Literature lesson “M. Saltykov-Shchedrin and his fairy tales" Analysis of the fairy tale "Conscience Lost" 10th grade. The problem of attitude to conscience according to the text of M.E. Saltykova-Shchedrina (Conscience disappeared. People crowded the streets as before) (Unified State Examination in Russian) The main theme of the fairy tale


A story about how people suddenly lost their conscience. Without her, as it turned out, life became better. People began to rob, and eventually went frantic. Conscience, forgotten by everyone, lay on the road. One drunkard decided to pick her up, and immediately repentance for past shameful deeds returned to him. Consciousness awoke in him, and with it self-flagellation.

In order to get rid of these suddenly overwhelming feelings, the drunkard went to a tavern where a certain Prokhorych was selling. There he was relieved to give him his conscience. Prokhorych immediately changed. He even planned to pour all the wine into a ditch. The wife, seeing her husband’s behavior, slowly stole his conscience and rushed out into the street.

There she slipped it to the quarterly overseer. The latter immediately changed: he suddenly stopped taking bribes. The men started laughing loudly at him. My wife didn’t even give me dinner. The warden took off his coat, and all conscience disappeared somewhere. He decided to get even and went to the market. I just put my hands into the sleeves of my coat, and my conscience was right there - lurking in my pocket. Again it became inconvenient to rob people. On the contrary, he began to give out money. He brought the beggars home and ordered his wife to feed them. He took off his coat, and immediately became the same: he pushed the beggars out of the house. The wife decided to clean out her husband's pockets, and then suddenly discovered her conscience.

A smart woman sent it by mail to financier Brzhotsky. He had no need for conscience at all, and he handed it to the general in an envelope. The general also did not like his conscience, and he also got rid of it.

So my conscience went for a walk. It turned out that no one needed her, because with her it was much worse.

Conscience walked and walked all over the world, and in the end she prayed. She asked to be moved in with a small child. The child is still innocent, and his conscience will be fine with him. We listened to her. Now the child is growing, and his conscience is growing with him.

The story teaches that it is better to live without a conscience, but you cannot become a person without it. And also that conscience should be instilled from childhood.

Picture or drawing Conscience gone

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Conscience is what purifies a person and ennobles him, encourages him to think about the actions he commits.

In the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin's conscience disappears. One day a drunkard (“drunkard”) finds her, and an awareness of reality immediately comes to him: he remembers everything that has ever happened to him, and blames himself for not living his life differently (“to the pathetic drunkard, his entire past seems like nothing an ugly crime", "the process of self-condemnation to which he exposes himself hits him incomparably more painfully and severely than the strictest human court").

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The Propoets hurries to get rid of his find and gives it to Prokhorych, the owner of the drinking house ("tavern"). His awakened conscience whispers to him: “But it’s bad to make poor people drunk.” Through tears, Prokhorych begins to prove to people that “wine is the source of misfortune for every person.” Realizing that he is “drunk the poor people” with his own hands, he decides that he has no choice but to die himself or ruin the enterprise.

Arina Ivanovna, the tavern owner's wife, stuck her conscience into the coat pocket of the Hunter, a “decent covetous man” (a moneylender who takes high interest rates). Under her influence, the Trapper was unable to take anything from the men, although he usually does this freely and without hesitation. Having taken off his coat at home, the Trapper becomes the same, but when he puts it on again, his conscience plays in him again. Then he gives away all the money he had at the market, and even decides to feed the men. Realizing what he had done, he drives everyone out of the yard, and he himself is put to bed by his wife.

The catcher sends her conscience by mail to Samuil Davydych Brzhotsky.

Samuel Davydych, struck by the strength of his conscience, donates a hundred-dollar banknote to charity, hiding his martyr in that envelope. Of course, his conscience never forced him to repay his debts: this frail-looking guy withstands “the most severe tortures.”

So the poor, exiled conscience remained with many thousands of people, wandering around the world, but no one wanted to “shelter” it, but wanted to “get rid of it, sell it off.”

Soon it happens that conscience gets to the "philistine" and asks him to bury it in the heart of a "little pure Russian child." The tradesman does just that, so the conscience in that boy begins to grow, like himself. If a man becomes big, he will also have a big conscience. “Then all untruths, deceit and violence will disappear, because the conscience will not be timid and will want to manage everything itself.”

Updated: 2018-05-09

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A fairy tale, nothing more than a fairy tale,

and yet a great tragedy...

I. Kramskoy

M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin was a multi-talented writer. He wrote novels, stories, essays, chronicles, and articles. Shchedrin's fairy tales made him especially popular among the people.

The fairy tales have the subtitle “For children of a fair age,” and this suggests that the fairy-tale allegorical form was chosen in order to be able to express thoughts that are dangerous to express in another form. Pretending to be a simpleton, the satirist talks about things that are not at all fabulous.

Fairy tales were written by Shchedrin at the end of his life and seemed to sum up the results of his many years of literary work. They combined the fantastic and the real, the comic and the tragic, hyperbole and Aesopian language.

In the writer’s fairy tales there are both fierce, ignorant rulers (“The Bear in the Voivodeship”, “The Eagle Patron”, “The Wild Landowner”), and hardworking people submissive to their exploiters (“The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals”, “ Horse”), and the people awakening and seeking the truth (“The Raven Petitioner”).

Many fairy tales convey a belief in the triumph of positive ideals. Thus, the fairy tale “Conscience Lost” tells how conscience was expelled from the world of people. She was thrown away like a useless old rag. The writer expresses confidence that only when he gets into the cradle where a small child lies, conscience will finally find its defender.

The writer widely uses the technique of allegory: under the guise of animals and birds he depicts representatives of various social classes and groups. Based on folk tradition, using images and folk speech filled with folk humor, Shchedrin created works whose goal is to awaken the people. The great satirist sought to make sure that “children of a fair age” would cease to be children. The unusualness of the writer’s fairy tales is that he does not offer readers understandable comparisons, but brings together aspects of human and animal life that no one had noticed before. Sometimes it is simply impossible to understand who we are talking about: “Crucian carp is a quiet fish and prone to idealism.”

Shchedrin turned the fairy tale into a political satire. Each image was directed against the reigning eagles, the beautiful-hearted crucian carp, the moderately liberal minnows.

The writer speaks with sadness and sympathy about the long-suffering of the people, about their naive political illusions. He wants to show that it is impossible for a peasant to get along with the voracious pikes and bears in the province, and to explain to the oppressed people that they themselves are a powerful and formidable force to repel the reigning predators and fight them.

Unfortunately, in life, evil often wins, not good, and this is the true tragedy of the fairy tale “Crucian the Idealist,” after reading which the artist I. Kramskoy said: “A fairy tale, nothing more than a fairy tale, and yet a high tragedy.” Material from the site

The tragic situation of an enslaved, robbed and disenfranchised people, their hard labor, the fruits of which go to the “idle dancers,” is shown in the fairy tale “The Horse.” The image of Konyaga is a symbol of the oppressed, tormented people, to whom the author treats with the greatest sympathy. It is on him that he pins his hopes for a new life: “From century to century, the formidable, motionless bulk of the fields grows numb, as if it were guarding a fairy-tale power in captivity. Who will free this force from captivity? Who will bring her into the world? This task fell to two creatures: the peasant and the Horse,” the author writes confidently.

The fairy tales of M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin have been carrying the undying ideas of satire for more than a hundred years. They are still read with great interest today, because even today their characters live among us.

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On this page there is material on the following topics:

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  • lost conscience analysis
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This article examines in detail Saltykov-Shchedrin’s work “Conscience Lost.” The summary and analysis will touch upon those special moral strings of the soul of a person and society as a whole. A question that has interested people for centuries, which should first of all be understood: “What is conscience?” Censor, controller, inner voice? Why is it needed if it becomes so calm without it? This and much more is discussed in an article devoted to such a difficult topic, touched upon in the work of the outstanding Russian writer M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Conscience is Missing.”

About the writer

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the writer himself, whose merits are significant and great, and the works he wrote throughout his life put him on a par with the great minds of Russia: Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Pushkin, Chekhov.

So, Saltykov-Shchedrin was born in 1826 on January 27 (15 according to the old style) into a noble family of an old family. Giftedness, intelligence, and incredible hard work have been the writer’s faithful companions since childhood. At the age of 10 he was sent to the Moscow Noble Institute, and two years later he was transferred to the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum for excellent studies. “For freethinking” he was exiled to Vyatka for 8 years. In 1856, due to the death of Nicholas I, the young writer returned back and resumed his writing activity. Participation in the peasant reform, the position of governor of the province and work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs became an integral part of life for the writer.

After retiring, he becomes editor-in-chief of Sovremennik magazine. Agree, an impressive list of achievements! A talented statesman and artist left an unforgettable mark on the history of his country; Saltykov-Shchedrin’s works are topical and have not lost their relevance today.

The problem of one's own imperfection

The writer more than once refers to the theme of fairy tales in his works. And now the reader is faced with an unusual situation - conscience disappears from the life of society. What happened to people? They began to feel freer, but they should not be mistaken and confuse the inspiring feeling of freedom with the feeling of permissiveness, which gives rise to chaos, aggression and anger. The human in man himself disappears, precisely what should distinguish him as a thinking, creative being, alien to destruction and collapse.

What happened to conscience? Notice how the author calls her: “annoying hanger-on,” and this is not accidental. In this way, the author makes it clear to the reader that conscience is like something living and real, in need of nourishment and care, which in turn will thank its “owner” with a grace-filled feeling of peace and self-satisfaction. And without a person, she turns into that unnecessary appendage and becomes that “annoying hanger-on.”

Further, in the work of Saltykov-Shchedrin, as an example, one can observe the peaceful sleep of the owner of a drinking establishment, who, perhaps for the first time in his life, behaved as a responsible person for his actions. Or, let’s say, the very first “master” of conscience is a drunkard who freed himself from the oppression of a wine stupor and realized all his worthlessness of existence, which is why he feels fear. But the bitter drunkard destroys only himself, he is responsible only for his actions, unlike Prokhor, the owner of a drinking establishment, who destroys so many people with his potion. Conscience gives Prokhor a feeling of relief, since for the first time in his life he acts according to his conscience. What does the author want to tell us?

The summary of “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, which we analyze in this material, covers important aspects of the life of human society. If there were a conscience nearby, there would be no drunkards in the world, and the owners of pubs would start baking bread and buns. Adults will definitely smile in this place, since each of them knows how complex our world is. But that’s why it’s a fairy tale, you might think. The fairy tale “Conscience is Missing” is a kind of reminder for adults and a lesson for children.

Your own choice, or the power of one drop

The journey of conscience continues, but most likely it was an ordeal, which brings with it suffering and wanderings. Conscience goes to the Trapper. The author does not give a name to his character, but confines himself to only a nickname, thereby emphasizing the essence of this person. What is his fault? Unlike the first two characters, one of whom destroyed himself, and the other - others, in this case the Trapper’s sin is great and serious, he is a bribe-taker.

The next owner of conscience is a completely different person, the author paints a picture of a prosperous family of a banker, but extreme prudence is the hero’s vice, which even sells his conscience on the sly. The fairy tale “Conscience Is Missing” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, the analysis of which makes one involuntarily think about the globality and depth of the question, about whether there is a place for conscience in our world at all? How simple and difficult it is to act according to your conscience at the same time, but how easy it becomes in your soul when it is pure. How to breathe, how to live in a new way!

Understanding the concept of conscience

Turning to dictionaries, we find a definition of the concept of conscience. Conscience is a feeling and a concept at the same time; a sense of responsibility for one’s actions is woven together with an awareness of the moral principles on which the health of society should rest. This ability to distinguish between good and bad must be instilled from infancy. Parents are a kind of guides to the world who teach the child to love good and hate evil, and children, in turn, afraid of losing the love and favor of their parents, clearly and quickly absorb and assimilate exactly those concepts that are given by their father and mother.

Hopes placed

In the work, Saltykov-Shchedrin gives a voice to his main character - conscience. What does she ask for, what does she want? She asks to find her a little Russian child so that she can dissolve in his heart. “Why exactly in the heart of a child?” - you ask. The author thus wants to make it clear to the reader how important it is to place hopes in the younger generation, and it should be remembered that children are innocent and pure, and only adults will determine what colors their future world, conscience, and life will be filled with. The problem “Conscience is gone” by Saltykov-Shchedrin concerns that side of the human soul where the awareness of good and evil, truth and hope occurs.


In conclusion, summing up what has been said, I would like to note that the author of the immortal work wanted to emphasize the importance of conscience in human life, to show the reader conscience as the guardian of all those human qualities on which the best part of civilization was built. The summary of “Conscience Lost” by Saltykov-Shchedrin, analyzed in our article, we hope, will give food for thought and touch the strings of your soul, help you make the right choice, and give you peace.

Why does a person need a conscience? (Literature lesson in 7th grade. M.E. Saltykov-

Shchedrin "Conscience Lost")


Educational .

Acquaintance with the fairy tale by M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Conscience is gone.”

Improve text analysis skills.

To identify the degree of relevance of the concept of “conscience” in modern society.Developmental.

Development of the ability to analyze, systematize, generalize;

Develop independent and group work skills.

Develop imagination, associative and logical thinking.

Continue to develop cognitive interest in literature.


To cultivate moral qualities, the ability to evaluate one’s actions, the surrounding reality, to be able to sympathize, empathize, and defend a moral position;

Lay the foundations of moral behavior, develop speech, expressive reading of text.

1.Watching the cartoon “Luntik-Conscience”.

A) Conversation.

What is conscience? Let's look at this word and break it down into parts.

(On the board. CO + NEWS → CONSCIENCE).

Let’s continue working with the word, let’s try to “get to the very essence.” To understand the meaning of the prefix CO, let's select words with a similar prefix. (Empathy, compassion, connection, agreement, cooperation, together, ...)

What do these words mean? (Joint action).

Together with whom? (Together with other people, with God)

What about the word NEWS? What's the news? (About peace, goodness, good deeds, honest life)

How do you understand the meaning of this word? (printouts with the definition of conscience from dictionaries). Select key words and expressions and write down the definition of conscience.

B) Choose and write down one proverb you like best and explain the meaning in your own words.

For conscience and honor - even to cut off your head

You can't wear your face without shame.

When the conscience was distributed, he was not at home.

If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your conscience, you will find yourself in trouble.

Without arms, without legs - a cripple, without a conscience - half a person.

You can’t live without a conscience and a great mind.

A bad conscience doesn't let you sleep.

Even though your purse is empty, your conscience is clear.

The rich will not buy his conscience, but will destroy his own.

Where money speaks, conscience is silent.

Speak to the point, live according to your conscience

Conscience torments, consumes, torments and kills.

2.Analysis of the fairy tale “Conscience Lost”

A) Conversation:

And in the fairy tale M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin we met what name of conscience? (Annoying hanger-on, accuser, yoke, worthless rag, flagrant disgrace, worthless rag, etc.)

Therefore, I offer you, using the example of M.E.’s fairy tale. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Conscience is gone” decide for yourself:Do you need an “annoying hanger”? How to make sure that the voice of conscience is not lost, it is in each of us.

B) Let's turn to the text of the fairy tale. Read paragraphs 1 and 2.

What changed in people's lives when conscience disappeared? (many began to feel more cheerful and freer. They lost track of time, the present and the future were mixed up, movement accelerated - there was no time to think, silence and harmony disappeared, “a person’s movement became easier,” “nothing upset them...”)

What technique is used for this? (Irony.) True sages never considered themselves sinless, but were extremely conscientious people)

A sad beginning to a fairy tale. A discarded, spat upon, crumpled, useless conscience passes from hand to hand. How they accept it, what the heroes, the very “wise ones of the world” feel, now we will see.

B) Work in groups. (Work related to the “travel” of conscience from hand to hand).

4 groups have been created working with text.

Group assignments (on behalf of the hero, tell a story that happened to him, based on the questions proposed)

How does a drunkard get his conscience?

What changes does a drunkard feel after receiving a conscience?

What does he look like?

Who is Prokhorych?

How did Prokhorych feel when he received his conscience?

What does he look like?

How does one part with conscience?

Who is Trapper?

What did conscience do to the warden?

Is it changing?

How does one part with conscience?

Who is Brzotsky? Tell us about his family.

How did Samuil Davydych feel when he received his conscience?

How does one get rid of it?

How did you feel when you got rid of your conscience?

Sample answers.

Group 1 looks at the image of a drunkard.

How did he get his conscience? (Started with drunken eyes)

What changes does he feel after receiving a conscience? (As if an electric current had pierced him, returning the bitter consciousness of reality, dull fear, a premonition of impending danger, the memory extracted details of violence, betrayal, heartfelt lethargy, lies, the past seems like a continuous ugly crime, he is depressed... “Useless drunken tears flow like a river,” the find breaks his heart into parts.)

What does he look like? (Pitiful.)

How does one get rid of conscience? (Hides it in his pocket, looking around, stealthily, slowly, dishonestly puts his conscience into Prokhorych’s hand).

Group 2 examines the image of Prokhorych.

Who is Prokhorych? (Manages a tavern, drinking establishment, gets people drunk).

How did he feel when he received his conscience? (He stood for a while with his eyes wide open, large drops of sweat appeared on his forehead, he burst into bitter tears... He shook and turned pale.)

What does he look like? (Can’t see the future, and the present and past are sad. All I can do is die)

How does one part with conscience? (The wife gets rid of it).

Group 3 looks at the image of the Catcher.

Who is Trapper? (Overseer).

What did conscience do to the warden? (It started to jar. This is some kind of illness with me. I can’t take someone else’s things, such qualities as timidity, shyness appear, asks for forgiveness, gives money, wants to feed the poor)

Is it changing? (Yes, when he takes off his coat, where his conscience lies in his pocket).

How does one part with conscience? (The wife sends it in an envelope to the financier Brzhotsky).

Group 4 examines the image of Samuil Davydych Brzhotsky.

Who is the hero? Tell us about his family.

How did the financier feel when he received his conscience? (“He rushed in all directions, like an eel on the coals,” he screamed, shaking his whole body, he experienced torment, heroically endured the most severe tortures).

How does one get rid of conscience? (Donated to a charitable institution to a friend of the general)

How did you feel when you got rid of your conscience? (Relief. “That same evening...”).

This is the most difficult type; conscience cannot awaken anything in him. We can say that the words of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato about him: “I consider the man who has lost his sense of shame to be lost.”

M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin is a satirist writer. With pain in his heart, he writes about his compatriots fleeing from conscience. These are representatives of different strata of society, they all have the same attitude towards conscience.

What do these people look like? (Pitiful, insignificant, these are lost people, they have no sense of shame, they don’t even know what it is).

What if everyone loses their conscience? How to live on earth? What to do? Live without conscience? The writer gives an answer to this question. Read the last three paragraphs of the story.

These words, full of not only love, but also hope, are the testament left by Saltykov-Shchedrin to the Russian people.

Conscience cannot be lost; it must live with the person. It is never too late to remind a person of conscience if he has parted with it a long time ago.

In a small, sinless, pure child, conscience found shelter. This is the ideal conscience that M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin paints.

E) How do you associate conscience?

Working with a drawing.

If we figuratively imagine conscience hanging around different people, then together with the writer we will see “a dirty, shabby rag”, “a greasy piece of paper with torn edges”, gray, something like this.

Project protection.

This is the kind of conscience the guys saw. (Yellow is light, red is heart, white is purity, wings are flight. Everyone should have such a conscience, and not like the appearance of a gray, crumpled rag. The writer placed conscience in the heart of a child. “A little child grows, and together his conscience grows with him...")


Write more tion of a fairy tale. Imagine: How will this child grow up? Or maybe the next person to whom conscience will fall after the tradesman will be a schoolboy.