A fun event during the autumn holidays. Where to go on autumn holidays? Mobudod "dtd and m" and its branches

24.10.2019 Where to go with children October 26 - November 4

Working parents, we remind you: this week is the last school week for schoolchildren. Have you already decided what to do with the kids during the autumn holidays? There are options to send children to city camps for the whole day. And cultural and recreational institutions have already prepared a variety of programs for vacationers to spend their time. We hope the site’s selection will help you decide how to organize your children’s leisure time.

Full employment

"Constellation of Talents"

The children's city day camp “Constellation of Talents” invites boys and girls aged 7–12 years to a theater session. The camp program includes: outdoor walks, sports games, creative workshops and master classes, visits to attractions and museums, games, competitions, quizzes, discos, etiquette lessons, watching and discussing films and much more. Read more. (6+)

Address: st. Prygunova, 2, tel.: 291–53–13.

Price: 900 rub. per day, three meals a day included.

"Blue Bird"

During the autumn holidays, the Blue Bird psychological center invites students in grades 1–7 (7–13 years old) to the “Friendship” program. Work. No gadgets! The program combines psychological training, useful physical labor and creative workshops. Children will be able to figure out what friendship is, how friendship can motivate them to study, figure out why gadgets are needed - and how to live without them. And of course, it’s a very varied, useful and interesting way to spend your vacation days. Read more. (6+)

Address: st. Dunaeva, 9, tel.: 413–12–42, +7 920 294–34–05.

Price: 1500 rub. in 1 day;


Professional specialists of the Kinderville children's development and creativity club have developed an interesting and useful program for schoolchildren aged 7–12 years. Your children will enjoy excursions, master classes, robotics, English, creativity, walks and many other interesting things. Read more. (6+)

Address: st. Zvezdinka, 18, tel.: 281–98–08, 413–51–38.

Price: 7000 rub. per shift, three meals a day included.

"Privolzhskaya Media School"

“Privolzhskaya Media School” is the same one that trains specialists in the field of radio, television, design, photography and cinema in Nizhny Novgorod, invites children aged 8–16 years to “Vacation of a Film Actor”. During this time, they will star in a series of a humorous film magazine: they will master acting and stage movement, undergo screen tests, and also attend master classes with theater and film actors. Read more. (6+)

Address: st. Nevzorovykh, 87, tel.: 423–78–73, +7 (929) 053–47–33.

Price: 7800 rub. per shift, lunch included.

In libraries

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Children's Library (5 Zvezdinka St., tel.: 437–98–04)

The Purr Cat Library has planned an extensive program throughout the holiday week, where schoolchildren of all ages will be able to find entertainment to their liking. The guys will enjoy “Week Without a Briefcase” - daily interactive reading of books, as well as many interesting research quizzes, quests and master classes from various fields of knowledge (see the full schedule). And also scary dance party on Halloween. (6+)

Central City Children's Library named after. Gorky (Efremova str., 2, tel.: 273–03–42)

In the children's library on Efremov ( Sormovo district) On October 28 at 10:00 a game program for primary schoolchildren “Autumn, autumn has come to us!” will begin. And at 17:00 everyone is invited to watch the video tour “Journey through Sormovskaya Sloboda” (6+).

Libraries of the Sovetsky district

In the family reading library named after. Zueva (Shishkova St., 3, tel.: 468–13–17) On October 27 at 13:00 there will be a master class in the isothread technique “Mordovian patterns”. On October 30 at 10.00, schoolchildren will be able to attend the library lesson “Good Friend of Children Marshak.” (Free admission)(6+)

October 27 at the library named after. Gagarin (Rokossovsky St., 4) and November 3 in the library named after. Kornilova (Vasyunina St., 1/1) at 11:00 there will be fun Halloween themed events from the English speaking club “MotherTongue”. The holiday program includes master classes on making slimes, carnival masks, and bags for candy. The children will make exciting trips to the “Enchanted Kingdom”, where during the quests they will be able to practice their English.

(The cost of the entrance ticket is 180 rubles. Pre-registration is required by phone: 8–910–146–19–28.) (0+)

Libraries of the Prioksky district

Children's libraries of the Prioksky district have also prepared events for the autumn holidays. October 28 at 9:15 in the library named after. Nosova (67 Golovanova St., 466–95–53) the educational program “The Path to the Magical World of Animation” will begin for students in grades 1–4. (6+)

And on November 4 in the library. Kataeva (Pyatigorskaya, 18a, 465-99-08) at 10:00 there will be a historical excursion “Touch the Past”. (6+)

Libraries of Avtozavodsky district

At Avtozavod, the libraries take a very responsible approach to the leisure time of schoolchildren during the holidays and offer an extensive entertainment program. There are open film screenings, interesting master classes, educational quizzes, fascinating readings, and fun parties. And most importantly - everything is absolutely free. Detailed poster. (6+)

To the cinema

"Children's KinoMay"

During the school holidays - from October 26 to 30 - our city will host for the third time the charity film festival "Children's KinoMay", within which there will be creative meetings, master classes, interactive conversations and, of course, film screenings of Russian children's films, which will take place in the cinemas “Orlyonok”, “Zarnitsa” and “Burevestnik”. (see full program of events). (12+)

Admission to festival events is free by invitation:

  • invitations to film screenings can be obtained at the box office by prior reservation (check availability by calling: “Orlyonok” - 433–99–87, 411–15–67; “Zarnitsa” - 465–19–18; “Burevestnik” - 273–11– 49, 273–10–41),
  • an invitation to participate in creative meetings and master classes can be received after a preliminary application for [email protected].


In museums

Russian Museum of Photography

The Nizhny Novgorod Russian Museum of Photography is, by the way, the first photographic museum in Russia dedicated to the history of photography, the life and work of world-famous photographers Andrei Karelin and Maxim Dmitriev. The museum has a permanent exhibition that will introduce children to both the first cameras - huge transport boxes - and more modern models - compact film cameras. The museum has a darkroom, many unique historical photographs, unusual holograms - and unique exhibits that you can not only take a closer look at, but also touch. Poster for temporary exhibitions. (6+).

Address: st. Piskunova, 9a, tel.: 437–37–43.

When: Mon.–Wed. - 11:00–19:00, Thu. - 12:00–20:00, Sat.–Sun. - 11:00–17:00, Fri. - day off.

Price: schoolchildren - 75 rubles, adults - 150 rubles.

Exhibition hall "Pokrovka, 8"

The exhibition hall “Pokrovka, 8” invites children to visit the museum, listen to excursions and watch Soviet filmstrips. In the branch of the Nizhny Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, which is housed in an architectural monument building, schoolchildren will be able to visit the “Toy Museum”, the children’s museum center “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” and art exhibitions. Starting November 4, the museum is closed for reconstruction - it's time to come here during the holidays. (0+).

Address: st. B. Pokrovskaya, 8, tel.: 282–25–38.

When: Tue.–Sun. - 10:00–17:00, closed Monday.

Price: adult - 150 rubles, reduced price (pensioners, students, schoolchildren) - 60 rubles, preschoolers free.

Museum and Exhibition Center "Mikula"

The museum is currently hosting a festival of masters of artistic woodworking, “Secrets of Wood.” The exhibition includes more than 300 works made in different techniques: forest sculpture, carving, marquetry, wicker and straw weaving, floristry, wood painting, burning.

On October 27 at 12.00, the museum will host a master class for children over 10 years old “Painting on birch bark”, teacher Larisa Krasnova. Participation fee: 250 rub. (Ticket price includes entry to the exhibition). To participate in the master class, you must register by phone: 270–26–03. (0+)

Address: st. 50 Let Pobedy, 25, tel.: 270–26–03.

When: Mon., Wed.–Fri. - 10:00–18:00, Tue. - 10:00–20:00, Sat.–Sun. - 10:00–16:00.

Price: adult - 80 rubles, children - 40 rubles.

Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Shchelokovsky Farm"

During the autumn holidays, you can go to the Nizhny Novgorod Architectural and Ethnographic Museum-Reserve, where you can walk through the atmospheric territory in the fresh air and get closer to folk architecture, folk life, and folk traditions. The museum offers a variety of interesting excursions and interactive game programs that can be visited by both small groups (2-3 families) and entire classes. Description of programs. (6+)

Address: st. Gorbatovskaya, 41, tel.: 422–40–55.

When: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, closed on Mondays.

Price: entrance ticket - schoolchildren 50 rubles, discounted tickets - 80 rubles, adults - 100 rubles, excursion programs - 300 rubles. (group up to 25 people);

game programs 150 rub. - children's, 250 rub. - adult.

Museum of Ancient Equipment and Tools

Another museum where schoolchildren will be interested is the technical museum. Here you will see working antique machines, instruments, musical and medical devices that you can touch and try in action. Come along with your children on an interactive sightseeing tour - and you will solve many interesting mysteries and listen to ancient musical exhibits (phonograph, gramophone, music boxes). And you will even try to open an old safe chest from 1886. You can easily spend several hours (6+) in the museum.

Address: st. B. Pokrovskaya, 43, 3rd floor, tel.: 215–10–60 (register for excursions).

When: Tue.–Sun., 10:00–18:00, closed on Monday.

Price: schoolchildren - 150 rubles, adults - 300 rubles, beneficiaries (including members of large families and preschoolers) - free;

excursion service - 500 rub. from a group of up to 15 people; 1000 rub. for a group of 15 to 30 people, audio tour with headphones - 100 rubles.

Historical park “Russia is my homeland”

The historical multimedia park, which is located in the main fair building, invites schoolchildren and their parents on exciting excursions. This is the largest exhibition complex in Russia and the only exhibition project in the world that tells about Russian history from ancient times to the present day in the language of modern technologies. The park has five exhibitions where you can become a real participant in the events of Russian history. Details. (12+).

Address: Sovnarkomovskaya, 13, tel.: 214–07–87, 214–07–85.

When: 10:00 - 19:00, Mon. - day off

Address: st. Gorky, 145, tel. box office: 428–31–25.

Puppet theater

Younger schoolchildren can go to their favorite puppet theater: during the holidays, performances will be shown there: the wonderful Armenian fairy tale “The Secret of the Apricot Tree” (October 26, 31), Andersen’s play “The Little Mermaid” (October 27, 29), “The Twelve Months” based on the fairy tale Marshak (October 30, November 4), “The Brave Little Tailor” by the Brothers Grimm (November 1), “Kolobok” (November 2) and “Puss in Boots” (November 3). Tickets can be purchased on the website (6+).

Address: st. B. Pokrovskaya, 39, tel. box office: 434–09–22.

When: 11:00, 13:30.

Mabu Puppet Theater

There is another puppet theater in Nizhny Novgorod - this is a team of young actors, graduates of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts and the Nizhny Novgorod Theater School named after. E.A. Evstigneeva. The theater is young, more behind the scenes, but no less loved by the audience. On October 26 you can see the play “Good Tales of the Old Cat”, and on November 3 the fairy tale “Pandora”. (0+)

Address: art club "Mayakovka, 10", st. Rozhdestvenskaya, 10.

When: 11:00, 13:00, 16:30.

Price: 400–500 rub.

Drama Theater

The drama theater also has children's performances. On November 2, young viewers will be able to watch the play “Dunno Is Studying” (6+), and on November 3, the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” (0+) will be shown. Children 12 years of age and older can already come to adult performances based on classic literary works: “Three Sisters” (October 26, 27), “At the Lower Depths” (October 31) and “The Bourgeois” (November 1). (12+).

Address: st. B. Pokrovskaya, 13, tel. box office: 419–51–73.

When: 11:00, 18:30.

Price: 100–300 rub. for morning performances, 200–700 rubles. for evening performances.


At the Nizhny Novgorod Planetarium, in addition to a host of daily exciting programs introducing the starry sky, during the holidays an interesting performance for the whole family “The Planet of the Three Captains” will be shown with full-dome video decorations based on the fantastic story “Alice’s Journey” by Kir Bulychev - schoolchildren will be able to join a real space expedition ! The program includes quests, adventures and a sea of ​​positive emotions. See details. (6+)

Address: st. Revolutionary, 20, tel.: 272–50–94.

Price: 300 rub.


During the holidays, at the Nizhny Novgorod Circus you can watch the program “Five Continents” from the king of the arena, Gia Eradze. This is a completely new show, collected from the most large-scale and spectacular numbers and attractions, which were applauded by spectators in Russia and abroad. The project participants, having traveled across five continents, won more than 20 international awards. The show also features tigers, lions, bears, horses, camels and pythons. (0+)

Address: st. Kommunisticheskaya, 38, tel.: 246–40–00.

And a little more interesting and educational

Adventurers' Haven

The family psychological center "Adventurers' Marina" invites schoolchildren in grades 9–11 to the most interesting game "AntiKiller" during the holidays. The game is similar to Mafia, but adapted to the Wild West, new rules were introduced into it - and in the end it turned out much cooler, more exciting and dynamic. Register quickly, there are only 15 places available. (12+)

Address: st. Varvarskaya, 32d.

Price: 250 rub. Reservation by phone: 8 (952) 477–64–03.

"Smart Nizhny"

Probably everyone has already heard about the Smart Cities project for schoolchildren. During these holidays there is an opportunity to attend the “Physical Experiments” program. Based on the most important physical phenomena, in two hours the children will have to master the polarization of light, the physics of sound waves, infrared transmission of information and the interaction of electromagnetic fields with metals. And in the end they will create spy gadgets! (6+)

Address: st. B. Pecherskaya, 25/12, National Research University Higher School of Economics, 281–84–86.

Price: single ticket (1 child + 2 adults) 1490 rub.

Atoll Waterpark

During the autumn holidays, it will be so great to splash around in the pools and ride down the water slides - especially since the Atoll water park will operate in a special mode, although at weekend prices. But during the holidays there will be an excellent promotion: when purchasing one adult ticket (on any day at any rate), one child under 13 years old visits the water park for free. But you need to present a document for the child: the parent’s passport or birth certificate, original or copy. Read more. (0+).

Address: Kstovo, pl. Lenina, 5, tel.: 415–31–13.

When: October 26, 27, November 2–4 - from 9:00 to 23:00, October 28 - November 1 - from 10:00 to 22:00.

Price: children over 14 years old and adults - 500–1200 rubles.


During the autumn holidays, KidBurg has prepared something new - it is hosting a Multimedia Autumn: children will master trendy professions and discover the limitless possibilities of modern technologies. At the Vlogger School, kids will learn how to create their own videos. In TV and radio studios and editorial offices of KidBurg, schoolchildren will be able to broadcast and create newspapers with colleagues from other cities. And in the Cartoon Studio, children will get acquainted with different animation techniques. (6+)

Address: Fedyakovo, MEGA shopping center, tel.: 262–12–77.

When: daily 10:00–20:00.

Price: 1100 rub. child, every third visit - for 1 rub., 425 rub. - adult.

Avtozavodsky Park

During the autumn holidays from October 26 until November 4, Avtozavodsky Culture and Leisure Park offers all children a 50% discount on any attraction in the park. And the “Creativity and Leisure Center” has prepared a variety of master classes for the whole week:

October 28: Gorodets painting and crafts made from cotton swabs,
October 29: decorated photo frame and autumn landscape made from natural materials,
October 30: Gorodets painting and crafts made from cotton pads,
October 31: handmade dolls and intuitive drawing,
November 1: crafts from cotton swabs and handmade cards.

Address: Avtozavodsky Park, “Creativity and Leisure Center” near the “Katushka” roller rink, tel. 256-58-65.

When: creative blocks: 11:00-13:00, 14:00-16:00.

Price: 100 rub. for any MK. Tickets can be purchased 30 minutes before the start of the master class at the skating rink box office.


The Nizhny Novgorod Dolphinarium "Atlantis" operates all year round - and during the holidays you should definitely go with the kids to watch a wonderful show. The acting troupe includes the northern fur seals, the northern sea lion and, of course, the smartest dolphins, beloved by Nizhny Novgorod residents! During the holidays there is a promotion: if you buy two tickets, the third one is free. (0+)

Address: park named after. 1 May, st. October Revolution, 31, building 4, tel. box office: 246–00–24, 230–33–30.

When: Tue.–Sun. - 9:30–18:00, Mon. - day off, see .

Price: 700–900 rub.

Factory of Christmas decorations "Ariel"

The most fabulous place in Nizhny Novgorod has also prepared a new program from October 26 to November 4 - sweet holidays at the Ariel Christmas tree toys factory. It will be held under the motto: “Tasty and sweet, we’ll eat it without a trace!” The program includes: a tour of the factory, a visit to the glass blowing shop and art workshop, the Christmas tree decoration museum, a photo session at the sweet Christmas tree. And of course, a terribly scary and very fun Halloween party.

  • October 26–27 - Pink Gingerbread Day.
  • October 30 - Drawing chocolate gingerbread cookies.
  • October 31 - Halloween.
  • November 1–4 is Chocolate Bunny Day. (6+).

Address: Zhirkombinat highway, 8a, lit. B., tel.: +7 910 790–02–36.

Text: Tatyana Solovyova
Photo: hutor_museum / Vk.com, akvapark_atoll / Vk.com, Pixabay.com, Natalya Burukhina, bfkino_may / Vk.com, Alexander Bartsev, theater_maby / Vk.com, Alexey Egonin, Circus-nnovgorod.ru

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"Autumn Mess"

Game program during the autumn holidays.

Slide No. 1

Leading: Hello, dear guys! Today you and I will conduct a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the cheerful name “Autumn Mayhem”. I will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, has fun from the heart, so that all the children remember our competitions.


Explain the game.

Musical screensaver No. 1

Slide No. 2

Presenter: And now for you guys

I'll tell you riddles...

It's green in flowers

Ready to meet the sun,

Fresh, elegant, silky

Emerald thin... (leaf)

On a green edge

Two green girlfriends

They croaked loudly: “Kwa-kwa!

"The grass is green all around!"

Those loud wahs

Amphibians... (frogs)

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Gray, scary and toothy

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals... (wolf)

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black.

Do you see twenty couples circling?

And they shout: Carr! Carr! Carr! (crow)

Not a woodcutter, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (woodpecker)

It's like a tiny bell. (lark)

I don’t walk and I don’t fly,

Just try and catch up!

I can be golden.

Come on, look into a fairy tale! (fish)

He lives in the very pool,

Master of the depths.

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. (som)

She had a saw in her mouth.

She lived underwater.

Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,

And now she’s fallen into the cauldron. (pike)

Slide No. 3

CONTEST:3 people For the game: glasses, 3 blindfolds

Disposable glasses are placed on the floor. Goal: Step over every glass blindfolded without crushing a single one. After the participant is blindfolded, the glasses are removed.

Musical screensaver No. 2

Slide No. 4

CONTEST:2 people For game: 2 blindfolds

Two blindfolded people make a “gate.” The rest of the children go through the “gate”, one at a time: on their toes, crawling and running.

Children representing the “gate” must hear and catch as many people as possible.

Musical screensaver No. 3

Slide No. 5

For the game: 30 clothespins and 3 blindfolds

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing the following "Clothespin" competition. For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl.

The winner is the pair whose forward player collects the clothespins from their partner.

Musical screensaver No. 4

Slide No. 6

I choose 5 people, and they become partners

COMPETITION: “Nimble Button”

Now I invite you guys to remember fairy tales, riddles, songs. We will hold a fabulous musical quiz. The main condition for quiz participants is that you not only need to remember the correct answer, but if it is a song, then sing the lines from this song.

The presenter reads out the questions, the player who knows the correct answer presses his button, whose button beeps first, this pair answers

For the game: 5 caps with a sponge, 5 chairs


    Which fairy-tale character poked a hole in the cauldron with his nose? Pinocchio.

    What words did the boy “write in the corner” in his drawing?

May there always be sun, may there always be sky...

    What word does the riddle end with: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle...” Carnation.

    Who was the grasshopper's friend? He didn’t touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

    What is the same color in winter and summer? Christmas tree

    Hanging on the fence, a piece of paper. What's written on it?

A dog named Druzhok has gone missing.

    What is left of the little gray goat after a walk in the forest?

Horns and legs

    The Bremen musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than...? Why friends can wander around the world.

    Who can eat little children in Africa if they go for a walk there? Barmaley

    Where does friendship begin? Well, friendship begins with a smile .

    What is the Thieving Magpie's favorite dish? Porridge

    What causes a dog to bite? Only from the life of a dog does a dog become a biter.

    Which pear should you not eat? A light bulb

    What song did the brave captain sing both in trouble and in battle?

Captain, captain, smile, because a smile is the flag of a ship...

Slide No. 7

Leading: Now we have just made sure that you all know and love fairy tales, riddles, and songs very well. But I really want to see how quickly and deftly you can complete the next task. Our next competition is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 3 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race to carry balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team whose players never drop the ball from the spoon.

For the game: 3 inflated balls, 3 tablespoons

Musical screensaver No. 5

Slide No. 8

Leading: Our next competition is called "Rvachi". 4 people compete in this competition.

Players are given a newspaper sheet and offered for 10 seconds. tear it into as many pieces as possible.

After completing the task, it is announced that the winner will be the one who quickly glues his piece of paper back together using tape.

For the game: 5 sheets of newspaper, 5 rolls of tape, 5 scissors.

Musical screensaver No. 6

Slide No. 9*

Leading: But "Word Game", is designed for those who want to show their logical thinking and reveal their intellectual abilities.

5 teams of 3 people are participating.


Competition of intellectuals

1. What word consists of half a letter? (Field, fields, regiment.)

2. How many letters G are needed to make a large pile of hay? (One hundred - a hundred.)

3. The rooster crowed and woke up one person. How many roosters does it take to wake up ten people? (One.)

4. How many ends does one stick have? (Two.) What about five? (Ten.) What about six and a half? (Fourteen.)

The presenter sums up the results, checks the words and displays the winning team.

Slide No. 10

COMPETITION: “Leaf Fall” - I choose 3 people

You will be given commands:

“sun” - we dance rock and roll;

“bouquet” - we cuddle 2 people together;

“wind” - we spin around ourselves, shout “oo-oo-oo-oo”;

“puddle” - we stand in a circle and take hold of the shoulders;

“leaf fall” - we run and choose a partner.

I will name the teams at random, your task is not to get lost! Be careful!

Are you ready? Well, then let's go!

Musical screensaver No. 7

Slide No. 11

Leading: And now, guys, I suggest checking how carefully you can listen to other people. Our next competition is for attentiveness and speed of response.

I offer you the chant “Super Fashionista”.

Purpose of the chant: You guys should clap if the things I call can be worn, and stomp if they cannot be worn.

Chant text:

I once met

One super fashionista.

You won't see one like this

And never meet.

I saw a skirt on her... (Clapping)

Not one, but two at once... (Stomp)

On the shoulders there is a fur coat made of fish...(Stomp)

And a pot on my head... (Stomp)

There are boots on her feet...(Clapping)

In high heels...(Clapping)

And there are earrings hanging in my ears... (Clapping)

And tights on my hand... (Stomp)

The scarf hangs around the neck... (Clapping)

There are glasses on my nose like a shadow... (Clapping)

A fan is tangled in her hair... (Stomp)

And there’s a belt on the waist... (Clapping)

And she’s also wearing a blouse... (Clapping)

Cane umbrella in hand...(Clapping)

There is a jellyfish hanging on his shoulder...(Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash... (Stomp)

There is a ring on my finger... (Clapping)

And there’s a bowler hat on his neck... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant... (Clapping)

And a cambric scarf... (Clapping)

If you meet that girl,

Remember this fable

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

FOLDER: Color dances

Slide No. 12

GAME: "Steam Locomotive"

In this game, we all stand in a line behind each other, holding onto the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train – the “locomotive” – runs quickly and often and unexpectedly changes direction.

You and I must follow him and at the same time not tear ourselves away from the train.

Leading: I will name the part of the body that you should grab during the movement (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Are you ready? The answer is “Yes!” Then let's go!

Musical screensaver No. 8

Slide No. 13

Leading: Who knows what a casino is? Now I invite you to play Musical Casino. I have recorded fragments of fast and slow melodies. Everyone participates in the game. I invite players to place bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow.

Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow melody stand on the left. Those who don't guess correctly are eliminated.

The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the music casino.

For the game: Music fragments are played.....


Slide No. 14

Leading: Our program has come to an end. You played great today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you again, guys!

The autumn school holidays are an ideal time to visit major museums and attractions of the capital, which are difficult to find time for on other days. Find out how best to plan a whole week of vacation in our itinerary.

Day 1. Zoo and planetarium

On the first day, go to zoo, one of the oldest in Europe. It was opened in 1864 by the Imperial Russian Society for the Acclimatization of Animals and Plants and was then called a zoo. Now more than a thousand species of animals live here.

Allow several hours for a walk around the zoo. It is better to plan your visit in the morning: this way you will avoid crowds near the enclosures and children will be able to better see the zoo guests.

Before going to the zoo, be sure to study the feeding schedule on the official website moscowzoo.ru. This way you will definitely be able to see animals, which often hide in secluded places during the daytime. Indeed, in nature, the main activity of most animals occurs at dusk - morning and evening. During demonstration feedings, animals are most active, so little visitors will have more chances to watch them. In addition, during feedings, zoo staff talk about the characteristics of a particular animal.

For lunch after a tiring journey through the fauna of different continents, go to Italian restaurant Bella Pasta(Krasnaya Presnya, 6/2, building 1).

Devote the second half of the day to a hike planetarium, which is located near the zoo. Both junior and senior schoolchildren will be interested here: the exhibition in this scientific complex is arranged in such a way that everyone will find something to their liking. After viewing meteorites, launching a hydrogen-powered rocket and sending a message to aliens, stop by the Great Star Hall to see the stars on Europe's largest dome.

Day 2. Moscow Kremlin

Dedicate the second day of your vacation to the main Moscow attraction - to the Kremlin. Take a walk along Cathedral Square and visit the Armory Chamber. Tickets should be purchased in advance: their number is limited and they run out quickly. Tickets are sold strictly for a specific time, so don't be late.

The Moscow Kremlin museums have prepared several special programs for children. They are held two to three times a week. Among them are “Legends of the Middle Ages in the monuments of the Armory Chamber”, “Russia in the Time of Troubles”, “Peter I and his era”, “Heroes of the myths of Ancient Greece in the monuments of the Armory Chamber” and others. Such routes are designed for schoolchildren aged 9-12 years.

Visiting the Moscow Kremlin museums for children under 16 years of age is free.

And then take a walk around the Kremlin. The sights of the capital, concentrated around the Kremlin wall, are collected in

You can sign up for them in advance on the websites of the Moscow House of Nationalities and the Moscow City Museum.

From October 28 to November 12, guides from the Moscow House of Nationalities will conduct nine educational walks along the central streets of the capital. They will talk about the feat of Minin and Pozharsky during the capture of Moscow by Polish-Lithuanian invaders in the Time of Troubles, about the life of the city during the invasion of Napoleon's troops during the War of 1812, and also about how the capital survived the October Revolution a hundred years ago. The series of excursions is called “Heroic Moscow”.

The museum on the Moscow City observation deck, located on the 56th floor of the Empire complex, also prepared a program for students. There, from October 30 to November 3, five free excursions called “High-Rise Moscow” will be held. They will talk about high-rise buildings and skyscrapers in the architecture of the capital and present a panoramic view of the city from a height of 215 meters.

The duration of excursions on the streets will be two to three hours. A tour of the exhibition at the Moscow City Museum will take no more than an hour. It is worth registering for non-free programs in advance on the websites of the Moscow House of Nationalities and the Moscow City Museum. One group will be able to include 20-30 tourists.

In October, the Moscow House of Nationalities will hold three educational walks through the center of the capital, and six in November.

“All the topics of our excursions may be familiar to schoolchildren from history lessons, or they are just about to study them. In any case, for the guys these are pages of textbooks and manuals. We want to show that the memory of those times is alive not only in books, but also on the streets of the city in which they live now,” said the press service of the Moscow House of Nationalities.

On October 28, Saturday, at 11:00 the excursion “Fire Trap for Napoleon” will begin. Its participants will be told how the French emperor fled from the burning city, what happened on the streets near the Kremlin during the fire and the occupation of the city by French troops. Participants will be shown the secret passages that Napoleon used during his retreat, as well as the locations of his army. Tourists will be taken through Red Square and around the Kremlin - along Varvarka, Ilyinka, Vasilievsky Spusk, Manezhnaya Square and the Kremlin embankment.

And on October 29, Sunday, at 11:00, participants in the excursion “How Muscovites Saved the Capital” will walk between Myasnitskaya Street and Pokrovka. This area in the 19th century was multinational - Russians, Armenians, Germans, Ukrainians and French, who came to Russia before the Napoleonic wars, lived together here. It is noteworthy that during the capture of Moscow by Napoleon, all neighbors rallied and helped each other through difficult times. The French who lived in this area did not go over to the side of the conquering emperor, but began to defend the city together with the native Muscovites. Tourists will be shown the house where Napoleon secretly lived. The walk will take place along Kuznetsky Most, Solyanka and Sretenka, Krivokolenny, Armenian and Starosadsky lanes.

On Tuesday, October 31, at 16:00 there will be a walk entitled “Memorable places of Moscow in 1812 in literature and art.” Participants will be led along Barrikadnaya, Bolshaya Gruzinskaya and Povarskaya streets, they will see mansions and churches that survived the fire of 1812, which were mentioned in the works of classics of Russian literature, including in the novel “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy.

On November 4, Saturday, at 11:00 you can take the excursion “A New Look at Nikolskaya”. It will pass along Nikolkaya Street and its surroundings. It was along it that detachments of the Second People's Militia, led by Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky, marched to liberate the Kremlin from the Polish-Lithuanian invaders, and in 1917, detachments of Red Guards were already marching along Nikolskaya to the Kremlin. On this walk they will tell you why Nikolskaya was called 25 October Street for a long time.

The next day at 11:00 everyone will be able to take a trip called “Arbat in Faces”. The guides will tell you about the famous residents of this street.

On Tuesday, November 7, at 16:00 there will be an excursion “Muscovites in the Battle for Russia. The first militia." Participants will be told about the events of 1610-1611, when the Poles appeared in the city. They will see the places where the interventionists were quartered and learn about the life of Muscovites of that time. The excursion route will pass along Sretenka, Bolshaya Lubyanka and Varvarka streets, as well as New, Old and Slavyanskaya squares.

Citizens will be able to travel to the sites of military battles during the Time of Troubles, learn new facts and details about the creation and history of the monument to Minin and Pozharsky during the walk “Light at the end of the tunnel. Liberation of Moscow". It will take place on Friday 10 November at 16:00. The excursion route will begin at Slavyanskaya Square and end at St. Basil's Cathedral.

On November 11, Saturday, at 11:00 there will be an excursion “Ancient Varvarka”. The program will include a display of the residence of English merchants in the city - the building of the Old English Court, where the British settled in the 16th century after receiving the right to duty-free trade with Russia. Tourists will also be shown traces of bullets that have remained on the facades of some buildings since October 1917. Varvarka at that time became a place of fierce fighting.

On November 12, everyone will be taken along the route “Cathedral of Christ the Savior and the surrounding area.” The cathedral was originally built in memory of the soldiers who died in the Patriotic War of 1812, and their names were inscribed on its walls. It was a collective cenotaph for fallen soldiers - that is, a monument without burial. The architect was Konstantin Ton, a native of the Russified Germans.

At the Moscow City Museum, five free excursions, united by the theme “High-rise Moscow,” will be held on October 30 from 17:00 to 18:00, and on October 31, November 1, 2 and 3 from 11:00 to 12:00.

On the 56th floor of the Empire skyscraper, guests will have a panoramic view of Moscow. From a height of 215 meters, visitors will be able to see the solar panels on the building of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which were nicknamed “golden brains”, see the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, two Stalinist high-rise buildings - the building of Moscow State University and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Guests will be told how high-rise buildings were built in Moscow.

Visitors will not only be told, but also shown what the capital would be like if the horizontal skyscrapers of El Lissitzky or the Palace of the Soviets of the architect Boris Iofan were built. You can see unfulfilled architectural projects using the “Parallel Reality” multimedia object. This special mobile structure moves on rails along the panoramic window. Depending on the point at which it stops, those buildings appear on the screen whose construction was planned in these areas of the capital.

To order free tickets for the excursion, you need to go to the website of the Moscow City Museum, go to the “Buy a ticket” section, select a convenient day, the desired ticket category and enter the promotional code “Moscow High Rise”. The number of tickets is limited, the maximum number of participants in one excursion is 30 people.

In Moscow, free excursions are traditionally held during school holidays and city holidays. For example, in the summer, residents of the capital were able to attend 16 walking tours in areas associated with various religions and peoples, and on the eve of City Day and during the celebration of Moscow’s anniversary excursions took place along the historical streets - Volkhonka, Varvarka, Myasnitskaya and Povarskaya.

Available to Moscow schoolchildren free visit 90 city museums. They can come there at a convenient time with friends or relatives. Free passage is provided by a social card, as well as a Moskvenok card or bracelet. Teachers of capital schools can conduct extracurricular lessons in city museums.

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education for children "Center for Children's Creativity "Fakel"

Event name



“Folk Tunes” - concert program

Age 7-10 years.

MOBU secondary school No. 14 village. "Birds"

St. Gostello 19

“It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence!” - role-playing game

Age 9-12 years.

MOBU secondary school №32

St. Vostochnaya 82a

“Folk tunes” - concert program"

Age 10-13 years.

Library of the village "Birds"

“Ring the ringing guitar” (Guitar Song Festival).

Age 13-15 years

DK "Raduga" village. named after Kuibyshev

“Journey to the country of “Cartoonland” game program

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

From 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013

Age 7-10 years.

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

“Miracles in the Kingdom of Obalduya” - (a new fairy tale in the old way)

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

From 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013

At the request of the City Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School

MAUDOD "Children's Ecological and Biological Center"

Vacation program

Autumn holidays

Event name



carrying out


“Health Secrets” is an educational and entertaining program for middle school age.

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

“Health Plants” educational quiz game

DEBC, ave. Gagarina, 42/3

“Autumn Kaleidoscope” educational and entertaining event

DEBC, ave. Gagarina, 42/3

“Autumn Palette” - art workshop for middle school children

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

Master class on beading

« Autumn patterns»

DEBC, Gagarin Ave., 42/3

Action plan of MBUDO "MCDOD",

for autumn holidays from 01.11.2013 to 10.11.2013


Event name




"Hooray! Holidays!" entertainment program

“Young Olympian” - sports competition among school teams of the Southern District

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

“My city on Earth is the only one” intellectual and local history game

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

“Golden Autumn” - reporting concert of students of the aesthetic education department

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

Birthday of the historical reconstruction club "Truvor"

MBUDO "MCDOD", Svetly proezd, 10

MOAUDOD "Center for Children's Creativity" of the Industrial District

n/ n

Event name




Autumn holidays

Open championship in sports tourism (middle age)

CDT (park)

Thematic concert “In our unity the strength of Russia” (for all ages)

Great Hall of the Central Children's Theater

District competition-exhibition on papermaking “Masters of Paper Crafts” (junior, middle age)

Regional competition of volunteer teams “Healthy Youth” (senior age)

Great Hall of the Central Children's Theater


events of the CDT Dzerzhinsky district

Item no.

Name of events





Opening of the exhibition “My first works” and a creative workshop on DBT

Petrova I.V.

d/k "Prometheus" st. Brestskaya, 11

District photo competition of journalistic works “Motherland – we are your children!”

CDT (assembly hall, Kosmicheskaya, 5)

“Visiting the cat” competitive educational program with your favorite pets

Living corner of the CDT

st. Kosmicheskaya, 5

Event plan for the autumn holidaysCDT Dzerzhinsky district

Event name


Sketch competition “Our coat of arms”

“Autumn mood” - music class-concert. Domisolka Studios

d/k "Iskorka",

st. Yun. Lenintsev,

Friendly mini-football match among CDT students

Stadium "Kommunalshchik"

“Autumn Flower Ball” - a competitive program of the Junior Biology Department

living corner of the CDT

Local history quiz for middle ages “My small homeland - Orenburg”

d/k "Luch",

Volgogradskaya, 10/1

Opening of the exhibition “My first works” and a creative workshop on road accidents “Autumn leaf fall”

Petrova I.V.

d/k "Prometheus",

Brestskaya, 16/1

“Visiting the cat” - a competitive and educational program of the Youth Biological Department

living corner of CDT Kosmicheskaya, 5/1

“Autumn in Colors” - presentation of children's works by the authors

living corner of the CDT, st. Kosmicheskaya, 5/1

Isothread competition “In our circle, I’m the best”

d/k "Prometheus",

st. Brestskaya, 16/1

“Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary” is a game program based on the folk culture calendar.

st. Kosmicheskaya, 5/1


main events for the holidays of the 2013/2014 academic year

MAUDOD "Center for Extracurricular Activities "Teenager"

Autumn holidays (01.11.2013-10.11.2013)



Date and time

carrying out

carrying out

Celebration for first-graders “Initiation into young musicians”

Center "Teenager"

Educational program “Earth Day”


Mini-football competition between SVPSH teams

Boxing competition among pupils of the Open Ring Youth Sports School

SK "Mayak"

Game program “Golden Autumn”

Musical evening "Autumn Ball"

Intercity traditional tournament “Sport – against drugs”

SK "Mayak"

Game program “Fire is my friend and enemy”


Game program “Autumn Kaleidoscope”


Entertainment program “Autumn Festival”

Exhibition-competition of children's decorative creativity

"Golden Autumn"


MOBUDOD "DTD and M" and its branches

Autumn holidays

Event name



Venue (name of institution, address, telephone)

Morning performances “Farewell to the ABC book”


upon request

"DTD and M" (1 building),

Karaganda street, 37A,


(2nd building),

lane Khlebny, 2,

Autumn Week of Good “Constellation of Good Deeds”


On schedule (daily)

TsPPRD "Orion"

st. Chkalova, 33

Competition "Guess the melody"

d/k "Alyonushka", room No. 7, st. Chicherina, 43

Game program "Osenins"

D/k "Orion"

Polygonnaya, 30

Game program “My Rights”

MOBUDOD "DTDiM" TsDiMD "Rainbow".

Pobeda Ave. 5

Organization of the work of the Center for Children and Youth and Youth and its branches on the days

autumn holidays for the 2013-2014 academic year

Event name


carrying out




“The Extraordinary Adventure of Pippi Longstocking” is a theatrical play program for juniors. school age



st. Central,

“Leaves are spinning” - disco - program for high school students

“Startup Teen Stars” - a competitive and game program for high school students


“Scents of Magic” - master class on soap making for middle school. age

“Invite me to dance” (trip to the land of dance) - dance and educational program for Wed. school age

“With a song through life!” - concert and game program for Wed. school age

“In the world of puppets” - a trip to the puppet theater

“Heroic Fun” - biceps curl competition (event for high school students)

“Give a smile to the world” - a psychological act of kindness for children of different age categories

“Dunno on the Moon” is a competitive game program for juniors. school age.

"Big Loss" - a station game for children of different age groups

“Osenins” - congratulations to autumn birthday people (for children of different age groups)

“Strike by Strike” - a bowling trip with children of different age groups

“When my friends are with me” - a competitive and entertainment program for children of different age groups


“Bereginya” - a master class on making amulets dolls for younger children, Wed. school age

Children's club "Chaika"

1 .

"The region where you live" -

quiz for middle school age

d/k "Chaika",


st. Belyaevskaya,

"Autumn Fantasies" -

drawing competition with children of different age groups

"Visiting Winnie the Pooh" -

autumn birthday celebration

"Games of the Peoples of the Orenburg Region" -

competition program for National Unity Day for high school students

"Station "Neskuchayka" -

game program for preschool children

“Our Family Traditions” - a family relaxation evening for high school students

"Vitaminka" -

preventive measure for children Wed. school age

“Palette of useful activities” -

creative workshop for children of different age groups

“Even in a fairy tale, they undoubtedly know the rules of movement” - theatrical performance for children Wed. school age

“I will decorate my house myself” -

craft competition for high school girls

Children's club "Istok"

“We dance and sing - we live wonderfully” - a musical and game program for children younger.. middle school. age

d/k "Istok",


st. Vostochnaya, no. 19,

“Autumn, Autumn, we ask you to visit us” - poetic conversation

Excursion to the Museum of the History of Air Traffic Control with children of different ages

“Autumn Mood” - competition of autumn landscapes for children Wed. school age

“Tale after tale” - literary living room for preschool children

08.11.2013 G.


“Wonderful Girl” - macrame master class for high school girls

"Burim" - a game program for Wed. school age

Children's club "Pioneer"

“Journey to the Land of Road Signs” - an educational program for juniors. age



d/k "Pioneer",


Gagarin Ave.,

“My native land. Orenburg region" - educational program for high school students

"Masterilka" - a crafts workshop for the little ones

"Strike" - an excursion to the Solo bowling center for children of senior school age

“Never Boring Country” - entertaining - game program ml. school age

“My home is my fortress” - educational and entertaining program for middle-aged children

“Miracles in your hands” - a workshop for making souvenirs for children of different age groups

“And the music sounds...” - a music competition program for middle-aged children

“The Adventures of the Traffic Light” is an educational and game program on traffic rules for preschool children

“Autumn Forest – Full of Many Wonders” - a travel game for children Wed. age

MBUDOD "DSHI No. 2 named after A.S. Pushkin"

Event name



"Pushkin's Autumn" -

Musical and poetic concert.

Assembly hall

Musically – those – theatrical performance

Assembly hall

First-grader's holiday. Musical – those – theatrical performance “Hello, Princess”

Assembly hall

“Golden Needle” is an exhibition of products from the department of artistic clothing design.

"Autumn Waltz" - dance floor.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Children's Art School No. 8"

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Station of Young Technicians" of Orenburg

Event name



Formula 1 track modeling competition

Individual and team competitions in aircraft modeling (indoor models) “Young Conquerors of the Sky”, 1st round

MBUDO SUITE Orenburg, st. Brestskaya, 3

Competition program “Forward, YuIDovtsy!”, 1st round


In-person and correspondence competition “Radiotechnician-2013”

MBUDO SUITE Orenburg, st. Brestskaya, 3

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Station of children's technical creativity" in Orenburg


Event name




Autumn holidays

City competition "Automotor all-around"

Stage 1



st. Nogina, 46

Training launch of aircraft models among students of the TM department



st. Proletarskaya, 15

City competition “I am a road user.” Traffic rules competitions



st. Nogina, 46

City competition - competition

"Young aircraft modeller"



st. Proletarskaya, 15

City NTM competitions

"The Wonderful World of Samodelkin"



st. Proletarskaya, 15

“Creative workshop” (making souvenirs for mom, preparing for Mother’s Day)



st. Nogina, 46

“Do-it-yourself miracles” - the work of creative workshops



st. Proletarskaya, 15

MBUDO "Station of children's technical creativity

Industrial District" autumn holidays 2013-2014 academic year.

Event name




(name of institution, address, telephone)

Competition “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

St. Instrumental,5

Competition “The master’s work is afraid”

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Regional PV shooting competition “Sharp Shooter”

MOBU secondary school No. 55

Competition for the launch of indoor models “We conquer the sky”


MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Educational program

"Technical achievements of mankind"

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Mother's Day event

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Exhibition of children's drawings "My Mother"

from 01.11 to 08.11. 2013

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Small Spartakiad "Folk Fun"

Photo exhibition “270 years of Orenburg”

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Correspondence district competition “Kindness will save the world”, dedicated to Russian rescuers

MBUDO "SDTT Industrial District";

lane Dorozhny, 2A;

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education for children "Station of children's and youth tourism and excursions (young tourists)" of Orenburg 2013 - 2014 academic year. year

MBUDO "Youth Sports School No. 2"

Work plan for the autumn holidays

Name of events

Date and time



Mini-football tournament dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Orenburg

Dynamo Stadium

st. Gaya, 10


MOBU "Lyceum No. 3"

st. Installers 14/2

City Basketball Championship "Flying Ball"

MOAU "Gymnasium No. 3"

st. Noyabrskaya, 41

Open city mini-football tournament

Dynamo Stadium

st. Gaya, 10

Events MOBUDOD "Youth Sports School No. 3"

for autumn holidays 2013

Event name



Merry starts department of artistic gymnastics

st. Embankment, 25

Classification competitions in sports acrobatics

st. Embankment, 25

General physical training competitions of the sports acrobatics department

st. Embankment, 25

Open interschool tournament "Golden Autumn"

Sports relay races of the sports acrobatics department

st. Embankment, 25

“Autumn Festival” demonstration performances of the artistic gymnastics department

st. Embankment, 25

Competitions among students of Children's and Youth Sports School No. 3 in table tennis

st. Rodimtseva, 10/2