Vienna Opera House. Vienna State Opera: history, description, photo. How much does a ticket to the Vienna Opera cost and which seats to choose?


Wiener Staatsoper) takes pride of place in the list of the best opera houses around the world. Despite the fact that after construction was completed architectural embodiment The opera house was subjected to severe criticism, but very soon the building nevertheless received recognition.

opened its doors on May 25, 1869. The first production was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera "". The premiere was attended by Emperor Franz Joseph and Empress Elisabeth. Until 1918, the theater had the title Vienna Court Opera. Since its opening, every year the theater has increasingly attracted the attention of fans opera art. During the First World War, the theater continued its work, however, its popularity declined sharply. At the end of World War II the building was destroyed by bombing. The opera troupe continued to give performances, and at this time complex work began on restoring the opera house. After 10 years, the construction of the new building was completed. On November 5, 1955, a new one opened Viennese state opera .

Today the Vienna Opera is considered one of the most beautiful theaters peace. The Vienna Opera House has the widest repertoire in the world: during the 285 days of the opera season, the theater stages at least 60 performances. Ticket prices range from 12 to 212 euros. In past centuries, the opera house was a special gathering place for the nobility (aristocrats and other connoisseurs of luxury). Today the world is much more relaxed about such “formalities” as its own appearance when visiting cultural events. And yet, the Vienna Opera House is still a special place worth visiting in luxurious evening dress- after all, an exclusively sophisticated and cultured audience gathers there. Residents of Austria say that if a person has been to Vienna, but has not visited the Vienna Opera, then he has not actually seen the city. After all, it is here, in the opera house, that time boundaries are erased, and this is how the breath of old Austria is felt...
In addition to opera performances, theater guests can attend 40-minute excursions, where they can hear a fascinating story about the history of the building and the specifics of the Vienna State Opera. The theater also has an opera museum, where various exhibitions related to premieres and first performances are constantly held. famous artists, major productions, feature beautiful costumes, scenery, programs and other documents from the theater’s past. Not far from the museum, visitors can purchase photographs, videos, books and other souvenirs.

Interesting facts:
- None of the architects of the Vienna Opera House lived to see the opening of their brainchild (Eduard van der Nyll committed suicide, and his friend August Sicard von Sicardsburg died soon of a heart attack);
- The theater hosts the world-famous annual Vienna Ball (it is listed by UNESCO among the objects of intangible cultural heritage peace);
- In addition to the fact that the Vienna Opera has the largest repertoire among the opera houses in the world, it also has the title of custodian best traditions Austrian classical school;

The Vienna Opera dates back to the 17th century, but productions took place in various theaters until the construction of the Vienna State Opera (Staatsoper), built by order of Emperor Franz Joseph, was completed in 1869. At the opening of the Vienna Opera, Mozart's opera Don Giovanni was shown. The building of the Vienna Opera was destroyed in 1945 by bombing; the Staatsoper was restored only in 1955. It is noteworthy that until 1918 this cultural landmark of Austria was called the Vienna Court Opera.

Vienna Ball

Once a year, often in February, auditorium and the Staatsoper stage are transformed into a huge dance hall, and the most famous ball Austria - Opernball. For those wishing to attend the Vienna Ball, a ticket will cost from 200 to 700 euros; to reserve a box, you need to pay from 4.5 to 10 thousand euros.

Excursions to the Vienna Opera building

If you are still not a fan of opera while exploring the sights of Austria, there are excursions inside the Staatsoper building. Such excursions are held every day at 14:00. An adult ticket costs 4 euros, a student ticket costs 2.5 euros, and a child ticket costs 1.5 euros. You can purchase tickets 15 minutes before the start of the tour.

Attending performances at the Staatsoper

Despite the high cost of tickets, the Vienna State Opera is always sold out, so you should purchase tickets at least 30 days before the performance. True, due to the fact that Staatsoper has worthwhile places, you can buy a ticket to the performance an hour before it starts. The average price of standing seats (102 pcs.) is 3 euros, a seated seat will cost 50-100 euros, the most expensive seats cost about 1,400 euros.

  • performances of category A. Suitable for opera gourmets and wealthy people. This and newest productions, and all the world stars. Art requires sacrifice, so the ticket price will be very high;
  • performances of category B. Suitable for music lovers who want to know everything about it; in the pricing policy this category is “ golden mean»;
  • performances of category C. Inexpensive performances, everyday production of the Vienna State Opera, productions, although of high quality, are still not for everyone.

You can get to the performances for 9 months, starting in September. The repertoire at Staatsoper is varied (approximately 50 titles), and Mozart's masterpieces occupy a central place in the repertoire.

The Vienna Opera House is one of the largest and most important theaters in the world with a huge repertoire. In addition, the grand Vienna Ball, an event of global scale, is held annually at the Opera House in Vienna.

Ours took place precisely thanks to the Vienna Opera House - first we bought tickets to the Vienna Opera, and then we planned the whole trip.

Remember my previous post about? It was she, Elizabeth of Bavaria, who, together with her husband, Emperor Franz Joseph I, attended the opening of the Vienna Opera House in May 1869. Many famous productions were presented on the theater stage, and the directors of the Vienna Opera constantly improved its work and invited outstanding artists.

But during the German occupation of World War II, a dark period and decline began for the Vienna Opera House - the repertoire was significantly reduced, and many actors were sent into exile and even lost their lives. In 1945, the Vienna Opera House was bombed and was completely restored only ten years later, in 1955. Part of the premises - the central staircase, lobby, veranda and tea salon - have been preserved in their original form.

Near the main staircase you can see small statues symbolizing 7 types of art: architecture, sculpture, poetry, dance, music, drama and painting.

During the intermission of performances, spectators can drink tea or other drinks in one of the bars. This is one of the social rituals when visiting the opera - drink, for example, champagne and chat.

There are very small rooms for this, and there are two large halls. One looks very modern and bright.

And the second is more classical, where the office of the directors of the Vienna Opera House used to be.

In one of the halls there are busts of all the directors of the opera house in Vienna who have ever led it. The current director of the Vienna Opera is Dominik Meyer.

Vienna Opera House is open all year round, but there are no performances from July 1st to August 31st. Ticket sales begin 2 months before the performance. Tickets for performances from September 1 to 30 are sold from May 1 to 31, and for performances from October 1 to 31 - from June 1 to 30. Tickets can be purchased online or by calling the opera house (with credit card).

For almost all performances, except premieres and December 31, children's tickets are sold in quantities from 25 to 100 pieces. Regardless of the cost of the adult ticket purchased, children's ticket for children under 14 years old it costs 15 euros. Adult tickets cost depending on the performance itself, the level of the artists and the sector. For good tickets you will have to pay 190-240 euros.

There is also the opportunity to purchase tickets right before the performance or the day before it from resellers right in front of the theater building. It's unlikely that they will good places or a performance, but if you really want to visit the opera house in Vienna, you can try. You can also contact the concierge of good Viennese hotels, as we did in Milan when we wanted to get to La Scala. In this case, the ticket will cost more, since you will also have to pay the broker and some kind of commission to the hotel.

80 minutes before the performance you can also buy a ticket in the standing section directly opposite the stage at the main entrance to the hall. As a rule, comrades in this sector are the most active spectators and react very violently to what is happening on stage, do not skimp on applause and shouts of “Bravo!” Many of them have an annual subscription to the Vienna Opera House, which costs only 70 euros. There are more standing room on the gallery and balconies. Such places cost from 2 euros.

We bought tickets for one of the boxes on the balcony. It usually seats 6 people, but sometimes more. Naturally, it is better to sit in the front row of such a box.

We watched “The Barber of Seville.” We really liked the opera, the actors played superbly and the scenery was also well designed. Sang on Italian, but in front of each seat in the hall there is a special screen where the words are duplicated in English, so everything was clear.

If you were unable to buy tickets to the Vienna Opera House, you can simply come here for a tour. The tour lasts about 40 minutes and is carried out on different languages, including Russian. In order to get on the tour, you need to go to the opera house building and look at the tour schedule. The same can be seen on the website of the Vienna Opera House. The tour costs 7.5 euros per adult.

You can also rent a room at the Vienna Opera House for any event. This usually happens during the day, since during the theater season there are performances on stage almost every evening. But you can also rent, for example, a tea room an hour before or after the performance for dinner in close company.

Well, the most interesting thing that happens at the Vienna Opera House is the annual Vienna Opera Ball. We were once at, but the Vienna Ball is a completely different level. This social event, which attracts politicians, businessmen, cultural figures and sports stars from all over the world. All the ladies wear luxurious ball gowns, and the men wear tuxedos. One of the most important events The Vienna Ball is opened by debutants - young girls and boys. This requires special pre-registration and rehearsals. Only young people aged 17 to 24 years old with an impeccable knowledge of the waltz are allowed. Girls must perform in a completely snow-white outfit: dress, gloves, shoes. You can be a debutant at the Vienna Ball only once in your life. So, hurry up to sign up and send your resume and photos before September 1 to get to the ball on February 4, 2016 :) A regular ticket to the Vienna ball costs 290 euros. But renting a box will cost...20,500 euros! But you can book a table for 4 people, which will cost 400 or 800 euros depending on the level of the balcony. In general, I won’t tell you all the details for now, maybe we’ll get to the Vienna Opera Ball someday, then I’ll tell you everything :) By the way, does anyone want to join?

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10 ideas of what to do in Vienna

The Vienna Opera House is recognized as the musical center of Europe. Such outstanding musicians as Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert and many others worked in this city.

Mozart's Don Giovanni was the first work staged at the Vienna Opera.
Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria spoke so unflatteringly about the interior and exterior decoration of the building that he drove the designer to a heart attack and the architect to suicide. Meanwhile, the theater has unsurpassed acoustic properties.
Modern residents of Vienna treat the opera building much more reverently. The theater is considered by many to be one of the most magnificent buildings in Austria. The interior decoration amazes with its spaciousness and luxury.

The facade of the opera is decorated with the five muses that patronize the Viennese opera: Love, Heroism, Comedy, Fantasy and Drama.
The theater's seating capacity is 1,709, plus standing and handicap accessible. On the back of each chair there are small screens with a translation of the libretto in real time.

Every year, more than 120 performances are held on the square in front of the theater. They are all completely free to the public.
The theater hosts introductory tours lasting less than an hour, allowing you to look behind the scenes.
Every winter the theater traditionally hosts balls.

How to get there

The theater building is located at Opernring 2. The nearest metro station is Karlsplatz.

Trams No. 1 and No. 2 go to the Vienna Opera. Buses No. 25, 26, 36, 38, as well as L, 59A and 360.

It is convenient to get here by car. A ticket to the opera gives you the right to leave your car in the underground parking shopping center Ringstrassengalerien for 8 hours for only 7 euros. To do this, the parking ticket will need to be validated in a special machine in the theater lobby.

Tickets to the Vienna Opera

Tickets can be purchased online or at the box office at Kertnerstrasse 40.

Tickets go on sale 30 days before the performance, and average price fluctuates around 140-200 euros. The cost of a box can exceed 2000 euros.

Vienna Opera poster

The theater's repertoire includes more than fifty productions. The season lasts 10 months and performances are given daily. Basically it's classical works Austrian and foreign composers, but there are also modern productions.

Mozart's operas are considered the hallmark of the Vienna Opera House, since it is with the work of this composer that the creative history buildings.

The schedule of productions can be found on the official website of the Vienna Opera.

Things to do here 1

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Waltz at the same ball with the President of Austria and celebrities from all over the world.

The Vienna State Opera (German: Wiener Staatsoper, until 1918 the Vienna Court Opera) is the largest opera house in Austria, one of the centers musical culture Europe. Court opera in Vienna arose in the middle of the 17th century; opera performances were performed in various theaters. In 1861, construction began on a special building for the Vienna Opera, designed by architects A. Z. von Zickardsburg and E. van der Null; the building was completed by 1869 and was inaugurated (in the presence of Franz Josef and Sissi) on May 25 with Mozart's Don Giovanni. Until 1918, the theater was under the patronage of the Habsburgs and was called the Court Opera House (German: Wiener Hof-Operntheater). In the 1920s unofficially it began to be called the state opera, but it received the official name of the Vienna State Opera (German: Wiener Staatsoper) only in 1938, with the beginning of the Anschluss.

During World War II, K. Kraus, W. Furtwängler, and K. Böhm directed productions of works by Mozart, Beethoven, and Verdi. In 1938, the premiere of the opera “Day of Peace” by R. Strauss took place, and by 1944 all of his operas had been staged.
In 1945, as a result of American bombing, the theater building was partially destroyed. Restoration work continued until 1955, and finally, on November 5, 1955, the theater was opened with a production of Beethoven's Fidelio (under the direction of K. Boehm). At the same time, the tradition of annual balls at the Vienna Opera was resumed.
Musicians, directors and, especially in the second half of the 20th century, professional administrators acted as directors of the Vienna State Opera. By historical tradition in addition to administrative functions, they also performed the function artistic direction, in particular, determined the theater's repertoire. The musical director also served as chief conductor ( music director). Since 1986, the positions of director-administrator and music director (also known as chief conductor), as a rule, have not been combined in one person.
Among the outstanding musicians who headed the Vienna Opera were Gustav Mahler (1897-1907), Felix Weingartner (1908-1911 and 1935-1936), Franz Schalk (1919-1929, and until 1924 together with Richard Strauss), Clemens Kraus ( 1929-1934), Karl Böhm (1943-1945 and 1954-1956), Herbert von Karajan (1956-1964), Lorin Maazel (1982-1984).
In 1986-91 the director of the theater was K. H. Dreze, the musical director was Claudio Abbado. In 1991-1992 was the director famous singer Eberhard Waechter. In 1992-2010 the director was Ioan Holender, the musical director was Seiji Ozawa.
Since September 1, 2010, the duties of director of the Vienna Opera have been performed by Dominik Meyer, and choreographer by Manuel Legris.

Music direction 2010-14 conducted by Franz Welser-Möst. Since September 2014, the position of music director has been vacant.


  • Founded: 1869
  • City: Vienna
  • Country: Austria
  • Address: Opernring 2
  • Architect: Zickardsburg, August Zickard von

Vienna State Opera one of the leading operas in Europe, and its history makes a significant contribution to Vienna's achievement of the honorary title of musical capital. The orchestra was created on the basis Vienna Philharmonic. Along with state ballet The Vienna Opera has its own ballet company.

The Vienna State Opera has a repertoire system: more than 50 productions consist of game plan. Therefore, the Opera can give performances almost every day 10 months a year.

How to get to the Vienna Opera
The Vienna State Opera is located in the center of Vienna at Opernring 2.
Take metro U1, U2, U4 to Karlsplatz station.

How to dress for the Vienna Opera
Guests of the Vienna Opera dress very differently - there is no clear dress code.
Local residents try to dress appropriately - in beautiful dresses or suits.
We recommend dressing smartly and elegantly, especially if you have good seats in the theater.

Tours of the Vienna State Opera building
Tours of the Vienna State Opera building (Wiener Staatsoper)
lasting 45 minutes are held from Tuesday to Sunday (several times a day) and includes a tour of the entrance foyer, main staircase, tea salon, marble hall, Moritz Schwind foyer, Gustav Mahler hall and auditorium. During the tour, the guide tells interesting facts about the Vienna Opera, the history and architecture of the building.
Guided tours of the Vienna State Opera are available in German, English, Italian, French, Spanish and Russian. The cost of the tour is 6.00 € without visiting the museum
Vienna Opera.
Tickets are purchased immediately before the tour.

Each seat at the Vienna Opera has a small screen (fixed to the seat in front of it), on which subtitles of the performance (opera) are shown. They are broadcast in German and English languages.
The director of the Vienna State Opera said that subtitles in Russian will appear in the theater in the 2014-15 season.

Standing tickets
Standing tickets can be purchased for all performances at the Vienna Opera.
They are sold directly in the opera building 80 minutes before the start of the performance.
For shows that are in high demand, you should get in line much earlier. One person can buy no more than 2 tickets.

At the Vienna State Opera, standing places are located very well, almost opposite the stage, at the level of the dressage under the “imperial” box, and you can see better from them than from cheap seats, but you cannot take empty seats.
Price: ground floor - 4.50 euros, balconies - 3.50 euros

Recently went to Tosca! Great cast and production. Place was full. Truly iconic venue. This is a must see when you visit Vienna. Had great seats in Row 14. They were a bit pricey but worth it! Buy them early so you don’t miss out.

Austrian Opera and Ballet

The emergence of the Viennese opera dates back to the middle of the 17th century, when the first opera performances of the Italian troupe took place at the court of the Austrian emperor.

From the second half XVII V. opera performances performed by the Austrian court troupe were performed on the stages of various theaters (first in the Vienna Burgtheater, from 1763 - mainly in the Kärntnertortheater). The basis of the repertoire was Italian opera.
Since the mid-18th century, the activities of the court opera troupe have been associated with opera reform K.V. Gluck (from 1754 - court conductor), with the development of a national opera style based on the singspiel genre. Operas by J. Umlauf (The Miners, 1778), W. A. ​​Mozart (The Abduction from the Seraglio, 1782), and K. Dittersdorf (The Doctor and the Pharmacist, 1786) are staged.

Since the beginning of the 19th century, the Vienna Opera has staged works by German, Austrian, Italian and French composers: L. Cherubini (“Medea”), L. Beethoven (“Fidelio”), G. Rossini (“Tancred”, “The Thieving Magpie”, “William Tell”), K. M. Weber (“Free Shooter”) , G. Meyerbeer (“Robert the Devil”, “The Huguenots”), G. Donizetti (“Lucia di Lammermoor”, “Lucrezia Borgia”), G. Verdi (“Nabucco”, “Rigoletto”, “Il Trovatore”, etc. ), R. Wagner (“Lohengrin”, “Tannhäuser”, etc.), C. Gounod (“Faust”), etc. During these years, many major European singers performed here, including Austrian and German: P. A. Milder-Hauptmann, W. Schröder-Devrient, K. Unger, G. Sontag, etc.

In 1869, the Vienna Court Opera received a new building, which had long been considered one of the best theater buildings world (design by architects E. van der Nulle and A. Zikkard von Zikkardsburg). The theater opened with the opera Don Giovanni by Mozart.

In 1875-1897, the musical director and chief conductor of the theater was X. Richter, an outstanding interpreter of Wagner's operas. Under his supervision, productions were carried out: the tetralogy “The Ring of the Nibelung” (1877-1879), “Tristan and Isolde”, the Mozart cycle, “Othello”, as well as modern operas by P. Cornelius, J. Massenet, E. Humperdinck and etc. B late XIX V. Interest in ballet increased; among others, J. Bayer’s ballets “The Puppet Fairy” and “Sun and Earth” were often performed.

At the end of the 19th century. - early 20th century Thanks to the reform activities of G. Mahler (chief conductor of the theater in 1897-1907), the Vienna Court Opera became one of the best European opera houses. Mahler strove to subordinate all components of the opera performance to a single concept (in accordance with the author's score), carefully prepared each production, presenting high demands orchestra, choir and singers, achieving special musical and dramatic expressiveness. He brought conductors B. Walter and F. Schalk and set designer A. Roller to work at the theater.

During these years, along with brilliant productions of works by Mozart, Beethoven, Weber, and Wagner, the following were performed for the first time: “La Bohème”; "Falstaff"; “Electra” by R. Strauss and others, as well as the operas by P. I. Tchaikovsky “Eugene Onegin”, “ Queen of Spades" and "Iolanta". Singers P. Lucca, A. Materna, G. Winkelman, A. Bar-Mildenburg, L. Lehman, L. Slezak and others performed on the theater stage.

In 1918, after the formation of the Austrian Republic, the theater received modern name. F. Schalk became the head of the theater (until 1929).

In 1920-1930, along with the works of Mozart (“Idomeneo”), Verdi (“Don Carlos”, “Macbeth”), R. Strauss (“The Woman Without a Shadow”, “Salome”, “Helen of Egypt”), M. Ravel (“The Spanish Hour”), M. de Falla (“ Short life") in the theater repertoire significant place operas occupy modern composers(including “Eliana’s Miracle” by Korngold, “Johnny Plays” by Kshenek, “ lucky hand"Schoenberg, "Oedipus Rex" by Stravinsky, etc.).

During the war years (1938-1945) the Vienna State Opera fell into decline. Immediately after the liberation of Austria, the theater resumed its activities and soon regained its glory as the country's leading musical and theatrical center. During the restoration of the opera building after the war, the theater temporarily gave performances in the premises of the Theater an der Wien and the Volksoper.

The 1955-1956 season opened in a restored building (an auditorium with 2,209 seats). Operas were staged: “Fidelio”, “Don Giovanni”, “Aida”; "Die Meistersinger" by Wagner.

In 1956-1964, the Vienna State Opera was directed by G. Karajan. Among best performances 1950-60: “That’s what everyone does”, “The Marriage of Figaro” by Mozart, “Julius Caesar” by Handel, “Orpheus” by Gluck, “Cinderella” by Rossini, “Un ballo in maschera”; tetralogy “The Ring of the Nibelung”, “Tristan and Isolde” by Wagner, “The Bartered Bride”, “Prince Igor”; "Ariadne on Naxos" and "Salome" by R.

Strauss, “Lulu” by Berg, triptych “Triumphs” and “Oedipus Rex” by Orff, “The Inspector General” by Egka, “The Artist Mathis” by Hindemith, “Dialogues of the Carmelites” by Poulenc.

In 1930-60 they performed at the Vienna State Opera best singers Austria and other countries: A. and X. Konieczny, M. Cebotari, E. Schwarzkopf, I. Seefried, X. Gudin, L. Della Casa, S. Jurinac, A. Dermot, D. Fischer-Dieskau, J. Patzak, B Nilsson, M. Del Monaco, P. Schöfler, M. Lorenz and others, the greatest conductors worked - K. Kraus, R. Strauss, B. Walter, O. Klemperer, B. Furtwängler, J. Krips, W. De Sabata, K. Böhm, G. Karajan, D. Mitropoulos, L. Bernstein and others. In the 1970s, the theater troupe included singers - V. Berry, O. Wiener, E. Kunz, K. Ludwig, W. Lipp , L. Rizanek, R. Holm et al.; The permanent conductors of the theater were J. Krips and K. Böhm.

Once a year, the auditorium and stage are transformed into a huge dance hall, where Austria's most famous ball, the Opernball, is held.

Vienna State Opera, Austria: description, photo, where it is on the map, how to get there

Vienna State Opera- one of the most revered centers of musical culture in the world.

The opera building is located in the heart of Vienna, the capital of Austria, and was built in the mid-17th century. This is one of 1000 best places world according to our website.

Over 60 musical performances the Vienna Opera is preparing for its theater season, which puts it in first place in terms of the density of operas and ballets. The opera's repertoire is extremely diverse and covers not only modern genres, but also musical styles different eras.

The opera building appeared not so long ago, but immediately became one of the most elegant buildings on the famous Ringstrasse.

The theater season lasts 285 days a year. One of these days is dedicated to the annual Vienna Ball, when main stage magically turns into a ballroom and hundreds of debutants perform in front of the president of the country himself.

For a long time artistic director The theater was the famous Herbert von Karajan, and the main conductor was once Hans Richter. Tchaikovsky's operas "The Queen of Spades", "Eugene Onegin", Verdi's opera "Othello" and many operas from the Mozart cycle were staged on this stage.

And today, in this theater, the world's best producers and directors demonstrate their skills to the Viennese public year after year. You can get to the opera building on several metro lines leading to Karlsplatz station.

Photo attraction: Vienna State Opera

Vienna State Opera on the map:

Here you can listen to the aria of the best opera singers, watch a ballet and a choir performance accompanied by a symphony orchestra.

The Vienna Opera House is recognized as the musical center of Europe. Such outstanding musicians as Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert and many others worked in this city.

Mozart's Don Giovanni was the first work staged at the Vienna Opera.
Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria spoke so unflatteringly about the interior and exterior decoration of the building that he drove the designer to a heart attack and the architect to suicide. Meanwhile, the theater has unsurpassed acoustic properties.
Modern residents of Vienna treat the opera building much more reverently.

The theater is considered by many to be one of the most magnificent buildings in Austria. The interior decoration amazes with its spaciousness and luxury.

The facade of the opera is decorated with the five muses that patronize the Viennese opera: Love, Heroism, Comedy, Fantasy and Drama.
The theater's seating capacity is 1,709, plus standing and handicap accessible.

On the back of each chair there are small screens with a translation of the libretto in real time.

Every year, more than 120 performances are held on the square in front of the theater. They are all completely free to the public.
The theater hosts introductory tours lasting less than an hour, allowing you to look behind the scenes.
Every winter the theater traditionally hosts balls.

How to get there

The theater building is located at Opernring 2. The nearest metro station is Karlsplatz.

Trams No. 1 and No. 2 go to the Vienna Opera. Buses No. 25, 26, 36, 38, as well as L, 59A and 360.

It is convenient to get here by car. An opera ticket gives you the right to leave your car in the underground parking of the Ringstrassengalerien shopping center for 8 hours for only 7 euros. To do this, the parking ticket will need to be validated in a special machine in the theater lobby.

Tickets to the Vienna Opera

Tickets can be purchased online or at the box office at Kertnerstrasse 40.

Tickets go on sale 30 days before the performance, and the average price fluctuates around 140-200 euros. The cost of a box can exceed 2000 euros.

Vienna Opera poster

The theater's repertoire includes more than fifty productions. The season lasts 10 months and performances are given daily. These are mainly classical works by Austrian and foreign composers, but there are also modern productions.

Mozart's operas are considered the hallmark of the Vienna Opera House, since it is with the work of this composer that the creative history of the building begins.

The schedule of productions can be found on the official website of the Vienna Opera.