In which magazine does Priyanka Chopra see a column? Priyanka Chopra before and after plastic surgery: photos. Queen of men's hearts

Priyanka Chopra at the 2017 Golden Globe Awards

In America they like to call people like Priyanka the force of nature. She has a rare combination of intelligence, sexuality and incredible drive. It is no coincidence that last year the 34-year-old actress was included in the list of the 100 most influential people on the planet according to Time magazine. Originally from the town of Bareli in northern India, she grew up in a family of military doctors and as a child dreamed of being a design engineer. At the age of 12, Priyanka persuaded her parents to send her to study in America - in the state of Iowa, with relatives. There she was not a star - on the contrary: she was bullied, called “grimy” and “curry”, and at the age of 16 she returned home. True, by that time Priyanka had already turned into a beauty, at the sight of whom hot Indian guys lost control of themselves. To protect the girl from too active suitors, her father had to urgently install bars on the windows in the house.

At the age of 18, she won the Miss India pageant and then the Miss World pageant. And a few years later she became the queen of Bollywood. In India, she starred in more than 50 films of various genres and won 24 film awards, including the Indian equivalent of the Oscar. But this is far from full list her regalia. Chopra with early years She is actively involved in charity work: she is a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and the founder of a foundation in India that helps girls from poor families get an education. She also owns a large production company in Mumbai, and has also appeared in advertisements for Pantene, TAG Heuer, Pepsi, Nokia, Garnier and Guess (Paul Marciano called her “the new Sophia Loren”). In addition, Chopra has recorded several singles in the electro-dance genre (her friends include Bruce Springsteen and Bono), and also regularly writes articles on socio-political (!) topics for The Guardian and The New York Times. “I have many hands,” Chopra says with a smile in an interview with Marie Claire.

Poster for the film "Baywatch" 2017.

Still from the film “Baywatch”

“I only date actors,” Priyanka does not hide. “I don’t have the opportunity to meet anyone else.” She is credited with having an affair with American actor Gerard Butler, as well as with a whole cohort of Bollywood sex symbols. But on at the moment Chopra says she's not dating anyone, although she longs for "a bunch of kids." It is unknown when she will have time for this - she is actively conquering Hollywood, starring in leading role in the top-rated series Quantico Base. She has 15.5 million Instagram followers and was recently named one of the top 100 by The Huffington Post. influential women on Twitter. Everyone who has ever worked with her is amazed at her endurance (she shoots 12-16 hours a day). Chopra, who has never taken acting classes for a day and has no higher education, has a photographic memory, so she does not need to memorize role texts. At every opportunity, she says that she owes her success to her parents, who taught her not to doubt herself.

Yesterday, July 18, Bollywood star Priyanka Chopra celebrated her 36th birthday. This charming girl not only a real beauty, but also a strong multi-faceted personality. She is a model, actress, singer and Miss World 2000. Priyanka Chopra is an ardent opponent of some Indian social norms. The girl often advocates that Indian women have the opportunity to receive education on an equal basis with men. Among other things, Priyanka participates in charity events in India and the USA and is a goodwill ambassador charitable foundation CAF and the Confederation of Indian Industry CII, and also participates in the literacy programs of these organizations.

Financial independence is of utmost importance. My mother always said that when a woman is financially independent, she has the opportunity to live life on her own terms. I think this was the best advice I've ever received.

There are so many beautiful and talented people, it is important to know who you are and be yourself. I always tell actors that if you try to be someone else, you lose your identity. Imitation - best form flattery, but you must have your own personality. I have my idols, but I have always tried to be true to myself. This is the only way to get noticed.

The most beautiful thing that can make you beautiful any time and any day is self-confidence. Keep it to yourself and everyone will love you.

We worry a lot in life because something doesn’t work out or we don’t get it. But you need to continue chasing your dream and not despair, but everyone has a time, I had this happen many times, when I didn’t get anything I needed. We must remember that this is all fate. Maybe something doesn’t work out for you, but everything works out eventually. We must remember that everything will pass.

When you get home and go to bed, it's important to remember that you didn't do anything wrong today. Even if you made a mistake and everyone tells you: “What have you done?”, if you can live with it and sleep peacefully and if you didn’t mean anything bad, then everything is fine. This is good, this is normal, even if it is a mistake. Making mistakes with grace and dignity is what it means to be the perfect Priyanka.

Sexuality is a state of mind, in my opinion. Feeling sexy is what makes you look sexy. It is not necessary to have perfect figure or most beautiful face, it really is a state of mind. If you feel sexy, you will be seen as such.

Great love and great achievements require great sacrifice.

My father always inspired me to do something, both in playing music and in being who I am. The only thing he told me was: “No matter what you do, it’s okay if you can then come home, look into my eyes and think that you can still be called my daughter.”

Priyanka Chopra (born July 18, 1982) is an Indian film actress and singer. She has over 100 films and television series to her credit. A favorite of viewers and listeners, Miss World 2000, philanthropist, model - the list goes on and on. In 2016 the President of India noted her achievements in high culture state prize Padma Shri.

Biography of Priyanka Chopra

The future star was born into a prosperous and wealthy family. Because of the profession of their parents (military doctors), they practically traveled all over the country, living in Jamshedpur, Lucknow, Mumbai, Bareli. And, although the girl, along with her younger brother Sidharth, had to change her place of study, this did not interfere with her early childhood realize your creative aspirations. She tried herself in a drama studio, danced, and wrote stories. When Priyanka reached adolescence, it was decided to continue her studies in America. She did well in school subjects. However, life at that time became ordeal for a girl because of racial intolerance. Peers often made jokes about the color of her skin, laughed that she smelled of curry and advised her to “get out of here.” This was the reason for Priyanka returning to her homeland after graduating from her senior year in Boston.

The girl has always been distinguished by rare beauty. There was a time when the father kept a vigilant eye on his daughter so that no one could offend her. To her, he was always a super-reassuring man, and she dedicated a “Daddy’s lill girl” tattoo on his wrist. Mom was proud of her daughter’s unusual appearance and, secretly from her, sent photos to various competitions. So, completely unexpectedly for herself, at the age of 18, Priyanka took part in the Miss India competition and became its finalist, and then won in London, becoming Miss World and beating more than a hundred competitors. Priyanka later admitted: “the win gave me the opportunity to look at many things differently,” she still believes that this is “the story of an ugly duckling who one day turned into a swan.” After all, the new title changed her life.


The actress starred in the Tamil film Thamizhan for the first time, but no one remembers about it. Officially, Priyanka’s film debut is considered to be the melodrama “Love Above the Clouds,” released at a Bollywood film studio in 2003. The plot is based on the classic love triangle, also starred in the film famous actor Akshay Kumar and Miss Universe Lara Dutta. The premiere was successful, for the best debut female role Priyanka Chopra was awarded the Filmfare Award. In 2004 she receives another award " Best Actress supporting cast" for filming in the film "From Memories". It was a good start. Directors are vying with each other to offer roles, and the star’s film career is developing rapidly. Over the next 4 years, she starred in 24 more films. Most of them were commercial successes. But nevertheless, Priyanka was brought to the top of popularity in her native India by the films “Captured by Fashion” and “Close Friends” (2008). She entered the first echelon of Bollywood stars.

Every representative of show business, having achieved success in their country, dreams of conquering Hollywood. Priyanka is no exception. In 2012 she signs a contract, and the Los Angeles agency begins to promote her in America. As a result, in 2015 She played an FBI agent suspected of a crime in the television series Quantico Base. The series was broadcast on television in prime time, and a wide audience appreciated the artist’s performance. In 2016 She was recognized as the best dramatic actress, receiving an honorary award at the People's Choice Awards. Now it is popular in the USA. At the launch of the remake of the film “Baywatch” in 2017. Priyanka is invited to play the role of the charming villainess - Victoria Leeds.

Today, Priyanka Chopra is involved in all areas of show business - she performs in the US National Choir, hosts a talk show, a column in Elle magazine, is the face of cosmetic brands, and has her own production company. She has singing talent. Her three singles: “In My City” (2012), “Exotic” (2013) and “I Can’t Make” You Love Me" (2014) receives millions of views on YouTube.

The actress is engaged in philanthropy: she fights against female illiteracy and advocates for the electrification of villages in India, supports programs to prevent polio and treat leukemia in children, provides assistance to drug addicts, and solves environmental problems.

Personal life of Priyanka Chopra

The actress is 35 years old, but she is not yet married. The star does not comment on her personal life, explaining that she first wants to make a career, achieve success, and only then get married. Her job comes first. However, the beauty's name is associated with various love stories. It is no coincidence that in 2016. she is recognized as the most sexy woman world according to Maxim magazine. But the fact remains: the actress starts affairs on the work platform. Therefore, the mistrust of women whose husbands are involved in the same projects with her is quite understandable.

For example, the wife of actor Akshay Kumar, suspecting him of love affair with Priya, gave him a tough ultimatum. Since then, the actors have not worked together. And the connection with Shah Rukh Khan causes outrage among the Indian film community, which clearly sides with his wife. Shahid Kapoor, Harman Baweja, Ranbir Kapoor are also among the star's boyfriends. For some time, everyone was suspicious of Priyanka’s friendship with Gerard Butler and Tom Hiddleston.

Priyanka Chopra is the award-winning beauty of Indian cinema. She appears in films both in her homeland and in Hollywood. Also the girl has an active public position and does charity work.

Childhood years

Priyanka Chopra was born on July 18, 1982 in the northeast of India - in the city of Jamshedpur. She became the first child in the family of military doctors Ashok and Madhu Chopra, and later a boy, Siddharth, was born into the family.

The parents of the future actress were wealthy people, but the inquisitive Priyanka spent a lot of time in Indian slums and interacted with children from poor families. At one time, the girl was thinking about becoming a doctor and often helped her mother care for the sick.

Since Ashok Chopra was on military service, Priyanka's family often moved from place to place. Therefore, the girl received her education in different educational institutions. The geography of these travels is quite extensive and covers not only India, but also the USA: the Indian city of Lucknow, then Massachusetts, Iowa and, finally, Mumbai, where the girl graduated from high school and went to college.

As a student, Priyanka repeatedly became the winner of beauty contests, but did not think about a further career on the podium. Her main hobby was dancing, in addition, she loved drama theater and wrote stories.

The beginning of a creative career

Priyanka's success in the modeling business became possible largely thanks to her parents, who sent her photo to the Miss India 2000 contest without their daughter's knowledge. The fact that she was among the beauties of the qualifying round was a big surprise for the girl.

But the fairy tale for Priyanka was just beginning. She made it to the finals of the competition, and then won the title of the main beauty of India. According to the girl herself, that was the first time she had to pose for the camera.

Then preparations began for the Miss World competition, which took place in London that same year. At the competition, Priyanka was so worried that when asked which of her contemporaries she admires, she answered: “Mother Teresa!” Chopra did not fully hear the presenter’s question, and the famous nun had already passed away several years at that time. But, despite the minor incident, the 18-year-old Indian was ahead of nearly a hundred competitors and won the crown of the winner.

World recognition opened up bright prospects for Priyanka that she had never dreamed of before. “I couldn't believe I won. I slept with my crown next to me because I was afraid that someone might steal it. In one minute, my world changed forever,” the girl admitted after the competition.

Priyanka Chopra in movies

Soon Chopra received her first invitation to the cinema. Her debut on film set took place in 2002. For this role in the film “Love Above the Clouds,” the girl received the Filmfare Award in the “Best Debut” category. It is noteworthy that Miss Universe 2000 Lara Dutta also starred in the same film.

Of course, the promising young actress was noticed in Bollywood. Participation in the film “From Memories” (2004) also brought Priyanka an award - she was awarded the Stardust Awards in the category “Best Supporting Actress”. However, the beginning of Priyanka Chopra’s film career cannot be called super-successful, because all the above-mentioned projects could hardly be called sensational.

But the audience immediately fell in love with Priyanka for her sincerity, sense of humor and optimism. According to director Madhur Bhandarkar, Chopra was always a very easy-going girl and easily adapted to any filming process.

In 2005, the actress starred in six films, and her partners were Indian cinema stars: Ajay Devgan, Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham, Bobby Deol. In 2006, the girl starred in the film “Krrish” (a superhero movie in the Indian style). In the same year, Priyanka’s filmography was supplemented with her first action film - the film “Don. Mafia leader."

The actress’s real breakthrough was her role in the film “Captured by Fashion,” before filming which Priyanka lost eight kilograms. Chopra's next film, the comedy Queer as Folk, also became a hit. After two successful projects Priyanka has become one of the main stars of Bollywood.

After the film “What is your zodiac sign?” the actress was included in the Guinness Book of Records. She performed as many as twelve roles in this film, which has never happened before in world cinema.

In 2015, Priyanka Chopra became the star of the new American series Quantico, about a group of FBI recruits who undergo training. The conflict of the series was that one of the newcomers was an undercover terrorist. The Indian woman reincarnated as Alex Parish, one of the recruits at the Quantico base.

Chopra is also known as a successful singer. She became the first representative of Bollywood to sign a contract with the American record company. Priyanka rarely pleases with new recordings, but aptly. Her first single, "In My City", was released in 2012. A year later, she presented the public with a duet with rapper Pitbull “Exotic”, and in 2015 her third single “I Can't Make You Love” took third place on Indian iTunes within 24 hours of its release.

Priyanka Chopra ft. Pitbull – Exotic (2013)

Social activities

It is impossible not to note the active life position Priyanka. The girl often opposes some Indian traditions. In particular, she believes that women should receive education on an equal basis with the stronger sex.

The Bollywood star is involved in charity work; in particular, she joined the UN International Children's Fund and also became a Goodwill Ambassador.

Personal life of Priyanka Chopra

Thanks to its bright appearance and rich inner world Priyanka has always been a hit with men. She was named one of the 100 most desirable women by online magazine Askmen and also graced the cover of the first issue of Maxim magazine in India.

The most enviable bride of Bollywood had many affairs. She was credited love relationship with many colleagues on the set, including married men. The public sharply condemned the closeness of Priyanka and Shah Rukh Khan, whose wife even forbade her husband to communicate with the actress.

Priyanka herself has never advertised her personal life, and journalists can only guess about her romantic relationships. Therefore, any man caught in the lens of a paparazzi camera next to a beauty can be counted among her lovers. Even a Hollywood star suffered this fate.

1. In 2000 she became Miss World

At the age of 17, Priyanka won the honorary title of Miss World, which greatly helped her start further career. After a prestigious competition, the girl decided to try herself in Bollywood, and subsequently left for the States.

2. Priyanka considers her father to be the main person in her life

The actress's father was a surgeon and "very creative," according to the actress. Unfortunately, he passed away five years ago, but she still calls him the main “influencer” in her life. Priyanka even got a tattoo in his honor on her forearm: “Daddy’s little girl,” written in his handwriting.

3. Her engagement ring costs $200,000.

Her fiancé Nick Jonas, with whom she recently met, settled on win-win– Tiffany & Co. They say that for the sake of such a responsible choice, he even asked to close an entire store in London.

4. Priyanka writes

And not just Instagram posts. The actress has written articles for world-famous publications: New York Times, The Times of India And The Guardian. She touches on very serious topics, such as child marriage, women's health and adolescent education. Priyanka is also currently working on a memoir.

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10. Her loved ones call her Pri and Pisi

Family and friends call the actress Priy (Pri) and PC (PeeCee).