of films of various genres are presented worldwide. Cinema is adored, and it is not surprising that there is such a holiday as International Cinema Day. It is celebrated annually on December 28th. It was on this day in Paris in 1895 that the first cinema session was organized at the Grand Café, located on the Boulevard des Capucines. It was organized by the Lumiere brothers, who are considered to be the creators of this type of art.

For International Cinema Day, we have prepared a virtual exhibition for you "Books on the Screen" . The exhibition presents books from our library's collections and information about their film adaptations.


"Reading books by Nobel laureates": virtual exhibition

Annually December 10 Stockholm hosts a ceremony to award one of the most prestigious international awards - Nobel Prize, which is awarded for outstanding Scientific research, revolutionary inventions or major contributions to culture or society. One of them - .

Nobel Prize on literatureA prestigious award given annually by the Nobel Foundation for achievements in the field of literature. One of five prizes created by the will of Alfred Nobel in 1895, which has been awarded since 1901.

During this time, 107 prizes were awarded and only 7 times there were no awards: in 1914, 1918, 1935, 1940-1943. Four times - in 1904, 1917, 1966 and 1974. — the prize was divided between two authors. The 76 recipients were predominantly prose writers, most of the other laureates were poets, but among the Nobel winners were also the historian Theodor Mommsen, the philosopher Rudolf Aiken, and the politician Winston Churchill, who was awarded for journalism.

We invite you to visit the virtual exhibition "We read books Nobel laureates" , which we prepared in honor of this event. For the exhibition, we selected books by Nobel writers from the collections of our library. That is, books that will really be available to those who want to get to know the work of this or that writer, winner of this prestigious award.

The exhibition is addressed to middle and high school students school age as well as teachers and parents.


"Books under the Christmas tree: New Year and Christmas"

The most magical and fabulous holidays - New Year and Christmas! And on this occasion we have prepared for you electronic exhibition"Books under the Christmas tree", where the kindest, most magical, most holiday works Russian, Belarusian and foreign writers. We hope that each of you will find a book to your liking and with good mood will meet wonderful winter holidays!


"Four-legged friend dog"

We present to your attention the virtual exhibition "Four-legged friend dog", in which all the books are about dogs, and only about dogs. Dog breeds, dog care, training and education, and many more interesting and useful things you will learn from the books presented at the exhibition. And not only. We have also selected the most interesting works of art, the main characters of which are these wonderful animals.

Dogs are one of the most popular pets around the world. In 2001, there were more than 400 million of them on the planet! The wild ancestors of modern dogs were domesticated approximately 35 thousand years ago. And people have never regretted it - dogs are incredibly useful in hunting, as shepherd's assistants, for guarding and protection, and many other functions that they regularly perform to this day.

A dog's devotion and loyalty knows no bounds. That is why these pets are considered best friends people, infinitely patient, reliable and able to pay kindly for affection and care. Legends are made about dogs, endowing them with human qualities, such as intelligence and kindness, attention and responsiveness, compassion and the ability to forgive those whom they truly love.