Victor Koklyushkin: Life has separated us from my son-in-law Volodya Solovyov. Viktor Mikhailovich Koklyushkin: biography, career and personal life Koklyushkin Viktor Mikhailovich nationality


Victor Koklyushkin - popular Russian writer and a satirist who is known to viewers for his multiple monologues. At the same time, very little is known about the personality of the comedian himself than about his work.

Children's and teenage years Koklyushkina Viktor

The future comedian was born in 1945. My labor activity he started quite early, but it was not at all connected with creativity, since then he had no desire at all to become a popular writer and become famous throughout the world. At the age of 15, he began working at a local factory, while continuing to study at a comprehensive educational institution for working youth. After receiving his school certificate, Viktor Koklyushkin decided to give his homeland a dollar and went to serve in the ranks Soviet Army. After the army, the guy entered GITIS for theater courses.

The work of Viktor Koklyushkin

At the age of 23, Viktor Koklyushkin began writing a column in Literaturnaya Gazeta. After some time, the author’s articles began to enjoy enormous popularity among numerous readers. A few years later, the writer’s monologues began to be heard from the big stage performed by Evgeniy Kravinsky.

Lyrics young writer gained great popularity among performers, as they brought enormous success and were very popular with the public. The writer’s best monologues were included in the repertoire of Vladimir Vinokur, Klara Novikova, Efim Shifrin and Evgeny Petrosyan, but the author himself preferred to remain behind the scenes for a very long time.

Only at the age of 38, Viktor Koklyushkin decided to perform at big stage. Also, one of the first public appearances is the appearance of the author on air. television program"Around laughter." Viewers immediately liked the tall and bald author with in a nasal voice. At the same time, the writer’s jokes quickly became popular among the people.

Triumph came to the comedian after Efim Shifrin performed the monologue “Hello, Lucy!” It was this composition that became one of the artist’s most famous performances.

For all time creative biography Victor Koklyushkin wrote at least 10 books. The writer created texts for several complete concert programs, also took part in writing the script for the cartoon “The Magnificent Gosha,” which was filmed back in the 1980s.

Very often, viewers are interested in the question of the writer’s nationality, since many suspect that real name the author is completely different. Koklyushkin himself constantly insists that he is of Russian origin.

Since 2012, Victor Koklyushkin has been working in the newspaper “Facts and Arguments”, where his column is called “Koklyushkin’s Diagnosis”.

Personal life of Victor Koklyushkin

Viktor Koklyushkin is in an official relationship for the second time. The first wife of the future satirist in the early 1960s was Estonian Lyuba Sepp. The marriage brought into the world a daughter, Elga. The girl graduated from the Faculty of Moscow State University, worked as a model and actively starred in music videos. Currently, Koklyushkin’s daughter Viktor is married and has five heirs. Victor and Lyubov broke off their relationship when their daughter was still very young.

One day Koklyushkin told reporters that he considered himself a very bad grandfather. He spends little time with the kids. According to him, parents allow their heirs absolutely everything, so they already have early years character appeared.

After his divorce from Lyubov, the satirist met another woman, with whom he found true happiness. The man has been married to his chosen one for about 35 years. The marriage produced a son, Ian, who has already completed his studies at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Victor Koklyushkin currently

Currently, Viktor Koklyushkin appears in television programs Evgeniy Petrosyan, however, does this very rarely due to his age. The writer spends a lot of time at home, doing housework, and also writes letters.

Due to the fact that the writer now spends less time speaking in front of the public, fans of creativity are worried about the health of their favorite comedian. According to the writer, in lately he tries not to “shine” once again.

In 2018 passed anniversary evening in honor of the 70th anniversary of Vladimir Vinokur. One of the guests of the evening was Viktor Koklyushkin himself.

Autumn 2018 famous program Channel One “Around Laughter” turns 40 years old. As part of this anniversary, representatives of the humor channel intend to hold a gala concert in the Kremlin Palace. Viktor Koklyushkin is among the main participants of the event. It is also known that Alexander Oleshko, Yuri Galtsev, Svyatoslav Eshchenko and other comedians will be present at the evening.

USSR → Russia Russia

Viktor Mikhailovich Koklyushkin(born November 27, Moscow) - Soviet and Russian satirist writer and TV presenter.


Viktor Koklyushkin was born in 1945 in Moscow. He graduated from the Publishing and Printing College and the Higher Theater Courses of GITIS. In 1969, Koklyushkin became the author of the “Twelve Chairs Club” page of the Literaturnaya Gazeta. In 1972, Mosconcert entertainer Evgeniy Kravinsky performed his stories on stage.

Koklyushkin wrote monologues for such pop artists as Efim Shifrin, Evgeny Petrosyan, Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur. He came up with the monologue “Hello, Lucy” for Shifrin and wrote four solo performances. Author of 10 books of stories, novels and novels.

He made his debut on television as a comedian in 1983 in the program “Around Laughter”. Participated in the television programs: “Full House”, “Funny Panorama”, “Corrupt Mirror”, “You Are Allowed to Laugh”, “Humor Club”, etc. Together with Efim Shifrin, he prepared and acted weekly in the television program “The Comedian was Called”. V. Koklyushkin's stories have been translated and published since 1972 in Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Bulgaria, and also translated into the languages ​​of the peoples of the USSR. Since 2012, Koklyushkin has been a columnist for the newspaper “Arguments and Facts” (section “Koklyushkin’s Diagnosis”)

Personal life

Married for the second time.


  • - first prize at the All-Union Comedian Competition
  • , - Laureate of the “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
  • , - Prize of the All-Union Conversation Competition
  • - literary prize magazine "Youth"
  • - Literaturnaya Gazeta award “Golden Calf”


  • - “It’s good when the sun shines” (Moscow, publishing house “Iskusstvo”, circulation 50 thousand copies)
  • - “Humorist” (“Children’s book”, 1993, circulation 100 thousand copies)
  • - “208 selected pages” in the golden series of humor (Moscow, “Vagrius”, circulation 30,000 copies)
  • - “Shine” (Moscow, “Agraf”)
  • - « funny life"(Moscow, "Veche")
  • - “There were fun days!” (Moscow, Imperium Press)
  • - “My coat” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
  • - Volume 52, “Anthology of Satire and Humor of Russia of the 20th century” (Moscow, “EXMO”)
  • - “Tears of a Pterodactyl” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
  • - “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
  • 2010 - “Deadly Reprise” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
  • 2010 - “Wait, who’s coming?!” (MOSCOW, Eksmo)


  • - The last trick (cartoon) (film magazine “Wick” No. 176)
  • - Magnificent Gosha. Story eight (cartoon)
  • - Magnificent Gosha. Story Nine (cartoon)

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An excerpt characterizing Koklyushkin, Viktor Mikhailovich

This task is possible only when we stop arbitrarily substituting instead of the value of the entire unknown X those conditions under which force is manifested, such as: orders of the commander, weapons, etc., taking them as the value of the multiplier, and recognize this unknown in all its integrity, that is, as a greater or lesser desire to fight and expose oneself to danger. Then only, expressing the known equations historical facts, from a comparison of the relative value of this unknown one can hope to determine the unknown itself.
Ten people, battalions or divisions, fighting with fifteen people, battalions or divisions, defeated fifteen, that is, they killed and captured everyone without a trace and themselves lost four; therefore, four were destroyed on one side and fifteen on the other. Therefore four was equal to fifteen, and therefore 4a:=15y. Therefore, w: g/==15:4. This equation does not give the value of the unknown, but it does give the relationship between two unknowns. And by subsuming various historical units (battles, campaigns, periods of war) under such equations, we obtain series of numbers in which laws must exist and can be discovered.
The tactical rule that one must act in masses when advancing and separately when retreating unconsciously confirms only the truth that the strength of an army depends on its spirit. In order to lead people under the cannonballs, more discipline is needed, which can only be achieved by moving in masses, than in order to fight off attackers. But this rule, which loses sight of the spirit of the army, constantly turns out to be incorrect and is especially strikingly contrary to reality where there is a strong rise or decline in the spirit of the army - in all people's wars.
The French, retreating in 1812, although they should have defended themselves separately, according to tactics, huddled together, because the spirit of the army had fallen so low that only the mass held the army together. The Russians, on the contrary, according to tactics, should attack en masse, but in reality they are fragmented, because the spirit is so high that individuals strike without the orders of the French and do not need coercion in order to expose themselves to labor and danger.

The so-called partisan war began with the enemy’s entry into Smolensk.
Before guerrilla warfare was officially accepted by our government, thousands of people of the enemy army - backward marauders, foragers - were exterminated by the Cossacks and peasants, who beat these people as unconsciously as dogs unconsciously kill a runaway rabid dog. Denis Davydov, with his Russian instinct, was the first to understand the meaning of that terrible club, which, without asking the rules of military art, destroyed the French, and the glory of the first step to legitimize this method of war belongs to him.
On August 24th the first partisan detachment Davydov, and after his detachment others began to be established. The further the campaign progressed, the more the number of these detachments increased.
The partisans destroyed the Great Army piece by piece. They picked up those fallen leaves that fell of their own accord from the withered tree - the French army, and sometimes shook this tree. In October, while the French were fleeing to Smolensk, there were hundreds of these parties of various sizes and characters. There were parties that adopted all the techniques of the army, with infantry, artillery, headquarters, and the comforts of life; there were only Cossacks and cavalry; there were small ones, prefabricated ones, on foot and on horseback, there were peasant and landowner ones, unknown to anyone. There was a sexton as the head of the party, who took several hundred prisoners a month. There was the elder Vasilisa, who killed hundreds of French.

Viktor Koklyushkin was born on November 27, 1945 in Moscow. His parents were simple workers, and the boy himself, at the age of fourteen, got a job at a factory as a mechanic, and in the evenings he attended a school for working youth.

After military service, he continued his education at a printing college and at higher theater courses. Russian Institute Theater Arts, where he received a diploma as a “pop playwright”. Since the family was in need, Victor had to constantly earn extra money. Before he gained a certain popularity, Koklyushkin changed several specialties. The future writer worked as a laborer, proofreader, commandant at the military registration and enlistment office, and editor. He endured all difficulties with his characteristic humor.

At the age of twenty-three, Koklyushkin was assigned to write his column in Literaturnaya Gazeta. Soon, articles by a promising author entitled “The Twelve Chairs Club” began to be especially popular among readers. A few years later, Victor’s monologues were first performed on stage by pop artist Evgeniy Kravinsky.

Lyrics young author gained some popularity among performers, they brought success and were liked by the public. His best monologues entered the repertoire of Klara Novikova, Evgeny Petrosyan, Vladimir Vinokur, Efim Shifrin, but the author himself remained behind the scenes for a long time.

Only at the age of 38 did Viktor Koklyushkin decide to public speaking with your own story. This happened on the air of the “Around Laughter” program. The author with a nasal voice immediately fell in love with the audience, and his jokes quickly became popular among the people.

Real triumph came to the satirist after Yefim Shifrin performed the monologue “Hello, Lucy!”, which became one of the most popular performances of the pop artist. As the author himself claims, he takes all his stories from life observations, and this is the reason for their popularity among the people.

Over the entire period of his creative biography, Viktor Mikhailovich wrote more than ten books, among which the most popular were “Hello, Lyusya, it’s me!”, “Killer Reprise” and “Wait, who’s coming?!”. The writer created texts for four full-length solo concerts, participated in writing the script for the cartoon “The Magnificent Gosha”, which was filmed at the Soyuzmultfilm studio in the late 80s.

The work of Viktor Koklyushkin


1988 - “It’s good when the sun shines” (Moscow, publishing house “Iskusstvo”, circulation 50 thousand copies)
1993 - “Humorist” (“Children’s book”, 1993, circulation 100 thousand copies)
1999 - “208 selected pages” in the golden series of humor (Moscow, “Vagrius”, circulation 30,000 copies)
1999 - “Shine” (Moscow, “Agraf”)
2002 - “Funny Life” (Moscow, “Veche”)
2004 - “There were fun days!” (Moscow, Imperium Press)
2007 - “My Coat” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
2007 - volume 52, “Anthology of satire and humor in Russia of the 20th century” (Moscow, “EXMO”)
2008 - “Tears of a Pterodactyl” (Moscow, “Zebra-E” AST)
2009 - “Hello, Lucy, it’s me!” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
2010 - “Deadly Reprise” (MOSCOW, “AST”)
2010 - “Wait, who’s coming?!” (MOSCOW, Eksmo)
2014 - “We’ve arrived!” (Moscow, “Algorithm”)


1976 - The Last Trick (film magazine “Wick” No. 170) (cartoon).
1983 - Magnificent Gosha. The eighth story (cartoon).
1984 - Magnificent Gosha. The ninth story (cartoon).
1986 - Magician (cartoon).
1987 - Portrait (cartoon).
1987 - “Uncle Vanya and others” (TV film).

Victor Koklyushkin Awards

1972 - first prize at the All-Union Comedian Competition
1976, 1982 - Laureate of the “Moskovsky Komsomolets”
1985, 1989 - Prize of the All-Union Conversation Competition
1987 - literary prize from the magazine "Youth"
1999 - “Literary Newspaper” “Golden Calf” award

Family of Victor Koklyushkin

First wife - Lyubov Sepp, Estonian.
Daughter - Elga Viktorovna Sepp (born June 1, 1972) - a psychologist by profession, worked as a fashion model in Milan, starred in videos for Vlad Stashevsky, the groups “Nogu Svelo”, “Moral Code”, “Crematorium”, in 2005 she married a TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov.

Grandchildren - Daniil Solovyov (born October 12, 2001), Sofia-Betina Solovyova, Emma-Esther Solovyova (born December 2006), Vladimir Solovyov (born February 14, 2010), Ivan Solovyov (born October 6, 2012).

The second wife - Olga Yakovlevna Zlotnik (pseudonym - Elga Zlotnik), worked as a film critic, writer, graduated from MISS and the film studies department of VGIK.
Son - Yan Viktorovich Zlotnik (born 1984) - graphic designer, studied at the Moscow Art Theater School.

Viktor Mikhailovich was born in Moscow on November 27, 1945. His parents were workers. Victor himself worked as a mechanic from the age of 14, and in the evening he studied at a school for working youth.

After the army, he studied at a printing college, and also graduated from theater courses at GITIS, becoming a pop playwright. Koklyushkin was a laborer, then a proofreader and editor. He also worked as a commandant at the military registration and enlistment office. Already in those years, Victor began to create satirical stories.

Creative activity

In the 60s, Koklyushkin became the author of a column in the Literary Gazette, which was called “The Twelve Chairs Club.” He sent his stories, one of which was published. Then Victor was invited to lead the column. The stories began to be popular with readers. In 1972, Evgeniy Kravinsky (pop artist) first performed on stage with Koklyushkin’s work.

The tests were liked by both the public and other performers. Vladimir Vinokur, Efim Shifrin, Evgeniy Petrosyan, and Klara Novikova began performing Victor’s monologues. Koklyushkin himself first appeared on stage with his work in 1983. The performance was broadcast on the “Around Laughter” program. The audience remembered not only his monologues, but also the performer’s unique voice.

Many of the stories described by Koklyushkin were taken from life. One of the most popular was the monologue “Hello, Lucy!”, performed by Shifrin Efim.

The satirical writer often appeared in various humorous programs, including the “Full House” program. Since 2012, he has been running the “Koklyushkin Diagnosis” column in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts,” commenting ironically on events in the country.

In 2016, Viktor Mikhailovich was invited to participate in the game “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” Sometimes he performs in Evgeniy Petrosyan’s show, but he appears less and less in public. Koklyushkin devotes a lot of time to writing books.

Viktor Mikhailovich was a laureate of many literary competitions, he won the Golden Calf award, the Yunost magazine award and many others.

Personal life

Viktor Mikhailovich's first wife is Lyuba Sepp, Estonian. They got married in the early 60s, and later their daughter Elga was born. She received a degree in psychology and worked as a model. Her husband was Vladimir Solovyov, a TV presenter. The marriage produced 5 children.

For the second time, Koklyushkin married Zlotnik Elga, they have been together for more than 35 years. Elga has 2 higher education, she graduated from VGIK and MISS. At first she was a film expert, then she began to study literature. The couple have a son, Ian, who studied at the Moscow Art Theater and became a theater artist.

Koklyushkin devotes part of his free time to pets; they once became participants in the “In the Animal World” program.

Viktor Koklyushkin, one of the most famous satirists on post-Soviet space, the viewer knows from such monologues as “Fool” and “Democracy”, which, during the author’s speeches, made people think about a lot. Well, the performance in the style of his special “Nast” allows any of his fans and lovers of creativity to immediately recognize the writer and comedian from the first lines! But here's what he was like in everyday life, in contrast to his image at performances, almost only a few people know, and we will try to correct this today.

Childhood and early career

Born in 1945, the then young satirist grew up in the capital of our country, Moscow. No one can work famous writer started from an early age, however, this was not at all relevant to his work known today. Young Koklyushkin did not even plan to put pen to paper. Fate forced him to go to a factory at 14, but he did not give up his studies, continuing to receive his education at a special school for working youth. After graduating from school, the satirist did not go to study to become a writer and did not start anything related to this activity. On the contrary, he went to repay his debt to his Motherland and gain the richest experience for future jokes and reflections by joining the ranks of the Soviet Army. After returning to his normal life, Koklyushkin again began to combine work and study in order to make ends meet.

The first steps on the path to fame

Our hero first appeared in the newspapers, as he says himself, by an absurd accident, being published in the last page of Literator. There he was given the authorship of the then popular page “Twelve Chairs”. However, these were only echoes of impending success. A real boom occurred when the satirist finally managed to appear on the stage. In 1972, the stories written by our hero were voiced by Evgeny Kravinsky, who performed them on the big stage. After which the monologues created by Koklyushkin became quite popular, since they were voiced by young artists. For many years his words were heard from the lips of Klara Novikova, and even Petrosyan, but Victor himself appeared on television only in 1983. This happened thanks to the TV show “Surrounded by Laughter,” where Victor Koklyushkin’s story was first voiced by himself. The same year was marked by the performance of one of the most famous monologues throughout the world, “Hello, Lucy,” but this time the performer was Efim Shifrin. It was from that time that our main character begins to appear on the TV screen constantly, almost the whole country is talking about him, and any comedy concert is not complete without his participation. Koklyushkin’s monologues became jokes that were told from mouth to mouth, and phrases managed to acquire the status of “winged”.

World recognition and fame

Since Victor performed for many years, and his monologues and stories were really liked by an audience of thousands, he managed to receive the nickname “Russian Carlin” from foreign admirers of his work, although most of his satire was much softer than that of the above-mentioned comedian George Denis Patrick Carlin. During his career, Koklyushkin managed to accumulate large number a variety of awards, one of the most prestigious among them was the prize of the All-Union Competition of Humorists, awarded to the satirist in 1972.


Today, the comedian still performs on stage, is still famous and lives happy life family man. Also, his work can be seen in the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, where the satirist daily covers current events with everyone’s favorite irony.