Host steve irwin how he died. In general, Australian laws do not have to be followed, the main thing is to communicate this in small print. Steve Irwin's last words


Means “entrance to the lakes” - in this place an extensive network of rivers and lakes flows into the ocean, creating ideal conditions for fishing.

Indeed, at the pier in Lakes Entrance there were many fishing trawlers, which immediately sold fresh fish and shrimp. Almost all vacationers in this place in Victoria could see a boat; many hotels have corners with tables for cutting fish.

Well, where there are fish, there are pelicans.

And the fishermen, accordingly...

In general, apart from fish and a couple of beaches, there is nothing special to see in Lakes Entrance, except for the private maritime museum Griffiths Sea Shell Museum, where you could find just tons of different types of shells, preserved and dried fish and other sea creatures.

Not far from Lakes Entrance are the Buchan Caves.

Well, after visiting the caves, it was nice to have a glass of local beer at the Bullant Brewery.

25 Aug 2012 12:12

We were already in Canberra in 2008, stopping for a couple of days on our way to Sydney. Then we saw that there are many places in the city that can be visited in a few days.

Before leaving Canberra we visited the Australian Parliament building. There were several police officers at the entrance who let visitors through a frame, like at airports. After walking through the halls and offices, visiting the green roof, we moved on...

15 Aug 2012 02:10

Consulting group the Economist Intelligence Unit has published its list of the world's best cities, with Melbourne topping it for the second year in a row.

The top ten cities look like this:

Great Ocean Road

20 Jul 2012 03:02

We took a trip to the Great Ocean Road last December and just added everything from that trip yesterday.

You can drive the entire road in one day if you leave early in the morning, don’t stop everywhere, and return directly along the highway. To take our time with sightseeing, we stayed for a couple of nights right in the center of the road, in the town of Port Campbell (Summer's Rest Units).

On the first day it was cloudy, so we had to wear jackets, but on the second day the sun came out and it became much more fun.

A few attractions we visited:

Despite s18(1) of the Spam Act 2003 (Cth), I agree and acknowledge that any message Vodafone sends me will not contain an unsubscribe facility. I understand that I can, at any time, opt out of receiving marketing material by contacting Vodafone Customer Care.

In general, Australian laws do not have to be followed, the main thing is to communicate this in small print.

23 Feb 2012 05:13

She received the surname Macpherson from her stepfather Neil Macpherson.

Thanks to her ideal body proportions (90-61-89), at the age of 18, Elle signed her first contract with the famous modeling agency Click Model Management.

In 1985, Elle decided to marry photographer and creative director of Elle magazine Gilles Bensimon, who was 20 years older than Macpherson. Thanks to her marriage, Elle appeared in every issue of Elle magazine for six years.

In 1986, Elle made the cover of Time magazine. By that time, she had already been on the covers of magazines such as Cosmopolitan, GQ, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and Playboy. Elle also appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated six times during her career.

In 1989, MacPherson and Bensimon divorced, and along with her husband, Elle lost her largest employer, Elle magazine. This period in the girl’s career and life is difficult, but Elle pulls herself together and decides to move on.

Elle Macpherson in the movie "On the Edge"

In 1990, the first film starring the famous model, Alice, directed by Woody Allen, was released. Then she plays in several films: “Sirens” (with Hugh Grant), “Batman and Robin” (with George Clooney), “On the Edge” (with Anthony Hopkins) and others.

Also in 1990, Macpherson launched her lingerie line, Elle Macpherson Intimates, which is sold exclusively in Australia.

In 1995, together with her supermodel friends, Elle opened the Fashion Café restaurant chain, which did not become profitable and was closed in 1998.

In 1999, Elle Macpherson starred in five episodes of the popular TV series Friends.

In 2003, Elle was engaged to French financier Arpad Busson, with whom she had two sons, Flynn in 1998 and Cy in 2003.

In 2005, the couple broke up, and today Elle and her children live in London.


22 Feb 2012 02:08

I read in the local newspaper today about what to do when traveling, and I saw this advice:

Smile. Always smile.

It"ll get you places you wouldn"t believe. From persuading Parisian waiters to speak English to figuring out where the hell you"re supposed to be sitting on that train, a little smile and a good attitude will get you help in no time. NB: There"s an exception to this rule – it "s called Russia. (They"ll think you"re mad.)

In translation:

Smile! Always smile.

This will open up so many new opportunities for you that you never dreamed of. For example, a waiter from Paris suddenly speaks English, or you finally find that fucking seat on the train - just smile a little and act accordingly.

One exception to this rule is Russia. They'll think you're crazy.

Steve Irwin is a very popular Australian naturalist and television journalist; He is best known as the creator of numerous films about wildlife, in particular about crocodiles - “The Crocodile Hunter”, “Crok Files”, “The Crocodile Hunter Diaries”. Founder of the Australia Zoo in Queensland.

Steve Irwin was born in 1962 in a suburb of Melbourne, Australia, into the family of naturalists Bob and Lyn Irwin. He grew up on a farm in Queensland, where his parents raised reptiles. Steve helped his parents from an early age, feeding and caring for the crocodiles. After graduating from Caloundra State High School, he went to Northern Queensland, where he caught crocodiles that posed a real danger to people. It is curious that Steve’s work was practically unpaid, and his altruism was explained by his love for these animals, which he already understood, and also by the fact that he left the caught individuals in his park.

Irwin gained fame with his participation in a national program for the humane treatment of crocodiles, or rather, their movement without the use of tranquilizers. Steve has repeatedly promoted this same position on his TV show “Croc Files.” Television brought Steve Irwin worldwide popularity and fame - the series “Crocodile Hunter”, which started in 1997, turned out to be “top”. In this documentary series, Steve managed to present himself as a fearless enthusiastic explorer, and the tape was broadcast worldwide on the Discovery Channel with great success. The young naturalist's fame extended beyond Australia - Steve turned out to be very popular in the USA.

Then, for his services to popularizing Australia in cinema and his contribution to the tourism industry of the Green Continent, Irwin b

was awarded. In addition, he was noted for his enormous contribution to the creation and development of the Australia Zoo.

Steve Irwin sincerely enjoyed his work - despite the fact that he was doing what he loved most, his name became a trademark, and interest in the films with his participation remained unchanged. Steve repeatedly took risks, sometimes his life literally hung by a thread - he had several wounds, but he was never seriously injured. He always performed any tricks himself, sometimes approaching the animals at a critically close distance.

It is noteworthy that Steve's tricks sometimes bordered on the usual understanding of what is permitted. So, on January 2, 2004, during a performance at the Queensland Zoo, he held his one-month-old son with one hand while holding out a piece of chicken to the crocodile with the other. At the same time, the child was only a meter from the predator’s mouth. And when the predator swallowed the thrown piece, Irwin said to his son: “Good boy, Bob!” Dozens of people then turned to the hotline of the Children's Protection Society with a call to deal with the “crazy” parent.

Irwin himself later said that throughout the show he kept the situation under control, and probably knew that his child was not in danger. However, the public then had a different opinion.

In 1992, Steve married Terri Raines, also a wildlife researcher. Terry participated in all films with her husband. By the way, his film "The Hunter

"Okodilov" begins with filming Steve and Terry's honeymoon - they were just engaged in catching crocodiles. In July 1998, the family had a daughter, Bindi Sue Irwin. Son Robert (Robert Clarence "Bob" Irwin) was born in December 2003 It was Bob who became a participant in the show, which caused a wave of outrage.

It is curious that while crocodiles and other dangerous predators were very favorable to Steve, parrots strongly disliked him, becoming the only representatives of the animal world with whom he had no contact. "I don't know what they have against me, but they always try to bite me," Irwin said in an interview.

Steve Irwin died on September 4, 2006, off the Great Barrier Reef, while working on another documentary about animals. The picture with the fatal title for Irwin “Ocean's Deadliest" (Deadly dangerous creatures of the ocean" tragically put an end to his life. Steve was hit in the chest by a spike-tailed stingray, this blow definitely hit the heart. The tragedy of the situation was that usually the bite of this The stingray is not fatal, it was the hit in the heart that was fatal. Steve Irwin’s heart stopped instantly, even before the team members had time to react. According to statistics, only two cases of death of people stung by stingrays were recorded off the coast of Australia.

It is known that all copies of the video recording of Irwin’s death were deliberately destroyed for safety; the recording itself was transferred to his wife Terry

Few people have not seen the series by the outstanding Australian TV presenter and naturalist Steve Irwin. He has a lot of stories with a wide variety of, often very dangerous, animals. And Steve died on September 4, 2006 during another filming from a giant stingray.

This death shocked many: no one expected that his life’s work would be disastrous for the TV presenter. But there are still many mysteries about his death. How and why did Steve Irwin die?

On the day of his death, Irwin was not filming for himself

The shooting for which Irwin paid with his life could well not have happened. These days he was filming a series of programs “The Most Dangerous Animals of the Ocean,” but when he had a free day in his schedule, he decided to film a story about stingrays for his daughter’s TV show “Bindi the Jungle Girl.” The decision turned out to be fatal.

The stingray was unusually aggressive

According to cameraman Justin Lyons, who worked with Irwin on the day of his death and witnessed the death of the TV presenter, the stingray turned out to be unusually aggressive: in a matter of moments, it hit Irwin with its tail several dozen times. Such aggression is rare in these animals, and no one can say what caused it.

Could Irwin have been saved?

Dr. Gabe Mirkin said Steve Irwin could have been saved if he had not removed the stingray spine from his chest. This thorn is a complete mystery: cameraman Justin Lyons says that Steve did not pull it out of the wound, but doctors who watched the film claim that the thorn was removed. It will probably no longer be possible to establish the truth.

Would Steve Irwin be drunk?

After Irwin's death, there were many rumors that he was under the influence of alcohol on the day of filming. Dangerous work, wild animals - no wonder the TV presenter decided to relieve stress! However, doctors refute this gossip: according to test results, no alcohol was found in Steve’s blood.

Steve Irwin's last words

Steve Irwin's last words were heard by his cameraman Justin Lyons, who, together with the TV presenter, was waiting for help to arrive and persuading him to hold on and fight for life. According to the operator, in response to words of encouragement, Steve looked him straight in the eyes and said: “I’m dying.” These were his last words, which echoed in the head of Lyons, who was not only a cameraman, but also a close friend of Steve, for many months.

Steve's toxicologist blamed himself for years

Dr. Jamie Seymour, a poison specialist who had worked with Irwin for many years, was not far from the filming location and appeared at the scene of the tragedy almost immediately. He did what he could to save Irwin, but quickly realized that this was impossible. However, Dr. Seymour reproached himself for many years for not being able to come up with anything to save his friend and colleague.

Australians hate stingrays

Australian television viewers simply adored Steve Irwin. When he died, his fans began to take revenge on innocent animals, one of which caused the death of the TV presenter. In the months following Irvine's death, at least a dozen stingrays were killed off the Australian coast, most with their tails torn out.

Irwin's death tape will never see the light of day

As far as we know, all or almost all copies of the recording of the tragic moment of Irwin’s death, which were in the possession of Justin Lyons and given to the specialists conducting the investigation, were subsequently destroyed by the decision of the TV presenter’s family and friends. According to rumors, one copy remained with his widow, but she immediately stated that this recording would not be broadcast.

Justin Lyons convicted for interview about Steve Irwin's death

After Irwin's death, cameraman Justin Lyons, the main witness to the tragedy, gave out many interviews in which he described in detail what happened. Many of Stephen's friends condemned him for this, saying that he took advantage of the death of the TV presenter to gain popularity. True, some came to his defense, saying that the death of a friend was a severe shock for the operator, and stories about it were his way of surviving grief. Probably, the latter were right: in all these years, Lyons did not say a single bad or ambiguous word about the deceased TV presenter.

Steve and his wife dreamed of a third child

Steve and his wife Terri were not only spouses, but also like-minded people who devoted their lives to the study and protection of nature. They seemed to have succeeded in everything they dreamed of: numerous projects, popular TV shows, travel, two beautiful children... But, as Terri recently said, there was one plan that was not destined to come true. She and Steve dreamed of having a third child. And although Bindi and Robert invariably please their mother with their successes, the fact that the third child in the family never appeared still depresses Terri Irwin.

Irwin's ship is still afloat

Steve Irwin's Croc One yacht was no less popular than the presenter himself. On it he made his numerous travels and carried out research. It was on it that he went on his last expedition - to film stingrays. And today Croc One is in service. Scientists from the Australian Wildlife Park carry out marine expeditions on it, preserving the memory of Steve and his legacy.

Dutch ship named after Steve Irwin

In 2007, the Dutch conservation society Sea Shepherds, having commissioned a new motor boat for their expeditions, decided to name it after Steve Irwin. The ship "Steve Irwin" still sails the seas today on scientific and environmental missions - and this is the best memory of Steve Irwin that you can imagine.

Steve Irwin was a grateful son

Ten years after Irwin's death, his parents showed reporters a letter that their son wrote to them when he was still very young. In the letter, he thanks his father and mother for unsparingly investing their efforts in his upbringing, and thereby making him a happy person. Yes, such grateful sons are rare!

An asteroid named after Steve Irwin

Back in 2001, asteroid number 57567 was named in honor of Steve Irwin: it bears the name... no, not “Steve Irwin”, but Crickey (“cries”) - Steve’s favorite word, meaning either “my God” or or "damn it" - in general, the greatest degree of amazement. This word, as well as his ability to be amazed at the wonders of nature, was remembered by many viewers.

Australians want Steve Irwin on their currency

In 2016, Australians created a petition calling for Steve Irwin to be placed on the AUD 100 bill. At the moment, the petition has received 23,000 votes and, perhaps, the wish of the signatories will one day come true.

Steve Irwin is an eminent broadcaster and naturalist from Australia. The series “The Crocodile Hunter” he created brought him worldwide fame. During filming on September 4, 2006, Steve Irwin dies from a sting from a huge stingray. His death struck many: no one thought that his life’s work would be disastrous for the naturalist. However, there are still many mysteries about his death. Why and how did this famous TV presenter die? We will try to figure this out in the article, and also take a look at the biography of Steve Irwin.

Early years

He was born into the family of naturalists Lyn and Bob Irwin, in Australia, in the suburbs of Melbourne, in 1962. Australian naturalist Steve Irwin was raised in Queensland on a reptile farm by his parents. From an early age, Steve helps his parents: he takes care of the crocodiles and feeds them. After graduating from school, he goes to North Queensland, where Steve Irwin, as a crocodile hunter, is engaged in catching individuals that pose a real danger to humans. It is interesting that Irwin’s work is almost unpaid, and his tireless altruism is explained by his love for these predators, which he already understands, and also by the fact that he leaves the caught crocodiles in his park.


Popularity comes to Irwin with his participation in a program for the humane treatment of crocodiles, or rather, with the movement of reptiles without the help of tranquilizers. Steve constantly promotes the same position in his own TV show Croc Files.

Television brings Steve Irwin fame and popularity in the world - the series “Crocodile Hunter”, which started in 1997, becomes top. Steve presents himself in this documentary series as a fearless explorer and enthusiast, and the film is broadcast with great success on the Discovery Channel around the world. Steve Irwin's fame extends beyond Australia - the naturalist is very popular in the USA.

Steve Irwin truly enjoys his work - he does what he loves, interest in films with his participation remains unchanged, and his name turns into a trademark. Steve constantly takes risks, sometimes his life hangs by a thread - he was wounded a couple of times, although he was never seriously injured. Steve Irwin personally always performs any stunts himself and often gets dangerously close to the animals.

Dangerous stunts

It is noteworthy that Irwin’s tricks often border on the normal understanding of permissibility. During a performance at the Queensland Zoo on January 2, 2004, he holds his one-month-old son with one hand and offers a piece of chicken to a crocodile with the other. In this case, the child is only a meter away from the reptile’s teeth. As the crocodile swallows the thrown piece, Steve Irwin tells his son, “Good boy, Bob!” Hundreds of people then contact the Children's Welfare Society via a hotline demanding that they deal with the “crazy” father.

The naturalist himself later says that he kept the situation under control throughout the entire show and certainly knew that nothing threatened the life of his child. Although the public then remained unconvinced.


Steve Irwin marries Terri Raines in 1992. She, like him, is a wildlife researcher. She takes part in many of Steve Irwin's films. His movie "The Crocodile Hunter" begins with footage of Terry and Steve's honeymoon - they are fishing for crocodiles. Bindi Sue, Steve's daughter, was born in July 1998, and son Robert in December 2003. It is he who becomes a participant in the performance, which caused a wave of indignation.

It is interesting that while reptiles and dangerous predators are very supportive of Steve, parrots do not like him very much, becoming the only representatives of the animal world with which the naturalist has no contact. “I don’t know what they have against me specifically, but they are constantly trying to bite me,” he says in an interview.


On the day of his death, Irwin is not filming for himself. The filming for which Irwin lost his life might not have happened. In those days, the naturalist is filming a series of programs called “The Most Dangerous Animals of the Ocean,” but when he has a day off from his schedule, he decides to make a video about stingrays for his daughter’s television show. The decision turns out to be fatal.

The stingray that killed Steve Irwin was very aggressive. Cameraman Justin Lyons testifies. He worked with the TV presenter on the day of his death and witnessed the death of crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. He claims that the animal hits Irwin with its tail a couple of dozen times in a matter of seconds. Such aggression is very rare among stingrays, and no one can say what caused it.

Dr. Gabe Mirkin says it would have been possible to save Steve Irwin if the naturalist had not removed the remaining stingray tail spine from his chest. This spike is a complete mystery because Justin Lyons claims that his colleague did not remove it from the wound, although doctors who watched the tape are convinced that it was removed. Most likely, it will no longer be possible to find out the truth now.

Last words

The last words spoken by Steve Irwin are heard by his cameraman Justin Lyons, who, together with the naturalist, was waiting for help to arrive and persuading him to fight for his life. According to the operator, in response to encouraging phrases, Steve looks him straight in the eyes and says: “I’m dying.” This phrase becomes his last words, which then echo for many months in the head of Justin Lyons, who was a close friend of the television journalist, and not just a cameraman.

Poisons specialist, toxicologist Jamie Seymour, who worked with Irwin for many years, was close to the shooting location and appears almost immediately at the scene of the tragedy. He does everything he can to save Steve Irwin, but quickly realizes that this is impossible. Despite this, Dr. Seymour blames himself for many years for not being able to think of anything to save his colleague and friend.

Public reaction

The Australian public just loves Steve Irwin. When he dies, his admirers begin to take revenge on innocent animals, because one of them causes the death of the TV presenter. In the months that followed Irvine's death, more than a dozen stingrays were killed off the Australian coast, with most having their tails torn out.

Justin Lyons

As far as it became known, all or almost all copies of the recordings of the tragic moment of Irwin’s death, which were in the possession of Justin Lyons and were given to specialists involved in the investigation, were subsequently destroyed by the decision of the TV journalist’s friends and family. Rumor has it that his widow kept one copy, although she immediately said that this recording would never be aired.

Justin Lyons is being condemned for his interview about the death of Steve Irwin. After his death, cameraman Justin Lyons, who is the main witness to the tragedy, gives out multiple interviews where he describes in detail what happened. Many of Stephen Irwin's friends condemn him for this, saying that he is taking advantage of the death of the TV presenter to gain his own popularity. Although there are those who came to his defense, arguing that the death of a friend was a severe shock for the operator, and stories about it are one of the ways to cope with grief. Most likely, the latter are right: during all this time, Lyons did not allow himself to say a single ambiguous or bad word about the deceased television journalist.

Steve and his wife Terri dreamed of having a third child. Steve Irwin and his wife were not just spouses, but also like-minded people who devoted their lives to protecting and studying nature. It seemed that they managed to do everything they wanted: a large number of projects, travel, famous TV shows, two excellent children... However, as Terri noted not long ago, they had one plan that never came to fruition. She and Steve wanted to have a third child. And although Robert and Bindi constantly delight their mother with their successes, the fact that another child never appeared in the family still depresses Terri Irwin.


Steve Irwin's ship is still afloat. His yacht Croc One is no less famous than the TV presenter himself. On it he made his countless travels and conducted research. And it was on it that he decided to go on his last tragically ended expedition - to film stingrays. Nowadays, Croc One is still in service. On it, Australia Zoo scientists go on sea expeditions, preserving the memory of Steve's legacy and himself.

A Dutch ship was named after the crocodile hunter. In 2007, the Sea Shepherds Nature Conservation Society in Holland commissioned a new motor boat for its expeditions, which was named after Steve Irwin.

And of course, he left a legacy of such films as “The Crocodile Hunter”, “Secrets of the Hunters”, “Deadly Ocean”.


Steve Irwin is a famous “crocodile hunter” not only in Australia, but throughout the world,TV journalist and TV presenter, actor, naturalist, expert and wild animal enthusiast. MainIrwin's professional projects were films and television shows about dangerous animals. Despiteconstant contact with wild animals, often with show elements during filming, Steve Irwin always kept situations under control and understood the degree of risk. All tricks with dangerous animals were based on deep knowledge of their behavior and extensive experience in communicating with them. But one day the irreparable happened: the filming of a documentary about the underwater world was interrupted due to death of Steve Irwin.

Family, childhood and early career

The future naturalist was born in Australia in 1962. Parents Lyn and Bob Irwin were naturalists and owned a reptile and other animal farm in Queensland. Steve's love for nature and animals has been evident since childhood, when he, helping his parents care for farm animals, studied their behavior and habits, and also caught crocodiles in the local area for his parents' zoo.

The initial big step towards popularity was participation in the Australian government project, which promoted humane treatment of crocodiles and transportation of reptiles without the use of sedative medications. A few years later, Steve brought this idea to the public in his own television show, which appeared on screens in 1999 under the name “Croc Files.”

The naturalist gained worldwide fame after the TV series “The Crocodile Hunter,” in which he starred with his wife. Terri Baines, like Steve, studied wildlife and took part in all the TV projects with Steve Irwin. In 1992, after their wedding, Terry and Steve began filming the initial episodes of the film during their honeymoon and showed them catching crocodiles. The film was seen on the Discovery Channel by millions of people in 120 countries.

Favorite thing in life that involves danger

Few people manage to earn big money by doing what they love, doing something interesting and having great fun. Steve Irwin was lucky, he was one of those people. He realized his passion and fascination for wild animals in film projects, telling people fascinating stories of the animal world. Continuing the business of his parents, who founded Australia Zoo in the small town of Birswa, Steve made great efforts to save and protect numerous animals. With a wife and two children, they were the protagonists of stories about a variety of animals from the wild. In many films, he appears as a fearless conqueror of predatory and dangerous animals, performing mind-blowing, life-threatening stunts. Despite his knowledge, experience and dexterity, Steve was seriously injured several times during filming due to contact with animals. But that couldn't stop him. And, unfortunately, it could not protect us from the tragedy that happened during the filming of the TV show “The Most Dangerous Animals of the Ocean.”

How did Steve Irwin die?

In early September 2006, Steve and a film crew were filming material for a new film about marine life off the coast of Australia near the Great Barrier Reef. On September 4th, having a free day, Steve decided to take the opportunity to film a short story about stingrays for his daughter’s TV show, which was called “Bindi the Jungle Girl.” It was impossible to imagine that this decision would lead to a deadly tragedy.

Sea stingrays rarely pose a danger to people, and the naturalist has photographed these predators several times before. Having scuba dived to the bottom with cameraman Justin Lyons, Steve Irwin got quite close to the animal, finding himself on top of it. It is unknown what could have provoked the huge spiny-tailed stingray into aggressive behavior; perhaps the intrusive presence of two scuba divers seemed dangerous to him and he decided to attack first. According to the stories of Steve’s friend, a cameraman who swam behind him and filmed everything, the stingray suddenly raised its tail and within a few seconds delivered numerous blows with a poisonous spike on its tail directly into Stephen’s chest.

After Justin lifted the TV presenter aboard the yacht, it turned out that the stingray hit his sting right in the heart, which became cause of death of Steve Irwin . Unfortunately, toxicologist Dr. Seymour, who collaborated with the TV presenter, who soon arrived at the scene of the tragedy, could not help him, however, neither could the doctors. In their opinion, if the stingray’s spike had struck any other part of the body, Irwin would still have had a chance to escape.

Farewell and memory

The Queensland authorities wanted to bury the famous and beloved TV presenter with honors at the state level. But the relatives and friends of the deceased abandoned this idea. On September 9, a private farewell ceremony took place and Steve Irwin’s body was interred on the grounds of the zoo, where he worked for many years. His grave is not accessible to the public. The father of the famous naturalist explained this by saying that Steve wanted people to remember him as a simple guy.

Irvine's fans were shocked by the death of the 44-year-old TV presenter. They began to take revenge for his death. In the months following the tragedy, more than a dozen spiny-tailed rays were killed off the Australian coast.

In 2007, to perpetuate the memory of his colleague, a new Dutch ship belonging to the Nature Conservation Society was named in honor of Steve Irwin, which to this day sails with scientific expeditions.