A lesson in speech development based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow” (diary entry), based on the textbook by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya. Essays based on the painting by I. Popov “The First Snow”. Analysis and recommendations


Essay on the painting First Snow by Popov for 7th grade students.


1. The plot of the work by I.A. Popov The First Snow.

2.Description of the painting:

a) city street;

B) persons depicted by the artist;

c) first snow;

D) emotional structure.

3. General impression of what you saw in the picture.

The painting “First Snow” by Igor Aleksandrovich Popov belongs to landscape art. This artist was characterized by portraits, compositional sketches, and landscapes. For his works, he chose simple, uncomplicated plots. The painting “First Snow” just proves this.

The plot of the painting by I.A. Popov - the first snow fell on the streets of a small town. Let's describe in more detail all the “corners” of this picture, as well as all the characters who are depicted in it. A whole picture of events unfolds before us. We see a narrow street, it narrows a little in the background. The houses are pressed tightly against each other and rise one above the other. All this is not a very happy sight.

Firstly, the houses are depicted in monochromatic colors. The main color is yellow, and not bright, but pale, matte, turning into dull gray. Secondly, the street is deserted. We see a lonely tree standing between the houses. Only the characters in the picture enliven the small street. These are three girls so joyfully greeting the snow falling on the ground.

We can't say how old these girls are, but it probably doesn't matter. The main thing is that through their behavior the artist showed the whole mood of the picture. The girls are dressed quite lightly; we don’t notice any hats on their heads, which means winter is not in full swing yet, and it’s not so cold outside. Or the heroines are so happy about the snow that they don’t pay attention to the weather. They hold hands and jump in a circle, maybe sing a song together or just laugh. The girls are depicted right in the center of the picture, which is why they attract all the attention.

But the playing girls are not the only characters in this picture. In addition to them, the artist introduces us to two more people. One of them stands on the balcony of a neighboring house and looks out onto the street. His mood is unclear to us, his outline is blurred, but we can assume that he is watching the girls and the first snow that has fallen.

There is another person in the telephone booth next to the house. He is probably busy having some conversation and does not notice what is happening on the street. Another character is a small dog frozen in one position. She doesn't know where to go. Probably the first snow was a completely unexpected phenomenon for her. Maybe she's seeing him for the first time.

The first snow lies on the street, on the roofs of houses, it falls in large flakes on everything around. Fresh footprints on both sides of the street - slightly crushed snow. Winter has just begun. The first snow is a miracle! The artist used soft colors in his painting. But that doesn't make it uninteresting. Yellow-gray shades and brownish tones do not please the eye, but create a calm mood. Black color outlines narrow window openings on the dull walls of houses. White color replenishes the feeling of the coming winter. There is quite a lot of it, and it is the snow that makes the picture positive.

I.A. Popov’s painting “First Snow” creates emotions of joy, but not jubilant and loud. The impression of calm and tranquility remains. When we see the first snowball, we experience pleasant feelings of anticipation winter days, fun, holiday, and therefore something new and fresh. The artist probably wanted to show us how a person can feel good from one unexpected little joy. And nature gives us this joy. Looking at this picture, you can experience emotions again and again.

Painting First Snow by artist Popov photo

Option 1. Essay for grades 3-4 in the first person

In the morning I looked out the window. And there it lies White snow all around! It fell out at night while everyone was sleeping and saw nothing. The entire road was covered with snow-white snowdrifts. How can I go to school now?

I looked out the window, and there the snow continued to fall in large flakes. Right in front of my house, three children were jumping in the snow and having fun. They danced with joy that winter had begun. They raised their hands up and danced. And a dog with long ears stood quietly nearby. She probably didn't understand why there was so much fun.

Option 2. Essay 7th grade diary entry

Today is the thirteenth of November, Sunday. In the morning I woke up at eight forty-five minutes in the morning and looked out of the window. A surprise awaited me there. As the weather forecasters promised, the first snow began to fall outside. While I was sleeping on the day off, the snow managed to whiten everything the world. And the road I usually take to school. And the roofs of all the houses on our street. And the wipers had already managed to clear the paths in the snow early in the morning.

There is a large tree near the road opposite my house. It didn't even have time to reset all its autumn leaves, and winter has already begun. And now its withered leaves fell like a carpet onto the snow.

I generally live on a very boring street. Here all the houses are painted the same colors. But today I noticed that the snowfall has embellished and dressed up our dreary street. She became fresh and bright.

I saw three of my friends from the neighboring yard. They danced in a circle in the snow and rejoiced at the coming of winter. They ran back and forth along the snowy path and left footprints on the pure winter whiteness. An unfamiliar lop-eared dog became attached to them. She stood and silently watched them. Maybe she was young and saw snow for the first time. And since the dog is not a person, it did not understand at all what it was.

I. Popov “First Snow”, which you should pay attention to when performing work. A description of the canvas will also be presented to your attention. You can also familiarize yourself with short biography Honored Artist I. A. Popov.

short biography

Igor Aleksandrovich Popov was born on October 16, 1927 in the city of Kharkov. WITH youth his talent manifested itself in fine arts. After graduating from school in 1945, he went to study at the Moscow Art Institute. IN AND. Surikov. After graduation educational institution in 1951, he and a group of like-minded people set off on a trip around the country. At the same time, the beauty of its northern part leaves an unforgettable mark on inner world young specialist. This life period greatly influenced the further work of the master. A style is formed, and his beautiful creations are born. Popov painted mainly landscapes, his portraits were less common. All his work is imbued with a lyrical perception of Russian nature and the life of small towns. In 1970, Popov received the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Nowadays it has become much easier to obtain, but at that time it was a significant achievement. Since 1974, he became chairman of the board of the Moscow organization of the Union of Artists. Popov's paintings are national property, and you can see their originals in Tretyakov Gallery capital Cities.

Detailed description of the painting

Popov’s painting “First Snow” depicts part of a street in a small town. We have a view of it from the window. painted in such a way that one gets the feeling that the person looking at her becomes a direct participant in everything that happens. In the central part of the canvas you can see three figures of girls dancing merrily, whose joy is contagious and understandable. Children so directly rejoice at the first snow. One can only guess with what joy and haste they were getting ready to go outside. Three chains of tracks lead from different houses. We can make the assumption that the girls are friends and always have a fun and carefree time together. A little further away stands the lonely figure of a small dog, frozen on the first white sheet of snow. Maybe this is the first winter in her life, she is confused, she is frozen and getting used to new sensations. The young man in the telephone booth, waiting for a conversation, turned away from the phone for a minute, looking at the picture of the first real snow. The silhouette of a girl on the second floor is visible in the window opening. We can assume that she is also admiring the painting winter morning. Is she sad or, on the contrary, does joy fill her heart?

Small street, houses, tree. It is clear that this exciting process of changing the seasons is taking place: some of the leaves are still preserved on the tree, while others cover the snow-white canvas with small islands. This first snow has just fallen, and it continues to fall, in white and airy flakes, falling onto the street, onto the roofs of houses, and onto random passers-by.

Color palette

In the essay on the painting “First Snow” by I. Popov, I would like to note how the artist, skillfully using dim colors of paint in his palette, was able to create an upbeat or even solemn mood. The color palette is quite limited. The transition of the season is visible on the canvas: the leaves have not yet fallen from the tree, and now the first snow has fallen...

It covered the roofs of houses and the sidewalk, so clean and festive. Compared to dull yellow, gray and brown flowers white streets fill the picture with an amazing radiance, makes ordinary landscape fabulous. Gives you the feeling of starting something new and exciting.

Impression of I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”

The description of the painting “First Snow” gives a feeling of celebration and fairy tale. The first snow is a gift from winter, it brings a reminder of upcoming holidays such as New Year and Christmas. His appearance lifts the veil of anticipation for gifts and surprises, sledding and skiing, crackling and oh-so-healthy frost. Every person has their own favorite time of year. But when writing an essay based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow,” you immediately want the winter season to come as quickly as possible. It makes my soul so happy. Just like these little girls, you want to take your friends’ hands and spin with them, enjoying such a simple and natural phenomenon as the first snow of winter.

Psychologism of the picture

In an essay based on the painting “First Snow” by I. Popov, we will touch upon such a topic as psychological perception. The canvas depicts an ordinary street, maybe of a small city, not crowded, quiet. It is clear that life here proceeds quietly and measuredly. This is one side of the perception of the picture. And on the other hand, there is that feeling of celebration and bright joy that covers you when looking at the master’s canvas. Three dancing figures of girls are the reason for this. It is their joy that plays its role, it is they who make us understand how important it is to appreciate simple and natural things, such as the first snow.

Bottom line

In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note the work of the artist Igor Aleksandrovich Popov. Thank you for the positive and pure feelings that cover you when viewing the picture. Looking at the creation of a master of his craft, I want to stop, leisurely enjoy the very life that flows next to us, rejoice in simple and understandable things. The canvas itself teaches us, or rather gives advice, to learn to live slowly, without letting anyone pass by.” small miracle"that happen near us, be it the first snow or a May shower, or maybe a beautiful sunset on the seashore.

in front of me is beautiful picture not a little-known painter I. Popov. The canvas bears the very correct and eloquent name “First Snow”. This wonderful creation can awaken the brightest thoughts and emotions in a person. The picture stands out from many others with its stunning verisimilitude. You look at her as if you are looking out the window of your house. The sky in the picture is depicted as heavy, as if filled with lead - this happens before heavy snowfalls. It seems that all the snow that has not yet fallen is pulling the clouds towards the ground. Wherever you look, snow is visible everywhere, but it is not equally white everywhere. If you look closely, you will notice that in some places it has blue and even yellowish tones. It seems that snowfall covered the ground throughout the night and people slept, not even suspecting the magic happening outside the window.

The first snow changed the city's landscape beyond recognition. The white glow makes houses especially elegant and festive. Snow covered them from the foundation to the roof. The houses found themselves in a cold snowy abyss, the sidewalks were changed beyond recognition - they were completely invisible under the thickness of the snow. Leaves that have not yet fallen are visible on the trees, it is clear that winter has just begun. Nature tries to keep warm, but these attempts lead to nothing; winter takes its toll, hiding all natural reminders of the summer sun.

On the surface of the snow are visible the winding tracks of a small frolicking puppy; this animal has probably never seen snow before. The puppy stands at a loss, not understanding what this strange cover under his feet is and what to expect from it. It is impossible not to notice the human traces left by three girls who sincerely and selflessly rejoice at the weather changes. With a little imagination, you can imagine how these girls, seeing snow falling through the window, quickly get dressed and run out into the street.

A man is talking on the phone in a booth; perhaps at that moment he is also sharing the news about the snow with a loved one. Outside the window of the house on the left, there is a girl, thoughtfully looking at the falling snowflakes. It’s a pity that we can’t guess her thoughts, because the first snow can evoke its own emotions and associations in every person.

For me, the first snow is always a completely unexpected, but real holiday. Snow is a kind of gift from nature, a surprise, the exact occurrence of which is not easy to predict. Snow can give us a feeling a real fairy tale and evoke in us emotions associated with the imminent arrival of the New Year and Christmas. And I hope that these holidays will be filled with only the most positive points, and we will be infinitely happy like the girls depicted in the canvas of the artist Popov.

Along with the article “Essay on Popov’s painting “First Snow”” read:

April 8, 2016

In the seventh grade, as part of studying the description of the area, schoolchildren are often faced with the task of writing essays based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow.” This is not as easy to do as it seems. When working on a descriptive essay, you must follow a number of rules.


To prepare for work you will need at least one lesson. An essay based on Popov’s painting “The First Snow” should undoubtedly begin with a story about how this painting was created. Unfortunately, on this moment it is unknown where it is stored. It's also difficult to name real year his publications. But the author himself, Igor Popov, is a fairly famous Russian artist. Landscape sketches, as well as descriptions from life, prevailed in his work. ordinary people.

This picture tells us about the life of ordinary people. It is known that geographically the area depicted on the canvas belongs to the city of Moscow. The author tried to portray to us the joy of people at the sight of the first snow that fell. The leaves on the trees have not yet completely fallen, so we can assume that autumn has not completely left its domain. Essays based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow” should contain a description not only of natural objects, but also of the people who are present in it. We'll talk about this later.


When you first see this painting, you get the feeling that it was painted from somewhere above. Perhaps from the balcony of a neighboring house. This is what gives the picture panoramic and three-dimensionality. A description essay based on Popov’s painting “First Snow” will begin with precisely this feature of its image.

The viewer is presented with yellow houses built in an ancient style. The number of floors is different for everyone; there are both two-level and three-level ones. The street stretches far, and along its entire length the long-awaited snow has fallen. It covers the roofs of houses and envelops trees. The sky is no longer bright blue, but winter-gray, but this does not make the picture any sadder. The round dance of snowflakes will delight everyone who looks out the window on this day.

Despite the fact that snow fell for the first time this winter, there is already quite a lot of it. Perhaps the picture depicts the morning, and so much snow-white fluff managed to spread over the carpet during the whole night.

Video on the topic


An essay on the topic “Popov’s painting “First Snow” will be successful if you include a description foreground canvases. The first thing that catches your eye is three cheerful girls. They rejoice at the arrival of winter and its first real snow. You can see how many footprints there are under their feet. The girls jump holding hands, and the viewer gets the feeling that he himself is somewhere nearby, sharing their emotions.

We also see footprints at the gate on the right. Someone must have already walked on the white carpet. Or maybe this was inherited by a small dog that importantly crosses the street? If you look closely at the picture, you get the impression that there is a lot of snow. There seem to be small snowdrifts along the edges of the houses. It was probably the janitor clearing the road early in the morning.

The picture is drawn in a very unusual way. We are watching the events taking place from above. Therefore, the viewer can clearly see the snowflakes swirling in the air.

Images of the painting

In essays based on I. Popov’s painting “The First Snow,” it is necessary to include a detailed description of the main images. Of course, cheerful girls are in the center of the canvas. It seems they haven't even put on a hat yet this winter, but with the onset of winter they will have to wear warm clothes. In the meantime, the girls are enjoying the first fluffy snow and don’t think about it.

A dog steps carefully next to them. Maybe one of her friends is her owner. Or this is a mongrel who is also happy with the first snow.

At the bottom left is a Soviet telephone booth. It is impossible to see who exactly is in it. It can be assumed that the person making a call to someone is just talking about the fact that winter has finally come and sharing his good mood.

If you look closely, you can clearly see people looking out of small balconies and windows. They admire the beautiful view created by the crystal clear snow.

Many artists have addressed this topic more than once. For example, A.A. Plastov painted a painting with the same name.

Color selection

After describing the important details in the essay on I. Popov’s painting “First Snow”, you need to add a characteristic color range. The artist uses dim, but nevertheless saturated colors. The sky is depicted in gray tones. This is understandable: the transition from the autumn to the winter season, as a rule, is not distinguished by the brightness of the colors. It may be cloudy outside, but that doesn't change in any way positive attitude everyone present in this courtyard.

But the main color of this canvas is white. Fresh snow amazes with its pristine purity.

The color of the houses is quite bright, yellow. It gives the canvas life and color.

The clothes of the girlfriends also stand out against the general background. They are young, joyful, and therefore the artist uses pink, orange and yellow tones.

Bottom line

In general, the impression of the film I watched was very pleasant. Many of us are waiting for the onset of winter after a cloudy and rainy autumn. It’s still not cold at all, the grayness of the street around has been replaced by a snow-white cover.

All these nuances will help you write short essay based on the painting “First Snow”. Popov masterfully managed to convey to us the mood of people from the long-awaited arrival of winter.

It seems that each of us walked along this Moscow street, just like our girlfriends, rejoicing at the first white flakes.

This picture will captivate every viewer. And there is no doubt that we all find something special in it, and indulge in our winter memories.