Utkina E.A. Moral problems of the story by V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". The role of teacher Lidia Mikhailovna in the life of a boy. Analysis of the work of Rasputin, French lessons. The warmth of the teacher in the story, French lessons.


I was impressed by Valentin Rasputin's story "French Lessons", written in simple and accessible language. It tells about the post-war years and the life of a boy who studies at school. He has difficulty speaking French. Finding himself in dire straits, the boy receives help from his French teacher.

The author of the story shows the wonderful qualities of the heroes. This can be seen in the actions of the teacher, who selflessly cares about her student. She does not seek profit and does not think only about herself. In difficult life situations, few lend a helping hand. By doing good, many people receive nothing in return, just like this teacher. She was fired because she was trying to do good. The same thing can happen to us. It is important not to despair and help people. In this work we see that the French teacher did not focus on his subject. For this woman, the person himself and the conditions in which he lives were important. She showed understanding and did what could make the student's life easier. This teaches us to be understanding of people, to see the good in them and to actually show our empathy.

The story takes place in the post-war years, the school is located in the regional center, where the boy goes to study. These are difficult conditions and he has to survive and learn at the same time. It is the teacher whose subject is difficult for him who shows kindness to him. But a close person, a friend of his mother, does not show such sympathy.

In every line of the work, the author tries to emphasize the high moral actions of the heroes. The boy, despite his shyness and timidity, shows unsurpassed courage and fortitude. The teacher, despite his rich position and status, shows humility and teaches the boy at home. She gives him a kind of gift.

During these years, people face many difficulties, but at the same time, the author tries to spread positivity and focuses on beautiful paintings. The descriptions of the village and yard games give the story beautiful tones.

Valentin Rasputin knows what it is to live in the countryside and Siberia. The story shows notes of deep rustic shades. This story reminds every person of similar situations in their life.

I liked the story "French Lessons". Such “French lessons” were the main thing in the hero’s life, and not the knowledge of this language itself. I believe that the actions of heroes set an example. This is one of the best stories because it teaches the right things. Teaches things that are not taught at school. In this case, the role of individual teachers in the life of each child leaves a mark for life. We all remember that teacher who showed a keen interest in you.

Option 2

In the story by V.G. Rasputin “French Lessons”, the author takes us to the years of his adolescence.

The year was 1948. In the post-war period, the mother, left alone with the children, barely makes ends meet, but finds the opportunity to send her eldest son to continue his studies at the district school. He was considered “brainy”, local residents even sometimes turned to him for help, but in his native village there was only an elementary school.

The boy moves to the regional center, to Aunt Nadya, a friend of his mother, to enter the fifth grade, but his life there is not easy. In a large family, an extra mouth is not welcome, rare packages from home are stolen and the “student” goes hungry. Suffering from anemia, I have to buy milk for only five rubles. Out of desperation, he begins to play with local boys for money, and they beat him for his frequent winnings. Studying at the new school is easy, except for learning French. The teacher, having learned the reason for the student’s beating, decides to help and invites him to her home, under the pretext of additional classes. The schoolboy diligently corrects his pronunciation and gets used to the new person, but pride does not allow him to accept Lydia Mikhailovna’s pity. When all attempts to feed the child are in vain, she resorts to a trick and begins to play “wall” with him for money. The school director, having learned about the inappropriate behavior of a young teacher, fires her. She is leaving for her home in Kuban forever.

“French Lessons” is an incredibly touching, soul-stirring story. The reader seems to be “immersed” in the realities of that time when a bright future was just about to come. The work is based on a real story from the life of the author, so the name of the main character is not indicated. But, despite the depersonalization, it has a distinct character. The boy suffers from anemia, goes hungry, is often beaten, is far from his loved ones and feels completely out of place in someone else’s family, as if life itself is testing his strength and he passes all the tests with honor. The reader deeply empathizes with the child. But the hero surprises us with his willpower and moral qualities. When playing with the guys for money, he doesn’t spend his winnings thoughtlessly, but buys food. He is selfless, plays only because of urgent need and does not accept help from outsiders under any pretext.

The French teacher is visiting and different from the locals. To the main character she seems stately, as if from another world; he is ashamed of his “position” in front of her. Lydia Mikhailovna became the only caring person for a little boy who found himself far from home, in a cruel world. Her dedication and strong desire to help amazes and makes her believe in people.

Valentin Grigorievich kept in his heart and carried throughout his life warm memories of Lydia Mikhailovna. The boy grew up and became a famous Russian writer, but did not forget the most important lesson that she taught him - to be human!

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There are many professions in the world that you can master by learning and gaining experience. But there are also those in which perfection can only be achieved by having a special calling. One of them is the profession of a teacher. You can learn the curriculum, read the outstanding works of famous teachers and educators, work at school for many years, but you cannot learn love and respect for people, the ability to see valuable and unique individuals in little boys and girls, learn to carefully and carefully penetrate into the vulnerable and bright world of the nursery souls. Lidia Mikhailovna, a young, not very beautiful teacher of the French language, was just such a teacher, a teacher from God. She faces a difficult choice: to punish a student who is addicted to a forbidden game for money, or to help a capable and purposeful, but poor boy continue his studies and not die of hunger. The first way is easy and simple; to many it will seem self-evident. However, for Lydia Mikhailovna there is no such choice at all. She objectively evaluates the abilities and inclinations of all her students, penetrates deeply into their souls and therefore understands perfectly well that this boy, emaciated from hunger, did not play for money for the sake of profit: “How many well-fed loafers we have in school who don’t understand anything and They’ll probably never figure it out, but you’re a capable boy, you shouldn’t leave school.”

The teacher’s unconventional act remains incomprehensible to everyone who learns about it. “This is a crime. Molestation. Seduction... “says the angry director, having learned that the French teacher is playing “the wall” with his student. Can you prove to him that for an anemic boy this is the only way to get money for bread and life-saving milk?!

It doesn't matter that the teacher had to leave the school. Much more important is that she left a bright, unforgettable mark on the student’s soul, faith in himself and in people, helped him in bitter moments of loneliness and longing for his home, and supported him in the hungry post-war period. The image of the teacher remained forever in the soul of the modest, patient, kind and purposeful boy and, probably, more than once helped him in achieving his bright and high goals.

Option 2

Everyone knows how important the work of teachers is. They open doors for us to a wonderful and fascinating world of knowledge, instilling in us the most important human qualities - kindness, hard work, determination, mercy. Their role in the life of every child cannot be overestimated.

V. G. Rasputin talks about all this in the story “French Lessons”. French teacher Lidiya Mikhailovna is an excellent, attentive teacher and sensitive woman. She treats children with respect, tries to understand them, and knows how to value honesty, pride, and perseverance. She tries “not to take herself seriously, to understand that... she can teach very little*. Lidia Mikhailovna played a huge role in the life of one of her students - an eleven-year-old boy who came to the city to study. She managed not only to instill in him a love for her subject and a thirst for learning everything new, but also made every effort to help the boy survive in the hungry post-war years. Having learned that a constant feeling of hunger prompted him to play for money, the teacher did not scold him and drag him to the director, but began to act differently: she collected a package for the boy, and then even decided to play “the wall” with him in order to win fairly With a penny he was able to buy milk for himself.

I was delighted by the dedication, sensitivity and kindness of Lydia Mikhailovna, who sacrificed her reputation and a profitable place of work for the life of a student. I am sure that the boy was able to appreciate the teacher’s action and draw the correct conclusion regarding what are the highest values ​​in life and what we should strive for.

Valentin Rasputin is a Russian writer, our contemporary. He is a native Siberian, the son of a peasant, so he knows well the life of the Siberian hinterland, so many of his works are connected with the fate of his fellow countrymen, their joys and sorrows, mistakes and victories, hopes and disappointments. In his work, everyone - both adults and children - can find pages for themselves, because his heroes are characterized by kindness, justice, mercy, honesty, perseverance in achieving goals and other wonderful qualities.

The story “French Lessons” has an autobiographical basis. The author depicted his teacher in the work, who did a lot of good for him. The image of Lydia Mikhailovna occupies a very important place in the story, because, according to the author, it is with female images that ideas about everything beautiful and humane are associated. Women play an important role in saving people. So in “French Lessons” the teacher truly saves her student, helping him survive and maintain his spiritual purity.

In the story we are presented with an ordinary rural boy and a district school teacher. Hard fate and hunger force the hero of the work to contact local boys and start playing “chika” for money. But by his nature he is a pure, smart and honest child, not like other guys, and therefore cannot put up with the injustice and deception that older boys take advantage of. The teenagers begin to mercilessly beat and humiliate him, stopping any attempts to defend justice. And it is at this moment, very timely, that a school teacher comes to the hero’s aid.

Having learned that the students are playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna decides to talk to the boy and find out why he is doing this. After the conversation, she understands that he is not playing for the sake of money itself and not out of passion. He only needs one ruble for milk. He is malnourished and has no other way to get the supplies he desperately needs. The boy gains confidence in his teacher because he is unable to deceive this kind woman. He opens his soul to her, telling her about the difficulties of his life.

Lidia Mikhailovna invites the boy to study additionally in French - but this is only a plausible excuse. In fact, she was deeply concerned about the child's fate. She strives to somehow help the boy who is in a difficult situation, but he has pride, so he does not agree to accept this help just like that. He refuses to have dinner at his teacher's and indignantly returns the food parcel to her. Lidia Mikhailovna understands his position and finds a way out, as it seems to her, logical in such a situation. She invites him to play with her - first just for fun, then for money. The boy agrees. But he strictly makes sure that the game is fair, so that the teacher does not give in to him. He agrees to accept the money he has fairly won. And the fact that they were earned in this way was not his idea.

Lidia Mikhailovna found a successful solution, and now the hero has money again, he can buy milk for himself again. Nor is he associated with a dubious group of slackers. So the teacher, at the risk of losing her job, saved her student, helped him survive and not lose himself, his individuality, his dignity.

Sections: Literature

Class: 6

Purpose of the lesson: introduce the technique of comparative characterization - antithesis, characterize literary characters.


  1. educational: learn to analyze an episode, make a comparative description;
  2. developing: develop memory, internal and monologue speech, logical thinking, creative abilities;
  3. educational: to cultivate aesthetic taste, self-esteem and compassion using the example of the heroes of a work of art.

Lesson type: primary training.

Equipment: computer presentation.

Lesson progress

I.Org moment.

II. Checking homework.

In the last lesson, we analyzed the image of the main character from the story “French Lessons” by V.G. Rasputan and drew up a diagram that characterizes the hero. At home, you selected quotes from the text for this diagram.

We have identified the following character traits of the hero( Appendix 1. Slide 1):

  • durability (did not drop out of school; played for money, but not for fun - treated the game as the only way to get money for milk; despite the threats of the guys, he goes to the clearing again to play);
  • thirst for knowledge (studied well, despite any difficulties);
  • self-esteem (does not accept gifts from the teacher; does not tell anyone that food is being stolen from him).

What kind of people have these qualities? (To people with a strong character).

III. Motivational introduction.

But, despite such a strong character, the boy remained a child and needed warmth and care. What did the author want to say with the sentence: “But the worst thing began when I came home from school”?

Who could warm a lonely child with their care and participation?

Based on this, how would you determine the topic of the lesson? ( Appendix 1. Slide 2.) Let’s write down the date and topic of the lesson in a notebook: “The spiritual generosity of the teacher. The role of Lydia Mikhailovna in the boy’s life.”

So, what do we need to do in class to cover the topic? (Describe the image of the teacher).

IV. New material.

From what episode do we first understand that Lydia Mikhailovna is not indifferent to the problems of the main character?

Let's read an excerpt from the story by role and think about why the conversation was unexpected for the main character? ( The teacher’s intonation changes, instead of punishment, conversation turns out to be salvation for the boy).

I selected illustrations by the artist Galdyaev for this story (Appendix 1. Slide 3). Are they suitable for this episode? Why?

Let's verbally describe the teacher and student.


Subject: literature

Class: 6-b

Date: 03/17/17.

Topic: “The role of teacher Lydia Mikhailovna in the life of a boy”

Goal: to help see the sensitivity and sincerity of the teacher; find out what role she played in the boy’s life; develop skills in analyzing a work, expand your vocabulary; cultivate love and respect for teachers.

Equipment: presentation, textbook, teaching material

Lesson type: combined


There is no man

which would cost

without teaching.


Teacher. Young readers, hello!

Hello to those who go to school every morning with joy, because they believe that discoveries, loyal friends and wise mentors - teachers await them here!

Hello to those who go to school with little desire, because they think that the teachers are too strict with them.

I think that by the end of our lesson today there will be much more of you.

And the wise writer, our contemporary Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin and his story “French Lessons” will help us in this.

In the previous lesson we talked about the hero of the story, your peer. That he found himself in a very difficult situation.


- Which of the proposed proverbs can serve as an epigraph to individualepisodes of the story? Justify your choice.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

On the other side, even spring is not beautiful.

A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Learning to read and write is always useful.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

Don't be a sheep, and the wolf won't eat you.

Where there is will, there is ability.

The foreign side dries without wind, chills without winter.


Teacher reading a parable about a teacher to the tune of “The Lonely Shepherd”

The student asked the teacher:

You are so wise. You are always in a good mood, never angry. Help me to be like that too.

The teacher agreed and asked the student to bring potatoes and a transparent bag.

If you get angry at someone and harbor a grudge,” the teacher said, “then take these potatoes.” On one side, write your name, on the other, the name of the person with whom the conflict occurred, and put these potatoes in a bag.

Is that all? - the student asked in bewilderment.

No, the teacher answered. You should always carry this bag with you. And every time you are offended by someone, add potatoes to it.

The student agreed.
Some time passed. The student's bag was replenished with several more potatoes and became quite heavy. It was very inconvenient to always carry it with you. In addition, the potatoes that he put in at the very beginning began to spoil.

The student came to the teacher and said:

It is no longer possible to carry this with you. Firstly, the bag is too heavy, and secondly, the potatoes have spoiled. Suggest something different.

But the teacher replied:

The same thing happens in your soul. When you are angry or offended at someone, a heavy stone appears in your soul. You just don't notice it right away. Then there are more and more stones. Actions turn into habits, habits into character, which gives rise to fetid vices. And it is very easy to forget about this burden, because it is too heavy to carry with you all the time. I gave you the opportunity to observe this whole process from the outside. Every time you decide to be offended or, conversely, offend someone, think about whether you need this stone.

What does this parable teach us?

Who teaches a student not to offend or harbor grudges against others?

Who do you think we will talk about in our lesson today?


Students write the topic in their notebook.

They independently formulate the purpose of the lesson.


1. (Game “Find the odd one out”) (SLIDE)

What associations does the word teacher evoke in you?(BOARD AND PRESENTATION)







2.Teacher's word

This is what V. Rasputin wrote after his story “French Lessons” was published: “I dedicated the story, the heroine of which was Lydia Mikhailovna, to another teacher - Anastasia Prokopyevna Kopylova. When I recognized her, she had already worked at the school for many years, but neither then nor later did I see in her eyes that harsh expression for which it seemed the time had already come. The story was first published in 1973. in our Irkutsk Komsomol newspaper “Soviet Youth” in an issue dedicated to the memory of Alexander Vampilov. Anastasia Prokopyevna is his mother.

3. Message from a student

The prototype of the French teacher was Lidia Mikhailovna Molokova. In 1951, she, a young graduate of the Irkutsk Institute of Foreign Languages, came to distant Ust-Uda. She got a desperate class. They played truant and behaved like hooligans - everything happened. Lidia Mikhailovna organized a drama club, and the “robbers” soon changed.

Valya Rasputin was not the leader in the class, but he was respected for his fairness and courage.

Life was bad then, as everywhere else in the post-war years, from hand to mouth. The children were dressed in a variety of ways: old hats, sweatshirts worn out by others, and ichigi on their feet.

In an interview with the newspaper Trud, Molokova L.M. said that Valya Rasputin was one of many of her students who had a very difficult life, but she did not play “chika” and “measuring” with them.

It is interesting that after Transbaikalia, this woman lived in Saransk and taught French at the Mordovian University. Then she worked in Cambodia, Algeria, and France. She taught Russian to those who spoke French. In Paris, in one of the bookstores, Lydia Mikhailovna bought a book by her former student.

4. Appeal to the epigraph of the lesson:

There is no person who could do without teaching. (board).

How do you understand these words?

Our hero couldn’t do without a teacher either.

5. Demon e yes with students.

- Why did Lydia Mikhailovna choose the narrator for certain classes? Is this a coincidence? Try to remember how the teacher herself explains this to her student.

- Read the scene "Returning the Parcel." Why did the boy return her? What feelings does he experience at that moment? How does the teacher feel?( p.206 textbook )

- Why does the boy refuse Lidia Mikhailovna’s treat? How does this characterize him?

- Has the hero's attitude towards the French language changed over time? Why?

- What feelings did the boy experience when he beat Lydia Mikhailovna? What do you think made him feel awkward?

- For what purpose did the teacher start playing “measuring games”? What gave her away during the game?

- Remember the episode "The Director Appears".

“...The director was choking, he didn’t have enough air. “I’m at a loss to immediately name your action... This is a crime, molestation, seduction.”

- Do you agree with this assessment of the director of Lidia Mikhailovna’s actions? How do you evaluate her actions?

- Do you think Lydia Mikhailovna told the school principal about why she played for money?

- What thoughts and feelings does the end of the story make you feel?

6. Literary theory.

1)Write in a notebook.

A story is a short piece of prose that describes one or more events in a person’s life.

2) Assignment to students.

By referring to this formulation, prove that “French Lessons” is a story.

7. Problematic question

“Would I like to study with a teacher like Lidia Mikhailovna?

8. Work in pairs. Compilation of syncwine.(SLIDE)

9.Work with proverbs.

Choose one of the proposed proverbs about the teacher, which, in your opinion, most suits our story.

- A pile of books is no substitute for a good teacher.

The tree and the teacher are known by their fruit.

The light of a kagan comes from oil, the knowledge of a student comes from a teacher.

Parents create the body, teachers create the soul.

Only by respecting the teacher can you become a teacher yourself.

A thousand teachers - a thousand methods.
- A smart student will enrich the teacher.

Good luck for the student, joy for the teacher.

The teacher exists to continually create and affirm human dignity.

The task of teaching is high, but it is also difficult.

10. Play in pairs. "Steps."

1. The name of the game that the student and teacher played.

2.What feeling did the boy constantly experience?

3.What did the hero buy with the money he won?

4.What did the teacher send to the boy?

5.What did the teacher send in both packages?


1. General conversation.

- Was it only fortitude that helped the boy survive? Did the teacher play a role in his life?

Has the boy forgotten about Lydia Mikhailovna?

What should a real teacher be like? (A student can love, not be afraid and trust him; the real teacher will be the one who will never be forgotten.)

2.Reading a poem

Native person

Teacher, the days of your life are like one,

You dedicate it to the school family.

You are everyone who came to you to study,

You call them your children.

Favorite teacher, dear person.

Be the happiest in the world

Even though sometimes it’s hard for you

Your naughty children.

You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge.

Accept our gratitude!

We remember how you brought us into the public eye

From timid, funny first-graders.

But children grow up, from school

Walking the roads of life

And your lessons are remembered,

And they keep you in their hearts.

M. Sadovsky



Answer the question in writing:

1.≪What role did the teacher play in the boy’s life?≫

2. Prepare a retelling close to the text of what you think is the most important scene in the story “French Lessons.”

The teacher thanks the children for the lesson, they give their drawings.