What is the greatness of a fat man as a person? The greatness of the Russian soul in the works of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Conflict in the inner world of a corrupt woman in the novel “Resurrection”


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Lesson epigraphs:

  • “L.N. Tolstoy is a whole world.”(M. Gorky)
  • “The greatest and only genius of modern Europe, the greatest pride of Russia,...a writer of great purity and holiness...”(A. Blok)
  • Reminding the world of eternal beauty,
    Your powerful voice sounded...
    (A. Apukhtin)

Lesson objectives.


  • Show the greatness of Tolstoy’s literary and journalistic heritage, which is closely connected with the cultural and historical process of the 20th century.
  • Reveal the global significance of creativity.


  • Development of oral speech, expressive reading by heart, the ability to highlight the main thing, compare;
  • Developing students' motivation for creative activity, stimulating interest in creating presentations;
  • Develop the ability to independently study literary sources, transfer and present acquired knowledge and experience;
  • Develop teamwork and communication skills.

Educational: 1

  • To introduce students to the rich spiritual heritage of Tolstoy, who spent his entire life striving to unravel the mystery of the “green stick” about how to make all people happy;
  • Developing a sense of love for the rich literary world of L.N. Tolstoy, an aesthetic taste for reading L.N. Tolstoy’s texts, which are “more reliable than any reality, more undoubted than any history.”

Methods: analytical conversation, work with text, preparation of information projects (reports, abstracts, presentations), vocabulary work, system-activity approach to teaching.

Lesson objectives: create a motive for learning through the connection of the lesson material with life; teach the presentation of your thoughts in accordance with the norms of the literary language; improve skills in working with literary texts and texts of literary studies; consolidate knowledge and skills of independent work with various sources; formulate generalizing conclusions; develop communication skills, tolerance, motivation for creative processing of knowledge.

Lesson equipment: interactive whiteboard, literature textbooks, video clips of Sergei Bondarchuk’s film “War and Peace”, illustrations for the works of L.N. Tolstoy, multimedia presentations: “L.N. Tolstoy in photographs of Sofia Andreevna Tolstoy”, “L.N. Tolstoy in the depiction of Russian artists”, “Foreign writers about L.N. Tolstoy." Separately attached are presentations - a report on the trip to Yasnaya Polyana: “Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy”, “Inspiration”.

Lesson type: seminar-conversation (I chose this type, since this lesson took the form of an extensive conversation according to plan with a brief introduction and conclusion by the teacher, required the active participation of each student; a high degree of specificity of the educational material; students were required to independently study additional literature; the seminar questions were prepared in advance were proposed, students were independently trained on them; the teacher explained the goals and plan of the upcoming lesson, conducted consultations for students; all important conclusions of the lesson were written down in a notebook)

During the classes

Introductory speech by the teacher: (See Appendix No. 1)

Conclusion. Tolstoy’s literary world opens up to us from a very early age until adulthood: from the fairy tale “The Three Bears” to the epic novel “War and Peace.”

Conclusion (entry in students' notebooks). Life credo of L.N. Tolstoy: “To live honestly, you have to struggle, get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and give up, and start again and give up again, and always struggle and lose. And calmness is spiritual meanness.”

Tolstoy's whole life was a struggle, a protest against all evil and violence; all his work served to affirm high moral ideals.

An excerpt from Vladimir Nabokov’s poem “Tolstoy” (1928) is played. Reading by heart by a student

But there is one thing
What we can't imagine
Even though we are rummaging around with notebooks, like
Correspondents at the fire, around
his soul. To some secret trembling,
We can’t get to the main thing.
An almost inhuman mystery!
I'm talking about those nights when
Tolstoy created; I'm talking about a miracle
About a hurricane of images flying
across the black skies at the hour of creation,
at the hour of incarnation...After all, living people
were born on these nights... So Lord
gives his chosen one his
ancient and blessed law
create worlds and into created flesh
instantly inhale a unique spirit.
And so they live; everything in them is alive -
habits, sayings and behavior;
their homeland is Russia,
which we carry in that depth,
where a vague dream will take the unspeakable, -
Russia of smells, shades, sounds,
huge clouds over the hayfield...
We all love this.
... I know that death is only a certain border;
Death is visible to me only in one image:
Last page added
And the light went out above the desk.
Another vision, the reflection lasting,
trembles, and suddenly - an unthinkable end...
And he left, the picky creator,
Divided into transparent voices
the hum of existence, a hum that he understands...
One day he came from a random station
Turned into an unknown direction,
and then - night, silence and mystery...

Why is this writer, thinker close and dear to millions of people in Russia and abroad? (key question of the lesson)

In what era did the writer live, what historical events did he witness?

Years of death of A.S. Pushkin (1837), M.Yu. Lermontov (1841), N.V. Gogol (1852)

1853-56 - Crimean War;

1855 - death of Nicholas I;

1861- “Peasant reform”;

1866 - assassination attempt on Alexander II;

1876 ​​- the emergence of the “Land and Freedom” society;

1877-78 - Russian-Turkish War;

1881 - assassination of Alexander II;

1887 - assassination attempt on Alexander III;

1904 - 05 - Russo-Japanese War;

Conclusion: fate gave this amazing man a long, difficult and wonderful life. Born three years after the Decembrist uprising and more than thirty years before the fall of serfdom, he witnessed the first people's revolution in Russia. Time has no power over his immortal creations, which capture the unique personality of a brilliant artist and great thinker. Tolstoy is one of the most read and revered classics not only in his homeland, but throughout the world. Nowadays, Tolstoy’s works have been translated into 98 languages ​​of the peoples of our country and foreign countries (then we suggest viewing the presentation “L.N. Tolstoy in the depiction of Russian artists”).

Tolstoy - who is he?

Reveal the meaning of the turning point in L.N.’s worldview. Tolstoy (based on a textbook article edited by G.A. Obernikhina, pages 318-319).

L.N. Tolstoy - artist and ideologist. Student message (see Appendix No. 2)

Conversation with students on:

What is the phenomenon of Tolstoy as “an event within European civilization” (according to the German philosopher and historian O. Spengler)?

What is the purpose of a writer according to Tolstoy?

Conclusion: Tolstoy himself expressed this in the following clear words: “a thinker and an artist will never sit quietly on the Olympian heights, as we are accustomed to imagine; the thinker and artist must suffer with people in order to find salvation or consolation.”

The main postulates of L.N.’s ideology Tolstoy?

Conclusion (write in notebook): The main provisions that are the foundation of the artist and ideologist L.N. Tolstoy: “At the level of interethnic relations, this is a passionate denial of war and enmity between peoples. At the level of interpersonal relationships, this is a call for unity and brotherhood of people. At the level of the individual, it is a statement of man’s endless capacity for improvement.” How relevant these words still sound today. Tolstoy could not lead humanity into the kingdom of freedom and equality. But he could undermine the foundations of the reign of injustice.

L.N. Tolstoy is a mirror of Russian life and life in general; modern prophet.

Student’s message based on the article by A.A. Gorelov “Tolstoy - who is he?” (see Appendix No. 3)

Vocabulary work: Prophet –

1. In religion: interpreter of the will of God.

2. One who predicts something

Protestant 1 - one who protests against something

Protestant 2 is a follower of Protestantism (one of the main directions of Christianity, which unites faiths that broke away from Catholicism due to the Reformation of the 16th century.)

Tolstoy's treatise “So what should we do?” Here he gave a scathing critique of the authoritarian regime of pre-revolutionary Russia and presented a broad picture of popular misfortune and poverty.

What was Tolstoy's active participation during the famine of 1891-1892?

Tolstoy took an active part in helping the starving people. Through the efforts of him and his assistants, about 200 free canteens were opened. In articles about the famine addressed to the whole world, he spoke about the reasons for the current situation and directly indicted the authorities.

What is Tolstoy's attitude to art? (Treatise “What is Art”)

Conclusion: Tolstoy believed that “true overcoming of exploitation will come as a result of raising the level of morality of all layers of society, which is possible not by force, but through familiarization with real culture.”

Art is one of the means of communication between people at the level of feelings. Art is designed to shape a person’s ideals and his idea of ​​the meaning of life.

Philosophy of peace in the works of L.N. Tolstoy.

Pierre Bezukhov's dream about the globe - Tolstoy's idea of ​​the world (student message, see Appendix 4)

How is the model of life represented during Pierre Bezukhov's sleep?

(text “Pierre Bezukhov’s Dream about the Globe” volume 4, part 3, chapter 15).

“And suddenly Pierre introduced himself to a living, long-forgotten, gentle old teacher who taught Pierre geography in Switzerland. “Wait,” said the old man. And he showed Pierre the globe. This globe was a living, oscillating ball that had no dimensions. The entire surface of the ball consisted of drops tightly compressed together. And these drops all moved, moved and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many. Each drop sought to spread out, to capture the greatest space, but others, striving for the same thing, compressed it, sometimes destroyed it, and sometimes merged with it.

Life is everything. Life is God. Everything moves and moves, and that is God. And as long as there is life, there is the pleasure of self-consciousness of the deity.”

What geometric shape is often used in the text of the novel “War and Peace”? What does the author emphasize by this? (see textbook p. 303)

Conclusion: Tolstoy's world is like a spinning ball. Man is caught in a whirlpool, a whirlwind of the world. He himself is a drop in this whirlpool. The world pulls a person into its orbit, makes him spin, without giving an answer about the meaning and purpose of this spinning, mixing death and life together, distinguishing them with the common sign of a circle.

All of Tolstoy’s positive heroes are presented in harmony with nature (student’s message, see Appendix 4)

What example from the text of the novel can confirm the idea that the positive heroes of L.N. Are Tolstoy always described in harmony with nature?

(Episode “The revival of Prince Andrei Bolkonsky at the sight of an old oak tree in blossom.” (Vol. 2, part 3, chapter 3); viewing of the video series “Andrei Bolkonsky.”)

(hunting scene in “War and Peace” volume 2, part 4, chapter 6) precede the analysis of the passage by watching a video fragment of the film by S. Bondarchuk (series “Natasha Rostova”):

“At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so piercingly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that other hunters also expressed in their one-time conversation. And this squeal was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild squeal and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.”

Conclusion: Tolstoy was a witness and participant in many important historical events. The historical situation was very complex and contradictory, which could not but affect Tolstoy’s views and teachings.

What is L.N.’s circle of acquaintances? Tolstoy with cultural and scientific figures? (student message see Appendix 5)

The teacher's word: All his life Tolstoy tried to understand the essence of the purpose of man on earth, whose moral strength he saw in the perfection that he himself strove for. Five years before his death, in October 1905, he wrote: “I have all the vices, and to a higher degree than most people. My only salvation is that I know this and fight.” At the age of 83, Tolstoy left Yasnaya Polyana. With this, he fulfilled his long-standing dream - to harmonize his inner spiritual life and everyday life.

What is the greatness of Tolstoy’s work in world literature?

Russian writers of the twentieth century. continued the epic tradition of L. Tolstoy in their works. Compiling a summary of a textbook article p. 325 – 326.

The teacher’s word: “Of course, a spiritual image, a literary portrait is the fundamental basis of our ideas about a writer. And yet, nothing can replace the vivid visual impressions that L. Tolstoy’s photographs evoke.

Student’s message “Guests of Yasnaya Polyana” (see Appendix 5)

Conclusion: reading the poem by A. Bodrenko “To Tolstoy, to Yasnaya Polyana!” “

We can finish the conversation about Tolstoy’s life and work with the thought that Count L.N. Tolstoy was close to the people and the people remember this:

To Tolstoy, to Yasnaya Polyana! -
I should tell the coachman: “Take it.”
I'll just look, I'll just look
What a genius looks like up close.
Here he sits, frowning,
At that famous table,
Where the heroes came to life in the word,
Those who saved Russia in the past.
How he cleverly mows down men
In a white shirt in front,
And the famous sweatshirt
Hanging on a nail, I guess.
Forgetting that he is a count,
He goes with everyone to the spring.
And what world glory is there,
When he is close to a man.
And believing in worldly happiness,
To the displeasure of the authorities,
In his Yasnaya Polyana school
He teaches peasant children.
... I should tell the coachman to
It's too late:
Tolstoy has been gone for a long time.
But, as if identified by people he met,
He's about to return to the office.
And like rivers to the ocean.
The roads go here.
To Tolstoy, in Yasnaya Polyana
People all over the world are striving.
(A. Bodrenko)

Lesson summary: dear students, I hope that today’s educational material did not leave you indifferent: you listened to the prepared reports of your comrades, actively participated in the conversation, watched presentations with unique photographs, portraits made by famous artists, episodes from the film “War and Peace”. You understood that Tolstoy’s work as a writer, thinker, and public figure was enormous and significant not only for that time, but also remains absolutely relevant now. Please remember the basic postulates of Leo Tolstoy’s ideology, which you wrote down in your notebook, and follow them throughout your life. Read the works of the great writer, further discover the deep world of Russian literature. And tomorrow we will go to Tolstoy’s “small homeland” to the Yasnaya Polyana estate - the pearl of Russian culture, and you will embody your impressions and everything you saw in a creative project.

Reflection on students’ activities: self-assessment of students’ activities in the lesson is organized, the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity is recorded.

Homework: prepare an essay “Review of the works of the late period: “Anna Karenina”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “Hadji Murat”, create a presentation “Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy” (optional).

Self-analysis of the lesson. During the lesson, goals and objectives were identified, and the equipment of the lesson was thought out. The work results of all students were assessed positively. This seminar, the result of joint project activities of the teacher and students, required a long preparation, but it was worth it. The lesson was held at a high emotional level, with the utmost responsibility of students (teachers from other disciplines and the administration of the educational institution were present at the lesson). All tasks proposed for students contributed to the moral, intellectual, and emotional development of students.

Appendix 1. Introductory speech by the teacher. One of the first works that a young reader becomes acquainted with is the fairy tale “The Three Bears”. Talking about a girl who got lost in the forest and ended up in a hut with bears, L.N. Tolstoy introduces kids to the concept of size: small, medium, large size. Then - the story “Filippok”; How will the desires of five- to six-year-old readers coincide with the dreams of the hero of the story about how to get to school faster? Next is the story “Childhood” from the autobiographical trilogy, where the readers’ attention will be directed to the emotional experiences of the protagonist. In the smallest details of Nikolenka’s life, readers from different eras notice details that are close and understandable to themselves. The hero's childhood is most directly reflected in the soul of most readers. Having experienced the hardships of the Sevastopol siege, L.N. Tolstoy conveys to us the idea that true patriotism should be sought not in the highest circles, but in the circle of ordinary people, on whose shoulders the main burdens of the war fell. The story “After the Ball,” which tells about the cruel punishment of a soldier, expresses the author’s idea of ​​​​non-resistance to evil through violence, and criticizes forceful methods of restoring order and cruelty in the army. And the school course of studying the works of Leo Tolstoy ends with the novel “War and Peace,” about which I would like to say in the words of the literary critic Strakhov: “... all passions, all moments of human life, from the cry of a newborn child to the last flash of feeling of a dying old man, all the sorrows and joys available to man - everything is in this picture!” Tolstoy's whole life was a struggle, a protest against all evil and violence; all his work served to affirm high moral ideals.

Appendix No. 2. Student message. (based on the article by V.S. Kamyshev ““L.N. Tolstoy – artist and ideologist”). “According to the famous German writer Thomas Mann, “...the task of the writer is to be a judge and stimulator of life. Initially, Tolstoy sets himself the task of being useful to people in general, but especially to the people of Russia.”... At the beginning of his creative career, the writer experiences a crisis, a discord with his social environment, which culminates in the break discussed in “Confession” ( 1879 – 1882): “I renounced the life of our circle, recognizing that this is not life, but only a semblance of life.” The commoner is close to Tolstoy in his integrity, “merging with nature”: the common people “stand much higher than us with their life filled with labor and hardship”; therefore, “it’s somehow not good for our brother to look for and describe the bad in him.” That is why, Tolstoy is convinced, the subject of art should be “real peasant people.” Outlining the “dogmas” of his faith, Tolstoy clearly expressed: “a thinker and an artist will never sit calmly on the Olympian heights, as we are accustomed to imagine; the thinker and artist must suffer with people in order to find salvation or consolation.” The writer is convinced that it is a work of art that educates a person in the spirit of virtue and high morality, involving him in active social activities. Tolstoy's democratic humanism is a factor that determines the unity of his worldview and creativity. Here are the provisions that are the foundation for Tolstoy the artist and ideologist: “At the level of interethnic relations, this is a passionate denial of war and enmity between peoples. At the level of interpersonal relationships, this is a call for unity and brotherhood of people. At the level of the individual, it is an affirmation of man’s endless capacity for improvement.” Tolstoy could not lead humanity to the kingdom of freedom and equality, but he could undermine the foundations of the kingdom of injustice. And he did this with great power in his journalistic works.”

Appendix No. 3. Student’s message (based on the article by A.A. Gorelov “Tolstoy - who is he?”) “By the nature of his activities and significance in the history of mankind, L. Tolstoy can be compared with the biblical prophets, and if we take the time closer to ours, then with the great Protestants. Tolstoy was a “mirror” of Russian life in general and life in general. He was not only a brilliant writer, but also a philosopher, he made a significant contribution to humanitarian knowledge. In the treatise “So what should we do?” Tolstoy gave a scathing critique of the authoritarian regime of pre-revolutionary Russia. This work was based on the writer’s own observations of the life of working people, mainly during the population census, and presented a broad picture of national disasters and poverty. He believed that true overcoming of exploitation would come as a result of raising the level of morality of all strata of society, possible not by force, but through familiarization with real culture.

In the treatise “What is art?” Tolstoy expressed his attitude towards art, science, and culture in general. “Art is one of the means of communication between people at the level of feelings. Art is called upon to shape a person’s ideals and his ideas about the meaning of life.”

Appendix No. 4. Student message. (based on the article by K. Silvius “Philosophy of the world and the problem of harmony of the character with the Universe in the works of L.N. Tolstoy”) “The idea of ​​peace according to Tolstoy is deeply rooted in the dream of the globe in Pierre Bezukhov’s “War and Peace.” It is significant that Pierre had this dream after meeting Platon Karataev, who is the personification of peace. “And suddenly Pierre introduced himself to a living, long-forgotten, gentle old teacher... he showed Pierre the globe. This globe was a living, oscillating ball that had no dimensions. The entire surface of the ball consisted of drops tightly compressed together. And all these drops moved, moved and then merged from several into one, then from one they were divided into many. Each drop sought to separate, to capture the greatest space, but others, striving for the same thing, compressed it, sometimes destroyed it, sometimes merged with it.

This is life,” said the old teacher.

How simple and clear this is, thought Pierre, how could I not have known this before.” Pierre finally finds the answer to the question about the essence of life: Life is God. Everything moves and moves, and this movement is God. And as long as there is life, there is the pleasure of self-consciousness of the deity. To love life. Loving God." “Each drop on the ball symbolizes a personality, in the middle is God, and each drop strives to expand in order to reflect him in a small size.” (Esaulov I.A. The idea of ​​conciliarity in Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” // Category of conciliarity in Russian literature. - Petrozavodsk, 1995.)

The theme of the circle, circular motion is the leading one in Tolstoy. Pierre's famous dream about the globe proves this very clearly. In one of his articles, reflecting on raising children, Tolstoy directly compares human development to a ball.

In Plato Karataev, who taught Pierre a new understanding of life. There was something “round”; in Pierre’s soul he was the personification of everything “Russian, kind, round.”

Since in this dream the earthly and heavenly are combined. Personality and the world, man and God, one can even say that there is no definite boundary between people, in this case, discord cannot arise between people, which will lead to injury to oneself. The idea of ​​such a coupling is depicted in the married life of Natasha Rostova with Pierre.

After seven years of marriage, Pierre felt a joyful, firm consciousness that he was not a bad person, and he felt this because he saw himself reflected in his wife. In himself he felt all the good and bad things mixed up and overshadowing one another. But his wife reflected only what was truly good; everything that wasn’t quite good was discarded.” Natasha Rostova, who at first glance lived selfishly in complete pleasure, had the ability to attract the people around her to life. So Prince Andrei, seeing Natasha for the first time, felt the need to live together with other people, and not in an isolated life. But after the injury and death of his wife, the prince had a dull look. A comparison with an old ugly oak tree emphasized the inner state of Andrei Bolkonsky: “There is no spring, no sun, no happiness,...our life is over.”

In Tolstoy's work, the essence of the philosophy of peace and non-violence is reflected in the idea of ​​harmony with the universe. Violence not only against people, but also against life is opposed to the law of the universe, and Tolstoy certainly has a negative attitude towards it. In his works, positive characters are always described in harmony with nature. In the hunting scene in War and Peace, where Natasha is convinced that it is impossible not to go hunting, her unity with nature is manifested. The author expresses Natasha’s vivid experiences at the moment of merging with nature with a squeal. “At the same time, Natasha, without taking a breath, squealed joyfully and enthusiastically so piercingly that her ears were ringing. With this screech she expressed everything that the other hunters also expressed... And this screech was so strange that she herself should have been ashamed of this wild screech and everyone should have been surprised by it if it had been at another time.” This squeal was not strange, since it was a manifestation of Natasha’s feelings and at the same time a manifestation of the state of nature itself, so Natasha merged with nature and personified it with her squeal, this was a manifestation of true humanity. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy himself tried to lead a peasant lifestyle, which reflects his desire to get closer to nature. Tolstoy's life and creative path always led to harmony with the universe. Tolstoy loved and knew how to feel nature. A world where the unity of man and nature reigns is harmonious.”

Appendix No. 5. Student’s message on the book by N.A. Milonov “Russian writers and the Tula region: essays on literary local history.” – Tula: Priokskoe book. publishing house, 1971. Guests of Yasnaya Polyana. Many wonderful people of our country visited Tolstoy in Yasnaya Polyana: writers A.M. Gorky, A.P. Chekhov, I.S. Turgenev, V.G. Korolenko, V. Kataev, S. Marshak, artists I.E. Repin, I.N. Kramskoy, poets A. Tvardovsky, K. Simonov. Of course, modern poets and writers R. Gamzatov, E. Yevtushenko, P. Aleshkovsky, cultural figures, actors, the great musician Mst. Rostropovich, the first president of Russia B. Yeltsin Tolstoy's personal library contains books given to him by the poet A.A. Fet, the writer A.M. Gorky, the French writer A. France, the English writers and playwrights J. Galsworthy, B. Shaw, the French novelist and publicist R. Rolland. Once every two years, a family event takes place at the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate. From different countries and continents, from Europe to the USA, from Africa to Latin America and, finally, from different cities of Russia and the CIS, direct descendants of the Tolstoys and Bersov flock to the Yasnaya Polyana nest. As a rule, these are already great-great-grandchildren and great-great-great-grandchildren of Lev Nikolaevich and Sofia Andreevna. Currently, about four hundred direct descendants of Tolstoy live around the world, and almost all of them know each other and even meet in their historical homeland once every two years. We can only be proud of this. A unique case when a family that arose 150 years ago still exists, carefully preserving the traditions of the ancient Tolstoy family.

Informational resources.

1. Tolstoy collection - 2008. L.N. Tolstoy and the Russian Revolution: Materials of the XXX International Tolstoy Readings. – Tula: Tula Publishing House. state ped. University named after L.N. Tostogo, 2008. – 249 p.

2. Textbook of literature, ed. G.A.Obernikhina. – M.: Academy, 2009. – p.325. Tolstoy's creativity in world literature.

3. Tolstoy in life. L.N. Tolstoy in photographs by S.A. Tolstoy and V.G. Chertkov. Compiled and authors: Popovkina T.K. and Ershova O.E. – Tula: Priokskoe book. from-in, 1988.

4. L.N. Tolstoy in the image of Russian artists. Zotov A.. - M.: Izogiz, 1953.

5. Yasnaya Polyana. House-Museum of Leo Tolstoy. Puzin N.P. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1982.

6. L.N. Tolstoy in portraits, illustrations, documents. Manual for secondary school teachers. – M.: State. uch. – ped. due to Min. Enlightenment of the RSFSR. 1956.

7. http: // www. ru / 2012 / 08.22 siezd. html/

8. http: // old – yp. amr – museum. ru/history

The work of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy makes an invaluable contribution to the history of Russian literature, to the treasury of world culture.

Revealing the diversity and complexity of such a great literary and social phenomenon as Tolstoy’s work, V.I. Lenin wrote: “...L. Tolstoy managed to pose so many great questions in his works, managed to rise to such artistic power that his works took one of the first places in world fiction.”

With the name of Tolstoy, V.I. Lenin associated the long transitional era from 1861 to 1905 - the period of preparation for the first Russian revolution. “The era of preparation for revolution in one of the countries oppressed by serfdom, thanks to Tolstoy’s brilliant illumination, appeared as a step forward in the artistic development of all mankind.” The process of preparation and development of the first Russian revolution was complex and contradictory.

Having traveled a long life path - almost a century, Tolstoy witnessed great social and political transformations. Responding to all the events of his era, Tolstoy with enormous artistic force sharply criticized all the injustice of the life around him, revealing the inconsistency of a system based on the enslavement of workers.

His merciless exposure of the autocratic apparatus of Tsarist Russia, the “tearing off of all and every mask” reflected the freedom-loving aspirations of the broad peasant masses for independence, their angry protest against difficult living conditions, their hatred of exploitation.

And, despite the fact that Tolstoy denied revolution, vaguely imagined, like most peasants of that era, what a new society in Russia should be like and what the actual paths to it were, with his accusatory activities he contributed to the struggle for the overthrow of the old system, the revolutionization of the consciousness of the people wt.

Having for the first time established the revolutionary essence of Tolstoy’s denunciation and protest, reflecting the aspirations of the people, V. I. Lenin wrote: “... Tolstoy not only gave works of art that will always be valued and read by the masses when they create human living conditions for themselves, overthrowing the yoke of the landowners and capitalists - he was able with remarkable power to convey the mood of the broad masses oppressed by the modern order, to outline their situation, to express their spontaneous feeling of protest and indignation.”

The global significance of the work of the great Russian writer was emphasized by the outstanding French writer Romain Rolland, who studied Tolstoy for many years. Speaking about the greatness of Tolstoy, he noted: “Leo Tolstoy brilliantly exposed the lies and crimes of the then existing social system, directing criticism at it, which in itself was a call for revolution.”

So, in the manifestation of a deep knowledge of life, in true democracy, in selfless service to the people lies the enduring value of Tolstoy’s legacy.

The books placed in the cabinets of the introductory hall tell about the global significance of the work of the great writer. These are various editions of works in the languages ​​of the peoples of the world, in Russian and many languages ​​of our country. Among them are a number of beautifully designed publications with illustrations by artists D. Shmarinov, A. Samokhvalov, S. Kharshak and others. Here is the Complete (anniversary) collected works of L. N. Tolstoy, numbering 90 volumes. This first complete collection of the writer's works, published by the State Publishing House of Fiction in 1928-1958, is a major event in the history of world culture. The publication was started in 1928 to commemorate the centenary of the writer's birth.

In terms of its volume, this publication has no equal. It took 30 years to prepare all the volumes for printing and publish them. The texts of all works were checked against surviving manuscripts. They corrected errors in previous editions, eliminated distortions and restored omissions made by the tsarist censorship. The anniversary edition includes not only the text of the writer’s works, but also drafts, sketches, excerpts, and entire sections discarded by the author for some reason. It also publishes diaries, notebooks, and letters. All this is accompanied by numerous comments. This publication includes unusually important material for the study of Tolstoy’s works, makes it possible to penetrate into his creative laboratory, and trace the entire process of his thinking.

Along with Soviet publications, the exhibition presents Tolstoy’s works in the languages ​​of peoples of all continents. In terms of the number of translations of books and the number of languages ​​into which they are translated, Tolstoy occupies one of the first places among writers in the world.

Many books were donated to the Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum by various international public and cultural organizations, and a number of books were donated by distinguished visitors to Yasnaya Polyana.

The books speak of Tolstoy’s great popularity abroad, of the deep attention paid to him by the peoples of all countries.

The works of the world famous Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy have won the most hidden corners of their souls in the hearts of people. They have always been a reflection, firstly, of the richness of Russian culture and depth of thought, and secondly, of religious splendor and beauty. Count, who has his own estate, honorary academician and corresponding member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, L.V. Tolstoy. already during his lifetime he received rare recognition - the head of Russian literature, thanks to which he was and is considered to this day the personification of the transition of Russian literature from the 19th century to the 20th. He made a rich contribution to world humanism and realism, because with his works he constantly emphasized the humanistic directions of his thoughts and the realism of the everyday life of the Russian people.

The classic began his literary career by keeping his diary, where he improved his philosophical calling, honed his writing skills and worked on the growth of his personality, setting various rules and goals for himself. Some works of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy are particularly distinguished by their psychological nature, where he closely examines many of the character traits of his heroes and the relationships between people of different classes. It is also felt that the outstanding Russian writer was not only an expert on social life, but also on the everyday life of peasants. Also noticeable in the works of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich are his military, pedagogical and social activities, his travels and marriage.

“War and Peace” – a window into Russian culture, history and psychology

Before writing the long-planned War and Peace, Tolstoy worked on The Decembrists, which, however, remained unfinished. Therefore, all historical and political events, apparently, the author had to review before writing War and peace. The epic novel was published in parts. First, the first part appeared in 1865 in the Russian Messenger, then in 1868 - three parts, and then in the same year - the last two.

Such a unique work by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, unique in its structure and content, immediately attracted the attention of most critics and famous writers in Russia at that time. And the speed of distribution of this novel throughout the world, even for that time when there were no well-functioning advertising systems and the Internet, gained great momentum and has not slowed down to this day. So, for example, the first four volumes of this fascinating historical and psychological novel sold out almost instantly, so much so that we had to immediately repeat the edition.

Everyday moments
“War and Peace” has it all: the passion of love, and political intrigue, and war, and the philosophical quests and reflections of the heroes about the meaning of life and their step-by-step passage through life.

Lev Nikolaevich's style was especially noted, with the help of which he managed to fully reflect the deep and soulful psychological side of the Russian soul. And the dynamic change of plots gives the novel liveliness and versatility. Sometimes it is a large-scale panorama of historical events of that era, and sometimes it is a grandiose philosophical picture of an artist who raises and immediately answers in detail the eternal problems of existence.

"Anna Karenina" - the tragedy and vitality of passionate love

The novel “Anna Karenina” of all the works of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich is perhaps the most popular among the love genre of that time. Because it is distinguished by vividly drawn storylines, impressive images of the main characters and ideological formulation of questions that are entirely tied to the relationships of Lev Nikolaevich’s contemporaries.

The first parts of the novel were greeted by the world exclusively in parts. The first part was published in 1875 by the Russian Messenger and immediately attracted the attention of a wide range of readers, and everyone was eagerly awaiting the remaining parts. The completion of the novel is considered to be 1877, and the next edition of the novel in its entirety was produced in 1878.

The story of the main character's passion is completely different from modern glamorous romance novels or short stories. The complexity of Anna's relationship with her husband, her reckless passion for Count Vronsky, her love for her child and secular gossip - all this tears the main character from the inside and confuses her inner world even more. These important points, according to researchers, are the most accurate reflection of the fragmentation and fragmentation in the society of that time, where the reign of good and evil together has a clear character of psychological pathology in the people of that time.

In addition, the prototypes of the novel’s heroes with the political, social and historical reality of the late nineteenth century are also interesting. Anna's husband, Alexei Karenin, seemed to critics to be a bright representative of the people of power, her lover Vronsky was classified as one of the golden youth of that time, and the entire secular society that surrounded Anna was, in fact, an illustration of the society in which Lev Nikolaevich lived. This is where the novel becomes more complicated, because it is not just a frivolous love story, but is a ponderous work describing the social chaos of the pre-revolutionary era.

Conflict in the inner world of a corrupt woman in the novel “Resurrection”

The last novel from the works of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich, who produced it already in the year of its publication (1899). Again he raised a burning social topic for readers - this is the fate of a corrupt woman. As the basis for the plot, the author took one of Guy de Maupassant's themes about a sailor who, returning from a voyage, decided to look into a brothel for his own pleasures, and then recognized his sister in the woman with whom he was having fun. This tragedy served as Lev Nikolaevich’s desire to beg a similar topic from the original author for further elaboration.

The plot has a lot of dynamics and heart-warming scenes. So, for example, take at least the beginning of the novel, where the heroine, Ekaterina Maslova, is mistakenly sentenced to four years of hard labor. However, not all the jurors were indifferent to the worthless fate of the prostitute, and one of them, Dmitry Nekhlyudov, decides to help her. And not only because he was outraged by the miscarriage of justice, but in addition to everything else, he recognized in Catherine the woman with whom he had once spent the night and then abandoned him. The psychological nature of the characters’ behavior lies in Dmitry’s deep awareness of his guilt before Catherine, which will drive him throughout the novel.

The relevance of the stories and stories of L.N. Tolstoy and today

Such works of Tolstoy Lev Nikolaevich as the trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth”, the fascinating novel “Family Happiness”, both for adults and for “Tales and Stories” - all of them are relevant for the reader to this day. To this day, people draw from them worldly wisdom, which can shed light on many issues of their existence, survival in certain social conditions and strengthening interpersonal relationships.

“Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” are classified as almost pseudo-autobiographical novels, where there are plots or stories that hint at the life circumstances or some events of the writer himself. “Family Happiness” reveals the complexity of the relationship of one marriage, which even began somewhat strangely, but it is all the more interesting to follow its continuation. And “Tales and Stories” bring with them a fascinating world of adventure and at the same time high morality and moralizing conclusions of such a writer-teacher as Lev Nikolaevich.

One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people good, evil, stupid, smart. A person changes, and he has all the possibilities: he was stupid, he became smart, he was angry, he became kind and vice versa. This is the greatness of man.

L.N. Tolstoy

On December 15, an expressive reading of excerpts from L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” took place. The event was attended by 12 INPO first-year students: Kirill Mikryukov, gr.1392; Chagina Ksenia, gr. 1412; Ivanov Nikita, gr.1411; Kamanchadzhyan Valeria, group 1221; Sekerin Evgeniy, gr.1231; Matveev Alexander, group 1032; Reshetnikov Evgeniy, group 1392; Chernienko Taras, gr.1172; Shklyaev Anton, group 1031; Rudovskaya Daria, group 1171; Usanov Ivan, gr.1391; Emshanova Diana, gr.1131.

All the students read the passages artistically, but one cannot help but note the special insight into the great work of L. N. Tolstoy Mikryukov Kirill, gr.1392 , who read an excerpt about the club of the people's war: "...the club of the people's war rose with all its formidable and majestic force and, without asking anyone's tastes and rules, with stupid simplicity, but with expediency, without considering anything, it rose, fell and nailed the French until everything was lost invasion.
And good for the people who, not like the French in 1813, having saluted according to all the rules of art and turning the sword over with the hilt, gracefully and courteously hand it over to the magnanimous winner, but good for the people who, in a moment of trial, without asking how they acted according to the rules others in similar cases, with simplicity and ease, pick up the first club he comes across and nail it with it until in his soul the feeling of insult and revenge is replaced by contempt and pity.".

Everyone also remembered the lyrical reading Reshetnikova Evgenia, gr.1392 , which artistically conveyed the night conversation between Sonya and Natasha. Both students are students of the teacher of Russian language and literature Gashkova Galina Vasilievna . The event was accompanied by illustrations for the novel, which were selected by Grigory Glushkov, gr. 1032.

Reading excerpts from L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” showed that great literature unites the people. The epic novel carries a huge patriotic charge; covering the life of all social strata of Russia, shows the nation at a turning point in history.

L. N. Tolstoy’s activities with peasant children deserve great attention. He believed that one of the reasons for the poor life of the people was their ignorance, and therefore undertook to correct this situation. The school that Tolstoy organized was not like an ordinary one. At first, the peasants were suspicious of the master’s idea of ​​teaching their children for free, so there were few students, but over time there were a lot of them, and they all enjoyed reading, walking, listening to interesting stories, and counting. The writer even traveled abroad to see how children were taught there. With his help, schools began to open in the surrounding villages, with students working as teachers. On Sundays they gathered in Yasnaya Polyana and talked about school and work. Tolstoy published the magazine “Yasnaya Polyana”, which published his articles and articles of other teachers on teaching and upbringing. Lev Nikolaevich's love for the land was not ephemeral. He loved not only to walk, relax, enjoy the wonderful scenery, and hunt. No! As a count, he did not hesitate to wear a simple linen shirt, with his sleeves rolled up; he loved to go to the field behind the plow and mow hay until he sweated. On his estate he tried beekeeping, dug stakes, planted orchards, and raised purebred pigs and cows. He did not succeed in everything, he was disappointed in many ways, felt dissatisfied with his actions, but still worked. Tolstoy was a passionate defender of forests and loved his forest with a special, tender love. His wife Sofia Andreevna became a true friend, assistant and support in life for Tolstoy. When they got married, he was thirty-four years old, she was eighteen, but she was smart, wise in life, caring, lovingly arranged her life and took care of the housework. When she arrived in Yasnaya Polyana, everything was abandoned here, there were no flower beds or paths. And the young hostess quickly put everything in order. The family multiplied. Gradually ten children appeared in it. Lev Nikolaevich constantly rebuilt and completed the house. They lived amicably and cheerfully, in the evenings they played the piano, sang, the owner read his works, and played chess. Relatives and friends came more and more often, and it didn’t bother anyone that the house was small, that the furniture in it was not new, and in general everything was almost ascetic. It was so easy to write in this house... But the further life went, the more depressing it became for Tolstoy. From his early youth he asked himself the question: why does a person live? Why are people unequal? Why do some live at the expense of others? And all his life he was ashamed of his belonging to the ruling class. In 1878, he began to work on a long article, “Confession,” where he wrote: “A revolution happened to me, which had been preparing for a long time in me and the makings of which had always been in me. What happened to me was that the life of our circle - the rich, the learned - not only became disgusting to me, but also lost all meaning... the life of all the working people, all of humanity creating life, appeared to me in its present.” Later, for this article, for his seditious views, the church declared an anathema to him and excommunicated him from its bosom. But this did not sadden the great master much. With his life and his writing, he long ago won the love and respect of the people. Before the news of the excommunication appeared in the newspapers, Tolstoy began to receive telegrams, letters, and addresses from all over the country, in which ordinary people expressed support for their beloved writer. He was so popular, so openly expressed his views on the tsarist autocracy and its laws, that the tsar was truly afraid of him. Yasnaya Polyana was under surveillance. Even the editor of the Black Hundred newspaper “Novoye Vremya” wrote: “We have two kings: Nicholas II and Leo Tolstoy. Which one is stronger? Nicholas II cannot do anything with Tolstoy, cannot shake his throne, while Tolstoy, without a doubt, is shaking the throne of Nicholas and his dynasty.” August 28, 1908 L.N. Tolstoy turned 80 years old. In many countries around the world, his anniversary was solemnly celebrated, and the tsarist government in Russia tried to do everything to interfere with the celebration. But it could not interfere because telegrams and letters came to Yasnaya Polyana from everywhere, people came and came - many of them just to stand near the house, perhaps to see the great genius and thank him for the joy and happiness that his books give . But life in the family became more and more difficult and alarming. The adult children went their own way, the youngest son Vanyusha died, and his daughter Masha, with whom he was especially close, died. My wife and I have long lost common ground. For how many years she was his faithful assistant and comrade-in-arms, but for a long time she no longer shared his views, she could not understand the complex, contradictory life of her husband - a great artist, a rebellious man. Driven to despair by such a life, she once threw herself into betting. She was saved by Dushan Petrovich Makovitsky, the Tolstoy family doctor. “Soul Petrovich” - that’s what the Yasnaya Polyana peasants called him. Lev Nikolaevich trusted him alone with the secret of his will; he took him alone with him when he finally decided to break with the world to which he belonged by birthright and live a simple peasant life. The cold autumn of 1910 arrived with early snows and frosts. Tolstoy spent the night from November 9 to 10 restless; at 5 am he woke up his friend Makovitsky and told him that he had made the final decision to leave home. They began to quickly get ready for the road. On the way, he fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to get off the train at Astapovo station. Here, in the house of the station chief, the writer spent the last 7 days of his life... A crowd of thousands gathered for the funeral. Workers, peasants, intellectuals, students - everyone went to bow to the great genius for the last time. The Yasnaya Polyana peasants felt orphaned... After saying goodbye, the sons lift the coffin, take it out of the house, those present kneel down, then the procession heads to the forest, to the Old Order, where the body is interred. This was the place where, on the edge of the gulley, a green stick with a secret was hidden, how to make all people happy. Tolstoy bequeathed to bury his body here, not to erect any majestic tombstones or monuments. Let the grave be simple and modest, peasant. The main thing is that he is at home, in his painfully beloved Yasnaya Polyana. So, you and I are convinced that the real greatness of a person lies in his deeds, in his inextricable connection with his native land, native nature, native people. Only after realizing himself as part of the great concept - Russia, Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy could say: “No, this world is not a joke... this is one of the eternal worlds, which is beautiful, joyful, and which we not only can, but must make more beautiful and joyful for those living with by us and for those who will live in it after us.”