Verka Serduchka went to Germany for treatment due to bullying in Ukraine. Andrey Danilko gave a frank interview after a long lull: scandals at Eurovision, Verka Serduchka’s farewell tour and personal life


He will walk down the street, and you will not even realize that there is a star nearby. But as soon as Andrei Danilko puts on false breasts and lipstick - in a word, turns into Verka Serduchka, the singer and host of the "SV-show" (MuzTV) program, fans are ready to cover him with flowers and pour vodka over him.

1976 The Danilko family lived poorly. In a small room in a barracks with amenities outside. Later Andrey moved to the capital of Ukraine. His mother got married and also left Poltava. But Andrei’s half-sister Galina Grishko still lives in the barracks.

1979 - 1989 The family lived so poorly that before graduation, classmates chipped in and bought Andrey sneakers and a shirt. And here’s what Lyudmila Zayats, the director of school 27 in Poltava, where the star studied, told TVSEVEN: “Andrey was a modest boy. I would never say that the shy schoolboy and Verka Serduchka are the same person. He didn’t stand out in class, he even hid behind people so as not to be noticed. I was an average student. But our school KVN team, whose captain was Danilko, always took first place. From the age of ten, Andrei played in amateur theater.

1990 After graduating from school, Andrei takes exams at a music school. And it doesn’t pass - the examiners decide that he... doesn’t look good on stage. A graduate goes to storm the pedagogical institute, but gets a D Ukrainian literature. Desperate, Andrey goes to a vocational school and studies to become a cashier-seller. In the shop future star knocks out checks... for two days: he can’t see his colleagues stealing. He is planning to go to enter the Kharkov Theater Theater, but is late for the train. And again he goes to the music school. There they already know Danilko by sight and say from the door: “Goodbye.” Only his sister and mother supported him.

1995 Andrey enters the circus school, but only studies for a year and a half - higher education It didn’t work out that way for Danilko.

spring 1997 Verka Serduchka became popular when she acted as the host of the “SV-show” program (first on the Ukrainian channel “1+1”, and then on our TV6). Pop stars dropped into the compartment of the noisy, talkative conductor and her eternal companion Geli (actress Radmila Shchegoleva). Serduchka called these programs “conversations about nothing.” - Andrey is wonderful, professional artist, says the hero of one of the programs, Boris Moiseev. “Having met him, I was delighted by his friendliness, modesty and lack of envy. Danilko improvises well and does not get into the foreground.

spring 2003 Serduchka's disc "Ha-ra-sho!" is released. - the fourth in a row and the first truly successful. “The album was recorded in record time - in two weeks,” says producer “Ha-ra-sho” Yuri Nikitin. “I have never met a more hardworking person than Danilko.” “At the beginning of my career, I didn’t even think about writing songs,” says Danilko. “Once after a concert a girl came up to me and asked me to compose a song about an apricot. I was surprised: why about apricot. But I went and composed it. Since then, songs began to flow out of me like a river.

On January 1, 2004, Andrei rehearsed for Pronya Prokopovna from the juicy musical “Chasing Two Hares,” shown on Channel One on New Year’s Day... 20 years! He played this role in the play of the school miniature theater "Compote". “From the very beginning, “Chasing Two Hares” was invented for Danilko,” film director Maxim Papernik told TV SEVEN. - We have been working and being friends for five years. At Andrey's difficult character, his main feature is hyper-demanding. He delves into everything - the sketches of the scenery, the staging of the lighting. He comes to the set, takes the script, reads it and says: “Okay! I don’t like it. Now we’ll redo everything, and it will be good.” He needs something funny to be born right before his eyes. And in the intervals between touring and filming, he is often sad.

January 2004 Immediately after New Year's holidays Andrey went on tour across America. “Serduchka performed in a small hall with two thousand seats, 20 minutes drive from Chicago,” Natalya Tishko, a Chicago resident who attended the concert on January 11, shared her impressions with TV. - Russian artists rarely rent halls in the city itself - it’s very expensive. Tickets ranged from $35 to $100. The hall was filled to capacity with emigrants, mostly Ukrainians. The start of the concert was delayed by 45 minutes due to local lighting crews. Serduchka joked about American life, sang new songs from New Year's films, and often changed shiny dresses and feather headdresses. After the concert, many spectators reached out to Serduchka for an autograph, and in gratitude they gave flowers and soft toys.

first hand

“I can calmly walk around the city,” says Danilko, “and no one rushes to take my autograph.” Even after the concert: the audience is waiting for Verka Serduchka, but they don’t recognize me. Once a woman, “without waiting,” decided to take a photo with my producer. She came up and said to me: “Boy, press the button.” Everyone imagines me as older, bigger, more vulgar.

Serduchka said

*No glass, no vocals

* All people are like people, I alone make everything better

* Mom, when you are silent, it’s nice to listen to you

* I was not born a toad, but I look like it

* Now men are one second-hand

* New Year hasn't started, but mom is already good

* I want some tea, I miss you so much

* I became inspired: now the star will work wonders for everyone here

Verka's name was Anya. Andrey's stage name Verka Serduchka was born back in school years. He promised his excellent student friend Anya Serdyuk that he would glorify her name throughout the country. And so it happened, only instead of a serious surname, Andrei took her cheerful nickname. At the beginning of his career, Danilko called Anya on stage at concerts so that the audience could see that Verka and the prototype were completely different. Andrey still calls Anya back to this day.


parents: father is a driver, mother is a worker

marital status: single, no children

titles: Honored Artist of Ukraine


dish: fish soup

transport: airplane

actress: Faina Ranevskaya

presenter: Leonid Parfenov

type of woman: brave, hooligan and at the same time feminine - an uncomplicated smart student.

Discography of Serduchka:

"I was born for love" 1998

"Pie" 2001

Inna Viktorovna Belokon is known not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. First of all, as an unsurpassed humorous character. Inna Belokon constantly on stage tries on the image of the mother of the stunning, cheerful and fiery Verka Serduchka, who was created long ago by the Ukrainian humorist Andrei Danilko.


About my life comedienne doesn't like to talk. Inna Belokon was born in 1968. Her maiden name is Eremenko. The birthplace of this wonderful artist was Poltava. She wasn't in the family creative people, that’s why the girl herself never thought about becoming an actress and performing at big stage. She studied well at school, but after the eighth grade she decided to leave her native educational institution by applying to medical school. Then her attempt to become a doctor failed, as she did poorly in the entrance exams and did not pass the competition.

To get a job in prestigious university, money and connections were needed. But her parents could not help the girl with this, since the family was simple, although hardworking. Inna Belokon decides to enter a vocational school, choosing the culinary and trade department. Then she never regretted it. student of this educational institution There was also the future comedian Andrei Danilko.

Verka Serduchka's mother - Inna Belokon

A chance friendship with aspiring actor Andrei Danilko turned out to be decisive and fateful for the girl. Now everyone recognizes her by the role she played in a duet with Verka Serduchka. Danilko himself suggested working with him after actress Radmila Shchegoleva left him. Despite the fact that they have close work relationships, the young people are also family friends. There was a time when they were even credited whirlwind romance, but their relationship was always only business and friendly.

Inna Belokon, whose photo can always be found in the public domain on the Internet, became famous and popular only after she appeared on stage several times with showman Andrei Danilko, who always appeared to his fans in the image of the stunning and bewitching Verka Serduchka. The character of the girl herself is Inna Adolfovna, the mother of the incredible and cheerful Serduchka. Together they participated in 2007 in an international song competition. At Eurovision, this unusual and very cheerful duet, which represented Ukraine, took second place.


The experience of theatrical work in a duet with Danilko helped the girl to realize her potential in cinema. She has repeatedly received offers to star in various films. In 2002, Inna Belokon made her cinematic debut. Currently, she has already starred in five films, where she plays the main female role. Among them are not only musical films, where they play in a duet with Andrei Danilko, but also films based on the works of Gogol, as well as such films as the modern comedy adaptation of children's fairy tales “Cinderella” and “The Snow Queen”. Mostly she is offered funny and humorous roles, which she plays simply superbly.

Personal life

Inna Belokon still looks great today. She always dresses stylishly and fashionably, creating her own unique and luxurious style of clothing. Inna Viktorovna Belokon manages to build not only her own creative career, but also personal life. She is married to an entrepreneur named Oleg. The actress has been living happily with her husband for more than twenty years. The girl got married while still studying at a vocational school. At that time she was barely twenty-one years old.

The cheerful and fiery mother Serduchka also has children. Her daughter Yana is already seventeen years old. But even despite her age, Inna Belokon still remains cheerful and sparkling, delighting loved ones and fans of her work.

The famous Ukrainian artist Andrey Danilko decided to break the silence. It is not for nothing that it is considered one of the most closed Ukrainian stars, so his interviews always cause a lot of excitement. His new interview is already being analyzed for quotes.

This will be 2018, and we want to cover Germany and Israel, and end in Ukraine. Moreover, there will be ten concerts at the Ukraina Palace so that tickets are affordable and everyone can come. I had such a situation on the red carpet of Eurovision, where the extras were guys of 20-25 years old. Inka and I are walking, and they say to us: “Thank you for your childhood!” Therefore, I want to build a concert on memories, numbers that were popular then, plus new songs. So let's say goodbye...

I don’t want to believe that Serduchka will no longer please everyone with her optimism, but we still hope that we will see Andrei Danilko in a new incarnation. Also during the conversation, the artist revealed several secrets about his personal life.

I have a housewife, but she does cleaning, laundry, but not cooking. I prefer to do it myself, because I live alone. I’m not bored with myself and I have something to do - I watch some programs, listen to audiobooks. The age has come when you don’t want a family at all. I wanted a family when I was 22 years old. And then over the years less and less, and now I don’t want to at all. I need to be alone and have my own closed territory. I think this is due to the oversaturation of communication with people. When more than three people gather, the situation begins to stress me out. When I was recently at a TV interview and there were a lot of people there, my entire back was wet. Why do I, if I fly, use VIP, although it costs money. Just to avoid interfering with too many people.

We are waiting for new news from Andrei Danilko and remind you that the media recently wrote that Mr.

Everyone's favorite Andrey Danilko popular artist, singer, actor, better known to us for his stage image of “Verka Serduchka”. Hard work, determination, and most importantly desire and self-confidence gave him the opportunity to escape from a provincial town and become famous not only outside his country.

The comic image that Andrey created turned out to be only a mask of the truth of the artist’s soul. What Andrei Danilko really is, what he hides behind his emotional experiences and how the artist’s life turned out, read below.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrey Danilko

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrei Danilko and all the details of his life are dreamed of by the actor’s fans. After all, Danilko is forty-four years old, and he looks quite younger than his age. With a height of 175 cm, he weighs 69 kg, and although Andrei is not very keen on sports, his figure remains normal. Maybe because he carefully chooses products, doesn’t trust anyone and prepares food for himself personally.

I really like the gray-eyed brown-haired guy female half, and many fans, discussing the next photo, write quite eloquent comments about the artist’s data. Maybe he attracts people with his mysterious soul and girls like men like Andrei Danilko? Of course, the artist’s photos in his youth and now are different; from a young, thin guy, he turned into a courageous man with wrinkles around his eyes. Only the eyes remained the same - just as sad and joyless.

Biography of Andrey Danilko

The biography of Andrei Danilko began on October 2, 1973 in a small village near Poltava. The boy grew up in poor family, where father, Mikhail Danilko Semenovich, worked as a driver and loved to drink, like most men in rural areas. Mother - Danilko Svetlana Ivanovna worked as a painter in three shifts in order to somehow make ends meet. And after my father’s death it became even harder. Andrei had an older sister, Galina, who was ten years older than him, but they didn’t really get along with her. Danilko did not study well at school, but since childhood he participated in amateur performances, then he was the captain of the KVN team, and each time his love for the stage arose more and more. After graduating from school, Andrei submits documents to a music school, but not being accepted, the disappointed guy goes to study to become a salesman. But the craving for creativity does not leave him, and he shows his numbers - SV shows in schools, where success and his first fans await him.

On April 1, 1990, Verka Serduchka was born - the stage image of the artist who brought him fame and popularity. In his city, he performed at one festival and did not expect that it was a sensation. Then the artist goes on tour to the cities of Ukraine, where he is gaining more and more momentum. Danilko enters the circus school, but after studying for a year and a half he was expelled for poor performance, despite the fact that Andrei had already performed in television projects and was beginning to be recognized.

Later, Andrei Danilko performs in the New Year's lights with his comic and cheerful songs and releases albums and songs that are broadcast continuously on music channels. “I was born for love”, “Pie”, “I wanted a groom” became popular hits. Concerts are held not only in many cities of Russia and Ukraine, but also in the USA, where he was received with a bang. The artist also tries himself in cinema. Everyone was waiting for such films as “Evenings on a farm near Dikanka” and “Cinderella” and watched with pleasure how Verka Serduchka laughed.

In 2007, the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Helsinki, where Verka Serduchka went from Ukraine to win. They said a lot about this choice - the melody is so primitive that you can knock with a spoon and reproduce that this is a serious competition, and not a festival of humor and satire. And although many did not believe in success, Verka Serduchka took second place, after which foreign journalists came to interview her. And Danilko himself says that he just wanted to show in this way how fun their country is and how they can have fun.

Personal life of Andrey Danilko

The personal life of Andrei Danilko has always remained in the shadows. The artist never found his chosen one at forty-four, and now he no longer has the desire to start a family. “I should have gotten married young,” shares Andrey, “And today I can’t imagine someone next to me who would violate my personal space.” This is similar to the statements of a confirmed bachelor who already finds it very difficult to accept a person and be close to him. Apparently it is difficult for him to let a person into his soul. After all, Danilko has a driver and a housekeeper at home, but Andrei is so principled that he only takes care of cooking himself.

The artist admits that he does not like large crowds of people, and in a company of more than three people he already feels discomfort, despite many years of performing on stage. Therefore, he avoids society, rarely gives interviews and is unlikely to be seen at any party. By nature, Danilko is a very reserved person and somewhat complex. But in order to find your other half, you need to strive for it, try, love, but the artist himself, apparently, does not know how to do this.

Family of Andrey Danilko

Mother and sister - that’s the whole family of Andrei Danilko. They do not have a very warm relationship, Andrei often loses his temper over trifles, his mother says. Perhaps Danilko still holds a grudge against his family, because initially his relatives did not believe in him, and they were even ashamed that he was a man and dressed up as a woman. They didn’t accept him until the actor became famous and managed to earn good money. Although relatives do not see each other very often, the actor provides for his relatives.

Not so long ago, Galina, my sister, bought a three-room apartment and made a European-quality renovation there; the family goes to the sea every year, naturally with the help of her brother. The actor toured different cities, but not in Poltava. He has a feeling of guilt that he got out of this village, and people continue to live in poverty. But is anyone to blame for this? Everyone has their own path and choice.

Children of Andrey Danilko

Everyone is so interested in Danilko’s fate that the editors even turned to psychic Natalya Vorotnikova for help. And of course main question, which interests the public - the family and children of Andrei Danilko.

The magician saw a purposeful person who is married to his work. “If the stage is taken away from Andrei, he will lose the meaning of life and fall into severe depression. The artist has a very changeable mood, which depends even on little things. But Danilko will have a son,” says Natalya, “From a fan. There will be no marriage, but Andrei will take care of his child.” Well, to believe or not to believe the predictions is everyone’s business, and only time will tell the truth.

Andrey Danilko's wife

Andrei Danilko’s wife is his work, stage and career. The artist is so passionate about his work that he has no time for his personal life. Or desires? More than once he was credited with an affair with his colleague, Inna Belokon, who in her stage image is a mother.

The artist recalls meeting a girl: “I didn’t like her right away, fat, terribly painted, long skirt“, but later the couple was seen more and more often outside of work. And recently, on his birthday, where Andrei went to England to celebrate, the paparazzi took a photo of the artist in the arms of a girl kissing him. Immediately the news “Andrei Danilko and his wife” appeared in the press. The photo was taken when Inna Belokon herself congratulated Andrei on the holiday. The artist claims that the kiss is of a friendly nature and the artist is nothing more than a friend to him. They can even move into the same room, but that means absolutely nothing. Whether this is true or not, one can only guess.

Andrey Danilko latest news

Several years ago, all sources trumpeted that an assassination attempt was being prepared on the artist, and recently information was leaked that Andrei Danilko was allegedly killed in a Kiev cafe. It’s not always pleasant to read such sensations, but fortunately the information was not confirmed. The actor is in full health, and his producer clarified the situation. Danilko had a friend who lost in a casino a large sum money, and in order to repay the debt he had to kill Andrei himself on the orders of high-ranking individuals. But upon learning of the impending murder, the actor’s security was strengthened and everything turned out okay. At that time, Danilko decided to go into politics and ran for deputy, but after this story he withdrew his candidacy, fearing for his life.

Today, due to the unfavorable situation in the country, it has curtailed its creative activity Andrey Danilko. The latest news in the actor’s work does not go unnoticed. After all, Danilko really said goodbye to the stage image of Verka Serduchka and gave her, so to speak, a funeral. The farewell finale was concerts at reduced prices, where many could come and see a concert of memories.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrey Danilko

Andrey admits that, amid his popularity, he developed a fear of large crowds of people. He avoids the press, and it especially bothers him when they pry into his soul with questions of a personal nature. The actor tries to limit the circle of audiences unfamiliar to him, and therefore does not maintain an Instagram page. And Andrei Danilko’s Wikipedia is rich only in his creativity, achievements and awards.

Danilko himself is a very vulnerable and deeply unhappy person. After all, in the life of every person, the main thing is to have a other half and to be loved. Know that you will be supported Hard time and they will understand. Article found by

Andrey Danilko is also a famous and sought-after actor and director, as well as a TV presenter and screenwriter. He is the creator of numerous New Year's musicals, which are famous for their sparkling humor and memorable jokes.

Everyone in the area knows a cheerful and incredibly charismatic woman and conductor, who is Andrei’s alter ego. This beauty and everyone's favorite name is Verka Serduchka, and she knows millions of jokes, which she is ready to tell to everyone who has ears.

Height, weight, age. How old is Andrey Danilko

Numerous fans want to know what famous comedian height, weight, age. How old Andrei Danilko is is no longer a secret, because his date of birth is widely known.

Andrey Danilko was born in 1973, making him forty-three years old. According to the zodiac sign, the guy is Libra, who has such character traits as goodwill, honesty, perseverance, balance and a passion for art.

According to Eastern horoscope Andrey Mikhailovich is a reliable, persistent, silent and consistent Bull.

The height of the famous comedian is one meter and seventy-five centimeters. It weighs quite a bit - only sixty-nine kilograms.

Biography of Andrey Danilko. (Verka Serdiuchka)

The biography of Andrei Danilko is simply terrible, it makes us think about the fact that you need to be able to dream and then you will get out of any difficult situation.

Little Andryushka lived in terrible poverty, however, his classmates loved and respected him. The boy studied poorly because he had no time to do his homework and had to earn extra money. Even on graduation party Andrei was wearing a shirt that his classmates had bought for him.

Danilko always repeated that one day he would become famous, and the guys perceived this statement as another successful joke. The guy took part in school amateur performances, was the captain of the KVN team, played in the studio theater and painted beautifully.

After graduating from school with an unsatisfactory result, a prestigious pedagogical and music school the guy failed to do so. Andrey graduated from a vocational school, receiving the profession of a sales cashier.

In 1990, Andrei created his cheerful soul mate - conductor Verka Serduchka. Her last name was taken from Danilko’s first love, and her Poltava dialect was taken from her mother, a drag queen. In 1991, the broken conductor created a real sensation on the Poltava humor.

After this success, the aspiring comedian began to be invited to all kinds of competitions, humorous shows and tours around Ukraine and Russian Federation and starred in commercials. And since 1997 he hosted his own “SV-show” on Ukrainian television.

The Andrei Danilko Theater was created, and he himself decided to learn a little and became a student at the variety and circus school. However, the self-sufficient guy did not want to learn the basic truths, had conflicts with teachers and was expelled from the school for unsuitability. National University The guy graduated from culture and art much later.

Andrey began singing as Verka Serduchka in 2000. He was not only invited to see the New Year's lights, but also released solo albums. Almost all the songs that Danilko wrote became folk hits, invariably performed at any feast. He constantly received prestigious awards, and his creations took first place in the tops.

Andrei Danilko acted as a director, screenwriter and actor in musicals, including “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, “Cinderella”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ The Snow Queen», « Sorochinskaya fair", "Morozko".

In the image of the same Verka, the guy went to Eurovision 2007, writing for him a funny song that made no sense and consisted of a set of phrases in different languages. The song, the melody of which could be tapped on a table with a spoon, took second place, and Serduchka became an unspoken symbol of Ukraine.

Since 2014, Andrei Danilko stopped collaborating with Russian channels and moved to Germany. There he began to live freely and receive treatment, as he suffered from nervous exhaustion and fainting. In 2015, the guy again starred in the American-made film “Spy Comedy.”

Personal life of Andrey Danilko

The personal life of Andrei Danilko is stormy, but rather unsuccessful. The fact is that the guy in his youth was very modest and shy. Although Andrey was the captain school team KVN, he never approached the girls first.

For a long time he was in love with an excellent student and activist Anechka Serdyuk, with whom he sat at the same desk. The girl practically did not pay attention to the advances of the poor boy, who was an average student and only promised to become famous throughout the world. Later, their paths diverged; Anna graduated from a pedagogical school, got married and gave birth to a daughter. She is happy and is not even upset that at one time she rejected Andrei’s advances.

Andrei Danilko met with a dancer from his theater, Inna Belokon, who is known to the audience as Verka-Gel’s friend and companion. This relationship lasted thirteen years, however, did not even develop into a civil marriage.

After the relationship broke up, Andrey appeared in his life new girl– Inna Yaremenko, who masterfully played the image of Verka Serduchka’s mother. The romance began due to the fact that the guys constantly toured together and constantly communicated. It ended with Inna marrying someone else, and Andrei remained her friend. True, they say that they continued to meet even after Yaremenko put the ring on her finger.

The guy calls his mother his only beloved woman.

Family of Andrey Danilko

Andrei Danilko's family has always been the poorest in the area. The fact is that his father, Mikhail Danilko, worked as a driver and died suddenly in 1980, the cause of which was lung cancer. Andrei loved his dad madly, despite the fact that he drank terribly. He took his death hard and even stopped smiling.

Mom - Svetlana Volkova - was an ordinary painter, she had to work three shifts to get her children on their feet. The family lived in poverty, but the mother supported her son in all his endeavors. She still has Andrei’s paintings, she loves listening to her son’s skits, but she considers his singing an unnecessary whim.

The guy has an older half-sister, Galina, who was born in 1963 from her first husband. She is married and raising her son Vanya. The woman is a housewife, works in the garden and has her own subsidiary plot. Andrey constantly supported her financially. In 2010, Galina was diagnosed with sluggish schizophrenia.

By the way, Andrey is Svetlana Ivanovna’s third child. His older brother lived just over five months and died suddenly.

Danilko almost never performs in Poltava, he does not visit his native village, because people envy him and consider him rather strange. Fellow villagers condemn the guy for not working on the land, but putting on a foam chest and running around the stage. It is very difficult for the vulnerable Andrey to accept such an attitude towards himself.

Children of Andrey Danilko

The children of Andrei Danilko have not yet been born, because the young man has not yet found a woman from whom they could be born. Andrey always says that he would very much like to have a family where his kids would meet him after work.

The outrageous artist says that he wants the woman he loves to give him an heir. However, this is not yet possible due to constant employment and health problems. The man is constantly being treated for nervous breakdowns and cleansing his blood, so for now there is absolutely no talk about babies.

Andrey Danilko's wife

Andrei Danilko's wife never existed, but not because of unconventional sexual orientation artist. The fact is that the guy always madly wanted a family, but he was not going to waste his time on any woman. The guy was very afraid that his wife would live in poverty, like his beloved mother, and that she would have to work hard.

Until the age of 22, Andrei really wanted to find his beloved woman with whom he could start a family, and now, when he turned forty-three, he is thinking about future wife like a pipe dream. Danilko claims that he has fallen in love with loneliness and no longer dreams of marriage.

Photos of Andrei Danilko and his wife often appear on the Internet, but they are either a montage or an outright lie. Inna Yaremenko or Inna Belokon are often called his wife, although the artist has stated several times that he does not live with them even in a civil marriage.

Andrey Danilko latest news

Andrey Danilko last news are extremely scanty and most of them are ridiculous gossip.

It’s safe to say that the man lives in two countries. He permanently resides in Ukraine, but periodically visits Germany. Danilko acts in films and writes songs, but does not yet want to continue performing as Verka Serduchka.

Recently, in connection with the sudden disappearance of an artist from the capital’s stages and screens, news appeared that Andrei Danilko was killed in a Kiev cafe, you could read about it in in social networks and newspapers. The guy was allegedly killed best friend, but the funeral, of course, did not take place, because the information turned out to be an ordinary “duck”.

Instagram and Wikipedia Andrey Danilko

Instagram and Wikipedia of Andrey Danilko are quite official. On the page dedicated to the artist on Wikipedia, you can find reliable information about his parents and creative path. However, there is no information about his personal life, as well as political beliefs, illness and the presence of children.

There are several profiles on Instagram that are considered official accounts Andrey Danilko. But most of them are just groups dedicated to the comedian himself or his Verka Serduchka. On official page There are photos of celebrities and videos from film sets.