Libra is a water sign. Element of Fire (zodiac signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius). What are Geminis like in love? Their health


If your zodiac sign is Scorpio, and your partner is Aries, it means that the elements of Fire and Water come together in your couple, and the relationship between you will boil, seethe and burn. How do the zodiac elements combine with each other, and what are the consequences of their incompatibility for relationships?

Text: Margarita Tsarik

The 12 signs of the zodiac belong to 4 elements: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). All four elements are combined in different ways with each other and with each other, and its compatibility with other signs largely depends on which element a particular zodiac sign belongs to.


It is a mistake to think that signs of the same element necessarily fit each other perfectly. Yes, they are similar in many ways, but sometimes this becomes a problem. In particular, the signs of Fire coincide perfectly in sex, love, passion, but it is precisely between them greatest number betrayals, attacks of jealousy, violent scandals. In addition, both “fire” partners claim leadership in the couple, which interferes with harmonious relationships. And yet Fire and Fire are a combination of talented, bright and generous people. Flammable, but interesting!


These are polar elements, they are not well suited to each other - as a rule, Fire burns out the Earth, and the Earth can extinguish Fire. Sometimes this contrast of temperaments, the difference in life values, on the contrary, attracts Fire and Earth to each other - but these unions are rarely strong and long-term. Most often, such partners do not have harmony in sex, and in everyday life they are faced with behavioral antagonism: Earth saves - Fire spends, Earth respects order - Fire creates chaos, Earth loves peace - Fire loves holidays. Eternal struggle!


The combination is interesting, promising, meaningful: Air can fan the flame and inspire it. Of all the possible combinations, these elements have the greatest intellectual and spiritual affinity. The partners are interested in each other, and in terms of communication, it is easy and free, their temperaments are so compatible. Sexual harmony is also at its best here. The danger may come from Fire's overly ambitious claims to power. Air does not pretend to be a leader, but one cannot test his patience for too long.

Fire water

The compatibility of these elements is reminiscent of a teapot - Fire is burning, Water is boiling. Eternal conflict and lack of mutual understanding. An emotionally disharmonious couple - they understand and express sensuality, passion, and tenderness in different ways. The eternal leader Fire can unexpectedly suffer from Water - it can extinguish it, refuse reciprocity, and deprive it of inspiration. All great romances and great partings occur in the combination of these elements. Attraction and repulsion. Attraction and misunderstanding.


A strong union that unites people moving towards the same goal, understanding and sharing each other’s beliefs. Representatives of these elements stand firmly on their feet, value practicality and rationality, and respect order and predictability in everything. Family values ​​come first for them. They are closed to the outside world and few people know their innermost feelings. At work it is best performers, punctual and neat. Two such people in a pair are a guarantee of stability and order in the family. A little boring, but ok.


These elements are incompatible. In many ways they are antagonists, but in others they simply do not understand each other. There are no unresolved conflicts between them, their problem is not excessive emotionality, but its absence - neither passion, nor sexual attraction, nor violent manifestations of jealousy. There are no special problems in this union, but there are no unifying principles either. However, the peacefulness of both elements can be beneficial in a family business - the rationalism of Earth and the intellectuality of Air in tandem can be very fruitful.



This is an easy, free, fluttering relationship. Air signs are characterized by romanticism and a certain enthusiasm, isolation from the earthly, impracticality, and irrationality. You can't think of a better format for the period of falling in love - holding hands and soaring in the clouds. However, when living together turns into a routine, partners begin to suffer from their inability to cope with everyday life and blame each other for this. In addition, two air signs rarely have frantic passion in bed - their love is more like platonic.


Sometimes these elements are drawn to each other, but something meaningful comes out of this: either complete calm or a menacing storm - always either too little or too much for a harmonious union. In some cases, Air can inflate the sails of a family ship so that it glides across the Water confidently and safely. in the right direction. To do this, partners need to overcome differences caused by the contradictions of the elements - Water signs are characterized by a difficult temperament, a sense of ownership, and jealousy, while Air signs need freedom of action and ease of communication.


Water signs are characterized by a feeling of eternal inner loneliness and isolation from the whole world. When two such loneliness meet, they can merge into one powerful, cheerful stream and give the friend new strength. Water signs have the highest sexuality - they are overwhelmed by waterfalls of passion. Seething emotions, frenzied jealousy, and mutual increased nervousness can dry out this relationship. But even after exhausting their love, the signs of Water will not be able to part - when water merges with water, it is impossible to separate them.

When studying horoscopes of compatibility of zodiac signs and zodiac elements, do not forget - in fact, it depends only on you whether your relationship will become a natural disaster or an element of Happiness. And do not forget that you can always create an individual horoscope, which may differ greatly from the general information.

Astrology news: "Astrologers have discovered a new zodiac sign - Loch. The horoscope for every day is the same."

In the material of this article, only the most interesting and all helpful information about the elements of the zodiac signs and answers to a number of frequently asked questions.

Elements of the zodiac signs according to Feng Shui

Each of the zodiac signs belongs to one of four elements:
- Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
— Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
— Air – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
- Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Elements of the zodiac signs according to the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope

- Metal - Monkey, Rooster.
- Water - Boar, Rat.
- Tree - Tiger, Rabbit.
- Fire - Snake, Horse.
- Earth - Ox, Dragon, Pig, Dog.

Elements of zodiac signs love compatibility

Good compatibility among Air signs is predicted with Earth, and ideal relationship will be at Water and Fire. Such couples will complement each other, and their marriage is considered an example for other lovers.

People born under the auspices of Water will have a hard time finding their perfect couple, because they don’t have much choice at all. The best relationships are foreshadowed only by Water and Earth, since the first nourishes the second, which is an ideal synergy.

As for Fire, it’s better for them not to meet their own kind. They will be able to build good relations only with the Earth, but with the rest it will be more difficult. It cannot be said that there will be a completely terrible relationship with Air and Water, but something good will definitely not come out of it.

Earth is a universal element with which everyone feels good. Even the Earth itself is pleased to be with the same element.

Elements of the zodiac signs which talisman will attract money and good luck

- Fire
For this element to attract good luck, it is advisable to carry an amethyst with you, which will not only bring good luck, but also joy. Silver brings money to Fire, especially when such metal is worn as jewelry, in the form of a ring or chain.

- Earth
This element will need to carry stones such as garnet and obsidian in your purse or pocket. Only they will provide the Earth with luck and money.

— Water
Talismans made of Diamond and Platinum will give happiness to the elements of Water, good mood and good money.

- Air
Air signs you will have to suffer a lot in order to find a suitable talisman that will bring good luck and money. The catch is that the talisman must be made of gold and have the correct angular shape.

What element according to the horoscope are the zodiac signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer?

All four zodiac signs belong to four different elements. Aries – Fire, Taurus – Earth, Gemini – Air, Cancer – Water.

Sign element Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio

Leo belongs to the Fire element. The element of Earth suits Virgos. According to the Zodiac, Libra is close to Air, and Scorpio is close to Water.

Elements of the signs: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

— Sagittarius – Fire;
— Capricorn – Earth;
— Aquarius – Air;
- Pisces - Water.

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Compatibility horoscope: Scorpio zodiac sign water or earth - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Water signs of the zodiac – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The main feature of this group is emotions. These signs are associated with passionate, deep emotional processes. In this group there is such an attitude towards life: everything is for love, and let the whole world go to hell! Members of this group are often bound by chains of personal obligations to each other. Individuality cannot exist here: everyone must identify with the beloved. In this group we find creative and unstable people. Lovers are practically inseparable. Everyone seeks sexual and moral satisfaction in their partner. All three signs are extremely passionate, sometimes even to the extreme. The key word of this group is INTERDEPENDENCE. This group could benefit from some of the extroverted traits of fire signs and the practicality of earth signs.

From the point of view of sexual relations, they belong to the “smoldering people”, people with a long-term love passion. They are usually passive, but can become active in order to possess. Their slogan: LOVE ME MOST OF ALL, MAKE ME FEEL NEEDED!

People of the zodiac signs of the element Water are susceptible to emotions, changeable, and have a fairly strong receptivity. They are characterized by a subconscious response to people, based on insignificant conclusions, a set of phenomena, facts of social life noted on an instinctive level. The distinctive features of people of the zodiac signs of the element “Water” are good adaptability and the ability to find a way out of seemingly hopeless situation, like water they bypass the obstacles that have arisen. Zodiac signs of the element Water are extremely sensitive to the mental state of others, they cannot easily endure the insult caused to them, have changeable moods, are not deprived of compassion, have a remarkable understanding and understanding of people, have a good inner sense, which is why others attribute otherworldly abilities to them.

The most suitable for friendships and love relationships of the zodiac signs of the Water element are considered to be people of the same element and the Earth element, the latter being a reservoir for liquid. The element Fire is not suitable for relationships. Water can easily get along with people of the element Air if they are not afraid of opaque air saturated with water vapor or ice crystals.

Positive qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Water: responsiveness, attractiveness, sociability, friendliness, poise, patience, commitment to high moral ideals, a creative, skillful category of people with the ability to understand the intentions of others.

Negative qualities of the zodiac signs of the element Water: inconstancy and variability of state of mind, a tendency to idleness, susceptibility to nervous excitement, inability to understand everyday affairs, avoidance of directness, sincerity, an unrestrained, dramatic nature, inclined to see only the bad in everything and often showing lack of will.

Associations of zodiac signs with the element Water:

Cancer– heated water air. Unrestrained and active;

Scorpion- frozen water. Has the ability to hide intentions and moderate lusts;

Fish– interground water. Tries to avoid, go around obstacles without entering into confrontation with them. The main ability is the ability to penetrate, overcome, flood and prevail over all obstacles.

The mascots of the zodiac signs of the Water element are Ondine and Mermaid.

Zodiac signs.

Scorpio Element

The element of Scorpio is Water; of all the water signs, he is the most impetuous, unpredictable, and open in the manifestation of power. Scorpio is always torrent, often demolishing everything in its path. No obstacles can hold him back. The life of Scorpio is hectic and eventful, like going down a mountain river, replete with rapids and waterfalls. Often only to mature age Scorpio himself begins to understand how to manage the energy that falls to his lot, but until then he either chokes or gets bruises from hitting the pitfalls.

Scorpios have an amazing ability to turn everything that is most useless into something necessary and irreplaceable. Water always has a beneficial effect on representatives of this sign. By some miracle, with her help, all difficulties are solved and emotional stress is relieved. Water gives Scorpios incredible restraint. During these periods they are especially calm, they are very observant and capable of doing good deeds. But under the influence of their impulses they turn into something so aggressive that it resembles a storm. They stop only when they themselves consider it necessary.

Element of Water in Astrology

People of these signs are distinguished by heightened sensitivity, inconstancy, and emotionality. They have an instinctive reaction to people, which is based on events recorded at the subconscious level, as well as on minor inferences. Representatives of the element of Water practically do not need to think, because they already know - somewhere at a deep level. From the point of view of others, many representatives of this element look quite defenseless and vulnerable. However, in reality, their adaptive abilities are more significant than others see. Water people may believe that they are in a hopeless situation, but at the same time they skillfully avoid problems - like water, which will always find its way.

Scorpios have an increased sensitivity to other people's moods, and are also very prone to frequent and easy changes in their own. A stone thrown into their pool will cause ripples in the water that can last for several days. People of the element of Water sympathize with those who have become victims of troubles, and in general have a very keen sense of not only people, but also events and places. In the eyes of others, they often look abnormal, possessing supernatural powers. There is a great deal of truth in this, because most of their premonitions tend to become reality.

These people should choose their other half and friends from the signs of Water, as well as from the signs of the Earth Zodiac, because water needs the earth, which serves as a container for it. An alliance with Air is also possible if Water is not afraid of clouds in fog. But Water and Fire are incompatible.

Advantages: calmness, attractiveness, idealism, goodwill, sensitivity, the ability to feel other people's thoughts, sociability, patience, creativity, artistic nature.

Disadvantages: irritability, pessimism, laziness, spinelessness, evasiveness, mood swings, a tendency to create violent melodramas, impracticality.

Scorpio is cold ice, able to freeze his own feelings and desires, hide plans from others and is able to thaw when he wants. For people of the Water element, it is best to live near the water or, at a minimum, have a pool in the garden and an aquarium in the house. It’s good if there is a beautiful view from the windows of the house, and it’s generally great if there is water in it. They should work in a calm, peaceful place, avoid communicating with noisy, irritable people, especially with such relatives. The patroness of the element is the undine. This mermaid prefers bodies of water, however, an aquarium can also become her habitat.

Scorpio Compatibility

Elements of the Zodiac signs

The twelve signs of the Zodiac are divided into four groups according to elements, as well as into three groups according to qualities or crosses. The elements of the Zodiac signs show stable qualities and temperament, and the crosses show the dynamics of manifestation, the type of human behavior. Each cross contains all four elemental characteristics, and each element has its representation in all three crosses. Thus, each zodiac sign represents a unique combination of elements and qualities.

Fire Release

The characteristics of this element are warmth and dryness, which are accompanied by metaphysical energy, life and its power. There are 3 signs in the Zodiac that have these qualities, the so-called. fire trine (triangle): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The Fire trine is considered a creative trine. Principle: action, activity, energy.

Fire is the main one control force instinct, spirit, thought and mind, forcing you to go forward, believe, hope, defend your convictions. The main driving force of Fire is ambition. Fire gives zeal, impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, hot temper, impetuosity, impudence, courage, courage, belligerence. Maintains life in the human body and is responsible for temperature regime and stimulates metabolism.

People in whose horoscopes the trine of the Fire element is highlighted have a choleric temperament. These people will never go unnoticed; they will achieve recognition from others, especially in an environment that is close to them in spirit and ideologically connected with them. These people have a creative spirit and unshakable will, inexhaustible “Martian energy” and extraordinary penetrating power. The Fire element gives organizational talent, a thirst for activity and enterprise.

The peculiarity of people of this trigon is the ability to be inspired and to be devoted to an idea, a cause, a partner, even to the point of self-sacrifice. They are brave, courageous and courageous. The rise of their souls and their inherent business activity help them reach the top in both the spiritual and material spheres. They receive true pleasure from their activities, are proud of the results of their work and expect universal recognition.

Fire people are innate leaders who love and know how to lead and command. They are, as it were, charged with cosmic electrical voltage of a certain polarity, which they transmit to others in the form of attraction or repulsion, which keeps the people around them in constant voltage and excitement. They try to win personal freedom, independence and independence, which is most precious to them, at an early age. But there is one paradox: they do not like and do not want to obey, but their ability to adapt to various circumstances is excellently developed.

They have strongly expressed character traits such as tenacity, perseverance, self-affirmation, willfulness, and intransigence. Anyone who is connected with a person of the Fire trine through a partnership knows well that these people always follow their line. They can be the main conductors, performers of the main roles, but never extras. It is simply impossible to subordinate them to someone else’s will; only they will command the parade and lead, although often from behind the scenes. They recognize only wise and fair autocracy and most of all hate despotism and tyranny in all their forms.

At first, people of the Fire trigon quickly “light up”, are inspired by new ideas and people, without much hesitation, immediately get involved in the matter, involving all their surroundings in it to achieve the goal they have set, which comes to them from the outside, or arises within them. But they also quickly lose interest in an old business that has already begun, if they are inspired by a new, more significant idea for them, or if the matter becomes protracted and requires constant effort. These are people of a jerk, an impulse, waiting for death is like death for them. Fire is the creative force that can lift them to the “seventh heaven” or “throw them into the abyss.”

People belonging to the element of Fire must restrain their negative traits character, especially ardor and impetuosity, belligerence and aggressiveness. They should avoid conflict situations and confrontation with the outside world, so as not to harm their idea, for which they are fighting, or their business, the implementation of which they dream of.

Children of this trine are difficult to educate, often cannot be educated at all, and in order to have even the slightest result in working with them, you have to use specific methods of education. Violence and coercion are categorically excluded, as this causes stubbornness, obstinacy and resistance in them. You can approach them only with love and affection, with warmth and gentleness; it is very important to be fair with them, never deceive them, and not belittle their self-esteem.

Earth Element

The characteristics of this element are cold and dryness, metaphysical matter, strength and density. In the Zodiac, this element is represented by the earth's trine (triangle): Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. The Earth trine is considered a materialistic trine. Principle: stability.

The earth creates forms, laws, gives concreteness, stability, stability. The earth structures, analyzes, classifies, creates the foundation. She is characterized by such qualities as inertia, confidence, practicality, reliability, patience, rigor. In the body, the Earth gives inhibition, petrification through contraction and compression, and slows down the metabolic process.

People whose horoscopes express the element of Earth have a melancholic temperament. These are people of sober reason and prudence, very practical and businesslike. The goal of their life is always real and achievable, and the path to this goal is outlined already in their young years. If they deviate from their goal, it is very slightly and then more due to internal reasons than external ones. People of this trine achieve success thanks to such excellent character traits as perseverance, perseverance, endurance, endurance, determination, and steadfastness. They do not have such imagination and bright, vivid imagination as the signs of the Water trine, they lack utopian ideas, like the signs of Fire, but they persistently pursue their goal and always achieve it. They choose the path of least external resistance, and when obstacles arise, they mobilize their strength and energy to overcome everything that prevents them from achieving their intended goal.

People of the Earth element strive for mastery of matter. The creation of material values ​​brings them true satisfaction, and the results of their work delight their soul. All the goals that they set for themselves must first of all bring them benefit and material gain. If the majority of planets are in the Earth's trine, such principles will apply to all areas of life, including love and marriage.

People with a predominance of the Earth element stand firmly on their feet and prefer stability, moderation, and consistency. They love a sedentary lifestyle, attached to home, property and homeland. Periods of growth and prosperity are followed by crises, which can be long-lasting due to the inertia of the Earth’s trine. It is this inertia that prevents them from quickly switching to the new kind activities or relationships. This is where their limited ability to adapt to anyone or anything except the sign of Virgo.

People with a pronounced Earth element usually choose a profession related to material assets, money or business. They often have “golden hands”, they are excellent craftsmen, and can be successful in applied sciences and applied arts. They are patient, submissive to circumstances, sometimes take a wait-and-see attitude, but do not forget about their daily bread. Everything is done with one goal - to improve your physical existence on earth. There will also be concern for the soul, but this will happen from case to case. All of the above is easily achievable for them, provided that their energy is not spent on such negative character traits as ultra-egoism, excessive prudence, self-interest and greed.

Air Element

Features of this element are warmth and humidity, flexibility, divisibility, adaptability. In the Zodiac, these qualities correspond to the air trine (triangle): Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. The trine of Air is considered the trine of ideas and intellectuality. Principle: exchange, contact.

Air determines contacts and relationships. The element of Air endows a person with such qualities as mobility, activity, liveliness, changeability, flexibility, agility, receptivity, omnipresence, limitlessness, curiosity. The air is independent, free. It is responsible for the basic processes on Earth - movement, reproduction, procreation, that is, for the transmission of life.

People whose horoscopes express the element of Air have a sanguine temperament. Such people can make an impression. They are quick in decisions and deeds, easily and quickly grasp any information, then pass it all on to other people, processed in their own way. They instantly adapt to any changes and changes in life. They are characterized by spiritual flexibility, mental lability, mental mobility, they are tireless as long as they are passionate about something. The monotony tires them.

The character flaws of people of the Air element include a lack of thoroughness and depth in the sphere of thinking, in the sphere of feelings and activity; they are very unreliable and cannot be relied on. They are too superficial, nervous, indecisive, their goals and plans constantly fluctuate and change. But they can present their shortcomings as advantages.

Not a single trine has such abilities for diplomacy and a secular lifestyle as the Air trine. He is a virtuoso in the ability to establish numerous and varied connections, to grasp, connect and use heterogeneous information. Air people do not tolerate a sedentary lifestyle, business routine, and most often do not have a stable profession, unless it is related to information, travel and contacts.

People of the Air trigon have the greatest success in the field of science, technology, the world of art, especially literature. And journalism is simply their element. The best helpers of these people in their work are their constant desire for more and more new impressions, new experiences, continuous exchange of thoughts and ideas, views and opinions with the people around them and their ability to establish quick connections and contacts. Their ideal is to be at the center of all events.

Most often, people of the Air element do not fit into the generally accepted framework because of their craving for freedom, they do not like obligations, and avoid excessive dramatization of relationships. Even ordinary family life for them it may seem like a certain “cross”, from which they will try to escape or, at least, make it easier.

Monotony and monotony are their worst enemy, therefore crises in the sphere of love and marriage for them ordinary story. Their superficial feelings can quickly ignite and be inspired, and close contacts can begin even from the first meeting and with the first person they meet, but all this will continue exactly until they meet the next object of delight and admiration, until a new reason for inspiration and passion.

Parents and educators of children of the Air trine should pay special attention to their excessive idealism, superficiality of thinking, and susceptibility to other people's influence. Therefore, it is necessary to lay in them as early as possible that moral core that will be their support in life. Since the child of this trine is very susceptible to both bad and good influences, it is very important who is next to him. The role of parents in choosing friends is very important. You need to be in constant contact with such a child, participate in his affairs and be nearby during rest, then the spiritual connection between parents and child will remain until the end of his life.

The greatest advantage of people of this element is the ability to contact the outside world, the ability to connect people and circumstances, and the greatest danger is mental and spiritual fragmentation, which often causes unnecessary worries and disappointments.

Water Element

Features of this element are cold and humidity, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The Water trine is considered the trine of feelings and sensations. Principle: internal constancy despite external variability.

Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. She is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, daydreaming, imaginative thinking, gentleness of manifestation. It slows down metabolism in the body, controls fluids and the work of endocrine glands.

People whose horoscopes express the element of Water have a phlegmatic temperament. These people have great sensitivity, are very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more inner life than external. People of the Water trine are usually contemplative, thinking both about their own good and the good of their loved ones, however, at times they can be indifferent, lethargic, and lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. Their external manifestation of feelings is not as pronounced as that of representatives of the Fire or Air trigons, but they experience internal feelings with great strength and depth.

For people with the Water trine, efficiency, practicality, sobriety of thought, and objectivity are not strong point, but they have a lot of imagination, they have a rich and vivid imagination, great internal and external strength, especially Scorpios.

People of the water trigon, thanks to the richness of their inner world and sophistication of perception, achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of arts, they especially shine as artists and performing musicians. Water signs can also be excellent workers in areas related to service and nutrition. And Scorpios are also excellent detectives due to their exquisite intuition.

The plans and moods of people of the Water trine can change both from external circumstances and from the internal state of the soul. A minor detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in the matter or in the partner.

People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very attractive and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of Scorpio.

Of the signs of the Water trine, Scorpio is the strongest in body and spirit, the most meaningful, the most aggressive, not susceptible to unwanted influence from the outside and showing strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are simply amazing.

The weakest of the zodiac signs of the Water trine is Pisces. The middle ground between firmness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trine - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all the water signs, it is Cancer who more often than others achieves success in life.

The feelings of all three signs of the Water trine are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good dear person, because they always experience deep and pure feelings towards loved ones and loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is the real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who is worthy of them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance in life for them, especially for women.

An excessive tendency towards daydreaming and fantasies, too vivid an imagination can lead to internal contradiction- the collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, addiction to alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, and even mental illness may occur.

Scorpio zodiac sign water or earth

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Element Water, zodiac signs: Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces

Symbol of the element of Water

This element represents emotional sphere, strength of feelings. Its representatives tend to perceive the world through the prism own feelings and emotions.

Element Water – Zodiac signs Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer

Water element signs – Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The element gives representatives of the Cancer sign a resemblance to heated water or saturated water vapor: they are hot, unrestrained, able to work, and endowed with excess energy. Scorpios are frozen water, ice in which their desires and feelings, intentions and plans are stored frozen, hidden from others, which easily thaw under favorable circumstances. Pisces can be compared to mysterious underground waters, flowing around obstacles in invisible ways and seeping in unexpected places. These people are cowardly, but cunning, they do not throw themselves at the embrasure, but are able to achieve victory gradually, like groundwater that can flood everything that does not have the opportunity to rise above them.

Positive qualities of representatives of the element of Water

The element of Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces - Water - gives them heightened sensitivity and increased emotionality. They are usually attractive, outwardly friendly, and often idealistic. Looking at people, they seem to already know something about them - based mainly on their own well-developed intuition. People around them often see them as vulnerable, defenseless persons, but in reality such people are far from being as weak as they seem.

are of great importance in their lives human relations. They are sociable, caring, sentimental, and have a keen sense of how others treat them. They are psychologically resilient, which allows them to patiently perform the most unpleasant, morally difficult work. They know how to adapt to new situations and changes, but they always strive to return to their “territory,” like spring waters that flood the surrounding area and then gradually retreat into their usual channel. As a rule, people with water signs of the zodiac are good friends. They are capable of heroic deeds, and their heroism is devoid of pathos.

The elements of the signs Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio endow these people with brilliant intuition. Representatives of these signs are often very talented and artistic.

Negative qualities of representatives of the water element

Representatives of the element of Water are prone to pessimism, irritable, often in bad mood. These are pronounced introverts, living in the world of their own dreams and inner experiences, which are enhanced by rich imagination. All this often leads to the replacement of reality with far-fetched images. The element of Water gives these zodiac signs a changeable mood, laziness, lack of control, impracticality and spinelessness. They may become fixated on one event or experience (sometimes far-fetched) to the detriment of everything else. People of zodiac signs ruled by the element of Water tend to live in the past, or at least treat it with great trepidation. The experiences of past years often determine much in their real life. They can do illogical, unpredictable and sometimes ridiculous things.

Compatibility with other elements

The easiest way for Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios is to deal with their fellow elements. Of the other elements, the Earth, for which moisture is the source of life, is most suitable for Water signs. Water, in turn, takes on forms determined by the landscape, the earth serves as a vessel for it - they mutually fill each other. The element of Water interacts poorly with air, their mutual penetration is not so strong, and surface interaction can cause strong disturbances, like a storm at sea. And Water and Fire, which always strive for mutual destruction, are categorically incompatible with each other.

Suitable conditions for people of the water element

It’s good if Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios have the opportunity to live near a body of water or have a swimming pool. As a last resort, you can limit yourself to an aquarium or a home fountain. It is desirable that a beautiful, picturesque view opens from the windows of a house where representatives of the element of Water live, especially if there is water in it in one way or another or hills of an indeterminate shape are visible. Buildings and furniture of rounded shapes without sharp corners and sharp outlines are preferable. In the interior and decor, much attention should be paid to glass. The place to work should be calm and the atmosphere peaceful. For peace of mind, it is advisable to reduce communication with nervous people and those who make too much noise. However, the presence of people who have a more realistic approach to life is very desirable for these signs. It’s good if these are representatives of the earthly elements.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 – 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Astrologers have long noticed a certain similarity in the characteristics of people born under the same zodiac signs.
Zodiac signs - what they are, where they come from, characteristics, dates, elements, crosses - see all this on this page.

Zodiac signs- constellations located in thirty-degree sectors of the celestial sphere through which the Sun passes in a year (see figure above). Hence (360/30) there are 12 zodiac signs, each of which is in its own sector: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. There is also a 13th sign of the zodiac - Ophiuchus (the story with him is not entirely clear), according to tradition, he is not included in the general group of signs.

The first sign of the zodiac is Aries - because the beginning of the movement of the Sun across the celestial sphere, in the main astrological traditions, is considered to be the “vernal equinox point” (rising exactly in the East, sunset exactly in the West), happens on March 20th, on this moment is located in the constellation Pisces. Why do they count from Aries? This is how it happened - in ancient times, the “vernal equinox point” was in the constellation Aries, but over the past millennium it has moved to the sign of Pisces.

Each of the signs has basic characteristics: the date of the zodiac sign - when the Sun is in this sign; the corresponding element is Fire, Earth, Air, Water; friendly planet - patron; more details in the table below.

Basic characteristics of zodiac signs, dates, elements

p/p Zodiac sign: Symbol: Date of: Element: Planet:
1. Aries from March 21 to April 20 Fire Mars, Pluto Aries horoscopes
2. Taurus from April 21 to May 21 Earth Venus Taurus horoscopes
3. Twins from May 22 to June 21 Air Mercury Gemini horoscopes
4. Cancer from June 22 to July 22 Water Moon horoscopes Cancer
5. a lion from July 23 to August 23 Fire Sun Leo horoscopes
6. Virgo from August 24 to September 23 Earth Mercury Virgo horoscopes
7. Scales from September 24 to October 23 Air Venus Libra horoscopes
8. Scorpion from October 24 to November 22 Water Mars, Pluto Scorpio horoscopes
9. Sagittarius from November 23 to December 21 Fire Jupiter Sagittarius horoscopes
10. Capricorn from December 22 to January 20 Earth Saturn horoscopes Capricorn
11. Aquarius from January 21 to February 19 Air Saturn, Uranus Aquarius horoscopes
12. Fish from February 20 to March 20 Water Jupiter, Neptune Pisces horoscopes

It is worth noting that the end dates of the “playing” zodiac signs sometimes shift by a day, who is affected - it would not hurt to check for a specific year.

Characteristics of the elements of the zodiac signs

Element of signs Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Fire : hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience with little things, reluctance to give long explanations, ability to quickly grasp the main thing, impetuosity. They have hot blood, a hot head, and are very sexy. They have an explosive temperament. Their lively warmth and ardor attract people. As a rule, they are lucky, but if not, then failures come one after another (more details in your classic horoscope).

Element of the signs Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Earth: an earthly, everyday person, without stunning plans and projects, practicality and reality. He calls things by their proper names and demands the same from others. They perceive only what they can see, hear and touch, what can be confirmed by material things, provable facts - and no fantasies. People turn to them for practical advice. They actually do things while others just talk about them.

Element of the signs Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Air: intelligence, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. They are a kind of family “translator”, interpreter, and do not like to give in to emotions. They prefer coldness. They are overwhelmed by plans. A few of them are always in your head. Features - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. This is why air signs are associated with thinking and imagination. They live in a world of ideas, thoughts, they like to operate with logical arguments, they have clear, precise thinking.

Element of the signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces - Water: inconstancy, emotionality, rather acute sensitivity. Association with feelings, an instinctive reaction to people, based on minor inferences, events, subconsciously recorded. They may think they are in a hopeless situation, but others see that they find their way through problems like water through obstacles. They are very sensitive to the moods of others. If someone throws a stone into their pool, it can ripple for days. They are easily susceptible to mood swings. They have a great sense of people, events, places. People even consider them abnormal or supernatural. Their premonitions, as a rule, come true.

Also, all zodiac signs are divided according to their characteristics into three fours (crosses):
1. Cardinal cross - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn: the dates fall at the beginning of one of the four seasons, when a new process is being born; in these signs their Elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) are maximally active.
2. Fixed, permanent cross - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius: the dates fall in the middle of one of the seasons when nature is in a stable state and the corresponding Elements are as stable as possible.
3. Mutable cross - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces: the dates fall at the end of one of the seasons when nature is unstable and changeable, the elements are in a state of average, moderate mobility.

The twelve signs of the Zodiac were discovered in ancient times by Babylonian scientists. They also divided them into four elements of the Zodiac signs corresponding to the basic natural forces, and three groups according to the emotionality and social mobility of these signs. It is generally accepted that Fire, Earth, Air and Water indicate the human temperament: choleric, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic, respectively. Some Elements are more compatible with each other. but still, some are similar in pairs: Air and Fire against Water and Earth or Fire and Earth against Air and Water, however, the second version of the classification is not official, and is followed by small groups of astrologers.

All natural elements inextricably linked with each other and in spiritual world, and in real.

Different zodiac signs belong to different groups, and if you follow the calendar, you will notice that every third constellation belongs to the same element. This is how trigons are formed ( triangles) of the Zodiac. In the table below you can see the distribution of Zodiac signs by element.

The scheme of trigons can also be represented graphically in the form of triangles superimposed on each other, while both related and opposite signs of the zodiac are clearly visible.

For greater convenience, you can download the table and diagram from our website using the link below:

Fire Release

The element of Fire symbolizes Spirit, which means a strong character its representatives. In a nutshell, Fire can be described as dryness and warmth. The trine of Fire signs is depicted by a triangle pointing upward and is in the same group with the trine of Air.

Zodiac signs of the element of Fire:

  • Aries;
  • Lions;
  • Sagittarius.

Fire illuminates the road and gives warmth, but the same fire devours forests and cities. Its representatives are often too self-confident and unceremonious, and they are characterized by belligerence. Fire makes its representatives choleric. They are quick-tempered and crave power, respect, and recognition. Incredible creative personalities with inexhaustible reserves of energy. These are born winners, organizers, leaders. Representatives of the Fire Trigon are given the power to rule, but sometimes they can reduce their brightness and then blaze with renewed vigor.

Representatives of fire signs are energetic, active and creative individuals.

These zodiac signs are not characterized by long patience - they quickly ignite from a long stay within strict limits. They are from the very early age They strive for independence and personal freedom, but if they are absolutely sure that these frameworks are temporary and not permanent, then they are ready to endure a little. Some ideas can hold the attention of these signs great amount time, with the condition that they periodically achieve success in this area. Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will be proud, and sometimes even boast about the results of their work, expecting recognition for it and ceremonial presentation awards.

Constancy is the main enemy of Fire. The only thing that inspires them is new people and new ideas. Only time can bring them happiness from a calm, peaceful life, but the stars destined many adventures for the young Fire.

As a rule, Fire signs are quite stubborn, and if they are confident in something, it will be impossible to convince them. Fire's relatives and friends have more than once become convinced of his waywardness. These signs often go too far. They will always strive to lead the parade, but after very long, difficult and almost meaningless negotiations, they can be asked to hide behind the scenes.

IN free time Fire representatives quickly find something they like and give up what they didn’t finish before. But it’s not just the presence of new things to do that causes this behavior – these signs are very tired of monotonous work.

To get along well in society, people of the Fire Trigon must restrain their inconstancy and impetuosity. It is vital for them to learn to accept other people's points of view, and not to prove that they are right. If the Fire interferes, it will be extinguished, remember this.

It is difficult to raise little Sagittarius, Aries and Leo, especially when they become teenagers, and youthful maximalism is added to the complexities of their character. Punishments are fraught with hatred and quarrels, and rewards can lead to spoiling. Explain something to them life example It’s useless - the young children of Fire will not listen and go into details until they are in deep trouble. Only your own life experience can instill patience and calm in them.

Earth Element

The element of Earth symbolizes Matter, which means the reliable nature of its representatives. In a nutshell, the Earth can be described as dry and cold. The trine of Earth signs is depicted by a triangle pointing downwards and is in the same group with the trine of Water.

Zodiac signs of the Earth element:

  • Capricorns;
  • Taurus;
  • Virgos.

Children of the Earth are very hardworking, practical and reliable. The element gives its representatives a melancholic temperament. They know how to look at the world objectively, and in the eyes of others they are practical and business people. They will not run after unattainable dreams; on the contrary, they life goal quite squat. The course towards well-being and recognition is laid from the very early childhood.

Representatives of earth signs are strict, patient and confident individuals.

Tenacious, persistent, purposeful people of the Earth element can achieve a lot in life not only through mental, but also physical labor. Their hands are truly golden, and applied arts brings the signs of the Earthly trine the most real satisfaction. Matter also manifests itself in the life principles of its representatives - any actions of these people should bring benefits and material benefits.

Earth signs of the Zodiac are very attached to their element. They rarely change their place of residence and are not particularly prone to long travel. To change the life of the Earth signs, you need to act gradually and move towards reforms in small steps, otherwise you can seriously traumatize the psyche of these representatives. Just as in nature strong shocks lead to destruction, so in the lives of Capricorns, Sagittarius and Virgos, great shocks can break their strong-willed character. The main problem of these signs may be excessive zeal, which develops into greed.

Air Element

The element of Air symbolizes Space, which means the diverse nature of its representatives. In a nutshell, Air can be described as humidity and heat. The trine of Air signs is depicted by a triangle pointing upward and is in the same group with the trine of Fire.

Zodiac signs of the element Air:

  • Aquarius;
  • Scales;
  • Twins.

The air creates conditions for the life of animals and plants, a light breeze brings freshness, but the wind can become hurricane-force. Its representatives are often too changeable and independent, they are characterized by a thirst for freedom. Air makes its representatives sanguine. They are smart and hungry for new knowledge. These people love to stand out from the crowd with their originality and uniqueness. They are able to entertain people, willingly presenting new knowledge to their attention.

Representatives of air signs are erudite, inquisitive and active individuals.

These zodiac signs easily adapt to changes in the world around them. They make decisions quickly and are happy to change their field of activity. They become bored with monotony quite quickly, and they strive to add color not only to their lives, but also to the lives of those around them.

The main disadvantage of the element is inconstancy. Grasping at several things at once, trying all human blessings is almost the main goal of the life of representatives of Air. Their hobbies replace each other so often that neither Aquarius, nor Gemini, nor Libra have time to gain deep, fundamental knowledge in one area or another. These signs are indecisive and even cowardly in many ways. Responsibility is a burden that resembles heavy clouds that the Wind will not carry for long.

But it is the Air Trigon that is subject to all sorts of tricks and skills for negotiating. These signs, if desired, can become good diplomats and bring a lot of useful things to the world. Whatever one may say, diplomatic activity is best suited for these signs, because it is associated with travel and information at the same time. But the cultural sphere also happily opens its doors to all representatives of the Air element.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius tend to want to always be in the very center of what is happening. They absorb information like sponges: they read books, listen to conversations, watch films not only to surprise their interlocutors, but also to saturate their emotionality.

To those around young representatives The air trigon should be engaged in cultivating their changeable character. From early childhood, it is necessary to instill in a child independence from the opinions of other people and to pay special attention to their superficial thinking.

These children will listen only to what interests them, so they should be instilled with strength of character, stability of judgment and reliability in relationships by turning to examples from films or fairy tale characters. In order to improve relationships with the children of Air (and quarrels will arise due to their excessive love of freedom), you should spend as much free time with them as possible: go to the movies together, travel with the whole family, or go on a picnic at least once a month.

Water Element

The element of Water symbolizes Time, which means the patient nature of its representatives. In a nutshell, Water can be described as wetness and coldness. The trine of Water signs is depicted by a triangle pointing downwards and is in the same group with the trine of Earth.

Zodiac signs of the element Air:

  • Cancers;
  • Scorpios;
  • Fish.

Water makes its representatives phlegmatic. Its representatives are very receptive and sometimes overly sentimental; they are characterized by a gentle nature. They are impressionable, but wise, they prefer to lock themselves in the depths of their soul. These signs are characterized by deep philosophical reflections and having your head in the clouds. That is why they do not tolerate physical labor and are often very lazy. These are quiet, calm, not very emotional people living in their own separate closed world. Thanks to the limitless wealth of the inner world, people of the water trine are in demand in the areas high art, many of them succeeded as musicians, artists, historians...

Representatives of water signs are sensitive, dreamy and soft-spoken personalities.

Children of Water are often perfectionists, and any “wrong detail” can ruin their good mood. This mainly happens due to the too strong influence of emotions on the perception of reality by these signs. As a rule, feelings in most cases prevail over reason.

Representatives Water element ready to sacrifice their time and health for the benefit of others. They willingly sympathize and help the unfortunate, but these signs are very sensitive, and will always understand if their kindness is taken advantage of. Cancers, Pisces and Scorpios are capable of great changes only if there is good reasons, but in ordinary life it is much easier for them to endure adversity than to venture into the unknown.

Parents of Water signs should choose an education system in such a way as to give their children enough warmth and care, but also require them to fulfill their responsibilities. Only then will it be possible to remove the innate detachment from real world without harming the child’s psyche.