Exercises for posture at home. How to achieve correct posture. A set of exercises for a straight back


What is correct posture? How does posture affect human health? These questions are more relevant today than ever for modern people. Unfortunately, the more developed civilization is, the less need we have to move. And the human body needs movement to maintain the tone of the musculoskeletal system and the muscular frame.

That is why various sets of exercises are being developed to correct posture that can prevent or even correct disorders in the spine.

Correct posture is the key to health

Posture is the position of the body when walking, sitting or standing. Gradually, during life, it will form and many vital processes in the human body depend on it.

Examples of correct posture are athletes, dancers and just people involved in physical education. At the same time, they always have a straight back and an even, confident gait. Correct posture is sometimes called royal posture.

Many muscles are involved in the formation of posture. If it has been formed since childhood, a person will experience fewer problems with the functioning of blood vessels, heart, musculoskeletal system, lungs, and digestive organs.

Correct posture

Causes of poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture are divided into two groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

From birth, a person may have the following causes of incorrect posture:

  • Spina bifida in any part of the spine.
  • The fusion of the spinal processes, which are called spinous.
  • Formation of irregularly shaped vertebrae.
  • Non-fusion of vertebral arches.
  • Deformation of the vertebrae.

Causes and conditions that influenced the process of life:

Flat feet

  • habit of sitting in the wrong position;
  • furniture that does not correspond to a person’s height, especially if it has to be used for a long time;
  • received injuries resulting in damage to the spine;
  • improper development of bones and lack of necessary microelements in them;
  • complex infectious diseases;
  • incorrect development of the foot, namely;
  • defective development of the hip joint;
  • staying in the same position for a very long time;
  • inflammation of the joints of the spine.

Incorrect seating may cause poor posture

The causes of incorrect posture can be a child’s habit of sitting incorrectly in school or kindergarten since childhood. The lack of full physical activity also affects the formation of posture and its development throughout life, so incorrect posture needs to be corrected.

In the human body, almost all organs and their systems are interconnected.

How does posture affect a person’s overall health?

  • All internal organs are located in their places.
  • They do not press down or bend.
  • At the same time, the intestines always work correctly.
  • There is a normal outflow of bile.
  • There is normal blood circulation in all vessels.
  • The joint tissue is not damaged.

Correct posture also affects the state of a person’s psycho-emotional background. A straight back and good posture gives confidence and will prevent the development of depression.

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Features of exercises to correct posture at home

Before choosing any complex, you should consult a doctor. He will be able to assess deviations from correct posture and create a set of general developmental and therapeutic exercises. The load and type of exercises for home exercises may depend on this.

The following factors must be taken into account when selecting exercises at home:

  • Patient's weight. With a large amount of excess weight, the load on the spine will increase. Therefore, the patient must try to get rid of extra pounds.
  • While practicing, you need to monitor your posture. But at the same time, try not to strain your muscles so that your back doesn’t hurt.
  • To consolidate your success, you can use a special posture corrector. It will support and shape the spine and your posture will always be under control.
  • You need to pay attention to the position of your head. It is held high, but not raised unnaturally. At this moment, the gaze should concentrate at eye level. You can choose an object on which to concentrate your gaze.
  • You need to get into the habit of straightening your back while walking., sitting or standing. This should also be done during the rest period.
  • Visual elements are used to maintain habits and stimulate posture correction activities. These can be special posters at home or in the workplace. You can set reminders on your phone.

Correct sitting position

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I lead an active lifestyle, live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got a cramp at the dacha; a sharp pain in my lower back didn’t allow me to move, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of my wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Physical therapy to correct stooping

The main reason for stooping in people is weakness of the back muscles. Therefore, physical therapy exercises should mainly be aimed at strengthening them and straightening the spine.

With the right approach and perseverance, results will already be noticeable within a few days of starting classes.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Initial body position.
  • During exercises you will almost always feel your arms and legs.
  • A set of exercises should take about minutes.
  • To do without expensive simulators, you can use improvised means. You can lean on the wall, and make dumbbells from plastic bottles with sand.
  • During the exercises, monitor your posture and perform them only with a straight back.
  • If the exercise is performed against a wall, you do not need to touch the back of its head. It is enough to hold it straight.
  • To begin with, standing against the wall should last for at least 2 minutes. Gradually increasing the time during the course of exercises.

After the back muscles reach the desired tone, your posture will improve. If you get into the habit of watching it and doing special exercises for prevention purposes, your posture will always be correct.

Special exercises have been developed. They can most effectively help in the treatment of this pathology. When performing them, the load is directed specifically at the muscles of the desired groups. With their help, you can restore the desired tone and elasticity will return.

Exercises for scoliotic back:

  • Lying on your stomach, your arms are spread to the side. You need to raise your head a little up. Shoulders should be raised, straightened and hands clenched into fists.
  • The exercise is performed 5 times, during training, gradually increase the execution up to 15 times.
  • Lying on your stomach, your arms should be extended along your body. At the same time, the legs are raised, but the pelvis is not lifted off the floor. Repeat about 5 times.

Exercises for the lateral muscles:

  • Lying on your side, you need to raise your arm along the body. This is done with the hand that is on the side on which they lie. The other hand is placed on top. At the same time, the same leg is raised and slowly lowered.
  • Lying on your side with your hand, which is below is raised up. With the other hand, place emphasis in the chest area on the floor. In this starting position, pull both legs towards you. Do the exercise at least 3 times.

Physical education for the back with scoliosis

For the press, the initial amount is at least 3 times:

  • Lying on your back, your arms are extended at the seams.
  • You need to alternately raise your legs without bending the knee.
  • Then they raise 2 legs together.
  • The repetition of the exercise increases gradually.

To improve and straighten your posture and straighten your spine:

  • Lying on your back, your arms are extended along your body. After this, raise your head and shoulders up and slowly lower them back.
  • Pick up an object weighing about 1 kg. It should be quite soft. For example, you can pour sand or salt into a bag.
  • You need to sit on a chair, and place the bag on your head and hold it there.
  • Then you need to get up and walk around a little with the object on your head. The main thing is that the object does not fall.

Exercises to correct scoliosis

Regular exercise will bring good results. Then they can be done for preventive purposes and to maintain general muscle tone.

Fighting kyphotic posture

It is called kythophic posture. You can also fight it with physical exercise. They are not very specific; they will be aimed specifically at the muscles in the chest area.

Before starting the complex, you can do a short warm-up, and then start special exercises.

Set of exercises:

  • You need to lie on your back Place your hand behind your head and stretch your neck. Raise your elbow up and down. At the same time, raise your chest and follow your elbow with your eyes.
  • Lying on your back, arms pulled to the sides, palms down. Then they raise their head and chest, and clench their hands into fists and hold their breath. As you exhale, return to the starting position.
  • The next exercise is similar to the previous one, but they bend the arm on the healthy side at the elbow and place it under the head, with the palm on the back side.
  • While standing you need to slide your hands along your thighs. With unilateral curvature of the spine, hand movements should not be symmetrical.
  • In a standing position, the arm on the painful side is raised up, and the other hand is moved to the side.

Exercises should be done every day, gradually increasing the load.

To correct posture, there is a special Japanese method of physical education using a roller. They need to be performed daily for 20 minutes.

The roller is used from a towel. It is rolled into a tube and tied with braid. The exercises are performed on the floor, so you need to take care of the covering. This could be a fitness mat. It will be convenient to move.

Warm-up in Japanese:

  • Take a sitting position.
  • Place the cushion under your back, in the lumbar area.
  • Then the person gradually lies down on his back, and the roller rolls over his back.
  • Lying on your back, your legs need to be spread in different directions.
  • Hands are extended forward.

It will be necessary to fix this position for about five minutes.

Japanese exercises with a roller

The main exercises are:

  • spreading your legs shoulder-width apart, and then connecting them you need to touch your thumbs. The feet need to be arched;
  • taking the starting position pull the roller out from under your back and relax for a few minutes;
  • the cushion can be placed under any part of the spine and do similar exercises. For example, under the ribs.

It is necessary to rest in between and practice for about half an hour. A noticeable therapeutic effect occurs after 1 month of training.

Children with poor posture need to do the following exercises:

  • In a standing position, with your hands down, you need to bend over and touch your toes with your fingers. The tilt is done while inhaling deeply, and the lifting is done while exhaling. In this case, the back should be perfectly straight.
  • Starting position: standing, feet shoulder-width apart. The arms are clasped above the head. The arms are pulled back and the chest is arched.
  • Arbitrary inclinations.
  • Head rotation.

A set of exercises for children

This exercise should be done every morning to improve the condition of the spine.

Exercises for children on the ball

Various objects can be used for physical therapy.

A child can perform a variety of exercises using a special ball called a fitball:

Exercises for stooping for teenagers

In adolescence, it is important to monitor your posture. For the purpose of prevention and recovery, exercises have been developed for schoolchildren.

They are not only suitable for teenagers:

  • In a standing position, arms are spread behind the back, so that the shoulder blades touch.
  • Standing position the head is turned in both directions alternately.
  • In a standing position, you need to make circular movements.
  • Slow downward bends from a standing position.
  • Torso rotations, while your back should be completely straight.
  • Lying on your back make an asterisk and fix this position for 20 - 30 seconds.

It has long been known that not only a person’s external attractiveness depends on posture. Correct posture contributes to the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Over the years, almost every person's posture gradually changes. This occurs due to muscle weakening and loss of flexibility. The typical posture of older people, you will agree, is not very attractive - a forward chin, a hunched back, crooked legs and bent at the knees.

This happens mainly due to the loss of a balanced position of the spine. Much of this poor posture is due to the softening of the bones that occurs during the aging process, and the deterioration of the tendons due to their loss of elasticity. As a result, the gait changes. Breathing becomes shallow. The vital capacity of the lungs decreases. The softening of the bones that occurs increases the risk of fractures. Many of these troublesome defects can be corrected, but it is even better to prevent their occurrence by regularly performing strength and stretching exercises.

For correct posture, strong back muscles, flexibility of the spine and joints are important, since a trained muscular system allows you to maintain a straight position of the spine and protects against back pain. And what is extremely important, strong, elastic muscles help maintain the normal location of internal organs, and therefore their healthy functioning over time.

What is posture

The term “posture” is usually understood as the habitual posture of a person standing at ease with his heels closed and the toes of his feet apart at an angle of 45–50°. Features of posture are determined by measurements and descriptions of the human body as a whole - from head to toe: this is the position of the head and the waist of the upper extremities, the curves of the spine (in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions), the shape of the chest and abdomen, the tilt of the pelvis, the position of the lower extremities, muscle tone, shape of legs and feet.

Posture depends on many reasons. It is connected, firstly, with the state of the muscular system, that is, with the degree of development of the muscles of the neck, back, chest, abdomen and lower extremities, as well as with the functional capabilities of the muscles, its ability to long-term static tension. Posture is influenced by the elastic properties of the intervertebral discs, cartilaginous and connective tissue formations of the joints of the spine (this, in turn, is associated with the mobility of the spine), as well as the pelvis and lower extremities. The shape of the foot and leg as a whole plays an important role.

Good posture usually indicates good health; poor posture usually indicates poor health. Poor posture contributes to a feeling of discomfort, pain in the body, causes skeletal deformities (especially the spine, chest, shoulder girdle, pelvis), and leads to damage to internal organs. The sedentary lifestyle of modern life, unnatural shoes and clothing contribute to poor posture, “stiffness” and muscle atrophy.

The simplest way to assess your posture is as follows. Stand with your back close to a cabinet or wall. Close your feet, look straight ahead (your head should touch the cabinet). Hands down. If your palm does not pass between the lower back and the wall, then your posture is good; otherwise, the abdominal muscles are weak and the stomach pulls the spine forward (lordosis).

With correct posture, the head and torso are located on the same vertical, the shoulders are turned, slightly lowered and are at the same level, the relief of the neck (from the tragus of the ear to the edge of the shoulders) on both sides is symmetrical, the shoulder blades do not protrude, the physiological curvature of the spine is normally expressed, the chest is raised ( slightly protruded), the stomach is retracted, the legs are straightened at the knee and hip joints, the foot is without deformities with a clearly visible notch on the side of the inner arch.

When assessing posture, the following points are recorded.

Head position

Is it on the same vertical line with the body, or leaned forward, or tilted to the side (to the right or left).

Shoulder girdle condition

neck relief - the line from the tragus of the ear to the edge of the shoulder is equally curved on both sides or one side is longer than the other;
shoulders – at the same level or one shoulder is raised and the other is lowered; the shoulders are spread out or leaned forward, and if they are leaned forward, then equally or one more than the other (such asymmetry often occurs in athletes - throwers, fencers, boxers, etc.; we also note that sharply leaned shoulders occur in people with developed muscles, this creates the impression of a false stoop, while true stoop is associated with curvature of the spine);
shoulder blades – at the same level or one higher; whether they perform, and if they perform, then equally or one more.


Does it have normal physiological curves or are there cervical and lumbar lordosis (convex forward), thoracic and sacrococcygeal kyphosis (convex backward).
The natural curves of the spine perform a spring function - they reduce body shaking when walking, running and jumping. Normally, the back line is wavy, but the depth of the bends should not exceed 3–4 cm.
The main feature of correct posture is the symmetrical arrangement of body parts relative to the spine. The chest in front and behind has no recesses or protrusions and is symmetrical with respect to the midline; the stomach is symmetrical, and the navel is located in its center; nipples - on the same line; the shoulder blades are at the same level in relation to the spine, and their angles are located on the same horizontal line; the level of the shoulder girdle and iliac crests on the same horizontal line; The waist lines are the same on both sides.

Spinal mobility

Assessed in a standing position. When bending forward, measure the distance from the end of the middle finger to the floor. If the subject cannot reach the floor with his fingertips, write down: minus so many centimeters; if he can place his palm on the floor, he writes down: plus so many centimeters. When assessing the lateral mobility of the spine, the distance from the ends of the middle fingers to the floor is measured in the position of maximum tilt of the body to the right and left (arms are straightened and extended along the body). Finally, the mobility of the spine in backward bending is measured by the distance from the seventh cervical vertebra to the beginning of the intergluteal fold at maximum backward bending of the torso.
Strength endurance of the back extensor muscles is assessed by the time it takes to hold the upper half of the body and head in the “swallow” position. The approximate normal time for holding the body for children 7-11 years old is 1.5–2 minutes, for adolescents – 2–2.5 minutes, for adults – 3 minutes. Strength endurance of the abdominal muscles is assessed by the number of transitions from the “lying on your back” to the “sitting” position. The movements are performed at a pace of 15–16 times per minute. With normal abdominal development, children 7-11 years old can perform this exercise 15-20 times, and at the age of 12-16 years - 25-30 times, while adults perform this exercise 30-50 times.

Posture disorders

Curvature of the spine

Deviations from normal posture are called postural disorders or defects. Kyphosis (curvature) and lordosis (concavity) lead to stooping, and scoliosis (curvature) leads to lateral curvature of the spine. Such defects are most often based on violations of the correct expression of the physiological curves of the spine and functional changes in the musculoskeletal system. This is how vicious conditioned reflex connections are formed that reinforce the incorrect position of the body.

a) Normal back

Poor posture can occur in two planes - sagittal (side view) and frontal (straight view).

The first group of disorders is associated with deviations from the norm in the physiological curvature of the spine (increase or decrease in curvature). Posture disorders that reflect increased curvature of the spine include:

b) stooping – an increase in thoracic kyphosis (curvature) and a decrease in lumbar lordosis (concavity). With a stooped and round back, the chest sinks, the shoulders, neck and head are tilted forward, the stomach is protruded, the buttocks are flattened, and the shoulder blades are protruded wing-like.

c) lordotic - round back (total, or continuous, kyphosis) - an increase in thoracic kyphosis (convexity) in the complete absence of lumbar lordosis (concavity). To compensate for the deviation of the center of gravity from the midline, a person with such posture usually stands with his knees slightly bent. With a roundly concave back, the head, neck, and shoulders are tilted forward, the stomach protrudes, the knees are fully extended, the muscles of the back of the thighs are stretched and thinned compared to the muscles of the front of the thighs.

d) kyphotic - roundly concave back - an increase in all the curves of the spine, as well as the angle of the pelvis.
e) straightened - flat back - flattening of the lumbar lordosis (concavity), in which the pelvic tilt is reduced, and the thoracic kyphosis is poorly expressed. At the same time, the chest is shifted forward, the lower part of the abdomen is protruded, the shoulder blades are wing-shaped - the corners and their inner edges lag behind the back. A flat back is often accompanied by lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis.

Scoliosis is a typical violation of posture in the frontal plane - asymmetrical posture, when there is no symmetry between the right and left halves of the body. In this case, the spine is an arc with its apex facing to the right or left, and the “waist triangles” - the space between the elbow joint of the hanging arm and the waist - become different due to the fact that one shoulder and shoulder blade are lowered.

When determining the shape of the legs, the examinee puts his heels together and stands straight. Normally, the legs touch at the knee joints; with an O-shape, the knee joints do not touch; with an X-shape, one knee joint overlaps the other.

Leg Shape:

1 - normal (the axis of the lower limb is normal).
2 - O-shaped deformity of the lower limb (varus).
3 - X-shaped (deformation of the lower limb (valgus).

The foot is an organ of support and movement. There are normal, flattened and flat feet. When examining the foot's supporting surface, pay attention to the width of the isthmus connecting the heel area to the forefoot. In addition, pay attention to the vertical axes of the Achilles tendon and heel during loading.

Appearance of feet

a) The prints of the soles are normal.
b) For flat feet.

How does posture affect human health?

Poor posture leads to a number of serious diseases, primarily to diseases of the spine and spinal cord roots. And diseases of the spinal cord roots cause deterioration in the functioning of the organs they control.

Postural defects and spinal diseases (scoliosis, kyphosis and kyphoscoliosis) occur most often during puberty (in girls at 13–15 years old, in boys at 14–16 years old), as well as during a growth spurt (when, for example, during the summer the child grows by 6–8 cm). During these periods, posture is especially strongly influenced by sleeping on a soft bed and various bad habits (for example, the habit of standing on one leg with the other bent at the knee joint), and incorrect position of the body while sitting, and uneven load on the spine (for example, carrying a briefcase in one hand).

Poor posture is accompanied by disruption of the activity of all internal organs. People with postural defects have reduced excursion of the chest and diaphragm, small vital capacity and fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure. This, in turn, adversely affects the function of both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leads to a decrease in physiological reserves, and makes it difficult for the body to function in the event of increased physical activity (for example, climbing to the 3rd-5th floor).

Weakness of the abdominal muscles and a bent body position cause disturbances in the outflow of bile and intestinal motility. This, in turn, leads to disruption of digestive processes and slagging of the body, decreased immunity, colds, fatigue and headaches. In people with a flat back, the spring function of the spine is reduced, which leads to constant microtrauma to the brain during walking, running and other movements. This results in rapid fatigue and frequent headaches. Reduced resistance of the spine to various deforming influences can also contribute to the occurrence of scoliosis. With poor posture, muscles are usually weakened and their physical performance is reduced. This predisposes to the appearance of hernias in the abdomen and pelvis.

Measures to correct and improve posture

Elimination of postural defects should be carried out not only as a complex, but also taking into account its individual violations.

The set of measures to eliminate postural defects includes:

a) sleeping on a hard bed;
b) correct and precise correction of shoes, which, firstly, eliminates the shortening of one of the legs (legs of different lengths are a very widespread phenomenon); secondly, it leads to the alignment of postural disorders in the pelvic area; thirdly, it compensates for foot defects - flat feet and club feet (if any);
c) constant physical activity, including walking to work, walking, physical exercise, etc.;
d) giving up such bad habits as standing on one leg, incorrect body position while sitting (at a desk and desk, at home and in the library);
e) control over the correct, uniform load on the spine when wearing backpacks, bags and briefcases.

By doing a few of the exercises below (at any time of the day), you can maintain or correct your posture, become flexible, and at the same time strengthen those muscles that contribute to improved posture. You can perform the first six exercises while sitting or lying straight in bed. The exercise to restore good posture should be performed for 3-4 weeks.

Exercise 1. Starting position (IP) - legs crossed, back straight, arms behind (in front) (Fig. 3). For each count, tilt the head to the right and left. Do it slowly. 5–10 times.

Exercise 2. I. p. - the same. On 1 - turn your head to the right, hold the pose for 3-5 s, on 2 - and. p., at 3-4 - the same to the left. 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same. For each count, move your shoulders back and forth. 10-15 times.

I. p. - kneeling position supported by hands. On 1 - bend your back, head up, on 2 - bend your back, head down, 10-15 times.

I. p. - emphasis lying on bent arms, legs together. On 1 - straighten your arms, bend at the lower back, do not lift your pelvis from the floor, on 3-4 - and. p. 4-6 times.

I. p. - the same, but the legs are slightly apart. At 1-2 - slowly straightening your arms and turning to the right, first raise your head, then your chest, do not lift your pelvis from the floor, bend your back as much as possible, at 3-6 hold this position, trying to see your left leg, at 7-8 - and . p., at 9-16 - the same in the other direction.

I. p. - standing one step away from the wall, touching the wall with your palms. Bend as far back as possible and hold the pose for 3-5 seconds, then return to i. p. 4-6 times.

I. p. - standing and holding a gymnastic stick behind your back (the upper end is pressed to the head, the lower end to the pelvis). On 1 - squat, on 2 - and. p., on 3 - tilt forward, on 4 - i. p., at 5 - tilt to the right, at 6 - i. p., on 7 - tilt to the left, on 8 - i. p. 4-6 times.

I. p. - standing, pressed against the wall with the back of the head, shoulder blades, lower back, buttocks and heels. Hold the pose for 5-10 s. 4-6 times.

Exercise 10. I. p. - standing legs apart. Place a small object (book) on your head. Do 3-4 squats, keeping your head and back straight so that the object does not fall. 4-6 times.

Exercise 11. I. p. - the same. Walk a few meters while holding the object on your head.

Foot exercises

Exercise 1. Starting position - sitting, legs bent at the knees at a right angle, a block or stack of books 15–20 cm high under the heels. Raise the toes of the feet and lower them. Repeat 10–20 times, medium pace. Breathing in all exercises is natural.
The presence of a block under the heels will allow you to perform movements with greater amplitude, which is beneficial for the joints, muscles and ligaments of the foot.

Exercise 2. The starting position is the same, but the block is under the toes; raise your heels and lower them. Repeat 10–20 times.

The starting position is the same, legs are connected, a block under the heels; spread your toes apart and bring them together without lifting your feet off the floor. When performing a movement to the sides, lower your toes down, and when bringing them together, lift them up 10–15 times. Then, moving to the sides, lift your toes up, and lower them down when bringing them together. Repeat 10–15 times, medium pace.
This exercise allows you to perform circular movements first with your toes down and then up, which better affects the foot.

The starting position is the same, but the block is under the toes; spread your heels and bring them together, without lifting your feet from the floor, in the same circular movements. Repeat 10–15 times, first lowering your heels and spreading them to the sides, and lifting them up when bringing them together. Then perform the same number of times in a different way - raising the heels when raising and lowering when lowering.
This will allow you to make circular movements first with your heels down and then up, which has a better effect on the foot.

The starting position is the same, but under the feet there is a gymnastic or any other stick with a diameter of 5–8 cm; you should roll the stick with your feet - from toes to heels and back for one minute, at an average pace. When rolling, you must try to ensure that the stick is pressed tightly with the sole of your feet.

The starting position is the same, the feet are connected, there is a stick under the arch of the feet; spread your feet and bring them together, trying not to lift the arches of your feet from the stick. Repeat 10–20 times, medium pace.

The starting position is the same, there is a rubber ball under the feet; roll the ball from toes to heels and back. When rolling the ball, try to keep your feet pressed tightly against the ball. Continue for one minute, medium pace.

The starting position is the same, feet on the floor; bend your toes and thereby move your foot forward without lifting it off the floor (“caterpillar”). Move forward for 6–8 counts and, also bending your fingers, return your feet to the starting position at the same count. Repeat 10–20 times, medium pace.

The starting position is the same, sitting and bending your toes. Walk for 20–30 seconds, then walk on the outside of your feet for 20–30 seconds. Now, straightening your toes, walk on your heels (15 seconds), on your toes (15 seconds) and on your full foot (30 seconds). The pace is slow.

A man with a straight back and proudly planted head attracts admiring glances in any company. Posture exercises at home will help anyone who wants to become the same. Classes will not require large financial costs and exhausting work. The secret of correct posture lies solely in your desire to achieve perfection.

Incorrect posture can be the result of hereditary diseases or spinal injuries. But most often the causes of the pathology lie in the incorrect position of the back during work, a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. At risk are students, schoolchildren, office workers, knowledge workers, seamstresses, and professional drivers.

The benefits of correct posture and how to check it

The benefits of correct posture are obvious. The straight line of the back, neck and shoulders looks aesthetically excellent. It speaks not only about a person’s physical health, but also about his discipline, ability to work on himself, respect for himself and others. A companion to an even posture is a “royal” gait. An ideal back gives you self-confidence and brings additional competitive advantages.

Slouched shoulders, a curved back and a sagging belly speak either of laziness or complete indifference to the environment. This not only looks unsightly, but is also dangerous to health. Even a slight curvature of the spine can lead to:

  • to dangerous pathologies of internal organs;
  • breathing problems;
  • slowing blood flow in the extremities;
  • hypoxia of brain tissue;
  • pinched nerve endings.

Correct posture is characterized by a straight body position in a vertical plane. The shoulders are at the same level in height, slightly turned and lowered. The chest and back may protrude slightly forward. A person can easily straighten his legs at the knees without experiencing discomfort. When brought together, they should be absolutely straight, and the knees, heels and hips should touch each other.

There is a very simple method for checking correct posture. You should lean your back against the wall and straighten up completely. The feet should be brought together, the arms should be lowered along the body. The head is also pressed against the back surface, the gaze is in front of you.

Someone close to you should stick your hand between the wall and your lower back. If the palm moves freely, then the posture is correct. Otherwise, there is a curvature of the spine. Weakened abdominal muscles push the back back, preventing it from straightening.

Lessons for beginners

Posture correction begins with performing the simplest exercises. First you need to learn how to sit correctly with a straight back. Exercise can be done right in front of the computer to develop the habit:

  1. We sit up straight, shoulder blades brought together, chin leaning towards the chest. This position must be held for at least half a minute.
  2. With a straight back, we make movements with our arms, as when swimming crawl.
  3. We lean forward, clasping our ankles with our hands.

To correct incorrect position of the spine, exercises with improvised objects are well suited. One of them is done with the help of several books. You need to put them on your head and walk like this to the opposite wall. Books must not fall. To make the exercise more difficult, you can walk up the stairs.

Correct posture is trained by passing various objects with your hands behind your back. In this way, the shoulder and lumbar joints are well developed. First, the pass is carried out with the left hand over the right shoulder, then the side changes. This movement must be repeated 15–20 times.

Another exercise is performed while standing. We stand as straight as possible, stretching the top of the head up. Feet together, arms along the body. As you inhale, we stretch up into a string, and as you exhale, we bend over, rounding at the lower back. We focus on breathing. Repeat 10–15 times.

Yoga therapy

Prevention of back diseases and restoration of the correct position of the spine in the early stages of scoliosis is effectively performed with the help. Followers of this teaching claim that a person is young and healthy as long as his spine bends.

Let's look at the 3 most suitable asanas for relaxing the back muscles and relieving pain:

  1. "Cat". A simple and very useful exercise. To correctly align the asana, it is recommended to study its photo. The starting position of the body is on all fours. As you inhale, a deep bend is made, as you exhale, the back rounds. We do it 15–20 times daily.
  2. Lie face down, knee pulled towards the chin, the other leg extended with the toe back. The forehead and palms rest on the floor. The exercise is repeated several times on each side.
  3. Sitting on our knees, we raise our hands. We lower our buttocks onto our heels, and stretch our arms forward, sliding along the floor. In this position, you need to relax for several tens of seconds.

The following complex is perfect for correcting posture:

  1. Lie on your back and press your knees to your chest with your hands. Press your hips into your stomach and exhale powerfully. Relax completely, listening to your breathing.
  2. Starting position - lying on your back, feet hip-width apart. As you exhale, slowly extend your arms behind your head and, leaning on your shoulders, raise your pelvis and hips as high as possible.
  3. As you exhale, lower your hips and press your legs to your chest again. Exhale completely.
  4. As you inhale, your arms go back, and your legs need to be raised at a right angle. Exhaling, press your knees to your chest again.

This exercise trains the spine well by relaxing the shoulder girdle. Exercises for beautiful posture are performed 8 times.

The following complex will help relieve back pain and remove tension:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach, the forearms of both hands are in front of you. The left leg bends at the knee, with the same hand you need to grab it from behind the foot. Bend your back backwards and simultaneously extend your leg. Deepen the pose by moving your left hand forward. We hold this for 6 breathing cycles, then repeat the exercise on the other side.
  2. With our hands we grab the ankles of both legs from behind. Lifting your chest off the floor and bringing your shoulder blades together, arch as much as possible. We sway slightly back and forth in rhythm with our breathing. Hold the pose for 8 inhalations and exhalations. Then repeat the asana twice.
  3. Lying on your back, press your knees and hips to your chest. You can sway from side to side, removing the clamps from the muscles. Grasp your right knee with your right hand, and your left knee with your left. Slowly rotate 3 times clockwise and the same amount in the opposite direction.

Japanese method

A very interesting method for correcting posture in adults was developed by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. It is based on returning the spine to its anatomically correct position. A Japanese specialist claims that just 5 minutes a day is enough to acquire a straight posture. The exercise is performed using.

As a result of daily exercises, a person learns to stand straight both while sitting and while moving. The spine straightens, the gait gains confidence. In addition, breathing becomes noticeably easier, sleep improves, and the psyche is balanced.

The Fukutsuji technique involves performing the following actions:

  • sit on the mat with your legs and lower back aligned;
  • lie on your back, placing it exactly at the level of the navel;
  • spread your legs about 25 cm, with your big toes touching each other and your heels moving to the sides;
  • arms are extended behind the head, palms down so that the little fingers touch;
  • stay in this position for 5 minutes.

If pain occurs, the exercise time should be reduced and then gradually increased.

Exercises with a stick

This type of gymnastics is perfect for everyone, but it is especially popular among women. Exercises with the apparatus tone the back muscles, remove tension and straighten your posture. You should start with small loads, gradually increasing them.

For exercises, a length of 120 cm is used. This size allows you to perform exercises in all positions: sitting, standing and lying down. Each movement is repeated 10–20 times, depending on the person’s level of training.

Here are the most popular exercises:

  1. From a standing position, the arms are extended, holding the projectile with a wide grip. The stick rotates in different directions, up to twisting the limbs.
  2. Holding the projectile vertically, swing the leg through it.
  3. Maintain balance on one leg. The stick is placed on another. The pose is held for a few seconds and the legs change.
  4. Jumping on one leg over an apparatus installed parallel to the floor.
  5. Starting position - on your knees. The stick is raised with both hands and a circle is drawn with it. Movements are carried out only with the torso.
  6. In a standing position and holding a stick behind your head, bend forward. Another version of the exercise is with a projectile lowered behind your back.
  7. With emphasis on the stick, rocking up and down is done with outstretched arms.
  8. We lie on our backs and hold the projectile in front of us with outstretched arms. The legs are bent and held under the stick.

Not all exercises can be completed at once. Therefore, they must be mastered gradually, moving from simple to complex.

Exercises on the horizontal bar

This projectile can be of great benefit for the formation of beautiful posture. Today, there is a horizontal bar in any park, in many courtyards, and anyone can install it at home. Usually men are interested in such activities, but basic exercises will also be very useful for girls.

The main exercise for the back is the usual hang on the bar. With the help of traction, posture is leveled and the load on the spine is reduced. It is advisable to hang for 1 minute several times a day, relaxing your muscles as much as possible. This way the intervertebral discs will definitely fall into place.

If necessary, the exercise can be complicated by swinging your legs and torso. Another option is to imitate walking by making appropriate movements with your lower limbs. For osteochondrosis, it is recommended to hang with your legs crossed at the ankles. But in this case, you should consult a doctor before exercising.

To strengthen the muscle corset and form a straight back, it is recommended to do pull-ups. It is important to perform the movement smoothly, synchronizing it with breathing. The grip should be firm, with the thumb pushed back. It is advisable to keep your elbows parallel to each other.

Thus, everyone can choose exercises in accordance with their level of training and their own taste. However, before starting classes, you should read the list of contraindications and consult with your doctor.

My respect, ladies and gentlemen! Today we are waiting for an unusual article designed to improve the quality of our lives, and in it we will talk about exercises for posture. After reading, you will learn what posture is, why curvature of the spine occurs, and most importantly, what needs to be done to correct it.

So, sit back and let's get started.

Exercises for posture and spine

Honestly, I thought for a long time whether I should write an article on this topic or not. However, as soon as such lazy and bad thoughts began to occur to me, readers of the project began to write to me by email saying that it would be nice to see articles of a general, non-pumping nature, but related to physical activity and exercise. The following topics were suggested as examples - exercises for posture, in the office and at home with dumbbells, simple complexes for women, etc. I thought, but it’s true, such information is practically and practically not on the pages of the project. And because I always try to listen to your wishes and desires, so I decided to write a general trial note about improving posture and exercises for posture. Now we will find out what came of it.


For a better understanding, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

What is posture

From an early age, our parents tell us: don’t hunch over, sit correctly, maintain your posture. But what is it? Let's figure it out.

Posture - in the physiological sense of the word, this is the posture of the relationship between the skeleton, muscles and other tissues, which is held in an upright position (standing, sitting, lying down) against gravity. Posture is tied to the spine (its condition), and from the point of view of anatomy, the latter has 3 natural bend:

  • cervical;
  • chest;
  • lumbar.

When a person has correct posture, all three curves are obvious.

The human body consists of 8 The main load-bearing joints are shoulders (shoulders), hips (hips), knees (knees) and ankles (ankles). They all function optimally when aligned horizontally and vertically. It is precisely in this case that an even posture takes place. When these connecting nodes are “skewed”, then a person has a curvature and, incl. To make it clearer what we are talking about, compare the two images.

Curvature (distortion) of load-bearing joints...

Correct posture...

“In the world” there is the following classification according to the types of posture and curvature of the spine, and these data must be taken into account when working with weights and drawing up training programs.


A certain degree of curvature of the spine begins to develop in the baby already in the womb, and it comes to the surface with certain deviations. This is due to its original position in the form of a ball.

Benefits of good posture

Evenness of posture is as important for good health as proper nutrition, exercise and good sleep. In fact, poor posture is the result of chronic bad habits. (including how we do our daily work). When a person performs repetitive actions or stays in one position for a long time, the body begins to compensate for such activity. This causes the rest of the body to go out of balance (distortions). Posture plays a key role in the overall health of a person and the efficiency of his body.

Correct and even posture – maintaining the optimal position of bones, muscles, joints and other tissues of the body, as nature intended - i.e. with maximum efficiency for human productivity and life. Correct posture is often referred to as neutral alignment—this is when the body's weight is primarily supported by the skeleton rather than the muscles.

Good posture gives its owner the following benefits:

  • reducing the risk of injury;
  • preservation of bones and joints and their reduced wear;
  • more efficient muscle work - spending less energy on the action performed;
  • preventing premature fatigue;
  • better neural connections (better channel conductivity);
  • reducing the risk of muscle strain and pain in the lower back and neck;
  • larger lung volume - increased chest fullness with air;
  • a proud gait and confident appearance;
  • contrasting highlighting against the background of other people;
  • greater visual appeal;
  • fuller bust (women);
  • symmetrical figure proportions and a more aesthetic physique.

In general, the spine is the foundation and frame of a person, and the state of the internal organs depends on his well-being. Each vertebra is responsible for its own organ. The general picture of connections is as follows.

What contributes to the curvature of the spine and how to counter it?

The main cause of poor posture is weak muscle tone in the core and back muscles. The muscles are simply unable to hold tension for any length of time. They need to be strengthened, and simple posture exercises help with this, which we will talk about later.

In addition, distorting factors include:

  • heredity;
  • excess weight;
  • pregnancy (the fetus constantly pulls forward);
  • wearing high-heeled shoes.

To get a straight posture and correct your current position, you will need 2 raw eggs, 1 spoon:

  • good muscle flexibility;
  • certain mobility in the joints;
  • strong postural muscles (tonic muscles that form human posture and are responsible for the vertical position of the body in space);
  • balance of muscles on both sides of the spine;
  • constant awareness of one’s own posture and its control.

Now let's find out what, at the everyday level, contributes to the curvature of the spine. Mainly it is our wrong habits and the way we carry out routine household operations (including weight bearing). Very often in gyms, people incorrectly drag weights from place to place - all the weight falls on their rounded back. Surely you yourself, when carrying a heavy dumbbell, take it from the floor with straight legs - you should not do this.

If you want to avoid problems with the spine and improve your posture, then remember (or better yet, print and cut out) the following reminder and always follow its instructions.

Another negative factor for curvature is the habit of sitting incorrectly at a workstation (including a PC). And because Many people’s work involves stationary activity, namely sitting on a chair, so it’s no wonder that office workers, programmers and schoolchildren are the most likely to suffer from poor posture.

As for teenagers and their student activities, this is a completely different story. During this period, their supporting back muscles are still very weak/not formed, and therefore the spine easily curves from the slightest deviation from proper sitting at a desk. Coupled with the fact that no one is behind the crowd (teachers, parents) does not follow, we have what we have, namely, various scoliosis, lordosis and kyphosis.

To set yourself and your child on the path to “straightening” the spine, remember the following tips and follow their advice.

As for computer gatherings, the seating rules are as follows (clickable).

The chair on which a person sits makes a big contribution to the correct position of the back. Very often people choose this chair (for example for PC), based on beauty and fit into the interior, and not on its ergonomic and orthopedic characteristics. The following guide will help you choose the right chair.

Actually, we’re done with the theory and let’s move on to...

The most effective exercises for posture

Honestly, I could give a whole bunch of exercises for posture, but it’s unlikely that they would be done, because you know, man is a lazy creature and doesn’t like to spend a lot of time getting himself into shape. Therefore, we will analyze only the most simple but effective exercises, let's go.

Exercise No. 1. Bridge

Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Bend your legs at the knees and lift your pelvis off the floor so that your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. (support points – back of the head, elbows and feet). Stay in this position for a few seconds and return to IP. Execute 2 approach to 12-15 repetitions.

Exercise No. 2. Advanced bridge

The exercise is similar to the first, only there are only two support points - the back of the head and the feet, and the pelvis must be raised as high as possible. Execute 2 approach to 8-10 repetitions.

Exercise No. 3. boat

Lie on your stomach and place your legs under support (wall, sofa, radiator), clasp your hands behind your head and lift your upper body as high as possible. Linger on 3-5 seconds at the top, return to IP. Execute 2 approach to 20 once.

Exercise No. 4. Candle pose

The exercise will require some flexibility and acrobatic skills from you. Lie with your back on the floor, straighten your legs, point your arms along your body. Slowly raise your legs up (holding your waist with your hands) while maintaining balance. Hold the candle pose for 10 seconds, return to IP. Execute 3 set of 10 repetitions.

Exercise No. 5. Fish

Lie on your stomach, bring your arms back and clasp your lower legs. Rock slowly, rolling from your knees to your chest.

In the picture version, a hodgepodge of 5 Exercises to improve posture look like this:

In addition to the exercises presented, you can easily perform the following complex at home:

It is best to perform it as a circuit training type, i.e. like a train, one after another without rest. Number of laps from 2-3 , number of repetitions 8-10 . If your back muscles are weak, you can do 4 exercises per circuit (instead of 8 ) .

Well, that’s all, now you know how to strengthen your spine and acquire a proud and straight posture.


Today we dealt with improving the quality of life and looked at exercises for posture. Such non-iron articles will periodically appear on the project in order to please the eyes and ears of all suffering people who are far from bodybuilding and fitness, but who want to keep themselves in shape.

That's all for now, low bow and see you again!

PS. Do you experience problems with posture?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in your social network status - plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Children's posture, that is, the correct position of the child’s body, many parents do not pay attention to. We often encounter children who walk with their heads down, hunch over, hold their shoulders unevenly, stick their stomachs out, stand leaning on only one leg (Fig. 1), and their parents do not correct them or teach them how to hold themselves correctly.

How to check the correct posture of a child at home?

To control correct posture at home you can use a vertical plane, for example a wall without a plinth, to which child touches the whole body (heels, calves, buttocks, shoulder blades and head). To determine whether there is an excessive deflection in the lower back, the child should stick his hand flat into the lumbar deflection and keep his head straight. If the back side touches the body and the palm touches the wall, then there are no violations.

Incorrect posture not only unsightly, but also has a harmful effect on the functioning of internal organs (heart, lungs), causes curvature of the spine, leads to rapid fatigue of the child’s spinal muscles and a decrease in his performance. Many children have no idea what correct body position is. A stooped schoolboy (Fig. 2) stands at attention and only straightens his arms. At the same time, all other errors in body position are only further emphasized (Fig. 3).

Child with correct posture He always holds his head and body straight, his head is slightly raised, his back is straight, his shoulders are slightly pulled back, his chest is slightly pushed forward, his stomach is tucked in (Fig. 4).

Causes of poor posture in children

Most parents do not notice the connection between the general condition of the child, his lifestyle and the occurrence of various postural disorders. Meanwhile, the connection here is often the most direct.

For example, children Those who have suffered from rickets or suffering from tuberculosis intoxication, due to the weakening of the body, get tired faster than healthy children. During classes, they take incorrect postures, which gradually become cause of poor posture and curvature of the spine. In the same way, children with impaired vision or reduced hearing, taking comfortable, but not always correct, poses, thereby violate their posture.

It is very important that each student has a desk, study table and place at the common table that matches his height. The height of the chair should be such that the edge of the table is 2-3 cm above the elbow of the arm bent at a right angle. The legs should be with the entire foot on the floor. If they do not reach the floor, substitute a low bench. When writing, you need to place your forearms on the table so that both elbows lie on the same line. Be sure to keep your shoulders at the same height, without hunching or hanging your head low. Make sure that when reading, the child leans on the back of the chair and holds the book at a slightly inclined angle; for this reason, he will not bend over to the book. It is good to use a special book stand when reading.

Sufficient lighting is also necessary. Poor lighting forces the child to lean towards a book or notebook, which leads to deterioration of not only posture, but also vision.

Make sure your children are in the correct position while sleeping. Children are recommended to sleep on a flat, dense and not too soft mattress with a low pillow. Do not allow children to sleep curled up, that is, with their legs tucked to their stomach.

Often schoolchildren carry a briefcase in the same hand (usually the right). Pulling down one shoulder for a long time leads to curvature of the spine. Therefore, teach children to carry a briefcase alternately in their left and right hands.

Some parents try to limit the children's mobility, forbid them to run, jump, play, and at the same time forget that children's need for movement is natural and healthy, and the lack of movement only strengthens and perpetuates defects in posture. Just to develop good posture, it is very useful for children to move more: walk, run, participate in outdoor games and other activities related to active muscle activity.

Make sure that during free time from classes - on Sundays, holidays, vacations - children spend more time outdoors, in the fresh air. Skiing, ice skating and sledding are the best activities for children in winter. If it is possible to enroll a student in a children's sports school, be sure to use it and convince the child of the importance of systematic sports activities. We can recommend sections in gymnastics (especially rhythmic), athletics, skiing and speed skating (especially figure skating). Among sports games, basketball and volleyball are very useful for preventing postural disorders. Of the summer sports, swimming deserves special attention; it contributes to the development of good posture in children.

Those parents who make a mistake are asking the doctor to exempt their healthy son or daughter from physical education lessons for no apparent reason. Physical exercise improves posture, so all students should attend physical education classes and be sure to do exercises in the morning.

When doing homework, you need to take a 10-minute break every 45 minutes. Let the child run in the air or do 3-5 exercises that expand the chest and straighten the spine. To such exercises include: abducting the arms to the sides until the shoulder blades come together or raising the arms up and the sides while simultaneously lifting onto the toes.

In addition to daily morning exercises, for improving children's posture at home we recommend carrying out a special gymnastics. Posture exercises for children We recommend doing it 1-2 times a day (after morning exercises and after doing homework).

Gymnastic exercises for poor posture in children

For the first two exercises, the starting position is the child sitting correctly on a chair (Fig. 5).

Exercise 1st. Starting position. Pull your shoulders back until they touch the back of the chair; pull your stomach in and bring your back closer to the back of the chair (inhale) (Fig. 6). Return to the starting position (exhale).

Exercise 2. Starting position. Place the clasped fingers of both hands on the back of the head, spread your legs. Tilt the torso alternately to the left and to the right with a straight back and tucked stomach (Fig. 7).

For the eight remaining exercises, the starting position is standing at attention.

Exercise 3. Starting position, hands at your sides. Stand with your back to the wall, touching it with the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks (Fig. 8).

Straighten your shoulders, bringing them closer to the wall, pull in your stomach, bringing your lower back closer to the wall (inhale) (Fig. 9). Return to the starting position (exhale).

Exercise 4. Starting position, hands on the belt. Raise forward, straightening the knee, alternately the left and the right leg, while keeping the leg standing on the floor completely straight (Fig. 10).

Exercise 5th. Starting position. Stand against the wall, touching it only with your buttocks. Rise on your toes, stretching your arms (palms inward, forward upwards and looking at the extended thumb. Return to the starting position (Fig. 11).

Exercise 6th. Starting position. Squat down with your knees spread apart. With straight, parallel lowered arms, reach the floor (Fig. 12). Return to starting position.

Exercise 7th. Starting position, hands on the belt. Squat down, keeping your back straight, while keeping your hands on your belt, knees spread apart. Maintain this pose while counting to 5 (Fig. 13). Return to starting position.

Exercise 8th. Starting position. March around the room, maintaining the correct posture. Move your arms as if you were walking normally (Fig. 14).

Exercise 9th. Starting position. Extend your arms (palms inward) forward upward, look at the thumb. Bend your body forward, keeping your back straight and lowering your arms down (look at your thumb) (Fig. 15). Return to previous position.

Exercise 10. Starting position. Bend your body forward with your back completely straight. Press your hands to your body (Fig. 16). Return to starting position.

To correct posture problems for children It is also useful to put a pillow with sawdust or sand, a board or a box on your head and perform various exercises and gymnastics: normal walking, on the toes and half-bent legs, walking on a log, on a narrow plank.